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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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93731473 No.93731473 [Reply] [Original]

It's inevitable.

>> No.93731515 [DELETED] 

OP is a mudslime

>> No.93731681

You can feel the deep-seated insecurity of OP from miles away

>> No.93731758

OP is the cock whisperer

>> No.93731953

OP is based and correct. /lig/gers getting uppity.

>> No.93732000

All me btw

>> No.93732003 [DELETED] 

It's literally the one thing about their shit society they still have correct.

>> No.93732008
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>imposing a code of ethics on women makes them objectively better people
>y-you're an insecure moid!

>> No.93732064

>t. insecure moid

>> No.93732067
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The amount of simps and women on this board is concerning

>> No.93732084

Why do you watch vtubers if you hate women? Oh, wait, that's right. You're a catalogfag.

>> No.93732090

Post armpits, kindly.

>> No.93732104

>t. insecure little bitch

>> No.93732134
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1712717904088827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you watch vtubers if you hate women?
I love Holos
I hate women
It's as simple as that.

This thread is feeling especially female right now.

>> No.93732198

that's because the little boys here act like they think women act

>> No.93732246

Can the women ITT post your armpits like that Femnovelite did

>> No.93732265

Why would they do that?

>> No.93732279

Real muslim hours

>> No.93732291

rangeban down-right eastcontinent

>> No.93732294

What? Shitty catalog threads like this one? Yeah, always have been.

>> No.93732317

Emotional immaturity

>> No.93732399

What is the final solution to the estrogen problem?

>> No.93732583

Anyone who is considerate, friendly, smart, funny and who thinks before they speak is likable.
Streamer thots who pretend to be all that for gibs are despicable, more so than unfunny, rude, inconsiderate etc etc people because they are at least honest about being bad.

I like streamers who are genuinely passionate and are just all around decent people, and only a small handful of holos are genuinely good people. The rest just play fotm slop pretending to like the new shiny thing or what this board thinks is good (i.e obscure and/or bland stuff that no one has opinion on, therefore "safe", just like what /v/ likes).

>> No.93732740

>he rest just play fotm slop pretending to like the new shiny thing

>> No.93732751

robot wives

>> No.93732762

See, this is why you have to pretend the anime girl is your girlfriend.

>> No.93732837
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>> No.93732877

Make a chemical that reacts with estrogen to render women unconscious whenever needed but has no effect on men.

>> No.93733053

It really was the Australians all along...

>> No.93733535


>> No.93733976

Standards are important, yet westoids hate it because "muh fredom".
Whores are women without standards

t. Russian

>> No.93734163

You're seeking sincerity from irony poisoned twitch teens. good luck

>> No.93734430

>same mentality as Holobootlickers
It's all beginning to make sense

>> No.93734468

Sir, this is a Hololive board.

>> No.93734575

How many Nimi seethe-coded threads is this now that holofags have made today?

>> No.93734750

only subhumans feel the need to LARP as """alpha males"""

>> No.93735274
File: 557 KB, 1024x586, oh wow, no way, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest Lie Ever Told

>> No.93735574

The "Holos" (You) admire become the women (You) hate the moment they stop playing the role they are paid to portray. Over time, they start blending their true selves into that character. I can only imagine how frustrated you and others like you must feel when encountering their PL/RM, realizing they embody the very behaviors you claim to hate.

>> No.93735693

>Woman who is girlfriend and has sex with you and is nice to you
>Woman who breaks up with you and ducks other guys

You're not exactly reengineering 10,000 years of how we tend to perceive women, here.

>> No.93735698

>I love Holos
>I hate women
mental illness

>> No.93735752
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>> No.93735848

/lig/ and the nyfco shut down brought in so many women. It's not even funny. They need to be reminded that nobody will watch them if Hololive shuts down (it won't). Nobody wants to watch whores.

>> No.93735857

Hating women is normal though. You ever had to interact with one?

>> No.93735907

stop falseflagging as a holofag, you loser

>> No.93736226

Who are you quoting?

>> No.93736250

This might be the most astroturfed image on /vt/.

>> No.93736356
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>> No.93737430

>I love Holos
>I hate women
Those indie vtubers though are closest to their real personality and views. The combination of sleazy coombait and GFE is only a Hololive marketing strategy. It's baffling that so many anons want an EN Rushia.

>> No.93737503

nobody likes whores, it's that simple

>> No.93737616

>sleazy coombait and GFE
Are you sure you're not talking about indies? The ones who do sexy ASMR and milk payfags with subathon stuff? Hololive is tame as fuck, especially EN, and even Lamy quit the flirty stuff once she had to stop putting on a cutesy voice to prevent throat cancer or whatever. It hasn't been the same since the evil green bitch died in '22.

>> No.93737910

Women look prettier with make up. Just don't trick yourself into thinking that means more make up is a good thing or you'll end up as one of those weird dudes who can only get off to bogged bitches.

>> No.93738289

Is it? Hardcore fans are going to come here to talk about all the sexual shit they want to with no moderation (to a degree) and those same people are usually the heaviest into simping. On the other side you have a bunch of women who are either here to self promote or are here to seethe about losing.

>> No.93738633

No no it makes sense, he loves hololive the corpo, not its vtubers.

>> No.93738884

Where did I say I hate other Vtubers? I'm just misogynist.

>> No.93739057

then why are whore vtubers successful?

>> No.93739373

>how frustrated you must feel
>when encountering their PL/RM
Never been the case with the holos I like.
Maybe because they tend to hire people who are already good?

>> No.93739413

Based and seconded

>> No.93739540

This is why Neuro is taking over the vtubing scene. Vedal is a genius, he provides the anime girl experience without all the baggage of a 3dp woman.

It’s the same reason Zen is the best member of vwhorjo.

>> No.93739552

Just admit you want to get railed at this point

>> No.93739591

That’s an indie seething itt

>> No.93739632
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Name one who can fill a 40k people venue.

>> No.93739654

That's kinda gay dude, what's your problem?

>> No.93739676
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Just one more day until a huge number of saplings get filtered and return home to where they belong. They'll soon experience just how grim things are outside of the walled garden.

>> No.93739848

gigasimps and other whores don't care, but even then the overwhelming majority don't go "just got back from fucking a dude lol" because they know most people find that off-putting, they usually try to appeal in the opposite direction

>> No.93740099

Only fans say differently

>> No.93740164

>/lig/ brought in so many women
Any specific vtubers, You likely have some important knowledge other anons could learn about anon, what can you share with us? If you don't mind ofc.

>> No.93740191

The problem is not that you don’t trust women to behavior accordingly on their own, but rather that you do trust a corporation run by shareholders to effectively manage them.

>> No.93740593

Delusional anon or seething indie.

>> No.93740604

so you're wrong
got it

>> No.93740788

>Need to be trained not to be political (which most of these women have a left-lib mindset)
>Need to be trained not say something bad about religion
>Need to be trained not use strong/racial slurs
>Need to be trained not pretty stirshit up with whatever crap WILL enrage tourist, reddit, twitter retards/snowflakes

>> No.93740838

Streamers thrive on parasocial relationships. Talking about all your money, your mansion, your life partner, and your sex life are all taboo. Even Melody doesn’t get too personal about sex, it’s more a thing she sells to the viewer, and her audience convinced themselves that she’s an honest whore and a sweetheart lesbian behind the scenes and not some drugged up depressed gooner who gets railed by guys all the time.

>> No.93741127


>> No.93741248

Reminder that feminists attempt to apply strict moral codes to men all the time, while wanting absolute liberation to do whatever whenever for themselves.
Yet when a man believes in a moral code for *everyone* to follow so *everyone* can be encouraged to become better people, it's "insecurity."

>> No.93741278

Hold it right there, anon, this is something that will take some time, and it's totally up to how she behaves, not only on her return but the next streams, it could take weeks, could take months, several.

>> No.93741323

>feminists and incels are both retarded

>> No.93741441
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are you sure about that? it didn't end well last time

>> No.93741475
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For the future

>> No.93741537

both are wrong

>> No.93741603

>Didn't end well
Not sure what you mean....I liked it.

>> No.93741624

>screenshotting your own post because you think it’s deep
Holy zoomer

>> No.93741760
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Don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.93741805

Those men are faggots and feminists are wrong. Both can be true.

>> No.93741922

Yeah, it's true. Unless a woman is controlled, she will misbehave. Basically, restrictions are always okay. Same for the VT industry.

>> No.93742025

>screenshotting another man’s post

>> No.93742136

get off the internet

>> No.93742179

I can already see it:
>Nimi starts giving the exact same opinions and making the exact same statements that she made when she was Fauna
>fucking tourists and drama faggots immediately start screeching:“it's not the same!”, “this never could happen in our precious walled garden!”, "how do you like it, sapkeks?”, etc
What a fucking pathetic people.

>> No.93742246

shush vkek

>> No.93742274

damn! smells like unwashed pussy in here

>> No.93742284
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Oops!...I Did It Again
Aslo, hi /vtReddit/

>> No.93742307

She’s not going to be EXACTLY the same. I expect her to be quicker to put her foot down and a little more unhinged in her yap sessions.

>> No.93742352

Islam is right about women.

>> No.93742405

Women interact with each other all the time and they can't stand each other. That should be all the proof anyone needs.

>> No.93742642

genuine tourist newfag

>> No.93742747

Been here longer than you, nigger.

>> No.93742807
File: 11 KB, 273x243, 1233719213671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely doubt that

>> No.93743052

He posted it to Reddit….

>> No.93743537

>4chanX drop arrow
Your screenshots are worthless.

>> No.93743603


>> No.93743815

I notice the same thing in small (ex)corpos. Like, some now indies vtubers I followed at some point became more and more vulgar, and the streams became totally disorganized, cancelled at the last minute without warning, extremely delayed or at any random time under the 'guerilla' umbrella, etc. And let's not even talk about... oh god, it's that another donothon?

>> No.93743864


>> No.93744086

It's simple. If she collabs with the likes of Bao/Froot/Nyanners/Filian/Onigiri/Pippa and others I'm most likely out.

If she doesn't then all good.

>> No.93744261 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 2145x3073, 1713681876260847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been warned

>> No.93744322

He's absolutely right though, I doubt Hololive would function smoothly without managers, as retarded as they are. Women cannot form a working company and business relations.

>> No.93745098

Misogynistic unicorns that want vtubers strictly controlled by a corporation and OnlyFans feminists that only want moral standards for men are both wrong.

>> No.93745160

Once lazy, entitled bitches start making money they only become more lazy and more entitled.

>> No.93745215

One of these is not like the other…

>> No.93745303

Or they could just not be deceptive whores and be what they act but that's too hard I guess

>> No.93745467


>> No.93745565

>Newest Phase hire sneak preview

>> No.93745706

women DO browse 4chan but...
they wont and refuse to shave their fucking pits

>> No.93746008

A fucking novelite

>> No.93746189

That's fucking hot.

>> No.93746293

would impregnate
