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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9102246 No.9102246 [Reply] [Original]

More Kiara cooking!

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1432104385224523779

Art by: https://twitter.com/h90kpzqBjssM8JM/status/1431937062110781440

Previous thread: >>9069468

>> No.9102286
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>> No.9102300

Whoops, forgot the thread subject

>> No.9102302

I miss her...

>> No.9102571
File: 330 KB, 686x491, E-RINRpUUAMReXM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, did we die?
It wasn't even three hours without a post, did someone spam the board?

>> No.9102656

Think so. I had a piano thread open that was close to the top of the board and in 15 mins it died.

>> No.9102673
File: 403 KB, 500x500, Kiara spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for tonight
The lasagne stream is probably my favourite of Kiara's recent streams

>> No.9103011

I'm so excited to see Kiara's gloved hands again, I've been saving up!

>> No.9103092

I hope the doctor takes her various issues seriously but also doesn't freak her out with too long of a list of specialists

>> No.9103158

She has the money to be taken seriously now. The rest is up to the doctor.

>> No.9103215

The gloves are nice, but you should be even more excited for the new cosplay arm cuff things

>> No.9104421

You've been saving up what? Money?

>> No.9104905

What was the context of her saying this?

>> No.9105101

Pretty sure it was Ryza striking a pose during dialogue.

>> No.9105107

Ryza was aggressively presenting her armpits in a cut scene

>> No.9105892

My semen.

>> No.9106890

>It's not Schnitzel, just the literal fucking retardproof lazy nigger food Käsespätzle
Of course this low IQ bitch would find a way to ruin this potential kino

>> No.9107211

Schnitzel is a lot easier than Käsespätzle though, no idea what you are on about. Or did you want to watch Kiara beat a piece of meat?

>> No.9108087

Anon, you're fucking retarded

>> No.9108429

Let her go at her own pace. I cook myself meals almost every day and I'd still probably take it slow if I had a cooking show just to get comfortable with cooking on camera.

>> No.9108582

Kiara can't even cook rice properly (I don't even know how you screw thus up, the water content almost doesn't matter and overcooking it for a few minutes does literally nothing) I'm surprised the lasagna came out alright

>> No.9108737

Kiara doesn't own a rice cooker so she cooks rice with a pot. Some recipes for that use only enough water that all of it is absorbed or evaporated when the rice is done. So all you are left with afterwards is rice. And the sludge at the bottom of the pot if you didn't properly wash your rice.
If she used that method not paying attention and letting it sit on the stove for too long would cause the rice to burn.

>> No.9108870

wait you're supposed to wash the rise before putting it in the pot?

>> No.9108939

It wasn't burned, it was overcooked sludge.
You literally just pour rice into water I don't fucking get what the fuck you can fuck up about that. Cooking rice in a pot is simpler than cooking it in a rice cooker since the amount of water actually matters for a cooker.

>> No.9108990

You wash off the starch or else you get a lot of sludge. Depending on the dish that might matter less but usually it's best to wash your rice if you don't want to cook it into one big mess.

>> No.9109008

To get rid of excess starch. It doesn't really matter, if you wash it it's fluffier, if you don't it's sticky. Whats better depends on the dish. Neither should be a reason to ruin rice.

>> No.9110205
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Just gonna help myself to a light snack in honor of Kiara's cooking stream.

>> No.9110482
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jesus christ anon you're gonna fuckin turn into a black hole

think of the kids

>> No.9110954


>> No.9110981


>> No.9110994

Did Kiara just forget to do the members-only membership badge poll?

>> No.9111071

Not really, i think she will wait for the next member stream to talk about it again since she might be refining the idea.

>> No.9111104

I haven't eaten Taco Bell in a long time (sorry Gura), but damn those nachos look nasty

>> No.9111258
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>old thread died since I wasn't here to keep bumping it
I've failed her...

>> No.9111516

Can the K (not Kazz) dude take a chill pill? He can't go through one stream without straight up saying "doxx", he talks about doxx openly on twitter, he numberfags hard any time he can, and now he's going European culture appropriation on Kiara as an American.

>> No.9111574


>> No.9111641


>> No.9111668

If you're talking about Kakun, he actually joined the KFPCord so he can be DM'ed about this stuff if anyone wants to tardwrangle him.
I remember LFTT said in one of our earliest threads here that he talked with a lot of KFPs and convinced them to retweet/comment on roommate stuff with the same accounts. Someone needs to give Kakun the same treatment.

>> No.9111734

It was also El Canal Weaboo doing that, you can ask him to deal with it, he is a board user so he will understand.

>> No.9111767

Pretty sure Kakun is German.

>> No.9111818

Man, I legit never go in prechat, finally went in there the other day, and knew instantly that that person would be absolutely retarded based on the 5 minutes I saw him replying to everyone in chat. Why are people like that so easy to pick out?

>> No.9111966

He talks like he's on this general 24/7while outside of this general so I just want to lure him out, honestly I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's just zoomer and wants a little attention.
If that's the case then my bad for assuming, because he did talk about US stuffs on Discord once, but he didn't respond to Kiara about the origin of the dish at first, why bother bringing it up to her when she's obviously bothered by the Germans screaming about food.
He just needs to hold it back just a tiny bit, some people outside this board are really not comfortable with the things he bring up.

>> No.9112049

Has anyone had that Austrian/German dish she's cooking?

The only place that sells German food mostly make schnitzel.

>> No.9112105

Is pretty well know that many user from here are the biggest Kiara's fans and she even talks to them on twitter a lot (Nashed, LFTT, ECW, etc) but they hold back a lot to not show anything stupid in chat or when she does ego searching. Kakun seems like a even biggest Attention whore as Kazz, at least Kazz put USD money instead of worthless ARS from Argentina, which for me, i saw it as cheating.

>> No.9112263

Like I've said before, Kakun is still in that star-struck honeymoon phase so he's trying his best to get attention. Once it becomes clear that Kiara won't treat him like a VIP no matter how many ko-fis he sends, he'll cope with it and move on... hopefully.

>> No.9112363

Nah Sora, Kazz and especially LFFT are by far the biggest attention whores. You should check their twitter. They try everything to get a like

Kakun? I have never seen seen him talking about dox on twitter.

>> No.9112409

Difference is that they actually give her actual money.

>> No.9112460

lmao I thought I was the only one who thought Kakun seemed kind of intense

>> No.9112469

Yeah but they give her money instead of monopoly money anon. Be a big attention whore whenever you like but at least give real fucking and useful money.
Ceiling Fan actually managed to understand that.... only to do the same with Mumei now, holy shit Hooman are getting the worst of every fanbase

>> No.9112474

That's what I thought too until another anon about 2 or 3 weeks ago brought up her kofi. Looks like he sends all of his money to that place.

>> No.9112549

What's stopping him from sending her ARS there just as he does on YouTube?

>> No.9112555

I don’t watcher mumei at all, how bad are things?

>> No.9112602

He will hang himself when Kiara doesn't give a fuck about him, because she's not stupid, this is not the first time doing this and she has plenty of experience of fuckers trying to groom her with money.

>> No.9112634

Trust me when I say it will get a lot worse when she gets her SC opened

>> No.9112689

Mumei herself is fucking boring and holding back her real powers a lot for some reason, i was trying to get into her but Fauna got me since she's a big MOBA player just like me (Dota 2)

In the other hand, Hoomans are fucking crazy, KFP schizos, Teamates goslings, Saviorfags, moefags, IT'S HERfags, etc. Even in /hlgg/ shit in their split, heck, they even get the equivalents of eggs and orc schizo on Mumei.

>> No.9112713

Not sure how exactly kofi works but it says he is her top supporter. I'm assuming this wouldn't be the case if he send her toy money? lel shall I DM him and ask him to come here? Or is this too much containment breaking?

>> No.9112739

Oh fuck i forgot about this, she will broke on stream, i swear.

>> No.9112765

We don't need him to get even more brain worms by coming here

>> No.9112772

Is it too much when he's clearly on this general very often?

>> No.9112795

Try not to bring him here but speak to him to "Dude, better not get your hopes up and separate her from Kiara and the roommate or you will probably get depressed once she gives you the cold message"

>> No.9112814

Imagine how desperate you have to be in order to try grooming a wet noodle like Mumei jfc

>> No.9112869

Germans love claiming other people's stuff, what did you expect?

>> No.9112910

Never really got a feel for her cause all clips I see on my recommended about her are just “mumei being cute” clips.

>> No.9112968

>Hey sorry to bother but can you come here and explain some things to us? It's nothing bad just a couple questions and it's better than doing this on twitter >>9102246

If he comes or not is up to him. Be nice.

>> No.9113002

Exactly, but if you did your roommate reps, she's nothing like that, so she has a limited time before being cute pass to be boring, and the SC won't be a good start.

>> No.9113060

Those get easy clicks so every clipper will jump on that train. Honestly Youtube took away the only thing I was excited for which was her history lesson stream, she could have done so much more if it wasn't because of Susan being Susan.

>> No.9113072

Kofi only accepts USD or the equivalent amount in your currency

>> No.9113161
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>Let's Cook: An Austrian

>> No.9113179


>> No.9113257

sup lol. what u wanna know?

>> No.9113292

So that's what she cannibalizes on, not chickens

>> No.9113312

Kiara was just testing our loyalty when she said she eats chicken right?

>> No.9113316
File: 144 KB, 850x850, 3662121432135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you don't like cooked Austrian chicken?

>> No.9113354

Kakun please just hold back a bit and don't bring up stuffs that should just stay on this board, don't just say doxx this doxx that and make a mountain of a molehill.
And the dish is an Austrian variant which means it still originates from Austria.

>> No.9113355

Read the thread. People think you're a schizo going after Kiara's irl life for attention/grooming/whatever reason

>> No.9113441


You need to chill dude

>> No.9113453

wait what do u mean by doxx? also yeah lol i know about the austrian variant. i just sent her a wiki screenshot to see her reaction haha

wait wtf did i do?

>> No.9113557

So we're just larping now huh?

hey kfp, i am kiara. i am eating some foof right now so that i don't get hungry during the cooking stream ;) chonkers and smoothie are being very needy tho!! i might have to delay the stream so that i can give them some cuddles first

>> No.9113569

You guys are unironically absolute retards for bringing normie KFP here and harass them with your autism, holy shit.

>> No.9113575

You can't fool me, you aren't LARPing, Kiara. That's really you.

>> No.9113646

no srsly, whats going on lol. i was told somebody has a question and im confused AF right now. what exactly u wanna tell me? i read the thread and i dont get the hate?

>> No.9113669

ARS SC trick, commenting on her irl tweets and some other shit I can't be arsed to remember. Just some people here say you're trying to get on her good side for whatever purpose. I don't give a shit since it's not like it's harmful or anything but it is quite annoying to a lot of the KFP here
Who cares I'm bored lol
They were already here but don't post often cus they know that this place is a shithole

>> No.9113705

Get out of here, this place is full of mentally disabled people, not worth your time.

>> No.9113874

hey man don't worry about ARS, i give her my money on another website (seriously) as for the rest i dont know what that means. of course i try to be nice to her (?) why would i hate on her. as for tweets i made a second account for that when i started to make clips (just in case i get famous lmfao)

>> No.9114000

i know i was active here in feb-march it was really bad. thats when i decided to leave this place. and honestly i enjoy kiara streams much more since then lol. did this place get any better yet?

>> No.9114148

As you can see, not really, at least is not Mumei's split and KFP is now more open since eggs and Orc Schizo got doxxed.

I told you niggers, stop being retarded about "Muh attention whores" in the YTC, instead of complaing, do clips, do memes, do art, do videos, do songs and whatever for Kiara, i even got my song on her stream 2 times so fuck you for bringing people here like this is a kind of council, the real KFP is doing Kiara reps, not shitposting

>> No.9114162

It's just people that love fixating on things that look somewhat problematic in general. Everyone knows about the kofi stuff too so just keep in mind there are people keeping tabs on you if you decide to go full schizo. It got better kinda? There are still anti raids every now and then but it's been better overall. Still not worth sticking around though so feel free to go back

>> No.9114209

>it's actually real
>she talked about daddy issues even before Hololive

>> No.9114303

This thread it really depends, some are good and others just go to retarded levels of time loops. I’d say most KFP hang out in /hlgg/ now.

>> No.9114329

NTA but is Mumei's split really that bad? I feel most of the actual fans in there are just new and need to learn to stop biting bait

>> No.9114385

Alright I just noticed you really did change accounts, good on you for doing that at least.
Just be aware that you're responsible for the content you're putting out. Just like clippers helped push the bottom left meme to an extent that Kiara wasn't comfortable with, roommate clips can be weaponized by eggs. I don't know where you get your footage from but be diligent with it.

>> No.9114418

i still dont really understand the egg meme, but i got that orc thingy file on twitter DM, lmfao. crazy

yeah i agree making stuff for kiara and try to help her is a good thing. i dont have much talent but i try my best. im still new with this and my zelda clips kinda suck lol

ah dont worry about that lol im not delusional lol. I love this birb and I try to help but thats it. i dont really understand what some of you guys here mean by "grooming" lol. im not someone special. just another simp giving her money thats it.

what do u mean?

>> No.9114478

Split is fucking retarded and i almost feel like there's some sperg trying to be the white knight on doxxing. I will reveal this to you nigger, the most problemtic one was Ceiling Fan, not Kakun, not Kazz, not LFTT or ECW, stop being a fucking nigger and get shit done.

I mostly don't post here because is the same time loops about "muh chicken voice", muh collabs, muh whatever. Fuck off and enjoy Kiara streams for the living grace of jesus christ my lord.

>> No.9114479

/vt/ literally thrives off dramaniggers so of course they'll go wherever they push can rrats. I haven't even gone there but just by seeing how /hlgg/ can get during her streams makes me sad for her actual fans

>> No.9114563

The doxxcord anti-Kiara discord owner is fat and his head is egg shaped. It originated from /hlgg/ so now Kiara antis are called eggs.
He latched onto Owl now didn’t he?

>> No.9114597

But anon she just announced a karaoke stream and I NEEEEED to bring up my shitty psyche analysis

>> No.9114607

Better than nothing, and about eggs, they're Kiara's antis one the most pathetics antis ever, check the Orc link if you have it, she posted about it
Yes, they do a rrat about her being on chair wheel so hooman have the holy mission of save Mumei from antis

>> No.9114623
File: 499 KB, 1703x2039, 1629398849054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we please not talk about mumei and fucking fauna in one (1) thread i am trying to pretend they don't exist

>> No.9114709

Orcschizo lost all credibility when she tried to larp really hard that something awful was happening with the EN2 delays... and then they ended up debuting a single day later and everything's been fine since then.

>> No.9114719

He's going full Mumei, i hope Hoomen enjoy his spams of "love messages"

>> No.9114792

That's truly pathetic. This just goes to show you that groomers don't care about the individual they're supporting AT ALL.
The only person that they care about in the end is themselves and if the girl doesn't give them any attention, then they'll just latch onto another one, even if it's someone who's the polar opposite in terms of personality (as Mumei is to Kiara).

>> No.9114798

yeah the bottom left clipeprs are the reason why i decided to become a clipper in the first place. i felt she lacks dedicated kiara clippers so i try my best. but it feels kinda useless so far but i wont give up!

ah ok lol. yeah i saw the pic but didnt really understand the egg thing. ok gotcha!

>> No.9114799

She's clearly back with Mumei and doing more Kiara's splits to shit on her, but since everything was revealed, nobody bought her shit anymore, play stupid games, get stupid prices.
No and Kiara will collab with them so fuck off, we're unity here

>> No.9114838

this is the kiara thread please take your discussion of the ntr specialists to their splits or the global

>> No.9114871


>> No.9114901

I do my reps you cocksucker. I spend my time here to gosling because it doesn't belong anywhere else, at least not in the intense form I bring to these threads. There's no way I would post how much I want to rail Kiara in ytc, in the discords, or on twitter because I know it's the 'ugly truth' of a lot of the paypigs that's kept behind the screen.

>> No.9114929

Aren't you the one into NTR? What with you conjuring up a fantasy of Kiara stealing your HoloEN spot from you?

>> No.9114952

Bros...and the split was so comfy before...

>> No.9114966

are you trying to claim I'm orcschizo because I don't want to talk about Fauna and Mumei in Kiara's thread when they're already being discussed in every other thread? fuck off.

>> No.9115003


>> No.9115022

well anyways bros i gotta go, nice talking with u. if there is something important you can just DM me btw lol no need to tell me to come here

>> No.9115047

What in the fuck do you even mean?

>> No.9115066

35 minutes till Käse Spätzle +12 for delays
Get your own meal ready soon!

>> No.9115074

There’s a ton of DDs that don’t really give a shit about the vtuber and only care about the attention they get. I know some who basically claim to get a new oshi every month until they get bored and move onto another one. Makes me feel bad for the indies they flock to.
It’s why I liked it when Kiara made fun of DDs.

>> No.9115090

They're being "discussed" in relation to Kiara here.
And you weren't sperging about "too much Fauna/Mumei discussion", you were bringing up harmful rrats about them by bringing up NTR. Which proves that you would do the same with Kiara if the situation called for it. So you fuck off.

>> No.9115130

How about I don't bring them up negatively and you don't try to astroturf positivity?

>> No.9115205


>> No.9115275

Sorry for the problems, keep supporting Kiara and ignore faggots from here, and join /hlgg/ for memes.

>> No.9115329

I hope Fauna is the first one to collab with Kiara, she's great

>> No.9115373

I mean that I keep my gosling and 'I want to cum inside Kiara and have children with her' posting here. It's not like you can openly share that kind of shit in any of the discords, twitter, reddit, or her YTC. That's what this place is for for the most part.

>> No.9115458

Kiara would be sad if her two riajuu kouai graduated but it would ultimately improve the generation and Hololive as a whole.

>> No.9115490

dont worry its fine, just dm me in the future pls lol. and yeah ill support her as best as i can! im so glad i found her in my life she is so entertaining and sweet! she deserves the best. hopefully the doctor can fix her body. the only time i wanna see her cry is when she cries out of happiness!

>> No.9115535

Interesting thread to read through boys. Since you got it out of your system now, >we hopefully can enjoy the stream in half an hour.

>> No.9115545

>Muh secret club
My nigga, we're not in 2011 anymore, did you catch ECW cat tweet where Kiara answer was full of 4chan links in his computer? Chill the fuck out and forget about that. Specially in this threads where 95% of the userbase also cross to reddit.

>> No.9115564

I hope you fucking die, redditor

>> No.9115568

nobody would be sad if you killed yourself but it would ultimately improve the thread and the board as a whole.

>> No.9115597

Yeah, same, i never cared about that shit. I told you many times about it and yet people still bring about that "muh paypigs who break muh secret club", that's fucking retarded

>> No.9115629

I'm mostly a twitter user, this place is retarded since 2017 or even since GG.

>> No.9115644

lol a gamergate reference incredible

>> No.9115684

Yeah, if you have been using 4chan since 2009, you clearly know when this site culture changed to worse, unless you're a newfag

>> No.9115750

heh yeah i prefer twitter because im too cool and normal for 4chan. incels seething. oldfag here btw

>> No.9115789

I dont think i can change my oshi at this point, i started watching Kiara around debut during my free time and really got into her when i was stuck at home doing nothing besides watching her vods for an unhealthy amount of time. Its impossible to invest myself on someone like this again on my current situation. I'll probably never touch vtubing again if she stops streaming.

>> No.9116051

Well damn if I've been busted. I have to confess I suffer from a condition where I need my gibs of attention by Kiara constantly (apparently)
It's called "I fucking love Takanashi Kiara"
I hope you can understand me better now, thank you and auf wiedersehen

>> No.9116104

There's really no one quite like her. But unless Cover suddenly goes belly up or burns her badly she will probably do this for a while.

>> No.9116142
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>I need my gibs
Ah, a fellow retroFPS enjoyer.

>> No.9116158

Had lasagne for tea

was gud

>> No.9116208

This sounds like a strange doomer thing, but I hope she has a happy, decently long Hololive career before the world really goes to shit

>> No.9116263
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tamago kake gohan à la kiara

>> No.9116326

>before the world really goes to shit
In what way?

>> No.9116336

Again, the issue is that you're basically not allowed to full-on gosling anywhere without getting ignored or banned, so I come here to commiserate with the other people who want to gosling. I'm sure there's quite a few people who donate lots of money who think the same thoughts and want to voice them who probably do so here.
I know I will never get with Kiara and that's why I'm fine screaming SEEEEEXXXXXX because nothing will ever come of this fake internet relationship vs being retarded irl.

>> No.9116504

For sure. It's also nice that she saw that her core fanbase wasn't just gonna leave her for the the fotm and probably helped bolster her spirits a bit.

>> No.9116580

Uh I don't think I should get too into it on the orange woman love thread but I mean things like supply chain breakdowns and political instability

>> No.9116740

watching kiara from my comfy bunker! reloading .308 while kiara cooks!

>> No.9116756

Yeah I don't want to discuss /pol/ stuff or whatever since I generally avoid the real world like the plague. I unironically inform myself of the biggest happenings through /vt/ and I was just wondering if you were referencing a new one

>> No.9116856

Kiara's long slender fingers...

>> No.9116881

Finger erotic...

>> No.9116882

Ah.. anything but the GoXLR... this is bliss.

>> No.9116902
File: 782 KB, 819x591, E-TB_XJVIAMbfYw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is gonna cook!

>> No.9116953

I'm glad Kiara spared us from lewd wrist stream

>> No.9116956

I know things are going to get really bad in 2023 until 2030, but i require a further explanation doomer-kun
I think you can gosling her normally, despite of what this place told you, the gosling meme is pretty fucking popular, i saw facebook page full of it, twitter, and even page reposting 4chan with goslings memes. This place isn't secret, and even games and companies put in their poll if you come from here.

Of course you won't hell her "I want to fuck your ass" in YTC, and that's ok, but some other lands does it on other way around.

>> No.9116999

Abayo Kiara,
you are gonna get reflected in the white of the cup or the water

>> No.9117080

could you shut up and fuck off?

>> No.9117159

i always get hard when kiara speaks german

>> No.9117174

Stage 1, Denial
But now time to watch Kiara

>> No.9117179

Today, Kiara will introduce us to a classic GERMAN dish.

>> No.9117209

I want to taste Kiara's creamy spätzle!

>> No.9117214


>> No.9117294

>this fucking mirror tool

>> No.9117314

kiara playing with fire with those reflectives

>> No.9117330

Oh we're getting dangerous.

>> No.9117377

She should wear a face mask and sunglasses if she wants to cover her face

>> No.9117453

oh god just listen to her she's so precious

>> No.9117454

Kiara's voice hits different with this new mic.

>> No.9117478

So the Germanics really do count to three with their hands like that

>> No.9117513

Fuck the Go XLR...

>> No.9117599

You'll never be a Holo's GP and massage their back, bros...

>> No.9117608

braless kiara.....

>> No.9117623

Im masturbating already

>> No.9117642

Back erotic...

>> No.9117674

Who goes to the doctor without a bra?

>> No.9117689

i love my exhibitionist girlfriend

>> No.9117698

Getting sappy in the SC's without a scapegoat for the affection (even though we all know who it's aimed at) gets you laughed at in chat and slightly cringed at by Kiara. If it's just a generic 'You helped me through a lot' she'll awww it or get embarrassed, but a great example was the one where the guy just spent a rainbow (?) complimenting her directly and imagining *physically* being with her (like on a date, no SEEEEXXXX). She looked ahead to see if it was followed by 'I love you Jenma' and when it wasn't she lightly thanked him and skipped the second half while chat ripped him a new asshole.
I'm not condemning the though, just saying that gushing and fantasizing about shit like that is perfect for this place. Anonymity, you have to come here for it, and it's not the most forward-facing place that a lot of normal fans would see it.

>> No.9117707

I haven't listened to Kiara all that much, but she sounds cute when she is this flustered and keeps explaining her story.

>> No.9117717

>thin dress
>no bra
kiara is an exhib

>> No.9117740

kind of similar to mac and cheese. biggest difference is the kind of cheese used and that there isn't really a liquid sauce just molten cheese

>> No.9117793

>tfw you'll never see kiara cook for you wearing only your shirt with her nipples hard

>> No.9117897

GFE already sky high and she hasn't even started cooking yet.

>> No.9117906

not with that attitude

>> No.9117949

>vegan eggs

>> No.9118012

The way she says "Bruda" is impeccable

>> No.9118016

It's an ongoing joke that the chicken (and now also the eggs) in KFP are "vegan" because she totally isn't cooking her members.

>> No.9118022

Oh god close mic Kiara...

>> No.9118031

I just tuned in and brirb is going on a tqangent about going to the chiropractor and being given a muscle relaxant drug of some kind by her doctor.. Sounds scary, homestly.

>> No.9118048

She actually has a nice voice for ASMR if she is trying.

>> No.9118100


>> No.9118174
File: 20 KB, 580x548, goddammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was her BF helping her get over her spooky back problems

>> No.9118180

Her cooking streams are so much more enjoyable than the ones from any other girl. She isn't just wearing some baggy sweater and puts effort into her outfit/outfit

>> No.9118201

Only unintentional asmr, unintentional gfe here.

>> No.9118202

Can't believe she went to the doctors with her hard nips sticking out from under her dress. No wonder he asked her to take it off.

>> No.9118223

She also has this, in my opinion, unrivaled ability in Hololive to just chat away which is essential for cooking streams.

>> No.9118277

I wouldn't be able to resist either... I like them small like hers

>> No.9118293

Vegan eggs?

>> No.9118309


>> No.9118356

kiara pls buy non-reflective cooking utensils so you dont get fired...

>> No.9118381

>unintentional gfe
naaaaahhhhhhhhhh she knows exactly what she does to men (and some women with particularly good taste). that's why she won't do ASMR or daki covers.

>> No.9118384

Tbh this is the first cooking stream I've watched of her, but honestly just the fact that she's in cosplay and actually uses her hands and not just fumbles around with chopsticks is so much more enjoyable to watch
But yeah, being able to talk about stuff besides just reading the recipe is pretty important

>> No.9118395

>No message from manager

>> No.9118423

At most it'll be a temporary suspension

>> No.9118445

It's basically kraut pasta, the variation Kiara is making is their mac and cheese. Had it when doing student exchange in Stuttgart, not bad but considering the fact there's already semi-decent italian place where I stayed it was more of a one off thing then something I would eat frequently

>> No.9118447


>> No.9118455

Did she actually say she had hard nips or do you just assume?

>> No.9118466

The last stream where she made lasagna was pretty good and comfy and well.

>> No.9118470

>open stream
>"Fuck this shit"
>wow she read my mind
>close stream

>> No.9118498

I had spaetzle in berlin once. It was like a plate of fried buttered noodles.

>> No.9118541

It's like I'm actually there!

>> No.9118544

i think the exact wording was "those babies could have cut glass"

>> No.9118547

That about sounds right. It's a weird recipe. Very easy to make but oddly enough, also easy to fuck up the consistency.

>> No.9118548

I sadly missed most of it and only watched the part where she assembled the whole thing, but from what I watched, it was pretty entertaining

>> No.9118556
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1630590697169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's gordon

>> No.9118577

ran out of money apparently

>> No.9118585

Taking lessons from Grand Chefchama.

>> No.9118596

He's too ashamed to show his face again after he got mogged last stream

>> No.9118606

Must have missed that then cause I was away for a few minutes
Gotta rewatch that part

>> No.9118630

Kiara, what are these noises...

>> No.9118654

>Suddenly it's a cake

>> No.9118672

aaaaaaaaaaa kiara is taking off the gloves
1 red superchat if she forgets to put them back on

>> No.9118709

>Kiara taking off her gloves
IMAGINE the handjobs

>> No.9118743 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 1248x797, 75373372547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't but here, I'm willing to take a vacation for this

>> No.9118748

Much rather get one with those latex cooking gloves and lube

>> No.9118759
File: 143 KB, 1500x1495, 819hjYwIRQL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less of a weird recipe and more of a pain in the ass to make if you don't have the funky tool to make it

>> No.9118771

Thank Chonkers for the background noises.

>> No.9118825

mrowww. mrow. mro-

>> No.9118916
File: 3.28 MB, 640x288, ezgif-6-87a50ac59f84.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Kusotori.

>> No.9118930

they're HERE

>> No.9118955

God, I can't wait to watch this VoD. Getting just little bits and pieces of sound while at work is getting me pumped.

>> No.9118984

It's all over her hands but she doesn't want to waste it.

>> No.9118996

Boy that would have been helpful when I made it back in school. Had to use a poor cheese grater and swore I'd never make it again

>> No.9119002

The enhanced cat noises are very good. I enjoy Chonkers commentary on Kiara's yab noises.

>> No.9119015

They're waiting for him... in the test chamber.

>> No.9119031

>covered Kiara's hands with something sticky and disgusting
>eww, eww, eww
>it's everywhere!
It's like I really did get a handjob from Kiara.

>> No.9119046

use a knife on a cutting board and just accept improper shapes

>> No.9119133

It's less of shape autism and more of just keeping your kitchen clean autism

>> No.9119145

You forgot all the extra Rs.

>> No.9119194
File: 678 KB, 1200x1350, 1630025929671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the chicken so cute. i can't stop smiling during these cooking streams

>> No.9119293
File: 93 KB, 1200x684, E73wiDGXsAkMqb-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day bros... one day she'll wear the pacifier with these hands...

>> No.9119295


>> No.9119444

Thought she said chavs for a moment.

>> No.9119455

>reflective bottle
guys she is actually making me sweat with all those reflective things

>> No.9119485


>> No.9119501
File: 443 KB, 600x800, 92268603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9119504

Spätzle with Schnittlauch and salad.

>> No.9119506

*clap* *clap*

>> No.9119514

I don't know why but I enjoy Kiara and Ina, as well as Sana and Baelz more than listening to girls with more American-sounding English

>> No.9119615
File: 79 KB, 525x400, 275_1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon, Schnittlauch, pic realated Also, Kiara making some cute childush noises while cutting it.

>> No.9119690


>> No.9119920

Because mom's have superpowers when it comes to cooking.

>> No.9119935


>> No.9119993

You heard her! Give her your batter, anons!

>> No.9120003


>> No.9120086


>> No.9120132

I've never cooked before, wtf is she doing?

>> No.9120134

This hot sticky batter looks a lot like my doujin mangos, bros...

>> No.9120142

It's not the mic anon. It' the mixer and the fact she speaks from far away and not 2cm away from the mic.

>> No.9120163

Austrian version of Mac and Cheese.

>> No.9120199

Käsespätzle, if you wanna look it up

>> No.9120236


>> No.9120278
File: 440 KB, 714x750, 1629555999923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay Kiara!

>> No.9120312

leech-kun, avatarposting is against the rules

>> No.9120335
File: 49 KB, 500x500, Schwarzbrot-2-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Kiara was referring to.

>> No.9120360

>not the same filename
You're not wormschizo

>> No.9120372

pumpernigger :-DDDD

>> No.9120379

That's a lot of fucking grain

>> No.9120392


>> No.9120404
File: 1006 KB, 3522x4096, 1627599523993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Kiara gives recipes for future cooking streams, cooking together with her sounds like fun

>> No.9120457

i wish there were cooking streams every week, but she needs actual good gloves so she doesnt have to turn off the camera constantly

>> No.9120544

>camera is finally back

stream felt incomplete without it

>> No.9120551

I´ve never heard that somebody called chives that. Is cutleek a regional word? Also what´s that smelly Bergkäse?

>> No.9120741
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1629531059509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can go for more of a creamy finish


>> No.9120782

What is she doing with that pan? Why is she not putting it in the oven?

>> No.9120815

Apparently thats not how its done in Austria, or just her region.

>> No.9120833

>t. G*rman
She told you this is how it's done. Accept it.

>> No.9120857

I want to get fat on this stuff. I want Kiara to keep feeding it to me until I'm a tubby wubby lumpkin. I want to be rolled to the trough by Kiara for my hourly feedings. I want her to clean my explosive bowel movements. Please Kiara. Please feed me

>> No.9120871

>in the oven

>> No.9120893

Bergkäse is cheese which isn't (or at least it's supposed to) made in typical farms but specifically made in mountainous areas, the entire year through. Not the mixed up with Alpenkäse which is only made in summer.
Bergkäse stands out as the Cows nutrition is more based upon a rich herbal diet and essentially are permanently outside in the free.
The herbs usually gives the cheese a stronger smell and flavor than common cheese.

>> No.9120924

I want her to feed me like a mommy bird

>> No.9120935

Bergkäse (Mountain Cheese) is pretty firm cheese (although not as hard as something like Parmesan), that smells like stinky feet and that smells pretty intensely.
It has a pretty nutty and tangy taste.

>> No.9120964

KÄSEspätzle. It's supposed to be in the oven.
Would you also make a Nudelauflauf in the pan just because it's Noodles?

>> No.9121007
File: 1.90 MB, 1233x677, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat it?

>> No.9121020


>> No.9121036

yes, even if she didn't bother shaving for months

>> No.9121037

I don't like cheese, so no.

>> No.9121048

If a girl makes you dinner, you better eat it.

>> No.9121054

Sounds very good. How´s the Spätzle looking to you? Kiara likes it.

>> No.9121075


>> No.9121082

looks good, although I don't like roasted onions.

>> No.9121092

I would add some cream and then put it in the oven.

>> No.9121140
File: 700 KB, 1067x1200, 1626663607016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oven is just to keep it warm. If you eat it right away, you don’t need to put it in the oven.

>> No.9121157

I would at least taste it, but I don't particularly like Bergkäse.

>> No.9121165

Leechbro, you need to get more creative on these posts

>> No.9121199

>If you cook lasagna this way, does that mean you shouldn't also cook tagliatelle that way

>> No.9121220
File: 168 KB, 840x1260, kaesespaetzle-ofen_35463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She says it's a different version so I can't comment on her regional recipes but I only know it as pic related. She also didn't have the proper tools really.

>> No.9121237

how new?

>> No.9121303


>> No.9121317

I don't speak Mediterranean, so I don't know what you're saying. I'm just telling you how Käsespätzle and Nudelauflauf is made.

I'm not making any claims about Tagitatelloni because that is not my area of expertise.

>> No.9121334

Schnitzel stream. Niiiice.
Lets see how she makes what is essentially the national dish.

>> No.9121425

Bottle reflection is getting awful close.

>> No.9121455

This is cute.

>> No.9121478
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x585, abayokiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9121482
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, kiara cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this version

>> No.9121488


>> No.9121533
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1630612731983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara wtf

>> No.9121537

Ah yes, my dear Julian here doesn't know what lasagna is.

And also anon, I haven't seen Nudelauflauf, but considering it has casserole in its name, then it's obvious it's not going to be cooked in a pan. Kasespatzle on the other hand, is just cheese pasta, that's it. I don't know if that's a bullshit argument, but the condition is in the name. It's not like an Italian is going to massacre you for eating lasagna from a pan, don't know what's the deal with spatzle, considering the pan variant is more popular internationally.

>> No.9121571

she doesn't want to go...

>> No.9121583


>> No.9121617

What´s that snack?

>> No.9121628

All these secret endings

>> No.9121683

kiara is black?!

>> No.9121727

did anyone liverecord the vod? it's probably gonna get cut because of the bottle reflections but all the hand gestures at the end were super cute

>> No.9121756

Nigga what am I supposed to look for?

>> No.9121779

she's as white as it is humanly possible to be white

>> No.9121811

pls tell me she does't doxx herself, I just catch up the ending

>> No.9121819

That's a long thumb.

>> No.9121853

I had an eye on the bottle and didn't notice anything but hell it's still up so I'll archive it

>> No.9121861

The kind of schizo that could get anything out of that bottle reflection already knows what she looks like in underwear. It literally doesn't matter.

>> No.9121879

If the reflection in some tinted glass is enough for cover to take down the video, then why don't they stop her from streaming on her former account?

>> No.9121885

>the face on the egg
I love it

>> No.9121914

i am that schizo and she looks really cute in underwear btw

>> No.9121927

Please do. I can't see shit in those two pics so I'd be kinda mad if they cut it.

>> No.9121950

i'm not saying it's reasonable to do anything to the vod, just that cover management has privated/cut vods for less (see last week's council collab)

>> No.9121955

Those reflections didn't show anything lol. We already knew she was wearing the KFP sleeves

>> No.9122018

nobody seems to have picked up or at least commented, but the shiny fogged up noodle press had some too
not enough to need editing, but stupid strict guidelines and all

>> No.9122164

She doesn´t The bottle(>>9121478
) doesn´t show her reflection no matter what CSI magic you want to try.

>> No.9123103

Why is it that Kiara has no views?

>> No.9123155

That was a wonderful stream, lads.

>> No.9123177

Her last few videos have really bad vod numbers. Even her cooking stream.

>> No.9123273

I-is 230k bad?

>> No.9123330

Sub 60k on the recent one.

>> No.9123402

Dude, it happened 30 fucking minutes ago. Do you have brain damage?

>> No.9123550

Not enough meme games to attract greynames.
She still made over a thousand dollars although only barely.

>> No.9123565

She had 8k live viewers today, that's great for her.

>> No.9123577

All EN girls have bettrr engagement than her, I am not who you a replying to, but Iam worrying, considering this was supposed to be a special stream and its growing slow as fuck.

>> No.9123675
File: 60 KB, 1326x464, jewtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, youtube numbers are fucked anyway. perhaps she really has lower views. maybe youtube holds them back and randomly gives them back like a week ago?
look at the bullshit with EN2 subs, no use thinking to hard or argue about it.

>> No.9123680

VOD views are fucked immediately after the stream for some reason.
People seem to think it’s YouTube running a check on the numbers.

>> No.9123806

Recently there was a Marine stream with 25k viewers that had 23k views after it was over. The numbers are majorly fucked and often take several hours to correct themself.

And even then: It still hasn't even been an hour, most KFP who couldn't catch it live still won't have had the chance to catch it.
I think the last cooking stream had around 80k after it was over and look where it's now.

>> No.9123877

Do you not remember talking about this a few days ago? She has people who watch all over the world, and her viewer %'s in different countries has by far the greatest diversity. Obviously sheer numbers themselves might not compare, but it takes a few days before her VoDs pick up.

>> No.9124045

Kiara, I've fallen for you more times than you've fallen to death in Minecraft.

Why did she have to be so cute today

>> No.9124212 [DELETED] 
File: 909 KB, 1208x1159, 735245174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is kinda tumblr-style but I liked it so I denekofied.
Original: https://twitter.com/AkageTako/status/1433469421998284808/photo/1

>> No.9124311 [DELETED] 
File: 917 KB, 1208x1159, 735245175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is kinda tumblr-style but I liked it, so I denekofied.
Original: https://twitter.com/AkageTako/status/1433469421998284808/photo/1

>> No.9124541

I don't see a difference to your post before that but I guess you fixed something.
Good job anyways, you even had to work with a background this time.

>> No.9124575

She is the best

>> No.9124752

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.9124775
File: 917 KB, 1208x1159, final_update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but I noticed yet another mistake, I'm uploading these too quickly. Can't delete the older one anymore, so sorry for the spam.

>> No.9125221

New thread up:

>> No.9125287 [DELETED] 

I already said this after the lasagna stream but these cooking streams with your oshi are kino as fuck.

Her voice is the reason why I don't regularly watch her so clearly she normally has some microphone settings that push it over the line for me.
