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92977130 No.92977130 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>92962195

>> No.92977153

Marriage with black women

>> No.92977166
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cocksleeve material

>> No.92977184

paddywack was a racist word for irish?

>> No.92977195
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guys what the fuck twisty x ike is my crackship you cant have it

>> No.92977233

Good taste

>> No.92977281

I only know about paddy because of this aussie show had an irish character literally just named paddy

>> No.92977290

w-woah there’s a pedo pokemon?

>> No.92977294

>balloon pokemon that steals children
>it dislikes heavy children
it sounds so silly...

>> No.92977370

dogfucking german song...

>> No.92977406

paddy is short for padraig (patrick), a common irish name. lots of slurs have their origins in that kind of stuff.

>> No.92977432

its also incest because twisty is ike and marias kid together entirely because of this post someone made about their kid right before denauth debuted >>70609769

>> No.92977445

I have been watching NijiEN since the very start and lived through all the lows but if twisty ends up being kill anyways it might actually be the thing that finally breaks me...

>> No.92977511
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kinda insane he has been going on with his le fujo bit for a year+ now

>> No.92977580

didn't someone say that they were the original and that they stopped and that the new one is impersonating them

>> No.92977610

What makes you think shes kill when shes coming back

>> No.92977621

i dont think so he got bored of that ike aia ritualposting responding to every quilldren then the fujo bit started so i think its still the same person

>> No.92977645

Ike would never have a kid together with a girl.

>> No.92977729
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Memberfeesh soon...

>> No.92977773

I don't know I guess just thinking about worst case scenarios and I'm worried about raising my hopes up too high only to have it crushed

>> No.92977771

the ike aia ritualposter is milgur he started that years before this and he's also compelled to post multiple of his rituals at once there has been many times when the ike fujo poster has been awake and milgur hasn't

>> No.92977826

i think im too sane to analyse schizos.......

>> No.92977863

famillie check membership

>> No.92977892

I guess it is best to remain neutral in expectations until we know for sure, hope the best happens for you

>> No.92977944

If she leaves, just follow her

>> No.92977966
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Understandable but I think her coming back now is more reason to expect good than bad but given the past year its a real toss up. Probably best not to worry about the rest till after her birthday stream

>> No.92978048
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>> No.92978050

im insane and that's why ike will love me I will swoon him with my knowledge of our personal micro celebrities and drama like im one of those youtube video essay channels

>> No.92978065

Yeah the Ike "fujo" was originally a mindbroken former Quildren who wanted to annoy people into no longer discussing Ike. Milgur just roleplays as the original schizo, like he does with Ennaschizo.

>> No.92978083

can you tell him i love miku as much as him

>> No.92978119

>win noble prize for work you don't remember doing

>> No.92978185

but I will blame every weird quilldren post on you and do the "haha that's so weird... unless" thing on him

>> No.92978206

WGHAT THE FUCK i dont deserve it

>> No.92978214
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Does a single person actually believe this

>> No.92978336

I hope Twisty now how much we love her here
You guys do love her right?

>> No.92978365

its not my fault that you're a useful brick in my scheme to seduce ike

>> No.92978379

I think it's cute that when Sonny thinks of new year's count downs he thinks about watching the fireworks just by ourselves... I want to go to a new year's festival with Sonny and when it's close to midnight we go find a secluded area and kiss when the fireworks start going off

>> No.92978393


>> No.92978450

there is no such thing as evil when it comes to true love

>> No.92978497

Sorry Twisty but I love Rosemi-sama

>> No.92978546

Nobody seems to care except you.

>> No.92978548

lmao no

>> No.92978550

i wish one of the girls was brave enough to stream love and deepspace

>> No.92978580

The best case scenario happened already with her not getting fired, whether she graduates or not is whatever. I feel bad for Klara, but what can you do.

>> No.92978607

oh really, then why does she keep pretending?

>> No.92978682

>you are now breathing manually

>> No.92978684

shulira pls if you can do it.

Still crazy to me that he used to be a fan.

there's also guerilla. go watch it now, even though she said she won't be streaming this week

>> No.92978764

kill yourself milgur

>> No.92978768

And you drop this here to make me suffer too? AAAAAAHHHH

>> No.92978807

I hope she can reform like Finana, in fact I hope those two collab, without Aster.

>> No.92978811
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Jag älskar svarta kvinnor

>> No.92978824

totally evil.................... quills are predators

>> No.92978906

Based Quillbro.

>> No.92978931

the only dreams i could still remember after waking up were lucid

>> No.92978938

membership guerilla

>> No.92978962

this but it's about me and he has no muscles
a shota predator YEAH

>> No.92978965

Ike's not attracted to women.

>> No.92979076
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>there is no such thing as evil when it comes

>> No.92979086

So if there are members that still like Aster and members that still like Twisty if such allegations have really been made wouldn't that create some sort of friction

>> No.92979098

Millie's begging for streamlabs

>> No.92979101
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>> No.92979111

that type of thinking turned me into an atheist

>> No.92979155

Millie begging for tributes

>> No.92979187

right he's been on stream since 8AM... woah

>> No.92979200

This is my favourite Millie hair

>> No.92979206

NijiEN: Civil War (2025)

>> No.92979211

Bad taste

>> No.92979220
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She's teasing me so much, I need to breed chinese women

>> No.92979259

what type of thinking?

>> No.92979286

wife will be there for twisty's birthday totsu + ggd

>> No.92979303

you're not subtle kyousha

>> No.92979362

But there's nothing remarkable about her. Why is she the breaking point?

>> No.92979397
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Millie's stream died. My oshi is retarded like most flips, but that's what makes her cute.

>> No.92979401

if the leaks were real then one or both of them would have gotten the boot by now

>> No.92979465

My hate for twisty could blot out the sun and would destroy the world if it could be weaponized.

>> No.92979526

accidental guerilla nonmember

>> No.92979535

I generally like her as a person and hope things go well for her but no I have 0 interest in her romantically and don't know her well enough to love her platonically.

>> No.92979563

There isn't an Aster faction, people are just feeling sorry for him since he is such an unsalvageable sperg. In the end, he is just going to become even more isolated and only spam league 24/7.

>> No.92979567 [SPOILER] 

Not even trying to make it into some sort of cartoonishly dramatic thing like that
I just feel like since we're either dealing with a sexual predator or someone who falsely accused that member of being a predator, that if there are people that believe one person over the other than each side would probably at the least have disagreements with one another

>> No.92979581

I remember when she tried to set her posts up exactly like ennaschizo does but with Ike. She got ignored shitting on Ike then she switched to trying to be an ikeakuma schizo. She tries too hard and you can tell she's not actually mentally ill, just an attention-seeker

>> No.92979597

baaabyeee wife! thanks for the long streams today. see you monday!

>> No.92979656
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welp. stream already ended

>> No.92979697

I don't know, would playing games with him still fresh off of such allegations really entail simply feeling bad for him and nothing else

>> No.92979727

she;s still chatting in the chat if you haven't closed the stream yet.

>> No.92979760

How do you even know of all of this

>> No.92979847

I'm a schizoschizo, I like to remember facts about various schizos.

>> No.92979877

Did you ever consider that the truth often isn't as black and white as that and that both parties could be at fault to some extent and be justified in their actions to some extent at the same time? It doesn't have to be either Aster is evil or Twisty is evil. Someone can feel uncomfortable around someone and feel like they are being a creep without that being the intention of the person on the other end of the interaction for example. There are always two perspectives on everything.

>> No.92979884

He is being accused of being a rapist and worse, of course people are going to feel sorry for him when they know it isn't true.

>> No.92979949
File: 679 KB, 3000x3263, FcYRV8dWIAERaVw-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunny Love is Cunny Life
One day I hope for a Cunny Wife
As I arise in the morning I gaze upon my Cunny Wife yawning
With eyes like dazzling gems
And gems 10/10
All I know, all is well in life
When I have myself a Cunny Wife.

>> No.92979971

i'll become a schizoschizoschizo and remember things about you

>> No.92980013

Hell fucking no.

>> No.92980024

I feel like Twisty would terrify the shit out of Ike, which would be fun to watch once but any attempt at relationship would be disastrous

>> No.92980036

wiwa enjoying her KH2 playthrough

>> No.92980046

im a schizo but i just remember which anons are cuties who stuck with gidd and who are LOSERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS who never joined

>> No.92980071

Weren't they together in one of Vanta's Elden Ring totsus?

>> No.92980108

Even if you think the screenshots are 100% real, the accusation in those screenshots isn't that he's a sexual predator, just that he sexually propositioned girls and they didn't like it. He's not a level 99 rape master.

>> No.92980116

I guess even if the allegations are true we still don't even know the context or setting in which he said maxe the alleged advancements. I guess if it was enough to make others uncomfortable that probably says it wasn't a very mutual party thing but the most optimistic way to view it is he simply literally didn't know how creepy he was coming off as like you said which isn't unbelievable. And yeah it's not like he actually assaulted anyone from what we were told. I'd like to hope that the results of the investigation will kind of give us a better picture of what happened but it's probably best they remain as vague as possible in the statement

>> No.92980125


>> No.92980137

i played there though wtf

>> No.92980143

>unrelated avatar faggoon is lame

>> No.92980274

Streaming isn't his main income. His league sessions are just his personal game time. He puts zero effort into his career and doesn't even care if he's popular or not. Streaming is just his opportunity to creep on girls

>> No.92980338

Shame you failed the auditons like the talentless worm that you are so you can't be in his position.

>> No.92980398

don't worry milgur you'll be there for the next one

>> No.92980409

i wish someone would become a schizo about me

>> No.92980411

I feel like the most positive approach to the whole thing is to focus more on what they are going to do about it going forward. Focusing on what steps they are going to take to reduce the likelihood of such behaviour future and if such behaviour does take place what protections and mechanisms they will put in place to make sure the concerns of members are taken seriously if raised.

>> No.92980427


>> No.92980436

cause it's like at 4 or 5am for me so............

>> No.92980494


>> No.92980577

Aia 3D announcement tonight.
Cant wait to see how her model looks and how dorky she moves.

>> No.92980630

"feeling uncomfortable about someone" wouldnt justify spreading rumors about them propositioning you and your friends for sex

>> No.92980643


>> No.92980685

I don't really doubt they would fire him if he was found to have acted inappropriately enough to justify that considering they have taken people out for actual predator behaviour in the past. Perhaps they just all talked it out behind the scenes and came to an agreement that was mutually acceptable to everybody involved. Aster don't be a weirdo, Twisty don't leak, nobody has to lose job, we all go forward but if we hear of any behaviours like this in future you are out.

>> No.92980796

i suppose i should post these ai experiments here too and not just in /lazu+/. maybe somebody will find use for them

>> No.92980817

The logical conclusion is that he propositioned her for sex and it made her uncomfortable. Propositioning people isn't morally wrong, nor is being uncomfortable with a proposition. Thus neither of them is in the wrong.

>> No.92980896
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Did you other ryuguards do the thing for the member stream?

>> No.92980902

i think the biggest issue nobody really talks about is the fact that according to the screenshots twisty did go to staff/management about aster and they did nothing and shooed her away

>> No.92980963

I don't believe her, and at this point I imagine nobody else (outside antis) does.

>> No.92980984

aster 3d doko...................

>> No.92981000

i think the biggest issue is twisty not posting her delicious black body since the leaks reveal she is black

>> No.92981069

That's why part of the investigation announcement says the third party will audit Anycolor's practices for handling these situations and make suggestions.

>> No.92981080

IF that is true, then I'd argue that this just corroborates that aster in fact did fuck all.

>> No.92981086

Sonny should really do a members stream soon it's been a while.. Maybe he's waiting until he can do something special with it or with how little he's been able to stream he wants to prioritize streams everyone can watch (just some of my own guesses) but he shouldn't care about any of that and just do one

>> No.92981129

i never do new year's resolutions so it would be a bit disingenuous to compile the form.

>> No.92981154

25% black, so sorry but it's more than likely she's as white as paper

>> No.92981184

Fulgur? Denauth? Maria?

>> No.92981305

>they have taken people out for actual predator behaviour in the past

>> No.92981347

Hence why i think it would be a positive thing for them to focus on what kind of measures they are going to do going forward to prevent such behaviour and to make sure any concerns raised are taken seriously.

>> No.92981386

Management is totally incompetent and all should have been fired long ago

>> No.92981398

Ok, highlight some time's he's acted like a sexual predator.

>> No.92981474

>manesaaaan master's harassing me
>they open their dms
>it's just aster calling her a dumb nigger for being ass at league
>they check her league stats
>she is indeed ass at league
>complaint dismissed

>> No.92981518

he's just gonna talk about the collab he tried to set up with ttt back when they debuted and going to off-collabs where there's girls involved

>> No.92981533

nah, she's asian AND mexican AND black at the same time. but not 25%

>> No.92981591

we need female sluts in EN
we virtually have no sluts

>> No.92981631

Inviting his female coworker to an offcollab
Inviting his other female coworker to an offcollab
Flies to visit Rosemi without giving her much warning he's coming, then telling stories on his stream about lewd things they did together. Rosemi says he tried to follow her to underwear shopping:
Playing a bizarre video suggesting he wants to "mate" his female coworkers. (He played this on stream)
Luca only does 1v1 collabs with girls, and is really flirty with them. Usually bragging about himself and how great he is.
Sometimes he just invades girl's only collabs, like Maria and Petra's where he isn't in the thumbnail but invades their stream anyway.

His typical modus-operandi is to corner these girls into 1v1 collabs, and then pressure them for offcollabs, or prompt them with lewd questions.
Like a few days ago when he asked Enna about her ass, so she spanks herself for him
Or when he prompted Pomu to tell him about her underwear
He sets up these situations so he has plausible deniability.

In case you were doubting what a creep he is.
Luca watching Pomu sleep, tucking her into bed next to him
Luca takes a picture of his computer, Pomu's stream is playing on it.
When he was streamsniping her during their Guess Who collab he said "I always watch your stream".

Another bizarre moment is during The Forest collab, when Pomu spent most of the time with Sonny. Luca feels insecure, so he invades her superchat reading, to reassure everyone that Pomu belongs to him only.

Luca makes a creepy comment about Victoria being a lingerie model during her debut, he pretends he doesn't know what it means to force Maria to say it instead.
Luca complained to his audience that Victoria rejected his collab, trying to put public pressure on her to collab with him.

>> No.92981637

We have Ike

>> No.92981659

>Hey Claude, Vivi, and Kunai, want to do a game show collab?
Fatty is more radical than Andrea Dworkin.

>> No.92981684
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Feesh membership

>> No.92981689

True, Ike is a slut for men.

>> No.92981720

You can have female sluts as long as I get my male virgins. Nothing but manwhores in this branch.

>> No.92981722
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EN for this feel?

>> No.92981741

sounds like my ideal wife.

>> No.92981789

doppio is a virgin

>> No.92981805

Another moment is simply his behavior to the XSoliel girls.
Luca for some odd reason wanted to have 2 seperate "welcome to Nijisanji" streams. One for the guys, one for the girls.
Obviously doesn't make sense. But he uses this opportunity to leap on the girls and starts helping himself to their streams and collabs, and does "surprise offcollabs" with them, literally just showing up at their house randomly

>> No.92981819
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i need more wanwan...

>> No.92981865

Ver is right there

>> No.92981892


>> No.92981902

I don't think he's gonna stream again anytime soon since he didn't say he will and he lamented still having so much to do in 2025...

>> No.92981976

Doppio and Ver regularly have sex with each other.
Sonny is getting bred in a bathroom stall by a big balding ojisan at this very moment.

>> No.92982055

they should fix that with each other

>> No.92982067

Actual schizophrenia

>> No.92982098
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luca rabu!!
>uki playing lads
please dont be en voice…

>> No.92982118

>document actual instances of Luca being a fucking creep
>anonnette shuts her ears "not my cute little baby boy!"

>> No.92982148
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>> No.92982163

I kind of hate Luca and think he is an annoying knobhead. But this just reads like you think being a male member and interacting with female members is predatory. There isn't anything wrong with a guy wanting to off collab with the girls in a mixed gender company or with him meeting up with them offline or with doing 1v1 collabs with them or watching their streams or joining their streams. That's why he isn't punished for it, thats all normal stuff that happens in a mixed gender company. He is literally just doing his job.

>> No.92982213


>> No.92982241

Why do people repl)? why why why why why why why

>> No.92982285

Lose some weight and maybe people will take you seriously

>> No.92982289

you're not gonna get through to him, this reply means nothing to him, you're gonna get more paragraphs about how luca is a creepy sexpest weirdo in his eyes

>> No.92982335

You have more than enough

>> No.92982345

I still don't know if sonner is in Japan still or not

>> No.92982374

You don't get it, the fatass thinks that a man nd woman being in the same building leads to sex, every time.

>> No.92982389

One of my new years resolutions was to get a gf but I didn't add that because I thought Feesh would laugh at me..

>> No.92982407

Wilson and Shu are literally virgins

>> No.92982435

I'm rooting for you anon

>> No.92982506

I don't know what's funnierň that you have all of this on lock or that you are so socially broken you think this is sexual harassment.

>> No.92982507

Luca went more than a year without a single 1v1 collab with a male, even his own genmates. While spamming them with the girls.
His usual modus operandi was to get these girls in front of his large audience and then demand offcollabs, when they can't politely decline.
He has gone underwear shopping with Rosemi, Pomu, and Enna/Petra on three separate instances and bragged about it.

His interactions with the girls are highly sexual, often talking about their underwear, their ass/breast, other sexual topics.
Whenever the girls visit Japan, Luca is immediately on a plane to visit them. When Ethyria was recording their 3D, they were working all day and barely had time for anyone else. Despite this, Luca follows them around the country for 3 weeks.

The Xsoliel girls never had a chance, because they got Luca's immediately. Not that they care about the western market to begin with.

>> No.92982520

Same, really need to lose weight tho. I hate that all the fat in my body is concentrated on my belly but my limbs are skinny as hell. I look like a turtle.

>> No.92982538

It's a really odd position when you consider what has gone on in NijiJP. Like how in the shit has Ange not been fired yet for predatory behaviour towards Belmond writing fanfics about him coming over to her house and fucking her on stream, begging for off collabs etc. Because thats all just normal shit for a mixed gender company.

>> No.92982558

Shu, Ver, and Wilson are in a love hotel getting their holes filled by filthy pent-up mob men right now.

>> No.92982584

Thanks but the girl I'm into doesn't see me that way..

>> No.92982603
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I'm not against getting a gf but I don't want to focus on it I got too many other things I want to do and trying to get one sounds like a big pain

>> No.92982627

Wrong, they're sharing a double-ended dildo as we speak.

>> No.92982725

>cuckholdry content is fine, because JP did it too
>what, why is nobody watching, I don't understand

>> No.92982785

Yes now you understand. That is the kind of company this is. Members are allowed to do this kind of thing if they want to. It's not breaking any of the rules.

>> No.92982798

I need a girl Uki who isnt Japanese

>> No.92982883

>asian lesbian
that's just aia

>> No.92982890

Sounds like we need a latina (slut)

>> No.92982900

Well you keep on watching it, so obviously there is an audience.

>> No.92982991
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>> No.92982995
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Same. I love sluts

>> No.92983078

Alright I maybe I mean english Meloco

>> No.92983087

Notice something. The majority of this thread is female, the few guys that exist are all gay/bisexual.
Kind of alarming right? Most normal female vtubers have a 97-98% male fanbase, generally. Those girls are vastly more popular than anyone in NijiEN, including the guys. That entire vast audience is just 'missing' from this company

>> No.92983100

shu acts way too confident to be a virgin

>> No.92983114

Her 1/4 black genes didn't come through at all from what ive seen

>> No.92983149

The company literally endorses hetships is the members want to do them. There is nothing wrong from the companies perspective with males and females flirting with each other on stream or being romantically involved with each other. GunKan princess carry, OriKou getting songs together in concerts and shit.

>> No.92983197

Poco Pio is a whore
Ver is a loose whore
Sonny is a whore
Shu is a woman and Wilson is a whore

>> No.92983216

Because he's closing in on wizardhood, soon he won't need females in his life

>> No.92983218

The thing about Twisty that I hate is that she's trying to rob me of my virginity, but I need that virginity to bypass my lair's anti-sex barrier

>> No.92983278

In recent years Nijisanji has totally reduced their mixed-gender stuff because they realize it's bad for business. Idk what your'e talking about.
2 of the last 10 waves have been mixed

>> No.92983296

>Everything should be shounen slop
This what the entire thing boils down to

>> No.92983316

You're gay/bisexual now? Good for you.

>> No.92983352

But this isn't just "hetshipping", this is one guy who is being lecherous with all the girls. Literally every girl he can get his hands on

>> No.92983364

i'm the only straight nijien male anon i guess

>> No.92983415


>> No.92983423

This same gender wave shit never made sense to me since almost everyone ends up doing their own thing or join other groups after a month or 2

>> No.92983446

lol what a load of nonsense they literally just put hetships in the concerts they did this month

>> No.92983490

He only watched Millie and Enna's performances, how would he know?

>> No.92983561

I hate being ignored like this despite the sheer amount of times I've sexualized Kotoka, Pomu, Elira, Vivi, Maria, Lain, Rosemi, Petra's 2nd outfit, Nina, Enna's small Chinese feet, Sukoya's vomit fetish, Rindou's small size relative to my cock, Seffyna, Seffyna's cleavage, Lain again, Ban Hada, Deron, and Chima

>> No.92983587


>> No.92983638
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>> No.92983641
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this never happened...

>> No.92983653

Post cock

>> No.92983679

Ok but show me their porn

>> No.92983691

>Enna does Yuribaiting arc with Petra
>lewd story about her underwear getting soaked and having to buy new underwear
>omg my panties were SOAKED, my pussy was MARINATING
>months later, Luca reveals he was actually secretly with them during that time
>he was sitting right next to Enna when that happened
>he went underwear shopping with them afterwards
>awkward moment where these girls are trying to be lewd and talking about their (real life) ass/pussy while their male coworkers are hearing everything
>a few weeks after their "secret meetup" Enna calls into Luca's stream
>he asks about her ass (of course, it's Luca), and she literally starts spanking her ass for him

>> No.92983719

I won't fall for that trick again, femanon

>> No.92983722 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.53 MB, 1387x907, Maria cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92983740


>> No.92983762


>> No.92983786

I'm hungry for Maria's fat cock...

>> No.92983789

What is the correlation between Uki and Meloco

>> No.92983793

I remember when Pomu banned Luca from her chat, and Luca sicced his fanbase on her by telling them to try to find his comment on one of her videos (he couldnt leave one). His fans raised a ruckus about why they couldn't see it, so she unbanned him.

>> No.92983836


>> No.92983861

Soft voice whores

>> No.92983900

yeah, ver exclusively tops him so he's never put his dick in a hole before

>> No.92983914

reminder that for all his talk, fat boy is so vehenemently opposed to subscribing to someone like fauna that he found it easier to entirely erase the subscribe button in a screenshot instead of just clicking on it and unsubscribing after
she's dead now and I guarantee you he still hasn't subbed to help her get the million
he LOVES enna and male collabs and refuses to taint his algorithm with anything but them

>> No.92983991


>> No.92983998

who doesn't love chinese women and their tiny feet with cute pedicure?

>> No.92984041

Can you retards please stop breaking the chain just because you guys are stupid enough to reply doesn't mean I have to see it

>> No.92984057

>Sukoya's vomit fetish,
tell me in detail about this

>> No.92984115

Feesh you have over 50 submissions and spent an hour on 1..

>> No.92984121

of course an app like that exists

>> No.92984155

Yeah I don't really know why he tries to push that point like it means anything. in this discussion. The point of doing it is nothing to do with cutting down male/female interaction. It's more about making it easier to oshi an entire unit. But they're not restricted to only collabing with their wave. They all still collab with mixed genders. It's not about stopping any of that and it hasn't stopped any of that.

>> No.92984188
File: 3.60 MB, 320x240, dinosaur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92984199

I really want to make love with Sonny

>> No.92984214

hey that's me >>90355244
I think this might be one of my all-time favorite fay moments, maybe only surpassed by when he recently accidentally admitted to wanting more sexy underage vtubers

>> No.92984216
File: 174 KB, 367x298, Finana8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sasuga feesh

>> No.92984243

every mixed wave has been a failure, every unmixed wave has been a success.
The mixed waves all have a total lack of unity and fall apart in a few days

>> No.92984269
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, Fh1wn_6VEAEZ8pX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem is staying asleep...

>> No.92984272

No. Look at my posts, boy.

>> No.92984297

Lazy Ryuguard..

>> No.92984302 [SPOILER] 
File: 622 KB, 1080x1625, 1736027755254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut love

>> No.92984338

How is council doing these days

>> No.92984350

What the fuck are you talking about? Ex-Gamers is the most successful wave in Nijisanji history and is mixed.

>> No.92984389

Why are so many of the JP girls into choking...

>> No.92984398

>nijisanji history

>> No.92984405

SLUT LOVE I miss Gundou

>> No.92984416

50 days until Overureb

>> No.92984430
File: 2.07 MB, 1189x1824, 1712556377179595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that reply is real she's fucking based

>> No.92984440
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>> No.92984465

Hey buddy, I noticed there were only three words in this post. I thought you were against short, Twitter-esque comebacks. Where's your argument?

>> No.92984473


>> No.92984474
File: 807 KB, 378x336, FeeshHappy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this cute feesh!

>> No.92984494

She likes doujins where men get punched in the stomach so hard that they vomit. She finds the meaty fleshy sound to be especially erotic, and the actual vomit part is very important to the eroticism.

>> No.92984506

Nijisanji is fucking dogshit. "Nijisanji history" is a joke

>> No.92984529

*fingers your bumhole to wake you up*

>> No.92984554

I think we should talk about Sonny

>> No.92984571

aw dang his alzheimer's hit again with perfect timing

>> No.92984588

Oh, so close! Your post is still under ten words though.

>> No.92984602

This but Reimu

>> No.92984610

anon I don't get enough sleep I've been sleep deprived for years...

>> No.92984695

this but ike

>> No.92984713

Objectively speaking Nijisanji is the most valuable brand in vtubing.

>> No.92984727

Excited for Aia's 3d announcement

>> No.92984765
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>> No.92984786

What's their unit name

>> No.92984799

I'm an expert in vtuber history and earning a doctorates in it

>> No.92984840
File: 224 KB, 1365x2048, Fm5GKr3akAAUeve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Reimu have the sexiest feet in EN?

>> No.92984885

Anycolor Mkt cap
There isn't any other vtuber company more valuable. Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.92984928
File: 63 KB, 1708x960, 1736028404473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92984943

Why does Kuzhua often have a slower chat than Aia Amare?


>> No.92984989

think of something new for once, you're so boring i don't even know why i turned my filters off

>> No.92985037

vantacrew exposing themselves in other en streams

>> No.92985287


>> No.92985301

Yes but sometimes it also is I’m fact black and white. Either you sexually harass women or you don’t there’s not some secret third option here.

>> No.92985366

>officer I didn’t realise I was being a sex pest!

>> No.92985421

See >>92980817

>> No.92985497

Liver for this feel?

>> No.92985507

Hitting on people isn't illegal in any country.

>> No.92985571


>> No.92985576
File: 594 KB, 579x479, hnnghnghh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him I guess.

>> No.92985676

The fact that uki, probably the most lib member of nijien, played lol with aster recently, is a dead giveaway that the accusations are bs in my eyes

>> No.92985692

In America it’s literally rape

>> No.92985730

Been reading this manga, didn't know it had an anime already.

>> No.92985797

Those women did not hit you because of rape, they hit you because you're ugly.

>> No.92985813

No, brownoid, saying "rape you later saar" doesn't count as hitting on people.

>> No.92985888

The whole "submissive man" fantasy reminds me of trannies. They often have an avatar of a cute anime femboy character, but their real picture is a balding man who looks like a gorilla in a dress.
In hentai and manga a "submissive man" is a feminized and cute little gayboy. But in reality, women encountering them are extremely repulsed, like a cockroach crawling on their leg. Furthermore, the guys who behave that way are often strange, extremely weird people. Just like trannies they don't comprehend how other people are seeing them.

>> No.92985982

back to /pol/ trumper

>> No.92986017
File: 53 KB, 785x403, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell happened here?
Someone turn the bots on?

>> No.92986045

ngl its funny how much time you spend obsessing over gay and trans people, its kind of like with enna all these things you supposedly hate but you spend all your time talking about them and thinking about them, someone might get the impression like you are some kind of so far in the closest ultra repressed self hating queerboy or something

>> No.92986046

Would you ever do commission work for your oshi or another EN?

>> No.92986079

>a balding man who looks like a gorilla in a dress.
But enough about Asmongold

>> No.92986137

Sorry I'm just addicted to giving (You)s

>> No.92986146
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1678310332367461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay her to let me do it.

>> No.92986175


>> No.92986183

My feelings to Enna are a bit complicated, since I really liked her at one point.
But with gays/trannies, nah. Into the gas chamber they go

>> No.92986304

idk i am pretty sure you wouldn't say no to link, hes a sexy little twink isnt he

>> No.92986340

He literally admitted to wanting to fuck Link, of course he's gay.

>> No.92986365


>> No.92986386

youll learn to accept who you are one day Emily

>> No.92986542

don't be a nazi

>> No.92986619

lmao faggot

>> No.92986640

my oshi used my drawing once.. i'd be too scared to disappoint though

>> No.92986733

I'd like to animate for any of the boys really but I take a long time since I'm a perfectionist. They have deadlines to meet so I don't think I could do it.

>> No.92986804

>Uncle Biff we all know you and you're awesome
Didn't people hate Uncle Biff? I thought he was a schizo or something?

>> No.92986812
File: 184 KB, 866x1100, 1735446496781772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I agree with you.

>> No.92986814

"lmao faggot" go back to trumpland, enjoy your president elon

>> No.92986816

anon do you know what it's like to be online and literally every single guy you meet is some faggot? It's not even one or two, it's ALL of them. Everyone thinks they're some special snowflake, they're different. But in reality they're just part of the sludge of the faggots. It's ok to reject the poison. Don't be an Aster

>> No.92986868

schizoramble, take a break, are you a fucking american

>> No.92986974

brb jacking it to link

>> No.92987024

absolutely adorably faggoty way of saying you're lonely and jealous other people are happy

>> No.92987036

Not a schizo, just an attention whore

>> No.92987042

ike bladder torture

>> No.92987092

ryuguards are getting married...

>> No.92987196

don't think so, he's just a very proactive fan who frequently organizes community projects so some "people" are jealous he's recognized for that by the livers

case in point lol

>> No.92987246

Happy like Aster? That guy might project it, but he is extremely fucked up.

>> No.92987339

i forgot who this was and thought it was a genshin leaker for a second

>> No.92987357

Yeah but that's only because he plays League

>> No.92987368

Millie is allergic to a certain kind of soap.

>> No.92987572

I used to dislike him cause I thought he was a fake bitch, but the fact that he stuck with niji after february and called out dramafags, changed my perception of him. Still iffy about him in some regards, but he's mostly alright

>> No.92987670

We evolved to be a certain way. When you act outside the bounds of that pattern you usually end up in serious trouble.
Case in point, human beings are supposed to be outside doing things, not inside medicating their loneliness with online distractions. The people who work outside will be happier by default.

Aster's situation is that he's playing out some roleplay fantasy from a hentai 24/7, literally twisting his voice to sound like the other gender. This guy is not behaving normally, so he will end with a bad result.

You could convince yourself you're "happy" by fucking random strangers. But it's totally hollow. Real happiness is someone who gets married and has a proper family, and attends their kids baseball game. That's natural, evolved behavior. That's why those people are happy and satisfied with life, while the sluts and the whores all go crazy or wash out of life

>> No.92987763


>> No.92987788

i ain't reading all that

>> No.92987810

yeah that's what makes him hot
do you think he cuts? like do you think he has lots of cutting scars on his wrists, i think that'd be real hot

>> No.92987822

Getting married to Enna

>> No.92987838

you want to bugger link?

>> No.92987919


>> No.92987976
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>> No.92987981
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>> No.92988014

This is about them telling her to skip school to take care of her brother isn't it?

>> No.92988140


>> No.92988245


>> No.92988261

but you didnt have to bust a nut

>> No.92988490

Why are asians like this? I'll save her

>> No.92988503

Big sister Elira is trying to seduce me with her thumbnail

>> No.92988552

But someone still did

>> No.92988562

It's fine she's moving to Japan this year so she's probably planning to try and find work there too.

>> No.92988614

This is another good reason why her moving to japan would be great for her.

>> No.92988617


>> No.92988637


>> No.92988701


>> No.92988766

odds on her going to a lesbian brothel within her first year in Japan?

>> No.92988938

I want to make babies with Finana and give her a loving family

>> No.92989011

out of all elira unicorns biff is the coolest and he stopped being cringe and awkward compared to people like alexP and shit

>> No.92989021

Tell her that.

>> No.92989030

Finana becoming NijiJP too...?
Fuck life I guess
I already hate Petra

>> No.92989111

Calm down fag, she still hasn't passed N5

>> No.92989113


>> No.92989127
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>> No.92989180
File: 2.81 MB, 1587x1740, 119142717_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already hate Petra

>> No.92989185

There are plenty of jobs that will hire you if you don't know Japanese. They're just all entry level or require you to already live there and have a visa.

>> No.92989192

Go back, anyone who lives in Japan is too far from us

>> No.92989238

i don't hate petra but another petra situation is what i'm scared of and that finana is gonna end up streaming in jp primetime because of fucked up sleep schedule

>> No.92989250


>> No.92989252

US sucks

>> No.92989358


>> No.92989362

I'd rather have stream schedules that match my own than more 3D shit. I hate seeing everyone move to Japan

>> No.92989415

And it only gets worse. Especially for woman. If you can leave then take th chance.

>> No.92989448

I love 3d, everyone should move to japan

>> No.92989471

I can take in Feesh, she'll have to let me lick her feet every morning tho

>> No.92989486

feesh needs ai to correct her everywhere...

>> No.92989524

they should just build a giant 3d studio somewhere in the middle of wyoming with housing

>> No.92989543
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.92989592

In Japan you eat Japanese food and we get nothing of that, all the references we will not get, she will become completely alien, like the bitch Petra
And the lying bitch Kotoka

>> No.92989600

Feesh is the type of girl to get addicted to host clubs and start working in a brothel to afford more champagne towers

>> No.92989622


>> No.92989624

That was Myanon in Feesh's membership stream right?

>> No.92989638

fucking wyoming of all places..?

>> No.92989659

Wow, calm down, burgerfag. japan has McDonald

>> No.92989675
File: 89 KB, 292x195, 1712111764303577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??????? i dont even have her membership did someone post this there

>> No.92989677

wuca wuca schizo

>> No.92989705

I think everyone in EN moving to Japan is fucking retarded.
I get people like Meloco and Kotoka already living in Japan before joining EN, and Petra was always moving to Japan regardless of Nijisanji. But, what, you're someone like Finana or Uki and you're moving to Japan for an unstable streamer job that doesn't fucking need you to be in Japan? Fucking retarded.

>> No.92989712

Trying too hard, reel it in.

>> No.92989745
File: 188 KB, 380x368, 1735388639935752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extract everyone brains out and immortalize them in a virtual utopia and free ourselves from the shackles of GOD and his imperfect world WE CAN BE OUR OWN GODS, YEARN FOR THE TRUTH BUDS, YEARN FOR TH

>> No.92989821

finana's mouth is sore...

>> No.92989871

There over 9000 science fiction stories about how this is not desirable and instead an eternal hell.

>> No.92989913

nta but someone talked about collecting miku figures, that's all

>> No.92989922


>> No.92989929

probably ike pretending to be esl

>> No.92989930

Tourist, first of all, Finana wants to move to Japan because she loves everything shit in that country and feels it suits her. It's unrelated to her streaming

>> No.92989969

The problem with Kotoka is that she kept lying and now she doesn't stream, maybe won't anyway

>> No.92989984

oh i thought someone actually showed her that
youre an ass if you saved that

>> No.92990019

i- okay sure..
no she's just going through members new years resolutions

>> No.92990049

yeh i saw on twitter she does memberfeesh....

>> No.92990097

how can ike pretend to be esl when english is his second language?

>> No.92990101
File: 36 KB, 192x192, 1649441500657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a happy feesh i am

>> No.92990150

Swedish is English

>> No.92990158

It's crazy how much Feesh has grown from when she was a baby streamer

>> No.92990175

GOOD ryuguard

>> No.92990229
File: 356 KB, 438x446, 1721594587046147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92990230

swedish is a horrible terrible language somehow even worse then english

>> No.92990258
File: 27 KB, 129x129, 1710576781889884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92990276

imagine an ol feesh licking stuff...

>> No.92990344

wait i thought it was always you suzuposting..

>> No.92990343

do it for a decade day in day out and then say its good

>> No.92990366

no theres 2 of us....

>> No.92990400

2 myanons...

>> No.92990593

mahjong participants announcement soon, who from EN is going to join? just meloco and kotoka? meloco, kotoka, shu and elira?

>> No.92990620

my oshi won't

>> No.92990627

kinda hoping for wiwa
