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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9596143 No.9596143 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from being cute looking and appealing models is there any vtuber with a hint of showing that they can offer good entertainment. The peak entertainment and perhaps easiest to learn but hard to master being, constant banter. Everyone seems to play games, but none of them can banter as well as say, Northernlion. Why can't vtubers like gura banter? Don't get me wrong, it's harder than you think. But you're telling me none can speak in a stream of consciousness?

>> No.9596188

4chan banter isn't real banter

>> No.9596253

Marine, Fubuki...

>> No.9599290

Northernlion is not "4chan"

>> No.9599462

Dude I went to the grocery the other day... and my baby... and this show I was watching... and what's the deal with chat lately.... and they say that a guy can't find a blue heart in a soul rock....

>> No.9599481

I'm surprised NL's wife isn't a VTuber yet. She's a weeb and a small streamer.

>> No.9599831

You need to watch more males

>> No.9600040

Post the egg pot play

>> No.9600076

Hey, put some respect on the name of the banter man. But yes I agree his streams are not going so well. The lack of nlss has been depressing. No colabs and even if there were, it's usually some dumbfuck that can't offer anything of value like chib. However, I will continue to vouch for his isaac youtube.

>> No.9600304

>non english

>> No.9600625

She's ugly. If she had never shown her face, then it'd be possible. Also, she would probably be more popular if she had a good model. She also plays many japanese games like nmh3. However, it's too late for her vtuber phase.

>> No.9600806

Even Isaac youtube is lagging in quality. He's still one of the more interesting guys in collabs but content has been stale as fuck because he relies on experiences and news to chat and there is nothing fucking happening that isn't retarded politics shit

>> No.9600866

Try Kanata.
Pretty much any of the JP or ID Hololive girls, and plenty Niji and Holostars can banter really, but it's not what they want to stream.

There was literally an argument tournament called the "Sophist King"

>> No.9601639

If he shows his baby one more time I'm going to steal it

>> No.9601749


>> No.9602029

It wouldn't work

>> No.9602182

I have to wonder what the hell went wrong? Covid really destroyed man eh? Then again, even he was able to come up with topics to talk about without having physical experiences. It also seems as if he has finally ran out of previous memorable experiences to talk about, often rehashing the same anecdotes. He used to be able to come with such as, what would be aristotle's favorite games, whether the dalai lama can masturbate and what would the dalai lama consider sexual deviancy. Now, nothing. He also has noone that he talk to that can also offer and conversations on a higher level. Now... nothing. Josh is gone and nick is gone forever. It's almost over. He's also only getting 4000 viewers on avg.

>> No.9602539

Motivation loss. Happens to everyone. However I think being a father has really killed his ability to come up with random stuff too because his baby and wife are always on his mind, which, I guess is good for being a father but kills stream content

>> No.9602857

i've been watching NL since he started isaac and you guys really are tripping if he isn't on a high note on his streaming carreer
COVID and the baby killed some topics but he is absolutely inclining

i used to watch her streams and she used to watch kaguya luna and when she vanished i guess it killed her interest in vtubbing
also she can be a lot confrontational sometimes and that's mainly what keeps her from growing

>> No.9603015


>> No.9603380 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 200x90, 1612750093631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He peaked earlier this year and is coming down a bit but he's still doing great. People are/have gone back to work so it's expected.

>> No.9603441
File: 59 KB, 846x422, 1629439403694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He peaked earlier this year and is coming down a bit but he's still doing great. People are/have gone back to work so it's expected. Wrong image.

>> No.9603608

I think a big issue is that it's a lot harder to do that when you're playing a character and sticking to kayfabe. That being said, you should check out some of the Nijisanji guys like Leos or Kenmochi

>> No.9603915

Ui Shigure and Suisei.

>> No.9604623

Too busy with infant daughter

>> No.9604691

>I think a big issue is that it's a lot harder to do that when you're playing a character and sticking to kayfabe.
Fair enough, I imagine that you'd have to think of what you can or can't say while talking while at the same time focusing on a game, the video you posted also seems pretty solid. It's pretty unfortunate if you can't understand japanese though too anyone prefers listening to these as podcasts.

>> No.9604747

how many pots have you smoken today?

>> No.9605561

>you guys really are tripping if he isn't on a high note on his streaming carreer
Literally the most boring he has ever been. Banter has some good moments, but for the most part his streams are pretty forgettable. It'd be nice for him to have someone to bounce off of once in a while. The most you get are some shitty gartic streams and not much else. Those fucks on his reddit just might have killed rocket league, the only good thing left.

>> No.9609355

Quick look at his reddit and I don't anything going on about rocket league. Did he mention it in a video?

>> No.9612667

Been watching since machinima days but fuck me, why does his baby have to be on every stream, it's the only thing actively making his content worse except for massive debuff games. Kate PLEASE keep the little goblin away

>> No.9613865

If low numbers don't trigger your OCD too much give NijiID a shot, most everyone is close so you get bantz pretty reguarly

>> No.9614060

Western women can't think without having to self filter to make sure they don't say something nonPC so stream of consciousness chatting is too risky. Gura says things like "spics on sticks" when she's too relaxed.

>> No.9614224

These Twitch kids will only watch EN streams.

>> No.9614511

What banter? Maybe up to early/mid 2018 but since then he's been very inconsistent.

>> No.9614807

I miss old NLSS, I can't watch this bald man stream alone for 7 hours a day.

>> No.9614953

This. Ever since Nek got fired he's been declining in quality
