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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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950793 No.950793 [Reply] [Original]

>holoshit shark and reaper can't even bother to stream for a full hour

who do you holofaggots even watch this shit?

>> No.950883

Hey, don't lump the HoloEN shitters with Hololive fans worldwide anon. Everyone with taste knows EN is the worst branch.

>> No.950956

seems you watched them, you tell me

>> No.952953

Gura doesn't like Mori, so she didn't want to stream anymore than obligated. Fine by me. Less of my oshi unfortunately, but also less of Mori, which is a boon

>> No.953008

Jokes on you nigga, I didn't bother to watch it. I was masturbating!

>> No.953351

>t. SEAnigger

>> No.953622


The stream was awkward when it was working. They're both nervous gals they need someone take the lead. Mori was especially cringe. She kept forcing conservation.

>> No.953714

Why did Mori private her stream?

>> No.954785


>> No.954822

They didn't really accomplish anything, her internet died and Gura spent 15 mins waiting for her. Then they ended their streams since it kept dying.

>> No.954840

SEA are actually based

>> No.954846

> Stream "died"
Nice way to say she didn't want to collab with her.

>> No.954849

Gura personally bribed Mori's ISP to cut out during their collab so that she wouldn't have to do it, while still having the plausible deniability that she at least tried.

>> No.954861

why don't they like eachother?

>> No.954892

this really shows that you don't even need EN management's doing to ensure that there would be no proper Gura's collab with anyone outside of EN

>> No.954940

Mori says Nigger once and she hates jews

>> No.954965

wtf im subbing right now.

>> No.954972

i dont keep up with hololive EN at all so uh, what?

>> No.954990

Don't believe the rrat. They seem to get along really well and were having a good time until Mori's internet took a shit.

>> No.955027

You got backwards. Mori loves jews but Gura is redpilled on the JQ

>> No.955068

>Gura getting all flustered by being called smart

Mori just knows how to casually push all the right buttons.

>> No.955428

She slipped up in the middle of her stream, she said "Oh my god these niggers are annoying. I want white ethnostate now!". 2 Weeks later she said "Gas all the juden" then she did the Roman salute after that.

>> No.955864

night night schizo

>> No.955911

Guru is being kind to her less fortunate JP senpai, imagine how hard the Black Ships would be mooring if she actually tried.

>> No.956057

Technical difficulties you monkey retard.

>> No.956301

can confirm, i was there

>> No.956358

get a life

>> No.956403

Dude, you're completely overlooking her read-along from the Mein Kampf.

>> No.956543

Holo en is actually getting fucking boring. Turned out that their video game tastes are absolutely horrible. Watching Oblivion videos today is pretty much torture.

>> No.956746

Which games would you want then?

>> No.957155

>What? they stopped the stream a minute early

>> No.957190

undertale and apex

>> No.957195

>implying their ADHD retard viewers can keep attention for the duration of a real stream

>> No.957200

Based and permissionspilled.

>> No.957232

>why ethots hate each other
Why is sun hot? Why is sky blue? Why are you a faggot?

>> No.957298

based SEAnigger

>> No.957312

Any old NES game as a one-shot, like Double Dragons or the original Mario Bros. Maybe even the original Legend of Zelda (as it could get talky).
"Off-brand" fighting SNES games for collabs (with a touch of shit-talking to go with it).
SimCity for low key streams, or something to fill the time when their original plan fell through (since they could build on it piecemeal).
Secret of Mana.
Star Fox.

>> No.957327

Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest (Warrior for us EN), or Final Fantasy for breath acting chops.

>> No.957372

>no minecraft
Shit list.

>> No.957388

Illusion of Gaia.

>> No.957437

jrpgs or retro games
the best is soulsborne games but holo en members suck at gaming, cant beat them without coop

also why are holo en minecraft videos so fucking boring. jp has some actual fun mc videos.

>> No.957450

>also why are holo en minecraft videos so fucking boring. jp has some actual fun mc videos.
Because they never really play together at the same time, nor do the understand MineCraft enough to help/mess with each other.

>> No.957468


>> No.957518

Dungeon Keeper or Evil Genius.

>> No.957530

Leisure Suit Larry.

>> No.957532

they should actually learn about mc and build a decent holo en town. the holo jp town looks actually fun and has soul. holo en needs the same shit imo.

also my recent fav mc videos are the flare and polka collab ones.

>> No.957566

You're not wrong about the town, but they're severely outnumbered in terms of builders, and they don't even have access to half the things they need, yet. What they need to do is get serious about destroying the dragon (as a collaboration, but that idea is probably cursed) and letting JP visit again.

>> No.957679

>muh old fart games nobody cares about

>> No.957689

It's not about the games themselves, anon. It's the variety, and the permissions would be much easier.

>> No.957691

Shit taste, please kindly kill yourself

>> No.957703

Post (You)r list.
>inb4 all new zoomer "AAA" titles people are sick of

>> No.957722

>permissions would be much easier.
actually delusional

>> No.957734

Rain World
Original resident evil trilogy
Yoshi Island
That coop splinter cell

>> No.957739 [DELETED] 

But HoloEN is the most well known one

>> No.957753

Based, but they're not ready for it.

>Rain World
>Original resident evil trilogy
>Yoshi Island
>That coop splinter cell
Shit taste.

>> No.957835

>move Ame from whatever third world shithole she lives in to fix Internet connectivity issues
>get rid of Kiara
>actually recognize Gura for once since she is the golden goose of EN
There. I fixed HoloEN. Hire me.

>> No.957923


>> No.957950
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>live in Georgia
>third world countries probably have better internet
Such is life in Weimerica. Our infrastructure is so bad that a power pole got knocked over by a storm and blocked the only road into and out of my neighborhood. I also lost power for like 4 full days.

>> No.957969


Still better chemistry than Kiara & Calli

>> No.957973
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Vacuum stream was fun

>> No.958069

Fresh blood needs to run on every governmental organ of the country. As long as America keeps voting dinosaurs and tech illiterates spouting "diversity good, bitcoin bad", you will be left behind by even Africa in terms of infrastructure ten years from now. Latin American countries are already far ahead from many "first world" countries.

>> No.958090

Spotted the KFP wagie.
Go back to flip burgers or else I'll call your schizo manager.

>> No.958128

I feel sorry for burgers but I also can't help but laugh at them while enjoying my 1 Gbps net for $11 a month

>> No.958152

Also this. I can't fathom how people from countries with a more stable economy are willing to pay hundreds of dollars a month for a connection that barely works whereas in shit holes like Romania, they charge you less than $10 a month for like 1Gbps.

>> No.958256

>his oshi is some unknown indie struggling to survive because the chad Hololive GOLDEN AGE is currently upon us

>> No.958296

Romania is a very old country, even if Romania as an entity is relatively new like Germany (vs. Prussia, HRE, etc.) The US is a relatively new country in terms of settlement, so we're really dispersed. The closest city to where I live is literally a 45 minute drive driving at like 80 mph or like 130 km/h. When I was in college, there was a woman from a town of 1000 people. They didn't even have stoplights, just stop signs. Our rail travel sucks too. I road on MARTA in Atlanta and it was an awful experience (hard plastic seats, ever present fear of dindus).

Iirc, Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump, and now Biden have talked about infrastructure bills. And yet, here we are.

>> No.958503

I live in Latin America(one of the better countries in it, but still) and I'm sure I have better internet than burgers at this point. And when I am ill I just go to the doctor and pay a relatively small bill.

They have been completely sequestrated by their corporations filling the pockets of politicians and the government to fuck over the common man. Honestly if I had to move to America permanently I would decline.

>> No.958538

It's retarded that an outsider thinks he can fix a company's inner problems.

>> No.958544

>the nijinigger cries in pain as he falseflags you

>> No.958557


>> No.958585

And in 3 sentences no less.

>> No.958654

The fact that Gura is so popular must cause you immeasurable pain in your bowels.

>> No.958672

South East Asians are the niggers of Asia.
Niggers by definition cannot be based.

>> No.958674

You sir, are a swine and you're not my nigga.

>> No.958680

Can't wait to hear the complete rrat post.

>> No.958758

Hey now. We got a dose of vacuum ASMR out of that.

>> No.958779
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>> No.958819

I want to see Mori go through the Souls games, Bloodborne and maybe Sekiro. Also wanna see how she likes Nioh.

>> No.958937

>From Software
Never ever.

>> No.959194

>Mori disconnects
Living in Calli Yuga
In the dark night of the soul

>> No.959336

Because one is a girl with confidence to get in stage and perform, and the other is an internet gremlin who hides behind anime avatars out of necessity to perform. Gura probably wishes she could just be a white girl on stage and blames her current self on her lack of confidence to be herself

>> No.959420

nigger and chinks are more based than white liberal

>> No.959533
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seriously what is their problem. why is EN so low effort compared to JP?

>> No.959820

They don't have to put any effort into streaming and none of them want to do it either, so they just do the bare minimum.

>> No.959952

differences in work ethics conditionned since childhood. Westerners are individualistic and see a job for what it is while jp folks give it their all in the name of the bigger picture. This kind of difference in culture will become more and more obvious as time goes on.

>> No.959992
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I think it's cultural. I remember Pikamee talking about working in fast food and how her manager didn't take it seriously and didn't train her. I think Japanese people are more civic minded. Whereas Americans are like, eh, fuck this shit. Go to any /biz/ thread and see how much we care about work.

>> No.960135

western vtubers are basically like cosplaying as an anime fangirl while japanese vtubers like voice acting as a professional actor. holo jp members also have to take lessons to be an idol, to some extent.

>> No.960225

Imagine actually giving a shit about work. Fuck work, fuck my boss, fuck the ceo of my company that makes millions while workinjg 6 hours a day. Suck my fucking cock corporate America. If America really gave a shit about work ethic how about start with giving people a raise and increasing benefits/bringing back benefits. But those cocksuckers will never do that so I'll never do more than the bare minimum

>> No.960269

Schway. Fuck corporate.

>> No.960272

>Latin American countries are already far ahead from many "first world" countries.

>> No.960315

I México we're so free we can deny the holocaust, beat our wives and shit on trannoids. We're also whiter than you.
Can you say the same, muttoid?

>> No.960340

Shark? More like, shart, lmao

>> No.960361

if mexico were ahead of the rest of NA you wouldn't be flooding into the USA you dumb goblin

>> No.960362

>Gura will never sit on your lap and fart on you
Why life even

>> No.960397

Dangerously based. I can see Ame working at walshart if her streaming career dies.

That's because Mexico sends us our poorfags. Literally Mexico and Guatemala's welfare consists of sending people to the US. The 5'4" jannie at the gym I go to is probably one of these goblinos.

>> No.960424

But I'm not. All the immigrants come from south america, but you can tell the difference anyway. I honestly don't understand why someone would want to live in a shithole 3rd world country like America, those poor fools fell for the meme of a better tomorrow and all they are ever going to find is niggers and cuckolds.

>> No.960494

and mutts can only make garbage like calarts cartoons and every entertainment industry is no totally taken over by lazy sjws and trannies and you say you love it

then go back to the mutt entertainment

>> No.960954

All of EN just rides off of senzawa. They don’t even have songs like that, no concerts at all. It’s a bunch of weeb sjw white girls, fuck that shit.

>> No.960996

as a fellow georgian i feel you for you anon, marta sucks ass so much, atlanta wants to be the next super city but the infrastructure needs to be fixed

>> No.961297

ENfags only idolize the current tards because there's no other option, when gen 2 drops 80% of them will jump ship for the new fotm girls.

>> No.961416

I believe you missed your stop to /jp/, Anon.

>> No.961430

You're projecting hard.

>> No.961501

Nope, I've had my oshi for more than a year now. You're denying it now, but you'll realize how true it is when they debut and first gen pics stop being posted.

>> No.961599

> the enemies are the diversity guys

Yeah, the worldwide known immigrant friendly country, U.S.!
Maybe if it stopped bombing the third world with trillions of its dollars, their citizens would have better living conditions.

But that's not happening anytime soon.
Enjoy your guns and burguers.

>> No.961626

>Enjoy your guns and burguers.
I will. Kill yourself.

>> No.961675


>> No.961702

Seethe more.
Your conditions aren't changing, mutt.

>> No.961724

Mori said that Bloodborne is her favorite game. Shame she hasn't streamed it at all.

>> No.962015

Didn't Noel do a Dark Souls playthrough?

>> No.962155

/pol/ schizo thread?
What meds you lads not takin today

>> No.962338

>Americans pointing out undisputable facts (our internet service is very bad relative to even poor LATAM and Eastern Euro countries)
>/pol/ schizos
/pol/ really is living rent free in everyone's head. Come to my house and enjoy waiting a day for a steam game (not some small indie stuff) to download

>> No.962351


>> No.962633


>> No.965191
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, take your meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to jp

>> No.970206

Power Stone, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Third Strike, Marvel vs. Capcom.

>> No.970394

>posts in global
>calls any branch besides china bad
are you just retarded or...

>> No.970470

anon these streamers are women

>> No.975227

>What are technical difficulties

>> No.983099

>Adam Sandler Gura! You jewish sharks like Adam Sandler right? Ha ha
>oh yeah yeah almost as much as you saxon barbarians like drawing and quartering

They couldn't have possibly meant this right? My Porta Pal translator has to be way off

>> No.983376

It's not that gura doesn't like mori.
It's just that mori is a ara ara queen, but the thing is that gura is impossible to ara ara as gura is a apex predator.

>> No.984201
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I like this

>> No.985794

Hello, VOM watamates
