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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9293521 No.9293521 [Reply] [Original]

Does vtuber as a medium have any chance to be mainstream?

>> No.9293595

as if people loved things being mainstream

>> No.9293597

that's like comparing YouTube to only PewDiePie

>> No.9293602

Once it does, the fun will be over.

>> No.9293685

stfu. it will be funner than ever. the president of the united states will be a vtuber.
all pornstars will be vtubers.
the mailman will be a vtuber.
it will be fucking great.
fall down and hurt yourself.

>> No.9293727

I want a vtuber president. Mori for president please.

>> No.9293784

Billie Eilish is gonna do a concert as an avatar, so possibly

>> No.9293918 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9293957

You just wanted to post that image OP.

Billie Eilish already got beat by Post Malone for that Nintendo Pokemon concert a little over 6 months ago.

>> No.9294251

>Post Malone Pokemon concert
Fuck that was already 6 months ago?! The sex though...

>> No.9294530

What does prostitution have to do with vtubers?

>> No.9294611

Literally melody.

>> No.9294743

Maybe not as an anime style thing, but there are so many advantages to appear as only an avatar that I think it's inevitable it will happen, sooner or later, especially if VR becomes mainstream

>> No.9294762

Bro, vtubers literally offering a companion service and begging donations for a living. Isn't this literally virtual prostitution?

>> No.9294807

Anime will become mainstream because of China and SEA

>> No.9294856

I mean. Compare how many thousands of women are thotting around on OnlyFans to the, what? 50-60 members of Hololive?

>> No.9294857

Not as mainstream as pornography. And onlyfans is a tiny part of that market

>> No.9294911

Gorillaz are vsingers so yes

>> No.9295020

they're not

>> No.9295179

One requires art, animation, a good rig, knowledge of streaming and audio work, and an attempt to appeal to a certain audience of your choosing (if any) in a way that promotes them to give you money in a nonsexual way.

The other requires a phone and a pussy.

>> No.9295257

God I hope not

>> No.9295265
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no unless vtuber companies officially start producing hentai media and vr porn.

>> No.9295270

she also wore a projekt Melody shirt.

>> No.9295385

That's literally what vtubers are, some happen to also be artists but it's just a bonus

>> No.9295448

I need more, those useless dumb bitches being shit at vidya is getting stale

>> No.9295572
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I think Castle Clique could become the next South Park

>> No.9297923

My hope is that Holo will start expanding on that market once they haveade their own platform, which will likely not happen for the next 10 years assuming the bubble doesn't burst and the company doesn't collapse

>> No.9298005

I hope not.

>> No.9298020

Live, members-only teledildonics streams. I'm not joking. Maybe even haptic feedback.
Cover doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.9298170

I applaud the effort.

>> No.9298361

dumb fat whore but kinda based

>> No.9298436

>we will never have official VR korone porn

>> No.9298490

>Does vtuber as a medium have any chance to be mainstream?
Thankfully no. The vtuber medium is exclusively by and for fucked up people. Normies don't even see the appeal of anime so they sure as fuck don't see the appeal of girls with mental problems pretending to be anime. Vtubing is safe from ever becoming mainstream.

>> No.9298491

pretty nice tummy on the right

>> No.9298501

I really hope not.

>> No.9298564

anime is normie shit now

>> No.9298616

>anime is normie shit now
Take your meds

>> No.9298707
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>> No.9298814

I will take your whore of a mother from behind and become your adoptive father
Every fucking normie watches anime these days, son

>> No.9298902

>Normies don't even see the appeal of anime
Someone just woke up from a coma

>> No.9298947


Fuck no i want a competent person in charge not somebody who hasent figured out auto-jump is still on 1 year into Minecraft. Put Pekora or at least Ina in office and we can talk

>> No.9298959

To have sex or do anything with a prostitute you need to pay her first, in the Vtubers case you can watch the stream without paying or donating anything at all

>> No.9299033

>Every fucking normie watches anime these days, son
anime is normie shit now
None of you know actual normies

>> No.9299037

Try to strike up a conversation about Tokyo Ghoul with every normie you meet and count the number of blank stares you receive.

>> No.9299152

It's more like the gacha model of youtube. Find and exploit the whales while having a broad enough appeal to get you there on a kind-of-respectable scale

>> No.9299340

If you said Redo of Healer or some shit SoL with incest, I'd agree, but TG? Everyone and their granny watched it. It's not even weird.

>> No.9299522

Hololive only made 10 million in the past year? That doesnt sound right

>> No.9299657

son your mom and I are begging you, please go outside and make friends you've been on that site for years now

>> No.9299768
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>On model 3D hentai vids with accurate voice acting

>> No.9299828

Has your grandmother watched Tokyo Ghoul, Anon?

>> No.9299920

What a president needs is charisma.
Mori has lots of it.

>> No.9299960

still can't believe the lack of a porter collab

>> No.9299989

You know what I meant, anon. Obviously, no boomer would give a shit about a teenage edgefest from 2010s. Also, she's kinda dead.

>> No.9300004

Dude, the average person at most will be average to recognize Dragon Ball, as the other dude said, go out to the street and ask a random person if they even know what the fuck Tokyo Ghoul is, Tokyo Ghoul is very known? yes, but among the anime communities, not normies

>> No.9308881

only if they star whoring out their talents an holofans maybe?

>> No.9308953

Hopefully not.

>> No.9309081

Needs more feet.

>> No.9309269

>a Japanese or Canadian for the POTUS

>> No.9309280

What kind of stupid comparison is that? Its not like hololive hosts a web platform for vtubers

>> No.9309689

Come on fag. Thats not how it works. You shoild ask if they know anime. Even i havent watched TG.

>> No.9309772

>kinda dead = not dead yet

>> No.9309820

fuck off normie

>> No.9310107


>> No.9318973

Reminder that anyone who uses the term norime is a normalfag.

>> No.9320423

what the fuck does pornography have to do with vtubers you retard

>> No.9320977

it will stay niche i think, their appeal is not universal

>> No.9321390

both are "streamers"
both offer "companionships"
both are literally and figuratively virtual whores

>> No.9322915

Virtual whores cured my anime addiction by being so lackluster I lost interest in both Chinese cartoons and Saturday morning toy commercials. It didn't even cost me a nickel. So this is what self improvement shortcuts are like.

>> No.9323075

I don't understand the point in giving money to women on onlyfans. 3d vs 2d aside, what's the point when you can find better looking women for free. Why would you give money to some whore for a few mediocre camera shots. At least prostitution makes sense, but you got retards out here spending more than they would on a hooker just hoping to get a 2 sentence reply if that.

>> No.9323218

Oh, it will

When Alter Ego on FOX premieres, Hololive is finished


>> No.9323245

>porn makes money
