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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 750x496, 1725495275696047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
93760098 No.93760098 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.93760141

What do you call this behavior?

>> No.93760248

ZOGOG is so cute.

>> No.93760262

it's autistic but now I want to pat her head and whisper "good Mococo" in her ear

>> No.93760309

What even happened?

>> No.93760344

Are you referring to the clipniggers and unfunny yt comments coming up with ever more retarded variations of Mogojan?

>> No.93760360

Didn't she post a similar tweet recently?

>> No.93760377

Retards once again not knowing how to just laugh at something and move on

>> No.93760391
File: 906 KB, 1200x1500, 1703033402984479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu mojojojo

>> No.93760402

EN Flare

>> No.93760416

AryanCunnyRapist88 gifted 50 memberships saying "MOGOGO SEGGS" and /baubau/ clapped like seals

>> No.93760422

Mojo Jojo...

>> No.93760431

I recall Mori doing a similar thing because people would say her name in the wrong order.

Wonder if its a brand thing with a retarded talent manager or something

>> No.93760460

Autism possibly stronger than Furea.

>> No.93760461


>> No.93760464

Michael Coors is right you know.

>> No.93760501

what’s mango jam’s problem

>> No.93760523
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>Please use the designated brand name wuffians

>> No.93760524

I assumed that this was just some bit/keyfabe but seeing the replies makes me think she's serious (at least the ruffians replying seem to think she is). Why?

>> No.93760545

what do you mean wrong order? like calling her Abyssgard Mococo?

>> No.93760547

i hate these dogs so much

>> No.93760558

do white women really

>> No.93760562
File: 330 KB, 1079x1127, 1737077118271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards keep spamming the chat and comments with ZOGOGO and ZOGOG because of this

>> No.93760628

Being a woman.

>> No.93760654

Mococo and Mumei should have an autistic-off

>> No.93760655

>>93760524 (me)

>> No.93760673

If it was a nickname made by japs she wouldn't give a fuck let's be honest

>> No.93760692

no more mogojohn...

>> No.93760715

Is this mental illness?
Does she fear to be like Biboo where the official name became irrelevant?

>> No.93760771

i feel like this has happened multiple times by now. i wonder why they're so bothered by silly fan nicknames

>> No.93760804

She had a few times where she corrected chat who were calling her Calliope Mori instead of Mori Calliope.

idk if its her own autism, or like some manager is suggesting to try and keep it to like a set amount of nicknames for brand recognition or some stupid shit like that

>> No.93760862

This is literally that meme where a shirt that says CANADA turns into ANAL

>> No.93760896

I guess I shouldn't expect tourists to know about her past

>> No.93760898

I wonder if it's a discoverability thing, and by calling them random names you weaken their brand and their numbers?

>> No.93760901

sorry, I didn't see the Mori part i need to get my vision checked and assumed it was about Mococo. my bad

>> No.93760926

>calling her Calliope Mori instead of Mori Calliope
Hasn't she called herself that on multiple occasions?

>> No.93760961

This is so stupid. People call Gura with many names, but she always trending as Gura anyway.

>> No.93760964

Biboo has only 1 nickname, people call Mococo not only calm her Mogojan (wh>ch she's okay with), but retarded shit like Mango Jam, Mogo John, Mango Joe, ZOGOG...

>> No.93760967

What else do you expect from Neo-Nazi adjacents?

>> No.93760982


>> No.93760993


>> No.93761108
File: 43 KB, 256x256, 1733222899633813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goob Goombus Grimbo George Goober Grogus Goomba is a based nickname enjoyer. Dogs are cringe soulless brand npcs.

>> No.93761112 [DELETED] 
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>> No.93761245

the japs including fubuki were saying it too

>> No.93761244

Most vtubers don't have to tell their fans not to show their power level in public.

>> No.93761377


>> No.93761435

To be fair enough people call Gura simply Gura to balance it. With Mococo you have way more nicknames that she might feel it might turn out like Biboo.

>> No.93761442

It's a joke about them being Japanese, you sensitive retard. Like oshi like fanbase I guess.

>> No.93761459
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>> No.93761509

having too many weird random nicknames is going to mess with the algorithm.

>> No.93761518

meanwhile gura is fine going by goomba, goombus, goobidiba, goober, gooba, goopa, gumbo, slut, goorah, gumbus, gombus, shark, shork, shart, stinky, stinko, and gooby

>> No.93761540

Nobody here thinks that retard

>> No.93761591
File: 181 KB, 478x544, George Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh Ruffian Melty

>> No.93761616

how come gura having three dozen different nicknames didn't mess with the algorithm? do fuwamoco just suck?

>> No.93761634
File: 123 KB, 1098x1325, 1714898068529321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is too fucking funny
too fucking menhera
sora doesnt give a shit if shes called soda or sofa

>> No.93761689

Isn't this Advent problem? They call each other with retarded shit and now regret it.

>> No.93761789

thinks what?

>> No.93761790

Gura also doesn't stream, minimizing her exposure to fans

>> No.93761890
File: 1.06 MB, 1879x1040, 1712706622269090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora wears the soda outfit when she plays fall guys, she's based.

>> No.93761978

It's the latter, yes. They had a brand shift a few years in and insisted she do it.

>> No.93761989

I love Zogog.

>> No.93762036

I think it's good to tell autistic redditors exactly what not to do because they wouldn't be able to take a hint otherwise.

>> No.93762049

that's literally what it says

>> No.93762060

I wouldn't want to be called a jew either

>> No.93762063

They know that people using names that don't relate to them fuck up the algorithm and they lose out on numbers

>> No.93762095

The actual kind.

>> No.93762186

Respect my pronouns shit. This has and will backfire.

>> No.93762200

that's it? so why does this thread even exist?

>> No.93762208

it looks like Zogogo with the jacket on. why did she approve it and not see this coming?

>> No.93762215

Literal Flare-like behavior. Come the fuck on, Mocochan. You weeb bitches should have seen the I Love Canada coming.

>> No.93762258


>> No.93762286

because of what she tweeted?

>> No.93762288

Setting boundaries is good trait for adults.

>> No.93762316

mental illness

>> No.93762350


>> No.93762367

>I <3 Canada
>I <3 Anal
They should have seen it coming so they can't complain

>> No.93762374

she also has Bijoe, Beebs, Boobi, and probably others

>> No.93762381

It's not even disrespectful or rude. It's entirely to protect the brand they made. FuwaMoco are businesswomen first, entertainers second.

>> No.93762415

What did she expect? Her jacket covers half of the letter M to make it look like the letter Z. It literally looks like it says ZOGOGO lmao, I don't know what she expected.. It's hilarious and a really funny oversight. It could be fixed with a simple update from the rigger so I don't know why Mococo is throwing a melty over it. It's kinda on her for not quality checking to make sure it actually says Mogogo so she should've said something before the outfit reveal. And besides, lots of the talents have multiple nicknames anyway so I don't know why Mococo would be getting so angry over this. This feels like a reoccurring thing for them to always make a fuss out of nothing and it's really annoying. No fun allowed I guess

>> No.93762559

Here come the autistic redditors rushing in, as expected.

>> No.93762616

You need to be patient with Mococo, she unironically has autism

>> No.93762623

>Have fun on OUR terms!
No. Fuck off, whores.l

>> No.93762688
File: 53 KB, 599x677, 1737078690349704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melty over this

>> No.93762698

>fixed with a simple update
there could be merch like t-shirts, figures, etc. already in production with the current design so it may not be that simple
really they should have caught it earlier in a design review

>> No.93762769


>> No.93762776

Ok this is really really retarded now, do better QC next time or just do a design change, even just removing the little leg that makes the Z would be good enough.

>> No.93762784

Yeah but only other Holomems ever call her any of those

>> No.93762807

>No fun allowed I guess
Genuinely what it feels like. This is a no fun allowed moment, and that shit brings down the mood.

>> No.93762814

I know we all think our oshi’s are autistic, but Mococo is non-functional one, without Fuwawa., she couldn’t make it. She’s legitimately crippled by it

>> No.93762850

this is such a stupid hill to die on
wtf is wrong with mango jam? i thought she was a veteran streamer...

>> No.93762918

its kayfabe you FUCKIGN mark!

>> No.93762970

You are not actually saying mococo has more nicknames than gwar goober are you

>> No.93763034

Search engine optimization.

>> No.93763051

Should have just put bau on the shirt.

>> No.93763072

does zogog even realize that by embracing the nicknames theyd die off faster? her saying "WAFFIANS PLS DONT SAY DAT" people are gonna spam it out of irony now? its a streisand effect

>> No.93763081

My oshi's sister is such a dumb autist.

>> No.93763122

She seriously threatened to end the stream when people in chat wouldn't stop calling her Zogog and Zogogo

>> No.93763140

It's probably Cover pushing for branding and Mococo taking it a bit too seriously.
They keep trying to insert these small creatures in 3D lives for example, so it wouldn't surprise me if the orders came from the top and FWMC were a bit too zealous because they feel too grateful to Hololive.

>> No.93763286


>> No.93763312

>you're only allowed to have fun using our pre-approved list of nicknames
Fuck that shit

>> No.93763323

Yet they never had a problem with calling Bijou Biboo

>> No.93763414

Because she likes it. Fuwawa had a bit where she called Nerissa stinky, Nerissa was offended, it stopped.

>> No.93763511

>Nerissa was offended
it's because she really is stinky

>> No.93763667


Pretty sure Biboo didn't like candy feet at first but she grew to accept it

>> No.93763723

Who the fuck would like to be called Stinky?

>> No.93763810


>> No.93763934

how does this relate to neo nazis you inept retard?

>> No.93764108

>called Nerissa stinky
she did not
she just called her she smells like a bird

>> No.93764133
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I mean, even one of her senpais thinks it looks like that.

>> No.93764152
File: 323 KB, 479x616, 1705785519861804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are they so bitchy? I've been calling Beebs different nicknames every stream and every superchat and she doesn't mind any of it at all.

>> No.93764171

birds stink

>> No.93764234
File: 23 KB, 331x330, 1699245445393787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no way she didn't know people were going to call her Zogogo when the text looks deliberately stylized to make it say that with her jacket on
I don't really want to get angry over something dumb like this, but what the fuck is her problem?

>> No.93764240

what's wrong with her tweet?

>> No.93764291

Wow, Fuwamoco don't support palestine? more zog slaves? sad
no more hololive for me

>> No.93764300

Zionist Occupied Government Oriental Girl?

>> No.93764492

good point

>> No.93764555
File: 17 KB, 552x414, Wait....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93764663
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>> No.93764687

Comes off as sensitive

>> No.93764712

Shut up Mango Jam, you are white.

>> No.93764755

why is she such a huge cunt?

>> No.93764764


>> No.93764817

tard wrangling

>> No.93764900

Tard leading the tard, then

>> No.93764952

what a spoilsport

>> No.93765166
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Based Fuwawa enjoyer.

>> No.93765306

She's a woman.

>> No.93765309

Funny thing is, I don't even like big boobs that much, Mococo's body is way closer to my strike zone. Mistress is too powerful however, I can't resist her charms...

>> No.93765376

Just searched "Nerissa stinks" on youtube and found multiple clips of her saying it in different occasions

>> No.93765394


>> No.93765445

Reverse psychology

>> No.93765459

Man those retarded dogs and ruffians really deserve each other kek

>> No.93765460

This is pure unadulterated female mental retardation at its finest. Back in middle and high school and even in certain professional environments at the beginning of a career, attempting to stop people from calling you a certain name is the most surefire way to ensure it sticks for a very VERY long time. You cannot dictate what people can or can't call you, especially when what you're being called isn't an obvious insult or derogatory term. This is basic human behavior and I have to assume she is utterly retarded or is using reverse psychology

>> No.93765463

That's the thing, comes off as even more sensitive than your average woman/even more autistic than your average vtuber, and that's actually impressive.

>> No.93765493

it says Zogog there.

>> No.93765529

i can only assume that this is either management breathing down their necks, or they're very menhera and act in-character off stream and truly believe these cute nicknames are direct attacks towards their identity

>> No.93765592

Zogog is the hip new word for anal.

>> No.93765596

How often do you see people calling Fubuki a cat nowadays? It does work.

>> No.93765661


>> No.93765664

I'll follow friend's lead and call her Z'gok

>> No.93765734

>found multiple clips of her saying it in different occasions
so anon is lying and it didnt actually stop?

>> No.93765758

It's like those shirts that say "Canada" but with a jacket on it says "anal"

>> No.93765992

A reason to stop watching.

>> No.93766011

How often do you see people talk about Fubuki at all?

>> No.93766135

Has Fubuki ever written a formal statement asking people to not call her that? From my memory she played into it with the "NOT CATTO I AM FOXU" bit until, eventually, the meme ran it's course and people moved on. She handled it perfectly in hindsight.

>> No.93766291

is this just a woman thing? nerissa rm had a melty about people calling her by the first 4 letters of her name instead of her full name too lol

>> No.93766317


>> No.93766364

People actually stopped for the most part after Fubuki released those cat meme parody shorts last year, proving that the best way to kill a meme is to embrace it.

>> No.93766426

this is the answer
the numberdogs can't stand any perceived loss in numbers

>> No.93766647

Please only use Mococo's copyrighted nicknames that fit her brand. Calling her by anything else makes it hard for new fans to look her up, like, and subscribe to her channel.

>> No.93766707

I don't know how anybody who actually spends any significant time on the internet, much less make a living on it, doesn't know this. These girls have been on the internet as entertainers for a decade. They've seen the rise and fall of every major meme you can think of. This has to be a manager mandated post or they are actually, like ACTUALLY retarded.

>> No.93766846

Okay Marcopolo

>> No.93766852

So will mococo demand an apology from fubuki? This is all about her creating boundaries right? So if she doesn't put her foot down here, then it meant nothing to begin with

>> No.93766929 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.93766956

None of the clips are recent, retard.

>> No.93767158

Extremely often if you actually watch streams, which you clearly don't.

>> No.93767615

okay but like for mori it was genuinely unclear for so long and it still feels a bit weird either way

>> No.93768103

iirc calliope is her first name but her character is meant to be called "mori" like the japanese way of saying the last name first. also it's just shorter which is nice

>> No.93768123

They were avoiding anything major. Mococo was constantly following 1view and 2view idols on nico whenever Fuwawa wasn't forcing her to read denpa eroge.

>> No.93768244

It's a brand thing not a woman thing.

>> No.93768456

>X melty
this is a "jesus fucking christ EN fans are retarded" post, not "le melty" post for Gura fans to mock

>> No.93768480

This is why their viewership has jumped off a cliff while Biboo keeps getting more popular. She actually embraces her communities creativity instead of stifling it.

>> No.93768486

My needy little cutie

>> No.93768510

Of course not, the JP is all that matters to Fuwamoco

>> No.93768725


>> No.93768837
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she also called herself "Gabby"

>> No.93768841

now this is a real KWAB moment

>> No.93769086

stripper bimbo outfit with "bitch" written on the back when

>> No.93769365

i like moco-chan, but holy autism

>> No.93769369

You don't get to choose your own nickname, it's just what other people decide to call you. That's the fucking point of nicknames ZOGOG.

>> No.93769464

At least this guarantees she doesn't wear the jacket for awhile

>> No.93769486

fuck off #'s retard

>> No.93769555
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>> No.93769611

sucking JP cock is all she knows

>> No.93769799

Remind me why more people like Mococo than Fuwawa.

>> No.93769840

how is mori able to be super productive with that many debuffs?

>> No.93769865

smaller tits
belly button
short shorts
more energetic

>> No.93769965

none of you actually care about this

>> No.93770020

The fact that her shirt can be misinterpreted as that is a huge oversight on their part. Should've been something like Bau Bau or no text at all

>> No.93770032
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>> No.93770060

>t. Fan of the biggest # chasers

>> No.93770216

Since when does autism and ADHD makes you lazy?

>> No.93770284

FWMC hate it because it's bad for recognition.
Ruffians hate it because it gets tiring and their masters told them to hate it
Everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.93770583

I still think it's kayfabe/reverse psychology stuff.
If they seriously wanted to care about the brand they'd have gone and made the holoen account tweet about it.

>> No.93770588


Holy Fuwawers

>> No.93770639

Ruffians will love it

>> No.93770753

If she went with MOCOCO, we could have had ZOCOC

>> No.93771001

Employees protecting their brand and their employers' IPs?

>> No.93771120

It's the same reason they insist on making their seldom game streams look like shit by including giant sign overlays advertising their twitter and hashtags that cover a quarter of the stream. They don't care about their fans enjoyment or the quality of their streams. They only care about growing and advertising and shilling. It sucks.
The reason she hates it is because she thinks the temporary silly nicknames makes their branding less coherent and thus makes them less marketable, which again is the only thing thry really care about.

>> No.93771452

I genuinely feel bad for her and hope she realizes that there is no point in cowtowing to ruffians ever again.

>> No.93772046

She absolutely blames Icomochi mama for that, she's just unable to direct it at her, nor willing to ask for a redesign because she wouldn't want to hurt her mama's feelings.

>> No.93772064

That's too bad, I think her stomach looks a bit weird without the jacket.

>> No.93772271

I'm confused is that like a Japanese slur or something

>> No.93772448

if someone has unmedicated adhd they're unproductive as fuck unless they really wanna do a thing lol

>> No.93772469


>> No.93772884
File: 798 KB, 1514x974, ZOGOG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic.

>> No.93773018

Magog is one the enemies to be defeated in Christian and Jewish eschatology. ZOGOG seems to be a portmanteau of ZOG and Magog, identifying ZOG with Magog.

>> No.93773042

>do not make up any nicknames for me!!!
>instead, you may use one of these 3 corporate-approved nicknames
i like fuwamoco but this is so soulless
imagine if gura had a melty any time someone called her goomba or gooba or whatever. not cute

>> No.93773069

>no you've got to use these specific names

>> No.93773172
File: 179 KB, 605x561, 1735897355741385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa doesn't have this problem.

>> No.93773250

They're just autistically approved

>> No.93773280

The thing is that even some of her senpais get the name wrong on purpose so i really can't take this serious unless there's a statement from management.

>> No.93773441

It's a good thing this is only ENs or else Flare would be the god-queen tier several ranks above the others.

>> No.93773454

Well that explains me

>> No.93773499

Fuwawa also is not afflicted with crippling autism

>> No.93773673

Fuwawa is the better sister

>> No.93773715

Cat-Fubuki Syndrome

>> No.93773732


>> No.93773866

She will unfortunately have to grow and get over it at some point, trying to constantly control the behavior of hundreds of thousands of people like this will only make her go insane in the end.

>> No.93773955

>he will unfortunately have to grow and get over it at some point
No she won't. She'll just have a woman moment.

>> No.93774037

Flare vibes

>> No.93774086

And almost always those nicknames are the '3 approved names'.

>> No.93774085

Discord tried to make Flatwawa catch on as a meme name

>> No.93774196

It seems like a silly overreaction that /vt/ will have a silly overreaction to

>> No.93774306

On one hand, the " get mococo's name wrong" meme has gotten fairly old and crusty at this point, so I get her frustration.

On the other hand, saying this is 1000% the best method to keep such a meme around. People do not like being told what to do like that. She would have been way better off just ignoring it for a few weeks until it died down.

>> No.93774310

>woman moment
people will call them whatever they want and they have zero power over that, asking people to stop will only make it worse.


>> No.93774392


>> No.93774435

EOP Ruffians still call her shitty names, while JP Ruffians stopped months ago. this is only going to cause further strife between the two

>> No.93774470

>She would have been way better off just ignoring it for a few weeks until it died down.
I'm kind of on the fence, bringing it up is definitely going to put some peoples backs up, but on the other hand ruffians would 100% drive it into the ground and beyond, so maybe just cutting it off early and dealing with the consequences is better

>> No.93774547

...wait a minute

>> No.93774666

>court manchild audience
>get manchild behavior

>> No.93774910

>vtuber teletubbies
worse than that actually

>> No.93775041

zogog is funny and harmless
you retards are acting like redditors

>> No.93775288

Damn, Ruffians not respecting her proper nouns.

>> No.93775421

Mococo is asking fans to respect her wishes so that will shame most of them into stopping. Also considering the number of Jewish related ZOG jokes being made on this board it might have been Hololive management that asked her to make that request.

>> No.93775433

I can understand not liking the nickname, however she absolutely did this to herself. How could she not have seen this coming?

>> No.93775498

Who the fuck makes an M like that?
And how do you look at this and not see it says Zogogo? It genuinely looks like it's deliberate.

>> No.93775621

Unironically why they have been overtaken by Biboo as the most popular advent member, this girls don't know how to laugh at themselves

>> No.93775681

Even a 5 years old child would read that as a Z, hololive and the talents should have been more firm on the design and tell their mama to adjust the M instead of being scared of "hurting" her.

They brought this upon themselves.

>> No.93775763

>Wear a shirt that looks like "Zogogo"
>Gets surprised chat comments on it
Anyone that couldn't see this coming like 10 miles away needs their head checked.

>> No.93775800

Their own mother calls her by joke names, but the approved ones. That's why she allows approved ones at all because everyone wants to use them including the people they respect. The nicknames are based off of their goofy accents. The actual EN nicknames however where it's Flimflam Jimjam or whatever the fuck is literally the same culture as the people who make everything a HoloEN girl says a reference to a dildo. It's clipperfag shit and the reason it will never go away is Hololive are very afraid of actually confronting and calling out "fake fans" for fear of pissing off the real ones or getting the attention of outside drama farms.

>> No.93775975

How is that you can misinterpet an M as a Z and call that obvious but then imagine an O that is nowhere even visible and pretend your brain is actually functional?

>> No.93776055

That will stop her fans from saying it, but not the thousands of clip watching casuals.

>it might have been Hololive management that asked her to make that request.
Nah, Mococo has complained about her nicknames before, Mogogo and Mocojyan are only allowed as a compromise, she's not fond of them either.

>> No.93776104

Nerissa already opened Pnadora's box with her "fake fan" woman moment on twitter. If Cover was serious, they would start copyright striking anything Hololive related that was done through their approval process and all clipper channels. it'd kill growth short and medium term, but stop a lot of the wrong type of fans from coming.

>> No.93776120

Those girls don't take social media classes (or else i couldn't explain some comments of talents like Kiara and Ollie that would get anyone else shadowbanned at least). The manager should at least advice on them.. writing about it isn't gonna help for sure.

>> No.93776178

>These people who don't understand the language misinterpreted something, that's the same as me deliberately refusing to understand!

>> No.93776302

shes gonna have the shirt changed to japanese text, act innocent about showing it off and then never use the english version

>> No.93776322

Knowing or not knowing the language has nothing to do with what thinking the English characters look like and joking about it

>> No.93776353

I have more respect for Mococo behaving like a teenage girl than I do Sora behaving like a doormat on this exact issue. You will not find a single EN fan of Sora's who ever calls her anything that isn't retarded implication that she is some mentally stunted infant.

>> No.93776432

They've never pretended to like their mama that convincingly, most talents do it better.

>> No.93776475

Are you autistic by chance

>> No.93776572

You're right, I just called her Zogogo by instinct.
It actually does say Zogog.

>> No.93776619
File: 49 KB, 626x626, 1734474348585561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A huge part of being a vtuber is rolling with the punches, fans, especially the casual ones tend to gravitate toward things that flanderize you, maybe deep down it makes you want murder someone, but you can't let them see that.
Just roll with the nicknames then bring it up later, its like horny comments directed at Kiara, she mentioned it once and everyone dropped it, she let it run its course, do the same here.

>> No.93776661

I will gladly die for ZOGog

>> No.93776674

>doormat on this exact issue
changing your mind on something after some introspection isnt being a doormat its called personal growth

>> No.93776708

the fact this actually could happen, is hilarious and will just stir up the weird fanbase war ruffians have

>> No.93776855

You're right, deciding to let your dad cum in your ass after introspection about how it's stressful to argue about it all the time is personal growth. What valuable insight your life experiences have provided you.

>> No.93776893

>English characters

>> No.93776900

im not your therapist

>> No.93777055

She'll still be Mongol John in my heart

>> No.93777083

Why are you steering the conversation towards men cumming in men's asses, anon?

>> No.93777116

bit weird

>> No.93777125

>A huge part of being a vtuber is rolling with the punches
did you post a deadbeat on purpose?

>> No.93777126
File: 88 KB, 376x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it's covered up that absolutely looks like a Z

>> No.93777130

What is your problem? Zogogo

>> No.93777158

That's obviously the real problem here, Fuwamoco are massive numberhounds. So they wanted casuals and they got casuals. They can effortlessly resolve this issue by cutting down their fans to just the true blue schizo ones like a Kiara does but they want to be on top, so they won't. But they'll still cry about it.

>> No.93777163

Ok, sorry for calling you a zionist, mango jam.

>> No.93777260

Why do you assume the one getting raped is male? They're literally defending being an abused woman.

>> No.93777277

it's definitely a sign of tism at this point

>> No.93777374

Nice new 4chan nickname, from now on, you will be called Zogogo forever here.

>> No.93777411

I'll continue spamming it in chat and there's nothing she can do about it. That's what happens when you're the popular sister.

>> No.93777529
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Yet another one of us!

>> No.93777668

Same reason they have long-standing members who cry and whine about not getting game streams. They tried to get way too many different types of fans because they think it'll get them a sololive, and now they have a bunch of different people asking for different things that they aren't really interested in doing.

>> No.93777671

>make a harmless joke in fun
>uuuuuuu stop bullying me im so upset
not sure whether to tell mogojyan to get thicker skin or stop farming.

>> No.93777733

>demanding anything from JP
for them that's career suicide

>> No.93777735

Unironically pathetic

>> No.93777756

Except... fubuki knows the english alphabet. As does almost every japanese person. It's gramar and vocabulary they suck at, but there is no barrier for her to read a shirt

>> No.93777816

Bless you, autismo moomposter.

>> No.93777820

>These people are nicknaming me purely out of malice!
Shut the fuck up, Zogogo

>> No.93777919

i mean they only made the tweet in English when they regularly make their tweets in Japanese AND English. So its pretty obvious who they are mad at.

>> No.93777989

Good, let them hate EN fans more.

>> No.93778001

If I was a ruffian I wouldn't even acknowledge their EN tweets

>> No.93778005

Is it really so hard to respect the wishes of a chuuba?

>> No.93778098

Gura understands that she can create a storm of nicknames so confusing that people will give up and call her by her original name. She understands the bullets.

>> No.93778194

How does an M turn into a Z?

>> No.93778221

What an odd thing for a vtuber to get upset about. I'd understand if people were spamming some gooner shit or some shit. But this is like if Bijou had a melty about being called Biboo.

>> No.93778293

Are you blind?

>> No.93778326

>Not overreacting is being a doormat
It's just a harmless nickname joke, you autist.
>>You will not find a single EN fan of Sora's who ever calls her anything that isn't retarded implication that she is some mentally stunted infant.
Also, this is false.

>> No.93778340

They know the letters on a keyboard as they type them to make Japanese characters, but they have wildly different understandings on how to actually pronounce and understand them. Like Hosimati for example. Fubuki thinks Zo is pronounced like Zoo and gog like cock but with a g at the front. It's complete nonsense and not even how those letters would sound if you were reading them as romaji.

>> No.93778355
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>but the chuuba is retarded

>> No.93778361
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>> No.93778393

Its not hard but it also makes you look like a no fun allowed stickler who's throwing away a good joke and engagement opportunity because you're not in touch with your fans.

For all they know it could've developed into lore and fanart and maybe even eventually a song embracing the joke but for some reason they're projecting it being disrespectful.

*changes the channel*

>> No.93778500

All chuubas are to a certain degree, but that's not an excuse to do things they dislike

>> No.93778517

If you're as autistic as Flare about shit, you don't deserve respect.

>> No.93778569
File: 1.01 MB, 1514x974, 1737084329717748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have to do is change the font.
Their artist can do this in less than 10 minutes.

>> No.93778614

which is completely irrelevant to reading letters on a shirt
no one is questioning fubuki on her ability to speak it, she saw letters, that's it

>> No.93778629

They're terrible at improv and rolling with things. They are extremely ridged and if the topic during a collab isn't something they are extremely familiar with, they just BAU BAU or go silent and make it awkward until the conversation goes back to what they want.

>> No.93778673


>> No.93778679


>> No.93778687

Is it really so hard to roll with the punches? Hell it's not even a punch, it's just a funny little nickname, doesn't even have any negative connotations. Just a cute little joke, something that makes people... smile... Wait, weren't they supposed to protect people's smiles?

>> No.93778763

God, that's so JP behavior.

>> No.93778766

The thread is nearing bump limit, how? You guys this passionate about nicknames?

>> No.93778778

Weird rap name.

>> No.93778802

I think its also just coming from their japanese side as honorifics aren't at all part of western culture.

>> No.93778830

It's good to filter out the brainrotted zoomers.

>> No.93778894

that's how she sounds while she's chocking on JP cock

>> No.93778920

They really love shitting on their en fans don't they

>> No.93778960

Go back

>> No.93778980

Forcing someone to just roll with something they dislike is just going to make them resentful and eventually stop streaming altogether because why bother when people are just going to spam shit you don't like. It is a bit of a silly thing to be mad at but bottom line is she doesn't like it so we should respect her wishes, or deal with the possibility that she stops using the outfit or streaming

>> No.93779059

Wait, she's serious? She was serious this whole time?

>> No.93779065

>and eventually stop streaming altogether
If she legitimately can't handle being called "mango jam" by people who actually like her streams, the door is right there.

>> No.93779085

>Stop streaming
They're already doing that.

>> No.93779087
File: 196 KB, 398x393, 1734749495293659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started as: Kek Mococo always you and your tomfoolery
And ended with: I hate these traitor grifter dogs and I hope they die
You know, the typical FWMC thread

>> No.93779099

I honestly wonder if becoming a vtuber creates some sort weird identity/bipolar syndrome kek. It's a fucking anime character not you.

>> No.93779192

But you don't like her streams.

>> No.93779246

Ligger tourist but her getting upset at this then seeing this is funny as hell man.

>> No.93779261

That's what happens when you antagonize your fanbase.

>> No.93779267

I don't call her that, but thousands of other fans do.

>> No.93779327

You picked the wrong thread to make this lie because it's not believeable. On the Internet Zog only has negative connotations.

>> No.93779330

Why not call her mango jam then?

>> No.93779348

I literally don't understand why mococo is so mad about this specially when they have a gen mate that have a new nick every week, and she is doing fine.

>> No.93779359

70 good old games
Retro gamers confirmed!

>> No.93779374

I have no idea what you're arguing at this point.

>> No.93779397

What else have they been calling her?

>> No.93779406
File: 158 KB, 1468x1264, GhYf1SXasAAzI2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's shitty corpo doesn't have meme

>> No.93779423
File: 64 KB, 913x614, 1728226400886859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically scrap an outfit and/or stop streaming because you got nicknamed by what is written on your outfit

>> No.93779452

Last I checked an 'M' does not have the proper shape to to create an 'Z' no matter how you angle and cover it.

>> No.93779458

Or you know, not be retarded and either wear the jacket closed or the shirt only. We've already had EN's who hated their outfits and tried to hide parts of it, even people who like their outfits almost never use 90% of the toggles after the debut stream. There's literally so many combinations, just don't use the one that causes the problem.

>> No.93779481

My point is that you don't use the nicknames, that's obviously for a reason. If that's cos you don't like them or think they're stupid then you should be able to see why mococo doesn't like fans using the names

>> No.93779521

Oooh nyooo zogogo!!

>> No.93779526

I like FWMC because of the teasing back and forth thing they got going on and seeing Mococo throw all that out the window got me heated. And now all the SEAsian ESLs on Youtube and Twitter are harassing people that say anything that isn't the corporation-approved nicknames. Soon it'll develop into "Ruffians... please stop editing my face to look weird!" and then we'll have to act like that was never fun either.

>> No.93779570

>these antis are actually fans because I assume everyone is as superficial as me

>> No.93779623

Mogo John is autistic and not the fun kind. She’s difficult.

>> No.93779637

Ruffian-sama, please compose yourself and remember your reps...

>> No.93779642

You've never even heard of Fuwamoco before five minutes ago, this is literally an ancient and repeated topic with them.

>> No.93779646

>you don't use the nicknames, that's obviously for a reason
Because it's easier to type out "Mococo".
Seriously, what did you think I was going to say?

>> No.93779649


>> No.93779658

Stop falseflagging as a Chattini BVTM pedo

>> No.93779708
File: 10 KB, 235x191, 1f8a3b4529a3e3cf208f48c36c180590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else get the feeling she's faking outrage because she hates the outfit?

>> No.93779727

It's kinda hilarious that people pretend she is autistic (bad) when it's literally autistic as fuck to not understand that she was serious all along and yet most of the coddled manbabies in their audience fall into that group.

>> No.93779767

the "fake fans" are a big reason they broke into the EN scene.

>> No.93779807

Come on that's nor a real excuse, mococo and zogogo are just as easy to type out, so why not use zogogo then if mango jam is too difficult for you to type out

>> No.93779808

Last i checked, her mama made it happen. >>93760562
You can pretend you don't see it, but come on.

>> No.93779848

She spends hours on social media daily I wouldn't be surprised if she saw one random throwaway tourist say something slightly negative and she went menhera and decided this was the way to fix it

>> No.93779895

Nah, it totally wasn't all the retro games and memes they got made of them before they started swapping their content for more subs that made a bulk of where they are now.

>> No.93779937
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 4567675453454354343545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking esl. get offline pajeet

>> No.93779980

>so why not use zogogo then if mango jam is too difficult for you to type out
Okay, I'll use Zogogo. What the fuck are you even getting at? The fans have all kinds of nicknames they're still using.

>> No.93779986
File: 927 KB, 610x600, please do your best learning english [sound=files.catbox.moe_2f4ox6m4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93780055

Fool be me for trying to get someone on /vt/ to use introspection

>> No.93780090

It's an ancient and repeated topic that has never gained any actual traction until now, especially now that her outfit further enables the nicknames. Just look at that clipper revius. He uploaded a video of them talking about it and even omitted the usual outro song because he thought it was oh-so-serious of a topic. All this is gonna do is convert people into antis.

>> No.93780151

>Act like Teletubbies
>Get toddler crowd
>Get upset when toddlers do toddler shit
Lmao no wonder Biboo is beating them.

>> No.93780288
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1698485760470709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't hate Fuwawa

>> No.93780324

Assuming I didn't call her by a specific nickname because you thought I felt the same way she did was pretty retarded.

>> No.93780399

it definitely does. its like method acting but for years at a time.

>> No.93780405
File: 101 KB, 587x628, zgggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like look at this shit, you've got people actually bending over backwards now because of "zogogo" >>93779227

>> No.93780447

If she was in any other group other than Hololive, this board would be having a field day of shitting on her.

>> No.93780515

Yup. They want control over their fan culture but don’t understand that it’s an organic process. It’s like trying to choose your own callsign. Too much autism to roll with it. If she was smart she would lean into it like Gura.

>> No.93780579
File: 177 KB, 1197x589, 1737088417746482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will continue to fall off due to their autism

>> No.93780586

People are shitting on her for being retarded. Where have you been?
It's the issue that they want to cultivate their image too much. They are the ultimate corpotubers.

>> No.93780625

i spit in their general direction

>> No.93780702

>40k is bad
I guess others corpos and indies are dead

>> No.93780776

They used to be head and shoulders above everyone else in Advent, and would often be fighting for the top spot (outside of Gura) for EN. Now it takes a big event or JP pandering to even get close.

>> No.93780808

>I guess others corpos and indies are dead
I mean

>> No.93780823

>going from first to third is bad

>> No.93781182

Don't they have over 1mil subs? And the others, well, don't?

>> No.93781246

Yeah, after telling their core audience that they'd be numberfagging to get JP subs and would be decreasing streams for EN. That was after they hit 850k from mostly EN fans.

>> No.93781372

The thing with FWMC is that they are so sanitized. Their kayfabe is overdone and mechanical, being mere repeition of catchphrases, and they really do come off as mascots reading from a corpo script rather than actual people. One of their wishes is to be tourist ambassadors, and that would actually fit them perfectly. But they sure as shit are not organic. You either stick to their script or you're gonna hear about it. They have ambitions, and the "ruffians" are merely a means to an end.

>> No.93781518

I'm glad my oshi doesn't have this flavor of autism

>> No.93781520

They really are idols...

>> No.93781593

they probably just want to be able to egosa more easily and people having ever more elaborate nicknames makes it tougher for them to track what people are saying about them

I really doubt anything else is as important to them.

>> No.93781606

40k ccv is bad if you have 1M subs?
>Still crying after 10 months
You need help anon

>> No.93781796

Sometimes they have good streams that I enjoy. Hell, the reveal was fun and the ZOG posting for a minute was great too. Then she went autistic melty mode so I'll make fun of her.

>> No.93781835

How is it tougher? They just have to save Zogogo to their twitter search query

>> No.93781873

tbf, subs are kinda meaningless for gauging engagement. There are channels with millions of subs that can't break even 100k views on vids or streams nowadays. Just look at most old-school music cover or Let's Play channels.

>> No.93782111

I mean that's the giveaway, they're not saying "don't say zogogo", they're saying "stick to one of these 3 keywords"

>> No.93782213
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>> No.93782374
File: 59 KB, 1004x1041, 1708649774281169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zogog anal

>> No.93782534

Zogog sex

>> No.93782572


>> No.93782874

Mori's medicated

>> No.93782976

>Jan. 17, 2025
wtf I thought this was just a shitpost thread regurgitating the same shit from earlier
why is she like this?
nothing to anti her over but she's acting so weird about it

>> No.93783204

nta but it's a skill Mori had to learn the hard way

>> No.93783347

>had to learn the hard way
due to her own actions

>> No.93783412

A retarded child.

>> No.93783441

and she learned
the only bad outcome is making a mistake and then double down

>> No.93783855

Why is the Pillar of Hololive bullying the EN branch?

>> No.93783887

>put on sunglasses
>zogogo now becomes synonymous with cool mococo in sunglasses
>spawns fanart, could make merch based on it in the future, etc.
Being able to improvise on the fly and turn a situation you may not like (for whatever stupid reason) into a positive one is what separates great content creators from the rest of the rabble

>> No.93783913


>> No.93784329

It's the truth

>> No.93784498

Sorry to break the sister narrative but not everything they do is for numbers or popularity. They're not gonna hard pivot into every stupid meme at the cost of who they are.

>> No.93784836

how is this costing who they are lmao, to take someone like marine as an example since that's someone fwmc should be familiar with. She breaks out 78 year old marine or sister marine or kumarine or jack or otsubone marine or whatever only very occasionally at particular moments maybe once or twice a year, and they all came from stupid flanderized meme bullshit and she spun them into separate personas and by doing so *protects* her main persona from being thought of as the same thing.

>> No.93784928

>at the cost of who they are.

>> No.93784952

>just be more like this other vtuber
Do you just have zero reading comprehension or what

>> No.93784968
File: 28 KB, 515x219, 1736837994707509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point: pic related
