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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9185695 No.9185695 [Reply] [Original]

It's over for HoloEN2. This is still the peak of their popularity. How bad is their viewership going to get in the coming months?

>> No.9185920

Sana is going to be HoloID tier viewership

>> No.9186020

Too good from 'em I say.

>> No.9186204

They speak the same language and stream for the same timezones. Did you think ID's viewership was the label?

>> No.9187369

Terrible. In fact, I predict they will all be graduated and the entire thing terminated within 6 weeks.

>> No.9187628

Rrat superchat stream in few hours. Let's watch with great interes.

>> No.9187645

t. 2view reject

>> No.9187790

Are you okay? It's always been up, down then up again for Holo.
You're just comparing them to Holomyth debuts which is unfair cause everything basically lined up perfectly for their entrance to the scene.

>> No.9187898

hope they've learned to not hire SEAnig for EN ever again

>> No.9188012
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This is ID number

>> No.9188039

LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE. No wonder this gen is a failure. I can't wait for JP6 to be announced (without any lore shit videos that kill hype) and immediately debut (without any lore shit that kills hype) JP6 is about to BTFO pitiful management fuelled arrogance that birthed this shit gen. Save us YAGOO.

>> No.9188052

South East Asia is the worst

>> No.9188072
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1k~3k isn't bad. There are plenty in HoloJP that get 5k or lower live views.

>> No.9188133

>Super chat catch up

>> No.9188135

Hololuve EN2 is fine, stop trying to manufacture bullshit drama out of nothing as always.

>> No.9188145

Cute comfy streams with a slow chat. I see no problems here.

>> No.9188288

Looks like EN is following Digimon season quality, meaning the next gens will be good followed by Kino.

>> No.9188722
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>> No.9188785

stop... don't bully risu

>> No.9188894

Bae won't stop speaking japanese. Mumei and Fauna have been doxxed. Kronii and Sana remain the last beacons of hope.

>> No.9189135

>pitiful management fuelled arrogance that birthed this shit gen
*EN Management.

Samefagging to clarify that oversight but also to add. EN Management have developed big egos after their first attempt was a breakout success. But these fools failed to realize that EN benefitted from being carried by their superior peers. And that being JP gen. Coco's Mere presence. Korones Eekum Bokum, Mario and marathons. And Pekoras PEAK FICTION MINECRAFT ADVENTURES ft moons etc etc etc. All that hype was transferred over to EN1 branch on a Silver platter. Yet EN1 couldn't maintain the same energy for their successors/kouhai. I am the disappointed. Now Sana will remain Roboko tier and be labeled "the hobo of hololive along with the Rat"

>> No.9189497
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I miss the kino minecraft days.

>> No.9189790


I like tp keep Sana for myself

>> No.9190023

You'll have to fight me for her.

>> No.9190397

It’s not like the two nepotism hires end in being not shit go figure but fuck nepotism right

>> No.9190705

I don't think there is any good will left for her due to her constant hiatuses/lack of streams. Though she does have her die hards.

>> No.9191140
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>> No.9191612

All those numbers are better than superchat catch up.

>> No.9191708

The problem is that other than Ceres who does EN ASMR, none of them seem to have any sort of niche in hololive. None of them play an instrument, sing a unique genre, play special kinds of games, have a particularly unique personality, or are sufficiently skilled in an already existing niche to stand out.

There's nothing to latch onto like there was for EN1 so they sort of faded away already.

>> No.9191768


>> No.9191914

you don't even watch streams

>> No.9191950

this whole thread is shit. i hope you all kill yourselves

>> No.9192010

Screenshoted, if this doesn't happen I will call you a faggot in front of all of /vt/

>> No.9192136

Kiara - German
Mori - Rap
Ina - Art
Gura - top-tier singing and memes
Ame - Creative use of the streaming medium

All of these traits are instantly memorable and people can latch onto them instantly. Can you do the same for EN2?

>> No.9192358

>Gura - top-tier singing and memes

>> No.9192451

Owl is pure-cute and clearly found her niche, Clock is self assured and depressed.
Plus you never know, it you had actually watched old Hololive you would know some holos just really entered in the peak of their game a bit later, Aqua struggled at the start (in fact all of gen2 in the Choco in the lead era struggled) Pekora took a long while, and even Koro-san had a rough first month.
I think Fauna will keep herself estabilished since she is a good writer if you know her previous life, Rrat will depend on how she blooms and I am sure Sana can make herself at least Flare like, though her model debuff will continue for a long time.

>> No.9192485

I was being sarcastic. All these retards doomposting about Gen2 because they don't all have 500k subs in less than 2 weeks are going to look very silly.

>> No.9192553

The daily thread

>> No.9192649

Pure cute? So a niche that’s already filled a dozen times over. Got it.

>> No.9192761

In EN? The "I don't say bad words" type is actually rare, no? The closest I can think is Rosemi who is also ascending.

>> No.9193126

>Owl is pure-cute and clearly found her niche, Clock is self assured and depressed.

Gura and Kiara more than cover those niches already, except that they have more to show than just that.

>Plus you never know, it you had actually watched old Hololive you would know some holos just really entered in the peak of their game a bit later, Aqua struggled at the start (in fact all of gen2 in the Choco in the lead era struggled) Pekora took a long while, and even Koro-san had a rough first month.

You're completely right that EN2 seems to be following the model of 2019 era hololive instead of 2020 hololive. And as such they are getting 2019-level subs and engagement instead of soaring through the stratosphere like EN1 did.

>I think Fauna will keep herself estabilished since she is a good writer if you know her previous life,

I already said Ceres had a proper niche.

>Rrat will depend on how she blooms and I am sure Sana can make herself at least Flare like, though her model debuff will continue for a long time.

Right, so they have no "thing" for people to latch on to.

>> No.9193365

Anon, you either use the numbers or you don't, Mumei and Kronii have good numbers therefore under the logic of this thread they have a niche, they are as similar to Kiara and Gura as lemon pie is to apple pie, a bit close but clearly bringing their own twist.

>> No.9193711

We're just two weeks into their careers and those two are only getting 5k subs a day. That's absolutely abysmal for someone still riding the post-debut boom.

>> No.9194144

>Gura and Kiara more than cover those niches already, except that they have more to show than just that.
Can tell you don’t watch clock her voice is her draw kiara/Gura is nothing close to her

>> No.9194401

You mentioned her being self-assured and depressed as her niche. Not her voice.

But if you want to go with than, then I'll just point out that her voice is pretty similar to Mori's.

>> No.9194597

I don’t Calli has the radio/tv ad voice like Kronii does.

>> No.9194653

Wait I thought you guys said HoloEN 2 was gonna close everything out of the water some of them get 3.2K live viewers what went wrong? I thought HololiveEN was better than this?

>> No.9194685

don’t think*

>> No.9194825

I mean, they're not completely identical, but they do have many similarities.

>> No.9195147

Sure they are on the deeper side but again Kronii has that announcer quality to her voice which is a strong enough differentiator, and it is precisely that quality that makes her voice more appealing than average

>> No.9195188

Dunno man, Sana is my favorite and I'll try to support her as long as she keeps up what she's been doing so far.
Mumei and Baelz I like but am on the fence with, I like some of their game choices but their personalities both are on opposite ends of what I like as far as Mumei's "airheaded-ness" and Baelz's volume peaking lol.
Fauna is great, love her streams and her "uuuuu~" every 30 seconds.
And Kronii... I didn't like who she was before Hololive and because of that I can't be bothered to watch her at all. Boggles me that all she had to do was give people an "ara ara" and they all bought in to Kronii coin, but everyone is different.
At this rate I think I'd still prefer watching others and will probably stop watching as much of the council, except Sana and maybe Fauna.

>> No.9195366

>Kiara - German
>Gura - top-tier singing and memes
>Ame - Creative use of the streaming medium
thanks for the good laugh anon, I needed that

>> No.9195758

You're really splitting hairs here. I guess I can give it to you, but I don't think "announcer voice" is much of a niche in the first place.
Keep in mind that what you are putting foreward as Kronii's main trait is being compared against Mori's like, 6th main trait, and she's not winning out by much.

Do you disagree with any of that?

>> No.9195855

The reason why people like Kronii is because it’s a low bar. It’s like “sure why not”

>> No.9196003

That's a fair point, I'm sure if I never connected the dots on who she was before I'd honestly probably be in the same boat.

>> No.9196241

the onee san voice "ara ara" is the most overdone shit it's so weird seeing how much people like it

>> No.9196436

Gen6 will never happen after the colossal flop and disappointment that was Gen5. Mori alone has more worth in her wet fart than all four of them.

>> No.9196519
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Keep your filthy hands off my wife

>> No.9196590

It's probably gonna average 5-8k viewers and she's not making anywhere near the money that Kronii did. The rat has no clear direction and no settled audience so what I'm more interested in is whether her subscribers stagnate between 200-300k or if she'll maintain a decent growth rate. I got nothing against the rat, I just don't think the market is so exploitable that she'll get any more momentum from just the Hololive branding alone.

>> No.9196651

The boom is over anon. We back in the normal pace from now on

>> No.9196689

>Mori alone has more worth in her wet fart than all four of them.

Isn't Lamy a supachat monster?

>> No.9196737

Sana - nigger
Mumei - a meme
Kronii - sex
Rrat - top tier singer

>> No.9196752

Each gen still gets a debut boom. Its already over for EN2 because they are boring, but there's always going to be a debut boom.

>> No.9196843

>Rrat - top tier singer
She's above average, but nowhere near top-tier.

>> No.9196877

I'm still midly pissed that they completely ditched the numbered gen format in favor of retarded naming conventions supposedly for "muh equality". Indogs aren't autistic about senpai-kouhaism but they're still in numbered batches. Trying too hard to be different.

>> No.9196897
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>It's over for HoloEN2. This is still the peak of their popularity. How bad is their viewership going to get in the coming months?
no shit, you just picked the bottom 2

>> No.9197039

>I'm still midly pissed that they completely ditched the numbered gen format

Literally everyone is calling them gen 2 though. Even the girls themselves more often than not.

>> No.9197081

Im not the original anon, I just think the fact that Mori also has a relatively deep voice doesn’t negate the fact that Kronii’s voice is a unique and standout quality.

>> No.9197199

I remember during debut everyone's immediate reaction was that she sounded a lot like Mori.

I don't think its unique enough to call it a completely separate niche.

>> No.9197221

So does Mori and she can at least write songs of varying quality but Lamy is just another talentless fodder in the shitpile.

>> No.9197293

Yeah but management made it abundantly clear that they're not. That shit threw me off.

>> No.9197319

Here's how things work OP, when Kiara gets those numbers we make fun of her so KFP get mad. When anyone else gets that low then we start to say that those are actually great numbers because blah blah blah.

>> No.9197328

>So does Mori
But not as much as Lamy https://playboard.co/en/youtube-ranking/most-superchatted-all-channels-in-worldwide-total

>> No.9197493

Lamy panders to lonely salarymen by becoming a glorified hostess of sorts in her zatsudans because that's the extent of her ability
Mori actually earned her money through a more respectable means

>> No.9197618

Ok, but that still means gen 5 isn't a "horrible flop" as you put it. It doesn't matter how the money comes in.

>> No.9197745

I would love to hear about these "more respectable means".

>> No.9197833
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who cares, they're fun

>> No.9199345

post good clips

>> No.9199655

What about the other 3? EN has 3 standout talents. Ina can draw pretty pictures, Mori can make music and Gura is an exceptional singer. Botan can play games (wow) Nene needs to be 3D to be somewhat worthwhile and Polka was supposedly a big deal due to her past life but no one watches her and much like Lamy, she has no talent.

>> No.9200992

Botan gets tons of sponsorships.
