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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 286 KB, 1206x2048, E-S53MLVIAE9ZVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9429837 No.9429837 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji.
Talk about your favorite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly.
Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous thread: >>9244932

>> No.9430057

Nice feet.

>> No.9430103

Getting pretty excited for NijiEN males, I think it'll be great

>> No.9430347

Mashiro call-in now at Meli 3D

>> No.9430940

Me too. I trust in Nijisanji to deliver.

On that note, do we have any idea when their debuts could potentially happen? I must admit I don’t know much about the auditioning process or what a normal debut timeframe is, especially for a big company like Nijisanji.

>> No.9432032

a lot of people said the next batch might debut around halloween or christmas. Though i think it would be best to wait until next to year do it because it would leave time for the girls to grow

>> No.9432335

There was a time where NijiJP debuts new wave every new month (and they debuted livers on separate days too so the gap looks even smaller)
3 month-gap for every wave is pretty good compromise especially given that NijiEN is still pretty small even by the standards of overseas branches

>> No.9432698


>> No.9432893
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i don't even care if it's pandering i want more of these dumbasses

>> No.9434280
File: 261 KB, 1080x1037, IMG_20210908_204931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shellin with cats is the cutest thing. It's also nice that the mystery solving event ties to his first stream lore where he claimed that he's good at finding cats because he likes cats.

>> No.9434795
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Kanae is the only chuuba I know that could multi task in his stream.

>> No.9435420
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imagine thrones buddy cop comedy

>> No.9435596

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsLEUprDE-s AGO

>> No.9435617

It's not like the friendship isn't real, they're very cute together regardless. The little moments at the end gave me diabetes...
Also I wonder if Lauren is small irl, because of his weight and Axia has bigger hands.

>> No.9435633

They're on twitcast right now.

>> No.9435761
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He's my girlfriend

>> No.9435871

Oh fuck I fell asleep and didn't check twitter... I love Axia's calm voice so much

>> No.9436135

Even lore-wise, his character is smaller than Axia

>> No.9436390


>> No.9436504

Why did he start giggling?

>> No.9436557

Gomiz animation

>> No.9436564

Was there any Kaida-tier elevator scream from Axia in his stream? I've been busy watching a youkai draw her boing boing friend, but watching people get scared is always fun.

>> No.9436737


>> No.9436775

Thronez singing!

>> No.9437492

Lauren started singing Turing Love

>> No.9438774

So many good songs during this Thronez stream

>> No.9440143

I think Axia is starting to hold back less on his singing

>> No.9440165

Oooh, nice scare. Cute. Will have to watch the VOD later.
https://youtu.be/1dlVBBSfjYI For any anons who never saw Kaida's scream. If you want the real live experience, put in some headphones and turn the volume up!

>> No.9440600

The only thing holding him back is his confidence. He has a really good voice.

>> No.9440720
File: 303 KB, 1080x859, Screenshot_20210908-184320_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please go give my oshi some love. I think he made some dumb mistake. He lost a ton of stuff, and apparently a lot of likely ready to go songs/covers. ; ;

>> No.9440789

Yeah, Axia took voice training before and he’s definitely not bad, Lauren’s praise probably helped too.
Please do a proper utawaku one day Axia, everyone will love it

>> No.9440989

Doesn't have to be a mistake, sometimes shit just corrupts out of nowhere. Sucks, but could happen to anyone.

>> No.9442107


>> No.9442255

Axia please leave the archive I’m begging on my knees

>> No.9442787

I haven’t been following, why are thronez in a hotel

>> No.9443001

i think they were doing a horror off collab at the studio

>> No.9443356

They had a horror collab yesterday in the studio, and they have some work to do today at around 9am, but they’re still doing twitcast when it’s 4am already…
Well it’s nice to see they’re already close enough to be comfortable with staying in the same room I guess

>> No.9444710
File: 355 KB, 2048x1304, 6419DAF4-C6BE-400D-BD97-430989F7D718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please say they were recording the thrones twitcast I missed the first half of it and the archive isn’t up… please archivebros I will give you my firstborn

>> No.9444843
File: 522 KB, 1590x1140, IMG_20210909_023714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate myself so much for falling asleep and forgot to check twitter, I missed the first hour and was too tired to boot my PC...

>> No.9444887

I can't believe he really deleted the archive... I tuned in later so I missed the first half of the twitcast.

>> No.9445071

Barely a month in and Axia is already feeding him throat candy from his hands. This bait is too powerful.

>> No.9445240

Axia deleteing the archive is giving me depression... I'm glad I ruined my sleep for it despite being a wageslave but the archive being lost forever is too painful ; ;

>> No.9445402

It's okay anon. They'll probably have another off-collab this year. Just pray for them to pull off another impromptu karaoke night.

>> No.9445493

I hope there's some way. He's been working on 2 songs and god knows how many WIPs

>> No.9445662

iirc they wanted to do one for christmas, right? Lauren said he wanted Axia to cook him a classic christmas dinner for christmas so they want to do a cooking stream together… just imagining the domesticity of it is giving me a heart attack

>> No.9445775

More than enough time for me to learn how to automatically record Twitcasts

>> No.9446046

Damn if both Chronoir and Thrones do something for christmas at the same time, I think I will die from diabetes and fry my brain by having to multiwindow

>> No.9446153

For me, the only choice for Christmas is Toupea.
Or PeaTou

>> No.9446532

I like using these two applications, despite the age it works well still: https://www.skypower.xyz/TwitCasting_kansikun.html
make sure the actual recording software is named "ツイキャス録画君" if it isnt when you extract it as the monitoring one expects it to be named exactly that when you point to its location in the settings.
Have fun recording and then suddenly dicovering months later that you have a 100+gb roku folder.

>> No.9446941
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Thank you anon, this makes it way easier god damn

>> No.9448281

Does anyone know why Kanakana disabled likes and comments under every R6 video?

>> No.9448482

He has likes/dislikes turned off most of the time on all his streams (can't remember last time it was on) and comments are off probably to dissuade discussion about their team, their coach Kenki was being dramatic about the team's point distribution and coach due to some miscommunication. FPS thread here got delusional about it. basically Ibu gathered 1 too many people, and everyone else's teams are overpowered due to grinding the game.

>> No.9448528

can anyone recommend any ASMRtists? I know Kaida and Masaru are the most well known ones on this board and I've seen some VODs of Belmond doing ASMR as well but are there any others?

>> No.9449065

Kanae has some but they're not as serious as it's chatting with a binaural mic, he'll pretend to sleep then immediately start kissing the mic, or just break out into Dobby voice
But I like it because he did heartbeat.

>> No.9452126

I looked into it more and Chiho from KR has an ASMR playlist

More recommendations would be appreciated even if they're a one time thing like >>9449065

>> No.9452818
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the bizarre reality that living in the same timezone as these boys comes back to bite you in the ass because half their best content ends up getting recorded and then privated while you're sleeping.

>> No.9454061
File: 92 KB, 1333x997, E-xxC_qVEAYhrOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hajiki has some? ASMR
Not really ASMR but comforting voice lines
Gakkun random ASMR stuff with heartbeat (attempt) and cute brother RP
And on that note another voice line stream from him with binaural mic
Kanda slime ASMR
Air oujisama
Cosleeping lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnqAdyYhCuM
Wish he'd do more lately. You can look up his name and find a good amount of binaural chatting and sleep lines
My one solace is they go out to dinner again before the planned Christmas cast.

>> No.9454423

my manly husband is singing vocaloid songs

>> No.9457207

Nagao was saying he plays Poke Unite with Oliver off stream. Any time I hear Oliver's talking to people he's so excited to remark on how fun Edengumi is.

>> No.9459383
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>> No.9459608


>> No.9460373

How else is he going to bear my children?

>> No.9460597

Makes sense. Wish you luck in your procreation, anon!

>> No.9460909

I remember this image was the one that really started turning my eyes in Kanae's direction. What a handsome cute wife!

>> No.9463141
File: 62 KB, 720x438, E-zfgD9UUAEj3Gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Akina's twitter adventures today, he posts some lame cat tweets then deletes them to avoid Hikakin seeing his cringe then chooses to post this anyway

>> No.9464468

i love this stupid fucker and his disgusting tweets

>> No.9466785
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>> No.9467026

When was the last time Gaku even used that outfit

>> No.9468526
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>> No.9470743
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>> No.9472191
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>> No.9473283
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>> No.9473557
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New merch with Shachou and Ibu! I'm not really a fan of plushie goods but these are super cute.

>> No.9473993

i wish it was mochimochi mascots instead since those make for really cute dekake photos but even just the fact that nijisanji is getting more general goods makes me happy.

for now i'll just keep embarrassingly using my acrylic stands lol.

>> No.9474121

I like that corocots are magnetic, but I do agree that I'm happy to see more random goods lately than the 100th button and stand

>> No.9474322

These are so cute! I especially like the Melissa one

>> No.9474854
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Anon's wives

>> No.9475177

I prefer those as well, but by this corocot release I'm positive they'll have more goods like mochi and omanjuus in the future.

>> No.9475212
File: 82 KB, 1024x717, E-v33IhVIAIxBOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akina made a playlist of all his members-only videos so i've been going through and listening to the earlier ones (since I didn't become a fan until january of this year) and i'm falling for this gross shut-in weirdo all over again. doing shit like burping on-stream as a members-only perk, calling kuzuha "kuu-chan" where he'll never know and can't get mad, choking on beef jerky mid-song, and lusting after the possibility of shota kanae.

akina really is the complete "disgusting otaku wife" package.

>> No.9475381

Of all the merch they release, this is the kind of merch I would love to have (I have a thing for cute plushies), but alas it will never happen, the shipping fees would eat my wallet alive and my countries delivery system is unreliable as fuck.
... Anyone have some copium around?

>> No.9476878
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>> No.9476961
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>small hands
>meows when he's scared
>skipped in public when getting snacks with Axia
>sweet tooth
>prone to cuddling when tired
The gap is immense sometimes.

>> No.9477664

I found an old profile of his neighbor from around 4years ago saying 178cm 46kg… maybe he just has small hands or Axia is a giant.

>> No.9477787

I've met some dudes with baby hands irl before so maybe it's something like that. Also what the fuck is that weight, this makes me feel insecured...

>> No.9477893

maybe it’s short fingers or something? Some people‘s hands literally look like cute baby hands.
Also don’t feel bad about your weight, it gives you more strength to princess carry cute Lauren, no matter his height.

>> No.9477933

>bmi of 14.5
There's no way. His pics are easy to find, he doesn't look like an anorexia patient

>> No.9478229

men tend to exaggerate their own height anon. He's probably shorter.

>> No.9478675


>> No.9480251

Speaking of, youtube keeps recommending me a pretty recent clip of Jasper playing with his roommate. Kinda makes me feel weird watching now.

>> No.9480953

Is it his thighs? His legs really are pretty…

>> No.9481444

I'm not saying I'm Niji EN but if I were what kind of content would you want me to make?

>> No.9481692

Livestream sex with other males
If you bring a JP I'll throw an akasupa

>> No.9482097

But how do I convince Belmond to go along with it?

>> No.9483276

Is it weird I consider Kanae hitter than femkanae?

>> No.9483331

not belmond, thats actually homo and not appealing to me

>> No.9483341

Invite Genzuki along. And then leave them on there own.

>> No.9483697

akky is losing it

>> No.9483727

akina's been struggling to be bread for more than three hours now

not a helpful answer, but just be an interesting and fun person. all my favs i watch because i like and care about them as people; everything else is auxiliary.

though i got dragged into nijisanji because i liked kuzuha's design so also be hot i guess?

>> No.9484207

Axia playing Sonic

Lauren is resting his throat today after three days of fucking it up r.i.p.

>> No.9484969
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>> No.9485699

Inutama flirting with the ikemen (Kaida, Belmond, Kanda, Yumeo).

>> No.9485808

Forgot the link

>> No.9486181

>flirting with Kaida
Oh no...oh no

>> No.9486238

God I wish I were Tamaki....

>> No.9487156
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>> No.9487617
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>> No.9488316
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Axia is so genki and talkative today, it's cute

>> No.9489317
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>> No.9489873

Next Monday my Indonesian wife Taka and my Japanese wife Oliver will he playing the dead space 3 co-op together

>> No.9489904
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His reaction to Belmond's Shulker trap is cute!

>> No.9491478
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>> No.9492809
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>> No.9493010

If sex is the question, the answer is yes

>> No.9495372 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9495946

A nice send-off before Taka's singing endurance kills him

>> No.9497987
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>> No.9502322

At this point I don't know if I have a content preference anymore considering I've watched Apex endurance streams while still not understanding the game fully, just be an entertaining guy. Or cute. Or both.

>> No.9502841

I personally like Kusogaki's. That or chuunis, which is why selen is currently my favorite vtuber at the moment.

>> No.9503938
File: 1.47 MB, 1521x1920, FuwaHasAComfySeat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being sandwiched between Anikobu
I will also answer yes.

>> No.9504291

I haven't watched Masarucraft in forever, who voices his sheep? 1:35:30

>> No.9505495
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I love shitposters and dark edgy content. Together or separate is fine. I watch very few western youtubers but if they got someone on the same level of shitpost as Alpharad then I'd definitely tune in to their streams.

>> No.9505998

Kanako is cute but Kanae is more sexual

>> No.9506383

Masaru's, he said the voices in the mod are all his.

>> No.9506640
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with him you don't even need to ask

>> No.9507521
File: 100 KB, 1178x1191, KaidaSmilingSoftly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take Kaida for myself. Can't be leaving him be all lonely.

>> No.9509926
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All these Shellin frolicking with cats give me life.

>> No.9512878
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I will lure him into an alleyway with Monster considering he likes to flippantly talk about wandering sketchy places looking for an apartment as well as getting into suspicious taxis driven by heavily tattoo'd ojisans

>> No.9514637
File: 1.13 MB, 4000x3000, 20210909_151231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two wife

>> No.9516186

If you were into sports, MMA in particular, that would be cool. Even better if you had athletic ability to dab on everyone in the evitable 3D collab/ lever gacha

>> No.9517758 [SPOILER] 

In my daydreaming of "What if I became a Nijimale and moved to Japan" I've considered ideas of 3D gym streams, or showing various people different types of workouts. Or wrestling/sumo style events. Use the 3D physicality to it's fullest.
>I'll never get to show Genzuki all the different types of lifts and have him fawn over me with a pump begore getting embarrassed live on stream

>> No.9518188

>3D gym streams
I'd love this. Somehow watching a vtuber do it would make me more motivated than some random guy on Youtube
Mega based

>> No.9518256

10/10, want to be in that timeline

>> No.9520234
File: 324 KB, 2485x1436, E-5JwwQUYAE5qbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhh christmas hurry

>> No.9521573

Very nice. Domestic Thronez
Can't wait for their next twitcast

>> No.9522647

new leos stamps

>> No.9524615
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>> No.9525633
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>> No.9525795

Unspeakably based.
>what kind of content would you want me to make?
Pop-sci variety stuff, crafting and cooking mixed with retarded autism games like Amazing Cultivation Simulator.
Also survivalist/camping shit. Nipnongs have a whole scene around indoors camping gear cooking.
Obviously zatsudan.

>> No.9527616
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I love this cat so much like you wouldn't imagine

>> No.9527745
File: 303 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_2021-09-10-17-53-01-174_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man no longer paywalled.... Well, a bit.

>> No.9527842

His movements are so cute for an old man... I liked hearing that even when recording off of the camera for Levagacha he is still pumping his fists. So much energy

>> No.9528915
File: 176 KB, 1325x876, 8DB1E6DB-6A86-4D78-9237-A1531784E2F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Lauren brings his guitar to their next twitcast and they sing together while he’s playing…

>> No.9530429
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>> No.9530492

My menhera prince boyfriend in Arupapa's stream!

>> No.9530581

Oh shit nice

>> No.9531679
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>> No.9531779
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>> No.9531931
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what is cute and funny male vers

>> No.9532054
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>> No.9532715
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>ywn date him
how do i cope

>> No.9533746

wild and silly https://twitter.com/AkinaNoises/status/1435621824503566336

>> No.9533965
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>> No.9534028
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>> No.9534255

he's accepted the state of his twitter

>> No.9534312

the way yashiro's 3d hands look is funny to me for some reason

>> No.9536325
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>> No.9538307

can I have some shotas please?

>> No.9538863
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30 year old squad

>> No.9539200
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Schoolboy Kaida

>> No.9539345
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Akina is going to change his sights from Kaida's younger bro to Kaida after this.

>> No.9539517
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UOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH i can smell the sweet milk on them.

>> No.9539609
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>> No.9540061
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There needs to be more VALZ shota

>> No.9541255
File: 1.51 MB, 1691x1691, IMG_20210910_141354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogen's music video gave some cute designs

>> No.9541319

I tried looking through Kaida's tag before I posted my request and the best I got was multiple chibi Kaidas

>> No.9542346

I love how cute chibi stuff can be, but wish there was a bit more shota stuff. Just cute things like the school outfits and stuff. Thankfully Mashiro and Masaru exist.
I'll post more if I find any, but for now have Kanae doing that pose.

>> No.9543014
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>> No.9543255
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My imageposting reps...

>> No.9546000
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>> No.9547468
File: 282 KB, 1448x2048, E-y-bYgVEAMBEJD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell is the board fast now. Anyway, Team Ibu (Lier Panda) came in 2nd after a pretty good fight for the R6 thing, but it was scuffed because when is Ubisoft not fucking up, they lost momentum at the end after having to wait 30 fucking minutes to do the final match. No afterparty because Kanae had to go to dance(?) rehearsal which is a bummer

>> No.9547794

>tiny kei will never sit in your lap
Why live

>> No.9547801
File: 1.31 MB, 1431x2048, 20210910_170017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on one hand i'm glad this mess is over (it wasn't as bad as some made it sound but still) on the other hand i'll miss these idiots

>> No.9548543
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, E-4V83QVcBAGM-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team didn't care as much about the coach drama as people made it to be, and kept making jokes about it asking if he was lying randomly and to watch out for enjou which was pretty funny hence the team name. As always the teamwork was spectacular and watching them learn the game better was nice even if it's a garbage game.

>> No.9549240
File: 318 KB, 1920x1965, Peachiho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue, our Korean neighbors had their thread killed off

>> No.9549978

Is he made for Ryona?

>> No.9551504

literally and actually made for おちんちん and child bearing

>> No.9551653

I feel bad I usually bump our neighbors but I'm out, whoops

>> No.9551975

Much to the happinness of the OP it seems.
Don't be, the OP of that thread seemed to be actually happy that it died since he forgot to put the subject of the thread.

>> No.9553557
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>> No.9557205
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>> No.9560096
File: 609 KB, 1642x2048, RadioBabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to rape me

>> No.9560616

>gentle giants
you're gonna need elephant does of aphrodisiacs

>> No.9560647

get in line before it gets long anon

>> No.9560735

That's what makes it so enticing. My job is to just be pure rape bait and do my absolute best into making them go feral. Horny bitches like me can't just go about and let any man rape me, it needs to be a true challenge.

>> No.9560897

this person posted some snippets of the lauren and axia singing together for their twitcast.
sadly not the whole recording, though this means it has to exist somewhere.

i recommend saving/archiving them bc someone alerted lauren during his mengen stream that these were uploaded (which is why i went looking for them) so they might be taken down quickly

>> No.9562659
File: 268 KB, 1754x1240, E8tpTGUVgAIdavd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, you just saved a life

>> No.9566432
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>> No.9566919

Arigato anon

>> No.9568499 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 530x1024, Eg6mRwuUYAAJzWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9570261

Shellin Tales of Arise

He mentioned before that he used to be Tales fan during his chuuni days. He stopped following the series after PS2 though.

>> No.9570374

cute and canon

>> No.9572912
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>> No.9574576
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>> No.9575614
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Anyone watching Shizurin's live?
Free part is airing now on youtube.

>> No.9576094

Hajiki 3D in Rin solo live!

>> No.9576107
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>> No.9576168
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>> No.9576239
File: 1.11 MB, 684x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is so cute

>> No.9576293

They uploaded six snippets, privated them a few hours later and now brought back these three. Hopefully they unprivate the other three at some point, because I didn't manage to save the one with Lauren singing Monochrome Kiss.

>> No.9577098

Am I slow or is this 3D model new?

>> No.9577129

It premiered in the last AR live concert

>> No.9577323

New Chocosanji
Kuzuha, Lize, Mashiro, Joe, Kanda

>> No.9577525
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>> No.9577536
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>> No.9577591
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>> No.9577603
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>> No.9577689

Incase you're interested in watching, NijiKR is having an Among Us collab
Ha Yun https://youtu.be/yFAiOOVwhFc
Chiho https://youtu.be/5ivYcIoryAc
On twitch!
Suha https://www.twitch.tv/suha2434
Gaon https://www.twitch.tv/gaon_2434
Sorry I'm too lazy to link everyone.

>> No.9577731
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>> No.9577942

Oh cool. Anon's wife looks so cute!

>> No.9580116
File: 3.40 MB, 2460x1118, tomekko7238(2493082).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9582044

i want to feed, squish and play warioware with this lonely wife

>> No.9583225
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>> No.9584098
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>> No.9584539
File: 223 KB, 900x1200, E-_7X2tVkAMbvdV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board is getting faster.
VOMS debuted a new male, board reacts predictably. It seems like he's going to be a FPSfag, hope he can interact with our boys soon.

>> No.9585404

What rank is this new guy?

>> No.9585624

Nta but he is suposedly a predator, where are all this predators coming from all of a sudden anyway?

>> No.9585786

Corpos start looking for Apex pros and Apex pros start considering vtuber career

>> No.9585939

Kanae twitcast.
He sounds so tired. I want to tuck him into bed.

>> No.9585955
File: 305 KB, 2048x2048, E-8Re9-VQAUKEJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axia's occasional gasp when he can kan or getting bullied in mahjong makes me feel things...
Also kanae https://twitcasting.tv/kanae_2434

I guess the esports scene isn't as lucrative as vtubing so they are starting to jump into this?

>> No.9586367
File: 308 KB, 540x906, IMG_20210911_212920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.instagram.com/p/CTr0dasJ8L3/ kanae's 2nd instagram post
that was a short twitcast, hope he gets some good sleep

>> No.9586470

Also he didn't sleep at all. He's too busy... oyasumi Kanakana

>> No.9588523
File: 364 KB, 1448x2048, E-2QUbxVEA4yYIW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9588617

made for long lasting marriage and peaceful life in a small countryside home with our pet and kids

>> No.9588674


>> No.9588715

Air Ouji streaming now!

>> No.9588721

Sorry anon, but he'd rather play an eroge. Also he's streaming right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t1NFeQRi0M

>> No.9588771

never really listened to him much before but his voice is doing things to my heart, i can't pin down why but it's really nice

>> No.9589072

my cute wife is live

>> No.9589157

Yeah that's why people called him BFE Niji, he has a really nice comfy raspy voice that's really good for getting yumejos wet

>> No.9589751
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>> No.9589871
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>> No.9590676
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>> No.9591051

hello cucks, it is me, Kanae's husband

>> No.9591369

Go take care of your imaginary dog

>> No.9592973
File: 431 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20210911_085617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axia is so cute! Even his soft pechipechi daipan is cute! I love him so much!

>> No.9593121

mondo crazyraccoon wrote this

>> No.9593295
File: 93 KB, 900x423, you died.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9593328

I hope he never takes off Home3D it's the best on him.

>> No.9594123
File: 307 KB, 2048x1603, 6AF1009E-F6C1-48C0-9BB8-643D08AB005C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axia cute!

>> No.9596071
File: 542 KB, 1447x2047, IMG_20210910_123003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axia getting suuankou and then won the match with 88k point was really hype. Hope he gets that 2nd consecutive win so he won't have to play mahjong for +12 hours

>> No.9596245

He really likes mahjong, he'll get the 2 wins then make another excuse to keep going

>> No.9596724

He has stuff to do on sunday though so I hope this endurance won't last too long.
Funny that he almost won his 2nd match and could've ended this in 1 hour. If this happened 100% he'd just continue streaming in mengen.

>> No.9597526

I used to only watch the guys, but now moving on and I've been watching more and more of the girls (besides my oshi), do you guys only watch the boys or is there any nijisanji girl you guys follow too?

>> No.9597984

I'm subbed to quite a few Niji girls, but the ones I regularly show up to streams for (or try to) are Chima, Ange, Hayama, and Hima. Uiha doesn't stream much anymore but she's my favorite girl. I'd say my favorite singer in Nijisanji is Ako.

>> No.9598417

Recently, I've been watching the NijiEN girls too. I watched their Pico Park collab and Elira & Petra's We Were Here Too collab.
Finally subscribed to Petra after watching that (she was the last NijiEN that I hadn't subscribed to). Her chemistry in collabs is actually nice.
I can only catch the vods tho because of timezone diff

>> No.9598904

I usually stick to the boys, but I love chigu's energy and her collabs are always fun

>> No.9599142

Chima is the only one I watch regularly now, but I used to also watch a lot of Ritsukin's Splatoon streams.

>> No.9599155

ange, chiichan, nunbora. and i like chima's singing a lot. there are others i watch every now and then too.

>> No.9599562

I like apex addicts so I also watch chiichan and after the last vsaikyo with laugh maker I watch nyaraka sometimes now too

>> No.9600034

I was the opposite, I started watching girls only and slowly started to watch males more and more after I kinda got burned out and bored of female vtubers' usual antics and shticks until males were what I watched mostly, though I still watch a few females here and there depending on the hour and what they are streaming.
Used to watch the NijiEN girls too, but recently my interest decreased significantly, so I have been watching them less and going back to others I watched previously like Hayama, Levi and few other girls from JP, KR and ID, but males are becoming the majority of what I watch.

>> No.9601599
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>> No.9604163
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desu I used to avoid vtubers like the plague because I hated the way it was women trying to talk and act like anime girls (just not my thing, sorry), so it wasn't until I found the boys that I realized that's not all vtubers as a culture had to offer, so I almost exclusively watch them. Since getting into nijisanji as a whole, I'm subbed to and occasionally watch Toko and Ange as well, but they're really the only ones i watch without one of the boys being attached in some way. There are lots of girls I like at this point and am really happy to see during collabs, but I already have my hands full with the uhh fifteen boys I'm subbed to and watch regularly.

>> No.9604378

My sleep deprived brain can't comprehend what does that have to do with my post, but it's a Leos+Oliver image of the latter showing he is based, so I still like it.

>> No.9605216
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it hurts

>> No.9605345
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How perfect he is? I agree

>> No.9606084
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>> No.9606629

I started out watching mostly females from the other agency. But I always prefer dudes anyway so as soon as my JP reps are good enough I mostly switch away.
For females I watch Iinchou. Always tuned in to Levi and Chima's utawaku streams too. Can't say I'm a regular to any other particularly although I might watch them sometimes

>> No.9606741
File: 76 KB, 1280x1280, E_Cio-DVQAMFMea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meschers biggest love

>> No.9607819
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, j.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocosanji is too wacky for my taste but it has its moments

>> No.9609031

I mostly only watch the boys (and hskw utawaku because I love her voice+HoneyWorks) and Petra's JP streams

>> No.9609688
File: 306 KB, 1080x1021, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.9609704
File: 264 KB, 2048x1998, E_BgwJ_VcAMRF-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9609777

He really can't help himself can he. That cat will actually be named Kanae

>> No.9609899

i thought it was cute how he got all that pushback from his listeners about how gross it would be for him to actually name his cat after kanae, but he was essentially like "screw you guys i know it would make kanae happy!!!!!"

and now this. kanae would gladly be your cat, akina. (also everyone else's cat if he could.)

>> No.9612355
File: 244 KB, 2048x1536, 20210911_213330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staggeringly fitting trips
kanae likes being cute and attention from people worshipping him so being a cat sounds like his dream job

>> No.9614396

>Woke up
>Axia's still playing mahjong

>> No.9615087

He really wants that 2 consecutive win

>> No.9618576

I love my vampire wife today too!

>> No.9619372
File: 75 KB, 768x1024, E_DRR9WVkAEVpWQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Lauren such a bottom
I thought he's the top of Thronez at the start but now he's like the most bottom of the Eden gumi or even in the whole Nijisanji, even a female can peg him well

>> No.9621677
File: 707 KB, 1802x3099, roren is cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual trophy husband

>> No.9622724
File: 60 KB, 676x488, E9poIn7VUAkL-m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff his neck where he ties his hair and hug him from behind, bet he smells like cigarette and shampoo at the same time

>> No.9625948

Wtf. I just woke up too and he's still at it

>> No.9626362

He's been repeatedly cucked from his 2 consecutive wins

>> No.9628396
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>> No.9631210
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>> No.9631946

I was never a Thronez fujo, but this pic is doing things to me

>> No.9631973 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 568x748, 20210912_023126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does he count as a nijimale

>> No.9632228

Seems like Axia is starting to lose his braincells after 18 hours of mahjong

>> No.9632297

Honorary male, same as Tiffany.

>> No.9633222
File: 360 KB, 1100x1512, IMG_20210909_194415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shellin delayed new utattemita, the video isn't done yet...

>> No.9633547

While we wait for those who don't know Shellin has a Twitter moment of some utattemita snippets

>> No.9633929

A bit late here and I completely forgot to screencap it live, but he finally made it!

>> No.9634077

These endurance monsters...

>> No.9634083

I tuned in just as he was ending it.
Hope Axia channel has a good rest after the mahjong marathon

>> No.9634180

I'm glad he finally got his 2 wins after so many times being so close only to get upset later. He did sound a little tired at the end so I hope he gets his meal and sleeps plenty.

>> No.9635112
File: 1.05 MB, 3388x2416, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebio gonna school some kids today.

>> No.9635187

Looking forwards to them wrecking everything

>> No.9635816

All this Pokeyuna practice against 5 year olds did not seem to pay off... Lolen...

>> No.9635869


>> No.9635898

I stand corrected

>> No.9635986

Didn't his team win? I didn't watch the whole thing since I'm not a MOBAfag.

>> No.9636042

They were dying, then they got the Zapdos and curbstomped

>> No.9636078
File: 1.57 MB, 1986x2048, 90937483_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets gooo my boy calp them

>> No.9636261


>> No.9636283

I'm starting to realize I don't know how to tell who is winning, you can lose goals(towers)and still win. Or that dying doesn't really matter.

>> No.9637835

So many POVs...

>> No.9637920

https://youtu.be/39PNIIBwh2M for those who don't feel like watching the tournament, Mayuyu (with Hskw and Iinchou) will be on ID's anniversary event soon.

>> No.9637928

3D Mayuyu with iinchou and HSKW in a bit on ID's 2nd anni event stream
I think they're trying new food?

>> No.9639719
File: 116 KB, 2048x1273, E-sbZWgUYAoEmNt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9639793

That was fun. Giving Mayuyu tolak angin as Indonesian cuisine is such a peak ID bantz.

>> No.9641591
File: 368 KB, 2048x1151, IMG_20210912_142105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9642664

kuzuha beat his dad, now finals will be the battle between brother and sister, kuzuha vs ponpiman

>> No.9644269
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>> No.9644377

they should ban Kuzuha from any moba event in Nijisanji from now on lol

>> No.9644475
File: 3.37 MB, 600x338, fcda212d963fafbd45a33deb0d14b93c682a140a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like, whenever Zuha gets back to Eternal return (and he probably will whenever his main from the original game comes back) there is probably a chance for that game to also come

>> No.9646891
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>> No.9647207


>> No.9647544

Mameneco muse

>> No.9648428

that's my husband

>> No.9651634


>> No.9656995
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>> No.9660893
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>> No.9663720

I thought Kanae was done for the night but then he started playing Poker Chase
