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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 107 KB, 576x933, Pirouella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92335243 No.92335243 [Reply] [Original]


>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
Phase Connect:>>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended:>>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie:>>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers:>>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers:>>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended:>>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended:>>>/vt//tsunx/
Stellar Verse Productions:>>>/vt//svp/
VSPO! EN + Specialite:>>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>92250010

>> No.92335270

Pirouella from Porfavor's birthday is ongoing

>> No.92335796

Mozzu hate and rape

>> No.92336969
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>> No.92337314
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Discuss Elia's 2025 goals

>> No.92337369

no, I don't think I will, since none of them matter except
>be more selfish
which is either not possible or she'll nail with flying colors

>> No.92337842
File: 738 KB, 2297x3770, GfjlZ8IaMAAOr6Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breeding my Hiyo

>> No.92338901

>be more selfish

>> No.92339789

Please watch Perfruor....

>> No.92340352

Roro's roros

>> No.92340930
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>be more selfish

>> No.92342076
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Sayu VOD
>I'M BACK~ Decorating our 2024 Community Christmas Tree with YOUR handmade ornaments!

>> No.92342975

>gain some weight
Pregnancy arc incoming

>> No.92343115
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passionate baby making sex with Elia

>> No.92343145

It's obvious she's moving to Japan for a reason...

>> No.92343214


>> No.92343319

>/corpo/ shitposts about how Elia wishes she were more like mozzu
>Elia announces she wants to gain weight

>> No.92343899

What the hell happened to /vrt/

>> No.92343902

lmao even

>> No.92343904

males, /wvt/ and /asp/

>> No.92344978
File: 85 KB, 514x523, smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am shakin my hiyo

>> No.92345022

on a longboard

>> No.92345144


>> No.92345278

An interesting discussion. >>92344882

>> No.92345306

no, I don't think so.

>> No.92345318

Watch Rinona's concert now

>> No.92345322

then why did you need to post this here?

>> No.92345339

your thread glows, probably one of the youtubers or dramafag twitter accounts
also you havent seen shit yet, 2025 will be the total corpo death year

>> No.92345469

What did she do?

>> No.92345565

I had a dream last night where Phish was playing with herself on stream and made cute little moaning noises and now I want Phish porn. Why does she have no fanart

>> No.92345592

be the change you want to see

>> No.92345659

Maybe this? >>92234949
since I can't see the tweet anymore
in any case that NPC apology tweet is enough for antiing VOLs

>> No.92345717

If so, that's crazy she has to take it down and apologise for that
Literally why

>> No.92345743

How would that be offensive to anyone? Other than maybe anon's ex-sharkwife

>> No.92345798

>i dont want to stream tomorrow
>what can i do
>oh i know, ill delete a joke i made and pretend i offended someone!

>> No.92345929
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1729773871456219.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can yap
she can listen
good doggo

>> No.92345936

Take your meds

>> No.92345962

Maybe angry trannies? Not sure why anyone would be offended

>> No.92346014

wow this concert organized by Rinona is real nice.

>> No.92346047

Focus on the concert Hiyori, it's gonna be your turn soon

>> No.92346078

>black screen

>> No.92346097

lmao what the fuck

>> No.92346193

Hiyo is way too sweet to hang out in this cesspit

>> No.92346222

whore love

>> No.92346237

Hiyo will get poached by Hololive and be a vtuber millionaire in time, she deserves it.

>> No.92346335

colossal and tragic Karrot model downgrade

>> No.92346435

Everyone egosearches

>> No.92346491

Thought she died forever

>> No.92346761

god I hope not the kawaii girls given how shit their general has been for like 2 years

>> No.92346784
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>> No.92346826

Penguin on the telly!

>> No.92346828

well Nami and Isla did but that was when /pkg/ wasn't as terrible as it is now

>> No.92346964
File: 23 KB, 1022x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii is the worst offender, the girls accidentally showed vt on stream multiple times, even the managers read and make decision based on schizo babbling said here

>> No.92347019

Why are you speaking of the dead in the present tense?

>> No.92347057


>> No.92347064

based jap retards

>> No.92347074

that's nothing, she talked about how she literally got in serious trouble because the management read the nordschizo rrats and believed them lmao
it's funny thinking about how one guy shitposting on /pkg/ it was probably sentenno kek caused the death of kawaii

>> No.92347112
File: 40 KB, 1287x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the phase schizo has actual power over the vtuber community, isn't that crazy

>> No.92347198

>someone on 4chan was saying come to Norway everyday
damn I wonder which one of her fans lives in Norway and would be able to give her a huge amount of money is she actually went there to live with him

>> No.92347201

/corpo/ raid

>> No.92347216

Get tired of namefagging in /vrt/ so you hop over to /corpo/ huh? What's your next destination, /vnug/?

>> No.92347249

How is that even offensive? I think the meme is funny.

>> No.92347290

>trips of truth
You can't argue against the trips of truth, tho

>> No.92347298

is phase schizo your actual username? I'm sorry, I had no idea

>> No.92347325

vnug is a cuckshed thread because globie homos, tcg homos and sexpest homos run rampant thru their girls

>> No.92347355

fucking kek

>> No.92347420

>VOLs (Singaporean) management forcing her to make an apology over some inoffensive joke
Fucking Grim.
I know for a fact gen 1 has said worse shit and management never gave a shit and nothing ever happened.

>> No.92348276

Don't people feel ashamed with how ridiculous it is to go and say their "goodbye", or "I'm going to sleep" only to have it not be acknowledged/ignored and then they continue chatting?

>> No.92348324

they're autistic

>> No.92348511


>> No.92348547

lmao why would they do that, I can see an angle as to where people might take offense but only people overdosing on woke would, so it's a bit insane

>> No.92348597

They're just attention seekers

>> No.92348672

couldnt be my wife

>> No.92348681

I would stay far away from any vtuber like this, like why would you talk about this publicly? It's even a bit dangerous for her career

>> No.92348774

your wife is an ugly bobblehead thoughever

>> No.92348790

Don't forget the groomcord circle too

>> No.92348854

you don't get it, mozzu NEEDS to be on the right
any normal person would just bury tipplet and never bring up anything about that whole thing but mozzu can't stand having lost

>> No.92349007
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1710118182904622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitting on the kawaii management is always morally correct

>> No.92349043


>> No.92349045

based management, wish the Brave and VNU ones would be the same

>> No.92349078

I remember watching her early Sava streams and thinking "she's so mature and professional", well was I wrong.

>> No.92349423

ok my membership expired, I just wrote that it's a low effort content I don't wish to support, no point in writing essays for someone who hasn't improved for 2 years.

>> No.92349589

I'll probably do the same soon
cant bring myself to do it because I like her and I've been there since Sava's debut but holy shit "hasn't improved" is an understatement, both her ""content"" and her personality are getting worse, and she's also aware of that but she just doesn't care

>> No.92350138

>muh sava
Holy shit I just wish the kawaii arc had never happened

>> No.92350178

you wouldn't even know she existed then, she was a nobody with sub 1k followers on twitch before that, don't try to larp as some oldfag kek

>> No.92350228

she literally talked about sava being cuter and more entertaining herself but ok

>> No.92350344

>spica's gone for one day
>already snapping at anons on /corpo/

>> No.92350397

Prepare for her next members only stream where she talks about how some mite was really really rude and awful to her and made her cry
Or uh, I guess prepare to hear about it here since you're not membered anymore

>> No.92350466

I like when they try save face. "I guess I'm not so sleepy after all." Just admit you want attention you little bitch.

>> No.92350473

Unsure if newfag or just a cucktomo, but in the gen 3 days they dominated /pkg/ to the point cucktomos were seething nonstop and doing whatever they could to denigrate them, just as you tried to do to Hiyo when she made a big splash

>> No.92350502

nta are you retarded or did you just give up on reading?

>> No.92350544

I was about to explain to you what I mean but as >>92350502
implied it's a waste of time, you are retarded faggot with 0 reading comprehension.

>> No.92350562

You really believe some random screenshot posted /here/?

>> No.92350594

Anon wouldn't lie to me.

>> No.92350753

at least sava streamed anon

>> No.92350991

I have latina fever

>> No.92351407

I have rabies

>> No.92351652

>anon's ex-sharkwife
Is she that thin-skinned?

>> No.92352552

Something I can finally agree with

>> No.92352979


>> No.92353067

Mako is hot, therefore she is allowed to be evil

>> No.92353232

Is there something that kills the mood faster than seeing a hot and very nice looking female model only to find out it's a random dude with a voice that makes it clear (tr00n or not)?

>> No.92353435

kek is this real?

>> No.92353434

this post

>> No.92353436

she's infertile, and got really mad at some maro from someone who said he was glad she couldn't have kids b/c it meant he could fuck her raw or something

>> No.92353452

What does my oshi think about me never doing the hellos, goodbyes, and other parasocial stuff? If she thinks anything at all about it, of course.
Every time she "welcomes me in" whenever my first comment/joke is, explains what's going on etc., and I want to be like "I've been here the whole time."
I guess I just want her to stop doing that, idk.
t. autist.

>> No.92353536

You'll chat but you won't even say hi at the beginning of stream? No "thanks for the stream" at the end? What's wrong with you, buddy?

>> No.92353589


>> No.92353645

That sucks. Wouldn't wish that on anyone

>> No.92353864

"What's wrong with me?" is a pretty vague question. I can try to explain what I think the difference is.
People talk about Gosling-ing as a verb around /here/, but for me it's more like the old meme about watching Drive and thinking "that's literally me." Most people mean the Blade Runner chair-clattering/"You look lonely. I can fix that" version.
Do you say hello to the Driver from Drive when she shows up on screen? Probably not.

>> No.92353910

yeah, it's pretty old though, mozzu closed her freechat almost a year ago now

>> No.92354069

brother, you're already chatting with an anime girl on the internet. why draw a line at hello and goodbye

>> No.92354884

need shark teeth bite marks on my dick

>> No.92354902

I get you, I never say hi or bye, and I don't think any vtuber actually cares if you just drop whatever you want to say in the middle of the conversation. If she does she is a moron. That said, saying "hi" and "bye" is just basic manners and not parasocial.

>> No.92354920

i only say hi and bye

>> No.92356107

I took that comment about how streams aren't airport terminals to heart so I never say hello or goodbye.

>> No.92356220

I only say hello
you don't get SHIT for turning the stream off you BITCH

>> No.92356307


>> No.92356460

Guys? You didn't link Lan

>> No.92356774

Shiki is not bleached unfortunately

>> No.92356835

Won't be able to see much when she's sitting on my face

>> No.92357027

No like bleached as in "exclusively for white guys". Just got banned for asking.

>> No.92357376

Be grateful she even responded to you, retard

>> No.92357593

wisu karaoke en español

>> No.92357706

I do(n't) that because I don't want to interrupt whatever she's currently talking about and also not pressure her into replying, It's not like being greeted matters a lot to me.

>> No.92358082

You don't stand up and thank the actors when the movie ends?

>> No.92358518
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, Gf1Ag8gaQAA_vcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a /unity/ Palworld server that launched today and you didn't say anything

>> No.92358575

i dont really care about anyone in it

>> No.92358793

There are only 4-8 known vtubers there

>> No.92358841

pekoe? hmm

>> No.92358862


>> No.92358865

You don't like vtubers

>> No.92358870

I will now watch your server

>> No.92358904

this is not good for v&u

>> No.92359166

>no vdere

>> No.92359283

I do, but I won't watch a server that I don't know at least 1/4 of the participants

>> No.92359799

EIEN orange fox

>> No.92359855

That is neither orange, nor is it a fox

>> No.92359981

Most people do for anything actually comparable, like plays, other live performance, and even just youtube videos. Really anything with timely access to the performers.
Why does this board struggle with basic analogy so much? Why try to be smarmy if your brain is broken enough to think movies are analogous here?

>> No.92360243

no, but I clap and thank the pilot when a plane lands

>> No.92360742

noticed that, too
I appreciate her

>> No.92361005

what is famous vrchat slopper tomomi doing there?

>> No.92361818

Next time I go to see Les Mis I'll be sure to announce when I arrive and whenever I go to the bathroom

>> No.92362501

Perry making networking moves, is she the new Kanna?

>> No.92362810

Karrot can sing damn. Didn't know that and did not recognize her with the new model.

>> No.92364548

you forgot about Acti...

>> No.92365216
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>> No.92365881

Tragic downgrade from sexo ninja

>> No.92366661

Everything I don't like about Kaya is getting worse as an indie. In small doses and properly muzzled I could enjoy her. She can do her own thing and I will check in if she sings or interacts with my oshi again.

>> No.92367488

I'll check out her Kaya Matsuri streams if she ever does them again but otherwise I've lost interest.

>> No.92368925

I love. Suri

>> No.92369891


>> No.92371283

After swearing off of vtubing for good, Fenriru of former Idol infamy has returned after only 2 weeks

>> No.92371713

I'm not reading 80 paragraphs of menhera bullshit

>> No.92371778

Attempt #2 for the V-Dere Concert in a few minutes


>> No.92371892


>> No.92371965

What the hell happened to /vnug/?

>> No.92371975

>/unity/ Palworld server
>spica just got kidnapped
it's wispiover

>> No.92372012

#3 GFE *grifter* of all time behind Rushia and Shondo

>> No.92372549

Use some fucking capitalization woman

>> No.92372610

Starting, Mozzu did it!

>> No.92372854
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v-dere winter concert starting!

>> No.92373025

it actually started wtf?

>> No.92373091
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Primordial Blue Woman Soup is ready.

>> No.92373244

Why are they all blue women? If you told me Phish was her genmate I would believe you

>> No.92373405

Funnily enough, only Ria swapped hair color after joining she was pink, both Sayu and Rita had blue hair already.

>> No.92373421

phishphosh is way too cool for them

>> No.92373590
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x1080, blue da ba dee da ba da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of, phishwife on the telly with chopsticks and rivals

>> No.92373676
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab with santa
wtf how did vdere pull this off

>> No.92374014

Holy shit VOLs is getting absolutely cooked in the replies

>> No.92374068

I hope she doesn't give me coal

>> No.92374152 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.52 MB, 2528x3371, 1730791134864453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92374248
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, spica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica cute!

>> No.92374384


>> No.92375288

kys obsessed phase monkey

>> No.92375315

Man, I love Rita’s singing. I wish her songs showed up in my shuffle more often

>> No.92375722

QRD on Camizole Corzette???

>> No.92375770

Nene is broken and they have to send her back to the factory

>> No.92375858


>> No.92376032

that one guy that really hates twitch whores would hate her
about all you need to know really

>> No.92376088

uh oh melty

>> No.92376100

does her personality match the model??
oh nyo

>> No.92376140

Spica's reindeer name is Spicy the reindeer

>> No.92377313

This concert is nice and all but Christmas was two days ago

>> No.92377802


The corrupted files don’t help sell it either, sadly

>> No.92378560

Sayu is hated, Ria streams with her bf, Rita is as vanilla as it gets, is it really a surprise?

>> No.92378651

>>92377802 (me)
Side note, they REALLY need to collab in a full group more often. Clearly they vibe with each other, but they aren’t really using Sayu to boost like I thought they would.

>> No.92378788

That’s fair. I mostly follow them for Rita, and still don’t really watch Sayu solo.

>> No.92378975

I thought you guys were talking about the vdere concert
what are the odds of a christmas concert overlap

>> No.92379371

>merch merch merch
how about streams

>> No.92379404

Not that bad (of odds) in my opinion, holiday schedules could push any number of events to after the day. What group is the other concert?

>> No.92379508


>> No.92379517

Nvm, I missed the post further up lol

>> No.92379673


>> No.92379723

V-Dere gen 2 tomorrow

>> No.92379861

Awesome, more reason for mozzu to pretend like she isn't a streamer

>> No.92380052

Agreed on needing more group collabs, unfortunately Sayu is really busy with a lot of projects + moving.

>> No.92382702
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>> No.92382704


>> No.92382994

>Why does she have no fanart
She just debuted for a who corpo

>> No.92383929

cute betraying doxxfag whore (affectionate)

>> No.92384193

If she wasn't cute, I would anti this TVA cumdump. Thankfully, she's a better acti.

>> No.92385214

>she's a better acti
can you even find a lower bar than that?

>> No.92389032

what is this palverse server? Is it just SVP?

>> No.92389199

I never even heard of most of those vtubers

>> No.92390043


>> No.92391984
File: 54 KB, 697x494, chisato @kunoichisato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92392081
File: 41 KB, 560x560, GfFrq-oW4AAGBSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/svp/ died again...

>> No.92392399

good riddance

>> No.92393052

lemi is allergic to her roaches but she loves them still

>> No.92393578
File: 47 KB, 639x413, Ge8mE6fbwAMQeWh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>svp thread dies
>while Perry and Lemi are streaming

>> No.92393803
File: 70 KB, 646x646, snail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up my sniggas?

>> No.92393996

>said the n word on debut
love this snigga

>> No.92394086

Gonna be real with you senpai I have no idea who these vtubers are. Corpos are dying left and right and their replacements are not measuring up.

>> No.92394101

Yeah so did SVP but Goro gets a ton of art.

>> No.92394121


>> No.92394220
File: 137 KB, 1400x700, goro-mortal-kombat-movie-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iconic character for decades gets art is not surprising

>> No.92394254

Goro has an established PL

>> No.92394443

>Isla seething about people lusting over loli characters
I thought she was based?

>> No.92394580

good to know she's a pedo

>> No.92394743


>> No.92394806
File: 551 KB, 1192x2000, Kanna Yanagi @M_tomoyohi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92395811

how the fuck do i stop seeing phase related shit on my twitter feed
i muted all of them and say not interested to every single fan art and clip but it's still literally just phase stuff. i dont fucking watch you, fuck off

>> No.92395936

Stop interacting with phase adjacent stuff then

>> No.92396031

but over half of non-Big 3 vtubing is phase adjacent

>> No.92396400

Stop caring idk

>> No.92396470

/brg/ died while I was getting work done, i guess its over

>> No.92396583

everyone lost...

>> No.92396732

Who won the battle royale?

>> No.92396895

She doesn't even main Cammy.
Should have been topless bison cosplay

>> No.92396911
File: 181 KB, 316x401, GfsA9vAWQAApnJt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gao gao is playing in perry's palworld server

>> No.92396920

take this asmr in these trying times.

>> No.92396923

It was an insanely fast death. Not sure what the deal was but it caught me off guard too.
Wose streaming btw

>> No.92396993

Depends on what you call winning, most of Nexas will become indies and Harry will be gone, but the only ones who have really done well are Lulu and Esila with most of the rest being small 1-2views, but Nexas or AniLive are no longer holding them back so it’s kind of a bittersweet victory.

>> No.92396996


>> No.92397016

Who else is on?

>> No.92397117

Shee Icho
Accept nothing less

>> No.92397233

ugh do i really want to watch miside again

>> No.92397369

Same braincell

>> No.92397372

Shee will yap for at least another hour before starting it

>> No.92397442

I guess they can at least be thankful to NEXAS for helping them get established and they got a decent model out of it.

>> No.92397954

>and they got a decent model out of it.
Some got shitty AI models that only worked on Anilive... and there was a big class of predebuts that got nothing

>> No.92398610

Oh damn well that's fucking bullshit.

>> No.92398722

She's pretty cute but she's really weird as well

>> No.92398872

That's true. Phish said it's her first time streaming.

>> No.92399023

Very weird, her family situation is ridiculous.

>> No.92399047

I don't understand why people even watched any of the NEXAS chuubas. They were on some shitty iphone app and half of them were men, how the fuck did they even get any fans?

>> No.92399210

the good ones escaped the app pretty fast and streamed on regular platforms

>> No.92399219

some were restreamed through other unofficial but sanctioned channels on twitch,and many of the talents also streamed on other platforms outside their nexas hours. the ones who grew a fanbase despite the app ecosystem is because they knew hot to utilize the limited content they could do to advertise themselves; Lulu particularly went hard with her keyfabe

>> No.92399237

Saviourfagging, by being locked onto the app they were destined to suffer, initially they were watched for the memes but people eventually started wanting them to succeed unironically due to their awful start.

>> No.92399260

more like grooming

>> No.92399266

some got to debut on yt before the downfall, like momoko

>> No.92399268

Both can be true

>> No.92399271

it was fun

>> No.92399371

>her family situation is ridiculous
Wait I'm not up to date on this part

>> No.92399406

she's genuine menhera man

>> No.92399458

Thread already gets super dead during dead hours anyway, maybe someone can bake tomorrow, saves me bumping the thread all night

>> No.92399517

/news/ also died, there's some extra sperging happening in the catalog

>> No.92399547

>/news/ also died
hope it stays dead for good

>> No.92399564

Maybe the one showing her true colors as a nijisister on her PL isn't the best example.

>> No.92399597

they're all sisters, no one else would join a corpo with so many males

>> No.92399744

A lot of them are REALITY refugees, actually.

>> No.92399785

Most of them their only experience with vtubers was the Reality app, they’re pretty isolated from any of the expectations of the rest of the vtuber community, some would even just have their boyfriend on stream.

>> No.92399843

that's worse than being a sister

>> No.92399892

I, for one, do not care

>> No.92399903

>some would even just have their boyfriend on stream.
not a single Nexan has ever done this but nice delusions you got there

>> No.92399947

Can you bake /brg/ and go back there please

>> No.92399959

Kiko, Nemuka...

>> No.92400191

>AI models
you're conflating NEXAS (the "talent agency") with AniLive (the streaming platform) and its jumpstarters

>predebuts that got nothing
this one is accurate, from what little info got fed through the various public channels

>> No.92400196

they are 100x times better than mozzu retards

>> No.92400213

nah mozzu is based

>> No.92400227

At least mites don't watch male collabing whores

>> No.92400238

I don’t want to be a bother so i’ll shut up if its a problem, it’s not my thread so it’s whatever if no one cares, hell even /brg/ doesn’t seem to anymore

>> No.92400374

t. retardmites

>> No.92400428

you'll add more value than others

>> No.92400459

>t. male vtuber

>> No.92400478

Which globie male is this?

>> No.92400512

>everyone I don't like is a male vtuber

>> No.92400530

with how often they astroturf themselves its more likely than you think

>> No.92400534

No but you are

>> No.92400551

you are though

>> No.92400588

oh I touched a nerve, cool projection

>> No.92400639

Haven’t used this thread in a while but people seem to hate males more than i remember, but they still continue to talk about them for some reason.

>> No.92400662

you are so brown and feminine

>> No.92400684

feel free to continue not using it please

>> No.92400709

Which globie male is this?

>> No.92400721

It's due to some corpo threads dismantling themselves

>> No.92400772

more like it's because of all corpos suddenly dying because they thought doubling down on male collabs was a good idea

>> No.92400777

>but people seem to hate males more than i remember,
yeah, again, that's from the influx of /vrt/ retards who watch or anti or are otherwise obsessed with mozzu, and some kawaii refugees too.

>> No.92400798

never reply to me again

>> No.92400816

textbook projection

>> No.92400838

>Mozzu anti
>defends males
kek called it

>> No.92400848

so you're saying there's more than one /vrt/ schizo?

>> No.92400857

reading comprehension doko?

>> No.92400863

yeah man we totally loved males before
where do you faggots come from, go back to your thread

>> No.92400914

it wasn't a unicorn friendly thread, I'll tell you that much

>> No.92400933

>where do you faggots come from

>> No.92400944

yeah sure

>> No.92400951

I gotta be honest I'm kind of disappointed that one guy stopped complaining about MaeFae daily

>> No.92400962

NTA but it was more indifference towards males than hatred iirc, barely anyone cared but most wouldn’t shit up the thread about it.

>> No.92400977

he didn't had that dog in him, not like MenaceAnon

>> No.92401005

yeah because people didnt have a reason to care about it, there are too many male collabs now

>> No.92401010

that's what I'm saying essentially

>> No.92401034

Posting males is shitting up the thread

>> No.92401050

awesome way to out yourself

>> No.92401087

Someone bake /brg/ please so the homobeggars can go back to their thread instead

>> No.92401088

>same to /vrt/ retards that used to try and keep their thread alive are active rn

>> No.92401124

Dead hours, there's no point in baking now.

>> No.92401160

/vrt/ doesn't like males either you dumb faggots. we're an occupied thread.

>> No.92401172

after looking around, it seems like the /vrt/ schizo is recruiting schizos from /wvt/ to shitpost here so here's your answer

>> No.92401181

/brg/ didn’t care about the males either, they just didn’t tard rage about them constantly

>> No.92401202

There's no one left in /vrt/ other than the few male lovers

>> No.92401226

that's "homobegging" to the unicucks

>> No.92401238

not being anti-male is the same thing as accepting them

>> No.92401256

again yeah it's you and the kawaii retards who shit up thread with psychosexual projections, you got it right

>> No.92401260

What a shithole of a thread

>> No.92401289

I miss the trash/wvt/ days

>> No.92401294

I think you are the schizo people are complaining about anon, no one here likes males. Why are you defending them if you don't care about them either

>> No.92401326

shut up mozzu

>> No.92401483

refer to >>92400962 and reflect on your inner life

>> No.92401484

she would have to stream to collab with males

>> No.92401524

ok but why are you defending them if you don't care

>> No.92401677

I'm not defending them I'm shitting on you fucking annoying retards! but no wonder that shit goes right over your head because you're obsessed

>> No.92401706

what a feminine post

>> No.92401748

I am both a male vtuber and a seething femanon, you got me

>> No.92401767

So since I’ve been gone, does this autism happen regularly now?

>> No.92401792

no, we usually don't get homobeggars here

>> No.92401820

No one posts or talks about males unless it's to shit on them when they're in a collab

>> No.92401850

Yeah, schizos from /vrt/ fucked up the thread a bit

>> No.92401888

Yeah for a bit, always the same language used too

>> No.92401983

Reasons why >we dislike males:
1) They don't bring anything fresh to the table besides BFE
2) They regularly underperform, there isn't a female audience to sustain them and are a waste of money for a corpo
3) Collabs are trash entertainment, aren't fun, and usually alienate fans more than attract them on both sides
4) Male vtubers have a serious problem regarding being sexpests and harassing females because they want to date them
5) The obnoxious /here/ posting is incredibly obvious, go back

You want to be taken seriously? Go the FirstStage EN route with BFE and stick to your lane. Don't bring your autism /here/.

>> No.92402002

i just like cute anime girls man, i dont want to see any guys

>> No.92402027

Careful, they'll call you a schizo

>> No.92402032

fucking kek

>> No.92402124

You can dislike males, but going on and on and doing a list of reasons why just proves you're brain broken and full of projections, just be normal and don't shit up thread or go back to /pkg/ or bake /vrt/ or generally just go back, man

>> No.92402131

Indeed, males are like kryptonite for CGDCT enjoyers.

The worst part is when female chuubas have this savior complex and try to help their friends, at the cost of their own growth and audience for basically no reason because males have a completely separate fanbase from the female side.

>> No.92402156

>you can dislike males
>t. the guy who started having a meltdown because of a single anti-male post

>> No.92402157

Nobody is telling you to like males, you’re being told to stop wasting the threads time obsessing about them.

>> No.92402173

and goes on and on and on
how about you tell us who hurt you? That at least would spice it up a bit

>> No.92402181

Can you fuck off back to your general please

>> No.92402216
File: 2 KB, 335x106, 1720514165169053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb faggots, no one here likes males. No one wants to see males.
Why are you here defending them so hard, what are you trying to achieve here? Just fuck off, why are you here?

>> No.92402244

are you just replying to yourself at this point

>> No.92402263

For the record, that was my first post all day and I only backread enough to get the gist of the conversation. But I'm a regular. And I'm going to keep telling you to fuck off if you think bringing males in /here/ for any reason other than to make fun of them is appropriate.

>> No.92402275

>Further prove that it's the /vrt/ faggots that are obsessed with males
hahaha you can't make this shit up, you guys are brilliant, might want to learn how to false flag or something, if you can even grasp at the concept

>> No.92402296

>homobeggar cant stop seething about Mozzu
lol, did she hurt your feelings?

>> No.92402312
File: 1.07 MB, 1271x1020, 368256684676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92402361

you can't hurt anyone's feelings except your own :)

>> No.92402380

There's one male I respect and that's Zhuni. My boy gave up despite his talents and went back to teaching computer science.

>> No.92402383

The "/vrt/ faggots" people complain about are the male posters that took over that thread, probably you. I don't know why you're trying so hard to make people accept males here too, it's not going to happen

>> No.92402411

I really just want to thank you for proving the main point I've been making on this long conversation, it's you, retarded obsessed Mozzu adjacent faggots, who have been making this thread in particular worse over the last couple of months and it is you who are obsessed with male collabing and everything of the sort, really, thanks for the proof and confirmation!
Have a good night, try to dream about your oshi instead of males this time, ok?

>> No.92402434

he complains about /pkg/ too even though the /pkg/ schizo people hate is the single cuckposting anti-cgdct schizo lmao, these faggots live in their schizo bubble and think people agree with them

>> No.92402473

Anon this conversation started because you randomly shat on Mozzu, and I called you a male vtuber
Then you turned out to be a schizo who tries really hard to defend male vtubers. I don't know why you see that as a win

>> No.92402489


>> No.92402497

>trying to gaslight when you literally proved it's you >>92402216 people who are obsessed
>trying to accuse me of shilling or running defense for males when I'm just telling you to stop shitting threads and stop obsessing over it
>goes on long tirades explaining and even listing why they dislike males
C'mon man, what are we doing here, you can't be this obvious

>> No.92402533

>shat on Mozzu
>and I called you a male vtuber
See what I'm saying?

>> No.92402601

This board is so funny

>> No.92402627

obsessed with what retard, you're literally pissing and shitting your pants because people said they don't like males like they always do here
where have you been for the last 500 threads?

>> No.92402815

>people said they don't like males like they always do here
only you whine about it this much though, most of us are indifferent or mature enough not to spazz out like that. imagine chilling while watching streams and then you see 20 posts of spergout about something that has nothing to do with you or ongoing streams.

>> No.92402830

>Obsessed with what?
The gem >>92401983
The mask off >>92402216
You're honestly quite a bit obsessed and unfortunately, the subject of your obsession is not your oshi!

>> No.92402873

How very generic of you.

>> No.92402882

Mitecucks ruin another thread

>> No.92402884

Ran OP next?

>> No.92402897

What mask off? The discussion started because you were shitting on Mozzu anyway, I never tried to hide that I'm a mite? Seems more like you're obsessed with Mozzu for some reason anon, could it be because she made fun of male vtubers?

>> No.92402900

we are overdue for an acti op

>> No.92402941

Acti is going to collab with males

>> No.92402978

get me out of this faggot

>> No.92402985

>shit on mozzuschizos ruining thread
>uuuh huh erm you're a male vtuber!
>you defend males!
Truth is I have nothing against Mozzu, she's always wonderful and nice in collabs with people I watch, but you people who have fucked up the thread for a couple of months by now well, that I have something against

>> No.92402995
File: 27 KB, 404x720, 1664489453383068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should cook up a devious bake

>> No.92402998

I’m gonna collab with your mom in bed

>> No.92403005

>going to
She already did like three times

>> No.92403006

she us going to offpako tomorrow with a male at the bar and later with the same male in his bed

>> No.92403031

That male?
C'est moi

>> No.92403034

so let me get this straight
>you were anti-ing mozzu
>people said it's because you're a male vtuber fan
>you turned out to be a male vtuber fan

>> No.92403111

Reading comprehension

>> No.92403126

so let me get this straight
>someone said something negative about mozzufags
>you started sperging out that they are male fans
>got btfo'd like a retard you are

>> No.92403164

>>you were anti-ing mozzu
Here's how it went:
>>92400196(me) not anti-ing mozzu but you and a couple of other retards
Then male collabing out nowhere >>92400227 and then it goes on from there, it's literally on this thread, you're so womanly with all this gaslighting behavior

>> No.92403175

I don't care post the rotoscopy

>> No.92403196

we love fleshposting whores here

>> No.92403206

Menace mogs

>> No.92403411

You seem to be an outsider so you wouldn't know but shitting on male collabers is the normal behavior here. Now please bake /brg/ and stay in your thread

>> No.92403417

quote me when she posts pictures in underwear
until then I'll take the lollipop whore

>> No.92403533

stop sperging out retard, 100 posts that bring nothing just because you have a hate boner

>> No.92403683

you're the one sperging out homolover

>> No.92403837


>> No.92403842

>n-no u
