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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9162899 No.9162899 [Reply] [Original]

The days of Hololive being a guaranteed ticket to fame are over, and Sana is proof.

>> No.9162955

I mean it's still WAY more than the next company gets but yeah, it is on the downslope.
Hopefully this will mean more talent from more places

>> No.9163004

Always remember that Miko was in the mud before she dropped the N word

It's possible she'll turn it around


>> No.9163029

Sana has gamer word privileges so maybe she should try this gamble.

>> No.9163032

its cuz shes streaming on seanigger hours and ESLs get auto filtered by her accent

>> No.9163050

Sana is a sweetie and will do just fine.

>> No.9163101

She's fine. 3.5k viewers counted on a Horoscopes stream seems pretty decent.

>> No.9163254

No retard, what's really happening is that now there's 11 chuubas instead of 5-6 competing for the same audience. All Holo potential viewers were already there during the pandemics, now that people went back to their usual life, a couple left. And it's been a while since HoloEN has been bleeding viewers into outsiders, namely Uto, Nabi and recently NijiEN. Yeah, those are like 5-10% of the potential viewers but it's still a significant amount of people that could be boosting views and superchatting Holos instead.

>> No.9163342
File: 223 KB, 527x1145, 4ACE19E5-D1A0-4DCE-8F92-31E88EC36B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s at 4am PDT.
Pic is her lowest stream compared to Rat

>> No.9163351

Maybe they should pick entertaining people next time instead of releasing fake applications and not looking at them.....

>> No.9163383

what in the god fuck are you even talking about

>> No.9163433

>too late for west coasties
>too early for east coast wagies

>> No.9163446

what would be the viewer count if it started 6 hours later?

>> No.9163507

Why would she stream at such a horrible timeslot for 90% of the worlds English speakers.

>> No.9163527

Fucking shit ass poop God damn fucker fucking fuck cunt.

Why are vshojo fags incapable of swearing properly?

>> No.9163537

Yeah, at that time is Sana’s lowest views. Still she isn’t the lowest of all in terms of a bad stream, as the Rat got that so far.

>> No.9163548

Sana.. even the nigger vsinger get more views than this

>> No.9163661

Even better. Now that EN has become a legit uninflated market where the girls have to compete for viewers, they now must spend real effort into establishing their own brand.
But Sana though, is a special, if not stupid, case. She seems to be hiding her art level with all her might for some dumb reasons, and looking at her schedule, it feels like she has completely abandoned her own art career for chuubaing. Maybe she has seen how her bf made a fuckton of bucks in a year and overvalued the streaming job, not knowing that Ina's schtick in the first few months was literally "She draws you know".

>> No.9163662
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I... didn't even mention Vshojo...? What in the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9163731

Typical vshojo fag can't even reply correctly.
Many cases, very sad.

>> No.9163762

what the FUCK is this thread

>> No.9163780

It’s weird if people pretend she has the lowest viewed stream in Gen2, when there is a pic in this thread showing she doesn’t have the lowest.

But it’s a bad time for Sana to stream, so I imagine she will learn from it. It excludes the US, which is sleeping at that time. The US makes up a large portion of the EN speaking audience.

>> No.9163891

She doesn't have a bf, that rrat is dead on the ground
Unless you mean Ina

>> No.9163932

the star shapes on her shoulder are her normal skin colour

>> No.9163938

Literally just don't have ugly brown skin

>> No.9164045

She’s being dumb and steaming during JP time when her audience is mostly western. She’s not speaking Japanese half the time like the rat and has an accent so she filters ESLs.

>> No.9164075

I'm actually australian and the hours piss me the fuck off, I'm not waking up that fucking early for this shit

>> No.9164100

>drawn by Pako
>has the worst English-based accent
Never stood a chance.

>> No.9164126

You should care more about the rat

>> No.9164137

Not so fast. She hasn't been monetized yet.

>> No.9164180

>Anya exists
>Iofi exists
Holy slowpoke

>> No.9164212

What do you think about her accent as an Australian? Is it unusually thick?

>> No.9164230

>She’s being dumb and steaming during JP time when her audience is mostly western
Pretty much. Makes zero sense
>She’s not speaking Japanese half the time like the rat and has an accent so she filters ESLs.
Which simply compounds the problem of why it’s a bad time for her.

>> No.9164347

>Shit model
>Shit rigging
>Shit content
>Bullshit pagan horoscopes
>SEAnigger in Australia with Aussie hours
Gee I wonder why she's so bad

>> No.9164362

It's proof that they should be hiring people who actually auditioned for these positions.

>> No.9164385

At first I thought she was british so it was obnoxious, the rat I've heard many similar before so I knew she was Australian, makes me laugh people thought she was from brooklyn or some shit.

But after watching some tv in god knows how fucking long (I primarily watch youtube and twitch) because aussie tv is dog shit her types do exist, all obnoxious, least to me, but that's just her voice she's proven herself to be intelligent unlike the vast majority of us cunts

But like most chuubaas she could be putting it on a little more just to hide herself a little, I'm faintly aware she had a past life but I've never heard her to say if she's really putting it on or if that's just her

>> No.9164402

Numberfaggotry of such an unimportant caliber, yet here >we are.
>OP is a faggot

>> No.9164406

3k viewers is very good for a new vtuber
it's in the same ballpark as snuffy and smaller vshojos

>> No.9164496

Yeah. You'll know when they do a celebration stream for it. Fauana did one and Kronii's is upcoming. The other 3 will have it happen pretty soon.

>> No.9164531 [DELETED] 

Cry more SEAmonkey

>> No.9165597

>this stream bad time for EN audiences especially NA
>nobody gives a shit about astrology so no shit this stream would have debuff views

You schizos need to fucking rope already man. Tired of these pointless threads

>> No.9166889

you're saying they didn't choose Sana from the audition?

>> No.9166960

Sana is Ina's friend

>> No.9166999

>Hololive being a guaranteed ticket to fame
This happened literally once because they were the first EN branch of a big name corporation, newfagchama

>> No.9167049

are you sure? my wife never invited a ni- home

>> No.9167061

>uh... NUMBERS
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid numberfags are, you're obsessed with large numbers but don't even know what they mean or how the compare to other vtubers.

>> No.9167086

I like Sana but skipped this stream cause the bread thing came off as a literal joke at first then she was like oh no I'm actually into this dumb shit. She at least doesn't seem to take it too seriously, but I can't stand to listen to this. Her game choices other than rhythm heaven have been pretty debuff too

>> No.9167117

there will never be another black vtuber from a large company because of her

>> No.9167118

Hey don't lump us together with them, the true numberfags in /#/ know what actual success is like, it's just numberniggers like OP that are retarded

>> No.9167153

She's not black she's part indog

>> No.9167160

despite doing relatively poorly compared to her hololive colleagues she's still doing better than 99,9% of vtubers out there. despite zero previous experience as a vtuber. if that's not a boost then i don't know what is, anon.

>> No.9167163

You’re dumb. She has BOOBA and I like it

>> No.9167175

Absolutely based, I love Sana now

>> No.9167181

I am bread was kino

>> No.9167185

Sana will incline massively when they get new outfits around next year. Nothing wrong with how she looks now (imo) but I think we're looking at a repeat of Nene.

>> No.9167287

She's fun, and seeing her nice spread of jam was good.

>> No.9167318

I really don't understand her scheduling. Does she have other work commitments? Why would you stream in English on a workday so early in the morning? Anything west of EST isn't even awake yet! With her quirky interests and art skills it seems like taking the Ina route of finding a relatively quiet timeslot and being religiously consistent about streaming and doing some art streams to boost her social media presence would be the smart thing to do (Ina's Holo art gets massive likes and retweets, and has cultivated a fanbase that has a ton of drawfags to create even more content). Is it by choice?

>> No.9167389

There are no new viewers, they just keep dividing between the existing fanbase.

>> No.9167433

3k viewer is not fame? This has to be bait

>> No.9167464

I bet it's by choice to not "compete" with Ina or something since they friends. That and it seems other council members wanna do the draw thing

>> No.9167474

He's talking about the fact that all of EN2 are recycled from people already in the industry or close to people in the industry. Which has been the case since HoloJP 1 but people like to pretend that it wasn't

>> No.9167512

she's a professional illustrator/graphic designer.

I assume she doesn't work as fast as Ina so she needs to dedicate time to that as well.

>> No.9167516

Fuck America, hope you get another 9/11

>> No.9167577

Based Taliban vtuber enjoyer

>> No.9167581

Honestly just fucking scrap Gen 2 already. What an absolute disaster, through and through. Terrible designs, terrible streams, terrible rampant roomate drama, and all for what? Terrible numbers.

>> No.9167689

>I really don't understand her scheduling
Well she said that she is trying different times, so I assume she will look over the information to evaluate who got to see her, and who didn’t.
Drawing doesn’t mean competing with Ina, just as playing games doesn’t mean she’s competing with everyone that plays games.

>> No.9167838
File: 147 KB, 1914x1078, 34741A4F-1D0A-4828-8E90-8032ABE688F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and die faggot. Numberfags are the worst posters here

>> No.9167852

Difficult time for me as an EST but I was able to have her on in the background. And while it was a cute stream I can’t recommend the VOD, aside from the fact that it was short. She knows that it is pseudoscience but she still likes talking about it which is fine. If I were in her shoes, I would have done something like Ame in the AM except with a focus on Virgo. A comedy routine basically like the bread stream. Aside from that I was interested when she brought up the Trolley problem. But discussing philosophy and morality is probably too yab given how divisive/controversial those can be

>> No.9167879

Her problem is Horoscopes are generally something that a lot more women enjoy than men, but Holos are overwhelmingly watched by men. Also her hours are really bad. It's pretty early even for EU so wageslaves and many kids/students can't watch her. She's basically relying on Aussies, Nips and SEA to watch her. And the latter two probably prefer to watch HoloJP.

>> No.9167902

Only retarded women give a shit about horoscopes. Nobody with half a brain would watch that trash, regardless of who's streaming it.

>> No.9168047

It's a boost but not as big as it was, at least not 10K viewership guaranteed. That's what OP means.

>> No.9168057

I honestly can't believe that people on this board were saying that Sana was the smartest member of Gen 2. /vt/ really is so contrarian that they're willing to say that a woman who believes that random balls of plasma that are lightyears away determine your personality has anything above a room temperature IQ, just so they can support the least popular member of Hololive.

>> No.9168099

those numbers are similar to Kiara playing a buff game so it doesn't seems too bad

I watched her streams and she's really fun so Idk why people are ignoring her

>> No.9168231

>streams at a terrible time for an English speaking audience
>only speaks English
>terrible accent that filters almost all EOPs, and even some native speakers
>skin color and not speaking Japanese filters the nips
>horoscope retardation filters anyone with half a brain
That's why.

>> No.9168241

Actually in the beginning of the horoscope stream, Sana said not to take it seriously. That it wasn’t real, or something to that effect. It’s not like she doesn’t know.

>> No.9168296

Sana was the one Ina was speaking about in her story about flip flops/ thongs story.

>> No.9168301

Anon… she opened her stream with a disclaimer. She knows it is pseudoscience but she still finds it fun/interesting

>> No.9168328

Fucking retard. It's just like tarot. It's just a fun way to randomly group up people and compliment them. She isn't an insane tumblr witch that thinks they can cast magic to defeat Allah.

>> No.9168327

I mean... that is literally how it works for anything industry.

>> No.9168370

I think it’s mostly just a bad timeslot and mehhh content. Once her hours stop being shit and she gets some bing bing wahoo game to play I think she’ll be fine.

>> No.9168405

Ina doesn't have a consistent timeslot. She will get evening/night euro/ afternoon NA a lot, but lately she is streams in the late night euro/ evening NA slot, ealry moring NA/ afternoon slot, and the night slot that Ame and IRyS usually take. even her afternoon slots jump around the times from early afternoon to late afternoon in NA.

>> No.9168431

>witch that thinks they can cast magic to defeat Allah

I don’t know how it would be implemented, but imagine a holo leading a TTRPG campaign with chat controlling the characters. Viewers could vote using chat kinda like what happened in Ame’s outfit stream

>> No.9168441

It is, but some people thought that "application" meant "Gen 2 will be composed mostly of unknown people"

>> No.9168731

Once Sana gets a collab with Kiara her numbers will improve way faster.

>> No.9168875

going outside makes you a nigger. we don't leave the house. That would be inappropriate

>> No.9168884

I hope so too, they said thy were talking over discord, so maybe getting advice from Kiara will help her improve in her stream.
No wonder Kiara is one of the best Vtubers there is, always help, do collabs, connects, and teach

>> No.9168927

some people aren't very smart

>> No.9169032

We can agree on that

>> No.9169144

why are kfp like this?

>> No.9169314

For being an ENGLISH branch they certainly don't stream during real ENGLISH hours. If I want to watch a 4am stream that's what JP is for.

>> No.9169665

It is though. If she streamed from scratch she'd have no viewers at all. Just look at that chick from VOMS that got booted and started over. Her vods don't even break 1000 views now. If she started as an indie she'd be a tiny fraction of what she is now. It's a huge fucking boost.

>> No.9169728

Yes, and in the stream following that she said she was treading carefully because she didn't want to risk putting people off as astrology is a very polarizing subject. In other words, she was scared of showing her power level. She clearly believes in astrology, otherwise she wouldn't spend so much time on it, lol.

>> No.9169812

Not necessarily. She could find it fun without actually believing it’s true.

>> No.9169932

I unironically think Sana's model is just as bad if not worse than IRyS's, and I'm not saying it has anything to do with her skin color, it just looks shitty and low-effort. I think that's why her artist gave her such big tits, because he knew it would detract attention from all the corners he cut while shitting it out. I guarantee it was a last-minute rush job.

Plus Sana herself is the most basic and bland person imaginable. Like literally you can go to a Starbucks and pick a random woman out of the line, put her behind Sana's rig and give her a voice changer, and most people wouldn't notice there was anything different.

>> No.9170050

She can also find it fun and believing in it, which is the likeliest scenario. This is some weird cope people have because they like her but look down on astrology.

>> No.9170117

it's like she's gimping herself just to see how many debuffs she can stack at once

>> No.9170133

She read too much rrats here and now has impostor syndrome

>> No.9170209

>likeliest scenario
It’s actually less likely. She seems to care about science, and said not to take astrology seriously by contrast. If we take her at her word, then it’s just fun and games to her.

>> No.9170250

Oh my god dude. "She seems to care about" vs a confirmed huge passion of hers. This is some next level cope you've got going on here.

>> No.9170307

first paragraph agree 100%

second paragraph applies to all of holocouncil except the rat.
I hope they'll do better as they relax into their roles.

>> No.9170315

>lately she is streams in the late night euro/ evening NA slot, ealry moring NA/ afternoon slot, and the night slot that Ame and IRyS usually take
Are you sure those streams aren't collabs? Because unless we're not living on the same Earth, Ina's solo streams always start at the same time since her debut for me, except for like, 5 times at most.

>> No.9170378

Astrology is not real and people who believe in it are low IQ.

Simple as.

>> No.9170387

SEAfag here. I really wish I was into Council because their timeslot is (very often) pure heaven to me, especially with the coof going on.

>> No.9170545

She does like science with a passion. Here is proof:


>> No.9170549

That's expected, every new generation is more and more niche to avoid business cannibalism (as in one holo doesn't steal another one's views and income), but this also saturates the market, the demand isn't growing that much anymore and some people just want to try something else and end up moving.
Hololive is the definition of industrilized, it'll keep mass producing chuubas to cater to all possible tastes. But that bloats their own market and ends up screwing them up.

>> No.9170748

>her hours are really bad
Not for me boi
and I don't even watch her

>> No.9170757

LMAO a few months later and in Holo EN 3 they're going to have Niji EN 1 tier numbers. The fad is over in the west.

>> No.9171086

>She does like science with a passion
>couldn't even describe the gravitational constant

she's read a wikipedia article or taken a physics 101 course. cope.

>> No.9171088

You're asserting something contrary to what she herself said with no evidence beyond "dude trust me" and you're accusing others of coping? Go massage your prostate and get a clear head, anon.

>> No.9171163

based /thread

>> No.9171204

That's high school physics anon

>> No.9171221

Its all coming together

>> No.9171283

Easily the worst and most boring Holo Council, that's why nobody watches her.

>> No.9171310

The Hololive buff is strong but the poo skin debuff cancels it.

>> No.9171388

The debate was over her not liking science as much as astrology, while she seems to talk with much more passion over science. Now even with all things being equal, she said not to take astrology seriously. So either she is lying, or she is not.

>> No.9171525

no one wants to listen to some bogan sounding shelia tell horoscopes

>> No.9171571

Astrology is unfalsifiable*, which usually means that it's pointless to discuss it with someone that doesn't share values with you with the goal of convincing anyone. Same with religion really

>Mind blown by Nolan's movies
I'm so sorry for Sanalites and whatever is the name of Kronii's fans. They are fun/entertaining movies, I won't deny that, but mind-blowing? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here

Then why is she doing astrology streams and not science streams? Genuinely asking. Maybe this is a retarded idea from Cover?

>> No.9171724

To me it's not the brown skin, it's the 2004-esque face design. Gods what a misstep that was.

>> No.9171735
File: 136 KB, 1051x590, 11D04DFC-32AE-44EC-97DF-2FBE260274F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why is she doing astrology streams and not science streams?
This pic is for the most part her first astrology stream. I assume she thinks it’s less serious, meaning she doesn’t need to understand it perfectly and no one will pick it apart in a serious way. That could be comforting. Then all she needs is to find it entertaining and hope the viewer does as well.

>> No.9171952

That's a good explanation, thanks. You're right that trying to make an entire stream on physics could be very stressful if she didn't study it and only know the pop-science aspect of it. A bit like Mio's "tarot" streams that use tarot to hide the fact that she's giving personalized advice to every holo member

>> No.9172076

Yeah, I don't think she takes it seriously herself or expects others to do so either


>> No.9172204

>trying to make an entire stream on physics could be very stressful if she didn't study it
I would go as far as saying it could be stressful whether she has studied it or not. One mistake would likely have threads pointing it out. Whereas astrology is open to much interpretation, and she can get away with saying almost anything without dozens of threads trying to correct each “mistake”.

Because science is serious, people did actually go over every single word when she talked science, to pick apart anything they possibly could. That’s a whole different ball game.

>> No.9172242

That's the best part about her design, a relic from when anime was actually good

>> No.9172255

>You're asserting something contrary to what she herself said
Nope, she has talked many times about her passion for astrology. The fact that you don't watch her streams isn't my fucking problem you gigaretard.

>> No.9172273

Sana is Hololive's Yua. Sexy design but her streaming topic aim at wrong audience.

>> No.9172309

Honestly. Did Cover see the times slots they offered to stream at and went "Wow!!!!! That's a great time to stream!!!!" Without considering they're supposed to be HololiveEN? Rrat is speaking JP at least, so her time makes sense. Sana???? Ehhhh.

>> No.9172326

Just drop a nigger an they'll back in track

>> No.9172442

It's only been a week since they debut anon, chill. They still probe around their timetable, heck they havent even established or grasp stream persona they're comfortable with. Give them time

>> No.9172451

People who think she is anything other than a posh aussie brit / aussie are retarded and haven't heard any accent they think she sounds like.
I'm still on the fence about her hiding herself. As why hide yourself that much? Embrace the aspects you can't hide. Voice, vocab, skills. And hide the aspects you can. Music taste, social life (kinda), fashion sense, shit like that.

>> No.9172498
File: 508 KB, 848x762, 1630291699089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172524

>Hire Aussie streamer
>Streams at Aussie times
Who woulda thunk

>> No.9172538

She is the EN Akirose. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9172586

Its okay I gave her a lifetime pass.

t. Non-white.

>> No.9172644

plus its a little under 3% of her subs, which is a good ratio considering it's usually around 1% for most holos

>> No.9172659
File: 1.23 MB, 960x539, 1630137769539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to play GTA to get the Miko audience

>> No.9172671

Hire aussie streamer. Streams for aussies.
Bad business choice. Fuck aussies. They're like America without the money.

>> No.9172820

The stars do nothing, Anon. Face it. Sana's brown. She'd look right at home shitting on a street in India.

>> No.9172848
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, 221D107B-60AB-4A2A-866F-EEFE01205FC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're still pretending nepotism is real

>> No.9172858

Just a weird timeslot to hit, with a topic that's pretty niche. Competing into the JP Primetime slot. Yesterday at that time FBK did her redebut stream.

>> No.9172913

She needs to adjust her schedule and focus on burgers. Nobody else is interested in EN chuubas right now.

>> No.9173022

>6AM in NA and still manages to pull more than 3k

I think she'll be okay

>> No.9173151

Even if they are, they never donate. Why does hololive not have a europoor branch or an emu branch? They're not worth the investment.

>> No.9173323

It's not that her numbers are bad. It's a discussion about efficiency kinda. It's like saying "Well!!!!! I can sell this part for $10! And it costs me $2 to make!" It sounds good. But if you fail to make a part 4 out of 6 times, you're not doing as well as you could. I doubt most of those 3k are actual aussies and not random around the world.

>> No.9173434

Hey schzio, I'm willing to be there's more people interested in Astrology than some weird niche streamer culture that uses anime avatars.

>> No.9173518

>He doesn't know.
Oh boy here comes the TIME LOOP!

>> No.9173559

Do your reps newfag

>> No.9173633

I understand your point about competing and I agree with it. But at the same time, there is 100% a competition when it comes to livestream views as it's then almost everyone donates. The talents try to not overlap in order to maximize that munny (money cunny).

>> No.9174171

>I doubt most of those 3k are actual aussies and not random around the world.
I think some are actually Americans struggling to get up on time. Explaining why the viewers continue to drop as people are giving up on trying to hit those times. Another 4am PDT would probably land 2k viewers. To make matters worse, she had already established an audience in the first week, which was abandoned.
Overlap happens as more streamers get added, as it does for JP. Sana overlapping with Gura didn’t actually lower Gura’s viewers any at all, while Sana had 9k live viewers. So it shows that a lot of the viewers are not being shared.

>> No.9174391

Are the fans of that weird niche streamer culture that uses anime avatars interested in astrology though?

>> No.9174470

Still success tho
For the niche content that is vtubing, more than 400~500 viewer is very successful

>> No.9174814

Female vtubing is over saturated and undertalented. Male vtubing is gatekept and crippled by militant (male and female) feminists working within Alphabet/YouTube and Amazon/Twitch. It's over, bros. Western vtubing is dead.

>> No.9177030

It was never "alive" to begin with. We (anyone with a brain and not a newfag) all knew it was trash fire since day one.

>> No.9177511

Considering that ASTRO fags rake in $2.2 billion dollars a year, I think the overlap is more like:
>Astrology fags just want more Astrology regardless of the form it presents itself

>> No.9177870

I mean at least I hope the Japanese part of Cover looks at these results and goes "nah fuck this, your focus group shit assuming you know what the west 'wants' is garbage, we're taking over from here" and just makes a whole gen of lolis + hags without stupid fucking outfits/themes. It is so fucking, fucking fucking fucking typical for a vtuber in the West to be some stupid fucking OC donut steal design that it's actually the normal thing and the abnormal thing would be making normal-looking people. Nijisanji has a mix of stupid fantasy designs but also normal people, Holo is basically all fantasy and set the standard.

>> No.9177963

You think Hololive thanks Miko every day for saying Nigga and causing the insane Vtuber boom?
Also you think they thank Korone for saying Eekum Bokum?
Those are like the only 2 reasons there's a fucking EN Vtuber scene in Hololive anyways

>> No.9177976

She was so cute in her Holoscopes stream. She sounded nervous and adorable. I'm happy to have her to myself.

>> No.9178010

Sana is smoooooooooooooooool

>> No.9178023

Is the holobubble about to pop?

>> No.9178134

>black vtuber
the design is gyaru or tanned.. considering she's from Australia. She is Asian in IRL also so I don't get this black vtuber shit.

>> No.9178138

>hope you get another 9/11
Me too thanks, but with more locations this time.

>> No.9178215


>> No.9178243

I agree both retards

>> No.9178489

She looks basically anime-black as they get drawn with the same features / hair types as normal just with darker skin. Her outfit suggests nothing at all of being a gal type and neither does her personality/demeanor in streams. So she's just a very tan girl basically.

I would say the problem is not her skin tone but the hairstyle and face. The planet dango things look fucking stupid IMO, they just do, as does the twirly thing on her head. Her eyes are too far apart/face too long. I guarantee you if she gets a new outfit where she wears her hair down suddenly everyone's going to think she looks hot.

>> No.9178588

Only this board thinks this had any real influence

Pekora and Korone clips did it but not this specific things and definitely not miko who's still a second rate chuuba for EOPs

>> No.9178969


>> No.9182604

Choco and Roboco were already proof of this.

>> No.9182942

>stream in yuropoor hours
>yuromirates don't care about vtubers nor sned superchats
gee no wonder why

>> No.9183093
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She looks hot you literally just have bad taste

>> No.9183134

>You think Hololive thanks Miko every day for saying Nigga

>> No.9183220

No but they're interested in cute girls talking about the things they like

>> No.9183312

>She is Asian in IRL also so I don't get this black vtuber shit.
Because it’s used as criticism against who they dislike. To be fair though, much of the criticism of each of the girls is garbage. It’s not that it’s all inaccurate, it’s that it mostly is. Because people have favorites and attack the others.

>> No.9187748
File: 1.57 MB, 1235x694, panties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is pretty based
too bad she streams at dogshit times, making it impossible to watch live

>> No.9187915

Just remember that all EN 2 girls did get over 300K followers and that more than half were deleted by YouTube

>> No.9188332

I used to despise shitty bait threads like this, now I realize they serve an important purpose to keep retards and schizos out of the generals as much as possible. Even the actual numbers general is filled with far more rational and decent people.

>> No.9188584

>Nobody else is interested in EN chuubas right now.
Not true at all, a lot of the EN fanbase is either SEA or Taiwanese, though tbf Sana's skin colour and voice filters them.

>> No.9189277

Wow, 3k viewers talking about astrology?
No fucking way...

>> No.9190313

> SEA love Sana


>> No.9190896

I think Sana will take Coco or Aki route.

small group but high loyalty

I admitI like shitpost aura from our space nerd

>> No.9191047

A handful of decent SEAs who have done their ESL reps like Sana. The indog crowd are filtered by her skin colour and accent.

>> No.9191375

I don't like Sana. She's dumb, has a terrible voice, ugly avatar and stupid content.

However even I'm not going to bash her for her numbers. Hololive EN Gen 1 got lucky. No major English vtubers at that time, COVID-19 at its peak, everyone home looking for ways to entertain themselves. Hololive hitting their stride thanks to Coco. It was the literal perfect storm for EN Gen 1 to just explode.

And it did.

EN Gen 2 though? It was never going to be as big. There's competition now, vshoujo, NijisanjiEN, big indies, etc.,. There wasn't before. COVID-19 is on its way out. People are going back to work and their old lives. The peak hype is also, unfortunately, over although vtubers are still very popular overall.

EN Gen 2 was never going to pull the same numbers as Gen 1. They just weren't. And this was compounded even worse by youtube hitting them with the sub purge not once, not twice, but like 4 times. Even Sana should be over 300k by this point in time.

Being a part of Hololive will give them a large initial boost comparatively speaking to outside competition, but it was never going to make them competitive internally. That's going to take actual hard work on their part.

>> No.9192134

SEA have tan or dark yellow skin here
What are your problem ?

You may not know but Sana's colour skin is not rare.

>> No.9192490

No, Hololive thanks China for unleashing Covid and forcing people to watch Youtube all day. This is evident by their past decision making

>> No.9192929

Hololive was already quite popular when Eekum Bokum happened.
Fubuki Scatman, Matsuri Band-Aids, and no-one mentions it, but Pekora doing the English quiz were also quite influential

>> No.9192956

>had bigger numbers streaming in her original time, around western night time
>then suddenly started streaming in the morning
>get half the numbers
>also streaming shit like astrology

Its almost like she doesnt give a shit about viewership.

>> No.9192970
File: 170 KB, 600x848, F68A0112-BFB8-437A-82BF-45B619B6820E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana antis disguising themselves and trying to fit in

>> No.9193132

When Yagoo sees the numbers on Sana the EN manager is going to be in trouble. From a corporate point of view the problem is loss of revenue. It's not personal at all. She isn't a failure, it's the EN manager who has failed. But it's early days yet, they have invested the money and they will work hard to make sure she can be a profitable investment for the company.

>> No.9193134

Keep thinking I care enough about her to want to see her cancelled. That takes effort that I can't be bothered to toss her way. How about instead of calling me an 'anti' you actually try to disprove my statements.

Oh wait, you can't, because they're fact and I also tried to defend her numbers.

I probably bit the bait the troll threw at me, but whatever.

>> No.9193269

Anyone darker than eggshell white is black
t. /pol/
That said Sana is still based

>> No.9193724

That's a funny way of spelling "Anya".

>> No.9196016

Will Sana ever have drawing streams? I would watch her draw. Hate the zodiac shits.

>> No.9202976

dont care, sana cute

>> No.9203121

They want to be white

>> No.9203878

Based and true. Only some can master the art of vtubing but not all tho.

>> No.9205349

>The days of Hololive being a guaranteed ticket to fame are over, and Sana is proof.
>Aki Rose

>> No.9205491

Learn how to use the fucking website or go back to plebbit.

>> No.9206551

The one thing she has over literally everyone in the council, even over Ina if i'm being honest here, and for some reason she wants the owl to be seen as the artist to rival against Ina instead.

Whoever her manager is needs to be replaced pronto.

>> No.9206834

I wonder if it's a irl contract she has? It's so retarded but it's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.9207135

She's just happy to stream and wants to have a good time with everyone. Sana already has a loyal following and will be able to live comfortably off of her SCs and memberships even without her art moneys. Not everyone in Hololive is a numberfag

>> No.9207140

Ironically and sadly enough, Mel's career/fame is in a worse position now than 2016/2017 before she joined Hololive.

>> No.9207175

based late reply retard

>> No.9207350

It was a horoscope stream for an audience that consists almost entirely of men. I think that's a bigger "debuff" than timezones or anything else really.

>> No.9207446

The days of OP being a guaranteed faggot are forever, and OP is proof.

>> No.9207552

Total debuff stream. Does she not realize that 85% to 90% of her audience are zoomer and millennial males that have no interest in this shit? Play some games, tell some stories, DRAW! Something other than this shit.

>> No.9207649

You didn't watch it so why are you talking about it like you did?

>> No.9207737

RBC, Luna, and Mel don't deserve this recline. They are actually good streamers and don't completely rely on APEX to pay their bills.

>> No.9207899

Kiara already admitted that one of the EN girls was concerned about numbers just after their first stream and it's almost surely Sana who lost the most subs before debut. The only EN that I think couldn't care less about numbers is Ina. Mori only cares in regards to her music. Stream stats she dgaf.

>> No.9208017

Nope, didn't watch. Just like 10 to 20K other fans that are subbed to other EN2 members aren't watching her. You're the type of faggot that thinks people can't have opinions on anything unless they've done it personally. I've watched a bit of her streams and she doesn't hold my attention. Neither does Rrat and it's not because of the accents.

>> No.9208104

it was pure GFE fun and she knows its goofy pseudo science. comfy for people that like her. and if you don't like her why talk about her all day

>> No.9208201

Nah, you can have whatever opinion you want like the rest of these armchair idol managers, even if it's shit.

>> No.9213174
File: 606 KB, 1691x2500, 4DB5854A-2C89-471A-8204-2158C57E5920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana is best girl

>> No.9213270


>> No.9215800

I told you its too early for gen2!
