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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9330207 No.9330207 [Reply] [Original]

This dummy broke her PCI-E lock the same day she's having a Collab.
Channel: https://youtube.com/c/TerumiKoizumiCh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerumiKoizumi

>> No.9330317
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>> No.9330341

QRD on Whiskey?

>> No.9331219

Stop posting in these threads.

>> No.9331350

What's wrong with you?

>> No.9331463

I'm unfortunate enough to be the only actual Teru fan here, and must engage in a singular crusade to destroy these threads.

>> No.9331480

She cute

>> No.9331527

>Teru says she hates these threads and doesn't want to be posted about on 4chan
>Says she hates the 4chan fanbase and does not want to pander to them
>Hyperautist refuses to stop making thread that she does not want to exist in the first place because.......?
Terumi thread maker is a Terumi anti and should be rooted out of her community and shamed.

>> No.9331550


>> No.9331822


>> No.9332127


>> No.9332160

Finally, someone who sees the light.

>> No.9332210

源 ?

>> No.9332435

Since when the fuck did anyone where care about what a vtuber wants? When I thought this place couldn't get more pathetic you retards go down to redditor level and prove me that it can get much worse.

>> No.9332507

>Every single one was a cold-call of someone she clearly does not speak to or watch, and so she has no clue how to interact with them or what topics to bring up because she has not seen a single stream of theirs. Go back and watch a few, especially the Koopa collabs, and that fact becomes patently obvious. Based on the leaked DMs with her manager too, it seems like she has zero clue how to interact with other human beings in a not schizo way and sees interaction as some kind of weird game, so don't expect her to figure out how to have a natural collab or to, you know, actually get to know a vtuber and watch their content before requesting a collab with them.
Picked this up from /trash/. Is he right?

>> No.9332730

I was expecting the collab to go more smoothly since Teru's been in contact with Whiskey for a while now but it's still pretty awkward and they're using chat as a crutch. So far only Taya was able to have a natural sounding conversation with Terumi.

>> No.9332833

I think it's a bit too harsh on her but i can't deny that her collabs have been really weak in general, with one of my main gripes that i don't think she barely changes her approach from Collab partner to another, like she's still trying to meet them as the Collab goes.

>> No.9332883
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The Twitch redeems are distruptive, I don't like them.

>> No.9333174

collab seems fine, what the hell are you guys on?

>> No.9333261

Kinda bored personally, but that's highly in part because i hate Apex streams
Whiskey is cute tho

>> No.9333378
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Do you really think throwaway questions and one-sided bits are the best Teru can do?

>> No.9333725

Who do you think would make for a good Collab partner to Teru?

>> No.9333824

Wouldn't say it's a matter or person. I think there might be a deeper problem here like >>9332507
said, which is pretty jarring when compared to how she interacts with chat during her Zatsudans.

>> No.9333935

No. Teru has a bunch of weird anti's in denial (including the guy who shills these threads, amongst others) who dislike her content but can't stand to stop watching her. So they just come here and complain about literally everything she does. Whenever it's Apex, they complain about Apex; collabs, Teru isn't good at collabs. Zatsu, the zatsu is boring, etcetera etcetera.

>> No.9333968

I mean yeah i getchu, but aren't there more outspoken vtubers that could compliment her and break her shell a little?

>> No.9334027

But i complain about Apex because i hate Apex and collabs are usually just a bit ankward (The big drawing one was awfull andT the Temako one was pretty bad for a 1-on-1) but i love her zatsus

>> No.9334117

Would be really nice if Fippe and Eclipse would stop coming into /wvt/ and shitting the place up, do they not understand the well has been poisoned beyond repair? Keep your idiot namefags out of our yard for the love of god

>> No.9334141

Also i don't think Fippe is still around.

>> No.9334245

It's just Eclipse doing that, I don't like Fippe as much as the next guy but he's self aware enough to not annoy people here. Eclipse isn't, and is a Teru anti to boot, so saying "it makes Teru look bad" is irrelevant to him.

>> No.9334264

You are creating more antis you stupid underage. Trash schizos will start getting more and more interested in Teru if you keep trying to jam her down peoples throats back there. You are a blight on this community

>> No.9334430

Most good streamers turn them off for collabs

>> No.9334466

>Teru asks whiskey for her favorite doujin tags
>Is she for real?!
I'm having fun personally

>> No.9334486

teru got really yab all of a sudden and i'm loving this turn of events.

>> No.9334509

I have high hopes for Tenma. She is the only one that can keep up with Pippa's autism, so she might also be able to keep up with Terumi's schizo.

>> No.9334517

That's incredibly uncomfortable to just jump on someone out of the blue who doesn't do that kind of sexualized content, what bad form on her part

>> No.9334529

I think Whiskey really didn't know how Yab she could get, so seeing her getting blindsided is pretty fun.

>> No.9334570

Now that i think about it, she hasn't had more than 1 Collab with anyone right?
It does worry me that her attitude, while fun to me, could drive possible Collab partners away.

>> No.9334572

I think Whiskey and Terumi are getting along fine. I'm new, though.

>> No.9334591

Welcome to hell

>> No.9334632

>Incredibly awkward collab where partner blindsides you with uncomfortable topics midway through
Dont expect any more Wiskey collabs after this, and she will probably tell all her associates to stay away as well. A cheap laugh is not worth screwing up your buisness contacts, but I guess the only way Terumi can entertain anyone is via shock value.

>> No.9334654

You can't really expect the autists here to know how normal human interaction works.

>> No.9334671

Whiskey seems to be taking it well, but yeah that attitude is a bit worrying

>> No.9334716

Go to bed eclipse, you're not even watching the stream
When did you go anti

>> No.9334733

>didn't check for compatibility before hand
>collab gets boring
>Terumi does her usual stuff of resorting to pee pee poo poo hentai topics
>collab partner goes quiet because it's uncomfortable
>starts to get mad at each other for not being good at the game

>> No.9334767

Wrong concernpost anon, this one's mine >>9334570

>> No.9334781

But they know eachother though? And are doing bits? Like they're not actually mad at eachother, they talk off stream.

>> No.9334802

They're not mad at eachother, there's literally nothing implying such a situation

>> No.9334808


Terumi admitted being maljusted, she just tries stuff and thinks it's funny. Sometimes it is. Not to mention the alcohol

>> No.9334820

>Starts to get mad at each other
What the

>> No.9334828

Yeah, I'm replying to the other people thinking a normal interaction between friends is them getting mad. It's how I play with my friends too.

>> No.9334900

She gets kinda annoying when drunk, she needs to tone it down.

>> No.9334925

In what sense?

>> No.9334983


Yeah she's kinda dumb, but I like it. I want to talk to her more.

>> No.9335204

>Teru just posting the Kokenbol clip in her chat
Lmao what is she doing?

>> No.9335339

Posting a funny clip? Whiskey and her chat seemed to like it.

>> No.9335383

Oh for sure. Just didn't expect her to straight up just post the clip.

>> No.9335544
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I really should be skipping these Apex collabs

>> No.9335588

This is better than the other ones, but I'm only hearing it on the background, so take it with a grain of salt

>> No.9335624

She's playing with a MAN? Fuck this, I'm out.

>> No.9335634

drunk apex with terumi yabs is a good start to this trash american holiday.

>> No.9335701

Is that guy gonna fuck Terumi?

>> No.9335725

Considering she's barely talking to him I doubt it.

>> No.9335796

Yo i just came back who's that guy?

>> No.9335814

Teru's arranged husband

>> No.9335832

Poor guy

>> No.9335836

Some dude Whiskey pulled in. PH, too. I remember hearing about his PNG before though.

If he wins the Terubowl I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.9335969
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It's even more awkward with the three of them there

>> No.9336006

She clammed up, dude has a bad mic and needs to fuck off.

>> No.9336027

>The moment you say this the guy gets disconnected

>> No.9336208

Is Teru just downing glass after glass now?

>> No.9336295

the longer this goes the better it gets.

>> No.9336432

She got real nervous when the dude showed up.

>> No.9336884
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Please make it stop

>> No.9336937

Yeah it got pretty ankward for some reason...

>> No.9336950

/pcg/-fag here, I'm concerned.

>> No.9336973


>> No.9336997

Full on containment breach in chat now whew

>> No.9337027

pcg had numerous people who refuse to believe teru isn't a troon, I predict a shitshow

>> No.9337039

We've been long past the point where there was any pretense, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9337053


Why would they think she's one?

>> No.9337110

but seriously whoever mentioned /vt/ knowing full well she doesn't like the board is a huge faggot. it's not about pretense, just don't be rude to the menhara drunk streamer

>> No.9337127

is it the nunkischizo

>> No.9337150

I had to step away, what'd you faggots do?

>> No.9337305

I checked and it's the nunkischizo posting his copypasta. It's one of amber glow nunki's groomer discord mods who goes here to shitpost

>> No.9337735

You're getting your lore mixed up. Nunkischizo hates Nunki and is a Terusimp. Won't specify who but it's obvious.

>> No.9338732

R8 the stream

>> No.9338797

Nice to see Teru comfortable but fuck twitch and that random guy/10.

Also don't talk about /vt/ you fucking losers, I know you're here.

>> No.9338828
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Some warped sense of loyalty is making me watch these/10

>> No.9339008

Really high highs and really low lows, also fuck Apex/10

>> No.9339068

drunk yabai apex/10

>> No.9339152

Not a fan of Apex? I don't care either but I like Teru and talking to her.

>> No.9339233

NTA but yeah that's what I do, listen while doing something else and chat every once in a while, just wish there was something interesting for me to see on screen.

>> No.9339244

It's more that she reduces herself to lol butt joke in collabs when we know there's so much more to her. I think I'll skip the next one just to preserve my high opinion of her.

>> No.9339348

I can't tell if she's trying to be funny or if she finds it titillating and is getting off to it.

>> No.9339410

Honestly the jokes she makes could work but she repeats them too often to my taste, so when I hear the "Haha full frontal guys" and other jokes like that for the 4th-5th time it gets grating.

>> No.9339572
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I think it comes down to her struggling to communicate well with other people so she's using it as a crutch. She's able to carry out meaningful conversations in her solo content so I don't know why not do the same in collabs. So far Taya was the only one that felt like two friends hanging out.

>> No.9339759

Which is weird since she admitted she knows Whiskey. But I guess she panics and starts doing yabe for the attention.

>> No.9339897

Yeah that exactly, this woman needs to learn that when publicly talking with other people you can talk about something other than weeb degeneracy and computers

>> No.9342020
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If you guys want to scare Whiskey off you need to try harder lol. She got Melody in her discord.

>> No.9342123

>Scare Whiskey
Why would we want to do that? What?

>> No.9342174

Whiskey knows Teru, she's been in chat before. She was just worried about Twitch banning her.

It's honestly too bad, Teru was tee'd up for success here with a partner who knew her and still kinda struggled.

>> No.9342415

>She was just worried about twitch banning her.
If Teru ever gets a Collab partner accidentally banned because of her horny i would laugh hard enough to burst a lung.

>> No.9344648


>> No.9345616

Every reveal about her past is so depressing, I want to give her a hug so bad.

>> No.9346091

What happened?

>> No.9346753

Just a post about how she played phone games in the bathroom in college cause she was anxious.

>> No.9346825


>> No.9346880


>> No.9347854

Is she ever gonna get over her baggage? Like damn dude now she's paid to do the thing that she always liked to do, one would think that would be heavily therapeutic.

>> No.9348580

Not without more meds/therapy and removing herself from her bad household.

>> No.9348620

Slowly, yes.
These sorts of things take a lot of time.

>> No.9353149

I don't watch Terumi very often, but the OP pic gives me carnal desires for her tights

>> No.9353560

I couldn't watch the stream. How did it go?

>> No.9353635

very well, Terumi had fun and Whiskey was cute

>> No.9354012

Interesting. Do you think we will see them collab again?

>> No.9355192

NTA but Lmao no, for some reason none of her Collab partners has had a round 2.
Maybe in like 2 months if we're lucky.

>> No.9355194

Yes, Whiskey said as much. Hopefully not fucking APEX. They're friends offstream, too, it seems.

>> No.9355287

It had a lot of good moments, but it's also 4 hours long so yes, her autism and cringe did crep it's head a few times.

>> No.9356482
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If Teru actually, unironically has completely blocked this place, then perhaps I can finally end my vigil. But you guys post so much disinformation and cringe, I feel morally obligated to correct it. Why does this have to be so hard?

>> No.9356522

Just relaaax bro
What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.9356910

I think she's blocked it, which is good. She doesn't need to see this shit. I hope that some of the decent criticism gets filtered to her, though.

>> No.9361191
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I hope so, too. If all she ever hears are her biggest yesmen in chat and in the comments she will never reflect on herself and grow as a person.

>> No.9362209

There hasn't been any decent criticism here since I stopped being critical, though. So it's worthless.

>> No.9362302


>> No.9364070

Guys, i think Teru is kinda hot.

>> No.9365326

You guys planning anything special for her birthday?

>> No.9365372

Not really. What could we even do?

>> No.9365439

I'd like to give her some kind of present but I'm drawing a blank.

>> No.9366555
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I've been wondering how can Teru feel as lonely as she says she does when she's surrounded by her vtuber friends but the Whiskey collab with someone she's supposedly known for a long time kind of explains it. I was able to connect on a deeper level and have more natural conversations with complete strangers. I hope not all of her friendships are these surface-level meme exchanges.

>> No.9367972

Slowly, and i mean VERY slowly, but surely, she is getting there.

>> No.9372312
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