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9711169 No.9711169 [Reply] [Original]

So why does Matsuri get Nijisanji numbers now? And what's with all the dislikes?
She used to be a really popular clip magnet a year ago.

>> No.9711255

Lost her viewerbase by playing apex.
Didn’t network within the apex community unlike towa so matsuri is a loner in that community too.
She’s been growing her roommate presence though. She’s been collabing with irl cute girls on her tiktok

>> No.9711267

Being a literal prostitute who streams with males
Boyfriend's hand

Take your pick.

>> No.9711270

That's less than niji even, amamya was playing the same game to like 4000 viewers a little while ago. Not super knowledgable about Matuli but I guess her yabs were too problematic?

>> No.9711277
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>> No.9711325 [DELETED] 

idolfags matter
Tho I wonder why Matsuri still had some of them
I guess she's good at dancing and singing

>> No.9711368

she's not my girlfriend so none of that matters

>> No.9711386

She's menhera and openly promiscuous, leading idolfags to leave an masse. Also her roommate's yab where a hand was seen for a second and she damaged-controlled poorly, causing it to spiral into a schizo rrat about her fucking niggers or something.

>> No.9711394 [DELETED] 

I think that she might be going the sora route while growing her roommate channel.
You see sora might get low number on YT but she does so much outside of YT that her views don't really matter anymore and I'm convinced that sora simply streams out of love for her fan base and just for fun in general.
I think maybe Matsuri is trying to imitate that to get on sora's level outside of streaming.
After all the yabai incidents and the menhera rants on Twitter she may be getting sick of YT.
But that's just my opinion

>> No.9711429

It's unironically Apex. Majority of people didn't give a shit about her fake story about a burglar. The problem was she was and still is addicted to Apex. Her viewers kept begging her to do more variety and she said she would put more effort but lied on multiple occasions. Her viewers when doing Apex hovered around 2-3k and were at least 6-8k doing virtually anything else. She's the definition of self aware sabotage

>> No.9711477

That, and her absolute inability to have a proper schedule for streaming and replacing non-apex streams with Apex ones just killed any desire for those that watch her. It doesn't help that she's been streaming at later hours and this stream is much earlier than her usual time.
One of the things that Gen3 does well is that they're consistent in WHEN they stream, so that fans of any of the chubbas know when to tune in to catch them. Rushia is usually in the early slot at 6pm JST, Pekora tends to be ~8:30-9pm JST, and the other 3 will slide around and avoid overlapping within the gen when they can.
Its why Polka cant hold an audience very well nowadays (inconsistent streaming times and no schedule).
Throw in the yabs, the menhera outbursts, and the poor handling of them and well...why watch Matsuri if you're a casual watcher or someone who's been turned off by her Apex spam? It doesn't help that she doesn't collab much WITHIN Hololive nowadays, with the exception of Fubuki occasionally, so she doesn't benefit the group dynamics of Hololive either.

>> No.9711498

not really, Matsuri's decline is a really long process mostly due to her Apex's addiction (also her depressive episodes and drama I guess).
She (and Aqua as well) used to be a very big name but her fall is not because of 1 or 2 yabs

>> No.9711499

>only plays APEX
>except she is so shit at it that it's too bad to watch

>> No.9711529

I mostly stopped watching her after she started doing that shitty ultra-fake cutesy voice all the time.
It doesn't fit her at all, it's too obnoxious, I prefer her normal voice.

>> No.9711643

>"I don't get invited to holo collabs" rants
>Tri weekly menhera rants
>Haachama drama
>Door drama
>Giving a lot of fucking money to twitcast male streamers drama
>Apex spam
>Apex spam and not getting any better
>Uses Apex to look after men, instead of networking

That being said, her focus is clearly her other acc these days, so I don't think she even cares anymore.

>> No.9712430

She's a liar.
She lied about being a virgin even before all the apex stuff or the door incident to accrue maximum sympathy money from her paypigs. She had no interest in actually forming any kind of bond with her audience or fans. She probably doesn't even think of them as people.
Her fans finally realized she only wanted easy money and attention so they left. She has talked at length about how she likes seeing people hurt, especially men, both physically and emotionally.
If by chance, any Holo really does laugh at their fans in private, it's Matsuri.

>> No.9712465

I find that hard to believe considering the fact that she herself can act like a gachikoi for the chuubas that she really loves, no way she doesn't understand what her fans feel

>> No.9712490

Pretty much. You don't get big numbers just by getting clipped a lot. You need to capitalize to retain the new viewers. Pekora and Korone did, Matsuri didn't

>> No.9712530

She understands how they feel, but I wasn't exaggerating when I said:
>She has talked at length about how she likes seeing people hurt, especially men, both physically and emotionally.

>> No.9712543

For me it was the drama with haachama. Not even a haachamafag, but it was so horribly unprofessional and paralleled what was happening between 2 of my coworkers at the same time and I immediately threw her on my shit list.

I think modern haachama is still garbage though, but she was 100% wronged by Matsuri.

>> No.9712574

She's been doing more than that
Look at all the money she's throwing at male vtubers
Do matsuri thread archive reps for more info

>> No.9712584

To be fair those "sleep in bed with me" Twitcasts are a lonely woman's dream

>> No.9712630

Anon, she likes hurting people.
She likes hurting the people that love her even more.

>> No.9712688

She does so much shit I don't care about and hear whispers about, so when you say that, do you mean she Twitcasts those, or that she watches people Twitcast that, and is she watching girls or dudes do it?
I've stopped caring enough to even be an anti so I don't wanna know for malicious reasons, I just want to have the facts straight for the sake of it

>> No.9712694

DO NOT reply to threads with iToddler filenames in this style. They're all made by the same SEAnigger schizo: https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/9703668/ The useless mods still haven't rangebanned this absolutely mentally ill individual yet.

>> No.9712713

So shes Japanese Kiara

>> No.9712769

Kiara is the heart of HoloEN, Matsuri does nothing on the same level.

>> No.9712782

It's weird, too. I started watching Hololive around 4th gen debuts. I liked Matsuri a lot back then. She seemed way more caring in the past. I don't really know what happened but I think it was either something serious or her loneliness finally made her snap. She's not a kind or friendly person anymore.

>> No.9712859

Weak argument.
She's been doing that since 2019, everyone knows she finances Nijisanji.

>> No.9712874

I personally fine with her being openly said things that doesn't feel controversial or alienate her fanbase, but lying and manipulating people feelings are big no no.

>> No.9712885

Haachama still didn't talk about what happened with Matsuri, and this is the correct way to let it die, meanwhile Matsuri said the opposite

>> No.9712991

do we actually know what happened? or is it just rrats?

>> No.9713072

But Rushia is excused because she’s just playing a character, right?

>> No.9713098

Matsuri already apologize for her ranting, its safe for now that Cover tell them to make peace with it.

>> No.9713216

rushia is definitely not playing a character, she's a shut in who can finally bask in the attention she always craved.
this is as true as rushia can be.

I still don't know why she event went on a rant or what they were about but I'm glad it got worked out I guess.
haachama did mention matsuri briefly in her unarchived English karaoke stream though

>> No.9713362

Doesn't really matter what happened. Even if haachama told Matsuri to suck a dick and posted a picture of herself fucking Matsuri boyfriend, you don't air coworker drama in public like that. You take it to management and let them handle it.

>> No.9713818

That is very true, the worst you can do is to air this kind of stuff out especially when you both have big fan bases like so.
Festival did say that when haachama comes back she'll explain the rest but she didn't do so which kinda killed the whole thing.
I have no idea why she would go. Public with something like this, hell she even put rushia on the crossfire by mentioning her name

>> No.9713820

Yes, Cover tell Matsuri to shut the fuck up and tell her to take some meds.

>> No.9713903

it's a rrat right?

>> No.9713971

Not only that, but as much as people on here hate orange woman. She is no where near as awful of a person as Matsuri is.

>> No.9714083

at least polka has the weekly legend of polka going on and like monthly songs/covers to retain a fanbase with, I don't even know what matsuri does other than apex at this point

>> No.9714202

>He thinks Rushia being menhera is all a play

>> No.9714819

Which part?
Matsuri going full retard on Twitter over haachama not coming to her birthday party or whatever was public knowledge and there are plenty of screen caps of the whole thing floating around the archives.

It was by far the dumbest teenage mean girls tier drama I've ever seen coming from hololive and was completely inexcusable coming from an adult.

>> No.9714903

She stream for herself, not for fans and that's what she got. Still great at Jap songs with traditional element though

>> No.9715126

fake news

>> No.9715290


I can tell that you wouldn't be a liar if you were the one to say you were a virgin.

>> No.9715448

The complexity of this shit insult…. just call them an incel or a faggot kek

>> No.9715486
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>> No.9715506

ok fag

>> No.9715525

She played solid months straight of nothing but apex, one of the least watchable games on the planet. I stopped even watching her because she felt like she completely lost her personality and was just an apex reaction bot.

>> No.9715585

>Be Matsuri
>Fall in love with a girl that likes dick
>Constantly rejected by her
>Cry on twitcasts and make such a huge drama to a point some people start hating your love interest because your menhera attacks
>Talk to a bartender
>Send a lot of marshmallows and superchats to him
>Get drunk and tell him you want him to be your big brother and take baths with you
>Get ignored and rejected by him
>Get completely outclassed by a tomboy with a sexy onee-san voice
>Meet a qt 3.14 pro apex player
>Actually get him to coach you
>The tournament is your chance to impress him and win him over
>End up tilting and your team ends 19/20 only because the other team was memeing with controllers
>Cry and suffer the whole time
>Met another qt in the after games, a spaghetti spilling weatherman
>You actually try to be seiso instead of the degenerate everyone is used to
>Have the time of your life
>He never calls you back
>Find a princess that loves you back
>She calls you when you were depressed after the apex shitshow
>She values and depends on you a lot
>When she gets sick instead of helping her you go back to confess your love to the dick loving girl
>Fall into an endless APEX obsession
>Your viewers tell you to bring some variety and that they are tired of APEX
>Instead of improving you take a break playing more APEX
>Return from break and keep on doing APEX streams
>Fans actually start leaving you
>Start to argue with antis on twitter to later delete everything
>Meanwhile your dick loving love interest is having the best time with a retarded australian
>Despite all of this you keep on streaming APEX, and it seems everything is going fine
>Then a Shark appears
>The Shark puts a trident in your ass and starts buttfucking you
>You start bleeding viewers
>You end up loving it and ask for Gen 5, Korone and Pekora to buttfuck you the next day
>Do a collab with a gook
>Despite being hyped up and having your fox senpai to help you, you still can't make over 5k
>That collab also brings a curse to this land
>get buttfucked in the next days by a detective with brain damage and an autistic reaper
>Boys and girls from all branches are having fun and teetee
>you're alone, playing APEX
>Eventually you decide to stop being an autist and join the minecraft server
>You can't even recognise some of your kouhais
>All of the girls except EN are playing Minecraft together
>EN girls are having collabs together and interacting with each other and her senpais
>All of the boys are playing among us together
>All of them are having fun
>You're alone, lamenting your existence on twitter and crying yourself to sleep
>There's a Yathzee tournament coming
>It's your chance to make a harem with all past love interests
>Dedicate a stream to practice it, alone.
>Tournament happens, you are doing fine
>Suddenly the princess appears, and she's on a warpath
>She utterly destroys your hopes and dreams
>At some point she feels bad about you and tries to throw, but still manages to buttfuck you
>Your dreams of a harem are dead
>Later because of this and much more, you start having menhera attacks and suicide bait on your alternate twitter account
>The menhera attacks are getting stronger, you end up trying to assault a squid in front of her fans
>You find your kouhais, a CEO, another menhera and a mom
>You want the mom
>The CEO is trying to befriend you but you, as a good menhera, take this as a personal attack and ignore her
>Mommy turns you down politely
>You keep on screaming and attention whoring until you leave without saying goodbye
>Your fanbase is also full of menheras that pretend to be happy but use alternate accounts to have the menhera attacks
>You look for those accounts and reply to them, making some of them delete their accounts
>As the menhera attacks get worse, your roommate makes a stream
>Despite all the makeup and filters, your roommate can't hide her eyebags, a sign of someone who crearly cries herself to sleep
>In a bold claim, you go and say that if the fans don't like APEX they can go eat shit.
>Shortly after go into a break
>Your stalker, that for some reason you thought it was a good idea to make a mod in your channel, thinks that's because of your fanbase
>Your fanbase start to attack each other
>You have to come out and admit that a friend died so they stop fighting between each other
>Meanwhile the princess is having her birthday
>You prepared a cover that you promised months ago
>You retweet it SEVEN times
>You send an aka supacha
>She doesn't mention it
>Not a single holo acknowledges the video
>Have a menhera attack on your roommate account
>Your fans start pestering the princess because of your own stupidity
>Have to make an apology and explanation on your roommate account
>The princess finally acknowledges you
>But to this day she didn't like your video

>> No.9715598

And her Apex fanbase doesn’t give a shit about her songs. She struggles to get 5-10k views on her new original a week.

>> No.9715703

You start off thinking matsuri is dangerous and should be avoided. As you spend more time in the fandom you think all the memes are blown out of proportion and give matsuri a shot. When you've spent a lot of time in the fandom you realize matsuri is dangerous and should be avoided. People that collab with her start and end on level 3.

>> No.9715764

Kfp trying to sneak victories through other holo threads, sasuga have you no shame

>> No.9715906

niggerchama I think you're mistaken, no SEAfags are iToddlers, they're all poor. I could probably buy jakarta with an iPhone 11

>> No.9715928

Suddenly I feel like everyone in EN is perfectly seiso.

>> No.9715934

I love how most of this is extremely exaggerated yet still sounds so fucking believable.

>> No.9716032


>> No.9716067

Ok, Is there still translator clip nowaday?

>> No.9716082

Are there backups of these menhera attacks?

>> No.9716114
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Halfway through this I started to sympathize... I don't want to oshi a menhera molester bros

>> No.9716195

Just look at the collab with papa aruran, you think she cared if his channel got taken down? Complete menhara that doesn’t even care about herself. Glad Luna ditched her.

>> No.9716286
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This feels like a "henshin emergence" downfall... Waiting for the second part

>> No.9716797

Fuck how is she still active after all of that

>> No.9716869

I really really want to see those backups if they exist.

>> No.9716909

>>The menhera attacks are getting stronger, you end up trying to assault a squid in front of her fans
>>You find your kouhais, a CEO, another menhera and a mom
Explain these. Been without internet for like 6 months and missed a lot of stuff.

>> No.9716943

the song that she dedicated to Luna cost her like 300k yen.
One of the most painful incident that I have ever seen in Hololive

>> No.9716971


how'd you know how much it costs?

>> No.9716979

luna is very mature in those aspects

>> No.9717052

I feel like with the haachama drama haachama has some fault in it but I'm glad she used this as a chance to just ditch her as well, you don't want to be around toxic people especially if they're older than you

>> No.9717072

More like, look at her collabs with Roberu. She makes him uncomfortable and keeps trying to bait him into flirting with her. If he took the bait even once he would have been crucified by the idolfags.
Roberu actively avoids Holo collabs now seeing how much of a minefield she is.

>> No.9717117

She said it in the member stream some weeks before the release

>> No.9717127

Lyger is sabotaging by doing less clip now, just to get closer to her.

>> No.9717176


>> No.9717182

Luna is someone that retired before and came back, she knows the limits and what lines to not cross.

>> No.9717190

>crucified by the idolfags
I dont Matsuri's fans care about that anymore.
She probably filtered all the idolfags long ago

>> No.9717305

What the fuck, I didn't know the relationship between her and Luna was wrecked to this extent

>> No.9717417

She shot herself in the foot with Apex. Her fans told her they'd prefer her doing something else and she had a shitfit on Twitter. Now here we are months later.

>> No.9718498

Is Matsuri savior tier yet

>> No.9718755

Not enough, most of her disgraces are her fault, sometimes I feel bad for her because if she would choose other path maybe she would be successful

>> No.9718899

1/ She had a lot less viewers to begin with compared to other Holos who reach 1 million subs

2/ Viewers dilution due to new talents joining the company. Why would you watch Matsuri when Kanata/Lamy/Botan/Watame are more interesting?

3/ Apex is a competitive game. If you want people to watch you, you have to be good. Aqua could stream Apex and reach 30k viewers because she's just that good. So again, why would you watch Matsuri when hundreds of other vtubers are better than her?

4/ Too many drama. Those who watched both Matsuri and Haachama but slightly prefer Haachama probably left her after the drama. Idolfag left after the hand drama. Lying about a stalker/intruder/whatever less than a month after Lulu graduated from being harassed by actual stalkers probably pissed of a lot of people too.

5/ A lot less collabs. Probably because she had too many drama, people must be inviting her less. She used to be on Tamaki's channel like once a month. She had a very "indie" vibe, we used to see her everywhere. She and Fubuki were the "faces" of Hololive for some time.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had like 300k dead subs if Youtube clean up her channel.

>> No.9719203

is impossible to slide the capcha in an idevice

>> No.9719884

She's a cute girl but, that only gets you so far.

>fake personality
>plays apex too much and isnt good at it
>not very charismatic.
>Drama queen
>adult starting shit with a fucking kid. Haachaa is 17. FFS matsuri is at least mid 20s. She should be more mature

That drama really soured me on her. Dont start shit with kids.

>> No.9719933

>matsuri is at least mid 20s
she's way younger than that actually

>> No.9720020

She tried to rape my pizza godfather.
She deserves prison not just lower viewership.

>> No.9720064

This copypasta needs to be updated with the haachama drama and THE HAND

>> No.9720161

my fucking sides

>> No.9720240

I agree with you in general and most points here stand.
I don't mean to start an argument but
She is, at this stage, the best female apex player in hololive, Like seriously. She may have been carried offstream somewhat but she has proved herself capable in the recent vsaikyou. There are many master rank vtubers who are better than her but she has surpassed Aqua. And Botan is very much an unknown quantity in current Apex.
Also Haato is 19 , maybe 20 now.
Matsuri still was a cunt for making drama, regardless of her age.

>> No.9720253

I didn’t know how bad things were...

>> No.9720423

stop projecting anon, there is more than 1 schizo in vt

>> No.9720455
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sad samefag

>> No.9720461

Matsuri is around 22 and Haato turns 20 in a month or so, they're very much the same age range.
Plus, they've known each other or been in the same company/business/what have you for 3 years now.
They can beef and patch things up all they want, the dumb thing Matsuri did was made it public.

Also, don't at all agree with this line
>not very charismatic.
Because, on the contrary, Matsuri is extremely charismatic, top 3 in Holo even.
That's how she got away with a lot of the over the top shit she does. She even coasted on just charisma for a few months last year, since she wasn't doing anything interesting on stream.

>> No.9720478

I feel bad for her honestly, if you watch her collab with aruran it's clear that she cares about the Vtuber scene more than 90% of Hololive, but it just so happens that she is completely insane and really fucking dumb. It's sad.

>> No.9720596
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What's this HAND everyone's talking about?

>> No.9720762

i love this pasta, but please update it

>> No.9720822

Exactly that. Matuli's roommate was streaming and a hand peered for a second or so from behind a door.

This could be explained in many ways, but she made up a really shitty excuse claiming it was stalker and she was gonna call the police, but kept on streaming. This of course caused people to suspect she was hiding something, probably a boyfriend, making idolfags have a meltdown.

>> No.9720834
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whoever made this copypasta was a real Matsurisu on /jp/ until he stopped to care about her, around november last year, because there is no more updates

>> No.9720889

you can save her!

>> No.9720891

Holy fuck that's yab as fuck, how does she have any viewers at all after that

>> No.9720923

Because not everyone is a retarded idolfag? I couldn't care less about how much dick she gets

>> No.9720973

>menhera loving cuck
Still, can't believe there'd be that many of people like you, I'll just believe it's the saviourfags

>> No.9720979

Matuli is truly the embodiment of a trainwreck

>> No.9721082

Woman has sex = menhera
She is a menhera, but not for fucking anon, and just to be clear your oshi 100% gets fucked too, unless she is a turbo virgin NEET like Pekora

>> No.9721093
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>1000000million subscribers
>Only scrapes 1000 viewers
All those pity subscribers holo faggots keep gifting. What happened to supporting everyone? What happened to "you can't rank hololive members because all of the are equally good"?

All these are just lies that you all feed yourself. Get GFE. GET SAVED.

>> No.9721120

because it didn't go down quite like that poster said it did. During a roommate stream chat said that her door opened and they saw someone's hand. She said didn't believe chat because the place was empty and went on streaming for some time. She only checked the vod later at the end of the stream. She said it couldn't have been anyone in her house because she lived alone and said on Twitter that she got in contact with the police. People say its a lie, and it sure sounds like one but there's no real proof either way.
Of the remaining fans, one group took that as the truth, the other did not but continued watching her anyway.

>> No.9721153

I haven't implied she's a menhera because she fucks.

>> No.9721160

apex + za hando

>> No.9721199

That's more believable and actually sounds spooky as fuck.

>> No.9721237

I think it's better to look at the VOD views more than the CCV
Honestly if she gets over 100-150k views per VOD then that's good enough, any less is just sad

>> No.9721251

Reading this while Luna plays the Electone really gave it a new feel

>> No.9721286

Let this be a lesson to all anons.


>> No.9721297

the boyfriend incident
japanese don't take kindly to that


>> No.9721311

What is more likely? a stalker crept into her house without alerting her and nearly walked into a livestream camera and then silently left having done nothing, or a boyfriend almost walked into a livestream by accident?

>> No.9721319

I still feel really bad seeing her decline and I used to be a member until a few months ago, but it's really her own fault. Playing Apex for hours on end all week and cancelling all your other streams for that period, often last minute, is bound to alienate the audience that doesn't like Apex. With all the tournament weeks and general Apex spam, I found myself just not checking what she was up to regularly anymore. Also, more importantly for me, going from a Vtuber that feels like a cool big sis type who keeps things pretty real to the current situation where a lot of her solo streams seem to consist of this stupid over the top burikko act 80% of the time also must have alienated a lot of viewers. Watching her nowadays most of the time just induces boredom with yet another Apex stream, or cringe when she speaks in that super fake moe voice and pretends to be scared of Minecraft thunder. I feel like she gave up on being a good streamer and trying to be popular as an idol, and it feels bad. I'd love to go back to how things were, but I feel like she has already self-destructed her channel and popularity beyond repair even if she were to return to being Matsuri from two years ago right now.

>> No.9721344

Knowing Japan it was probably a ghost.

>> No.9721415
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>Get GFE

Normally I'd say GFE is overrated but you're making too much sense for me to disagree. If only matsuri wasn't too much of a sperge and provided GFE like her colleagues do, she'd probably be my oshi and I wouldn't care how many numbers her streams would pull. But all that dumb matsuli does is play Apex all day, fawn over slut hoshikawa and pissy nijimales. Her poor fanbase must be starving for good content. At least Towa fags (nevermind her apex faggotry) have Cover songs to look forward to. Oh...

>> No.9721547

I dont even like her but let me spout the cope narrative.
It was an ubereats guys, or some maintainable guy, or some lost relative of a neighbor and she left her door open.

>> No.9721897
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>At least Towa fags (nevermind her apex faggotry) have Cover songs to look forward to. Oh...
Any day now...

>> No.9722049

So is the general consensus that Apex is a massive debuff game that seems like a good idea at first, but will inevitably result in addiction, lack of variety in streams, and stagnation? Who's next on the decline? Roboco and Towa? Ollie?

>> No.9722820

If you are good, or if you can learn and demonstratively improve over time, *maybe* it will bring positive results. Maybe

>> No.9723115

Is there an approximation for the amount of money she gives?? Because I think the amount chsnges up jow much it matters

>> No.9723141
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Towa is like the opposite of Matsuri.
Roboco's apex at least does more than her 900 view fortnight streams did.
And Ollie is fine, she's just a ID.

>> No.9723216

Matsurisu's and onlookers: How do we save Matsuri from being an Apex Menhera? Do we have to groom L*ger into making clips of her again?

>> No.9723325

take Matsuri's own advice: if you don't like her content, don't watch her. if you aren't going to support your oshi in doing what makes her happy, she isn't really your oshi.

>> No.9723461

This, I'm not a fan of Matsuri but I'll literally watch ANYTHING my oshi does if it makes her happy so I understand why some people still watch her

>> No.9723478
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I legit don't understand why Matsuri gets away with all this menhera shit and faces no punishment from her management meanwhile Haachama was forced into taking haitus because of some creepypasta larp video. I know girls like Polka can be a bit weird from time to time, but this is some Chis-chan shit

>> No.9723483

used to watch matsuri alot back in the day what happened between her and haato?

>> No.9723497

What about making the viewers happy, which is the fucking point of streaming.

>> No.9723540

Hololive is an idol group, you're buying into supporting her chasing her dream

>> No.9723710


>> No.9723772

Her dream is?...

>> No.9723815

Fucking hoshikawa, obviously.

>> No.9723829

Because most of Matsuri's shit is just her being pathetic on a personal level, haachama was kicking back against management

>> No.9723897
File: 360 KB, 1080x1080, towatame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Towa and her Apex friends

>> No.9724010

i don't follow either of them but care to hare what happened?

>> No.9724150

She litera fucks her way out of trouble, and shes bu so she will fuck anyone. Her manager called her for a meeting to talo about her bullshit and it ended up with Matsuri eating her out, Yagoo called her to her office for a conversation on her behavior and it ended up with Matsuri on her knees drinking CEO protein. She always fucks her eat out of problems, she is pretty and she is a huge slut, meaning she gets away with anything.

>> No.9724181

lol, pretty sure Miko fucks Pekora every offstream chance she can get

>> No.9724244

how do you know this?

>> No.9724290

Towa is too much of a sweetheart to stagnate and she has beem getting good connections from Apex nobodies to botan and pekora. I honestly don't mind if she really has a husband, ill keep sending those akasupa for her husband alone saying "You betterbe fuckin Towa real good" So that she's always in a good mood and keep up those wholesome streams.

>> No.9724442

While Haachama is on hiatus, Matsuri asks Haachama to appear in her Gen 1 unity 3D event for which Matsuri gave up the opportunity to have her own solo live event. Haachama declines because she doesn't have time, which Matsuri accepts, replacing her with a 2D cut-out Haato for the event to still have her be there in spirit. Shortly before the Gen 1 event airs, however, Haachama appears live in Rushia's 3D event. Matsuri finds out that this happened even though Rushia had asked Haachama for an appearance after she had already turned down Matsuri. Matsuri is unable to contact Haato and subsequently has a mental breakdown, deciding to turn this incident into Twitter drama for all the world to see, completely souring the mood of her event, ruining her attempt to create Gen 1 unity, and looking like an unprofessional menhera with no self-control in the process.

>> No.9724468

All of this, but Ayame

>> No.9724486

Hot! Is there a doujin like this? I remember reading something similar but with alien girl.

>> No.9724566

damn kinda wanna read the tweets she made but i did enough archive searching for one day

>> No.9724712

>Haachama was forced into taking haitus
She wasn't though

>> No.9725376

Depends. If you're good, or at least an exciting player to watch it can be a boost. Players with a more aggressive playstyle tend to be more fun to watch (and seem to be having more fun with the game).
JP lobbies seem to play more conservatively so games suffer from "loot for 15 mins then die in the first encounter" syndrome, which doesn't make the best viewing experience. This pretty much turns it into a zatsudan with an occasional firefight, except the streamer is distracted and can't interact with chat as much.

>> No.9725614

She came back and said the reason but it was probably spoonfed to her and had to be forced to say why, it probably wasn't the real reason why she went on a hiatus.
During her whole schizo arc it's said that haachama was even close to breaking Japanese law, so who really knows

>> No.9725693

While id like to think it is thanks to people wising up about how awful of a person she is, its because of APEX. Its sad when fags ignore the sexual harrassment shit she does, the twitter meltdowns and the lying for sympathy that she did with za hando. Really dont know why she isnt despises for the horrible person she is, but whatever,

>> No.9725735

>its because of APEX
literally nobody cares what game they play.
There's a ton of nijisanji girls who basically do nothing but play APEX and their viewerships are going strong. Eru literally does NOTHING except play APEX every single fucking night.

>> No.9725785

Then what is it? I dont follow JP that much?

>> No.9725835

We've already talked about it in the thread, its a large mix of
1. EOPs moving to HoloEN
2. Matsuri being a giant cunt and chasing off her Japanese fans
3. Matsuri being a giant cunt and chasing off Haachama/Luna/HSKW/everyone fans
4. Matsuri being a giant cunt and chasing off her clippers
5. There's just more hololivers now so nobody cares about her when there's just better streamers around

>> No.9725889

So basically just rrats?

>> No.9725923

if you want to ignore the streams and tweets she shits out attacking other girls, then feel free. but that's just straight cope.

>> No.9725958

Speaking of point 4, I'm not the sort to buy into the L*ger narratives around here, but I'm shocked at how blunt he gets when it comes to clip critique. It's either perfect translation or don't bother to him, it seems; he runs the "mistranslations ruin the talents" line so hard it could potentially scare fledgling clippers off. Just this week he went off on the supposed intent of the clipper when translating Aruran's joke of his balls falling off as he worked on the idol business (as opposed to himself cutting it off, as was the mistranslation).

>> No.9725961

Ok i just wanted a summary thanks. Glad it is catching up to her finally.

>> No.9725976

Inhale the copium anon, inhale it

>> No.9726024

Rrats can be very concrete as these are. This isnt based off of substanless speculation

>> No.9726157

I honestly feel bad for her, she clearly needs professional help. Not like she's going to find it in Riceland

>> No.9726167

>Its sad when fags ignore the sexual harrassment shit she does
Never got why nobody seems bothered by it. Some of the girls are clearly bothered by it.

>> No.9726284

Because girls get away with sexual harassment like 99% of the time.
He's basically the vtube fandom version of those cringey anime/manga translators who were mostly chased away from the fandom by the mid 2010s.

>> No.9726288

>tweets she shits out attacking other girls

So aside from Haachama..?

Anyway, Apexfags watch Apex and nothing else. They are happy to watch someone stream Apex every single day. Matsuri on the other hand had built a variety streamer audience who threw a fit when she got addicted to Apex. Since Apexfags have a million other streamers to choose from, why choose the one who is arguing with her fans on Twitter?

It's cute how people still believe everything that Homolives of Erolive say about their homoerotic encounters with each other is 100% true. The others are even so bothered they keep milking it stream after stream. It's also kinda cute how many are so certain za hando a month ago is a big deal when the whole issue is that Matsuri is pulling the same numbers today that made her hot shit back in 2019 and has been doing so consistently enough. The real mystery if why she has so many subscribers, I'd hazard to guess she gets clipped fairly well enough that EOPs subscribe to show support and then proceed to watch clips.

>> No.9726358

She needs to be punished as well as helped. Take the L for your own actions like an adult and get help you actually need.

On Sexual Harrassment, It is because she is a girl and close to management. How she has never been suspended blows my mind.

>> No.9726364


>> No.9726443

Youre right to say not to believe everything we hear, but when Haato sounded like she was telling the honest truth about Matsuri touching her when she knew that Haato didnt like it. I dont think that would be made up for example.

>> No.9726662

Weirdly enough that forms a rrat that seems believable - L*ger may in fact be one of those translators that found Matsuri and struck gold with that one spicy clip.
As for Matsuri herself I'm a deadsub and it's definitely the all Apex all the time that killed it for me. I tried following her when she proved her singing chops in some karaoke, only to find out that whenever she appears on schedule that's >90% of her content nowadays. At risk of pulling schizos here I'd say she's worse than "had APEX withdrawal" Ollie in this regard.

>> No.9726702
File: 93 KB, 550x800, matsuri nendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to watch infinite APEX streams. I miss the Matsuri who told dirty jokes, had an infectious laugh and stalked lolis.

>> No.9726797

Also telling that Matsuri's Nendoroid was the first available for order and yet is the only one not to have sold out.

I still ordered one though for that faceplate lol

>> No.9726942

the last time I've read this shit it only had like 10 lines, jesus fuck what happened to Festival?

>> No.9727091

is it actually the only one from gen 1 that didn't sell out? I didn't even know nendroids of the girls were a thing!
did the other girls ones sell out other than matsuri?

>> No.9727130

Maybe on day the war between squirrels and pigs will end. But I'd rather festival get the help she needs first before any sort of interaction.

>> No.9727744

Matsuri isn't available on the GSS anymore but that's because her pre-order window on the official site closed, she's still available to order on other figure sites such as AmiAmi.

Haachama was put up for order a couple of weeks ago and is still up for pre-order on GSS but sold out everywhere else.

Sora just got put up for order and you can still order her everywhere.

Aqua is pre-sold out everywhere now.

Marine and Gura sold out in seconds everywhere. GSS just put up a second shipment of Gura exclusive to their online store to ship the month after the initial release in July 2022.

Aqua, Marine and initial release Gura were sold as 'Limited Quantity' available where's Matsuri, Haachama, Sora and second release Gura aren't labelled as such by GSS.

>> No.9727789

Superchatting hskw

>> No.9728189

I wonder why they made the more popular girls limited while the less popular girls unlimited.

>> No.9728202

She just did a WarioWare stream.


The intro seems to indicate a bunch of colabs and endorsement deals too. Possible Redemption Arc incoming? I just want old, happy Matsuri back bros.

>> No.9728206

oh anon...https://youtu.be/ULX76GYG3so

I heard about the whole gura thing but didn't know about the rest of them.
if haachama's is still up for pre-order I'm gonna cop a couple, thanks anon

>> No.9728340
File: 349 KB, 800x845, haachama nendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is still available at the official GSS online store but looks like all the other retailers have sold through their allotment. GSS is where I ordered mine, I usually go through AmiAmi or HLJ. Good luck, Anon!

>> No.9728399

For value reasons, so that in the future they are worth a lot.

>> No.9728419


>> No.9728424

Was that 1st Gen concert where Haachama and Matsuri performed together, and as the first free song before the performance crossed over to paid tickets only, before or after the drama?

>> No.9728456

But in 2 years most of them will be irrelevant, it's a business built on the talent and personality of women, where they can't even show their own boobs

>> No.9728529

The ones with limited quantity seem to be Nendos that were pushed out really quick where's the ones without that label had been previewed at events like Wonder Festival with grey prototypes for a while before their official pre-sale release.

>> No.9728612

i honestly think the only reason they restocked gura was because of the backlash.
nothing was heard from marine's fans so they just kept at it
this is actually so fucking adorable, thanks anon!
yeah this was from the 1st gen anniversary live, I think the actual free stream is unarchived now but I assume this was in fact before the drama

>> No.9728653

Im not saying its a good idea, its the same philosophy that went into Beanie Bears 20 years ago. Thats what they are trying to pull.

>> No.9728656
File: 56 KB, 1280x860, 1591670613484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 2 years most of them will be irrelevant
I remember when faggot like you said the same thing 2 years ago kek

>> No.9728681

Literally nobody said that 2 years ago.
Hololive didn't get big until last year.

>> No.9728830

Yeah, the 1st Gen Anniversary concert was a month earlier than Matsuri's 3D concert where cardboard cut-out Haachama appeared.

It would be a real shame if Matsuri and Haachama don't interact anymore because they had great chemistry together and seemed fairly close for years.

>> No.9728867

Instead of worrying about Nendoroid sales numbers, you should be more concerned with your Copium supplies.

>> No.9728913

Are you broken in the brain?

>> No.9728969

It's as if acting like a massive cunt makes people not want to be your friend anymore. Maybe Matsuri will realise this one day when nobody at Hololive wants to engage in professional work related activities together let alone be her friend.

>> No.9729049

I think the stuff between her and haachama go way back before the whole drama thing happened.
didn't haachama say that matsuri used to touch her inappropriately even though matsuri knew how uncomfortable it made haachama?

>> No.9729054

I think for a while chammers used to look up to matsuri. She was bold, pretty, and self confident. Chammers roommate isnt exactly ugly but shes had a lot of self esteem issues over the years. However the more that time went on I think chammers started to get put off with matsuris antics, particularly in contrast with people like coco who are clearly joking around where as matsuri seems to skate the line constantly. Whatever the case I miss the pairing as when both are in they are really good at working the audience

>> No.9729105

Yeah well I'm correct, most of them barely scrape together 1/100 of their subs for a stream and because they're female they're bound to stagnate hard

>> No.9729121

Festival seems like a nightmare to work with, I doubt many holos actually like her.

>> No.9729219
File: 199 KB, 1500x1050, 1623250253161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji numbers
she wishes.

>> No.9729248

All those massive numbers male chuubas pull sure prove you right. Oh wait, no they don't. Stop being scared of vaginas, homo.

>> No.9729274

Go back to the numberthread with all the other numberfags

>> No.9729347 [DELETED] 

Black boyfriend yab. Collabs with men IRL. Is focusing on raising her IRL profile.

As a holo, she's Vshoujo tier. Still collabs with men. Apparently gropes her coworkers too frequently instead of in moderation. Shits on male lolicons. Plays Apex all day but failed to make any inroads into the community because she's a buzzkill.

tldr She's the symbolic example of how touching grass doesn't actually make a person better. She needs to get her head on straight and find some inner happiness.

>> No.9729348

Ah, I screwed up. Forgot Matuli did two Gen 1 events before crashing that plane with no survivors. Won't let me delete the post, but except for the first line it's still accurate I guess.

>> No.9729474

She's one of the most avoided girls, I think.

>> No.9729522

i can see where you're coming from.
from my limited knowledge I think currently hachama's roommate rates pretty decently among other holos, a bit above average I'd say.
as haachama started pretty young with a limited amount of coworkers I definitely see why she'd have some self esteem issues since I heard that at least aki, sora, matsuri and mel are actually very very pretty compared to the junior highschool girl at the time.
but yeah I do kind of miss their pairings however I wouldn't want haachama to do anything she doesn't deem fun.
only time will tell really so who knows

>> No.9729636

i hope you get raped

>> No.9729657

The fuck are you talking about, male vtubers don't exist

>> No.9729737

Haato and Matusri were probably the closest in age despite Haato being the youngest at Hololive by far. It took Haato a while to come out of her shell (whilst also being an awkward teenager) where's Matsuri was running at full degenerate from day one and was already an adult.

>> No.9729755

she did go on a couple of rants I think where she supposedly complains about the lack of invites she gets to Collab with other members, so take that as you may.

>> No.9730005

Cover is a black company

signed, Mel

>> No.9730335

shut up slut

>> No.9730363

Shut up whore, you deserved to get raped

>> No.9730541

Nene is too committed to the idol life to jeopardize it by having a bf

>> No.9730687

>despite Haato being the youngest at Hololive by far.

>> No.9730803

>Have to make an apology and explanation on your roommate account
Luna explained on her roomate????

>> No.9731074

I think anon meant at the time before shion got in. isn't shion a year younger than chamers though?

>> No.9731106

It's a rrat then

>> No.9731419

Apex is an overall debuff. Those that play Apex and like it though are zealous. Aqua is still having to deal with Apexnigger antis who are still butthurt that she abandoned the game about 5 months ago.

>> No.9732145

That kinda makes me feel like Lunas being petty then

>> No.9732209

Tell me how long it has been since fbk has interacted with matsuri?

>> No.9732319

didn't they play a game last week or something?

>> No.9732329

>Someone annoys you 24/7
>Constantly stalks you even after you made it clear you want nothing to do with them

>b-but they spent money on you so you should love them!
that's not how it works faggot.
also luna's gachis spend more money than that on her weekly.

>> No.9733349

Which Japanese law????

>> No.9733434

Something about depictions of suicide and self harm, apparently.

>> No.9733469

So after the fiasco have Matsuri and Haachama had any friendly interaction?

>> No.9733568 [DELETED] 

something about showing gore and decapitation without warning...I don't exactly remember but it was something of that sort.
but like >>9731106 said, It's just an unconfirmed rrat

>> No.9733825

well as far as I know haachama has only mentioned festival once recently on her unarchived english karaoke stream while looking at a meme she found, she said something along the lines of "lolicon is a title that suits matsuri"

>> No.9735341

Can't talk about mental illness in Japan, you just have to shut up and suffer silently otherwise you might make some old boomers uncomfortable.

>> No.9735722

Her apex addiction killed my interest in her, she's been streaming it less recently but now when I see a notification I assume it's apex and remove it

>> No.9735894

Sounds far better than being forced to "accept" them regardless of their made up problem or else you get cancelled.

>> No.9736521
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And there is this one guy...

>> No.9736688

she only has herself to blame. she got a lot of chances to stop the lonely menhera act but wasted all of them

>> No.9736771

it would be a lot better if she was in nijisanji, i think all the members will accept her well

>> No.9736871

Isnt she bi leaning towards women? Why does she simp so much for men if she leans towards men.

>> No.9737005

Anon she wouldn't be bi if she knew what she wanted

>> No.9737083

I guess she's fine then. as long guys like him exist

>> No.9737123

The thing is that Matsuri barely fucking talks when she plays Apex.
This is the issue I see with most Holos who play FPS is that they're boring to watch when playing an FPS.
The more popular streamers at least talk when playing. And the top vtuber streamer (Kuzuha) is entertaining while he plays.

>> No.9737310

at least botan was smart enough to not touch this drug again

>> No.9737317

>Filtered viewers with APEX spam
>Can't be gfe because she openly simps to Nijisanji livers
>Roommates roommate hand yab
>Number of vtubers tend to give a wide space between them and her because she sucks with relationships (Doesn't know where to draw the line and accelerates the relationship at light speed) and that's off putting to passive Japanese

>> No.9737401
File: 280 KB, 230x480, Selen in my head.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take after Selen. I normally hate apex streams, but her APEX streams are the bomb/

>> No.9737463

She'd still be addicted to Apex and bad at streaming it, so I don't think it'd do much for her performance. And she'd probably still be too much of autist to not push people away.

>> No.9737638

Didnt her antics with hoshikawa turn her into a laughing stock at niji?

>> No.9737642

Not just twitcasts. She's done phone cam streams from her bed.

She was accepting collab videocalls from viewers and a guy immediately whipped out his penis and she starting laughing at him. Funniest shit.

>> No.9737709

All of this is true. I've watched her from the sidelines for a long as time. I think this covers everything.

>> No.9737983

I mean to be fair, who doesn't want to fuck hoshikawa? Noone can blame her for it.

>> No.9738378

if idolfags dislike bombed her to hell because a hand appeared on her stream. i'm sure tribalfags will do even worse if she moves to nijisanji and will call her a traitor

>> No.9738591

Sure but being a spaghetti factory in front of her and her friends wont give matuli any points.

>> No.9739379

Who hasn't fucked Hoshikawa?

>> No.9739421


>> No.9739600

you seem kinda upset, I was just asking. Maybe go outside for a bit and enjoy life?

>> No.9740548

Who cares about tribalfags though?
Most of them are children/neets with no spending power.
The ones she has to worry about upsetting are idolfags since they are the ones mentally deranged enough to actively harm her as well as the bulk of the holo paypigs.

>> No.9742626

Botan got absolutely fucked by the Apex community before hololive. I don't blame her and nothing will ever draw her back to that shit

>> No.9745255

After all of this I still want to fuck her. Is that normal or am I mentally unstable bros?

>> No.9745290

>touch grass sweaty :)
holy FUCK go back

>> No.9745344

>flirts with men
>got caught fucking ricardo
>big whore but will not put out for viewers
only the cucks stayed

>> No.9745541


>> No.9745927
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You could at least prove his point wrong you know.

>> No.9745948

I don't think Luna was bothered by any of that. She was pretty obsessed with Matsuri at that time.
There was one incident that may break their relationship: Luna was in a quiz show where she had to answer questions about Matsuri but she didn't know some of them, especially the one about Matsuri's birthday. Matsuri got mad at her for that and denounced that their ship had ended on Twitter

>> No.9746001

Wait how

>> No.9746151

She performs Chuck brand (tm) Suck and Fuck on the management.

>> No.9746527

>actually read the big post
>this makes me feel bad for matsuri
>but then I remember she tried to verbally assault Aruran’s stream

>> No.9746593

>she tried to verbally assault Aruran’s stream

>> No.9746870

only if you bad at the game and provide no entertainment value on it

A lot of Apex Tubers make it through fine

>> No.9746939

I went through her YouTube earlier and it seems like she's had more variety in her uploads the past two weeks or so

>> No.9747925

Sorry to correct you guys I mean she mentioned listening to them but she has also done Twitcasts in bed.

>> No.9749638

>she tried to remove her limiter and talk about sex
dude just watch the stream

>> No.9753544

I think someone clipped that shit too

>> No.9755323

>So why does Matsuri get Nijisanji numbers now? And what's with all the dislikes?
>sacrifices views to play apex
>sacrifices views to use voice chat in apex
>sacrifices views to collab with apex males
>sacrifices views to reveal information from inside hololive
>sacrifices views to create drama with Haachama
>The hand

>> No.9755462

>Dedicate a stream to practice it, alone.
>Tournament happens, you are doing fine
>Suddenly the princess appears, and she's on a warpath
>She utterly destroys your hopes and dreams
>At some point she feels bad about you and tries to throw, but still manages to buttfuck you
God I fucking Love Luna

>> No.9755568

I usually hate reading long text post but you made me read all of this. Congratulations anon here's a (you)

>> No.9755709

>>Meanwhile the princess is having her birthday
>You prepared a cover that you promised months ago
>You retweet it SEVEN times
>You send an aka supacha
>She doesn't mention it
>Not a single holo acknowledges thr video
>Have a menhera attack on your roommate account
>Your fans start pestering the princess because of your own stupidity
>Have to make an apology and explanation on your roommate account
>The princess finally acknowledges you
>But to this day she didn't like your video

Is there a source to this I recently got into Luna but never know the full story about this

>> No.9755824

If I was luna I'd be omega pissed at Matsuri. Luna clearly had actual feelings towards Matsuri, and Matsuri was seemingly egging those on, only to last second drop Luna like a bag of rocks to go beg Hoshikawa to fuck her despite the fact Hoshikawa only cares about dick and has already friend zoned her previously.

>> No.9755905

>Is there any source to this
The Luna/Matsuri fallout was nuclear levels of bad.

>> No.9756553

There isn't miuch in the way of sources. It's just people building a plausible story from context clues

>> No.9756579

Kanata too, since she is an honest-to-god idol otaku. Doesn't stop her from getting ploughed by the cocock every night though

>> No.9757300

Fubuki seems like she tries to help Matsuri out as much as she can

>> No.9757378

Friend is a bit of a saviorfag. You know that though.

>> No.9757389

I remember back in the day when she was neck and neck with Haato for 4th/5th most subscribers. Jesus what happened to her?

>> No.9757639

goddamn, this is unironically the chaddest post i've seen here

>> No.9757679

Pre-covid she would always grope or feel up the other Holos and brag about it on stream. Couple that with her menhera tendencies and I doubt many girls would really want to associate with her if necessary. She also spent months just playing apex with non-holos and when asked why she doesn't collab with holos she just got upset.
Her birthday concert felt really off since she had that menhera breakdown on twitter calling out Haachama both on her Hololive and personal twitter (albeit being discreet) which pretty much forced her to appear even if it was in cardboard form over discord.

>> No.9758045

YAGOO scared of her...

>> No.9758082

She sucks Yagoo's dick in exchange for him ignoring all her yabs

>> No.9758134

Yes if you want to be popular with any competitive online game like league of legends, Apex, OW, Dota etc you need to have a funny gameplay or be very good, Matsuri is none

>> No.9758313

Is matsuris roommate the most attractive holoJP?

>> No.9758326

No, Rushia's hotter

>> No.9758885

She use a lot filters though.

>> No.9759021

Mel and Towa are probably the most attractive. Also when's the last time Suisei has a one on one collab with Matsuri? They used to be pretty close too.

>> No.9759330

I love this /jp/ pasta. Menhera gives, Menhera takes. I was a Matsurisu, but she constantly messes up, lies, goes after men, apex addiction and other yabais. Over time you realize it’s just not worth to support her.

>> No.9759522

They were supposed to have one this past week but Matsuri was sick and it was cancelled.

>> No.9759539

I heard Mel was the prettiest holo girl. >>9757679
Did haachama appear in the concert? I really stopped watching Matsuri after the whole fiasco but I thought haachama only appeared as a cutout cardboard.
No voice or anything since they couldn't really contact her somehow.
As much as I think Matsuri loves haachama, she still had pent up feelings about how close she was with Hoshikawa and I suppose that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I don't know much about nijisanji so I don't know why people call Hoshikawa a whore, but God damn id love to give her deep dick till she feel it in her liver

>> No.9759750

Migo, Noel, Mel

>> No.9759957

her game taste is sadly shit. only plays normie games someone else already played. and escaping into apex shit was clearly a bad choice.

if she wants to get view numbers back she should concentrate on holo jp collabs. collabs with niji livers and indies can be fun but shes a bit too random unlike towa for instance.

>> No.9759982

My oshi, haachama is the least attractive but I still love her

>> No.9760097

a-chan followed by begora and mel

>> No.9760282

Do people really think she's that unattractive? Well I guess to each their own really, I think she's a hard 6 soft 7 if I'm being honest.
At least she isn't polka or okayu

>> No.9760323

This much is true. Maybe if she got some real makeup tips shed do better.

>> No.9760342

>She lied about being a virgin even before all the apex stuff or the door incident to accrue maximum sympathy money from her paypigs
based, exploiting dumb virgins who think everyone should be as undesirable as them is an absolute chad move

>> No.9760361

I find her pretty cute 2bh

>> No.9760427

I'm not saying Hololive should do a transfer of talent with Nijisanji but if I was Yagoo, I'd be putting serious consideration into getting Matsuri out of my company by tricking the Nijisanji into taking her and selling it to Matsuri that she'll be a huge fish in a small pond.

>> No.9760468

Rushia's teeth are fucked, like a japanese tradition.

>> No.9760507

You understand that Nijisanji has tons of money, but no audience right? All they can do is shill rrats.

>> No.9760512

I think moderation is better, you've seen what happened to Mel because she was too pretty for her own good.
People think that being a good looking woman makes your life easy but it brings more complications than you think, especially in a society like tre Japanese one.
Western women may not have most of those problems nowadays but they exist regardless.
Our taste in women is just impeccable, you're pretty based anon

>> No.9760544

I stopped watching her streams when I got tired of her apex streams but I didn't knew the drama around her was this bad

>> No.9760667

Matsuri did nothing wrong. She can't help it, that's the nature of being menhera.

>> No.9760700
File: 1.65 MB, 1680x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many superchats did you earn today?
>do you feel like a chuuba yet?
>can you even remember how you got here?

>> No.9760827

The fact Aruran tried to defuse the situation by saying he cut his penis off to become an idol is hilarious

>> No.9761734

Fubuki is a big saviorfag, just notice how the first stream after the hand is with Fubuki, or notice how Fubuki cot closer to Coco precisely after the Taiwan drama

>> No.9761778

I unsubbed and went on a dislike spree after the boyfriend's hand incident. I stopped because I realized I was being stupid and I simply don't watch her and avoid any collabs that include her. Yes I am on the spectrum.

>> No.9761925
File: 56 KB, 960x960, 1621710157882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just people building a plausible story from context clues
faggot this IS a genuine rrat

>> No.9761988

Theres nothing wrong with being fed up. Thankfully though you stopped dislike bombing. Shit becomes fruitless after awhile.

>> No.9762128

> Fubuki likes Emiya Shiro from Fate/Stay Night

She is truly friend of justice who burn herself for another person.

We do not deserve Fubuki

>> No.9762149

I'm tired of seein this thread.

>> No.9762237

She also sacrificed views to do collabs with Holostars
Fubuki is really the most respected member, but somehow nobody wants to follow her steps

>> No.9762313

Yep, if they didn’t restock gura things would have gotta pretty bad considering even her own gen mates couldn’t get one.

>> No.9763210

According to Aqua, Anemachi is hot and Kanata said that Suisei and Anemachi are almost like twins except for the chest's size. Draw your conclusions in your head because there's no photo.

>> No.9763273

Well good for you l, were at bump limit. faggot

>> No.9763350

Because most others either want to stay in their bubbles and/or do GFE. Fubuki isn't solely motivated by popularity, thankfully.

>> No.9763444

>but somehow nobody wants to follow her steps
Uh you forgot ... Matsuri.
Yes, she's the first one along with Fubuki to collab with the homos

>> No.9763629

>I don't know much about nijisanji so I don't know why people call Hoshikawa a whore
Hoshikawa has an erotic design, comes off as very flirty in a kinda normie way, and has liked/commented on her own lewd fanart before. That being said she's not actually that explicit compared to some other livers.
Matsuri is kinda known amongst Niji fans in part due to her one-way crush on Hoshikawa, who pretty much always turns down her advances.

>> No.9763897

Ahhhh that makes quite a bit of sense, I thought she had some yab moments.
But I have to agree, Hoshikawa' design is pure sex, one of the only Vtubers that turns me on beyond belief.

>> No.9765461

Matsuri and Luna did have a fight, and now they don't collab. They still talk though off stream. What the fight was about and how they feel about each other now are just rrats though because people love drama and Matsuri is easy to insult.

>> No.9766901

Kek didn't watch stars he's based

>> No.9767118

Recent holo talk with matsuri confirms that they did have a fight but are in good terms now and usually eat together from time to time, even holding hands while walking to the restaurant.
