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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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944043 No.944043 [Reply] [Original]

Back to Australia

>> No.944069 [DELETED] 

One less mutt in Nippon is a good thing.

>> No.944088
File: 495 KB, 1202x1500, 1614097735975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, if you realized, i have been avoiding Takamori art for the OPs post, i do this because the main focus is Kiara. Thank for reading my blog

>> No.944092
File: 129 KB, 827x1169, __shishiro_botan_hololive_drawn_by_ina_inadiary__9d1d54e1c704f84dae094c4c82e32991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yummy yummy chicken pussy is finger lickin good

>> No.944121

I noticed, its better this way

>> No.944144
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x4096, 1612934959684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a smart way to do it. It's like when you're meeting someone online and they give you a group pic so you're like oh...which one are you?
Kiara loves you and we love Kiara!

>> No.944156

Why did she move out of Japan?

>> No.944174 [DELETED] 

Gun laws are too strict for her tastes

>> No.944180

expired visa, most likely

>> No.944195
File: 434 KB, 1640x2360, 1608604464953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many guns

>> No.944198

Baka Gaijin hated by everyone.

>> No.944217

her visa expired and vtubing is not seen as a legitimate job for a working visa. Mori was able to get around it through some legal loopholes but kiara didn't really want to put in the work and it sounds like she sort of wanted to return to "Australia"

>> No.944237

If she seems rude to many Westerners she must seem absolutely insane to the Japanese.

>> No.944240

It's sad but somehow I think she's going to come out better than ever from this.

>> No.944248

would it be rude to ask her to yell at us in german in a superchat? I would be making a throwra for the chat.

>> No.944264

Too white

>> No.944279


>> No.944334

Passersby literally told her to kill herself when she walked in the streets in Japan.

>> No.944385

Going out so early in the thread, wow schizo

>> No.944459

dis. dey nip folx are raycis to us norml peeple

>> No.944476

that was bizarre. do you think he recognized her?

i lived in nippon for a few years and except for the "no gaijin allowed" signs i was treated better than i get treated in the states.

>> No.944516

Welp, looks like its time to take a break from this board

>> No.944548

Ghetto shitholes they call cities in Burgerland are not the highest bar to overcome there anon. Japanese customer service must be incredible really.

>> No.944569
File: 163 KB, 912x470, australia tralve pre chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mised the first 40 minutes, but here's the travel pre chat so far
Australia told the pre-chat to stop being retarded

>> No.944583
File: 22 KB, 708x339, look who woke up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.944713
File: 683 KB, 929x720, RIP Chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake me when she returns

>> No.944749

eating weirdly overpriced food at layover airports is something that i miss from pre-covid days. hope tenchou makes it safe.

>> No.944819

I'm just glad she's finally gone.

>> No.944835

And he keeps going funnily enough

>> No.944860

Thanks for the remainder, stay safe anons

>> No.944865

>Japanese customer service must be incredible really

i am genuinely surprised they don't offer to give you blowjobs with how crazy over the top the majority of customer service reps are.

>> No.944912

You can do that in the south still in burgerland.

>> No.944926

There's nowhere to fly to in the south.

>> No.944956

>tfw even if cosplay conventions were a go, you'd still never find a Kiara because she's unique

There's something really cute about the voice she had back in the day compared to her most recent one
she was so much cuter

>> No.944959

plenty of tourist places in the south.

>> No.945009

God DAMN this girl is negative

>> No.945017

I was leaving then going back.

>> No.945141

Thats what I mean, the difference is night and day and the second one isnt even the best example of her voice

>> No.945198

That's just mic quality honestly. She's using the same voice but her new mic is much more accurate and less smooth. It's like the difference between 192kbps audio and lossless audio. It's not the same thing going on but the point is in the first case the waveform will be cut down a lot and quality will be lost, giving a very uniform and smooth sound, like in radio.

>> No.945240

yes 100% agree

>> No.945279

I think its probably the mixer, I mentioned before but she uses the same settings as Ame, and lately Ame`s voice is pretty grating to me

>> No.945284

It's all part of the scam, you're supposed to want to cheer her up

>> No.945375

>December 16th 2021

>> No.945457

Well it's working because I'll always support her At least I got my like so she read it. Like, everyone feels regrets girl, even if your plan worked out I bet you'd still feel salty

>> No.945477

Shes kayaking home

>> No.945479

New how?

>> No.945527


yeah I noticed that too. wtf is that about?

>> No.945552

Have you retards never seen a free chat before

>> No.945570
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Also on another note there's something nice about knowing she's insecure and still growing up...

>> No.945844

>her visa expired and vtubing is not seen as a legitimate job for a working visa
WRONG. With the money she's making it would be simple to bring her back on an entertainer visa sponsored by covercorp.
She is on a special youth visa that can't be extended any more.

>> No.945959

yeah, the specific visa she had cannot be extended. it was possible for her to ride out her original visa and re-apply for a new work visa with the help of Cover, but she chose not to do that because she wanted to go back home for family and pets. but at this point it's just bickering over minor details that don't matter.

>> No.946407
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anon i 100% agree with you. its nice to find someone with similar taste. would you mind meeting up IRL to discuss things further?

>> No.946684
File: 33 KB, 459x459, C37FA445-7404-4D6D-81B2-FA09FC40B087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong she’s my oshi because the first time I watched her she was on the verge of tears and that got me attached to her for some reason?

>> No.946743

Only if the reason you watch her is to see her sad, If you want to see her grow and get better its not a problem.

>> No.946912

this. saviorfagging is fine as long as you want her to get (and stay) better. if you want her to get sad just so you can nurse her and repeat that over and over then yeah, you should take meds.

>> No.947045

No, I want her to be happy and I don’t think such a sweet and passionate girl like her deserves the sadness that she has

>> No.947199

She's made plenty of friends in hololive (inb4 rrat that Kiara actually killed Gura's family or something because one time Gura was quiet in a minecraft collab), so she's got that going for her.

>> No.947268


>> No.947297

Can't believe she got deported. I would've figured Cover would help her get a work permit or something.

>> No.947515
File: 200 KB, 878x768, C7219487-CA65-487B-B5CC-C45D6C104240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Kiara to be happy and I want to be with her but I know I wouldn’t be able to make her happy. It’s a complicated feeling...

>> No.947641
File: 175 KB, 296x272, eitherDrunkOrSmugPickOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject gosling
become f r i e n d f a g

>> No.948082

I remember there was some weird explanation of why PewDiePie became so popular, and it involved him moving from one country to another and doing something dramatic to the Youtube algorithm. If things haven't changed, Kiara might be looking at an increase in popularity in the future.

>> No.948175
File: 92 KB, 850x1200, AEAC08B9-D50A-484E-A89C-5E0A0A4C2DE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts...

>> No.948367

That's a really old version, and she probably won't stop targeting USA weekend primetime.

>> No.948388
File: 402 KB, 816x816, 1604942849579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want Kiara to be happy
That's KFP's raison d'etre anon. The whole point of being her fan is to see her be successful and happy in the end.
>I want to be with her but I know I wouldn’t be able to make her happy
Understandable but that's beyond our control anon. For all we know she may decide to end up single and isolate herself with her cats.
Whatever she decides we have to respect it

>> No.948738
File: 15 KB, 200x200, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For all we know she may decide to end up single and isolate herself with her cats.
thats probably whats gonna happen considering her past.
god i hope not. i dont want her genes to die out.
i want my grandkids to simp for her grandkids

>> No.948762

One Phoenix wing flap per hour. She take a chill glide to Europe.

>> No.948995

Bros I need a sweet song that reminds you of Kiara. Give me your best.

>> No.949012
File: 67 KB, 464x503, 1613408153397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Cuntland and not back to EU? I'm confused.

>> No.949113


>> No.949220


>> No.949476

>With the money she's making it would be simple to bring her back on an entertainer visa sponsored by covercorp.
why the fuck would Cover even bother in doing this if she can perfectly just work at any place?

People here seems to believe that it's really easy to get a VISA in Japan but even people with family and stable work struggles to renew their VISA every year.

>> No.949518

She's going back to southern Germany.

>> No.949564

My RPG nerd is showing but I don't care.

>> No.949642


>> No.949654

She went back to Australia for more birth control pills

>> No.949663


>> No.949667

Referring to Austria as Australia is a meme dating back to at least the Josef Fritzl incident, if not earlier.

>> No.950672

my grandma is German and heard her speaking once.

She said she has a rather thick country accent.

she was also disappointed to learn i was watching an anime girl and not talking to some friend.

>> No.950890


>> No.951008
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At least we got some vacuuming out of the latter.

>> No.951119

Kiara IS your friend, anon

>> No.951205

She's my favorite because I watched her bounce back in the next stream

>> No.951215
File: 539 KB, 508x724, 1607405518165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All top tier songs. Thanks. I'll listen them on repeat.
I wish I could provide something as cultured but the only thing that comes to mind is

>> No.951360

>I want to be with her but I know I wouldn’t be able to make her happy.
That why you're ngmi.

>> No.951496

>Kiara is back in Austria
Is she finally happy bros?

>> No.951574

I dont think she is even flying yet anon

>> No.951625

Then she is at the airport. She just tweeted recently about it.

>> No.951638

Kawaii white lion was at her apartment 4 hours ago.

>> No.951717

Shishiron? Really? I didn't even know they were talking.

>> No.951721
File: 1.47 MB, 400x560, 1591211805904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go through the trouble of obscuring her schedule to avoid an airport scene
>Tweeting about it?
I'm not a social media person but this seems sus fren.

>> No.951761

chickin brain

>> No.951763

I doubt she really is, she went trought a lot of trouble to hide when she was going.

>> No.951845


>lol what a stupid bait
>check twitter just in case
>mfw she ACTUALLY did tweet about it and made a selfie at the airport

is she really that stupid? like WHY???
i dont understand. is this 69D chess or something? is she trying to confuse stalkers???

>> No.951935

I don't know anon, she can be pretty smart sometimes. Maybe she really is trying to confuse them or really is just plain stupid. We'll never know until she gets back.

>> No.951980

i think she is a birdbrain

>> No.952047

Anon, 4 hours ago Botan tweeted that she would go to kiaras house to help her with her pc. Botan probably tweeted that in advance so she probably took at least half an hpir to an hour to get in Kiaras place, since roughly an hour later Kiara tweeted at Botan thanking her for going to her rescue. They probably took at least an hour to chat and pack her pc. That would make a very strict timeline, it would also mean she scheduled her flight with almost no time for Botan to help her. Remember she doesnt know a thing about pcs so I doubt she wanted Botan to come with little time left. Schizo mode off

>> No.952076
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 8D81F0E6-8C25-4C7D-8415-AA84CFAE1458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been trying desperately to avoid looking at her roommate’s Twitter for awhile now so I can’t confirm if this is the case (and god I hope it’s not), just remember that we love this chicken because she’s retarded, not in spite of it.

>> No.952104

I forgot that Botan also said she might be late for her stream due to this and she didnt start streaming yet

>> No.952113

Based adiddas Lion slinging tech support for snatch.


>> No.952130

She missed home.

>> No.952149

Might member Botan because I've always liked her model anyways.

>> No.952160

She is going to Austria, it's a meem

>> No.952207

I like Botan, her streams are pretty chill. Its a good contrast to Kiara

>> No.952252
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>> No.952253

>I can’t confirm if this is the case (and god I hope it’s not),
sadly it is. she made a selfie at the airport, thinking now would be a cool time to look cute.

to be fair, she does look pretty hot in this one. but yeah, retarded.
UNLESS my theory from last thread is true. and shes already back in austria and all of this, including botan, is just staged.

>> No.952320
File: 492 KB, 3038x2648, 1614120118265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded with a heart of gold, the perfect women, she will be happy one day in no small part because of all the people that care for her

>> No.952331 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 730x411, kfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true what they say about her..?

>> No.952348

Me on the left

>> No.952374

The biggest benefit of not releasing a schedule is being able to be flexible on the week she has to get shit done and unsure when she can resume streams. In reality she has Jenma with her and once she passes immigration in the airport, stalkers are no longer a major concern.

>> No.952389

yes she steals at KFC
but thats supposed to be a secret, anon.

>> No.952391

Exif data on the selfie

>> No.952395
File: 360 KB, 600x337, 1613368298919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels like something Kiara would say. Ah well. Keep being you Kiara.

>> No.952396

even after she lands, i wouldn't expect a stream for a couple of days due to exhaustion and jetlag.

>> No.952402

Mawaru Peguindrum is the most cultured amine

>> No.952404

Me on the left

>> No.952438

>surely that thin women thats smaller than me will protect me from shizos

i mean, since shes already at the airport yeah i guess so. shes safe. until she lands at least.
tho i dont think austria has as many turbo autists as japan. plus she will blend in with the population. and her friends will most likely be waiting there as well.

>> No.952439

>retarded with a heart of gold, the perfect women, she will be happy one day in no small part because of all the people that care for her

>just remember that we love this chicken because she’s retarded, not in spite of it.

Words to live by
But by god she really can't live without social media
Just call your family or friends or something ffs

>> No.952473
File: 59 KB, 492x496, exposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a safe trip Kiara!

>> No.952476

She really cant, its kinda impressive

>> No.952510

Me on the right

>> No.952514

I'm actually both of them

>> No.952550

I'm in the corner, ready for cleanup.

>> No.952555


>> No.952576

With your tongue I hope

>> No.952590

lol dude no way she visits this board and soaks all that negative energy from shizos. that would imply shes a retar-

>> No.952606

chicken is retarded but that's another reason why i like her

>> No.952631
File: 142 KB, 993x582, Patchoutdoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I used to have a Facebook account, I felt like I was just updating to tell people about my work instead of just sitting down and working. If there's a way to do social media, I wasn't finding any way to be effective/practical with it.

>> No.952632 [DELETED] 

I really enjoy how much Kiara looks like her roommate.

>> No.952651

Kiara has low self esteem but is also a bit of a masochist.

she is gonna come here precisely because she knows so many people dislike her here.

I enjoy bullying her so i don't mind, but i hope she doesn't take it to heart.

>> No.952704

Despite the naysayers. She definitely does. She used the word "chimkin" on stream, which was only used consistently in /hlgg/ at the time.

>> No.952730

She admitted to still ego searching not long ago right? she has to be aware of this place at minimum.
The Takanashi Kiara threads are usually a hugbox and the occasional doxing is nothing new anyways. Only thing that could weird her out (or turn her on) is the amount of fans that want to marry her and give her babies.

>> No.952733
File: 114 KB, 1324x1228, 1614125588185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget as many people that exist to tear here down there also exists to defend her on this forum.
It probably feels great to have anonymous strangers defending you and telling others how much they love her.

>> No.952751

Nah. Chimkin is an old meme.

>> No.952771

Too much of a coincidence to be pulling out an old meme like that.

>> No.952783

>YWN fly to australia.
>YWN find where she lives
>YWN sneak up behind her at night
>YWN put a chloroform rag over her mouth
>YWN hire a smuggler to help you bring her home
>YWN confine her to your basement
>YWN force her to watch movies with you and eat your cooking to keep you company
why even live?

>> No.952785

Yeah, she definetely reads the anti threads, either here or in 5ch.

>> No.952790
File: 148 KB, 500x557, wat-wud-u-like-doggo-chimken-n-uggers-uhh-we-27641334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the type of reddit/facebook meme that she could pull though.
Not saying she's not here though

>> No.952793

Force of habit from using social media, its the same as how most abusers are your closest friends and not strangers.

>> No.952795

She said she doesn't care, but I would guess she checked out /vt/ when it launched. Safe to say she's not coming here anymore based on the sentiments she had about us before.

>> No.952807 [DELETED] 

>YWN find where she lives
Anonchama, about that...
Good thing she's moving soon.
Maybe I should send her a present beforehand (an actual present, not something creepy) Schizo mode off

>> No.952809 [DELETED] 

Her roommate hates guns and specifically said the NRA needs to be destroyed

>> No.952810 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 400 bewk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she did browse here, what could she hope to find? All we do is post funny memes and songs and troll each other.

>> No.952812

Everything she says is a meme.She's so well-versed in English memes, I'm pretty much forced to believe she browses the chans religiously.

Also wasn't her roommate a dedicated shitposter on the cosplay board?

>> No.952815 [DELETED] 

O god, dont tell me.

>> No.952835 [DELETED] 

Sad if true, why does her roommate have to be so cringe.

>> No.952842
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 400 bewk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she did browse here, what would she hope to find? All we do is troll each other, and post memes, songs and funny pictures.

>> No.952850 [DELETED] 

She has a japanese stalker who hates her, I'm fairly sure he has doxxed the shit out of her.

It's a good thing she's going home, this guy's a schizo.

>> No.952851

chikin bren

dude, she stalks her pre-chat for hours without commenting anything, and pre-chat behaves like 13 years old for the most part. She could totally stalk us who act more around her age and she could even post occasionally, as we suspect she does

>> No.952855

i want to like kiara, but her roommate ruins her for me.

>> No.952863 [DELETED] 

The weird thing is how much she posts about American politics when she lives oceans away

>> No.952866
File: 123 KB, 563x1218, 1614111858830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a women and women are generally more sensitive to the group and trying to fit in/gain social status.
she is just mimicking those opinions that she feels are approved by the group for social points, that is all.
if she dated a guy who was in to guns she would be at the range every Sunday and love it

>> No.952872

I was talking about australian address, not japanese one

>> No.952877
File: 63 KB, 181x179, 1405663852110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I had to delet the post to fix the link because I'm about to go to bed and the sleep brain is setting in.

>> No.952895

wtf why

>> No.952900

Kiara please leave, there’s nothing of value for you here

>> No.952919 [DELETED] 


>> No.952928

She's fucking LOVES Colbert, that's why. Colbert was the inspiration behind Holotalk.

Bernie 2024 (・ω・)つ!

>> No.952939 [DELETED] 

I've messaged rick because I was curious, he's a lonely gook but apparently she made up a lot of the shit, she never filed a police report, he said she flipped out at him and called the nearby police, but because the both of them were drunk the police officers treated her like a spastic woman and told them both just to go home, and she just convinced herself more happened for sympathy

>> No.952943

That roommate selfie is not an airport. Looks like a trainstation to me.

>> No.952958 [DELETED] 

I don't think that's the truth at all.

>> No.952974

I'm willing to believe this, is sounds like a plausible story.

>> No.952999

stop trying to turn me into an anti! it won't work!

>> No.953015 [DELETED] 

I mean I was DeepL translating it but the general gist is that the police told her that the both of them were creating a public disturbance, rick was never arrested

>> No.953020

can't wait for my Kiara monologue about being less orange than trump

>> No.953031

Japanese police won't follow up on anything but the most heinous crimes committed against foreigners so i would not be surprised if the police called her a spaz and told her to go home.

>> No.953061 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 1187x846, proof it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no its fake, also samefag


>> No.953070

I don't know who's more retarded, you for taking his story at face value or Kiara in general.

>> No.953072 [DELETED] 

The way tenchou tells it, the police told her without an assault there was nothing they could do.

So all the stalking, all the doxing, all the abuse is just ignored. He showed up to a thing she did recently as her roommate alongside a former kouhai, the guy's whacko.

>> No.953075 [DELETED] 

She was at some sort of after event party with her fans, the both of them got drunk, he tried kissing her and she freaked out and started throwing shit in the restaurant at him, police were nearby because they do fuck all in nip land and they basically told the both of them to apologize to the restaurant and to go the fuck home

>> No.953095

>tfw no yandere tenchou gf

>> No.953101 [DELETED] 

I'm the first and 4th post, and unfortunately I can't, mods consider it "trolling"
Advance search her roommates twitter and search for the phrase "NRA"

>> No.953117
File: 23 KB, 359x114, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti! anti!

>> No.953123

What a great thread we have here, full of doxx, rrats, retards and schizo posting. Clean this shit up meido.

>> No.953129 [DELETED] 

She threw a onions sauce bottle at him

>> No.953160 [DELETED] 


>> No.953163
File: 35 KB, 419x295, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people so schizoid in this board?

>> No.953175 [DELETED] 

Mods ruled it's not doxxing, but "trolling"

>> No.953230 [DELETED] 

He's not really a stalker, he's kind of just bored, he streams most of his shit

>> No.953244 [DELETED] 

so if i stream it, it is not stalking? Thanks for the advice bro

>> No.953251 [DELETED] 

That's... not true..?
I searched with NRA, nra, gun and america and none of those gave any results like that.
Do you just expect people to believe your rrats so blindly that they won't actually bother checking?

>> No.953261

The mods are shit then.

>> No.953268

Trolling is also against the rules but fuck if that's ever been enforced.

>> No.953273
File: 12 KB, 572x175, nice try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.953289 [DELETED] 

Depends if you're in a competent country, anon. I think most would just download all your vods and play 50 hours of them to a jury.

>> No.953304

she NEVER posts anything about politics, why do you indogs not understand that?

>> No.953309 [DELETED] 

I'll try to find it, she uses the Japanese word for it

>> No.953314 [DELETED] 

>I think most would just download all your vods
Like the schizo anon who has 71gb of roommate videos?

>> No.953322

ahh, he seems like a nice guy though. More like autism.

>> No.953331

Welp. fuck this, time for me to go. And go fuck yourselfs you doxxnigger retards

>> No.953330 [DELETED] 

advance search brazil (from:roommate)
with z, not s

>> No.953332 [DELETED] 

>"search for NRA"
>nothing shows
>"a-actually it's the japanese word for NRA just trust me bro"

>> No.953341

>being this new.
reply to my post and i too can screen that it wasnt me, retard.

>> No.953347 [DELETED] 

I mean the police would use streams against you. Her own channel has videos from 15 years ago, she's a very busy chicken.

>> No.953359 [DELETED] 

Here you go

>> No.953363


>> No.953369

I've heard some bad shit went down in Brazil for her.

>> No.953387

no even niggers attracted to her irl lmao

>> No.953392



>> No.953394 [DELETED] 

god damn it..

>> No.953412


>> No.953414 [DELETED] 

Yikes oof sweaty........

>> No.953417

You didn't need to share the roommate account (even if most of us know about it already anyways)

But thanks, I didn't know about that. Based Kiara, and also matches up with the profile I already had of her. Let's see /pol/ seethe

He was throwing a schizo episode in >>/vt/thread/S910353 asking for dox in the open

>> No.953424
File: 57 KB, 613x637, based-pheonix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.953429

>asked for evidence
>Provides evidence
he couldn't win could he?

>> No.953447 [DELETED] 

I wasn't attacking the poster, just using random buzzwords to express how this made me feel

>> No.953448

>Try being a mom
See? she supports trannies after all

>> No.953459

??? and? what does this have to do with blm, bernie or destroying nra or whatever you said? i still see no proof.

dont give me random words my man. give me a post where she says it lol

>> No.953465


>> No.953476 [DELETED] 

I don't like being called a liar, KFP's call literally everyone a liar, mods just ban us when you guys ask for evidence

>> No.953475

Oh, the 71gb schizo is here.

>> No.953482

which post I'm not reading the whole thing skimming for the one specific schizo you're talking about.

>> No.953486
File: 362 KB, 850x1276, 1613248561150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone seethe? no one cares what women think

>> No.953489
File: 876 KB, 1321x918, wholesome_camaraderie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think I'd ever post this outside of jp

>> No.953504 [DELETED] 

Use advanced search and type George Floyd

>> No.953506

considering she has a system of raising her surrogate children into crispy buckets, I don't think she's exactly a beacon of parenting herself...

>> No.953521

nothing wrong with that tweet

>> No.953524 [DELETED] 

Yo hold up, do you have a full version of that dude somewhere? I could only find him in screenshots of the racist chinese vtuber

>> No.953531

Tenchou wouldn't do that, the retirement package is a very generous price and comes with sweetcorn or gravy.


>> No.953548

Kiara will 100% cry on that flight home. Not even being mean just being honest. She's very emotional and this is going to be hard on her

>> No.953550

Thanks meido

>> No.953565
File: 7 KB, 375x108, newfren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using a screenshot to proof that you arent samefagging doesnt work. its super easy to trick that. thats what i meant

>> No.953582
File: 57 KB, 299x272, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.953586

Based Meido defending Tenchou from Schizos

>> No.953587

KFP: Now offering fish sticks!

>> No.953600

I dont see why people sperg over rooommate posts,even if it is political,as long as its not on kiaras account why should i care?

>> No.953610

/pol/ fags are the most fragile fucks ever

>> No.953611

Based separation of art and artist desu

>> No.953620
File: 649 KB, 1484x1529, am_template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't save the original artwork but I do still have the template.

>> No.953632

Its retarded, the whole concept of vtubers is based on ignoring roommate stuff and enjoying a cute anime avatar doin cute anime things. Why would I willingly break keyfabe?

>> No.953639

If you're being reasonable, no one should give a fuck about their roommate opinions. But reason is not in regular supply...

>> No.953640 [DELETED] 
File: 613 KB, 760x559, 2fA7XAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fucking racist rightoids

>> No.953645

is shows who they really are. i was giving her the benefit of the doubt, but now that some fag actually provided evidence for the political claims i am definitely canceling my membership and stop sending my akai supas

>> No.953647

This wouldn't mean anything on her own, but remember that she also pulled out:
-Subaru stalker (granted, could be 5ch)
-Gura hates Kiara rrat, very popular local exclusive vintage (try putting that on reddit without getting your post deleted)
-Lurked in some place pre-debut where they were discussing HoloEN, laughing at how they didn't know she was already there (reddit wasn't, twitter isn't centralized, 5ch was obsessed with Aloe)
-Found out about the discord yab (taken down barely half an hour after /hlgg/ screenshotted that single frame), talked about looking at reactions and how some people overreacted so damn much (unless you believe Jenma also visited and somehow decided it would be fun to relate to her in lurid detail all the 4chan posts, she probably came here afterwards to see what went down)

>> No.953658
File: 43 KB, 400x417, this is totally legit btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point is that 99% of them are made up. and you gotta defend that. remember to always ask for proofs. dont be a passiv cuck in the corner

1. almost always there is no proof
2. at the chance that there is proof, its already known and month old news.
3. 0,0001% chance that a claim is true. which is a good thing. proof delivered = add to collection of information. nothing wrong with that.

tl;dr ask for proofs when someone makes a claim

>> No.953660
File: 1.34 MB, 1520x1759, 1614119731419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gone for like an hour, what the fuck is happening?

>> No.953661
File: 786 KB, 2944x4096, EvBqAM_VEAMpc91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.953664


>> No.953678

LOL who cares

>> No.953679

Look at the sincere joy in that man's smile.
Based tenchou bringing light to people's lives through thiccness

>> No.953680 [DELETED] 

99% are correct, whenever we post proof you guys report us

>> No.953683

kiara, probably.

>> No.953687

>akai supas

>> No.953707

You could also not fall for bait

>> No.953712 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ, it's all making sense

>> No.953730

Post some of them then. I want to see her political tweets.

>> No.953750


>> No.953752

a guy just did this and got banned

>> No.953763

nice pits

>> No.953773 [DELETED] 

>the fried chicken restauranteur is anonically the first BLACKED vtuber
You couldn't make this shit up

>> No.953786


>> No.953792
File: 164 KB, 2048x1536, EsnJZVqUUAAzeJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numerous of the threads are shitstorms right now.
Oh, would you look at the date.

>> No.953793 [DELETED] 

You just reported the guy and he got banned, it's all correct shit, you guys keep covering it up

>> No.953808

we all already knew that didn't we?

>> No.953809
File: 716 KB, 1000x800, proof it faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. still didnt see any proofs. what was it again? she wants to destroy the NRA. i see zero proofs.
she was a blm whore? zero proofs. all she did was saying it should be talked about ( george ) wow what a nigger loving whore. also this has been known for like 3 months or something. no proofs of her being an blm activist either.

what else was there what you always claim? shes a child escort or something like that? what was the source on that again? a literal plain text that can be edited on the spot from a mad chink with a RANDOM cosplay kiara photo attached? amazing.

what did i miss?

>> No.953822

You're starting to catch on, maybe now try not being a doxnigger in the first place

>> No.953839 [DELETED] 


>> No.953850

i'm the guy in the pic btw

>> No.953858 [DELETED] 

It doesn't mean the shit doesn't exist anon lol
It just means KFP's are afraid

>> No.953876
File: 845 KB, 4096x2301, Eu-v-HYUcAA-A8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New art on the arrival lobby waiting room.

>> No.953889

?... yeah? shes at a cosplay convention and a nigger makes a photo. HOW is she a blm activist? if he was white you would say shes a nazi activist? lol

>> No.953907 [DELETED] 

She made over a dozen posts about BLM and criticized Japanese people for not caring about it, give up anon

>> No.953911

what does tenchou smell like? The gravy she uses for shampoo?

>> No.953927

Not that guy but I'd like threads that weren't doxniggers and people who are dumb enough to reply to doxniggers.

>> No.953931

if the political posts bother you, report her to cover. No point shitflinging here unless you find it fun.

I have reported actual problems to them and they are extremely responsive. Even got me a $100 credit for geekjack


>> No.953943

Why would they do anything? It's not like she was talking about politics on any of her streams or her official social media accounts.

>> No.953949

Doxxniggers only want to rile people up and get (you)s

>> No.953965

one of them claimed she was talking about politics on a watch along? IDK.

although truthfully cover seems like it doesn't want anything to do with politics right now so they may actually take action

either way idc

>> No.953966 [DELETED] 

and? she is a women who is signaling support for the dominant ideology. If this was the 1930's and in her home country she would be a signaling her support for Hitler.

>> No.953976

>I have reported actual problems to them and they are extremely responsive. Even got me a $100 credit for geekjack


>> No.953983


>> No.953984

Yall look so dumb trying to get her fans to go against her and even dumber that its working

>> No.953993

I linked them a bunch of the Anti streams of bloom.

>> No.954007


>> No.954008

Anon, I swear to God, shut up and stop responding to the doxxniggers

>> No.954013 [DELETED] 

She's a lolcow anon, you are just going to have to accept it
>political shit isn't lolco-
She fakes her stalker issues, her phones being stolen,"all my issues are because of anti's"
She's one of those teenage girls who says their Instagram got hacked when their dumbass forgot the password, so she makes shit up for attention, except she's almost 30

>> No.954022

It's normal for women to sperg about such stuff, they are social animals. You either accept it or find next one which doesn't care about politics at all, but this in itself will lead to other issues.

>> No.954025

that doesnt make her an BLM activist. both my aunt and uncle had george hashtags when it happened. and i can assure you they are definitely not pro immigration, pro commie or left in any way.
its the same shit all over again with kiara. you guys cherry pick some random posts, exaggerate the fuck out of it, and make up stories about her. i looked thoroughly through her twitter, and there is nothing that makes me think shes antifa/commie/blm activist or whatever it is you claim

>> No.954028
File: 39 KB, 172x151, 1599940566643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dominant ideology
>thinking loud means domiannt
>unironically thinking countries outside of the US give a shit about US racial politics
>even more unironically thinking it will ever have any effect on a predominantly homogenous population (e.g. Japan)

>> No.954035


>> No.954037

I don't care retard.

>> No.954036 [DELETED] 

I agree with that other anon, prioritize your mental health right now, I get the cognitive dissonance is hitting hard, but you can get through the truth anon

>> No.954040

These imbeciles, holy shit. They're giving the doxniggers the (You)s they want for shit that doesn't even matter anymore.

>> No.954047
File: 48 KB, 622x629, 20201003_015306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she has a pleasant flight. God I love her.

>> No.954048

Weird, I feel the same about long train journeys. You hear people moaning about being late etc but I just like to relax in tiny station cafe's drinking weak coffee and eating stale cakes. For some reason I find it comforting.

>> No.954050 [DELETED] 

She's the only one in hololive that does this

>> No.954052

Its just one retard, he is in every Kiara thread giving (You)s to antis. Holy fuck I hope its a falseffag

>> No.954067

I guess it matters more if you have to be someplace, but being on a train is pretty nice.

>> No.954069

Clean this shit again meido

>> No.954070
File: 172 KB, 1379x911, 84652289573e8d76e9d600cc8839f308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Mori thread: Kiara & KFP love and support!

>> No.954084

I don't think it's a falseflag, there are some genuine morons that go around and give shitposter what they want. Mostly newfags though.

>> No.954087

normal people post on reddit. most of us are mentally ill in someway, i would not doubt that he is being serious

>> No.954089
File: 237 KB, 1453x879, 20210218_102232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!

>> No.954099
File: 1.34 MB, 1444x2048, 1614114515993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travel in general, train or airplane, is great. those moments where you are disconnected from the world and can have a few drinks and talk with a stranger who can't escape is wonderful.

>> No.954103

I guess so. FFS man get a grip

>> No.954108 [DELETED] 

>Fuck brexit, no deal
>vote against bolsonaro guys
>American cops are shit
>black people in America get killed every 5 days for nothing
>CNN reporter was arrested because he wasn't white
>Trump was a joke at first but now he's a fucking piece of shit
>Why don't you japanese people care about George Floyd
>The problem isn't just Trump, the NRA won't go away
>omg i love bernie sanders

>> No.954134


>> No.954136

Again, who gives a fuck as long as she keeps it away from the Kiara character

Also this is what 90% of euros think about american politics anyway

>> No.954137 [DELETED] 

There's about 5 of you delusional KFP's that see the mounting yabai shit against Kiara but don't care, while the rest of the thread are anons who actually care and are finding out for the first time

>> No.954140
File: 782 KB, 1280x720, 20210225_013111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cares and loves us and thats what matters

>> No.954152

The ones who can't stop bringing up roommate stuff to disparage Kiara are the following:
>sub 85 IQ SEAnigs.
>Trannies who have been seething over her for 10 years.
Honorary mention:

>> No.954155

As a euro (UK) I can vouch for this. We legit don't understand what is going on in america.

>> No.954157 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara supports BLM?

>> No.954163 [DELETED] 

The anon that got banned showed how earlier, use advanced search, she says it all in Japanese so search the words in Japanese

>> No.954170


>> No.954173
File: 41 KB, 500x500, I want to murder your soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again. You haven't learned anything. If your spirit refuses to learn, perhaps your flesh will prove more reasonable.

How should I torture you for these sins you're commiting? What suffering would purge and purify you most properly? Don't attempt to answer. It's not a question. You have no say.

Maybe I should render you impotent. I would, little by little, diminish your universe. I would cut your tendons so you couldn't move. Not all at once, of course, but one by one, so that you could savor your fate. I would take one eye out or one ear, rip your tongue off chunk by chunk, or take out teeth, fingers or toes one day at a time. I would castrate you, dissect your penis and testicles, make sure sure you would see them and what state I leave them in. I would open your chest, break your ribs, take your beating heart out, show it to you and ask "Do we know who you are now? Is this the true you? Next up is your bones, I want to see what's beneath your marrow." No anesthetics of course, just enough medicine so you won't pass out or die from shock.

But maybe instead... I know! Let's put something inside you! Rats! Would that not be fitting? Rats are intelligent creatures. Certainly, they deserve to live more than you do. I would put them under your stomach. I know they could dig themselves out. I would put a metal jacket around your torso so that they could not escape easily. They would only go up or down. If they went down, they would eat through your intestines, reach your kidneys and bladder, destroy your lower portion so that you could no longer shit or piss, and then your penis and testicles. In the process I'm sure they would urinate and defecate themselves, inside of you.

But oh, if they went up... They would have to go through your stomach, tearing it open so that its acids would flood the rest of your body, mixing with your blood. They would then go through your lungs. Have you ever had a lung punctured? It's much like a balloon, once it's pinched, all of it deflates, making it useless, letting you only one to breathe with. If you were lucky, they would go through your heart, and end your pain there. But I hope they only lightly graze it, giving you short cardiac arrests. Then they might get out through your shoulders, but frankly, you deserve more. They should ascend through your throat, destroying your voice, which you've only known to misuse, forever. Then they could go out through your mouth, but they should go further up, dig through your palate, and into your brain! Rats in the brain! At last your destiny would be at its climax, the poetry of your life complete! You would babble still, but now it would be innocent nonsense, rather than the putridness that you post today.

Doxxer, you deserve the worst. It is not enough that you suffer. I will livestream your death. Dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands will see you destroyed and degraded. Oh, it will be one for the books. That will be your true punishment. Your pain will not be momentary, but will be remembered. You will be a legend! But of course, I will not give a reason for why it happened. No one will ever know. I will make sure that your face is destroyed and your body is never found. Your name will not be known. You will not even serve as a cautionary tale, your pain will be pointless. That is your just dessert. All that you are, all that you will ever be, will be defined by this torture. There will be nothing deeper to you. There will be no secrets and no truths to be founds. Maybe in your last moment, you will learn.

>> No.954183

Based Lunaito

>> No.954188

I wasn't entrapping anyone, but I had some fun conversations where I left easy exits.

>> No.954189

absolutely based

>> No.954191 [DELETED] 

Stop giving anti's attention, this is old news

>> No.954197
File: 254 KB, 1230x1116, 1614049827247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an empire in decay with a population that has been poisoned both chemically and ideologically with an elite that have sold the country out to foreign powers for a quick buck
what is not to get?
that being said thank god for kiara a bright spot in an otherwise bleak time

>> No.954198
File: 55 KB, 1077x395, 1613692237603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.954203


>> No.954209 [DELETED] 

Anon, when's the last time you even left your house without your mom?

>> No.954210

bro i told you i just did that. and this isnt new either. i already did all of the digging months ago

>its the same shit all over again with kiara. you guys cherry pick some random posts, exaggerate the fuck out of it, and make up stories about her.

>> No.954236


>> No.954247

based Lunaito in these dark times

>> No.954248 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to bait people to get banned, you know damn well all that is correct

>> No.954262

Lots of newfriends here.

>> No.954266
File: 599 KB, 2267x2160, Eu8hBAFVcAASzd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe travels!

>> No.954274 [DELETED] 

No shit, this is the /vt/ hugbox

>> No.954299
File: 453 KB, 2267x2160, Eu8imUnUUAETs2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954322

I'm surprised by the staggering amount of newfags that solely exist in this thread. I swear these fuckers started watching kiara in january or something.

>> No.954333

The anti threads are like this too, they have the same conversation every day.

>> No.954349

Is this not an anti thread?

>> No.954350

I want holo en gen 2 to have a /k/ sperg so fucking bad

>> No.954352


>> No.954369

I cant tell the difference

>> No.954375


>> No.954383

the anime + guns market is probably not going to be filled by anyone associate with a company. It would be a really good niche for an independent

>> No.954386

It was chill in the beginning

>> No.954398

Thats because the retards were sperging in HLGG during the collab

>> No.954409

Realistic FPS games, weapons discussion, war moving watchalongs, singing streams with military songs, all with her having multiple outfits for different nations/periods.

>> No.954425

no its not. i dont know if you are the guy, you probably are, but for the 1% chance that you arent, here is what he does:

>opens up 5+ threads EVERY FUCKING DAY
>posts in every thread trying to derail it and bring attention to kiara
>always posts anti kiara stories
>shes antifa member
>shes blm activist
>shes/was a child escort
>shes a commie
>shes pro tranny ( to piss off the right )
>shes anti tranny ( to piss off the left )
>she fucks hundreds of her fans
>shes pure lesbian
>she has a bf
>she ahs a black child

he also posts dox

every single fucking day. you telling me this is normal? also never posts proofs.
he also does the same thing as you, anon. because he is most likely the same person. he cherrypicks a random post, exaggerates the fuck out of it, and then makes up stories around it.
see pic that was posted above 10 mins ago.
>kiara at cosplay convention
>makes pic with random dude who happens to be black
>proof she has gangbang with nigs every day and hates white people

do you know what i mean?

>> No.954431

The non anti Kiara thread is always the one that just has her name in it plus some non bait image plus maybe quick line relating to what’s going on lately. The anti threads almost always have some bait question attached that’s ostensibly for discussion but if you’ve been here since the (very recent) birth of this board you’ll know those always attract a lot of antis, falseflaggers and newfriends who don’t know how to ignore bait yet. Sometimes the anti threads don’t even hate on Kiara they just shit on other Holos while praising knowing that it’ll attract some hate her way.

>> No.954456

I think he was joking because of the state of this thread. Also doxxniggers have been sperging all day about Kiara

>> No.954459

>the retard gets emotional and keeps biting
one of the sole reasons these threads have a high chance to shit the bed very fast

>> No.954470

My bad, didn't mean to reply to you.

>> No.954472

This fucking guy should just be permabanned already, he annoys me more than the doxnigers

>> No.954481

It is now.

>> No.954513

He's one of the reasons why doxniggers are still around. If fucking l***** locked the thread since they can't find more dirt on her, why is this moron getting offended over shit that doesn't matter anymore?

>> No.954517

He seems to do a few then change his IP for a few.

>> No.954541
File: 184 KB, 201x430, 1613524124190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some images, faggots. This is an imageboard after all.

>> No.954555
File: 1.31 MB, 1919x1080, 1614022401695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954559
File: 68 KB, 973x171, MY DOG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuauxv1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954561
File: 905 KB, 4096x2305, 1599909899264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternally relevant for these shitty threads

>> No.954567

because i enjoy disproving claims. youre on 4chan dude. everyone here is some kind of an autistic shizo. i just happen to enjoy to reply to doxniggers and aks them to prove their claims. this isnt about "getting baited". i like to keep the discussion going. i want to discuss with them so i can disprove them. and if they happn to be right, its a win for me too. another addition to my collection.

>> No.954579

Forgot to removed the joke name.

>> No.954601

Anon, I will give you a (you). I dont say this lightly but you are really and unironically mentally ill. Seek professional help

>> No.954620


>> No.954663

i was never tested for it, but since im here.. yeah, probably.
dont judge
you most likely have it too fren

>> No.954668
File: 696 KB, 2133x1200, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_berryverrine__b1c5f5cda78068d07d4d9e5ad310528e_scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scaled and jpeged but should be on danbooru

>> No.954714
File: 582 KB, 616x887, 10chou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954726

>No, "Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight," pic.
3/10 thread.

>> No.954730

This chicken ate a little too much wings

>> No.954896
File: 145 KB, 456x368, 1613340638000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all the images you got? Weak.

>> No.954952

That's me in the corner

>> No.955099

That's me in the spotlight

>> No.955520

Freechatless virgins

>> No.955709

Yeah I didn’t catch that because I was mostly skimming through the thread.
No worries. I figured as much

>> No.955739

I swear to god I see you all the time in every Kiara thread, anti or otherwise. Please chill. I’m pretty sure the antis all take getting you to seethe as a win. Even more so if it makes Kiara look bad because of how overboard you’re going.

>> No.955760
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>> No.955778
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Thanks deadbeat. Love me some reaper

>> No.955800

So cute


>> No.955801

People in this thread... Give a shit about a room mate and not the actual character... As long as she keeps it out of Kiara why do you guys care?

>> No.955876

Guys I'm gonna make KFP in rimworld wish me luck

>> No.955913

Are you telling me when you find out that an actor is a trash person IRL It doesn't effect anything? You'll still support their endeavors no matter what?

>> No.955929

I'll support it if I like it. If its shit then its shit.

>> No.956026

I find this a weird mentality. If I like what an artist makes I'll enjoy it. If they make garbage then I won't. Who they are as a person, their opinions, their history, whatever, all of this means very little to me because they are not my friend.

>> No.956147

Many people have been saying this all along about vtubers but some people still think absolutely everyone is trying to get into their pants for some godforsaken reason. I support someone because I want something from them - in this case, entertainment. They give it to me, I'm glad to give them attention and money. What they do outside of that fundamentally doesn't matter.

>> No.956187
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i dont seethe. i make them seethe. because im baiting them into posting dox. and if they dont post proof, they loose too. so no matter what, its a losing battle for them. the thing is tho, 99% of the stuff about kiara is made up, mixed with 1% truth. and that 1% truth is cherry picked with random posts that range from a few months to many years old, then exaggerated.
i cant really explain it but i just enjoy playing with these people. i dont "hate" them or anything.

i would do it even if i wasnt a kiara fan. me being a kiara fan is just a huge bonus.
also this: >>955913 is 100% true. when someone is a shitty person IRL you shouldnt support him. if an actor is a pedo IRL you should hate on him, even tho you really really like the character he played in your fav movie.
the thing is, there are many new people here. who swalloow rrats like its nothing.
lots of /pol/tards as well as actual trannies. they get easily baited in rrats and turn into antis.

no one of you passive cucks does anything about it.
>muh ignore
they will grow in size. one day you 5 people here will be alone in a sea of raging antifaggots because you didnt do anything.
i understand that by replying to bait you kinda shit up the thread a bit. but yeah.
either way its up to you. i will keep on defending kiara not for the sake of defending, but because i enjoy it. and thats the most important thing. always do what you enjoy. dont fall into hatred or you will end up like the indogs.

>> No.956273

You support a worker who makes a bread. You support a person who makes you socks. You even support people who make electronic devices for you. What is he is BLM or NAZI sympathizer? Are you really that stupid? I pay them 5$ a month to get additional content. Weather it's good or not - up to me to decide what I find entertaining. I don't care who does what in their free time.

>> No.956396

hmmm, i don't know about any of this dude. you seem fucking crazy.

>> No.956449

>within HoloEN, when someone says singer they think of Mori
>but I wish they’d think of me too as a singer
Not to be mean to Kiara but she’s just a bit better than the average in Hololive when it comes to singing, so she doesn’t exactly shine (at least with what she has shown us so far). If it makes her feel better, I’m pretty sure people see Mori more as a rapper than a singer.

>> No.956513

Mori is not a great singer and even as a rapper she's nothing exceptional. Apologies if any of you really like her music. They see her as a musician though because she's always working on new music. If kiara wants that reputation all she has to do is devote similar time to jt.

>> No.956531

To stand out she should use her normal voice. other than that it's just anime pop music.

>> No.956736


>> No.956920

I'm pretty sure Gura's name comes up more if we're talking about EN singers. And it's a tough comparison, for sure. It doesn't help that she sings mostly in Japanese, which might pander to weebs and idolfags but alienates her from more general audiences.
Can she sing? Yes, but it's not her core appeal. She's like a lot of other holos in that respect, even the most popular ones. Fubuki and Senchou have their original songs that they worked hard on too, but you won't hear much about them as a new person entering into the fandom or even as someone fully in the hole.

>> No.956974

Mori’s voice was pretty clean when she sang acapella during her 1M Endurance stream. The thing is, what Kiara really lacks is control. Her voice is decent enough but she doesn’t know how to control her voice and often goes flat. If she’s really serious about being a singer, I wish she’d take singing/voice lessons again just like the JPs regularly do.

>> No.956999

She really loves jpop idols and just wants to be recognized as a singer like them I think. So it doesn't even really matter how good she is.

>> No.957129

If she removed her limiters she would probably known as a singer but she refuses.

>> No.957178

Forgot to finish my thought here.
If she really wants to be known as a singer, she needs to go hard on her singing reps again (the way she can hold notes makes it obvious she's had vocal training before) and find a producer that will help her make a standout hit.

>> No.957422

Guys, as a yuro, I can't stress enough how much of a nothingburger Kiara's political comments in the past were. She's a woman, she's compassionate, so she just said what she thinks is best in the situation given that she's one of those people who tweets every single thought that comes to mind.
Who cares? As evidenced by her career in Hololive, she's so much more than that. I'm here for her cuteness and personality, not because my political beliefs align with hers.

>> No.957563

Preaching to the choir m8. And she’s a woman, so I don’t really expect her to be firm on any political beliefs

>> No.957711

Until she meets the Austrian stalkers on the other side

>> No.957750

Jesus christ peope, new thread at page 9

>> No.957806

Most people don't actually give a shit, it's just a few schizos trying to stir shit.
Though it's really funny trying to watch them trying to cancel her over her supposedly left-leaning views.

>> No.957862

I"m not sure why you feel you can talk for everyone. It is a bad feeling knowing an idol you really like would probably hate you because you have opposing political beliefs.

>> No.957883


>> No.957916
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>Got banned
>Keep going on politics
This is why /pol/faggots are sub-humans

>> No.957960

Sei freundlich, ich lerne Deutsch immer noch, deshalb gäbe es Fehler

Kiara die Vtuberin wird heute zurück nach Ôsterreich fliegen, und hat auf ihren echten (bzw. nicht Vtuberin) Twitter Konto geschrieben dass sie beim Japanischen Flughafen werden sein, oder schon worden ist.

Zwar kann man dazu sagen dass sie sicher gegen Japanische Stalker sein wird nachdem sie in Österreich ankommen ist.

Ich frage mich wie viele Fans zum Flughafen reisen werden, um sich zu verstecken und sie zu beobachten

>> No.957978

No one, they're late already, also try to figure out which airport she will arrive on EU, since the flight could land outside of the country

>> No.958225

New thread >>958217

>> No.958791

Wait until page 10 you dumb fucking chicken

>> No.960379

please spend less time on this board and spend more time doing things you actually enjoy, it's embarrassing to see someone who cares so much about what strangers on the internet say about your favorite streamer.
