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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 672 KB, 1134x608, nimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
93830946 No.93830946 [Reply] [Original]

mask off on day one, you love to see it

>> No.93831101

good, get fucked inceloid

>> No.93831117


>> No.93831163 [DELETED] 

Brown fingers wrote this post

>> No.93831210

Absolutely MAGGED

>> No.93831231
File: 322 KB, 576x576, 1723559287615776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, dead on arrival, unsubbed
I thought it'd take a month or so for her to do anything like that but to debut right with it, wow that's ballsy

>> No.93831237

she only said it after allowing all the memberships too lmao

>> No.93831253

it's never been more over than it is now

>> No.93831343

And she's already shilling merch and memberships. Looks like she didn't want to give Cover a cut anymore.

>> No.93831367
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>> No.93831404
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Sapkek status?

>> No.93831403

Yeah I’m glad I dropped this bitch as soon as she tried to smear hololive name.

>> No.93831413

Nothing the ol' trusty chargeback can't fix.

>> No.93831420

Why was Fauna not allowed to collab with males, while Bae and Kronii were not. They all clearly wanted it, so why? Why the selective segregation?

>> No.93831458

based, fuck cover

>> No.93831497

Run back to your boot, bootlicker

>> No.93831573
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>> No.93831671

That’s right, cover up slut

>> No.93831684

dropped instantly. i only watch vtubers who have literally never even heard of the concept of a male.

>> No.93831687

I hoped she'd filter unicucks early after her redebut, but I could have never hoped her doing it during her debut and this obvious.
Based fucking tapir.

>> No.93831703

she wanted lonely simps money, simple as that

>> No.93831712

I'm surprised you can type with Caspurr's dick in her mouth.

>> No.93831740


>> No.93831784
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>he boughted the membership

>> No.93831786

KFPbros, explain.

>> No.93831791

>Goes indie
>Becomes male onahole
what a shock

>> No.93831838


>> No.93831849

kekfoot I know you're mad she's not cratering but try to keep it to 3 threads.

>> No.93831891

what did magni do exactly

>> No.93831897


>> No.93831922

Congrats saplings. Couldn't happen to a more deserving fanbase.

>> No.93831961

He fucked you're oshi.

>> No.93831966

She was allowed, she just wanted unicornbux

>> No.93831965

so you thought it would take a month... why sub at all?

>> No.93831969


>> No.93831974

>incels get told to fuck off day 1

>> No.93831979

if your vtuber was delivered by a male doctor you are legally a faggot and a cuck. sorry!!

>> No.93831978

>poorfag incelcuck dreams about another man's cock
lmao more at 9

>> No.93832001


>> No.93832002
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>doesn't even have model ready for debut
>opens memberships
>shills merch

>> No.93832033

Fauna is out here setting up her grift very well I see. The marks will eat this shit up for a good while.

>> No.93832068

Mommy? uuuu mommy....

>> No.93832089

>no woman I watch can talk to ANY male but me!!
Lose weight incel

>> No.93832092

This is absolutely glorious. Any day unicorns get mad is a good day.

>> No.93832115

The unicorns held her as the standard for purity
While she was talking to him behind their backs

>> No.93832175
File: 345 KB, 1080x1080, 1725102910533926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die in boiling excrement

>> No.93832201
File: 10 KB, 1240x151, Unicorns in shambles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Get filtered you fucking snowflakes.

>> No.93832272


>> No.93832299

oh no we lost one, what are we going to doo

>> No.93832332

KFP doing work for other vtubers outside of Kiara is nothing new, KFP have worked with other holo members, and indies like Mint before.

>> No.93832334

>Just commissioned to do some art
Oh okay, nothingburger
Have fun with the schizos though

>> No.93832340
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 34233323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo shit pushed by catalog? Nah. You're not going to gaslight me by pushing the unicorn angle every single time. You think every viewer was a unicorn?

>> No.93832387

Hurr anon I'm legit retarded and this is honest alright? Here goes...


>> No.93832388

Im fine with males, but Caspurr is kind of a menhera, would have rather seen the orc in there than the cat, but it is what it is

>> No.93832393

gura is next and i will post my joy /here/ everyday

>> No.93832402


>> No.93832434

Can't wait for the collab lol

>> No.93832435

>The unicorns held her as the standard for purity
they need to get their horns checked because a proper unicorn could detect this shit from a mile away. I never even watched a single stream and I knew she was radioactive.

>> No.93832466

Holy shit...congrats Nimrods you have chud owning Nijisisters in your community now. Round of applause for you guys, way to go!

>> No.93832582

unicornbros.......... we need to stop watching her now, close the stream

>> No.93832597

Because Mike is doing so well now right?

>> No.93832614

I wonder how long it will take for people to realize that every single one of them is like that and they only pretend otherwise because they think you're stupid.

>> No.93832620
File: 146 KB, 317x347, 1734062646643644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you acting like a nigger?

>> No.93832623

>trade steady income for short term slightly bigger income before plummeting
I though Fauna was smart

>> No.93832705

I'm loving this.

>> No.93832719

>Down to 77k
They actually are

>> No.93832744

Green vtubers are "unicorn friendly."

>> No.93832751

>trade steady income
you never know when the suits are going to do something absolutely retarded

>> No.93832756

Saplings deserve this

>> No.93832774

>she lost like 10k viewers already
oh no no no

>> No.93832818

She'll make more money today than any of holo en make in a year because of Yagoo's coke cut. Seethe harder about it

>> No.93832870

>my unhinged faggot brownoid behavior should be the norm and anyone who disagrees with me is a nijisister!
News flash: Nijisisters are unhinged brown retards just like you, you're two peas in a pod.

>> No.93832987


Absolute Niji victory

>> No.93833007
File: 92 KB, 327x327, waterfox_HE9A9UOn04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And stay out.

>> No.93833008

>only 5% of the viewers were unicorns
negligible impact

>> No.93833014

You weren't going to watch her in the first place, chumbie.
You never bought a membership.

>> No.93833042

>Brownfeet and Ennacuck were unironically 100% right
I expect apologies by the end of the day

>> No.93833094
File: 179 KB, 480x480, 1656117455665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>League of Legends collab with GG Nerissa Caspur and Orc
>Marvel Rivals collab with Liz Moom Caspur and Orc

>> No.93833122

99% of hololive girls would have no issue collabing with males because 99% of people have no issue being friends with people of the opposite sex.

Grow up faggots

>> No.93833193

I'm really sorry, saplings

>> No.93833237

So is Fauna who Jurrard meant?

>> No.93833249

They're the ones that aren't in denial.
>A-As long as she doesn't Collab with a homo
Is what the others are waiting for...and she absolutely will.

>> No.93833251

Realistically like 90% of holo members specifically the ones in EN and JP who are over a year old made enough money in holo to last for years without having to do any serious form of work. It doesn't matter if her income will drop off after a month or two, she already made a ton of money in holo, and will still have a consistent stream of money to last.

>> No.93833285

I am not an anti (yet), but this homobegging is pathetic. Women are most entertaining when they don't interract with males, otherwise there is no charm outweighting their mediocrity

>> No.93833288

Why did she wait so long to do this? Plenty of holomems proudly collab with men. The unicorn scare isn't real. 99% of their fans would bend over backwards and just accept it and say they always loved homos. Even ruffians, the most extreme fanbase would just accept it if FWMC started homo collabing (they never will, but my point still stands)

>> No.93833294

Did you ever need a reminder to never trust a vegan

>> No.93833359

>Grow up faggots
make me. come fight me 1v1 bitch

>> No.93833409

And that's why we have the walled garden to keep them roped in and stop them from giving into their depraved desires. The fact Fauna left tells you all you need to know.

>> No.93833425

Management forces some members to not interact with male vtubers. Everyone knows this

>> No.93833467

She's gonna become irrelevant in 2 months

>> No.93833478
File: 5 KB, 351x50, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally demember and unsub on the spot, actually.

>> No.93833554
File: 692 KB, 511x510, 1631405646519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your face when you didn't rush to membership and saved 5 bucks.

>> No.93833597

2 month? Have some respect for Fauna. A year and if she stays indie

>> No.93833614

What? The segregated busses? They still can play games together. ERB is a prime example of this if anything.
I think a lot of ruffians here would (I don't blame you, I would too)

>> No.93833636

you're dead wrong, lmao. unicorns will watch streamers that collab with males, true. but they will think of and treat those streamers completely differently than those who don't. most importantly with regard to money

>> No.93833684
File: 207 KB, 400x400, 1724427488356908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes on vacation several times a year at THE SAME TIME as Randon
Ooof, Saplings are going to have a bad time soon.

>> No.93833761

ERB is one of the people management allows to interact with men. Fauna clearly wasn't allowed despite wanting to

>> No.93833776

And she just made this entire boards yearly income from memberships. There ya go. Unicorns mean nothing and it’s time to stop pretending like they do.

>> No.93833802

>sapkeks getting MAGGED
I love seeing this.

>> No.93833860

YWNBJ. they're probably getting bukkake'd by salarymen as we speak.

>> No.93833862

you are poor and retarded.

>> No.93833897

Why just her? Kronii did, Baelz did, Mumei did. It doesn't make sense.

>> No.93833896

She paid him in sex. Sex you'll never have.

>> No.93833911

Kek what a bitchy whore

>> No.93833929

Male collab is a pipeline to phase collab

>> No.93833980

mfw Nimi cucks me

>> No.93833982

Fomer holostar, Magni.

>> No.93834020

And I am going to be there for it

>> No.93834029

*samefag reply*

>> No.93834031

Unicorn audience

>> No.93834050

Go back to /pol/ with the rest of your rednecks

>> No.93834087

Tell that to Kronii, who was the fastest growing council until she committed career suicide by collabing with homos. She would have absolutely beaten Mumei to 1 million but instead her numbers stagnated for a whole year, all of which she no longer collabed with homos...and started to grow again.

Bae is the runt again despite putting in so much fucking work compared to the others and why is that? Homo debuff...and even she hasn't collabed with homos in a bit. The unicorn scare is not fake and not exaggerated. You WILL take a financial hit if you try to scare them off. Might as well shout that you support DEI in your streams too.

>> No.93834100

Total. Unicorn. Death.

>> No.93834151


>> No.93834162

8 year olds dude.

>> No.93834201

Citation needed

>> No.93834219

>She would have absolutely beaten Mumei to 1 million
HOLY KEK Clocktards are something else

>> No.93834270

Your retardation is astounding.

>> No.93834271


>> No.93834293

Again, saplings would just accept it. Look at her fans right now. They've accepted it. She's getting thousands of memberships 1 hour in her debut.

>> No.93834296

>Men saying fuck those other men, let them be flamed

>> No.93834320

>hires an artist
unironically kill yourself

>> No.93834449

Now I know you don't even watch Hololive, sister.

>> No.93834467


>> No.93834470

Why did it take you idiots FOUR FUCKING years to know she was fine with men, hell day 1 her and mumei were you know, did saplings collectively ignore that for four years?

also stop shitting up the catalog

>> No.93834479
File: 210 KB, 935x663, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that fast

>> No.93834511

Remember when saplings kept saying that Fauna was the only one that was pure in council? Even after she told them they weren't friends? lol

>> No.93834586

This really proves like 80% of Holos would be doing male shit if they didn't have to deal with autists seething like crazy

>> No.93834618

Beggars wont even watch it, they just want the clips

>> No.93834624


>> No.93834638

Look, in all honesty the lore video was pretty good. It's just Caspurr is not well received by the general vtuber fandom.

>> No.93834712

Drumpf ain't it CHUD

>> No.93834728

Why do homobeggars type like such 0 testosterone faggots?

>> No.93834791

I mean, if she has a 10th of the people that are watching today become regulars she's gonna be a-ok. Which I don't find impossible.

>> No.93834934

literally who

>> No.93834955

tbf its 99% of them unless she's a crazy feminist

>> No.93834957

No wonder the art was so ugly

>> No.93834965

Why the fuck is she still in contact with that degenerate?

>> No.93834985

Show me actual proof of her numbers dropping, you're making boogeymen out of things that don't exist.

>> No.93835100

This, it's finally the time of us cucks!!

>> No.93835102

Agree. Now I love not-Fauna more for doing this.

>> No.93835121

fucking ew

>> No.93835158

He's right. Unicorns are worthless and a loud minority

>> No.93835171

I'm magging so hard bros

>> No.93835247

Your tears nurture me.

>> No.93835267

take your retarded ass back to >>>/pol/

>> No.93835272

plushie already sold out... kek so much win

>> No.93835313

Clocktards seething in here when their Oshi was sucking Vespers dick. Holy kek

>> No.93835407

Saplings were always into cuckoldry anon

>> No.93835428

Fwmc are the only ones who wouldn't. The rest of EN would

>> No.93835430 [DELETED] 

Rightoid's really are fucking braindead holy fuck

>> No.93835468
File: 135 KB, 1067x883, 1664434902903636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Fauna was long time member of the unicorn triforce picture.
You really think any of the other girls are different?

Face it, they all want cocks and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.93835748
File: 383 KB, 326x680, 1592315815539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku never learn

>> No.93835777

You think this will all calm down when several weeks go by and she acts the same as always kek

>> No.93835860

She went from close to 90k to 71k and it keeps dropping and this is just happening during the live debut.
She's done lmao. I give her a month before she becomes a 3view.

>> No.93835965
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>> No.93836028
File: 57 KB, 1084x709, lando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lando won
Holokeks lost
Rope now

>> No.93836112

>Brownfeet and Ennacuck were unironically 100% right
Alright, which one of them are you?

>> No.93836139

>Dooby mexican bf leak
>Nimi together with Magni
What the fuck is happening?

>> No.93836215

you're losing spectacularly

>> No.93836227

>unveils homo connections with homos after milking memberships
This is the definition of a rug pull. Say what you will about Kronii but she never did something like this

>> No.93836269

>Dooby mexican bf leak

>> No.93836299

Fuck off. If my oshi collabs with a male I charge back all my supas and drop her on the spot.

>> No.93836354

>Uh yea sure she was following ALL of the Stars for fucking years but uh THIS IS A RUGPULL I NEVER EXPECTED THIS
Anons are extremely retarded

>> No.93836358

A shitload of young people learning the hard way that women are whores.

>> No.93836384

>women are attracted to men
Say it ain't so

>> No.93836387

She showed her little brother on stream

>> No.93836388

that mexican bf? me

>> No.93836406
File: 1.61 MB, 1910x1071, 1734062660667551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we allow women like you to use the internet?

>> No.93836424

>A latina (cuban) dating a latino
No way... the west has fallen...

>> No.93836431

It's pretty self explanatory?

>> No.93836448

poor choice

>> No.93836532
File: 391 KB, 640x608, WHORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93836573

Her marvel Rivals stats were tracked and she was playing duos with one guy every day for like 8 hours straight. All the while she was posting how sick she was and couldn't stream on Discord. The guy was some Mexican dude. She privated her stats now ofc.

>> No.93836602
File: 169 KB, 882x401, 1732203328821948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're beginning to realise your oshi has a life past just streaming

>> No.93836662

But /vt/ told me that unicorns are the only ones that buy merch and memberships
They lied to me ?

>> No.93836733

Why does it matter, you fans will never date her

>> No.93836748

>it was marvel rivals that revealed this
somehow im not surprised

>> No.93836806

They were announced before the homo shill.

>> No.93836809

That Mexican dude? Me with a bad fake accent

>> No.93836845

she was playing with 3 people anon, also she never said she was sick

>> No.93836854

/vt/ are always wrong

>> No.93836919

Tell her to fucking stream you fuck

>> No.93836978

All of the Holo girls are playing characters for manchildren and part of that character role is to pretend they don't like nor talk to males ever. You're just dumb.
Ironically though, the ones who play their characters to the most extreme (FWMC) are the only two who actually don't at all

>> No.93836987

You wouldn't do shit just like all of the saplings who said this a few hours ago

>> No.93836988

I get deja vu from this, pretty sure someone else used same reason and was caught playing.

>> No.93837077

>He doesn't know

>> No.93837093

Obvio no wey, onions yo. Pendejo.

>> No.93837120

her discord is public, not sure why he's trying to make stuf up

>> No.93837123

*sometimes she was playing with 2 other people
Most of the time she was just playing alone with WeenerBeener.

>> No.93837135

happened to laplus near debut

>> No.93837158

oh look i called it

>> No.93837191

>All of these western women in their early 20s have no desires IRL other than streaming to random faggots online
Reminder that Rushia was married for 3 fucking years while in Hololive.

>> No.93837217

So is she like the inverse Mint then?

>> No.93837227

That's bullshit enough as it is but what I find even more bullshit is the
>Wow, I didn't think there'd be so many people here...!
I mean shit, it's one thing if Mint says that, a girl with a LONG history of negative self-esteem and a lot of trouble behind her. A beloved ex-Holo who even got everyone banding together to get her to 1M subscribers, though? Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.93837239
File: 151 KB, 450x450, 1699154479893595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should've recognized the art style when the opening rolled

>> No.93837243

holocucks will literally NEVER learn

>> No.93837245

>Marvel Rivals is the new APEX for dating game

>> No.93837297

no, most of the time she was playing with 3 other peole, sometimes she'd play in full stack

>> No.93837373

It's honestly fucking hilarious that all the times people were posting about Stars fucking your oshi behind-the-scenes to undermine trust in Hololive, it was just Fauna schizoposting here.

>> No.93837379

Nice fanfiction
The sales were opened long after that.

>> No.93837400

why would I recognize a sexpest's work?

>> No.93837405

I've seen some here say Kronii was completely anti-male now lmao

>> No.93837622

Senpai gomenne

>> No.93837640

Anon... you can't keep doing this to yourself.
Fuwawa is safe for now, tho

>> No.93837700
File: 142 KB, 676x495, 2748804d-9d4c-4c57-9914-5f6407c2c144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the normie 3DPD egirls that larp as my pure anime waifu's are just normie egirls? Especially after they leave their big 1984 censoring corpo? wtf?
I can't believe I have to share a board with you retards. I hope it hurts when you rope so others who share your genes, yet are unfortunately in a relationship, are influenced not to reproduce.

>> No.93837731

Why would this bother you when all of the hologirls literally answer to a fleshmale ceo?

>> No.93837805


>> No.93837842

And what's the problem here?
She's a streamer, not your girlfriend.

>> No.93837906

I won't lie, I fucking hate seeing Yagoo's face on streams. I think he's a pathetic loser making holo talents praise him because he writes their checks.

>> No.93837911

I don't know about muh secret knowlegde shit and don't care to. I don't even watch fwmc. I'm just speaking from what I know/how many Holo girls would collab with male vtubers/stop pretending they don't exist if they went indie.

>> No.93837953

disappointing but expected

>> No.93837957

me when my ignorance is my own undoing

>> No.93838017

qrd? Who the fuck is caspurr and why are you brownoids mad?

>> No.93838050
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1684600898135944s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing /#/fags crying was a fucking pleasure to watch, even better than the debut

>> No.93838081

Ogey. I saw Nimi following the sexpest and decided not to watch. I don't know how that's my undoing.

>> No.93838102

This might be a bigger rugpul than the hawk tuah woman because at least people knew they were walking into a scam

>> No.93838119
File: 53 KB, 964x880, 1734062849879194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up woman

>> No.93838137

Why do you watch vtubers then

>> No.93838140

Ex Holostars and also she can no longer be paraded as a "unicorn beacon" to unitards

>> No.93838176

>She willingly chose to get magged in 2025

>> No.93838204

That would be extremely hilarious.

>> No.93838208

>decided not to watch

>> No.93838210

literally who?

>> No.93838237
File: 78 KB, 640x929, 1729558458872367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my oshi would NEVER talk to a disgusting MALE"
>is male

>> No.93838265

Why are browns mad over this

>> No.93838300

Go back to watching Alana, cuck.

>> No.93838299

Lmao. Lol even. Sapcucks got what they deserves

>> No.93838332

I hope you enjoy her streams. It's not for me. But good for you

>> No.93838346

Parrot, I know you are /here/ getting content

>> No.93838384

the reason not fauna left.

>> No.93838427

lol I've done this with another indie, why are they all shit at opsec like this

>> No.93838439
File: 298 KB, 574x564, 1710592018006171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93838448

Fucking finally a namedrop

>> No.93838454

There's far more people supporting her than you retards seething, good luck with that.
>It'll definitely be true this time.

>> No.93838467

Male vtubers are sexpests
All males are not sexpests
It's that simple.

>> No.93838564

Cucked beyond belief, lmao

>> No.93838574

All the sisters and beggars spent their entire father's paychecks to purchase everything just to own the chuds.

>> No.93838650

I made it up because I hate those pesky unicorns, they burned down my house and killed my family

>> No.93838661
File: 55 KB, 517x656, 1734410234586410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pure cope and you know the reaction would be exactly the same if she mentioned talking to a male cashier or something

>> No.93838778

No it wouldn't. Are you stupid? Actually, don't answer that.

>> No.93838792

Of course Shondo is going to try to leech, classic.

>> No.93838794

>this time
Implying it hasn't been true every time a ex-holo went indie? They all have have fallen off from their Holo numbers a few months after redebut.

>> No.93838853

Who's this guy and why do we care?

>> No.93838949
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shondo mogs lemon effortlessly

>> No.93838956

The career of that retard should've died, now he's gonna milk this situation for years

>> No.93838963


>> No.93838981

>Plenty of holomems proudly collab with men.

>> No.93838989

cucklings are real

>> No.93838996

Former EN stars. They've kept in touch the whole time.

>> No.93839087

When in Rome, do as the Romans do

>> No.93839109
File: 43 KB, 828x422, IMG_0749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t they just say. “A I want to take some time off to play this game without streaming” instead of making bullshit up?

>> No.93839252
File: 1.88 MB, 1831x1170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's correct.

>> No.93839343

She was playing more with someone named mikusoles, that at the same time plays with her really old mods ferat, bochi and that weenerbeener. So she has 4 boyfriends or the thing you're making up doesn't make sense

>> No.93839356

Because they have vaginas

>> No.93839359

Actually brown people are not unicorns see ID
You need a minimal understanding of idol culture to be a unicorn

>> No.93839410

cucklings.. we won!

>> No.93839469


>> No.93839474

You don't need unifag mentality to watch chubas

>> No.93839555

Her cucks love it.

>> No.93839563

Exactly, every beggar I've seen has a proud SEA flag next to them on their twitter handle

>> No.93839578
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1691373938705771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you faggots not remember 2022 or have you memory holed it?

>> No.93839585

This, holy shit I feel so vindicated.

>> No.93839595

Cecilia raided into the homos instead of a big girl collab and GG invited some random dude into a collab she had.

Those 2 are dead to me too.

>> No.93839726

>Cecilia raided into the homos
She raided ERB

>> No.93839737

>Cecilia raided into the homos instead
Gross, didn't know that.
>GG invited some random dude into a collab she had.
The bald guy?

>> No.93839743

I thought the cuck posts were ironic, but do people actually just hate watching women who collab with dudes? Or is it like, they view them as gfe so its more personal and they hate it because of that? Or is it actually ironic and the joke is just echo'd a retarded amount?

If its the first thing then do you just not watch men do any content? or is it different because its a vtuber, so the other things don't count?

If its the second thing she doesn't seem that gfe to me is it like she pivoted away from it?

>> No.93839886


>> No.93839904

The day STARS EN debuted she shilled them in a members stream a few hours prior.

>> No.93839976

Magni is engaged/married to a black woman you dumb brownfeet. He gets pegged nightly.

>> No.93839993

>retarded post
>reddit formating
Why does this happen every time?

>> No.93840002
File: 212 KB, 544x528, 1691018875183306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male vtubers are all faggots. I don't wanna watch faggots. I would rather share a space with a million unicorns before allowing one fujo in.

>> No.93840059

it's all three depending on who you ask
>or is it different because its a vtuber
of course

how new are you?

>> No.93840085

How retarded are you eaxactly?

>> No.93840337

Kronii was in a free fall after her first year. She clearly was in a bad place mentally and that was reflecting in her streams. Bae, even as a gifted performer, was a very rough streamer.

>> No.93840507

What homo did Gura Collab with?

>> No.93840511

I'm tired of /jp/ being right.

>> No.93840540
File: 54 KB, 342x532, Tomoko (334).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll feed you a (you). Can't speak for everyone but I just like cute girls. I've been in a relationship for about 7 years now. I don't care about GFE and even if I was single I wouldn't really care about it. I got curious about males when I got into vtubing and I can barely handle a minute of them, they're all gross and have annoying faggy voices. Seeing collabs all the males do is flirt with the girl they're collabing with.
My simple question is who sees a stream where all a man does is (awkwardly) flirt with a girl and think "wow this sure is Grade A entertainment!"? If you made a male v-tuber in a lab, removed his libido and put a bomb around his neck that would go off if he did a faggy voice, maybe you could convince me to watch a male vtuber.
I watch plenty of fleshies, male and female they're never as insufferable as the most "tolerable" male vtuber, I just don't get the appeal unless you're a fujo, a fag, or a cuck.

>> No.93840574

/jp/ is always right

>> No.93840741

they lied to you yes, they are poor and on a phone, they can't afford a plushie, let alone a computer.

>> No.93840744

they would have to invent a new scale to messure their metal deficiency

>> No.93840743

Is this really so hard to believe when 90% of this board is shitposting about how no one cares about non-holos? And then she gets way more people showing up to a fairly short notice silly debut stream than she had for basically all her last streams in holo

>> No.93840762

Shhh let the cuckling cope.

>> No.93840763

>is it different because its a vtuber
Obviously yes you retard. There are a million fleshstreamer ethots I could be watching if I just wanted to see a woman play a videogame.

>> No.93840841

You know, probably most of the Holo girls are still talking with males offstream. Just wait until they pull the graduation card, and you'll find out who they've been talking to the whole time while you're wasting your time praising them in a little YouTube chat

>> No.93840844

i rather she collab with males then joining vshojo. My membership is still secured.

>> No.93840868

/jp/ are the Ultimate cucks the jp holomems collab with men regularly

>> No.93840955
File: 10 KB, 709x103, 1710137607461199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but.

>> No.93840964

Lmao even

>> No.93840983

I can genuinely count on one hand the number of "okay" male vtubers on one fucking hand and I've seen hundreds by now. They all seem to have this same obnoxious retard personality that always demands all the attention be on them at all times. Don't even get me started on their thinly veiled attempts at flirting

>> No.93841081

how do you think gura survived without streaming for years?

>> No.93841103

Holy Based, get the jeets and seabrowns out of my fucking hobby.

>> No.93841148

Male vtubers are all sexpests whose sole purpose for becoming vtubers is trying to get laid.

>> No.93841218

I think I saw a guy who had a nonconventional vtuber model that looked a low poly version of him. Forget his name, just scrolled by him on twitter but he seemed semi-tolerable. But I'm not digging through a sea of shit to find one guy who at best I can go "he's okay, at least he's not doing a faggy voice"
Unironically this, didn't the first gen of homos brag about that when they got in?

>> No.93841273

I see nothing wrong? But I guess because I'm a normal person.

>> No.93841473

This is why I became a vtuber but then Twisty had to leak our fucking DMs before I could turn her into my nob topper...

>> No.93841497

>being a cuckold is "normal" to redditors
Wew lad

>> No.93841498

If she streams with a male vtuber, I won't watch. They're all annoying grifters.
If she streamed with NL I might tune in because NL is funny and isn't going to flirt with Nimi every second.

>> No.93841518

who the fuck is caspurr and why should i care if he made a lore video? is this the new internet slang for sex?

>> No.93841599

>I'm a normal person.
>Being here of all place
I can see why you think it's okay because you are beyond the normal retards around here at least they can admit they are fucked up.

>> No.93841614

Good little cuck

>> No.93841632

You should include the jp branch. Every single one of them has done a male collab.

>> No.93841660

You think NL is on the same tier as a sexpest?

>> No.93841734

yeah that's just obvious kek, unironic unicorns are fun kek

>> No.93841745

you are poor

>> No.93841752

Get help, lol.

>> No.93841796

Nah but your still gonna support the grifter whore

>> No.93841833


>> No.93841853

She's gonna collab with Mint before too long. That's one degree removed from Matara.

>> No.93841907

NL is a 40+ total normalfag family man with a daughter so he wouldn't be a creep with ulterior motives and while I don't like how much of a stereotypical libcucknadian racemixer he is, he's at least carved his own space out on twitch disconnected from the usual cancers of the place.

>> No.93842074

And sticking your head in the sand while she collabs with homos makes you less of a cuck? LMAO

>> No.93842121

honestly I won't watch her at all. I was just comparing properly for the context of the thread

>> No.93842134

if a female streamer so much as lives in the same zip code as a male, people here will have at least three weeks of meltdowns

>> No.93842241

I didn't say anything about the homos.

>> No.93842334

beggars can't stop thinking about them, go figure
Source: I made up a scenario in my head

>> No.93842411

What a bunch of cucklings lmao

>> No.93842476

but she's not your girl or anything why should that "cuck" you

>> No.93842604
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>> No.93842622

>open about fiance on PL
>reincarnates into the most profitable vtubing corpo with the some of the highest earners into the whole industry
>suddenly unicorn friendly
hmmmmmmmm I wonder why

>> No.93842773

oh you! haha, quit yanking my chain!

>> No.93842915

Fuck off, Mumei had a tiktok algorithm bolster her numbers and Kronii's growth was bound to peter out because she refuses to play FOTM most of the time and not everyone is enthralled with indie games like she is.

>> No.93842923

>Why did she wait so long to do this?
Hololive does reward talents who are friendly to unicorns and that is part of idol culture. Fauna went along with that but she clearly did have sympathy for Magni and Vesper. They got into a 2.0 design fight to help a friend (Kronii who got stuck with a sleazy design that she clearly finds embarrassing). They didn't have to do since they already had redesigns for their own models but they did get involved in another fight and it got so heated that Cover fired them. Nimi Nightmare is making it clear to her fans that Caspurr and Randon are good guys even if she can't tell anyone what they did.

Nimi does know that having Caspurr make her lore video will cause some backlash but she wanted to make it clear their sudden "graduations" in 2023 were also because of a disagreement with management.

>> No.93842961

Being poor doesn't make someone any less right Elon.

>> No.93843010
File: 16 KB, 342x227, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate all men who are not me, they should all have their entrails ripped out of their eyeballs. they should all just fuck off and die. i care not to see them and would butcher them if given the opportunity.

>> No.93843099

rare based unicorn

>> No.93843110

Pretty happy. Get filtered and stay in your fucking walled garden, SEAfag.

>> No.93843154
File: 51 KB, 739x415, 1727656948990064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when unicunts break down. Makes for good entertainment

>> No.93843161

no you wouldn't kek, go back to actually fall in love with streamers lol

>> No.93843199

Outfit schizo really does like making the rounds doesn't he?

>> No.93843213

twitch vshojo orbiter

>> No.93843235

>Hololive does reward talents who are friendly to unicorns and that is part of idol culture.
So just about every single holomem is being punished? Why do beggars always say this? Where's the proof?

>> No.93843265


>> No.93843269

Caspurr is ex Holostars Magni and to be fair, he is very creative. It's just he expected to be Suisei, Miko, Marine, Sora, and Gura levels of vtuber stardom (within a year of debut mind you) without putting in the Suisei, Miko, Marine, Sora, and Gura levels of work or patience. This was when HoloStars EN was getting a pretty big promotional push by Cover, obviously Cover wants their new branch to make it big so they had a lot going their way, Magni even got a 2.0 after not even being there a year, something unheard of in the company. However Magni didn't like his model (hence the 2.0 update) and just before the StarsEN one year anniversary Magni and Vesper went radio silent and then got terminated, throwing Altare and Dingo-Man into a tailspin. Magni then assumed and expected his fans would follow him in his post-Hololive career and when they didn't it was probably the first moment of clarity he's had in a while. Add to everything the fact he was using his paychecks to buy props for his other channel obviously indicated he wasn't planning on staying with Hololive for the long run and was just using them for his own brand rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

If you're a casual fan or a fan with no knowledge of Caspurr and his iterations, then ignore this, who Caspurr is doesn't matter. My opinion of Caspurr however is while creative (the lore video was good), is someone who is willing to use other people for his own ends and is willing to end connections because he feels like he's not amplified enough.

>> No.93843318

i have to restrain myself to not push people off the roof at work. it would be so easy to call them up there for this reason or that and claim he tripped and fell 40 floors
you don't know

>> No.93843373

No one ever thinks of anime girls as your girlfriend except for you cuckboi. Stop watching NTR and get a real job

>> No.93843392

Oh no unicorn holomem holomem they all have some mysterious males in behind the screen that we don't know

>> No.93843543

In short, idol culture sucks and indie is the future got it.

>> No.93843706

>sexpest got a big head and had a melty over it
Shocker. They're all fucking grifters. Why does Cover hire these fucking niji-tier shitters for their male division? I thought Yagoo was proud of the branch he created

>> No.93843764

>People seriously thought a bunch of rich women where just sitting around being pure for their pathetic fans
I really hope most of you guys are joking.

>> No.93843782

>STARS join
>Kronii and Fauna talk to them on Discord
>Kronii collabs with them and kills all of her growth
>Fauna ignores them but sticks in their DMs
No fucking wonder Kronii hates Fauna. Kronii got burned and Fauna just hid it.

>> No.93843969

>replace invisible guns with Stars standing behind them

>> No.93844031

>>Kronii collabs with them and kills all of her growth
Kronii sacrificed herself to sabotage them? I kneel. I'll never watch her but I respect her for that at least.

>> No.93844315

>stolen screenshot

>> No.93844347

she literally streamed with her bf regularly. sapkeks were delusional

>> No.93844453

I have no evidence of him being a sexpest, but he gives me the impression of a bandmate that demands more money from the music label and willing tear the band in half if he doesn't get his way. Which is kinda what happened.

>> No.93844545

Ame didn't

>> No.93844682

He implied that him leaving stars was a mutual agreement. He also went to Japan early last year to hang out with his former genmates minus Randon. He seems to be on good terms with the other homos.

>> No.93844891

I don’t understand how this is different than having a male model artist or rigger tbdesu

>> No.93844984

Asian woman post.

>> No.93845080

>So just about every single holomem is being punished?
I am not saying that Hololive is threatening to break their knee caps if they don't pander to unicorns but they do likely get told in clear terms that doing male collabs with hurt their numbers. Yagoo hates that, management hates that, and the talents hate that but they do know that it does lower the numbers. That doesn't mean that Fauna never talked with Magni and Vesper or that she wasn't upset when Cover fired them.

Nimi Nightmare had months to decide on her debut which is how she will be introduced to her indie channel. That she had Caspurr make the video for her lore means that she fully agreed with the reasons that he fought with management.

>> No.93845176

Now tell me who is the biggest unicorn-friendly member in Hololive English right now, so I can note it and wait for this funny thing to happen again

>> No.93845309

BRUTAL! Nothing left for the betas...

>> No.93845328

they want to force drama + they feel the need to justify their worries on getting "cucked" by a streamer

>> No.93845795

Pretty much this, thats my issue with caspurr/magni/lando, he feels en entitled to success

>> No.93845808

>I have no evidence of him being a sexpest
he's a male vtuber

>> No.93845866

If a character is somewhat attractive he will immediately start talking about how horny it makes him and how hard he would fuck them

>> No.93846045
File: 300 KB, 1413x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they do likely get told in clear terms that doing male collabs with hurt their numbers
Show me the numbers dropping them, shouldn't it be easy to track? ERB is the most subscribed Justice member. Again, it's all fake boogeyman shit talking about imaginary numbers with no proof.
Nimi has 379k subs already.

>> No.93846061


>> No.93846155

Everything hinges on the radio silence and termination reasons that we'll never hear about. As of right now though I would treat Magni like how I treat my older brother: I wish you luck in your endeavors but I think it's best we never cross paths again.

>> No.93846174

>Forgot the picrel

>> No.93846324

>niji-tier shitters
People keep pushing this.. If it was remotely true, the entire HoloEn side would be in a similar state as NijiEN by now. None of them are even 1/5 as bad as the Niji trash.

>> No.93846459

Bae is the runt because she’s a pretty boring zoomer normie. You can’t overcome that with hard work.

>> No.93846492

Cover is slightly better at keeping them at bay but God, when they open their mouth all they do is start drama

>> No.93846516

It wasn't a termination, they probably just didn't want to renew the contract. He didn't break a rule, management just didn't want him anymore

>> No.93846563

saplings didn't deserve to be cucked so hard
well maybe just a little bit, they should have taken the hint not to be parasocial after the "we are not friends" bit

>> No.93846590

>However Magni didn't like his model
Magni model was unironically 5x better than his wallmart FF generic catboy one. It was the only reason he even got that popular in stars.

>> No.93846743

>le meme word

>> No.93846890

The concept was great, especially his cloth spider arms but the face looked weird and the rigging wasn't great.

>> No.93846936

>nobody cares about indies *spits*
>wtf why are you surprised you are popular?

>> No.93847206

Sounds like your average gachafag

>> No.93847287

Yeah it looked really cheap.

>> No.93847519

Prima donna, that's the term I've been looking for/

>> No.93847713

The fanart he gets was great but he throws it fuck all
