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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 450 KB, 1558x1700, iluvei2 1875614759716028759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92980771 No.92980771 [Reply] [Original]

Bweed Edition
Previous Thread >>92962479

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.92980788
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92980829
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>> No.92980865
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>> No.92980971

stop posting this image

>> No.92981077

If they didn't pick femruffian's question I'm oshihenning.

>> No.92981115

Please don't bully Moco-chan today ruffians... she feels very sensitive right now...

>> No.92981153
File: 83 KB, 1332x922, r2s32ha39c1e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92981177

I reviewed hiragana and remembered everything! More progress in 3 days than 2 years before...

>> No.92981191

I'll make her puke from crying

>> No.92981256

remember it took fuwamoco years to learn hiragana and katakana.

>> No.92981265

fairskinned femruffian thighs..

>> No.92981298

Ruffians are a blight to this board. Absolute schizophrenia and the worst kind of advent newfaggotry. Thankfully you’re all contained in one thread.

>> No.92981360
File: 1.84 MB, 1584x837, SMUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, ruffians!!

I hope you've had a PAWsome year! It's time to get back to business for this year of divegrass! Unity Cup II has begun, which is part of /vt/ league 8 friendlies.

/baubau/'s kicking off their friendly match of /vt/'s 2nd Unity Cup against /doog/ soon at 21:40 UTC (30min)!

Fetch all the action here:


A strong opponent, but let's show /doog/ what real pack power looks like! Every BAU counts in this doggie showdown!
More info: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_Unity_Cup_2

>> No.92981371

I'm still so depressed I don't have the libido to hornypost fuwawa yet
I don't want to breed her I just want to hug her

>> No.92981424

I was all emotional about Dempa until I fought with some guy to not cut me in the merch line for an hour
And then the moment I was talking to a friend and the line moved, he cut past me and 3 other people

>> No.92981456


>> No.92982037


>> No.92982280

>comes here to seethe
rent-free kek

>> No.92982332

Sex with twins.

>> No.92982346

Next week will have MiSide in the schedule won't it

>> No.92982457
File: 608 KB, 1448x2048, 1735729440071503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have you guys been up to since last stream? I've been reading fantasy slop and have come to the conclusion that outside of the greats from 60+ years ago there is no reason to think Japanese fantasy is worse. Westcucks are clearly just seething retards with no brains, shit like Crowns of Nyaxia is just as sloppy as the average narou despite being so highly rated on Goodreads.

Anyways, looking forward to the stream tonight, should be fluffy and fuzzy.

>> No.92982521


>> No.92982548

Just finished a ranked mahjong match and got 2nd

>> No.92982571

extra sleep since I need to go back to work on Monday

>> No.92982667

balls deep in fluffy about to burst!!

>> No.92983266

FF7 Remake DLC, Yuffie's gameplay is really fun.

>> No.92983453

I'm going to do my fluffy reps now.

>> No.92983469

I am watching aoe2 videos.

>> No.92983470

Was eyeing some cards to buy for my collections
Then I also played some Pokemon Pocket
Enjoying the last bits of my days off

>> No.92983984

Playing gakumas and watching cute japanese girl travel vlogs

>> No.92984330

Mococo has the perfect body. Fuwawa is a little plump

>> No.92984341
File: 710 KB, 863x607, 1730051051168341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC is playing FUWAMOCO the game

>> No.92984422

does raora actually do this?

>> No.92984579

I made a huge mess for Fuwawa. time to nap before the stream

>> No.92984801

You're welcome, puppies.

Nah, please don't try to make me hopeful, I know mine won't be answered. Since last January it's like my submissions fall into the void, never to be seen again, so getting hopeful will only lead to disappointment. I hope you have fun, though.


>> No.92985083

Wow, he got featured before. I wish I could have 1 percent of his luck. Maybe I need to sacrifice him or something. BAU BAU

>> No.92985276

Please stop posting your own tweets for one day it's a pathetic look. Mococo thinks you're a loser.

>> No.92985439

The world would really be better without some people

>> No.92985527

I haven't heard about this, but why the sad BAU BAU, Moco-chan?

I won't even look at said poll, not just because I don't know where to find it, but because I already know Mococo is by far the most sexy hololive member. No need for any silly polls to state the obvious!


>> No.92985616
File: 1.15 MB, 2901x3420, flatfuzzyjustice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so sad, Kanatan? Small is justice, you should be radiating confidence in this picture! Don't be intimidated by size, quality over quantity! Never let yourself be influenced by what society thinks, and besides, you're wearing Moco-chan's outfit, and Moco-chan is amazing!

>> No.92985684
File: 436 KB, 587x918, 1734920286170782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92985836

>quality over quantity
Fuwawa wins in both regards. Mococo is not sexy.

>> No.92986243

Is it just me or are her floofies getting bigger?

>> No.92986415
File: 264 KB, 1406x2048, IMG_5913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92986443

is it a pizza kind of day?

>> No.92986478
File: 189 KB, 1200x1198, E8ZoefVVEAUsE7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've always been big

>> No.92986574
File: 2 KB, 248x40, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt this ratio kinda garbo
ask some fuckin questions you lazy fucks dont just press a button and move on

>> No.92986639

I already asked a question on Twitter and couldn't think of a good one to ask on Youtube

>> No.92986702

there's nothing worth asking for that we don't already know

>> No.92986715

It's even worse considering how many are duplicates or not even questions.

>> No.92986761

>Is January going to be easier?

>> No.92986821

It's a community post dumbass. Likes to comment ratio means nothing. If you cared about them and less about your desire to be noticed, you'd want them to have less questions to have the hassle of reading especially in their already busy schedule.

>> No.92987083

whatre you homos up to?

>> No.92987123

drinking again

>> No.92987137

jerking off

>> No.92987152

About time

>> No.92987163

I've come around to hoping he asks every single stream. Make them dread streaming knowing they can't avoid accountability forever

>> No.92987257

I hope they cry again today.

>> No.92987290

Mooom he reset his IP and is at it again

>> No.92987364

Why are they streaming early today?

>> No.92987433

They wanted to make sure I could watch a 2view with no overlap

>> No.92987467

migger at 3PM

>> No.92987498

why didnt fauna follow FWMC

>> No.92987532

They are not friends

>> No.92987600

Concert to get to

>> No.92987601

dempagumi concert they are attending this afternoon

>> No.92987628

She was too busy following multiple homos, Magni even on two accounts
Can't believe Mococo wasted tears on her, she should give those back

>> No.92987690
File: 1020 KB, 2811x4096, Gge4h1cW0AApDXr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco make tweet thanking artists for their fan work
>Koahri finally posts this after months of nothing related to Fuwamoco
kekekek shameless

>> No.92987694

The follow list is looking grim

>> No.92987743

futa version when

>> No.92987748

but they'll never thank tekzi or pissnix or any of the slop clippers kekarooooodle doo

>> No.92987791

they’ll still get more attention than you will ever received KEKADOODLEDOOOOOO

>> No.92987877

Nice cope. They're old news and have already been forgotten like the Hungarian and Pillar before them.

>> No.92987882
File: 667 KB, 720x1026, mococo wolf awooo [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F30ivmg.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92987926

KEKAROO i remember you spouting this same shit before fuwamoco personally saw to it you get BTFO by retweeting them both kekekek

>> No.92988073

Hey wait a second, do you think there could be a connection between all the posts including the same "keeeeekadoooodle kekaroooo"
I'm no detective but I'm starting to suspect something here!

>> No.92988192

Yeah, whoever uses them has skin the same color as their shit.

>> No.92988329

well that climates one potential person it can be

>> No.92988410

Nice cope. Neither have gotten attention for weeks and they never will again. They have the parrot that puts effort into his posts there's no reason to settle for this faggots ever again.

>> No.92988412
File: 509 KB, 536x739, 【日本語雑談 JAPANESE CHATTING】2024年のFUWAMOCO、成長できたのかな~? 🐾 【FUWAMOCO】 1-8-34 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa, I'm ready to fall under your spell

>> No.92988491

if they don't pick my question I'm going full time anti until my suicide

>> No.92988514

Make it soon.

>> No.92988594

They need to play Stray so they can freak out over cute cats.

>> No.92988601

keeeeek i can’t wait for you to once again kneel before CHADnix and CHADkzi again. this happened before. i’ll be sure to grudgepost you when it happens kek

>> No.92988622

I pray for their tears. We need to let them know how disappointed we are in them recently.

>> No.92988687

You joke but the 3 days of break in a row every week is really too much. They don't even play games anymore.

>> No.92988759

Nice fantasy. Your butt buddies aren't getting any thing anymore. They were useful idiots for free engagement but there's no use for them now. The pathetic worms are squirming for attention. spamming old clips, buying Twitter checkmarks, anything and it's all getting ignored. I love to see it. Their destruction is music to my ears and seeing them realize they never meant anything at all to FWMC is an all time memory

>> No.92988758

Try playing games in the 3 days of break. It's a good way to pass the time.

>> No.92988762
File: 1.64 MB, 719x1000, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I akasupa them or buy this cool looking card

>> No.92988831


>> No.92988936
File: 538 KB, 603x748, 4213213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit hes actually crashing out

>> No.92988962

Holy mental illness meltdown in prechat

>> No.92988968

please aeon protect their smile by leaving forever

>> No.92989004

Holy fucking shit Aeon, KILL YOURSELF

>> No.92989002
File: 19 KB, 668x82, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92989008
File: 104 KB, 549x666, 12983123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92989031

uh oh melty but really really

>> No.92989058

>I don't have anything I can do that matters to you

>> No.92989067

oh no they are early today. can't watch it live but it might honestly be better to watch the vod with timestamps instead. Everyone else have fun except for the trauma dumper

>> No.92989076

Holy fuck my sides, ruffians are so fucking pathetic kek

>> No.92989078
File: 23 KB, 544x129, 1823812321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92989105


>> No.92989119

KILL YOURSELF AEON OR AT LWAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO LEAVE FOREVER. You are the worst ruffian and it isn't even close. They shower you with more love than you could ever deserve and you repay them by making them feel like shit constantly. unironically never ever return and I'm not joking. You'll be better off and all of us will too. Find something else to do. You need meds and an insane asylum.

>> No.92989126

the absolute STATE of ruffkeks

>> No.92989147

superchats deleted

>> No.92989173
File: 255 KB, 641x558, 1735953031913346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.92989190

He isn't even a piggy. And good on him. He dared to call him out.

>> No.92989219

Please if there is a God, just let these few people like him and R*** disappear, the world would be a better place

>> No.92989276

Absolute insane behavior

>> No.92989316

I think he's unironically getting banned after that. That's the nastiest SC I've seen in a while. Worse than people that just spam dox

>> No.92989380

How can you not make fun of ruffians when they're like this

>> No.92989389
File: 135 KB, 256x328, 21398123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please aeon don't get answered a question from them today and find the will to rope yourself

>> No.92989404

BASED gbraga

>> No.92989439

What an unbelievable piece of shit

>> No.92989470

cmon you know it'll AT BEST end in it being ignored if not "un un don't worry okay, we appreciate you, we get it, but you know..."

>> No.92989498

Why doesn't he call out his faggot br boyfriend too? Instead he defended him when someone posted about all the dumb shit he said.

>> No.92989504
File: 42 KB, 684x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's pretend it never happen.

>> No.92989520

he already deleted the super-chats probably because he knew he would get banned if he left them up

>> No.92989541

Yeah, no. Someone post that on the hashtag this faggot can't squirm away from this

>> No.92989561
File: 333 KB, 1585x2085, 1691381375232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize by killing yourself immediately

>> No.92989596

>ask when they will play their backlog of unfinished games
>we're fluffy, we're fuzzy, we're FWMC.
Yeah... I'm not surprised no one is asking them things when you get responses like that from them.

>> No.92989636

Nae has never sunk this low

>> No.92989645

Hi Aeon, let's add to your tradition of sending $200 every saturday. The new tradition is you disappear and never come back to bother FUWAMOCO. Thank you. That will protect their smile and it's the best thing you can do for them if you're going to be such a colossal faggot.

>> No.92989647

DeepFriedScream already patting him on the shoulder in discord even though its enabling this behaviour. They should all be purged from the community like doxers do

>> No.92989671

Post the melty he had during BD

>> No.92989710

his BR boyfriend is Raul. And i think he avoids attacking him because insulting Brazil is a personal attack on himself. He doesn't want the entry country IP banned again even though they should be.

>> No.92989716

I'm talking about when he defended Raul. Raul is saying the same shit as Aeon in the comments. He just doesn't have money to donate for attention.

>> No.92989773
File: 234 KB, 375x475, emptyyourpockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeon should apologize by dropping another $200. Boardwalk costs $400.

>> No.92989781

Done with that faggot too after the
>will January be crazy
I tried to be nice and let them be thinking it was a misunderstanding but in the new year I actively will hate these faggots and protect FUWAMOCO's smiles. Blocked all of them and hope more do the same.

>> No.92989806

He was called out during the move freechat days. Nothing will fix this guy besides a bullet to the head

>> No.92989814

Because that's a dumb question which has been asked and answered a dozen times already. What else can they say besides "We want to and we will when we can". Do you expect a response like "Oh we'll be finishing this game at 11am on Wednesday the 12th of March"

>> No.92989852

If his question was picked I pray to god they remove it from the pool now. The only action left for him is full on ignoring him until he leaves forever. Please Mane-chan do something right.

>> No.92989856


>> No.92989931

Ruffians are the WORST fanbase.

>> No.92989996

Kronies exist

>> No.92990006

It's sunday morning, Mane-chan is not going through questions to choose what to delete last second, KEK
She's probably with her boyfriend behind her fans' backs.

>> No.92990008

Unironically, yes. In hololive at least. There are "worse" fanbases in that they are dead or barely supportive but the Ruffians are one of the most active while also coddling a ton of schizos and menheras that love to hurt their oshis

>> No.92990013

You know if you don't currently have a skill you can just pick one up and learn one, instead of spending money to whine that you don't have any

>> No.92990036

Does he get off on making them cry?

>> No.92990067

What fans are you even talking about?

>> No.92990087

Ruffians took that title from them actually

>> No.92990090

her gachikoi she's duping for twitch bits

>> No.92990107


>> No.92990148

This guy is amazing no matter how much time passes, holy shit.

>> No.92990153

Remember Koyori's advice on how to be a happy and sane fan

>> No.92990177

Just to try to look better in the community. It's obvious he doesn't want affirmation from Ruffians. He just wants constant attention and likes from FWMC, he doesn't even give a fuck what they say based on him saying the same stupid shit.

>> No.92990181

Aeon is almost as bad as Gabe was at this point.

>> No.92990241

If people still have a problem with this they should try being an active fan of someone else too and you see how silly it is

>> No.92990242

Assuming he's a reliable narrator and not a massive schizo that is lying about everything them skipping his New Year's message is a full confirmation they have him muted. And he fucking deserves it too. Maybe take the hint and be better instead of falling deeper into the depths?

>> No.92990284

That would only work if they didn't show favoritism in the first place

>> No.92990313

They will likely still address that superchat. Lockwhite's was deleted too and they still read and reacted to it. Same with other ones that people have deleted after sending. They only skip full dox

>> No.92990334

Obasan is pretty good too.

>> No.92990376
File: 755 KB, 1317x788, ゴズリング4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not compare that retard to me.

>> No.92990438

I wasn’t, I was comparing him to Gabe. You’re not Gabe, just someone who likes larping as him for some reason.

>> No.92990445

Last time he had a likeschizo meltdown he came back saying "oh I missed the notification, I actually got one."
the retard isn't even sorting by verified accounts to check before having a meltdown

>> No.92990455

He is pretty much an anti. He had said on stream he wished they give up making music and idol performances.

>> No.92990495

>They will likely still address that superchat.
I hope so. The thread when that happened was pretty entertaining. I thought this would be just another boring q&a stream.

>> No.92990504

kinda baused desu

>> No.92990527

You should probably look for a different live performance. The First Take is fake.

>> No.92990537

Holy kino

>> No.92990569

Kek finally someone remembered what I said back in April

>> No.92990600

It's a studio performance, not a live one. But if you have a cool recent live performance of this song I'll take the link.

>> No.92990601

>he wished they give up making music and idol performances.
the fuck. that's just telling them to give up on their dreams. why

>> No.92990655

Wait, the gomoku tournament is about who is the weakest? They actually have a chance to win this one for once.

>> No.92990690

You fags just treat this as your private discord server. Hang yourselves.

>> No.92990699

>sub count... aaaand it's happening again
What's that guy talking about

>> No.92990729

I doubt Lockwhite deleted his own superchat, though. It was probably mane-chan or a chat mod. If he deleted it himself they would respect the choice.

>> No.92990737

Kissing the tip of Moco-chan's feminine penis

>> No.92990752

He prefers they be there for comfy times.

>> No.92990755

Do you want people telling him to kill himself in youtube chat instead where they can see?

>> No.92990770

they literally thanked tekzi and also parrot once, not pissnix and i dont think they will

>> No.92990847

purityschizo is basically the same way too, although he's less of a dick about the way he words it.

>> No.92990890

I didn't get a like on any new years or xmas posts either, but I'm not muted since they liked other stuff recently. They either intentionally skip people or somehow just didn't see it. I doubt they muted him.

>> No.92990909

I’m more surprised you’ve been at it for this long.

>> No.92990919

The problem with The First Take it's all about being "Real". The trailer for the channel talks about not editing the audio and no autotune but they 100% do. People have pointed it out, some Br*t even did a a whole video on it.
This one oh him from a year ago is better

>> No.92990930

>not pissnix and i dont think they will
And they never will no matter how much he tried to beg and pay for it. His "clips" are the worst low effort garbage I've ever seen. It's almost humiliating that they even retweet it, it makes everyone look bad with how shitty they are. He needs to just stop it's getting sad

>> No.92990962

Sometimes it's weird being the most mentally sane ruffian

>> No.92990976

They intentionally skipped some because they liked my new years post.

>> No.92991080

I just got here what happened, rundown??

>> No.92991084

I really wish him + doomer + BRfag all get banished. They are seriously a pain.

>> No.92991113

If only

>> No.92991127

No one believed me when I said I wasn't him so I just kept running with it out of boredom

>> No.92991142

Just block him, he'll fuck off when they stop retweeting him. He's delusional if they think they enjoy his trash clips kek

>> No.92991168

fuwamoco are....solo leveling

>> No.92991182

does that shadowban site just not fucking work anymore it keeps saying my account doesn't exist

>> No.92991207

I know they thank parrot every time he superchats and follow him, did I miss something with tekzi?

>> No.92991262

Oh but it's extremely obvious they do, didn't know they larped about not editing, I thought it was just, as the name says, the first take. They don't get to do a line again for the best version like they can with regular recordings, but it still goes through the entire produciton process of a CD track.
It's so blatantly obvious that I'm shocked they tried to pretend it's anything else.

>> No.92991288

It's always been shitty.

>> No.92991294

They'll only leave if FWMC kick them out, which isn't going to happen because they'd rather take retarded abuse from garbage than put their foot down at all.

>> No.92991311

>It's the last time.
What does this mean? Is he going to oshihen?

>> No.92991326

That's how it usually is. It was unusually good for a while.

>> No.92991371

Is this an edit? I don't see it in precat

>> No.92991378

Someone that mentally ill wont leave.

>> No.92991381

Stop traumadumping is how I took it, but of course he needed one final traumadump to say he's gonna stop instead of just stopping, so in other words it's not gonna stop.

>> No.92991423

It got deleted

>> No.92991438

He deleted it when people started shitting on him.

>> No.92991447

>I'll leave these in the past now
>by posting the most menhera schizo shit I've ever said in a SC in the new year
How does this faggot live or make money?

>> No.92991493
File: 51 KB, 1387x261, 51641356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mane-chan deleted it

>> No.92991505

it's now every holo with a RM account *except* FWMC

>> No.92991510

No he self-deleted

>> No.92991548

Is it time for another cloudy feelings talk? I hope so!

>> No.92991550

oh? I didn't even know that was possible.

>> No.92991549

What a massive fucking faggot. I unironically hope they tell him off for good. There's 0 benefit to anyone having him around yet

>> No.92991572

How did I see this?

>> No.92991597

>ruffians are the most schizo fans
lol, lmao even. you could combine everything this retard did since debut and it still wouldn't be on the same level is "IRyS your music gives my grandmother peace on her deathbed"
schizo fans are just an inevitability in this hobby and any chuuba can roll poorly. of course they didn't make their chances any better by their actions though (like including "Be your therapy dogs" in debut goals)

>> No.92991604


>> No.92991626

Wasn't it his mum? kek.

>> No.92991653

>IRyS your music gives my grandmother
this is a level of cringe i couldnt fathom bringing into the world with my own hands

>> No.92991657

Are you saying ruffians wouldn't sink that low? Just you wait.

>> No.92991674

Did you miss the part where a Ruffian sent 10 pinks telling the story of how his mother was the light of his life and gave him a pendant before being killed by her abusive husband and now he's filled the empty void in his heart with their streams?

>> No.92991675

I agree, I wouldn't care if the channel didn't lie about being unedited.
The channel trailer, I think the channel is owned by SME Japan.

>> No.92991695
File: 523 KB, 2731x4096, 1720604439793454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny just how time and time again it all comes back to one simple thing: FWMC need to stop catering to the mentally ill.
They could have avoided the schizo episodes of him and so many others before him if only they just didn't actively reward and coddle these people with attention. Many of them would have just gone away, elsewhere, where they get the attention they crave.

>> No.92991720
File: 373 KB, 743x683, 154859192914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was his mom, but I get your point

>> No.92991727

Or, you know, constantly talking about wanting to do one thing and then doing the opposite.
Or saying they want to include everyone non-stop and playing into retards like that by doing things like giving likes consistently to them

>> No.92991738

>FWMC need to stop catering to the mentally ill.
KEK! Good luck with that one!

>> No.92991745

That guy is addicted to wasting money, he's gonna get in some real deep shit because of it. He was sending reds to Kiara earlier too to talk about Fauna.

>> No.92991751
File: 25 KB, 1346x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori received this superchat 4 days ago. Retards exist everywhere.

>> No.92991769

not even remotely true sis

>> No.92991799
File: 176 KB, 500x500, 1717366380082941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92991803

>it all comes back to one simple thing:
streaming more*

>> No.92991820

That was clearly the novelite's equivalent to that Tannhauser Gate person.

>> No.92991844

>where they get the attention they crave.
Isn't his main complaint he didn't get attention? The only attention he gets is when he sends superchats, and sometimes they don't even get read.

>> No.92991851

SEA is cheating, they shouldn't count as actual fans or people.

>> No.92991854

We already had people like Pon*** and Itt* and others when they streamed a lot before Japan and they were menhera too.

>> No.92991858
File: 1.26 MB, 545x280, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92991869

Social Media was a mistake.

>> No.92991881

Why did she reply to it...

>> No.92991912

theres entire GEN dedicated to us

>> No.92991945

Let me know if they answer the question about hosting stuff on their channel more. I got shit to do and can't watch the stream.

>> No.92991954

Is there a reason they’re starting early? I got the notification but the schedule has it at the usual time still.

>> No.92991952

least obsessed globalbrown/numbertroon or nijitrannjy/phagsconnect fanboy

>> No.92991971
File: 15 KB, 834x642, 1715137560232995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine someone having their dying mother listening to BAUdol while on their death bed?

>> No.92991985

>Many of them would have just gone away, elsewhere, where they get the attention they crave.
But they have, all of the worst schizos are ex-something. We're the destination. Someone would have to be. Tough luck.

>> No.92992003


>> No.92992026

If you believe ruffians are incapable of sinking that low then you're delusional.

>> No.92992030

i went through it, the only RM account she isn't following are shiori's (protected, dead and buried) and FWMC's

>> No.92992042

They need to kick him out like they did the BR. Letting these people fester is part of the problem. Remember when Cake banned the BR from the group chat?

>> No.92992070

To not overlap with the preparations for the Migo collab, probably, that one is in 6 hours from now.

>> No.92992096

They have that many goals that I doubt most people remember the therapy dogs one. I can only recall "touch Noel's floofies" from the top of my head. I like Noel's floofies, when are they going to touch Noel's floofies

>> No.92992109

dempagumi inc concert finale they're going to in 4 hours

>> No.92992116


>> No.92992130

Oh I believe some retard will do it one day.

>> No.92992139

>fuwamoco not wanting to overlap a JP event

>> No.92992151

They never say anything about times switching anymore. They just do it and change the frame, no tweet or anything

>> No.92992167

this just makes me really sad.

>> No.92992177

They're in it, retard.

>> No.92992192

*an event they are attending and need to prepare for

>> No.92992197

and they came THIS close to fulfilling it too during ark
but collab never

>> No.92992216

Ah shit, I should have sent them a WWYD mahjong question.

>> No.92992223


>> No.92992224


>> No.92992256

Are you retarded? They are in it.

>> No.92992259

It was obvious Fauna didn't like them while Mococo was pouring her heart out and she could only muster a "aww you guys, you're like so amazing" which sounded fake as fuck

>> No.92992288
File: 115 KB, 850x1133, 17238901238123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92992307

already a sneeze

>> No.92992322

Cute retards

>> No.92992377

but she likes the korean ironic weeb grifter whose entire personality is LOL FEMBOY BUSSY ASTOLFO? what's her problem?

>> No.92992388
File: 408 KB, 760x414, 4351564316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92992401

>sees 21 as 12
Is Fuwawa dyslexic?
>gomoku is Japanese chess
wtf Fuwawa???

>> No.92992406
File: 370 KB, 463x746, 99706040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92992409
File: 313 KB, 484x518, 1661748242028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be selected.

>> No.92992416

Why is Fuwawa saying “BAU BAU” so much?

>> No.92992465

God you antis are so retarded

>> No.92992479

>mane-chan picked them
Yeah it's over, its going to be the paypig variety hour

>> No.92992484

Mococo is making sure to we're reminded that mane-chan picked the questions so we know who to shift the blame to.

>> No.92992485

Why are so many people seething? For what?

>> No.92992491
File: 424 KB, 711x519, 24649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love of my life

>> No.92992494

How fucking new are you? Vtubing will always have this. Even normalfag streamers have this. People got fucking PewDiePie tattoos. Go name a Holo you think has healthy fans. I'll wait.

>> No.92992535

>mane-chan picked all of them
Paypig loop incoming I'm out

>> No.92992536

People like her hate authenticity because they have to hide themselves under layers of irony and insecurity.

>> No.92992537

Well that’s annoying it seems like it just keeps getting worse too.

>> No.92992549

>addresses every angle in the first 5 minutes
sisters aren't going to be happy about that

>> No.92992564

>we arent telling you lol
oh...thanks i guess

>> No.92992568
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>> No.92992579
File: 116 KB, 1079x636, 1723827596282561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa called me cute

>> No.92992585

>Mane-chan picked them
This is going to be shit.

>> No.92992592

you know, it's new year and now we know that suzu9 doesn't even re-check their schedule to see if there's possible overlap

>> No.92992609

>we're doing our best
>we're doing our best

>> No.92992626

FWMC coddle menhera fans more than any other holoEN member except maybe Nerissa who they might be equal with.

>> No.92992651

RRATMA- Oh wrong one...

>> No.92992659

Not my rat

>> No.92992661

Rushia did but they kicked her out because of it

>> No.92992672

oh fuck it has names attached

>> No.92992675
File: 6 KB, 800x106, I'll do my best (No delivery) what is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92992683


>> No.92992704

No really, go ahead and name me a Holo you think has healthier fans. I can't wait to laugh at this.

>> No.92992716

One with a lot of likes. rip

>> No.92992718

because mane-chan prepares the images, just like the member's Q&A

>> No.92992732

Are you illiterate by chance?

>> No.92992738

Nanoha?? Lmao, that one is notorious.

>> No.92992739

Having no experience with anime also isn't rare among the ruffians unfortunately.

>> No.92992753

welp there goes anime watchalongs

>> No.92992754
File: 664 KB, 840x917, 1735725716378051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92992760

i will never pay for anime

>> No.92992777

Yep it's all clique questions

>> No.92992787

Phew, I guess it's good I didn't send in the What Would You Discard mahjong question after all...

>> No.92992788

Still waiting.

>> No.92992795

how else do you think mane-chan sorted through them?

>> No.92992798

Anon, are you afraid of what we will think of you?

>> No.92992808


>> No.92992846

i was confusing nanoha with symphogear in my head

>> No.92992883
File: 59 KB, 600x418, nanoha marked for deletion old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop glowing rufferans

>> No.92992892

I know you're not the same guy because that's just a joke.

>> No.92992899

Send it here please unless you want to save it for later

>> No.92992910


>> No.92992933


>> No.92992984

>I'm going to be an idol too

>> No.92992995 [DELETED] 

is that a j...

>> No.92992996

I don't really want anime series watchalongs. Takes too much time and I'd rather watch a good classic movie with them.

>> No.92993015

New femruffian to groom

>> No.92993019
File: 36 KB, 690x144, Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 16.11.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92993037

>nooooooo FWMC don't have /pol/ brainrot like me!!!

>> No.92993043

Who cares? I talked about my question in here multiple times and I hope they pick it.

>> No.92993067

I cannot stop looking at the tit flesh on the side of Fuwawa's dress.

>> No.92993091

Yeah you got me. I just wanted to see you talk about them and what they've done.

>> No.92993103

Basic bitch

>> No.92993133

I think I'll just save it for later

>> No.92993138

Why does only Mococo have a Paw mark on her face today?

>> No.92993146

ruffians are literally toddler brained. watching the equivalent of barney the dinosaur content but with jiggly tits.

>> No.92993152

her floofies are obscene... how do they stay contained

>> No.92993157

God bless Icomochi.

>> No.92993166

Fuwawa's floofies are too obscene.

>> No.92993191

I don't know why you'd think any ruffians would leave FWMC for a random generic indie

>> No.92993197

Is there a lore reason why Fuwawa's massive fucking honkers twirl circularly underneath the thin veil of her dress at the exact same speed and time as her nods

>> No.92993205

Giga cliqueW

>> No.92993215

Shit... Now I hope my Halo game recommendation doesn't get picked.

>> No.92993216

because she's trying her best to compete with the floofies

>> No.92993236

Just say you want to be seen as sexy.

>> No.92993242
File: 74 KB, 220x218, 1722312366491800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for picking my question

>> No.92993250
File: 477 KB, 517x500, 1337107850816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92993272

Oh right. It's a psudo-zatsu so the fags didn't leave like they usually do.

>> No.92993294

I'll look deeper at Fuwawa's chest

>> No.92993304
File: 85 KB, 220x220, vFqmBQS2_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for answering my question.

>> No.92993309

This question needs to be clipped and translated into Japanese and sent to their JP senpai to talk about on stream.

>> No.92993324
File: 220 KB, 1332x1667, RABUMOCOCHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo has flesh too...

>> No.92993336

>Why would people want to try and groom a Femruffian?
Dumb ass

>> No.92993351
File: 11 KB, 345x81, 1730117036181171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danke Bro nett von dir der Tipp

>> No.92993399
File: 1.66 MB, 1962x1308, D-day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're upset Ruffians stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6th 1944

>> No.92993401

she's very bouncy and bounces up and down a lot and her boddy is very jiggly so it bounces up and down too

>> No.92993406

looks like doomer isn't in chat. Hope he fucks off for good.

>> No.92993523


>> No.92993527

Quality status of Q&A stream?

>> No.92993539

The BR scared him off

>> No.92993548

Holy shit these are all questions for people who have never seen FUWAMOCO. Clipwatcher tier.

>> No.92993560

>Who is this blue dog with the fat tits?

>> No.92993563

>I really love your passion when you play them!

>> No.92993568

all repeats so far

>> No.92993608

fuwamoco morning ended because of daylight savings, not because of needing a break, and is directly tied to them moving to japan

>> No.92993610

>online you see pictures of a character and wonder, "Who is she?"
They saw sex scene pics, didn't they?

>> No.92993611

If for whatever reason they pick his he'll be in chat instantly. No doubt he is just lurking.

>> No.92993613

And the best part is they're almost all from the retards that stay up all night to reply to every tweet and watch every stream

>> No.92993619


>> No.92993623

Permissions and scheduling are a thing.

>> No.92993627

skippa skippa, especially with this anon's comment >>92993548

>> No.92993634

holy wall

>> No.92993637

Yeah, that's the point. Q and As are always like this. Regular watchers don't have many questions.

>> No.92993642

my first VN was Go Go Nippon, kek, can't exactly answer that

>> No.92993641
File: 9 KB, 451x78, 129831293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these hags...

>> No.92993645


>> No.92993679

>I don't have a question

>> No.92993690

this anon is asking for raden

>> No.92993692

What did they say was their first visual novel?

>> No.92993694

this retard could have cut out the entire first half of this essay

also huge CLIQUE W again kitsuneku

>> No.92993708

They literally said this at the start of the stream

>> No.92993710

>please fly around the world and visit various museums and statues and other things and make travel vlogs about them
mentally ill

>> No.92993712

I agree with this guy. Doing stuff like this allows them to be more than just being cute dogs.

>> No.92993722


>> No.92993733

And yet he was chosen anyways. Makes you think.

>> No.92993735

I like when they redirect the questions to us and want us to answer them.

>> No.92993759

wtf why is this so early I missed the start

>> No.92993777
File: 355 KB, 112x112, classic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92993780
File: 19 KB, 564x74, Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 16.22.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92993781
File: 60 KB, 549x666, 1736035130812248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians is he really one of you? No way you guys are actually like this right?

>> No.92993784

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.92993791


>> No.92993808

FWMC made a scheduling error lol.

>> No.92993809

Their life is their work and nothing else. Too bad their work became off-stream stuff.

>> No.92993818

It's literally just a ggn tour guide reference anon.

>> No.92993837
File: 393 KB, 720x421, 6941649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're too powerful

>> No.92993843

Stop screencapping your own posts

>> No.92993853

All of these are the highest liked questions. So if you had none you're SOL.

>> No.92993855

my first and only

>> No.92993871


>> No.92993879

Mine was Kanon, followed closely by Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.92993912

I figured it would be like that.

>> No.92993925

Can you take it to the catalog? We already moved on.

>> No.92993937

As bad as he is, at least he isn't obsessed with males like you are. KYS.

>> No.92993938

Same, and then I didn't play any other VNs until this year.

>> No.92993945

oh yeah didn't they promise a MV by the end of last year? yet another failed promise and deadline huh

>> No.92993961

Classic. Guess I will never get a shot if I don't waste every day trying to collect more Ruffians following me and liking my posts.

>> No.92993962

>Can you tell us more info about secret projects you're working on while you're under NDA? Thanks!

>> No.92993972

Sorry I came from the log.

>> No.92993993

Okay I am pretty happy they are open to exploring other genres.

>> No.92993999

Thank God it won't be denpa, need something else

>> No.92994017

retards asking these questions and Mane-chan picking them so we get non-answers

>> No.92994028


>> No.92994033

This stream has horrible numbers, they should stop doing QA streams for new people and do game which would bring in even more new people.

>> No.92994043

Merch is more important, sorry.

>> No.92994063

God why is this fanbase so fucked

>> No.92994109

>one mentally ill retard who no one likes is the entire fanbase

>> No.92994113

jeez I wonder why you are too busy to collab, retards

>> No.92994115

You'll take Voice Pack #217 and you'll like it.

>> No.92994119

>all the people begging for Shiori in chat

>> No.92994153

Christ, that aka made me nervous for a second.

>> No.92994167

BRs always fighting

>> No.92994168

How to spot a /vt/ user question?

>> No.92994180

threadshitter re-posting a single schizo to generalize the entire fanbase that shits on him every time there is an opportunity to do so

>> No.92994184


>> No.92994196

KEK same

>> No.92994200

Polar opposites. The collab would be terrible compared to her usual collab and her fans wouldn't get any of the fun 'Shiori' moments out of it because she'd be too busy coddling them and holding herself back.

>> No.92994222


>> No.92994229
File: 439 KB, 764x613, 1735761362656773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians

>> No.92994228


>> No.92994231

How many times have they told him they want him to be there already? It's like he's fishing for them to break and tell him to go away

>> No.92994236


>> No.92994269
File: 363 KB, 980x542, 1735761830997399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92994276

They're so autistic about "the perfect game choice" with Shiori, but they played random slop like Overcooked with Biboo Was that the perfect Biboo game? Just rip off the bandaid and do a chatting/tier list stream or something

>> No.92994279

>Fuwawa has strong opinions on league of legions

>> No.92994297

>4 retards without questions got picked over my actual question

>> No.92994311


>> No.92994326

What are Fuwawa's STRONG opinions on League of Legends?

>> No.92994363


>> No.92994365

it's been 3 months since you played a retro game it's true

>> No.92994380

It's because they want a game where they won't have time to banter, or you might see how terrible of a collab partner they are for each other. Both FWMC and Shiori have their styles and they don't work well together.

>> No.92994385

Fuwawa hates shitters below Plat.

>> No.92994402

I think she just shakes her head in disapproval anytime its been brought up in the past.

>> No.92994403


>> No.92994412

Yes because Biboo plays FOTM slop and casual slop all the time and it matches their dynamic for just shooting the shit with each other and trolling and freaking out

>> No.92994435

>says it's only one mentally ill retard
>the past year, multiple mentally ill retards pull this shit
shut the fuck up

>> No.92994443

oh great all the retro games are going to be in Japanese I fucking hate this

>> No.92994451

Shut the fuck up, Mococo. If you get triggered by that you should play retro games more often. The last one was more than a month ago.

>> No.92994460

Shooting for 2 months on a VN too if they don't have one next week.

>> No.92994465

If they can't respond, how are you going to have legal issue with them?

>> No.92994494

>Q&A stream
>Every pick isn't a question
>Every answer is asking ruffians to answer instead

>> No.92994508

do you think this doesn't happen in other fanbases? and maybe half a dozen schizo meltdowns out of tens of thousands of fans is pretty good

>> No.92994512


>> No.92994517

I think you should have less freedom, FUWAMOCO

>> No.92994524

God they are so cute

>> No.92994540

Oh cool, catalogue bait!

>> No.92994563

>talent freedom

>> No.92994569
File: 201 KB, 523x303, 486534653694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mane chan told them to not play Halo

>> No.92994571

fauna jab

>> No.92994578

They have a lot of freedom but they don't stream. They hate us.

>> No.92994592

first new question

>> No.92994591

So management didn't want them to play VNs?

>> No.92994593

>it's really free
>immediately after talking about how they can't play any retro games or any games to collab with Shiori

>> No.92994603


>> No.92994640


>> No.92994647
File: 164 KB, 721x665, 1722905129427565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92994649

Probably, because they knew it would be bad for numbers (and they were right about that).

>> No.92994660

The sarcasm is palpable even through their models.

>> No.92994684

Given the reputation of corpos, I guess even having a modicum of freedom would've been a surprise

>> No.92994717

im eating this pizza with a fork

>> No.92994719

Fauna isn't gonna like this answer...

>> No.92994730

what episode of another was this in

>> No.92994746
File: 41 KB, 472x583, 1732757329859822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream is amazing wtf

>> No.92994760


>> No.92994785

Fuck off Myoto

>> No.92994792

I'm wondering if the person asking if they have freedom over their Twitter is a Niji fan

>> No.92994804

dunno prob an ova
i forgot my post..

>> No.92994815
File: 107 KB, 365x365, 1691115045424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the "sex with wuffians" draft?

>> No.92994865

I started Little Busters when it first released but somehow finished Katawa Shoujo and Chaos;Head first kek

>> No.92994880
File: 354 KB, 1440x2002, 1735736898962637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep them coming

>> No.92994890


>> No.92994893

It makes sense. They're huge yab risks and no one watches them.

>> No.92994906


>> No.92994907

this stream is absolute kino

>> No.92994914

Wtf all these tweets are amazing compared to
>We are doing our best! BAU BAU!
They should tweet this on homework days instead, these fill me with love for them.

>> No.92994976

I was born around this time

>> No.92994999

My guess would be retrogames on the original console. It would be easier to just play the remasters on Switch.

>> No.92995011

The solution for them is to make a sub account like other JP members.

>> No.92995028

that draft reply?
it's to me

>> No.92995036

Wheres the gold play button tweet as well, shouldn't they have got it by now?

>> No.92995037

>tfw you don't have twitter
Sure I can't see their tweets, but it's a happier life.

>> No.92995047

Because if they waste it all there, they have nothing for the streams.

>> No.92995068

If I was a woman, I'd rape Gigi

>> No.92995092
File: 785 KB, 1102x1080, 1735346173305424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's scawy

>> No.92995130
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 718312390123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them so much

>> No.92995145
File: 97 KB, 204x305, 1735767149193243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thus one more woman fall for gg

>> No.92995160


>> No.92995164


>> No.92995176
File: 639 KB, 807x739, 1694308914655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92995204


>> No.92995206
File: 69 KB, 907x367, 1283213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain ruffians

>> No.92995230

Do not post Kuro-chan

>> No.92995256
File: 1 KB, 232x232, 1727848306291245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come with a warning. A warning about Gigi. She must be stopped. We tried but to no avail... you are our last hope, ruffians.

>> No.92995291
File: 116 KB, 774x762, kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92995299

League or fujo or what

>> No.92995300
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1274, GZDRDwmbAAAGHyX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92995318

So what two clips are they talking about?

>> No.92995329

If they get addicted to league, they might actually play games more often which is a good thing

>> No.92995332

how do you eat "half" of osechi?

>> No.92995340

Mococo screams in her sleep.
She has to deal with a lot of PTSD (that was inflicted by Fuwawa).

>> No.92995360

Why don't the grems just do a little unbirthing RP and crawl up her まんこ and squirm around in there until she cums 10-20 times? You're the right size and shape.

>> No.92995393

Didn't they once tweet about Mococo waking up screaming before? I feel like I remember that

>> No.92995396

Cut everything in half

>> No.92995402

friend's and enemy's tits too small...

>> No.92995423

>I'm going to grind item worlds. Un, un.

>> No.92995429

>"We REALLY want to play that BUT..."

>> No.92995448

they will play it offline only

>> No.92995457

Anon how did you know I sometimes fap to that kind of hentai with insects and such things

>> No.92995500
File: 848 KB, 1075x1109, 1728704000960564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cwime

>> No.92995501

>We really REALLY want to play but...
Girls it's entirely your fault

>> No.92995509

Why is this answer not satisfactory for you, autismo shitstirring sister?

>> No.92995523


>> No.92995549

>We don't have any time!
>We want to play lots of games

>> No.92995554
File: 416 KB, 640x360, back ruffians[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbuk37t.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92995560

i will not eat the bugs

>> No.92995589

>We want to play some serious games with you soon
>next schedule will have no games
what did they mean by this?

>> No.92995592

>Time is our greatest enemy
It wouldn't be if you didn't take on so much work

>> No.92995606

>favorite homework is when we can just say "yes didnt read but we'll do it!"

>> No.92995638

They should just be honest and say that they hate playing games with the ruffians. I'd be a better answer than stringing along all the hopeful ruffians for more than a year with no delivery.

>> No.92995643

2nd new question

>> No.92995658

Even with basically unlimited free time atm I still can't play everything I want, I can only imagine what it's like for girls like FWMC with dreams and lots of work, and other likes besides games too

>> No.92995665

Second by second review sounds like a pain.

>> No.92995680
File: 3.05 MB, 3069x4093, FhApvVQVsAA7xrJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92995703

less retarded

>> No.92995748

watch stream

>> No.92995749

these retards take 10x the time to do the same homework that everyone else does

>> No.92995751

It means that they don't actually want to play games. They only say they want to play games to keep the ruffians hopeful that things will get better in the future (they won't)

>> No.92995753

>Unlimited free time
>Can't do what you want
This seems like a you issue

>> No.92995761

what the fuck

>> No.92995763

>10 years later, the day of their graduation
>We're still newbies...

>> No.92995783

Real fans know they are pressed for time preparing for fes in 2 months and yet sisters are still trying this angle, it's tiresome
I knew you'd respond with more broken English repeating what you just did for 9 posts in a row. Seek help and medication

>> No.92995802

Ask on main raul

>> No.92995831

>watch streams, retards

>> No.92995839
File: 3.53 MB, 640x360, Fuwawa math[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F24lx4w.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch streams

>> No.92995841
File: 83 KB, 850x1021, 12837123123971023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it goes back and forth RIGHT MOCO-CHAN?
>y-yea we both t-tease eachother I guess
>its 50/50....

>> No.92995845
File: 96 KB, 275x291, 1691540273705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92995844

Mococo is good at teasing me with her squishy butt

>> No.92995853

>do you even watch us faggot?
Woah Mococo!

>> No.92995855

Mococo teases Fuwawa as well she just doesn't react in as much of a sexy and rapeable way

>> No.92995859

They want more PORN

>> No.92995862

I said EVERYTHING I want, which is more then humanly possible, because I'm an idiot.

>> No.92995885

>Time is our greatest enemy

Kronii rrat is back, lets go.

>> No.92995887

Cute copeffian

>> No.92995903

It's called a 'bait and switch'.

>> No.92995923

How come my question hasn't been answered yet

>> No.92995929

They'd be in their mid 40s...

>> No.92995937

Mococo isn't as sadistic as Fuwawa, so its less memorable when she does the teasing.

>> No.92995938


>> No.92995945
File: 274 KB, 928x465, 1710813293462641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More MMD porn

>> No.92995953

Disgusting numbersister

>> No.92995959


>> No.92995982

Did you send it early enough to farm many likes on it? Or are you in the clique?
If not then tough luck

>> No.92995990

I'd believe you if it weren't for the last 2 months.

>> No.92996000

>Real fans know they are pressed for time preparing for fes in 2 months
Yeah, and then they'll be too busy with the summer concert, and then they'll take too much homework and have less time, and then... The simple reply is "they hate spending time with the ruffians and would rather drown themselves in homework"

>> No.92996002

Or you can just steal and trace and get one used for a Thumbnail!

>> No.92996017

some of those are terrifying to look at kek

>> No.92996020


>> No.92996019

You hear that, Halobro? Do your art reps.

>> No.92996024

Cute copeffian, next bogeyman please

>> No.92996032

Mahjong bros, now you know what to do to get them to play mahjong...

>> No.92996054

Time to make mahjong art.

>> No.92996065

Time to commission FUWAMOCO as Chief and Cortana. Imagine, Fuwawa in Cortana's outfit. Yeah I will make this happen.

>> No.92996069

Disgusting numbersister, learn English please.

>> No.92996070

Jack, that means that we need FWMC fanart of them killing Chaos so they can play your game! Then they'll consider it.

>> No.92996077
File: 3.63 MB, 1919x1079, mocopandemonhaunt[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe5ls3c.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my journey to draw them as nahobino may be able to manifest things after all

>> No.92996094

I'm commissioning an OkaKoro mahjong collab picture now.

>> No.92996095
File: 1020 KB, 1288x720, Mococo is sexy, right?[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi34tdm.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92996096

notice they said nothing about clippers KEKAROO

>> No.92996099

There is only one good fan game: Holocure

>> No.92996102

Fan games, huh?

>> No.92996109

Oh good, this one got picked.

>> No.92996113


>> No.92996114

This is why Ame, Chloe, and Orca graduated btw. So many stupid events and they never have time to stream or so what they want

>> No.92996116

Timeslotschizos don't look

>> No.92996129

Fuck you, JP beggars.

>> No.92996139


>> No.92996140

meltys incoming

>> No.92996156

This doesn't matter to me
I basically stay up all night anyway kek

>> No.92996167

Based question

>> No.92996183

ESTkeks don't look

>> No.92996190

Flaire Nui Nui Quest and Wowowow Korone Box

>> No.92996189
File: 1.94 MB, 1800x1035, 1629255970197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should make this with Fuwawa

>> No.92996194
File: 752 KB, 922x762, 【NEW YEAR Q&A CHATTING】you have questions, we (might) have answers 🐾 【FUWAMOCO】 57-54 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92996192

Eat shit PSTfags who can't handle them streaming in other slots

>> No.92996202


>> No.92996203


>> No.92996207


>> No.92996212

>12am start for RnR

>> No.92996214

>"Don't worry! We won't change our stream timeslot!"
Fucking liars.

>> No.92996217

>JST timeslot is for Chained Together

>> No.92996245

Interesting rrat sir, but I'm afraid it's already been confirmed that you don't have to participate in anything. Not even Fes

>> No.92996247


>> No.92996248
File: 1.01 MB, 452x490, Least abusive lesbian couple[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F81nnfr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92996263

I think you just need to manage your time better. Spend more time multitasking and spend less time doing useless stuff. There are people who have played almost every thing.

>> No.92996264

Whoa crazy, a big event involving nearly every single person in their company that happens once per year requires months of preparation.
They were right to call out retard shitstirrers like yourself that don't watch stream a few minutes ago. Even other members like Biboo have pointed out how holomems are just busy nonstop, but again, you wouldn't know that.
Maybe your twitch whores or whatever aren't, since they're all react insects, so it's a foreign concept to you. Hope this helps explain things.

>> No.92996268

Good. The one they stick to isn't sustainable, they need to change it to make it better for themselves. Plus their voices will be warmed up.

I'm glad they are finally telling menhera tards like you to kick it.

>> No.92996295

>We used to do streams at your time
>But what about everyone else, haeh?!?
Fuck you

>> No.92996305

no one made you move btw
