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File: 1.68 MB, 1684x874, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WATAME NOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9249391 No.9249391 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9249487

How come white people have almost zero self preservation instincts?

>> No.9249498

This schizo bait doesn't make sense because of the whole SEAnig connection

>> No.9249513

There are muslim threads on this board every damn week

>> No.9249528

>mocking imaginary people with imaginary opinions that you've invented in your head

>> No.9249579
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>> No.9249604

Watame is white?

>> No.9249605

If you're triggered by this don't watch Duolingo streams. Hijabs, colored hair, stupid zoomer haircuts galore.

>> No.9249630

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9249682

Your mother

>> No.9249693

i say this
nobody says this
i look like this

>> No.9249696

Kill yourself fucking nigger.
If you want superstitious trash bags, fuck off the middle east, fucking invading parasite.

>> No.9249717

oh no OP you're gonna trigger the indoniggers that make up 90% of this board's userbase.

>> No.9249755

nobody says this

>> No.9249784

I think it's cool she's giving holoID some screentime

>> No.9249840

No i mean OP

>> No.9249866

Never reply to my posts ever again.

>> No.9249876

Keep laughing.
Because you won't when civil war breaks out.
There have been so many wars in here just in the past century, it makes me fucking wonder if you clowns have any survival instinct.

>> No.9249938

chud moment
overweight panic attack and flash back ptsd from civil war videos games while watching anime girls

>> No.9250039

Leave Japanese and Western cultures alone.
No one wants your cosmopolitan filth.

>> No.9250142

Are there unironically niggers here who delude themselves into ignoring the fact that Indogs are Muslim? All of Hololive already has had contact with a Muslim culture

>> No.9250241

Always the fags with this funny word. You should start calling people eggs, same laugh inducing effect.

>> No.9250290

when everybody hates you even your le epic 4chan magapede hideout

>> No.9250299

lol indogs would be beheaded by the taliban or any other muslim group in the middle east

>> No.9250343

>please don't call me chud
no, chud

>> No.9250358
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I bet you'd rather all women dressed like sluts you fucking retarded boomercon, kys

>> No.9250383

You're looking at Japan's future right here after Indonesia sinks boi (not the nigger on the left). Just be glad that it won't be black refugees. أنت تنظر إلى مستقبل اليابان هنا. فقط كن سعيدًا لأنه لن يكون من السود. ان شاء الله

>> No.9250430

Nigger what?

>> No.9250440

trust the plan

>> No.9250489

I'm not white

>> No.9250504

q predicted this

>> No.9250579

I'm white

>> No.9250712


>> No.9250783


>> No.9250790

Oh no meal team 6 is gonna say mean words on the internet

>> No.9250886

do you have a piss and shit patch on your xxl tacticool proudboys vest

>> No.9250939

chud moment

>> No.9250968
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Post nose, kike!
You. Will. Burn.

>> No.9250996

taliban taking back afghanistan was part of trump's twenty year plan

>> No.9251001

And that's the reason why HoloID is a flop. Since in goatfucker speak, Anime is considered drawing idolatry.

>> No.9251022
File: 368 KB, 2480x3507, 1628142015025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we literally have muslim threads quite often

>> No.9251093

Your stupid whore mother probably thinks to herself "damn I wish Trump was president" probably while touching herself too; while you delude yourself on the internet.

>> No.9251105

Disgusting loser.

>> No.9251128

Kill yourself. Trash aesthetic. Hair is valuable, a piece of scrap is not.

>> No.9251146

Then explain why bin laden had Naruto on his hard drive

>> No.9251168
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>> No.9251171

you used the semicolon wrong you retarded piece of lard

>> No.9251183

Bin laden never existed.

>> No.9251222

No I didn't faggot. You most definitely had to google what it was called you've seen it used so little.

>> No.9251233

q said this
trust the plan, deepstate dems want you to take vaccines -- make sure to get horse pills instead

>> No.9251304

indepent statements retard, your english is worse than your chode virginity ranking in piss

>> No.9251383

Gasket = Blown
Absoloutly seething spastic. Kek.

>> No.9251384

You can't even type. Read some novels, not chink translated manga.

>> No.9251394

deranged tranny

>> No.9251467

t. amerilard who can't figure out what an indirect object is

>> No.9251504

British. You sound keelhauled.

>> No.9251557

no i'm not you dumbass, pick another country from your vocabulary

>> No.9251584

Muslims are based, they know how women and fags should be treated

>> No.9251594

See, you can't read.

>> No.9251653

if it makes you feel any better, pissing and shitting over messing up a semicolon.

>> No.9251702

bait thread with a lot of samefagging going on

>> No.9251760


>> No.9251772

How is it samefagging when it's just two retards going "no im not yes u are no im not" back and forth? Learn your vocab, boy

>> No.9251789

Its funny cus youre a loser, you just follow the norm

>> No.9251815

Mudblood indogs are awake and shitting on the board like they always do.

>> No.9251843

messing up semicolons is very serious. it's worth throwing a tantrum over while projecting your embarrassment at everybody else.

>> No.9251881

Shut up chud

You just have to get on your knees and jack off other cultures, and youre gonna like it, otherwise youre a terrible human

>> No.9251995

reddit spacing moment, you dumb chud election tourist

>> No.9252004

this thread is all me btw

>> No.9252037

Cute anime girls play shitty games on YT; all the while a dumb indog think's he has mastered English grammar.

>> No.9252077
File: 127 KB, 918x640, 1630097545445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave Japanese and Western cultures alone.
>No one wants your cosmopolitan filth.

>> No.9252111

Kill yourself chud

>> No.9252133

>all the while

>> No.9252193

>liking only human cultures instead of subhuman cultures

These chuds... they need to learn to like subhumans

>> No.9252225

reddit spacing moment

>> No.9252321

Why are Chuds always so mad?

>> No.9252417

this is literally a holocaust

>> No.9252439

You really haven't read a book, have you?
Since your level is so low, I have good Young Adult recommendations. When I was around 10, I really enjoyed The Demonata series.

>> No.9252488

>I have good Young Adult recommendations

>> No.9252491

you are projecting, tranny-kun

>> No.9252537

Your English is unnatural as fuck.

>> No.9252587

this thread is literally a retarded anonchama replying to same seanigger bait8r to no end

>> No.9252644


>> No.9252681

no it's a sea nigger replying to a based anon

>> No.9252736

When you've calmed down, you should check it out; it re-entered my mind during the chess arc
If a was to write how a talk, yi widnae ken wit a was sayin.
My way of writing is to be able to communicate with ESL Swedes, Indogs, Americans etc. Doesn't matter so much how natural it is.

>> No.9252737

Hundreds of years of fighting other whites in territorial conflicts followed by that sentiment being expanded on by outsiders to exploit them. It's unfixable by the way.

>> No.9252741


>> No.9252770

you type like destiny (the faggot not the game)

>> No.9252801

>you should check it out; it re-entered my mind during the chess arc
you used it correctly congratz, only took god knows how many posts of you throwing shit at the wall with your tard strength
knew you could do it

>> No.9252857

because they're genetic defects and dead ends which burn up from the sun.

>> No.9252963

other "white" people convinced us not to

>> No.9253230

The real redpill is that Muslims are the ones trying to preserve Japanese culture while white people are the ones trying to destroy it. White people constantly whine on social media about Japan being racist while trying to import gazillions of immigrants into their country along with Western tumblr tranny values. Muslims in Japan defend traditional values and think Japanese culture is based.
