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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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910353 No.910353 [Reply] [Original]

Wow Japanese fans are vocal about Kiara moving away and they are not happy. They're discontented with her final stream with Mori and the Australia thing. I guess they were holding out hope for a Takamori marriage route.
There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the visa refreshed. Obviously that won't happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.910402


>> No.910427

Source: My ass

>> No.910480

what's the source of this narrative?

>> No.910558

Honestly Kiara should count herself lucky she was granted the 1 year visa at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if she got it in a shady manner with how incredibly difficult it is for a gaijin to get.
There is no-one to blame but the retarded Japanese migration office

>> No.910641

just keep moving forward kiara, until your enemies are destroyed

>> No.910671

the audience always throws a fit like this. just wait until the next season wraps up the storyline. it's called plot development.

>> No.910724

They just gotta keep on moving forward

>> No.910776
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>> No.910921

You guys know Cali is not a lesbian right? She regularly goes cruising for manlets in bars to take to love hotels.

>> No.910953

Myassu.jp the number 1 source for vtuber gossip.

>> No.911025

Imagine if hololive’s first stalker death is an obsessed fan killing Kiara so she technically never leaves Japan

>> No.911051

t. manlet

>> No.911076

oh no the mamaloni

>> No.911111

Not him but he's kinda right, she gushes over short dudes kinda often

>> No.911192

when in jail:
>b-but the wiki said she'd be reborn!

>> No.911222

yes i know. also did you know that kiara isnt lesbian either? shes regularly cruising for autistic shizos on 4chan to take to love hotels.

>> No.911269

Finally my chance

>> No.911275

That's funny. I thought they hate kiara.

>> No.911348

It took her literal years to get it, anon.
When she said 2020 was a project she was preparing for a long time, she wasn't kidding. That's why it's so disheartening for her that nothing played out as she planned.

>> No.911387

every once in a while, she'll ask if jpbros are watching, and the chat is flooded with japanese

>> No.911577

Out of all of HoloEN, she's the only one that speaks fluent Jap and regularly interacts with her Japanese viewers, so I'd assume she'd at least have a small amount of Japanese fans because of that.

>> No.911594

>I guess they were holding out hope for a Takamori marriage route.
Is Mori even a Japanese citizen? I don't think that would work.

>> No.911641

No, she just has a work visa.

>> No.911684

Wtf I love kiara now

>> No.911728

A few cherry picked dumpster dives off of 5chan are about as representative as 4chan would be.

>> No.911767

so why the fuck doesn't cover just sponsor a work visa for her?

>> No.911788

Kiara really wants to be with her german pussies at home.

>> No.911827

Her german roots are calling her home.
It's time for her to marry a man and have beautiful germanic babies.

>> No.911999

Idk how it works,
can't she just marry a japanese person so she can finally live in JP?
at least that's what asian do to live in merica

I don't really care about it tho maybe the yuribait would lessen because of this

>> No.912074

anon, she doesnt want to live there PERMANENTLY.
she likes the country and wants to visit it often. but she loves her homeland more.

she said if things work out she can manage to stay 3 months in japan per year (spread out). which is good enough.

>> No.912134

I lived in glorious nippon for 2 years. it is not hard to get a visa at all. You just have to be an actual contributing member of society. Genuinely no offense to kiara.

>> No.912150

Do you faggots seriously not know this copypasta?

>> No.912184

I mean if even JET losers can get work visas..

>> No.912269

>nobody realized it from the first sentence

>> No.912713

Her plan for the future is to isolate herself and live with a shitton of cats though.
Sorry goslings.

>> No.912735

She has yellow fever since she was in her teens.

She is gonna desperately seek out a japanese man or woman to make babies with

>> No.912776

Anon, if she wanted to be riced she would've done that long ago.

>> No.912823

I think her experiences with japanese men will probably have turned her off of that idea.

>> No.912838

Do you... think kiara is a virgin?

>> No.912848

She did get riced long ago though

>> No.912852

newfren-kun if that was the case she would have been married long ago. do you know how easy it is for le blue eyed white women (who is also a massive weeb) to find a man in japan?

>> No.912875

no and i dont think shes into men anymore after a certain incident. at least i have never seen or heard anything about a BF.

>> No.912879

I'm sad about it too, but there really isn't anything that can be done. Mori herself has a visa because of her sly positioning on a career path.
I want them to be happy, yuri pandering or not. At least now they can see each other, still.

>> No.912905

I know she's not virgin, but that's not the same as marrying a japanese to get citizenship.
I don't want to go into details of all her relationships either and I see rrats are starting to pop up as well.

>> No.912908

Austria gets a 1 year no questions asked visa because of a diplomatic deal with Japan
The catch: It's one use only for life. So you get that one year and you're never allowed back unless someone sponsors you.

source: some anon from another thread

>> No.912927

People who fall for yuribait get what they deserve

>> No.913022

This thread is just a depressing reflection on the amount of retarded newfags here

>> No.913262

Mods on this board have cracked down on roommate posting too hard so peoplr can't learn the truths of this world anymore.

>> No.913270

Maybe Mori can marry a Japanese manlet, get JP citizenship through him, then divorce him and marry Kiara. It could work.

>> No.913273

Towa had a male voice in the background of her stream for a couple seconds and the Japanese threw a fucking shitfit. If Kiara got married and the public found out she'd be royally fucked.

>> No.913292

You just get a visa through marriage in japan, not automatic citizenship.

>> No.913340

ne she wouldnt. EN fans dont give a fuck they are not as autistic as JP bugs.

>> No.913387

Autism is autism

I would drop my oushi in seconds if i learned she had a current boyfriend. Hell, I would still simp far less if i knew she had a past boyfriend.

>> No.913404

EN viewers aren't the only ones that watch HoloEN ironically, especially since Kiara speaks Japanese. Not to mention that even if there aren't enough JP fans to revolt Cover would probably bench her and force her to apologize like they did with Towa.

>> No.913413

>not wanting your oshi to have a same-race boyfriend while she's still in peak fertility so she can have healthy offspring

>> No.913446

youre not white tho

the fuck is wrong with bugmen. do they not realize that these girls have a real life too? do they honestly believe they only exist for chat?

now that you say it, wasnt there a thing with huke on minecraft server? i think i heard something about people forcing him to go. but why? do they think he fucks kiara because he plays minecraft with her? lol

>> No.913477

holy shit I turned into a glorious nippon master race like my animes?

no but seriously. The types of people who get really into idols are also the types who would drop a vtuber if they got into a relationship. You think they simp so hard so the girls can buy diapers for their babies?

>> No.913497

Huke definitely gave off the vibe he wanted to fuck kiara. but the main controversy was he was giving her hacked weapons in minecraft and i guess that triggered people? I dont understand minecraft so somebody maybe able to explain better.

>> No.913534
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i mean i get it. its not just vtuber girls who have these autistic fans (see pic) but still lol
its stupid

>> No.913563

>Huke definitely gave off the vibe he wanted to fuck kiara.
and so does the entire chat lol.
so they dont like if another person fucks their idol, but its ok when chat ( 800k gangbang ) does it?

>> No.913623

sharing is caring

>> No.913635

Her roommate may not be but I am convinced that Kiara is.

>> No.913679

I don't have sound right now so I can't put a timestamp in here but there is a point in this review which explains why that sort of thing is against the spirit of the game.

>> No.913684

What the fuck

What did Austria do to them?

Thankfully /pol/tards are too retarded to come here, so I can actually pose that Japan losing 500k people in one year is quite telling for why they should be making it easier for epeople like her to stay

>> No.913704

I miss when youtube videos were short and to the point, everything now is 15 minutes or more

>> No.913714

Yeah but chat doesn't have access to the girls. Huke does.

And it seems to be an uwritten rule that nobody tries to monopolize the girls in most chats. If they hornypost the girls make a joke.

Huke was always around. Huke interacted with them regularly. Huke felt like he was trying and actually could monopolize kiara.

He had to go

>> No.913762

Why? Their population is still perfectly fine, the infinite growth meme of judeo-capitalism is unsustainable and should be done away with as soon as possible.
We could 90% of the world's population and still be perfectly fine, there is no reason for the absurdly bloated population sizes of today beyond propping up our ponzi scheme of a financial system.

>> No.913771

Not really. These girls are getting paid the massive amounts of money they get because they are fufiling a fantasy. They know that. Having a boyfriend while doing it, especially if you are hiding it from your fans is deceitful because you know people aren't gonna simp for you if they know you have a boyfriend.

The twitch thot in your picture clearly understood that and reacted like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar.

>> No.913774

could lose 90%**

>> No.913778

I mean in fairness I think Kiara constantly referring to you as Papa would do things to you after a while.

>> No.913787

IIRC, at some point they changed how ad revenue works, to drastically favor longer videos. That's why animation died and why gaming took off like it did.

>> No.913819

lol k bro

Also no but their economy has suffered actually dramatic and negative effects of its population decline. There's loads of studies you can look up about this yourself.

No one's asking for letting in every Indonesian, but just allowing the effects to be mitgated through high-skilled immigratino

>> No.913827

yeah but shouldnt it be OBVIOUS that you, as a fan, will NEVER get close to her? even IF there was a 0,0001% chance that she would take a chat loser, why would it be you out of millions.

do you know what i mean? how can people srsly believe that. its OBVIOUS that she sooner or later WILL have a husband than them. and in this case already had one.

>> No.913855

or you simply promote making babies...? so you can keep your race and culture clean. but what do i know.

desu lets not turn this into a pol discussion. im out

>> No.913863

Kek imagine a white gaijin girl called you papa for five months straight..

>> No.913868

Aki and Korone literally exist moranis.

>> No.913871


But yes let's not

>> No.913883

the hilarious thing is how human psychology works when it comes to forming friendships and relationships. 9 times of out 10, you're gonna form emotional connections with just the people around you, simply because you spend time with them. this is where weebs who can't manage the parasocial relationships with vtubers, idols, kpop stars, etc. all fail.

you're constantly forming that parasocial relationship reinforced with the community around you, whether just in youtube chat, twitter, etc. but to the idol, they don't see any of that shit. you're just a username in a sea of millions, and often a username that doesn't even superchat. to them, you're nothing, they don't even register you as an individual, you're as unique as a single drop of water in an ocean they call fans.

>> No.913892

>their economy has suffered
Yeah again, that's my point.
The only reason for constant population growth is to prop up the globalized financial system based on debt. Despite this, it's impossible for the population to grow forever so this is essentially just a bubble waiting to burst.
Selling out your race and culture to prolong an inevitably doomed system for a few more years would be a crime against your people.

>> No.913903

>What did Austria do to them?
They created Red Bull.

>> No.913908

I'm pretty sure Huke is married. He never gave off any of those kinds of vibes to me. Also, Huke left the server of his own free will. Kiara and management were willing to back him up.

>> No.913916

Except for the extremely mentally ill, it IS obvious. That is not the point. It is a fantasy and you are supposed to suspend that logical part of your brain.

You are paying for the girls (or the guys) to fulfill a fantasy role for you. To pretend to be your friend, or your gf or your sister. They are fuffiling the need for affection that many people are sorely missing.

Nobody actually thinks that their oushi is coming to their house one day, pulling down their pants and saying "take me I'm yours"

But the time watching the stream gives the pleasant illusion that this could be the truth. You are paying for a happy lie, and often times that is better than a bleak reality.

>> No.913938

>and so does the entire chat lol.
To be fair she wants to fuck her chat just as much


>> No.913947

I am a hardcore fan of aki. She does not have a boyfriend and tmk Korone does not either. Do you mean the vtuber she collabs with a lot?

>> No.913948

they also lied about it giving you wings. i heard some mutts sued them over this.

>> No.913977

But a failing economy just produces even more suffering an d harm than 'muh immigrants' ever will

Regardless, almost all cultures / ethnic groups can get along and interact if there's relative economy equality and opportunity. Japan's already a capitalist democracy with a loli porn industry. Katana making isn't exactly going to die thanks to a few Filipinos.

>> No.913996

isn't aki or korone married? plus, KFPs aren't purityfags/unicorns.

>> No.914063

is this why I can't stop posting on /vt/?

>> No.914085

Aki is not married.

Idk about Korone but given what okayu has said about regularly having sleepovers with her I would guess not. Unless the husband is banging them both.

>KFP aren't purityfags.

Maybe here. But if kiara announced she had a boyfriend on stream tommorow I think she would lose at least half her fanbase, probably a lot more.

>> No.914166

She would lose 25~30% from waifu fags and another 50% from yurishitters.

>> No.914169

>Maybe here. But if kiara announced she had a boyfriend on stream tommorow I think she would lose at least half her fanbase, probably a lot more.

Half her fanbase consist of shippers who'd lose their heads if Kiara announced a relationship with anybody but Mori to begin with.

>> No.914205
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and then the remainers would have total control over her and can abuse her mentality which will allow us to make her do almost everything for us

>> No.914219

>their economy has suffered
It has shrunk proportionately, not suffered. For the vast majority of the people, this means nothing more than better job opportunities, higher pay, cleaner surroundings and more living space. Japan can survive, maintain its high standards of living and keep a healthy industry at vastly reduced population levels.

Like the other guy said, the market capitalist system the west (+ Japan) bases its economy on expects infinite growth, entirely disregarding the fact resources aren't just finite, but increasingly scarce. The smart thing to do would be to stop expecting annual expansion on previous expansion, and instead accept that downscaling is not only healthy, but necessary in the long run. Forcing growth is only going to exacerbate the severity of the imminent crash of such a system.

>> No.914285

A decent portion of her dedicated fanbase are women. Most of them are lesbians though, so I don't know how that would affect her.

>> No.914286

Stop giving me a boner please. It feels gay.

>> No.914297

Kiara's inner circle is all or mostly girls She's not looking for a partner either. She's going for the crazy cat lady route.
Mori is into manlets so she will be riced eventually
I'd be jelly as fuck but also supportive if Kiara ends up with one of her paypigs (after hololive). Most of them are based and I'd take that over a random kraut suddenly appearing and taking her.
Meds. He doesn't go to streams as often as during debut because he's busy as fuck and gets sick every 2 weeks anyways.

>> No.914359

>Nobody actually thinks that their oushi is coming to their house one day, pulling down their pants and saying "take me I'm yours"

>> No.914383

Why does everybody call everyone else a schitzo here? Kiara literally said "huke is banned from the minecraft server to prevent any more hate from being sent his way"

>> No.914393

>Most of them are based and I'd take that over a random kraut suddenly appearing and taking her.
honestly i believe this is exactly whats gonna happen.
i have zero proofs or statistics for this, but i honestly believe that the VAST majority of her fans are actually krauts. so either way, shes gonna get bratwursted

>> No.914430

Everything now is 10 minutes or more and that's because Google stopped giving video uploaders control over advertisement quantity and timing when their videos are shorter than 10 minutes.

>> No.914466

>but i honestly believe that the VAST majority of her fans are actually krauts
Maybe? I don't know, but a lot of content creators and paypigs, you know the people who actually go an extra mile to show support, are actually spics or SEA

>> No.914497

yeah, but they wouldn't be japs unless they tell the hapas and the descendants of expats in Brazil to come

>> No.914530

>VAST majority of her fans are actually krauts
No shit. She wouldn't speak german if there's no germans on her streams duh

>> No.914551

I almost never see any german posters in her stream. I see a bunch of espanol posts. Mostly english though. But why would our austria bros not say hi when they know she speaks german? Fuck, I have SC asking her to tell at us in german before and she complied.

>> No.914581

she was speaking german since her debut stream. and when she said played mario kart and spoke german for 1 round she said 'i will do this for all 10 of you'

this def wasnt a planned thing. she did not expect to have a huge kraut fanbase. she did the german speaking thing from the start because she knows random doitsu words are cool in japanese culture

>> No.914605

there are tons of german speakers. they just speak english lol

>> No.914614

Why not speak german though? It would make kiara look good.

>> No.914619

They don't donate shit though

>> No.914638

Remember what happened last time an Austrian got too close to the Japanese?

>> No.914688

no idea. self hate maybe?
if you are german and make german videos you are a cringy loser. if you are a foreigner and make videos about germany you are king.
if you are german and make non german, international videos you are a god.
yes its strange but thats how things are.

>> No.914788

Can confirm.
Germans are bombarded 24/7 with anti-german propaganda from the moment they're born, if you're not an internationalist "citizen of the world" or if you feel any pride in your blood/culture/language then you're seen as kind of a dull pleb.

>> No.914848

Kiara being left wing is not news though, I don't know why people act surprised

>> No.914930

I don't think she's really very political at all, she made fun of people criticizing her for "fatshaming" once and clearly doesn't subscribe to modern lefty ideals like being against sexualization of fictional characters and such.
I think she's just a typical weeb who cares more about her interests than anything else.

>> No.914959

nope. i digged deep, trust me. because her political views interested me. she is political passive at best. but most importantly, she made more ANTI sjw than pro sjw posts. in fact i could only find 1 post that could be seen as 'lefty' but its an old cringy teenage girl post so who gives a fuck.

yeah. but they are craving for national pride. which is why they get a boner when foreigner watch/learn about their culture and language. you should see how big the german "reaction" video scene is. prob the biggest on youtube even.

>> No.915031

>they are craving for national pride.
True for sure.
It's really just sad to see, germans have so much to be proud of, i hope they realize that before It's too late.

>> No.915511

Of course she's not active politically but she does have opinions. She has dropped Bernie memes more than once, made fun of the UK for leaving the EU (Brexit was spearheaded by UKIPcucks), hinted that she hates am austrian right wing politician during a members stream, and in her previous live made anti right wing politician posts. Then there's the /pol/schizo copypasta that does hold some grain of truth.

Check 2016, 2018, and her 3rd youtube account.

>> No.915531

>people in this thread don't recognise this copy pasta
Jesus how new are you guys?

>> No.915634

>source: anonymous

>> No.915697 [DELETED] 

>Check 2016, 2018, and her 3rd youtube account.


no, im being serious. im not gonna report you. post it for 30 sec or 1 min or something and then delete your post.

im honestly interested in this. there are surely some shizos who know more about this than me, but i would consider myself as someone who digged really, really deep. deeper than most people for sure. i have 71gb of archived data of her and i have NEVER seen, read or heard anything about what you just said.

so i simply cant believe it without proof.
if its true then i can add this to my collection, if not then whatever.

>> No.915716

>71GB of archived data of her
Bullshit, nobody is that schizoid.

>> No.915748

You have absolutely no idea how obsessed people can become about shit like this.

>> No.915788

i archived ALL of her youtube, twitch and that chinese tube videos of her. that alone is most of storage. also got privat livestream shit from back in the day when she was still using bandicam

>> No.915822

>Bullshit, nobody is that schizoid.
71GB is not that much especially if he was saving full quality videos.

>> No.915823

Y'all are a bunch of schizos, take your meds

>> No.915834

>all of her youtube
Eh i guess that makes sense, i thought you meant 71GB of photos and text posts.

>> No.915842

>Literally asking for dox in the open.
Just do your reps, you will eventually find it. It can give you a neat look into her tastes since it has some based playlists.
Kiara is a passionate bird and attracts passionate supporters.
Some take it a step too far though.

>> No.915849

Eren lost, get over it.

>> No.915891

>Just do your reps,
i did my reps thats the point. thats why i dont easily believe someone who says " oh btw kiara is left pro blm bernie fag blabla" . im gonna need proof for that.

as i said im being serious about this. if its true then i want it in my collection, but there is a 99% chance its just rrat so its whatever. but can never hurt to ask.

>> No.915915
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>> No.915939

But if I take my meds I am scared you will all disappear

>> No.915969

You have brain problems. The world and its people will be safer when you are in the ground.

>> No.915978

You're already going bananas just because you can't believe Kiara doesn't likes right wing politicians, that's even less reason to share dox.
Here's a safe one: She commented that she didn't like an austrian politician that looked like a Sound of Music character. She's most likely referring to Sebastian Kurz, and right-wing austrian politician.

>> No.915990

>take your meds
This, so much this. Y’all are almost as bad as those chuds over on /p*l/.

>> No.916037

This is just sad.

>> No.916071

but that doesnt mean shit. its something entirely different than claiming shes turbo SJW whore, pro blm, commie etc. i have seen all the rrats. never proof. and now you claim there are videos of her openly talk about politics? too good to be true. sorry i dont buy it.

dont judge

>> No.916135

>>916037 was meant for >>915915

>> No.916168
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Open your mouth bros if you wont take it I have to do it by force

>> No.916195

Korone and her husband had a divorce a few years ago (oh and there were some rrats about her having a kid who he has custody of)

>> No.916214


>> No.916242

>Unless the husband is banging them both.
Lucky bastard

>> No.916295
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>you claim there are videos of her openly talk about politics? too good to be true. sorry i dont buy it.
The sound of music one she talked about in the watchalong. Maybe if you took your meds you could pay more attention to what she says instead of in your delusions. She also made plenty of anti nazi comments and when the chat talked about some left wing topics she said "I agree with you guys, but let's not talk about that here". Even anons caught on that and commented about that during the /hlgg/ threads back then.
>claiming shes turbo SJW whore, pro blm, commie etc
Literally not what I claimed. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.916338

>shes turbo SJW whore
Not him, she's just a normal whore

>> No.916363

>caring what politics a girl has
She will adopt whatever beliefs you have if you date for a while, it literally doesn't matter.

>> No.916388

She's a white girl with an adorable weeaboo gap moe side and I love her a lot.

>> No.916398

you were talking about videos on a roommate account. im asking for proof about that.

>She also made plenty of anti nazi comments and when the chat talked about some left wing topics she said "I agree with you guys, but let's not talk about that here"

nope never happened never heard of it either. gonna need timestamp for that. surely the internet is full of this, cause that would spread like wildfire.

you honestly sound like a salty commie whos mad that she is NOT a pro sjw cringelord.
are you that tranny indog? because he talks like you. always coming here and making claims, never proof. his only answer evr is: watch her streams. cool.

if you dont like her, sure whatever. but why the fuck make up stories about her politics? i dont get it.

>> No.916407

>So you get that one year and you're never allowed back
She's allowed back any time, and she can get a work visa or just a standard tourism visa, she just can't go and stay for another year and not work, as the Austrian Visa was basically a year long tourism visa with benefit of clean transition into a work visa if she chose to.
You're confusing her sorrow of 2020 not panning out, with some sort of near expulsion because of the year being up

What stupid ass agreement would that even be

>> No.916447

Hey schizobro do you have the timestamp from her recent Minecraft stream where she told a sheep that it can never be a chicken (or the other way around)? I've been looking for that, pls help if you can.

>> No.916468

>are you that tranny indog?
Hahaha this is fucking gold. Do archive reps, from when the Sound of music watchalong happened.
Or better, don't because you are fucking insane.
Why is it so hard to know more than surface level dox and not go crazy?

>> No.916494

no. but i also never claimed i have it.
ah yes its the indog
samefagging again and making stuff up without proof. what a surprise.

>> No.916511

Alright. You sound trustworthy. So just to be clear.

>She is average trendy liberal

But not like the batshit crazy types who destroy people whose opinion they disagree with?

>> No.916535

I know Korone is on the older side so I could believe marriage, but I would need proof.

>> No.916569

Not him, but she was a LITERAL whore.

>> No.916573
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Jesus christ, thats my entire countries population gone in less than a decade

>> No.916583

Welp it's true guys.

>> No.916589


>> No.916614

Oh shit i didn't even notice, sorry for wasting it on such a mediocre post

>> No.916615

>She is average trendy liberal
She dislikes right-wing politicians so much that I think her power level is higher than a normal liberal girl.

>> No.916642

She just needs a good natsoc dicking is all.

>> No.916706

isn't she a former whore?

>> No.916730

disliking right-wing politicians is just the bare minimum of being a decent human being

dislike all politicians, however, makes you a based human being

>> No.916751

Cringe opinion.

>> No.916783

You will never be a woman

>> No.916791

You have to wait around until somebody posts her roommate stuff. I don't save anything from 4chan.

>> No.916806

Holy fucking checked.
On my way to Nippon now, gonna use manlet charm on Calli

>> No.916824

>disliking right-wing politicians is just the bare minimum of being a decent human being

Based and kfpilled

>> No.916863

so no proof. alright then. claim dismissed.

>> No.916990

Actual source:



You can see Austria on the list in both links, the first link is official but only the second link mentions it lasts one year.
I didn't find this info myself, I just remembered it from last time anons spoke about it.

>> No.917076

They already are lel
>imminent crash

We'll just have to see about that - seems like something people have been hammering on about for centuries

>> No.917099
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>> No.917174

define "short" because i've heard she wants the almost unrealistic 5'1"-5'3" boys
And honestly, that must be literal suffering tier height for a male

>> No.917202

I'd be willing to bet she could get a do-over if she prepared herself well and accentuated how utterly fucked 2020 was in general, on a global level

>> No.917206

She simps hard for moistcritikal and he is 5'6" i believe

>> No.917351

I'm still rooting for the JPbros to find Kiara's roommate footjob video!

>> No.917451

she can come back to Japan, but never in a visa holiday that gives her the freedom she had with the visa she currently has
At the moment there's not much motivating her to come back to Japan for a long period of time anyways (she will come back for work and short trips though, of course) . It's a place with restrictions super unwelcoming of immigrants and right now she requires some stability in her life after the craziness of the past decade. She talks about buying a house and tending her own garden, that's what someone who wants to settle and live peacefully says.

>> No.917548

Not unrealistic if she is one of suesei's people.

>> No.918783

She got into Hololive, so that's a big success

>> No.918846
File: 249 KB, 748x783, absolute despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'4'' and I often see guys that are shorter than me, mostly Asians and Mexicans

>> No.919023

She tends to see things in a negative light

>> No.919053

She had a shitty life.

Mine is worse, but hers sounds pretty bad as well. So I am happy she caught a break.

>> No.919110

>the almost unrealistic 5'1"-5'3" boys
>tfw 5'3

>> No.919206

Wild how much of this board isn’t familiar with /a/ shitposting, you’d figure weirdos who watch live anime girls probably watch normal anime as well

>> No.919235

Yeah there don't seem to be a lot of snk fans here.

>> No.919554
File: 442 KB, 1363x1365, D92C1C3F-8D5B-4555-9827-259BAA156250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the saddest fucking thing I’ve read in a while. Why are people like this?

>> No.919581

Which one? They both seem pretty bad.

>> No.919624

It's worth pointing out that the only thing Huke gave Kiara was a modded crossbow, and the mods didn't even work. They only thing they did was add a unique name to the crossbow.

>> No.919986
File: 203 KB, 1710x900, snk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love SNK bro

>> No.920037

>almost unrealistic 5'1"-5'3" boys
Female hands typed this post

>> No.920051

They know they are not welcome here.

>> No.920130

The short ugly version is that some humans think about their interactions with others as transactions, and that some balance at the end of the day is "owed"

When no "repayment" is forthcoming the person feels grievously wronged despite having imagined the entire scenario in their head

>> No.920194

Normal relationships that might be bad.
But these are literally payed relationships
Vtubers are basically whores payed to play pretend relationship with you and having a boyfriend/girlfriend is breaking the contract you made. Sorry that doesn't conform to your reddit/sjw belief system.

>> No.920215

anon... your meds...

>> No.920228

Really? No better response than "your meds"

You are pathetic really.

>> No.920683

Based Huke. Alphas get what they want.

>> No.920755

Huke is a beta orbiter placed in a position of power.

>> No.920897

That's WAY too political for any JP Holo to get away with. Jenma needs to wrangle her in. I don't care if her politics aren't aligned with mine but she needs to keep it to herself, just like we're told to in chat.

>> No.920959

To be honest with myself here, if it was not for the fact that she is from Australia I would probably not have been a fan since debut.

>> No.920967

Bluepilled and homo.
She's just spouting off what's popular and safe to say publicly.

>> No.921027
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie memes are just memes
Making fun of the UK for leaving the EU was very subtle, she implied the UK is not part of europe
She didn't mention the politician she disliked was right wing, just that he looks like a character from the movie
She also cheered when the nazi flag was torn apart which is political but not controversial at all
The other stuff is from her previous life so it has nothing to do with hololive.

Leave my chickenfrogwife alone

>> No.921030

>5'1"-5'3" boys
Calli is a shonenhunter.

>> No.921131

Tell her to keep her politics to herself. Not every European nation is apart of the E.U.
If it's the "once again I'm asking for your support" meme, I'll let it slide. Other than that, it's Bernie shilling.

>> No.921138

She just likes manlets, that's why she went to Japan.

>> No.921148

>I'll let it slide
Wat'cha gona do about it, big boy?

>> No.921160

triggered much?

>> No.921190
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>> No.921241
File: 71 KB, 640x384, 5e392b0d68bec-brexit-leaving-european-union-memes-coverimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.921242
File: 406 KB, 950x634, 1458502413741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.921253


>> No.921287

Wait, I thought it's a new phase where people ironically pretend they don't know the pasta and respond as if it's reall stuff, you want to tell me they literally don't know it?

>> No.921966

She doesn't get paid to think, she gets paid to smile and look cute and frankly she fails at that.

>> No.922072

Fails at that huh, is that why she got 20k$ within the last week in superchats

>> No.922103

When the board is moving this slow and people are casting bait like this it's probably time to head to bed

>> No.922111

For a hololive vtuber? Yeah that is a failure. But don't worry she will probably just blow yagoo again to keep her job. The same way she got it.

>> No.922137

What's with this visa meme? She literally works for a Japanese company, surely she could get a work visa if she applied for one?

>> No.922163

>ranked 8th last week
So likely your oshi's lower than that. Come on anon if you wanna bait the chikinfags at least insult her on her voice or something like that

>> No.922180

Why insult her on her voice when her past reads like a fucking manual for thots.b

>> No.922213
File: 4 KB, 198x199, 1602961922413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the goddamn

>> No.922214

>manual for thots
And people can't change? Ever? At all? Come one man, like the other anon said, pick some better bait please.

>> No.922587

Finally something good about being fucking 5'2".

>> No.922822

What copypasta are you talking about?

>> No.922885

Honestly /pol/fags are just as sensitive as the snowflakes they claim to mock.

>> No.923035

Most alt-right niggas on the internet are a bunch of pussies, nothing new, just like libtards being white women in her 20 that discovered blacks are having it rough

>> No.923550

The dox that some butthurt /pol/ retards spam every now and then

>> No.923597

patricians don't read AoT though

>> No.923622

/pol/fags are far, far more sensitive than the people they call snowflakes.

The libs will at least admit they're getting upset and own up to it, /pol/fags will just seethe in some stupid rage and make shitposts to pretend they're not mad

>> No.923661
File: 333 KB, 373x442, EB62F24D-4545-4D68-9C19-D8C535F6F1B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people devolving into politics and shitflinging from a copypasta
Jesus go watch some streams!!!!!

>> No.923707

Grandma you're lost, this isn't facebook

>> No.923719

Isn't all this shit fake? There's no way their actual roommates like each other.

>> No.923740

>Kiara doesn't have a "real job" so she's ejected like a NEET
Fucking hilarious, good job Cover.

>> No.923823

She'll probably be back to visiting Japan every few months once travel restrictions are loser.

>> No.923856

>be 2nd generation russgerman living in former bongland barracks
>everyone is bilingual, no one is really german
>move to city
>learn about Schützenfestseason
>proceed to watch the marching parades while getting shitfaced, sing military songs while getting shitfaced, shooting guns while getting shitfaced
>end each day in the house of the Schützenkönig frying eggs at 4 AM for everyone, as is tradition
>this is repeated in a new village every 2-3 days for 2-3 months a year
I mean I am disqualified from judging I guess, but while I prefer the German language over most others and talk about it whenever I can get away with it, I can't say I feel culturally enriched by this or Karneval. It's just a means to teach 14 year olds to drink without making it too awkward because their grandfather(s) and fathers are around and show off how their decade long exercise is really paying off. But I concede that the general attitude is "do not show pride outside of Schützenfest and whenever GER plays divegrass".

>> No.924563

The point is these videos weren't paid for by Youtube, they were paid for by the Escapist

>> No.924659

Kiara wanted to move home because she misses her cats (and presumably her actual family?) I'm not sure her current visa would have allowed her to continuously stay but she could have gone back and then sought sponsorship to get a work visa like Mori, and isn't doing that, so it's a choice.

>> No.924782


>> No.924858

>If you don't believe the made up Yuri bait, you need to take your meds

>> No.924946

>they are merely pretending to meet each other off-stream in their private time constantly!!

>> No.924987

>she will be riced eventually
nips are scared of white women though, as much as they adore them.
the fact she's in the age range of becoming a christmas cake is not helping her cause.

>> No.925006

she works for cover, getting visa would be piss easy for her, but she doesn't want it right now

>> No.925077

>Implying this woman is not actively trying to get that done to her

>> No.925200

Unironically, take YOUR meds.

>> No.925204

>/pol/fags are far, far more sensitive than the people they call snowflakes.
no fucking shit most of both sides are soft as fuck
>The libs will at least admit they're getting upset and own up to it, /pol/fags will just seethe in some stupid rage and make shitposts to pretend they're not mad
no shit make shitpost,bitch then sometimes stop supporting said thing thats about it lets not forget the lib are like rats fucking scurrying around wait for you to fuck up so they can call you a racist or some shit to fucking ruin you life I wonder what's worse

>> No.925228

anon... reps...

>> No.925265

American politics are stupid.

Fuck both sides, they are equally idiotic.

>Anon doesn't know and should not know for his sake.

>> No.925584

wait what?



>> No.925668

basically this

>> No.925714

She is just without meds literally, sad.

I wish for her recovery.

>> No.926166

It's pretty understandable though, even if in the long run this might have been the better option t. someone who was interested in getting into social justice at some point but couldn't because of reasons

>> No.926398

Why is this thread /pol/ now? Is there really so little to talk about?

>> No.926453
File: 643 KB, 4096x2304, 1614155391705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't she just go back to japan as a "tourist"
I really don't see why this is such a big issue. She could visit for up to three months at a time

>> No.926751

>she got it in a shady manner with how incredibly difficult it is for a gaijin to get.

with all the foreign invaders the west accepts we should be able to go anywhere for as long as we want with no visa

>> No.926756

That is against the terms and conditions of a tourist visa and if they find out you're going to get banned from entry. You also can't change the visa type from tourist to work whilst in Japan.

>> No.926882

She's on a weird one year non-working visa, it's possible that can't directly roll into a working one without re-entry. A lot of countries have really stupid bureaucratic rules. Mori was probably on a regular work visa as a JET and just switched it to working for Cover.

>> No.926935

That's true for 3rd world countries, but Japan doesn't rely on emigration (in fact they probably strongly discourage it due to population issues) or remittances, so they can be super picky with immigration and tourism entry.

>> No.926974

Why are people acting like its somehow weird that this is how their work visa operate? its fairly normal to have a year limitation on a work permit/visa. A lot of countries also have a similar point system that Japan does for immigrating skilled labour.

>> No.927071
File: 231 KB, 577x577, eren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognised this copypasta immediately, good job anon.

>> No.927080

Good numbers
Her roommate is really crushing on those Jrappers, and one of them is a massive (tiny?) manlet.

>> No.927204

>/pol/tards are too retarded to come here
they have expat japan threads pretty regularly, loads of them are living and working there.

>> No.927824

we have jap towns on the west coast that means you should have america towns in japan

>> No.930165

She's probably the most popular EN girl when it comes to JP viewers, although the 4 or 5 schizophrenic Kiara antis who spend every waking hour screeching about her on this board will try to convince you otherwise.

>> No.930277

Nobody in Japan cares about her. In other words she's irrelevant. She is the only en member who can keep up with jp jokes/bantz though.

>> No.930904

5ch is the only place that seems to strongly dislike her, but even they admit that she has good chemistry with Calli.

>> No.931209

>She's just spouting off what's popular and safe to say publicly.
no she doesnt.
why do all newfags here easily believe rrats like that?
literal random guy says in pure textform, with no pics, no links, no timestamps, no sources AT ALL: shes an sjw commie bitch

and now you retards swallow that up and repeat it. kek this board

>> No.931333

It's a pasta from Shingeki No Kyojin/Attack on Titan threads

>> No.931426

I thought it was based on the ending of Demon Slayer.

>> No.933610

Isn’t it because Cali herself is pretty tall?

>> No.935176

Based japs

>> No.935250
File: 1.08 MB, 1419x1102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Kiara won't be streaming for 2/3 of a year

>> No.935625
File: 1.56 MB, 2048x1464, 1614112996507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just put that up to function as a chat room. When she lands she said she would post in that chat that the phoenix had landed

>> No.935755

the no one.

>> No.935820

German here, because it's considered impolite. All germans know the pain of people speaking russian and spanish in video games and nobody can understand shit. It's an english platform so we speak english

>> No.936088

Schützenvereine are a military tradition.
They are a pretty old tradition of people practising their Marksmenship to be able to defend their home.
A different approach than the English who made Longbow practice mandatory for the entire population.

It has some pretty interesting history.

>> No.936107

No one let her meet Aniki. He said he's 150cm irl which almost makes me feel like he's trolling.

>> No.936125

lier. she already said that her parent are in different dimension so 294 day with normal plane is quite a believe able speed.

>> No.936390

>>936088 (Checked)
That may be well and true but what made it a requirement to get plastered hours before the marches and the shooting starts. I got to know one guy fairly well who got into the statewide competition when he was 14, but after that he and everyone he knew stopped shooting while sober.
>Although originating as a town militia, a Schützenverein has no military aspects and in many cases often has a more social than sporting purpose.
Sums up my experience of it very well. It's very different from how I feel about the russian victory day march / military parades and my connection to Russia is very tenuous.

>> No.936420

Ok, where do you actually do these at? I keep hearing about them

>> No.936568

>now applaud while I deface a public monument and cut my dick off

>> No.936721

Maybe I just lack empathy for simps (I get why they do it but I think it's wrong) but even though I dislike Amouranth for being so blatant about selling her attractiveness, I don't think she's saying anything wrong there.
You can't donate something and then be rightfully angry for not getting compensation. You can be angry for being deceived about who or what you're donating to I guess, but if he's feeling betrayed then why the hell was he thinking a single is going to wait 2 years just to hook up over the internet when they could just meet people in person all this time? Most long term relationships don't have this much endurance as /k/ or a certain (at this point barely talked about) chuuba will be happy to tell you.

>> No.936941

Different anon. If you dug that far and perused all the material, you may just as well consider yourself the sole authority of reps. I disdain you for how much you're looking into her, but if you're sure you know your shit, don't get sidetracked by some anon saying it's in the SoM watchalong when you can't find it there. Don't get insecure about it either, it makes you look crazy and easy to dismiss. Now kindly never mention how much material you have, I don't want to hear about it and I don't want to know about it. If there is any occasion where your expertise or a torrent is needed, feel free to flex and seed, and probably getting banned for being so obvious about it here.
