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92037228 No.92037228 [Reply] [Original]

>Enter Kiara, Mori and Nerissa

>> No.92037274

Replace Nerisaa with Bae

>> No.92037328
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>and not Bae
Just admit you are gay

>> No.92037393

Nerissa literally has the sexiest voice in Hololive after IRyS.
You have to be a ragging homosexual to not get horny by her voice, and yet here you are putting her in the same tier as Mori and Kiara

>> No.92037438
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Mori and Nerissa are no where as bad as Kiara and Bae OP

>> No.92037493
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>> No.92037512

>Enter Kiara, Nerissa, GG, Biboo, Bae, FWMC

>> No.92037520
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I am quite certain this thread was made by a Brat

>> No.92037620

How can anyone be so delusional, Nerissa has the best voice in her gen, and she probably has top 3 most pleasant voices and singing in En.
For voices, I would say Gura, IRyS are better than her.
As for singing, only IRyS and ERB are better than her. I would argue she is even better than ERB even

>> No.92037706

Who in their right minds will put Nerissa here instead of Biboo, FWMC, Bae and CC?

>> No.92037892

Nerissa sounds like a woman that gets rotisserie chickens at Costco after church and complains to her husband how she misses Boston Market.

>> No.92037921

my chuuba good
your chuuba bad

>> No.92038083

I don't understand how someone find Nerissa voice pleasant. She sounds like a fat chick from Litchfield trying to put an accent.

>> No.92038163

Just say you like sucking cocks mate

>> No.92038204
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>> No.92038250

>She sounds like a fat chick from Litchfield trying to put an accent.
Holy shit, this anon is literally black

>> No.92038422

No way you didn't include Fauna at number 1, let alone top 3. You must be a fag.

>> No.92038482

Do people found bae loud?

>> No.92038481

She is not better than Gura or IRyS amd I prefer Nerissa over her

>> No.92038547

Her accent is literally just like Enna's accent and I guess find that repulsive. It's the generic Chinese girl raised in Australia accent

>> No.92038605

>No way you didn't include Fauna at number 1
Fauna is not better than Gura Sapling. I understand you have mommy issues, but not way is her voice better than Gura and even you know it

>> No.92038645

Nigga, Fauna literally fakes and forces herself with that voice. Are you actually being serious?

>> No.92038699
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>Best voice

>> No.92038785

Kek, is this how Fauna fags cope?
First shit on your oshi's genamte and then claim your oshi to be best ar everything. No wonder Promise gave her a middle finger

>> No.92038953

It's not her voice it's her basic white bitch vibes. Reminds me too much of the trash I grew up surrounded by.

>> No.92039016

>Anons that want to fuck fat girls.

>> No.92040058

>Enter GG
dear god

>> No.92040460
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yeah i want to fuck her

>> No.92040781

I sure wonder where OP is from.

>> No.92041034

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.92041343

interesting choice

>> No.92041387

ogey SEAchama

>> No.92041428

>good at singing

>> No.92041650

After reading a 5ch comment saying Nerissa has an AV voice she became way more entertaining

>> No.92042318

this but bau bau

>> No.92044462


>> No.92046226

