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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 555 KB, 1000x715, EfDAe3OU0AEvnzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
918829 No.918829 [Reply] [Original]

so what happened to Mizuryu Kei? He's radio silent since the meltdown. Any Info? and it seems he's also shadowbanned on twitter? idk

>> No.918853

He killed himself.

>> No.918942

I hope not he draws good sluts.

>> No.919107

Looking at Twitter comments, it's not the first time he got into a fight with a fanbase. Just wait for a while and he'll be back.

>> No.919115

He didn't.

Only on very specific readings of that sentence.

>> No.919134

Yes, every single time.
He'll go radio silent for a month or two, then come back with a new volume of MizuryuKei Land or one of his other OC Steel Doughnut stories and his fans will flock back in droves.

>> No.919201

Honestly this is the most intelligent option.

>> No.919330

He gets hyper emotional and makes dumb mistakes, but isn't actually that dumb.

>> No.919577
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He fucked up so bad not even the chinks are taking his side.

>> No.919635

What a dummy. Could be worse, though, he probably realizes that he fucked up.

>> No.919676

Because they found out he's a Nanking denier. That's a bigger deal to them then saying Taiwan on stream.

>> No.919727

Is he they guy who spams the "Why yes Nanking was great victory" image on /int/?

>> No.919915

No, that's me

>> No.919932

how is it a great victory when nothing happened at Nanking?

>> No.919946

I never really got into Asian politic, why is that bigger deal than Taiwan coco??

>> No.919966
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The Nankin denier bit is based entirely off of this page from a Touhou work he did in the past. I haven't read this work, but someone mentioned that this was misinterpreted out of context. I mean, what kind of person do you have to be to also believe there's no such thing as [victims of] child pornography?

>> No.919993


>> No.920019

They probably took some liberties with the translation to fit into the bubbles correctly, especially since English typically uses more letters/characters.

>> No.920025

I went and read the context anon he really did imply that. He also specifically said that he put stuff that "are of dubious history" >>88700

>> No.920041

I fucked up. This is the one: >>888700

>> No.920073

>I mean, what kind of person do you have to be to also believe there's no such thing as [victims of] child pornography?
A pedophile that has it in their mind that what they do isn’t severely damaging to children?

>> No.920197

I alawys thought that he didn't mean that those things were fake, but are debated online about never happening, go to any new-nazi website and you'll find a 1477 page thread about why the holocaust never happened

>> No.920199

I guess it's time to dig up the raw scans of that doujin

>> No.920200

Looks like his intent to include controversial parts of history in this page was to showcase that there are certain types of people who will deny or acknowledge certain parts of history, but he also made a revision when he noticed that message was too vague and people were misinterpreting it. Not sure whether to believe his intentions, but I think that's mostly due to poor execution.

>> No.920767

Strangely he's one of the few hentai artists who is provably not a pedophile. Not only is he married but virtually all of his doujins are adult women with large breasts.

>> No.920782


I've seen someone on reddit regarding this topic claim that he's got an awful reputation with working with clients, though I'm not sure if it's just some rrat since they never gave any proof on the matter.

>> No.920951

WAT? what trouble did he cause in the past?

>> No.921126
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>that MizuryuKei Land manga that showcases the Day Care Center
>the Mercury Shadow doujin featuring kiddy diddling
Okay that second one is kind of a stretch considering the guys in Mizuryu Kei's doujins are generally for self-insertion, but by the normalfag definition of "pedophile," there's a couple of strikes.

Which is great because Mizuryu Kei's lolis are a rare delicacy to be savored.

>> No.921899

The only thing more based than saying it never happened, it saying it happened, it was great, and you'd do it again.

>> No.922465

I'd kill myself too if I had squandered my biggest chance tonfuck my oshi, or at the very least collab with her for a handful of sheckels

>> No.922580

Don't know about the client part, but looking at Twitter, he used to got heat from Love Live and Uma Musume fans. For LL, he once said that LL looks like a Korean rip-off of Idolmaster. For Uma Musume, after Cygames said to not make lewds of it, he said that it should be okay since the IRL horses already making money for breeding.

>> No.922602

His doujin about comfort women came off pretty nationalistic.

>> No.922613

>For LL, he once said that LL looks like a Korean rip-off of Idolmaster
He's right though, is just Idom@ster with yuri.

>> No.922626

Due to his own deleted tweets, I am sure there is at least a kernel of truth to the rrat that he went ballistic because Cover was cockblocking him from tonfucking his oshi,

>> No.922649

This anon here knows the truth

>> No.922765

>LL looks like a Korean rip-off of Idolmaster
>it should be okay to lewd the horse girls
They hate him because he told the truth.

>> No.922856

He got cucked by Toby Fox by DMing Marine, giving her (and probably hololive) a permission to play Deltarune, and also some tips and a fact. Even funnier that Toby's profile pic is similar to Mizuryu, just lazier.

>> No.922983
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This rrat i can get behind

>> No.923626

So how much of what happened to him is a known fact and how much is a pure speculation?

All I know is that he started bitching that he's never working with Hololive again. Then he deleted all his Holo related artwork after some kind of disagreement concerning the contract for drawing Hololive manga.
Then there are these pieces which I can't find any confirmation on
>something about him harassing Marine
>something about Okayu's birthday
>something about him not getting paid enough for the work

>> No.923671

The only believable one is about wanting royalties for any future hololive alt projects

>> No.923734

because nanking was the asian version of holocaust.

>> No.923743

>So how much of what happened to him is a known fact and how much is a pure speculation?
>All I know is that he started bitching that he's never working with Hololive again. Then he deleted all his Holo related artwork after some kind of disagreement concerning the contract for drawing Hololive manga.

We only know that, there's was a post from a fellow ero-dj artist that said it was probably something about money

>> No.923847

quit spreading this rrat already

>> No.924137

No, It's saying it never happened but SHOULD have happened at scales worse than the lies claim.

>> No.924389

Considering China's recent actions, it was unironically well deserved and needs a repeat

>> No.924409

Just like the holocaust

>> No.924488

>They hate him because he told the truth.
Nah, Love Live is more of a ripoff of K-On! and Yuru Yuri than Idolmaster t. LLfag and the Uma thing was more from the people who owned the horses thinking that people were making porn of the actual horses than the girls and CyGames covering their asses.

>> No.924664

He was selling and publishing r-18 doujins of Marine while under contract, artists are prohibited from doing this while working on official projects of those characters. His Bilibili representative on stream revealed that the dispute was about Mizuryu feeling like his compensation was not enough. He deleted all his tweets, and has a history of emotional outbursts and hiding until people forget. No one is taking his side.

>> No.924788

Well you do need to be mentally ill to be attracted to sluts

>> No.925557

>mizukek privated his twitter

>> No.925573

>be japanese porn artist
>get obsessed with a 28 year old woman pretending to be an anime pirate on youtube
>spend several hundreds trying to get her attention
>one day Cover approaches you asking if you want to draw an official web manga of your her as part of a multimedia project
>sign up immediately
>the initial reception to the project teaser is overwhelmingly positive
>realize there is a lot of money to be made from this
>despite already singing a contract start demanding a higher pay rate and royalties for the entire project
>get told to fuck off
>throw a massive bitchfit on twitter
>immediately start backpedaling when people start calling you an unprofessional manchild
>your chinese translator suddenly makes a guerrilla stream on your bilibili channel saying how Cover wronged you
>all the chinese spammers rally behind you and you now become the public face of Cover hate
>meanwhile on the other side of the world people are digging through your old stuff and find out you are a Nanking Massacre denier and immediately post that shit everywhere
>end up having to make an apology stream on bili saying how it's all a misunderstanding
>you have now burned all the bridges, ended up in every company's blacklist and everyone hates you
Bravo mizukek

>> No.925599

It is out of context, but that doesn't matter to the chinks.

>> No.925613

>>get obsessed with a 28 year old woman pretending to be an anime pirate on youtube

She's 17, get your facts right you fucking rrat

>> No.925632
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>It real

>> No.925745

It might be temporary, I've seen plenty of artists lock their account when some dumb underaged moral guardian tries to get them reported and then reopen when everyone forgets about it. this is a rare case where I'm not feeling sympathetic though

>> No.925806

He'll come back in a few month but we'll probably be facing a new controversy by then.

>> No.925834

Hello, Anons. Mizu here and I want to make the whole situation clear so that you can understand my position:

>I was hired to work on a manga for HololiveALT
>I spent 6 months drawing high-quality gangrape official manga about Marine
>I don't like it when people interrupt my craft so I told the managers that I will only show them the finished product
>When I finally showed them the masterpiece where Marine gets brutally raped for 20 cripsy pages straight, they were horrified and started saying how it wasn't supposed to be R18 manga
>I completely don't understand what they meant by that, but I feel like my work should be compensated
>I demand that they lend me Marine for a couple days so I can try out some of the scenes with her
>They start threatening me with harassment charges and other completely unprofessional nonsense, I am utterly shocked by their disrespectful responses
>I figure it must be due to the low price I offered for Marine so I decide that I need to get a little bit more funds
>I go to my manager and try to see if I can negotiate to get a bigger cut out of the HololiveALT deal and their future projects
>With the bigger cut I could definitely buy Marine for a couple days, and I figured they would let me pay later or simply keep my cut of future projects for themselves as a payment
>That deal was rejected and I was forced off the project, utterly scandalous on their part

I hope now you can see that I was perfectly reasonable and it's Cover who are being unprofessional. I made the right choice to cut all my ties with Hololive, since they refuse to treat me as a person, let alone a highly successful R18 mangaka with many connections. I will be using my massive influence to black list Hololive from the R18 doujin industry! I suggest you also leave this sinking ship!

>> No.925951

Post draft of your works and i'll believe you

>> No.925966

If he just calmly said "I will be not working with Cover anymore due to contract reasons" then that would have been a clean and professional way of announcing it on twitter.
But no, he just have to sperg out.

>> No.925967
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I mean you can kinda spin it in a way that makes it sound more neutral, but that's probably not what people will think after reading it once

>> No.925992

Getting in spats over dumb opinions on twitter is a completely different beast from completely fucking himself over getting hired by anybody though. Guess he's a drama queen either way.

>> No.926011


>> No.926302

Do your reps, newfriend.
"Second Season" is +10.

>> No.926450
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It was joke you dense swine

>> No.927553

Mikochi looks different today.

>> No.927612

Why didn't Marine just suck his dick? I thought she was supposed to be horny?

>> No.927764

Horny doesn't mean no standards anon

>> No.928428

wait......I thought that part was just the translator shitpost

>> No.928622

if anything china will be doing the holocaust to other asian regions now that they are in power and has nukes and one of the biggest economies globablly

>> No.928957

Literally who?

>> No.929394

one of the most prominent japanese porn artists next to asanagi and shindol

>> No.929488

Cover was blocking him from meeting her.

>> No.931906

Marine is only horny for girls

>> No.932187
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Ready to see the Jevil attempts.

I digress here but imagine being ZUN and knowing that your works partially inspred one of the biggest hits of the 10's and a 1 Mil+ subbed Youtube channel after being one of the old guards of internet culture. That's a special level of winning.

>> No.932253


>> No.936670

Hi, I don't really know this vtuber shit, but I heard this news from a friend so I came here to ask people who do. Who thought it was a good idea to pick, of all fucking artists, this guy? He draws sluts. If it was an ecchi manga or something, sure, but I would never expect him to officially do stuff like this.

>> No.936770

>artist has a big following
>artist draws fanart of your product constantly
>artist is liked in the community
>one of your star workers likes the artist very much

>> No.936771

Cover, who are well known for being incompetent.

>> No.936826

Don't worry anon, you should see their shortlist of replacements.
A bit weird that Hololive picked Suehiro Maruo and Shintaro Kago for the project but they make some wacky decisions.

>> No.936897

if either of those two tried SFW I'd be impressed

>> No.936917

Remember when they allegedly shut down Pekora's project one time and she cried off stream. Not sure if it was a rrat or not but I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.936931

I don't know he is senior or junior but Shiokonbu definitely better

>> No.936934

Well both of them have already done plenty of work for idols so it wouldn't be that wacky.

>> No.937029

Marine's referral most likely. And do remember he was not making the manga about the main story, just a manga about Marine, literally.

>> No.937075

It is not rrat, Pekora confirmed it but it wasn't a major reason, she suffered a lot of stress: Imposter syndrome, heavy sponsored streams while practice for Bloom,... I believe her manager denied for Pekora's own good. It seem Marine applied for the same event, got accepted and it will cost her 100.000$ plus it have a high chance to fail due to Covid.

>> No.937313

Because the person whose character was the subject of the manga was a big fan of his work and probably referred him

>> No.937387

In their defense they probably did not expect him to be this much of a menhra in regards of contract negotiations.

>> No.939133
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>Av forced is bullshit, and av forced is like a second comfort woman

>All of the comfort women on this side (av actors) are alive, so they can argue against it, that they have the will of salvation?

>> No.939195
File: 91 KB, 850x585, 1614190205 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When it comes to the Nanjing case, the faggots who claim'I'm not looking at the positives or negatives objectively' are the most dangerous.

>The same goes for wiki

>If it is a problem that can be objectively judged in the first place, it is already concluded

>> No.939278
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>In China, where 1.2 million people are killed by air pollution, what's the big deal is that two avian influenza people died?

>> No.939353
File: 117 KB, 850x1083, 1614190205 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan just did not approve that Taiwan is a country

It is only'understand and respect' the claim that Taiwan is part of China

>I just didn't approve

>The US also has a Taiwan-related law, right?

>Foreign Minister Ohira also clearly reveals this.


>> No.939380

His bilibili account is fucked isn't it?

>> No.939396

It’s pretty common for h-doujin artists to end up doing non-h work. Raita did character designs for valkyria chronicles, the guy who draws Black Lagoon did some h-stuff on his hiatus, and the elf diet manga guy used to do porn, just off the top of my head.

>> No.939548

The Chinese are subhuman, so they don't know the existence of those tweets

>> No.939737

Because no other company hires well known por artists to do art, right? It's not like 90% of al LNs and gacha games are illustrated by porn artists right?

>> No.939753

Maybe someone should feed these screenshots to the chinks if they want to fuck with him

>> No.941188

Which is why they need a preemptive nuke.

>> No.946793

based retard

>> No.946893

there are people already doing it

>> No.950918 [DELETED] 
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>Mizuryu kei tweeted article about oppression of uyghur and tibetian by ccp

>> No.951061

I almost pity him for the shit that will happen after this.

>> No.952532

Some Twitter comments are saying that he start following Nijisanji Livers recently with Niji fans showing concern. Don't know if this is true or not since he already followed VTubers before this accident.

>> No.952847

His number of followed accounts has not gone up ever since he unfollowed a bunch of people

>> No.952892

Oh, so that's pretty much false then.

>> No.952915

You're talking about the same people that have been attacking Coco for months because Taiwan showed up on her screen once. Context never mattered to the Chinese.

>> No.952937

It could be that he was also following some Nijisanji vtubers before and people are only now taking notice of that since he unfollowed everyone related to holo.

>> No.952971

Also the context for the Choco Tibet quiz thing was that Tibet was actually implied to NOT be a country since it was one of the wrong answers, yet they still got mad.

>> No.955020

Shion unfollowed him today, Only Matsuri and A-Chan left for official Holo members.

>> No.955046

Oh damn, that man is completely fucked.

>> No.955061

I would have never expected Shion to care that much so I guess he seriously fucked up.

>> No.955139

All because he had a massive spergout on twitter, It's seriously embarrassing. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

>> No.955246
File: 904 KB, 1280x1855, lol mizuryu kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just makes this page look even worse in retrospect, because it shows that he really does believe in those things instead of just edgy writing.

>> No.955249

Yeah, it's just sad at this point.
Marine and Shion unfollowed him after his meltdown, he'll probably never be able to talk to them again.
He became a chink symbol against Cover and Coco for like 10 minutes, then the whole Nanking Denier thing happened + those 2013 tweets now.

>> No.955286

>Chinese subtitle member on his team made his rep worse in Japan because people thought he was inciting flame against Marine.
>Old screenshots are dug up about Nanking massacre and other things and now the Chinese hate him.
wew, His career went to shit in the span of a couple of hours.

>> No.955312

Was it autism?

>> No.955397

I don't understand why everyone is overlooking this fact. It's just like how Toyotaro had to stop his Dragon Ball AF series when he started working with Toei.

Japan doesn't really prohibit the sale of fan works but when you're profiting off of their IP while publishing their official manga that's kind of scummy.

>> No.955459

The only people overlooking this are people who just want to jump on another reason to hate Cover
As much as they are fuck ups, sometimes it isn't actually their fault

>> No.955887
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Huge schadenfreude feels right now. Guy deserved it for being a sperg.

>> No.956618

Even niji's yashiro unfollowed him, looks like he is the one at fault instead of cover.

>> No.956795

lmao this guy. Should've fapped first before posting

>> No.956820

now that's surprising

>> No.956838

At first I thought this thing was just unfortunate but now it's hilarious.

>> No.956878

Why the fuck do you try to make a public when you've got skeletons like this in your closet? I personally think that Cover really probably did try to screw him, but this is just fucking suicide

>> No.956914

>The pretend personality is the same as the real life one
Anon... You can't truly believe they act the same in real life can you?

>> No.960384

chuubas walk on the edge of reality so I can see why he'd be confused

>> No.960470

The 2hu is talking about things that actually exist but people deny them
People post this page for easy (you)s and because it's fun to character assassinate people

>> No.960764
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>> No.960812
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the Water Dragon Key

>> No.960959
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>> No.960999
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>> No.961189
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he is water dragon K

>> No.961313
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he is water dragon K

>> No.961362
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>> No.961429
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>> No.961640
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red chat
"I can send your hentai comics that I written"

>> No.961731
File: 126 KB, 480x360, ak4QXtm5Yy9kVjV1614162702_1614162750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute

>> No.961778

so, was Mizuryu demanding more money from Hololive now because he had burnt away all his savings with those prostitutes from the pictures?

>> No.961826

We don't know but whatever he did wass bad enough to get a bunch of vtubers to unfollow him. I think overall he was never a good guy but he was tolerated because he was able to behave for some time.

>> No.961915
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水龍敬(water dragon)

dragon tried provocate Chinese to Captain.
bat he said nothing happen Nanjing Massacre ago.
Chinese discover that page.

>> No.961973

>another retard wastes his chance of getting close to Marine because he gets too greedy

>> No.962060







>> No.962064

you will need to share her with us, anon

>> No.962099

we know, don't worry

>> No.962146

>Chris got caught for scamming, never heard of again
>Aloe got sacked, her life went downwards due to abuse and suicidal tendencies but at least she's getting better
>CN cut off hololive relations due to the Taiwan incident, got stricter rules about streaming and their members are outed as gossiping, backstabbing nationalists (sans Yogiri, who's Taiwanese and just packed her bags quietly)
>now this
funny how people who burnt their bridges with hololive ended up on a worse place than they had started

>> No.962168

well it was an unfortunate situations not because of them fucking up.

>> No.962190
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his art

>> No.962215

it is unfortunate, but on Cover's eyes she was breaking NDA by posting her L2D on twitcast. It could have been handled better though

>> No.962236

it was a bit of a fuck up not giving her proof on chitose (which gave all the antis fuel), but still I agree

>> No.962408

as i understand, that was just an excuse to suspend her in order to try and have the harassment die down in the meantime(didn't work)
and i heard triangle also said some good things about cover (yes, you obviously don't shittalk previous employers, but nothing requires you to say positive things)

>> No.962422

>Aloe got sacked
I've been lurking the delta threads for a while now since I've been curious about how she's doing and from what I saw there she voluntarily withdrew because she couldn't handle all the shit she was getting and shes welcome to come back if she ever feels like it. I'm unsure on whether that has any basis on reality or if its pure copium from desperate aloefags though.

>> No.962461

It was a possibility maybe a few months ago but most likely not anymore.

>> No.962500

This is what passes as "ikemen" now?

>> No.962501

going back is probably too messy, but it seems very plausible that both parties are on decent or good terms with each other

>> No.962541

Now that's fucking funny

>> No.962596

>water dragon K
i have been reading it as mi-zur-yu-kei

>> No.962609

All of gen 5 and Coco have stated that she's welcome back any time, but it's unclear how much corporate speak it is

>> No.962673

It's time to get familiar with japanese syllabary

>> No.962721

Get the fuck out, retarded roleplayer.

>> No.962751

Not really, all of them only said they hope that she's doing fine. It's probably a misunderstanding because Botan said "As long as she's still alive there will be another chance in the future".

>> No.962927

the fact that hololive members are allowed to talk about aloe in the first place is a pretty good indicator she and the company are at least not on bad terms

>> No.963006

The dude needs to learn how to draw different faces and bodies. I havent fapped to any of his stuff in years because its all the same girls and stories with different hair styles

>> No.963480

It's pure copium, I don't think any sane person expects her to go back, not because she can't but because she won't. She'd said it herself that she's turned down job offers to join other groups as well and is more comfortable as an indie in her current situation.

>> No.963528

>funny how people who burnt their bridges with hololive ended up on a worse place than they had started
Chris got weinstein'd by that fucko before joining hololive. She's arguable in a better spot now.

>> No.964276
File: 98 KB, 1334x750, 1613868578707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the Delta/Alone thread you fucking niggers

>> No.965075

What a fucking retard, holy shit, I would kill myself.

>> No.965775

>She voluntarily withdrew
That's the understatement of the year.

>shes welcome to come back if she ever feels like it
She's stated she's received offers from multiple VTuber agencies but has turned them down all, though hasn't outright mentioned hololive in relation to that, (likely wouldn't be allowed to due to her contract). I suspect she probably got a call from Cover around October with her character's birthday coming up as that would have been a good time for her to redebut (if she was willing), but that's just speculation on my part.
I imagine getting another offer is more unlikely now, with her having redebuted as her old persona, and forming a unit with Ruki, and 5th gen having moved on.

Even if they did separate on bad terms, it'd be better PR for cover to act as if they didn't.

>> No.969125


>> No.970268

She's so lazy that she's taking a vacation lol

>> No.977588

It’s shit.

>> No.980283

Wait...are some of those, guys?

>> No.981276

Fucking hell now that you mention it, the one on his right hand side is 100% a guy.

>> No.986274

He went completely radio silent, yes, which is honestly the best thing to do after his absolutely gigantic fuck-up.

>> No.986303

The best thing to do is to sincerely apologize and explain the reasons and rationale behind the outburst. But that requires the person to sincerely feel like they are in the wrong, which is often not the case for scums like him, anyways.

>> No.986350

Fuck can't unsee

>> No.986379

Nah, bitch just hella ugly.

>> No.986397

Shion is so eroi

>> No.987072

knowing the menhera that is matuli, i think she can relate to him

>> No.987470

Look at his chest

>> No.987514
File: 213 KB, 480x480, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is he going to kill himself? Retire and begin anew under a different name and identity, after extensive cosmetic surgery? Disappear and only publish doujins under another name? He had a chance to genuinely be friends with a hololive girl and fucked it up.

>> No.989400

So, any news from the guy? Did the earth swallow him?

>> No.989443

like another poster said, he has a history of fucking things up and coming back after some silence.
the regret of fucking things up would be traumatic for many anons, but he has an actual human wife.
overall, he'll survive.

>> No.989880

how does a scumbag like him have an actual wife? unless his wife is exactly like the one on his teisou kannen zero manga

>> No.990318

Reminder that he drew a doujin of her and marine. The guy really jumped on that bandwagon while it was happening, tho I know everyone else was, his interest in it was a bit creepy

>> No.990352

All yurifags are creepy.

>> No.990360

Privated his twitter, got unfollowed by not just hololive vtubers but also some nijis and indies.
He's in hiding now and will probably try to draw some new coom page or art to get people to like him again when he reappears a month or so from now.

>> No.990639

I don’t think there’s coming back from this.

>> No.990674

you're not the entire internet, friendo
this event will fade, but cooming will never die

>> No.990711

His old tweets about ww2 is resurfacing

>> No.990838

the japanese couldn't care less about accusations of nanking denial, and they're his primary audience
maybe you want him to fail, but he's done nothing but tarnish his own reputation, not cover's. hololive alt will just find a new artist.
i don't see a reason to let him live in your head

>> No.990952

The ww2 tweets didn't get JPs mad anon (they'd probably agree or want to believe what he posted), just CNs. He will be fine.

>> No.991327

He'll come back easily, he will have to lay low for a while and then come back with a new H work made by him.

>> No.991382

He can find another vtuber to like. The other agencies can welcome him. He's been doing his thing since before 2008 and there's no need to do anything for some trend that only started in 2016

>> No.991397

Who cares, all his characters have the same lewd face. I only care for the brunette teacher in his gts series

>> No.993275

>thinking that people were making porn of the actual horses
Haha who would want something like that lol sounds gross haha

>> No.993866

Probably won't do anything related to vtubers, but he'll easily manage with the stuff he usually does.

>> No.993990

it would be pretty funny if it turns out he is an unironic cuck

>> No.999410

Looking at his old tweets, guy has strong opinions on politics and is short tempered, high chance he will get into a yab with the chinese or jps in the future. Be glad cover cut off a potential landmine before any bigger yab happen.

>> No.1000926

>People saying he'll be fine because of the JP side
>forget that too this day Coco is getting shit on for just mentioning Taiwan
Dude is finished mentioning Taiwan is probably one of the least offensive things you could do to a Chinese person and have them flip out but fucker outright denied Nanking, yeah there's no fucking way they will EVER let him live that down.

>> No.1001429

Imagine the absolute shitshow it would had been if he hadn't had his meltdown and months later the zhangs discovered that the guy drawing the official hololive manga is a Nanking denier

>> No.1003548

>It seem Marine applied for the same event, got accepted and it will cost her 100.000$ plus it have a high chance to fail due to Covid.
Wtf are we talking about here?
A single anime episode?

>> No.1006354

Are there any better translations of those tweets?
