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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9123989 No.9123989 [Reply] [Original]

WTF there are ads for clipper channels. SUSANNN HOW IS THIS SHIT LEGAL

>> No.9124107

Small Clipper channel pls andastand

>> No.9124109

>thinking they care who pays for their ads.
There's also ads for white noise videos that can last 11 hrs and 30 minutes and indie artist like Baby Madd to pump their views for their music videos that nobody watches. There's no checks and balance on this shit but there should be but when has youtube ever fix anything on their broken website when the people complained about it?

>> No.9124133

You can buy ads to promote your channel. I think the feature opened up between 2012 and 2015, because I got a lot of ads for Vsauce and some Australian brony channel around that time.
Yes, I was, shut up.

>> No.9124190

I need to discover a niche before it popular and become a clipper channel. Seems like ez money.

>> No.9124243

Why are you here to promote your clip channel?

>> No.9124266

Because they're not wrong? Clip channels can monetize their channels if they want, if they want to pay for ads too, that's fair game. Cover doesn't forbid either.

>> No.9124361

>WTF there are ads
are you seriously this dumb?

>> No.9124415

Clipper here.
The point of clipping is to promote your favorites.
Buy an ad for your oshi instead.

>> No.9124452

>The point of clipping is to promote your favorites.

>> No.9124514
File: 493 KB, 874x1071, smugchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has ads on his youtube vids

>> No.9124523

>The point of clipping is to promote your favorites.
If only that was actually the case...

>> No.9124564

if hololive acted like a real company they would hire like 1 or 2 fucking editors and do their own clips and translations. if there's a secondary market for something it's a failure on the agencies part and represents a

>> No.9124669

why not? I'm poor nigga, that's the only way I can support hololive

>> No.9124828

He's right you know. There would be zero English speakers who care about Hololive if it weren't for the deluge of clippers for Hololive. Because EOPs can't speak Japanese.
If you think HoloEN magically made the entirety of the excitement for Hololive on their own, you're dumb.

>> No.9124958

The first big holo clippers were chinks, and the rest that came after were a bunch of trend hoppers wanting to make money. Those big clip channels that get 100k+ views per clip, make like 1k per video.

>> No.9125268
File: 159 KB, 1528x1948, 6f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think HoloEN magically made the entirety of the excitement for Hololive on their own, you're dumb.
Anon...you're not allowed to say that. What if the goyim find out that Hololive's success was artificially manufactured through clips and bots? What if they realize the hololive brand and its chubas are, on their own, just incredibly mediocre cartoon ethots who can barely carry a single stream? What if they wake up to the fact that clips and algorithms are the deciding factor in a vtuber's success, while any and all merit is simply a red herring trotted out to justify their success? That's BLASPHEMY around these parts, chumbud. Now confess your sins to Pope Gura and pay for your membership like all the good practitioners do. May the almighty Yagoo have mercy upon your soul.

>> No.9125685

And the chinks weren't doing it to make money?

>> No.9126939

Wait? It's still going? I thought this shit had been reported to cover months ago?

>> No.9126980

learn Japanese
stop watching clips
simple as

>> No.9127045

There's no need to report. It's just another one a fucking clip channel. More clippers is never a bad thing as they'll be the one that keep Hololive monopolize the algo

>> No.9127058

this ad was on a hololiver channel

>> No.9127343

Even if they are arguably useful, clip channel leeches views and money from the talents. Promoting your own monetized channel instead of promoting your Oshi is just wrong. Using her image in an ad without her consent is even worse.

This is also probably also against Youtube Terms since he doesn't own the right on the video he used for the ad.

This clipper is Japanese and doesn't translate clips. It's just a Japanese clipping channel promoting himself on holomem's videos with youtube ads.

>> No.9127618

too poor for adblocking? you're telling on yourself, numbskull

>> No.9127687

read that again

>> No.9127742

2021 and there's still people who don't use adblock

>> No.9127915

The same reason highlight shows of the weekend's soccer/basketball matches have ads in them too. It's transformative work you fucking retard, if it took 10 seconds to do everyone here would already have done it, hell Ame the most creative and hard working hololive member has to hire someone to clip for her since it's that time consuming.
Be a good little cuck, watch the videos, add a thumbs up or down now and then and be thankful you didn't have to download 8 hours of footage to cut to each tubah during a collab interaction while also manipulating the audio levels to match, okay? :)

>> No.9127984

There were no views when they start doing that shit, ironically enough the genuine hololive fans that helped them when they were literal whos were the chinks.

>> No.9128993

monetizing fan content is actually against cover's terms, just fyi
holobass imploded because of this

>> No.9131389

they all have more personality than your indie trannies

>> No.9131753

JewTube puts ads on ALL VIDEOS regardless of whether or not the uploader gets paid.

>> No.9132821

it's their site

>> No.9133019
File: 306 KB, 2047x1322, gura tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I was, shut up.

>> No.9133079

How does that boot taste?

>> No.9133339

Ah, the same chinks who stole translations from smaller clippers, and copyright striked other clippers?

>> No.9133496

why would cover give a shit if someone else is advertising for them

>> No.9133965

Why do you think those leeches keep on leeching?

>> No.9141581

Pretty they made that changes months ago that lets them slap ads on literally any video, even without the user's permission. They literally throw 15 sec ads on 5 sec videos now, and naturally the ads have zero relevancy to the content.

>> No.9144165

You can choose which websites to disable it.

>> No.9152397

Cover specifically allows for monetization through advertisement to create an exception for clippers. You can't sell your clips for money but you can put as many ads on it as you want.

>> No.9152910

Now I understand why Zhang mad at Cover. What Coco did was basically betrayal in Zhang's eyes.

>> No.9153032

You mean seaniggers? Chink did that too tho but it mostly chink stealing chink's

>> No.9153102

>report their vids for stealing content
>gets demonetized

nothing personnel

>> No.9153700

I've been using Ublock Origin and SponsorBlock for so long I forgot internet advertisements were even a thing.

>> No.9154644

YouTube ads don't require channel permission to run ads anymore and revenue from said ads go to YouTube.

>> No.9159584

they are leeches but help promote chuubas so they get excused
