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9423185 No.9423185 [Reply] [Original]

It's over...

>> No.9423463

but my life has just begun

>> No.9423487

happy birthday

>> No.9423737

Mumei Arc just started

>> No.9423801

Imagine slumming with her leeches. Disgusting.

>> No.9423873

Yes. I'll cum to Gura same time tomorrow.

>> No.9423913
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>Both talents want the interaction
>Both are from the same company

How dramafaggy do you have to be to seethe at this

>> No.9423912


>> No.9427225
File: 76 KB, 800x600, ReelEmIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9427248

Cumbuds really hate Mumei for some reason and the fact Gura likes her makes them seethe like crazy

>> No.9427664

Gura likes moomoo. We think she's boring as shit. That's the disconnect.

>> No.9427672
File: 11 KB, 213x202, 1602918464569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura (shy cute dumb moe) likes mumei (shy cute dumb moe)
>generals show that these fandoms are indeed almost the same people
>normiesphere also shows that it's mostly the same people
>Cumbuds really hate Mumei
Are falseflagging dramafags really like this?

>> No.9427725
File: 72 KB, 293x304, 1618710222906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's almost same as your oshi, anon, even the content is similar
if the rrat is true then they're literally identical
i dislike both of them, though, would be based if you shat on mumei aswell

>> No.9427780

>Cumbuds spam the board with Mumei hate thread for days on end
>Retard Fubuki posts "wtf it's just falseflaggers"
Nope, the falseflagger cope got BTFO anon, we know it's cumbuds

>> No.9427837

surely you can corroborate your statement

>> No.9427891

Previously Chuck's.

>> No.9428020

>Cumbuds spam the board with Mumei hate thread for days on end
literally 1 schizo.
is this your first time on this website?

>> No.9428285

Bold of you to assume it's just Chumbuds.
I made two hate threads and I don't watch Gura

>> No.9428343

I'm sure it's just coincidence every time we find one of you schizos you have a Gura avi on your twitter account

>> No.9428378

>a fucking twitter pfp is considered proofs
The absolute state of you people

>> No.9428451

>twitter avatar as evidence
/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.9428556

>Cumbuds unironically claiming that people set up fake Gura fan twitter accounts to make them look bad
Holy fucking cope

>> No.9428614

>Cumbuds really hate Mumei
Got any proof you aren't making that up?

>> No.9428792

>Holy fucking cope
[EN]: I never had an argument to begin with

>> No.9428994


>> No.9429088

What? It's not an argument it's a proven fact that the shitposters on here trolling are cumbuds, we've found the twitter accounts. All you said in response is that they must be fake because...? Listen Chumcucks are by far the shittiest fanbase with the worst people in it, we've known this since they went over and shit on Fubuki for getting beat to 1 million, no other fanbase in Hololive does shit like that. There are no "falseflaggers" you've just got to deal with the fact you're lumped in with the worst hololive fanbase.

>> No.9429366

>you're lumped in with the worst hololive fanbase
Nah, I don't have a Gura profile pic so I'm proven to not be a fan.
I get you're bored but at least think of something newer than 10 months old timeloops

>> No.9430881

cumsharts are normies

>> No.9432761

Mumei fans are mostly Takodachis that jumped ship as soon as the new, quiet demure girl came along.

>> No.9432919

how the fuck ina shares the same fanbase with someone who's her literal opposite, maybe except for their calm voices

>> No.9433025

They are, pls understand it's been almost 4 months since there's been any real drama in EN.They're so desperate for anything they're willing to use bait this shitty.

>> No.9433142

at least post the account or shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.9433299
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but think of the twitter profile pictures anon!

>> No.9433646

>proven fact
Are you the same schizo that spams "fact" last time? If so, take meds

>> No.9433843


>> No.9435874
File: 15 KB, 300x169, i_backtraced_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not an argument it's a proven fact that the shitposters on here trolling are cumbuds, we've found the twitter accounts.
