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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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92813477 No.92813477 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>92808175

>> No.92813503
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Hololive sites


>> No.92813532

Neither of them have butts that big

>> No.92813538

Miko just confirmed Suisei physically abuses staffs regularly behind the scene

>> No.92813545
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Green green green

>> No.92813605

The micomet bully clique...

>> No.92813614

Someone has to ecplain to me how pointing out baes numbers is schizo behavior? It is just a fact that her music views are bad now. Her last zatsu had less than 3k views and most of her gaming streams can't break 4k without raids. You can literaly look at the ccv right now

>> No.92813617
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>> No.92813623
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>> No.92813624

god i wish i was staff

>> No.92813677

Too big.

>> No.92813681
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I sleep

>> No.92813684
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>> No.92813715
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>> No.92813722

We need a loli with a Dororo outfit

>> No.92813730

And yet she has the most outreach and success of any EN not named Mori or Fuwamoco. Keep coping. Bae is going to get a Sololive this year and you will seethe accordingly.

>> No.92813746

Nobody here cares about bae anon. Try this shit in global

>> No.92813761

>cc with tits

>> No.92813774

>And yet she has the most outreach and success of any EN
Ina has more, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.92813778


>> No.92813792
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>nijiniggers hate the ones that live in japan and those who have the highest average CCV the most
Sasuga xenophobic and jealous women/trannies

>> No.92813801

Suisei's normal streams don't get big noombers and that doesn't stop her from being the most successful. Bae is the exact same thing. She does the most for Hololive in all of EN.

>> No.92813803

>all of rosuuris children die
>she gets featured in a tv series instead
kinda cool

>> No.92813862

Name one successful thing she has done. She is below all en in most metrics and her album is the worst selling one in en. You can look at the chart placments it reached and look at her spotify listeners. At this point i think you might actually be insane because you aren't even making sense

>> No.92813864

I would have cum if she had RR outfit.

>> No.92813874

Bae has been picked for the most company events of any EN last year alongside Mori and Fuwamoco. These 4 are carrying EN right now. What do you have to say to that? Your "GFE" doesn't sell.

>> No.92813882


>> No.92813894


>> No.92813913

>Bae has been picked for the most company events of any EN last year alongside Mori and Fuwamoco.
>The ones who live in Japan gets more company events
No, really, you don't say?

>> No.92813940
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I love them both so much

>> No.92813944

Suisei is a music holo. Her music is what people show up for. Please explain to me what bae does for en. Her concert couldn't even break 40k and her music mvs get about as much views as irys

>> No.92813946

20k is not a big Number?

>> No.92813948

Reminder that we hate kiara here

>> No.92813949

The 24 hour stream, countless collabs and sponsorships, a vast and growing network, representing Australia for Hololive on the World Stage, and her biggest aspirations in 2025 coming up? 2025 is the year where Bae will be even bigger than she is. Keep seething. The connections do not lie.

>> No.92813951
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>> No.92813954
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Suzy you're still young

>> No.92813959

/#/tachi how fucked is my life that I'm enjoying mikkorone more than the entirety of my christmas and new years irl

>> No.92814003
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>> No.92814009

>Suisei's normal streams don't get big noombers
you fucking retard

>> No.92814017

What does that even mean? She is in japan and has a lot of free time and is in japan. Sponsorships would mean she has a lot of reach but she doesn't even get those

>> No.92814030


>> No.92814035

Bae is also a music Holo. Bae's music is regarded as the best in almost all of her Fes and EN Live appearances. She's marketed very well and Hololive wins from this. Brats are also the ones willing to pay up for renbans unlike other fanbases.

>> No.92814068

I love her so much

>> No.92814079

>Miko scolded Suisei for saying something that made a someone decided to be an indie last year

>> No.92814082

Actually it is normal to find fun in things you enjoy
Stupid question

>> No.92814085

Cecilia > Kiara

>> No.92814117

oh right, once someone reach that, what's next? just make money?

>> No.92814136

No it is not according to most people. It doesn't matter. CCV is irrelevant to success. Matsuri does not get high CCV yet she's one of the most successful in all of Hololive on exposure alone.
Yes she does retard.

>> No.92814141


>> No.92814156
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>> No.92814153

I am going to be real anon, but hating on a number is not normal

>> No.92814162

>If you're a 3 view there's no reason to join a corpo.
or something

>> No.92814163

Isnt that fine?
Entertaining things are Entertaining

>> No.92814172

Could be worse, you could've enjoyed this fucking thing more.

>> No.92814180

>management clique rrats were real

>> No.92814183

>The 24 hour stream, countless collabs and sponsorships, a vast and growing network,
She doesn't even have the most sponsorships and what the fuck is a vast growing network?
>representing Australia for Hololive on the World Stage
Okay i am convinced you are insane. She is the only austrian holo because sana graduated

>> No.92814184

that poor kfp...

>> No.92814185

who let this retard in?

>> No.92814208


>> No.92814221

You're right, thanks bros. I shall take pride in being an otaku

>> No.92814239

You like what you like man. If you can feed yourself and your family and aren't hurting or stealing from anyone it doesn't really matter what you do.

>> No.92814241

>miko refers to suisei's mother as mama unironically
business partner btw

>> No.92814259

>Yes she does retard
Where? She doesn't have any big sponsoships and non of her sponsoship streams were very siccessful

>> No.92814267

Look at the business side for once, idiot. What sells sells.
For EN Holos she's by far one of the most representative in large collabs and sponsorships. You shouldn't have to look this up if you're not paying attention carefully. Expect a bigger year for Bae if her successes continue. You're a seething anti.

>> No.92814276

It's not to be ashamed of anon

>> No.92814284

I once read and interesting tweet. Basically once you hi a certain number of net worth, you get a trophy congratulating you for winning life, and all the money you made above that threshold get sent to charity and government

>> No.92814299
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Keep Lying Sister

>> No.92814327

Not gonna lie anon. You are starting to make me agree with baeschizo just by being retarded. Please just ignore him

>> No.92814338

I'm talking about collabs with various brands across Japan and overseas. Bae's always chosen for EN. Hell she was a headliner at Soar, which was Hololive's first miniature world tour. Stop denying her outreach. She is one of the most well known Holos right now.

>> No.92814355
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>> No.92814354

>JP event
>carrying EN
Are you okay?

>> No.92814363

>made a someone decided to be an indie last year

>> No.92814377

I think is normal, these girls are very entertaining.

>> No.92814384

Being an otaku is not weird, it’s not 2000. I am still a Touhouhead 10 years in and I don’t feel like hiding it

>> No.92814386

She left the popcorn maker she got for Christmas at Suichan's home since they Netflix and chill often enough that it'll still get plenty of use by her

>> No.92814400

no she they were referring to aqua, miko said it was something 'mottainai' that happened last year because Suisei can't keep her mouth shut.
Suisei later expanded it by saying she should have known better that when your opinion is being challenged by someone who already has achievements, the only way to proof yourself is to become an indie.

>> No.92814417

You've never been over to a friend's house and called their mom mom when taking to them?

>> No.92814428
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Acrylic Stando!

>> No.92814450


>> No.92814452

>What sells sells
But bae doesn't sell and that is the whole point. She doesn't make the company a lot of money. She doesn't get SC, her music isn't successful and non of her sponsorships are very lucrative. It is okay to like her but why make shit up here of all places?

>> No.92814453

I wonder if she even knows that's a huge brand in the US

>> No.92814461
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Can this bitch keep her bullshit away from the princess? Please

>> No.92814479

She pushes merch, sometimes better than Fauna.

>> No.92814490

here the subalome clip

>> No.92814491

"GFE" does not sell in the West nor Japan. Just imageboards who barely watch streams in the first place. Exposure talks. There's a reason why Bae is ahead of most of her peers and on marketing alone, the sky is the limit in which she is verymuch on board with as she becomes a more idol-like presence Hololive sells.

>> No.92814525

This explaination of your only make it sound more like infighting

>> No.92814526

Okay you need to see a therapist anon. You aren't even making sense anymore

>> No.92814541

she's talking about aqua, basically
>suisei give aqua opinion on her career
>aqua disagrees
>suisei backs her up with her achievements
>aqua has no rebuttal, decided to be an indie to proof suisei wrong
>miko called suisei a retard for doing that

>> No.92814545
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>> No.92814562

I guess I will rewatch all the mc vods until she comes back to her old account

>> No.92814563

You're trying too hard anon

>> No.92814576

Here on Earth we provide proof for claims

>> No.92814584

>[Holo] is not popular because…just because she is not!!!

>> No.92814590

This sounds s o fucking dumb

>> No.92814596

Ah so it was just the holostars schizo. Took me way to long to understand why he was peetending to like bae

>> No.92814606

Yes she does. I've attended 5th Fes and Breaking Dimensions + Soar last year. Brats have the largest renbans by far outside KFP. Korea also considers Bae a top Holo. You're just poisoned by hivemind.

>> No.92814611
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Yummy yummy astroturds

>> No.92814615

What's Fauna's last stream going to be? There's a possibility it could be something with Kronii before her collab with GG.

>> No.92814636

Well...the girls did call aqua dumb for it.

>> No.92814650

>Saplings being holoan and shitting on Bae just because she's more relevant
Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Imagine being so petty just because your oshi decided she doesn't care to be an idol anymore that they shit on the most idol like person in her Gen.

>> No.92814651

Yeahhh that is on Suisei then, why tf she make it about herself when arguing with Aqua? Stupid

>> No.92814654

Yes I regularly watch netflix and sleepover at my business partner's place while referring to his mother as my mom

>> No.92814660

Make up new goals

>> No.92814666

What is this fanfiction

>> No.92814671

>Mikkorone being encouraged by suichan to go for a coke tv advert

>> No.92814673

I mean Aqua isn't known for being a genius as well

>> No.92814675

how's touhoufest, is it worth visiting LA for it

>> No.92814706

Grim but it can't be helped. What's done is done.

>> No.92814715

at least suisei regretted it

>> No.92814721

Bae is the most idol in EN though. Prove me wrong and tell me someone else is. I'm waiting. From a marketing standpoint, Bae stands alone.

>> No.92814723

Niggas really reposting early 2010 tumblr communist posts

>> No.92814742

For how much numbers they have right now and how much they've shilled it, it would be criminal not to

>> No.92814763

How would she react to a coffee company talking to her

>> No.92814764

You're literally agreeing with him you fucking retard

>> No.92814772

Koreas favorite holo in every poll were ina kronii and kiara. Your whole arhmgument is literally she has less fans than the runt of myth. Even your own post says there were more kfp

>> No.92814784

Currently experiencing internal dispute between organizers, so I don’t want to talk about it now
But it is pretty cool, ZUN actually went there once, BeatMario too. Lot of talented people honestly

>> No.92814786

And how's that working out for Aqua? She hasn't done anything successful since leaving. She's really going to regret leaving in a few months kek

>> No.92814830

>1 minute apart

You're samefagging too hard

>> No.92814840

Thread turned really retarded really quick

>> No.92814841

It is kinda insane that it's not dropped below 100K yet

>> No.92814852

No she didn't. Suisei was right to say all of that. You need brand protection to be successful. This isn't opinion. And no, Miko did not "scold" her for that. They both know it all.

>> No.92814861

She has a popular terrestrial radio show every week which heavily hint she's getting a sololive at some point in the future

>> No.92814880

Call me a retard. I was honestly confused about why he was suddenly making stuff up about baes popularity until he started using his homobeggar talking point. I sincerly apologize and will now just filter bae

>> No.92814894
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Seeth Homocucks

>> No.92814896

>shitting on Bae
And kiara

>> No.92814900


>> No.92814913


>> No.92814918

She's doing really well, I don't see her regretting anything at all

>> No.92814926

Explain the Brat renbans at every Fes then

>> No.92814930
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>> No.92814948

It almost went below 100k if Suisei didn't come

>> No.92814953

If that actually happened it makes it sound like Aqua left because she had a massive woman moment.

>> No.92814958
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Almost after Suzy left, but now Duck and Sheep just came in to save it

>> No.92814959

Suisei literally said she should have known better, also miko said she scolded suisei for that

>> No.92814967

Nice, these two should help keep the 100k streak alive for a bit longer

>> No.92814972

Yeah, that basically stuck with me for so long since…there are some sense in it. Like fuck what even is the point of hoarding so much money you can’t spend it all? It’s like when you play video game and high score is quite literally just for bragging

>> No.92814988

And the CCV for that?
Are you sure about that? Because her CCV is pitifully bad compared to her time in Hololive, and even that was a downward slope throughout the years.

>> No.92814997


>> No.92815001

See here >>92814611

>> No.92815032

you are talking to a ligger...

>> No.92815037

>She's doing really well
Are you her manager?

>> No.92815046

So, what is she doing lately? No shitposting, just curiosity. Even as a holo I barely watched her.

>> No.92815058

You're coping and hiding the fact that it got let out of the bag. Face it, they see Aqua as a traitor to Hololive and rightfully so. Let her indie career fail for all I care.

>> No.92815061

>random loli Marine

>> No.92815068

just search towa aqua baka on youtube

>> No.92815080

Her viewership has declined and she barely streams. What are you even talking about?

>> No.92815085

Bro all these shitpost are just to convince me that the Holo hate each other and want to drive other Holo away from Hololive

>> No.92815133
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>> No.92815134

Because Bae yab is the most boring of all yabs

>> No.92815142

she literally said she has no regrets for what happened in 2024 in her last stream. on top of saying 2023-2024 was very bad for her mentally

>> No.92815147

Literally nothing kek. And a radio show that didn't get any listeners compared to others'. Her entire career is one giant downward slope from the meltdown in 2021 KWAB
No shit. Don't get me started on Subaru.

>> No.92815149

She is actually that short. Also
>Apparently Marine is around the same age as Pekomama
How tf?

>> No.92815163
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Based THD

>> No.92815162

nothing wrong with that. mr. koro and migo are arguably the best to ever do it.

>> No.92815166

Yeah, I'm really sure about that
>even that was a downward slope throughout the years
Aqua's CCV was an upward slope throughout the years, lying here of all places about numbers never cease to amaze me

>> No.92815172

>Miko scolds Suisei despite Suisei's reputation
Damn, Miko really has become the queen bee of Hololive hasn't she?

>> No.92815182


>> No.92815238
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So cute
Man I will be real, the only reason I don’t watch EN is because of my autism of having one and only one oshi. Otherwise I think they are pretty ok

>> No.92815257

Sakuna still has better median and avg ccv than she bad pre graduation announcement as aqua

>> No.92815264

It was a common topic about her declining CCV throughout the years retard. Lurk more before posting.

>> No.92815276

She had several sponsored streams, a weekly radio program, merch, currently working on orison with MV, and 3D

>> No.92815296
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Wild how Holo 24 hours graphs reflect the time in Japan and the content being played compared to Niji 24 hours graphs which are just flat lines.

>> No.92815300

No it hasn't, and she's streaming as much or more than before her 100-day graduation thing.

>> No.92815312

because she barely streams?

>> No.92815328

Kiara gone

>> No.92815331

>Bae is going to get a Sololive this year
her voice is straight up not good enough. her dancing ain't gonna make up for that.

>> No.92815334

Let's see that in 6 months. It won't be above 10K I can tell you that.
All of which won't be successful because she abandoned the people that made it all possible for her. What an ungrateful whore. Fuck her.

>> No.92815372

who cares

>> No.92815375


>> No.92815379

Not regretting abandoning all your friends to be alone says bad things about you. You're going to kill yourself or loathe old age.

>> No.92815384

>peaked before primetime jst
>reflect the time in japan

>> No.92815388

She has a pretty good voice compared to most of EN and almost all of JP though. I think it's believable with how Cover does market.

>> No.92815390

i prefer suisei feed me her sinigang dish instead thank you very much

>> No.92815410

Her CCV reclined relatively not absolutely. Not being #1 in CCV anymore is not the same as having outright lower CCV

>> No.92815413

it's insane to think that from now on people will use mikkorone 24 as a benchmark for hourly trends

>> No.92815432

The rrats...

>> No.92815436

>and the content being played

>> No.92815450
File: 167 KB, 1174x1395, 20212023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just your headcanon, why don't you show us the numbers, schizo-kun?

>> No.92815477

Wromg thread

>> No.92815479

She is finally going to take vocal lessons this year

>> No.92815483

She was once the most well known Holos and after 2020 she completely and objectively fell off. You and I both know this.

>> No.92815490

The only reason I could find this plausible is cause she did something similar to Kanata like 2-3 years ago.

>> No.92815494

>DEI connect
Where did it all go wrong

>> No.92815497

"friends" doesn't dictate your career and harrass you with their achievements

>> No.92815520

But she's hanging out with those friends all the time, she hasn't abandon shit.

>> No.92815533

Subaru was talking so much I forgot Watame was in the call too lol

>> No.92815535

Now do 2024, where the sharp recline happens.

>> No.92815549

That is not what you said at first. You said her CCV was on a downward slope not her ranking.

>> No.92815563

love cc
hate kiara

>> No.92815568

same way she reacts to male collab jumpscares

>> No.92815575

This is getting embarrassing. Not even that anon but aqua's first army was regularly debated here. Unless you forgot

>> No.92815581

>comparing pre-cull numbers with today
fucking retard

>> No.92815586

I remember how Nijinigger used to argue that graph going up and down is bot for every 24h stream
They been quite silent about this one in particular

>> No.92815591

They are reaching out to her, not the other way around.

>> No.92815600

Nice cope. No Holo said anything about her since August. She's persona non grata for a reason.

>> No.92815610

Do you ever get tired of doing this you stupid son of a bitch?
For anyone who doesn't know, this is word for word the Kiaraschizo and he's currently raiding /#/. You can see for yourself
Also ESL ragisms like
Are a defining characteristic of his samefagging since he phoneposts and samefags 5 devices at a given moment

>> No.92815616
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1 more day

>> No.92815625

Noticed that Watame always talks less whenever Ogayu or Korone is in the call

>> No.92815639
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>first army

>> No.92815643

based migo
miosha being scared etc. is indeed food for the soul

>> No.92815647

meant for >>92814763

>> No.92815664

Look at Fubuki who also fell off compared to her peers in the same regard. Do things that don't make you successful? Change for the worst? Your image suffers too while others are propped up. Welcome to Hololive. It's dog eat dog and always has been.

>> No.92815667

Ok now he is just trying to convince people that Hololive is like Nijisanji

>> No.92815673

>No Holo said anything about her since August

>> No.92815689

>Korone: Calliope is easy to bully

>> No.92815697
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Say hi to your New Queen Nijihomo troon

>> No.92815715


>> No.92815717


>> No.92815719

Exclusively argued by schizos because every single one in first army had schizos arguing they weren't part of it

>> No.92815728

Aqua never reclined. It's hard for a Holo to recline unless she directly fucks up in some manner because
>corpo getting bigger = your numbers getting bigger
And Cover grew and grew with each passing year, a lot. The reason why this retard is trying to claim Aqua reclined through the years is that she dropped to number 4/5 Holo CCV wise when she used to be first in the old days, in the last year Marine, Pekora, Miko and arguably even Subaru ran laps around her but that doesn't mean she "reclined".

>> No.92815731

>meanwhile Niji
>30k people leaving at the same time

>> No.92815736

Alright which one of you trigger this schizo? We were so peaceful and then he just explode

>> No.92815742

She is a fine singer and her dancing/stage presence will absolutely set the stage on fire. She is more than talented enough for a solo live.

>> No.92815744

yes, she is easy to tease

>> No.92815752

Bae is going to get a sololive in a bookstore.

>> No.92815760

I'd bully her with my pp

>> No.92815767

She wasn't even third army btw kek
I watch all Holos. Not one word about her. It's customary because no one said anything about Coco until this year for some reason.

>> No.92815777

Future cope tally shitter

>> No.92815785

I was actually wondering why there were random Kiara seethe and mentions strewn throughout the last two threads. Thanks for confirming my suspicions

>> No.92815802

First army is not debatable so they were shitposter. Even if a first army loses her 20k avg she is still gonna be first army.

>> No.92815826
File: 1.01 MB, 1063x987, 178927265902759268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've overplayed your hand. Go back to matome dumbass.

>> No.92815830

Cope. She wasn't even third army. Stop damage controlling already.
Anon, she wasn't even third army.

>> No.92815839

What accent does Korone have

>> No.92815854

Go to bed suityan also when did you learn such good English?

>> No.92815859


>> No.92815858

But enough about about your red whores

>> No.92815867

you just need to face it, sakuna is doing better solo than in hololive, if the pill is hard to pass then smash it

>> No.92815874

All big titted women are

>> No.92815876

Yeah, by retards, Subaru and Suisei have always done worse than her CCV-wise, while Suisei and Marine have always done worse then her watch time-wise, she was an extremely solid first army.

>> No.92815884

20K is borderline grim anon

>> No.92815892

That hairstyle makes Gigi look like some bratty 14yo girl.

>> No.92815907

Just like how Sukuna did better without Gojo amirite?

>> No.92815914

>random Kiara seethe
We hate kiara

>> No.92815931

>I watch all Holos. Not one word about her

>> No.92815937

Oh so you DID forgot. Should've just said so instead of arguing like a dumbass. Also, Subaru carried gen2 in 2024. Remember that.

>> No.92815942

>no argument
Never talk to me again EOP
Sakuna is a cautionary tale of how your entire reputation dies once you leave the golden opportunity both amongst your peers and those who once supported you.

>> No.92815954

>20K is borderline grim
Now that's number rot

>> No.92815955
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>> No.92815963

Not if she does anymore of those jdon my soul performances

>> No.92815974

Bae is so cruel to brats. We are aware that she will never receive a sololive, so she was providing false hope in this instance.

>> No.92815976

Post disregarded, year of the rabbit a million stars aligned to boost her to beast status, it was impossible to match that level of miracle.

>> No.92815989

Where is this borderline 20k you speak of?

>> No.92816004

Name me one Holo who said anything about Aqua after graduation.
She's forgotten and does not need acknowledgement. Deal with it. That's the business. Coco was handed a similar fate up until this year for a reason no one knows.

>> No.92816021
File: 337 KB, 536x558, did she win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty won and Aster will not be beating the allegations

>> No.92816030

20k is the first army requisite stupid fucking retard.

>> No.92816042

So we have a fake Aquafan (read /lig/ger /swarm/ tourist) who uses her to shit on other girls?

>> No.92816057

Better to have a distant goal than to not have one at all

>> No.92816062

People loved that performance actually. To the point it redefined the jdon meme

>> No.92816064

She has a higher chance than the stupid green whore who will fade into irrelevancy because she doesn't have proper backing because she was a stupid bitch who can't work a real job

>> No.92816081

It's accepted fact.
Aqua was averaging 18K last year before graduation buff.
Wrong. It's 30K. Lurk more newfag.

>> No.92816085
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>> No.92816087

>I watch all Holos. Not one word about her
>Name me one Holo who said anything about Aqua after graduation
You fucking retard, Pegors and Azki did their mountain hike after her gradtuation and talked about it on stream

>> No.92816090

Why did you fucks let this schizo samefag his delusions for 30 minutes straight without telling xher to fuck off?

>> No.92816096

I thought that was really good, unique, and a nice change of pace from the rest of Holofes. An entire show of stuff like that would be a bit much but as it was it was fantastic. Bae wouldn't do an entire show of stuff like that.

>> No.92816108

she's still currently doing better in terms of ccv, but she's still in her debut buff since her numbers haven't stabilized yet. you'd need to wait at least another month or two to tell if she's doing better or not.
in terms of vod performance she's already behind Aqua pre graduation announcement, meaning she gets less tourists than she did before retiring.

>> No.92816109

So Suisei really is the cancer killing Hololive.

>> No.92816122

She is gonna get one eventually because she plans to be here for a long time

>> No.92816128

Is he still gone?

>> No.92816132

>say something wrong and add newfag at the end

>> No.92816138

>an aquacrew trying to gaslight /#/
Astroturfs used to be believable

>> No.92816145

That was with Chloe retard.

>> No.92816157

Stay quiet, attention fuel schizo

>> No.92816168

>Subaru and Suisei have always done worse than her CCV-wise
I'm too lazy to check but I don't recall Suisei ever not peaking below 10k for a normal stream while I saw that plenty with Aqua. Aqua was way more inconsistent.

>> No.92816176

I think Bae should do a strip show.

>> No.92816184
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>> No.92816193

They're an enemy of us and Hololive fans in general. They should be snuffed out. /xhlgg/niggers get the rope.

>> No.92816205

HOLY FUCK, this gotta be satire at this point

>> No.92816212

You can kys now

>> No.92816218

She should make blowjob ASMR too

>> No.92816224

>Wrong. It's 30K
Why are anons wasting their time responding, this gives it away it's a shitposter

>> No.92816225

Show pussy ennacuck

>> No.92816227

it's true anon, it's not even suisei's first time doing this shit

>> No.92816231

The original (and only commonly accepted) definition for First Army was caused by the observation in 2021 that six Holos had kept up 20k average for six months. 20k is the requisite the rest is tranny niji propaganda.

>> No.92816236

It's probably the same aqua schizo that would post fake translations of her streams here all the time.

>> No.92816239

I give it half a star. Shitbait desu.

>> No.92816251
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, DumberThanAqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watch all Holos. Not one word about her
All your points are moot and you're a verified retard

>> No.92816253

Prove me wrong. And don't use clips EOP

>> No.92816267

Ok this gotta be one of the most entertaining schizo we got in a while, new vocabulary, new angles, making shit up along the way, even making up new concepts

>> No.92816265

Consistency on a per-stream basis isn't the point. Mumei has a wider range than Fauna but both are EN first army

>> No.92816279

If Fauna had any ambition like a solo live she would've stayed because Hololive is the only thing that could provide her that but she is an ambitionless whore and had no real reason to stay because she's never been an actual idol.

>> No.92816286

wtf did she mean by that

>> No.92816288

Go back to your /jp/ shithole retard

>> No.92816306
File: 1.40 MB, 1279x721, PekoAku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>92816212 (me)
I know this retard won't watch the clip

>> No.92816311

>watch time
I disagree. In the last year, Subaru inclined to the point where she was Aqua level.
>she was a solid first army

>> No.92816313

He won. Aqua is out of Hololive and is now persona non grata for good. Kneel.

>> No.92816322

I don't care if you consider Aqua a first army or not, I'm just casting doubt on "Subaru and Suisei had worse CCV than her".

>> No.92816335


Not that you're really worth replying to, you've been doing nothing but making shit up this whole time

>> No.92816337
File: 497 KB, 900x900, 1722727616087419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you guys feel ashamed for deriving entertainment from replying to some guy pretending to be retarded

>> No.92816349

it's definitely the matomefag. That dumbass has no real thoughts and just steals all its opinions from summary sites like a retard. Actual grim.

>> No.92816356
File: 256 KB, 1381x2048, 1719970256127244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't respect Hololive's tech until they enable Bae to slide down her panties and kick them into the crowd while dancing.

>> No.92816358

Post Lamy lewds and I stop

>> No.92816360

>Subaru: Miko is gaining IQ when she's with Korone
>Subaru: I know that because the only conversation Ive had with Miko one on one are very low IQ

>> No.92816368

So Suishit lied about it too? Nice to know.

>> No.92816387
File: 2.79 MB, 410x293, 1705725198543505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Mori failed to sell out a 4K venue in a timely manner. What does this mean? This suggests that following Gura's sololive, there won't be any more solo concerts by EN (and we know Cover makes no better offer than that). Why are you retards spamming shit like "Gura will quit in two weeks" when the ticket sales of Mori's concert just gave the EN girls all the more reason to go independent, whereas Gura is cool and getting to live like royalty?

>> No.92816392

about what?

>> No.92816398

dumb faggot pekora just talked about her lmao during ozora police segment and during her stream after

>> No.92816400
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>> No.92816407
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>> No.92816411

It's not him, he would sprinkle his shit with "new direction" and "Aqua is more popular now".

>> No.92816427

It is kind of fun to see how retarded he is willing to go to get a reply

>> No.92816452

Do your reps.
She never wanted Aqua there. She's just pretending but in reality she knows she's why Aqua left and refuses to take responsibility for her own actions.

>> No.92816460

her voice isn't bad, but her pitch ain't the best and her range is pretty limited. she's closer to someone like korone in terms of singing: it's great if she stays in her range and a trainwreck when she steps out of it. unfortunately, she's constantly trying to push herself and trying shit she can't handle.

>> No.92816465
File: 1.04 MB, 720x1280, Wammers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss me anon?

>> No.92816474

If IRyS mostly only did karaoke you'd be calling her en first army. Dumbass.

>> No.92816475

Bae would make a fucking fantastic stripper

>> No.92816488

this totsu is a clip mine, i'll transcript the miko/suisei/aqua conversation after it ends in an hour.

>> No.92816496


>> No.92816499

Usually by this point an average Nijisister would have started spamming dox

>> No.92816518

leaving your headcanon aside what does that have to do with your original claim that "not one holo said anything about aqua after graduation"?

>> No.92816520

She doesn't so who cares?

>> No.92816523
File: 133 KB, 1259x1227, 2022medians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 is here: >>92815450
2021 and before Subaru was relatively small

>> No.92816526

Her stage presence alone is the most demanding for a Sololive if we're not talking Mori. And I think a Fuwamoco dual Sololive is also possible this year.

>> No.92816529
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>> No.92816535


>> No.92816534


>> No.92816539

Truth nuke

>> No.92816544

I rape this thing
Thanks you anon
I rape this thing

>> No.92816555

These become videos always disturb me

>> No.92816557

Usan doesnt work in the EN branch

>> No.92816577


>> No.92816580


>> No.92816595
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>> No.92816601

You do know kig is not even a new thing right?

>> No.92816610

[Sad News]
Mikkorone finally dipped under 100K. It hit 100K at 19:06 and stayed above until 05:58, lasting 10 hours and 52 minutes straight over 100K.

>> No.92816617


>> No.92816624
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>> No.92816633


>> No.92816642

Bae 100% gives off those vibes. If we never get to see her pole dance in Hololive that would be a massive shame.

>> No.92816660


>> No.92816670
File: 260 KB, 2048x819, 7A1B7512-5ADE-43C0-8D64-A42E6CE83C5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK do you call this creature? Wrong answer only

>> No.92816684

always EN to blame

>> No.92816686


>> No.92816694

Pekora literally just talked about her lmao

>> No.92816696

>because Hololive is the only thing that could provide her that
Indies are literally perfoming at sold out concerts, in 2025 you don't need to be in a big corpo to perform in 3D

>> No.92816698
File: 149 KB, 850x1294, 1684176487811438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carried gen2
>MOGGED aqua so bad she hid in a hole and ended up quitting

>> No.92816701
File: 674 KB, 1785x3210, 1710868575100812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC spilling all the spaghetti

>> No.92816719

>CC calling her JP senpai
She's a good girl

>> No.92816725

EN 1: loli
EN 2: hebe
EN 3: loli
EN 4: hebe

ID2: loli
ID3: hebe

JP6: loli
Dev 1: ----
Dev 2: hebe

Should they keep the pattern? Is it working?

>> No.92816726

Fuck you

>> No.92816728

Goalpost teleportation

>> No.92816737


>> No.92816745

Definetely a keeper, wouldn't change her for anyone.

>> No.92816747
File: 400 KB, 713x563, 688a1f01cc8bfd58e90c1350976ee269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One month gone out of nowhere, no announcement.

>> No.92816751

A sololive is not a normal concert.

>> No.92816766
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>> No.92816773
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graduation frame doko

>> No.92816794

Subaru hates suisei now because she killed her gen2 unity dream

>> No.92816811

Flare is being racist again.

>> No.92816816

Shiori is doing a face reveal

>> No.92816826

They have 1 hour to open these cards before the stream goes over 12 hours

>> No.92816827
File: 146 KB, 900x1200, 52CCB917-6B35-4F5A-A341-B9475CEC76C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no you have to believe me that the Holo HATE each other and are mindless corpo bootlicker

>> No.92816840
File: 688 KB, 850x1192, CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you for calling MiKorone my doll wife

>> No.92816862

Reya's one of her kids too and she recently got the spotlight!

>> No.92816876
File: 330 KB, 578x823, 1735851564721905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berylschizo status

>> No.92816878

>running away from the argument
Typical. I know you want to jerkoff to a holos numbers but at least do it in good faith. You didn't see teammates calling ame first army when she was regularly topping the peak average charts.

>> No.92816886

zero chance it was about aqua... Aqua decided to graduate by herself. They literally talked about how during one of the startend meetings towa and suisei started to suspect aqua wanted to graduate. And both tried to stop her (well whole hololive was trying to stop ehr)

>> No.92816897

Imagine trying to lie in the holy /#/ grounds

>> No.92816912
File: 801 KB, 736x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novelites look like this?

>> No.92816923

Who cares hololive en popularly peaked in the west both the Atlanta and Mori concert failed to sell out. The hype is simply not there.

>> No.92816936

Subaru literally waited suisei to fuck off before calling in while she had no issue being in the same call with watame

>> No.92816958

Alright, point taken. I admit I was only going off of memory.

>> No.92816956
File: 363 KB, 712x747, CuckVTM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckvtm oshi btw

>> No.92816981
File: 723 KB, 850x1258, 1723833822762558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too sleepy to keep posting since I have to try dodging images with TKB in my folder so i'll just leave you with
I might take a nap during this section

>> No.92816984

>Shiori showing her fans how to properly be cute femboys

>> No.92817014
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>> No.92817022

we moved a lot in my childhood so never got close to the neighbor's kids

>> No.92817029

Topping the peak average chart for one month is not what I would call regularly

>> No.92817034
File: 121 KB, 850x827, 1684173658756099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that post for you specifically. Now pay your respects to the duck.

>> No.92817036

die lol

>> No.92817038

This happened two times already.

>> No.92817049

tell me something mottainai that happened a few years ago that resulted in someone being an indie other than fucking aqua

>> No.92817051
File: 780 KB, 1920x1080, 20250102_220248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC and biboo [FAR CRY 5] stream


>> No.92817062
File: 391 KB, 500x280, 1734699814747534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suck the black tranny cock for me phasecuck

>> No.92817066

fuck off kiara the better EU is on

>> No.92817092
File: 1.34 MB, 864x1039, 1706103643113057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look look!

>> No.92817123

this may come as a shocker to (You)
Suzie is a woman as well

>> No.92817145

both Kanata and Aqua (unicorn queens) are victims of Suisei (male collaber), why are you defending the aggressor?

>> No.92817152
File: 240 KB, 1635x1308, Waaaaamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting my lewds

>> No.92817151

I still blame Mori for scheduling her sololive close to holofes and on a weekday too. Only LA fags get to go there. If it was in January or April then us East coast chads might be able to go.

>> No.92817153
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>> No.92817175

Kiara in Shiori's chat.

>> No.92817194

you never saw CC and ayame in the same room, they hate each other

>> No.92817200

Phase is the new NijiEN?

>> No.92817202

eh it's not nearly as bad as rye honestly

>> No.92817204

Biboo and CC Farcry 5

>> No.92817208
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>> No.92817214

Mori was unable to sell out a 4k venue in a timely manner, next it's gonna be reduced to 2k, and then 1k assuming Cover will still be generous. Nice "big concerts" you got there bratkek

>> No.92817251

Crippled Army

>> No.92817258

I can't wait for the burnout to uppercut botboo hard and I don't have to see her shitty face and hear her shitty voice in other streams for a while

>> No.92817262

>Mori concert failed to sell out
Is this true? I was away from /#/ then

>> No.92817273

They need a male for this

>> No.92817276
File: 1.98 MB, 1957x1011, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you explain them being together at that mikkorone segment 10 hours ago, subaru going to suisei's christmas party, them being on that christmas drinking party stream, etc?

>> No.92817278

Kiara loves shiori and her weirdly positivity attitude

>> No.92817296

That's for the better. If they bth giggle at the same time some poor fuck are gonna die of heart attack

>> No.92817316


>> No.92817322

Cecilia and Biboo side by side looks like a mother and her small autistic daughter.

>> No.92817349
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>> No.92817352

It’s unreal how Nijisanji is LITERALLY carried by Kuzuha, they wouldn’t have top 1 anything without him

>> No.92817360

Only the GoGoNippon schizo actually won, and he wasn't nearly as annoying as the others.

>> No.92817370

kek, the schizo isn't having a good day today

>> No.92817414

Why does CC have such a tiny waist and wide hips
Does she want me to grab her or something??

>> No.92817415

Looks like their being held at gunpoint and about to be raped.

>> No.92817429

This guy is a troon so it adds up

>> No.92817444

It sold out but it took some time.

>> No.92817441

Phaseplaps I kneel

>> No.92817464

xe's doing fine in the sense that xe's getting (you)s but xer ultimate goal seems to be to make people fact check him at this point or just be slightly annoying.

>> No.92817484

>Thinking tin boy numbers are legit
He is literally carried by riku and his fujos's portugueses.

>> No.92817486

Wow these are some grim fucking numbers jesus christ

>> No.92817487

The "timely manner" condition exists only in your brain. I wanted to point that out since you seem to really believe in your delusions.

>> No.92817492

Yeah, for me.

>> No.92817509
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>> No.92817567

He also didn't shit on any holos and just said why their girls would be a good fit.

>> No.92817570


>> No.92817581

Kiara mentioned that Regloss is probably never getting kimonos, idk what cover is doing.

>> No.92817587
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>> No.92817589

Makes me wonder if the vstats intern is behind all the threadshitting

>> No.92817593

have mercy on the rrats, they're just silly little guys...

>> No.92817607

Biboo is Justice's lost 5th member

>> No.92817611

She is made for breeding.

>> No.92817621

Is he still /here/?

>> No.92817637

It's really easy to fact check even if you don't speak nihongo. Go to 5ch, run the last few threads through a translator and search for any mention of whatever JP member the schizo is baiting with.

>> No.92817677

Probably want to break from tradition or sth

>> No.92817697

That transcript doesn't say that.

>> No.92817698

just wanted to chime in for all the non stream watchers and EOPs in this thread (which is probably almost all of you) that this is a gross mistranslation or bad bait
What Suisei was talking about had nothing to do about indies or whatever, the topic was Suichan saying over time she has ended up interacting with more people and more people with "achievements" and experience
So even when she doesn't 100% agree with something, Suichan would stay quiet since she thinks the person with more experience knows better
That is what Miko chided her for, to assert her personal opinions more even in front of those people

>> No.92817719

Why he would do that?

>> No.92817757

At best people already know and at worst people don't give a shit. Everyone else doesn't even count as people. Thanks for the inquiry though.

>> No.92817769

Instantly BTFO

>> No.92817771


>> No.92817792

it literally could've been anything.
aqua talked about her reasons in length before and after graduation. it wasn't just one thing

>> No.92817797

I might be retarded, I've tried finding the 5ch hololive board but I can't fucking locate it. I've gone to the page with the big list of all their boards and my dumb ass doesn't see it.

>> No.92817806
File: 197 KB, 1070x1001, 1735845419630753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most hated homos list
>somehow Axel and Regis are more hated than Vesfag and Fagni
fucking how

>> No.92817816

# has fried your brain

>> No.92817829
File: 59 KB, 793x334, Screenshot From 2025-01-02 23-17-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92817830

retard, is not cover's management, i think regloss has UMJ management

>> No.92817831

Translation doko?

>> No.92817848

Look, I almos feel bad for the schizo because they failed the literal first step which is to keep the shitpost (somewhat) factual. If they don’t want to have a bad day maybe actually post something that can’t be refuted?

>> No.92817852

>kiara 3.9 ccv in 2023
>kiara 5.1 ccv in 2024

thats a decent jump

>> No.92817854

The concert is still not sold out ticketmaster fucked mori over. At this point unless mori reveals some hype guests unlikey it will sell out.

>> No.92817871

uh oh vstats intern is having a melty

>> No.92817873

>Shiori debuffing herself more by taking a break to show her song playlist
Who the fuck even cares?

>> No.92817877


>> No.92817880

I predicted 3.5M

>> No.92817891

That's not what she said. She said they didn't get it and, by the nature of Devis being weird, she has no idea of they will get them or not.

>> No.92817894

From the chink site? lol no

>> No.92817941

If that's the case then who's the 4th member

>> No.92817954

Debuffvella always debuting new techniques

>> No.92817955
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>> No.92817958
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I've been gone for a week because I've been back into Girls Frontline and Rimworld what did I miss?

>> No.92817961

Why would he be here? He is literally above us, he get paid for numberfagging, we do it for free like slaves

>> No.92817968

Could you really call him a schizo though?

>> No.92817984

>uh oh melty
Why are you using /v/ lingo?

>> No.92818003

Trust me they are not that interesting.

>> No.92818011


>> No.92818023

>suki kira

>> No.92818024

I feel like Aquaschizo is probably the worst schizo around. Why do people even take Matome or Sukikira seriously? Just don't engage with him.

>> No.92818043


>> No.92818054

Shittiest astroturf I've seen this year

>> No.92818076

I regret responding to it

>> No.92818096

All the New Year streams were really fun

>> No.92818102

Yes we love male collabers itt sis GO OFF GET THAT BAG

>> No.92818135

Sick biboo is kind of hot

>> No.92818137

With cringe ass fans like this I get why she's leaving

>> No.92818138

Schizo are fun when they are obviously wrong but just doubling down

>> No.92818142
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Holy grim numbers even on a sister site

>> No.92818143

I'm more surprised they even remember the blue homo exists (I forgot he existed). That homo had no personality.

>> No.92818157

Shittiest astroturf I've seen this year

>> No.92818165

oh, i thought we were just bored and making rrats about the girls for funposting

>> No.92818182

>using twitchspeak in /#/

>> No.92818202

>2k people top
Lmao literally minority opinion

>> No.92818212

I can't help but think Korone is graduating soon.
Miko agreeing to do this despite her being very busy this year is very concerning

>> No.92818221

The moment we saw two similar looking girls show up in that trailer, he transcendent the schizo label

>> No.92818219

you should find the nearest noose in your vicinity and use it, no one's going to miss you

>> No.92818226
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>mention retard vstats interns in /#/
>somehow this offends someone
genuine meltdown from the propaganda spewing vstats cuck.

>> No.92818236
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is it even aquaschizo? this just seems to be someone larping for (You)s by posting the most retarded shit they can think of and some anons ITT are low IQ enough to enjoy "dunking" on them.

>> No.92818239

lmao you got fucking ecstatic seeing that someone actually entertained your brown ass for a second there instead of getting completely ignored didn't you?

>> No.92818245

Yeah that's his entire audience

>> No.92818260

God I feel bad for the girls that for the DEVIS scam please just hold out for JP7

>> No.92818263

Is she still getting that one guy dumping 1-1.5k bots on her at the beginning of every stream

>> No.92818292

axel x zeta
regis x ame

>> No.92818307

nigga corpos don't care enough about 4chan to pay interns to post here

>> No.92818321
File: 612 KB, 2048x1536, 37D86702-54AF-46C5-8E74-0F598644A247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal abusr

>> No.92818322

I prefer that pussy flashing nijisis than this retard

>> No.92818368

>he lacks very critical information

>> No.92818376

Maybe big corpos, but Phase and idol do have people here

>> No.92818390


>> No.92818399

>Vstat dude gained a schizo out of nowhere
What the FUCK???

>> No.92818405
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>> No.92818425

Is he? Then he is waaaaaaay fucking late.

>> No.92818435

What time is the SNOT collab btw? Gura time I'm assuming

>> No.92818444

>neuretards having a melty because vstatsfag didnt take neuro as vtuber

>> No.92818464

Yes >we dont like homos and their enablers /here/. And Im mocking the way sisters speak dumbass, ie (you) because youre a fucking seething woman
Holy fucking projection kill yourself you filthy monkey

>> No.92818467
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Vrabi.net Supremacy

>> No.92818468

Axel is currently in /mans/, he is getting paid also

>> No.92818472

>Niji Giftards and bvtm mongrels don't exist now

>> No.92818480

>SNOT collab
Kronii has a collab today, it's not going to happen.

>> No.92818491

I don't like how smug this mogogo is, I can feel her mocking me

>> No.92818520

sorry I don't speak brown

>> No.92818521
File: 136 KB, 880x643, Vstats Neuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this

>> No.92818522

Every small corpo fan lives in fear of the day when that male silhouette teaser is tweeted by the main account.
It's more likely than you think, it could happen to you! Thousands of fans suffer every year!

>> No.92818526

Big if true

>> No.92818532

stop acting like you belong here

>> No.92818533

>He doesn't know

>> No.92818553


>> No.92818615

I just subscribed

>> No.92818619

>making a fangame
>see miside
>it has the same style I was attempting
god fucking damn it

>> No.92818623

Why vstats consider twitch seriously?

>> No.92818627

Small corpos? Sure, but 4chan is too small to be worth dedicated resources towards. If you said 5ch then I'd believe you.

>> No.92818629

Anon if you're going to bait the #1 rule is not getting angry yourself ...

>> No.92818641


>> No.92818643

what did sorasex do

>> No.92818679

Just go with it retard, don't let it distract you for achieving your goal, if your game is fun then it's fun

>> No.92818678
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She's a bully

>> No.92818691
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>> No.92818722

that never stopped all the quirky earthbound inspired rpg indies or the hollow knight clones.

>> No.92818720

Because Neuro been breaking several records and get good numbers, so he want to cover all the base just in case someone try the same thing on YT and people bugging him about it

>> No.92818724

CC can't fucking aim.

>> No.92818729

Why would you blame her, she is really aware of the dumb scheduling of the concert, if she could have it her way she would have it another day

>> No.92818736

It won't be fun because I suck.

>> No.92818760

Sponsors look at gold tally. Main reason why Coca cola sponsored Miko

>> No.92818768

Neuro will NEVER be recognised as anything but a glorified chatbot masquerading as a vtuber. Especially in Japan were grifting converts are outright rejected if not shunned.

>> No.92818780

Believe in yourself faggot, play test it, if it's a game you yourself would want to play then pople will play it

>> No.92818784

>I suck
Everyone start somewhere, many of the current pro Japanese artists started out by selling shitty Touhou doujin in Comiket

>> No.92818783

Are you the anon making the game about ina?

>> No.92818791

Because they arent aware of all the sleep streams being a meta over there

>> No.92818851

Yep every small corpo fan have an unicorn side

>> No.92818860

shiftry moom my beloved

>> No.92818862

There's a board list? futaba's is on the very top left the other main place you're likely looking for moved a bbs site because of all the goreposting bots. Could probably find it just by googling ホロライブ bbs.

>> No.92818866

the fun thing about being creative is that you will suck for a long time and probably will suck for the rest of your life
but there is a chance that you wont suck

>> No.92818873

Add Sex option to it
And VR

>> No.92818925

>I suck
good, that means you're past the dunning kruger phase

>> No.92818927
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or their unicorn heaven implodes...

>> No.92818932

I assume he's happily throwing money at his girls along with the rest of that fanbase.

>> No.92818944

They do actually, they just don’t know how to deal with it, or how to exclude the numbers so they just reluctantly include the subathon in ranking

>> No.92819012

I was using this
I'm assumimg it's no longer located here or something.

>> No.92819021

i find it funny that the more they throw money on fuwamoco the more JP shit they prioritize over EN streams
kinda like paying for another mans condoms

>> No.92819025

He look based to me

>> No.92819028

>first run no fails
>second run failed 4 times so far

>> No.92819063

vstats is small too and /#/ is an early adopter of their numberfag website. vstats knows where their traffic comes from so I wouldn't be surprised if the rabid vstats shilling back then was done by an intern.

>> No.92819085

Sounds like you're jealous Aku.

>> No.92819100

I thought this girl was still unicorn friendly

>> No.92819125

>Shiori has a 4k floor with overlap
She's inclining...

>> No.92819143

Aku you fat fuck, have you sent Ryder images of your pussy yet?

>> No.92819164

It's so easy to take the moral high road and say "we're not unicorns over here, we just like the content" when it's all girls. Until one day everything changes and you have random third-world vtuber men in every event and if you're really unlucky, collabing with your oshi. And it's forever, the bell can't be unrung.

>> No.92819173

yeah but the corpo looks to be going the way of the dodo

>> No.92819185
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>> No.92819212

Years later and vnuma has yet to be surpassed. Sad.

>> No.92819231

>Fauna ghosting one last time
give Sappos a taste of whats to come

>> No.92819267

>page 11
Goodbye I love you

>> No.92819266

I'm not so insecure that my oshi collabing with a male a big deal all the big holos do it fubuki,Suisei, Laplus.

>> No.92819269
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why does she look so stupid?

>> No.92819272

Pretty sure most of their gachis are all in on the whole idol dream thing, the schizos in /baubau/ aren't everyone.
