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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9405971 No.9405971 [Reply] [Original]

So these are the best >numbers Sana can muster up during a collab, in a buff game like Minecraft. Truly the black sheep of Hololive.
It won't be long until she's pulling Anya numbers.

>> No.9406012

still better than kiara

>> No.9406056

making more in SC despite having low viewer count tho

>> No.9406063

Hololive fans are racists.

>> No.9406100

I feel kind of bad for them. There is no way they can top the Gura collab from yesterday.

>> No.9406104

Still the most attractive EN

>> No.9406490

It's seriously just sad at this point watching her flounder.

>> No.9406531

I want you to honestly explain to me how this is a bad thing. Not intending to start an argument or indulge a bait post, I'm just curious about your perspective.
She's not going to get fired or graduate over low numbers, otherwise the ID branch wouldn't exist.
Smaller viewership means comfier chats, more loyal and tightknit community.
So I just don't get the "it's over" posts. What, exactly, is over?

>> No.9406564

its so early to say they are committed to continue to sc to her since maybe they are just saviorfags
>Im still curious for her progress since i find her interesting

>> No.9406575

>buff game like Minecraft

>> No.9406602

>What, exactly, is over?
HoloEN's relevancy

>> No.9406659

Covers need to stop letting famous but unskilled illustrators take charge of Chuba's design

>> No.9406691

watch your mouth faggot, her roomate is a hololive fan too

>> No.9406705

Why would you be sad watching someone you hate flounder?

>> No.9406801

>YouTube and Reddit doesn’t like her
That’s fine with me. I don’t think people watch Sana for numbers. Gura is better for numbers.

>> No.9406831

Was there some delay on Sana's side or something? She was constantly babbling over Fauna. It was really off-putting.

>> No.9406906

Holo JP has some lower viewer Holos too. Why do you need a Holo to be popular with the average viewer, in order to watch it?

>> No.9406974

Aussie internet

>> No.9407684

>buff game
Maybe for zoomers but I prefer her normal streams much more.

>> No.9407867

She's been doing well on the superchats though.

Overall her best numbers were like 12k for Rhythm Heaven. She might get good numbers for Warioware too.

>> No.9407916

HoloJP has been irrelevant ever since HoloMyth debuted, did you think you were making a good point?

>> No.9408726

they’re all white worshipping japs and brown SEAmonkeys. They dont want to see vtubers that remind them of themselves or what their females look like. They want to see pretty cartoon white girls playing video games

>> No.9409477

>5.8k viewers is bad

>> No.9409633


>> No.9409689

Because they are retarded zoomers that think clout is the most important thing in the world.

>> No.9409814

This is such a retarded take, why do I keep seeing it posted? Has nobody here watched anime?

>> No.9410387
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All of Gen2 has been decreasing in numbers (in pic).

>> No.9411062

ITT discord trannies arguing against each other

>> No.9411117

even ID got better numbers than this, this is just sad.

>> No.9411403


>> No.9411417

No they dont?

>> No.9411717

Yeah but what isn't?

>> No.9412133
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>> No.9415222

oh no Kronii couldn't sustain 10k viewers like Mumei. RIP EN2. clockfags will defend this. omg numbers numbers numbers

>> No.9415321

How else would you judge success on such a platform?

>> No.9416658

>67k VOD views
It's over.

>> No.9416828
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Best of ID is Ollie. Here is todays live viewers in pic.

>> No.9416949

Wow, this board is out of control with the shitposting.

>> No.9417317


>> No.9417367
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>numberfags and doomposting

>> No.9417608

wow kiara really needs to go

>> No.9417679

You know if Sana looked like the hot brown bitch in bleach everyone would watch

>> No.9417747

Brown debuff isn't real
Brown debuff can't hurt her
Brown debuff:

>> No.9417859

But she is hot

>> No.9417881

I just finished jacking off to Yoruichi.
And am about to do it again.

>> No.9417890

Whoever decided to make her brown fucked up. Simple as.

>> No.9418927


>> No.9420235 [DELETED] 

I didn't know they had niggers

>> No.9421555

Why would you want to see a non-attractive girl when the whole idea of vtubbing is to make them hide their unpleasant attributes?
Also, it's scientifically proven that white characters are more attractive.

>> No.9421642

But she’s not brown, she’s tan. She’s like a Gyaru. I’d let her sit on my face right now while you sit there crying because she doesn’t put enough sunscreen on.

>> No.9421695

you know that skin color has nothing to do with race right?
No one think south Indians are black or a tan German isn't white.
Sana look the same as everyone else except for the skin color

>> No.9421793

Part of cover's genius plan to have their en talents spread out across the planet. Surprised that every en colab isn't a cross talk disaster, they'll need to start saying "over" at the end of their sentences

>> No.9422345

People found out kronii is an irl tranny, so well adjusted individuals stopped watching her. I know I did.

>> No.9422458

Go back to discord Haaton, no one is buying your rotted rrats you failure.

>> No.9422480

>holoEN is no longer relevant
>holoJP is no longer relevant due to holomyth (EN)
>implying vtubers were EVER relevant
I dont think you know what niche hobby this is. Sana having low numbers isnt an end of anything.

>> No.9422537

Proofs for this rrat? If you go off deep voice you're a moron.

>> No.9422614

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.9422750

You just can’t wait to suck Omega’s estrogen-shrunk penis so you have to attack Kronii. Go fuck yourself you nigger.

>> No.9422846

Roommate Q&A

>> No.9422851

i wont go too far, the "gender irrelevant" from en2 audition is more than enough, cope

>> No.9422942

has the most subs in gen 2, so there is L. all ur left with from clock then is cock

>> No.9423124

link to q&a
gender irrelevant may be omega. Im a sanalite so it doesnt affect me either way, but i would prefer to know if this is a kiara tier rrat or if it is relevant at all.

>> No.9423192

/vt/'s obsession with trannies is almost as retarded as /pol/'s. In Q&A she just said she "prefers to be gender-neutral on the internet, but anyone already knows her gender so it's irrelevant".

>> No.9423229

back to discord nigger

>> No.9423246
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>> No.9423263

oh so it is literally nothing, since women on the internet either make gender their whole thing or dont bring it up so they can shitpost in peace. Good to know that rrats remain rrats.

>> No.9423286

>In Q&A she just said she "prefers to be gender-neutral”

>> No.9423963

>Ina only has 3,5k more views than Kiara
>for a Part 1 of a buff game against Part 1343443 of Zelda
This is hilarious, how do takokeks cope with it?

>> No.9424004
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And yet, here we are again

>> No.9424080

literal woke ressentiment. go back to twatter, you fragile shut-in mutt cunt. also no japanese watch holo en. 95% of the en viewers are from your anglo cesspits. the rest 5% is from sea.

>> No.9424151

You spelled “Anglo Saxon 1st World Chad Utopias” wrong.

>> No.9424265

You are ESL. Wait.. No... You are Zhang. No-no No.... You are a Chumbud. Do your reps nigger.

>> No.9424334

anglo countries are failed woke states with no culture where greedy sjws literally censor everything and have totally taken over the whole entertainment industry and trannies are worshiped as the top moral icons. you might say its mere internet shit but in reality, literal chinky commie garbage like CRT has actually been introduced into your schools and institutions and tranny driven gender politics has gained so much power irl as well. i dont wanna live such a woke commie cesspool becoming a third world country.

>> No.9424412

>making more in SC
throwing money is the only thing their pity knights can do for her, since they cant bring her more subs or people interested, and you know it anon

>> No.9424446

>buff game
When did Bastion become a buff game?

>> No.9424497

Well you are right about that. However I’d say those views are only truly supported by the most extreme left 10% of the population. 80-85% can’t stand that shit, and the CRT insanity is causing massive backlash. Fingers crossed.

>> No.9424555

Everyone knows this is the case and it's not limited to vtubers. Brown weirdos actively hate themselvs and do all they can to make themselvs feel white. SEA and SA have skin bleaching, mutts try yo dictate who is white, whie larping as Anglos. Meanwhile white people go to a beach to get a tan

>> No.9424578

>But she’s not brown, she’s ta
did she said that or is just your bs

>> No.9425872

There's an element to this that isn't simply
>white people envy
there's historical basis for pale skin in general, not that specific hue of pinkish white that is the hallmark of native europeans.
If you look at ancient (as in, pre-european contact/imperialism-colonialism era) china, arabia and a few other locales the standard of beauty for women was always paler than for the men. Not necessarily "white" as in euro-descent, but "white" as in not sun-weathered and dirty looking.
A labourer peasant serf woman burned by the sun and beaten by the element wasn't exactly anyone's ideal, but a paler, "fresher looking" princess-like specimen was.
It just so happens that europeans had a natural advantage in this regard in that they were by default paler than all the rest in the first place.
Of course now with the it perhaps becomes murkier with the ascendancy of western culture and beauty ideals but if you go to china and japan the adverts have their own standard of beauty: dark black hair, pale skin that hasn't been aged by the sun. Such as it was before they even saw a european woman.
You notice it in anime in that the male characters can sometimes be slightly tanner than the females, who are on the whole generally paler, and some anime even get the difference in hues right between characters that are expressly meant to be Japanese and those that are meant to be westerners.
Off the top of my head: asobi asobase, the difference is "white" (more like paleness) between the white girl and the two nips and also in older episodes of detective conan when an american character happened to be on screen.
wtf was I rambling on about again?

>> No.9426529

The Medieval Muslims did sort of go out of their way to get blonde slaves from Europe, especially the Crimean-Nogai slave raids.

>> No.9427129

White women are the most overrated commodity in the history of humanity.
