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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 96 KB, 913x965, Ej2qTTwUwAAsrWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9046769 No.9046769 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really see Artemis discussed here all that much. Is she /vt/ approved?

>> No.9046802


>> No.9046821 [DELETED] 


>> No.9046865

By shilling metrics probably the most shilled vtuber.
Hello shill

>> No.9046895 [DELETED] 

did they fired the trannyshark janny?

>> No.9047043 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047170

You'll soon find out why there aren't much arty threads.

>> No.9047175 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047211

Wasted his debut buff, wasted his Gura buff, wasted his Kiara buff.

>> No.9047212 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047241

what a waste of a good design

>> No.9047274 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047290 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047307 [DELETED] 

No unfortunately

>> No.9047308 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047316 [DELETED] 

It wasn't funny the first time. Go back to fucking /pol/.

>> No.9047351 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047359 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman

>> No.9047372 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047386 [DELETED] 

How much of a baby brain do you have to have if you don't realize that by telling people to stop you only make them do it more?

>> No.9047508

Now that I think about it, dakooters would be a better troontuber

>> No.9047527 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047547 [DELETED] 

this thread is 100% created by the tranny himself or one of his simps

>> No.9047550 [DELETED] 

Your not wrong, at least >she tries

>> No.9047576

And now you see why they aren't any threads of her. If this isn't bait, personally I like her, she is no where near my top chuubas but she isn't that low either, just an amazing design and a chill personality

>> No.9047604 [DELETED] 

It wouldn't be political if you didn't make it into a political topic.

>> No.9047644

Artemis IS dakooters

>> No.9047654

I like Artemis

>> No.9047681 [DELETED] 

I'll just report until mods get rid of them then.

>> No.9047697

Good luck with that kek

>> No.9047700

No, this boring abomination is not welcome and the only people endorsing it are circlejerking faggots.

>> No.9047729 [DELETED] 

I'd fuck the gay out of her/him or vice versa

>> No.9047734

/vt/ isn't a monolith so no. Some people like Artemis. Some people hate Artemis.

>> No.9047749

I want to see her feet.

>> No.9047787 [DELETED] 

low effort

>> No.9047811

Good luck with that, faggot.
Kill yourself. Report me too.

>> No.9047827 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 600x315, 1603899019564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross. Have you seen what the average tranny looks like?

>> No.9047831 [DELETED] 


>> No.9047856

I would take Artemis because atleast >>>she would be funny

>> No.9047877 [DELETED] 

>The fucking photoshop
please someone make it even longer, my sides hahaha

>> No.9048644

i seriously hope the irony of your post is not lost on you

>> No.9048652 [DELETED] 


>> No.9048844 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9049063

I have some friends who absolutely love them, but the few times i watched they seemed, meh, kinda boring.
Though they think the "i'm gay" bit is absolutely hilarious so, whatever.

>> No.9049099 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9049457 [DELETED] 


>> No.9049584 [DELETED] 

Trannies deserve nothing but the rope

>> No.9049641 [DELETED] 

I keep seeing ynbaw spam every time Artemis pops up on vt. Are they actually a tranny or is this some meme? Whats the proof?

>> No.9050320 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9050962


He has no style.
He has no grace.

>> No.9051023
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1627955821242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ hates everything, OP, if you ask if they hate Risu they'll also say yes, no matter how quickly they'd kneel to suck her cock if you hadn't asked

It's just how things work /here/, so don't take anything seriously, ever

>> No.9051029

She doesn't sound like a kawaii uguu anime girl. That's it.

>> No.9052754

Boring and terrible voice, too many vtubers out there to lose any more time on something like that

>> No.9053054 [DELETED] 

And yet don't trans people often insist that their identity isn't/shouldn't be considered political?

>> No.9055667

True, i thought she and gura had same parents for some reason, that design better off going to nijiEN or holoJP

>> No.9055779 [DELETED] 

Tranny shark, do do, do do do do
Tranny shark, do do, do do do do
Tranny shark, do do, do do do do
Tranny shark!

>> No.9055783 [DELETED] 

Honestly based.

All you need to do is be a halfway decent person and call others out for being a bunch of transphobic faggots and then just sit back and watch the (You)s roll in.

>> No.9055991 [DELETED] 

You're a man, Artemis.

>> No.9056058 [DELETED] 

I think it's an overdone joke as well, but I defend them saying whatever slanderous shit they want. Censorship is gay. Fuck that shit.

>> No.9056124 [DELETED] 

It's not censorship to tell someone to stop being a fucking faggot.

>> No.9056160

I accidentally clicked on his latest video but he sounds completely like a girl now, did his voice get better or he get replaced by a girl?

>> No.9056204

Artemis shills/falseflaggers got tired of the threads turning into tranny shitposting. And on the other hand, people hated Artemis for various reason. Artemis watching a pirated Hololive concert added fuel to the fire.

>> No.9056210 [DELETED] 

>He doesn't know about modern medical technology

>> No.9056249 [DELETED] 


>> No.9056319 [DELETED] 

Artemis, tunnelling a hole in your perineum, castrating yourself, flooding your body with estrogen, and placing your glans on top of your gaping axe wound doesn't change the fact that each and every cell in your body contains a Y chromosome, nor does it change your unmistakably male bones tructure.
It doesn't give you a a womb or ovaries either.
You will never be a woman.

>> No.9056321


>> No.9056508

>Whispery strained deep voice
Mori, Kronii, Coco and Suisei dont have "kawaii uguu" voices and they still sound like females. OP posted a dude

>> No.9056647 [DELETED] 


>> No.9056925 [DELETED] 

>>He still doesn't know about modern medical technology

>> No.9056955 [DELETED] 

see >>9056319

>> No.9056975 [DELETED] 

>implying we are trying to be funny
Uhh no I am disgusted actually. Artemis is the most low effort vtuber I've ever watched. Everyone else puts effort into entertaining an audience and they just suck at it

Also they're a tranny and won't admit it

>> No.9057253 [DELETED] 

>all this modern medical technology and you still can't fix the dysphoria in the mind
>imagine recommending plastic surgery to treat anorexia, bulimia, or body dysmorphic disorder

>> No.9057314

I like her enough (and yes I'm gonna say she/her because that's the character's gender, I don't give a fuck if the person behind is a man woman troon or vehicle of your choice), she has a fantastic design and I unironically find her voice to be quite soothing. I don't watch her that often but I never regret tuning in to her vods. I especially like her collabs with Bao, ocean lesbians let's goooooo!

>> No.9057358

Go back to discord

>> No.9057378 [DELETED] 


>> No.9057420
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>> No.9057426


>> No.9057677

>drawn in by model
>found their voice weird but it works
>liked their sass
>get tilted by her constant reminders that they are gay constantly

Lesbians are cool and all and I do like my shipping, but this is like fast food fries with extra salt, there is a hard fucking limit before what you signed up for is being drowned out, also the weird thumbnails, happy for their success, but clearly not for me

>> No.9057712 [DELETED] 


>> No.9057817 [DELETED] 


>> No.9057960

troons come to 4chan to validate their self-hatred

>> No.9057992 [DELETED] 


>> No.9058197

>Half the thread is just ">she/her"
These are the same people that blame reddit for killing jokes by repeating them too often, gentlemen

>> No.9058298 [DELETED] 


>> No.9058328

most likely samefag or an utter retard who finds reality tv shows funny

>> No.9058408

Whatever became of her, she looks actually popular but noone talks about her here or on twitter?

>> No.9058443

Very possible

>> No.9058499

>killing jokes
not joking were are aiming for a 50% chance

>> No.9058563

>implying it's a joke.

>> No.9058597

Hide all Shartemis threads and ignore shartemis shills. Sage in all fields.

>> No.9058663

Juniper's in pretty much the same position, popular but not talked about /here/ or on Twitter
Which is a good thing, since both social medias are the definition of abhorrent

>> No.9058747

So you noticed your generals dying and now you resort to shitty bait threads to stay relevant? Pathetic

>> No.9059073

If it was just the tranny thing I wouldn't care that much but Shartemis is just boring as fuck and the "OMG IM SO GAY" gimmick annoys the hell out of me and I say that as a yurishitter. That fucker is basically the SonicFox of vtubers.

>> No.9059182

not a woman
cope anglotranny

>> No.9059432

Oh my fucking god this faggot makes me not enjoy watching fighting games tournament

>> No.9059898
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can you send Artemis gifts online?
i would like to gift him some good long rope.

>> No.9060123

Don't care about her gender but the sense of humor filters me hard and the constant fucking attention whoring when she was a vtweeter only to have the most half-assed un-entertaining debut I've seen yet was pretty irritating. Everything she does outside of her clique just looks like leeching after that shit.

>> No.9060159 [DELETED] 

you. will. never. be. a. WOMAN.

>> No.9061051

Worst part is that the faggot despite being insufferable is skilled. I wish he would just shut the fuck up.

>> No.9061278
File: 1.10 MB, 900x675, TheGloriousTaleOfCatAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posted from my iphone 6 at my local library

>> No.9061286 [DELETED] 

They've never even outright referred to themselves as a man or woman so calling artemis a she is misgendering them!

>> No.9061309 [DELETED] 


>> No.9063133 [DELETED] 

ofc its one of her simps op's literally asking for her are u retard?

>> No.9063402 [DELETED] 

You can enjoy watching people without being a simp, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.9063438

vt does this and says they hate how leftists are obsessed with gender

>> No.9063900 [DELETED] 


>> No.9063942 [DELETED] 


>> No.9064003

She gets talked about in the vshojo thread. Shes most likely getting in soon too.

>> No.9064321

we don't support troons 'round these parts
get out

>> No.9064348


>> No.9064440

Th-th-th-this shark,
has a shitty voice.

>> No.9064447
File: 53 KB, 176x163, 1607972387186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9064543

Is he still dick riding bigger Vtubers for clout, I remember he would donate to nearly everyone on Hololive trying to get their name out and did a lot of domo dick sucking

>> No.9064601

If anything domo sucked Arty. He was no one before that.

>> No.9064621

horrible voice.

>> No.9064623

Someone needs to take that design away from her

>> No.9064652

They both sucked each other off, Artemis just did a lot of clout chasing on nearly every Holo and Niji girls

>> No.9064761

Imagine being male and not even being funny

>> No.9064784

Looking in the mirror?

>> No.9064792

in the hands of someone like Bao, Saruei or some sort of chill funny girl it would be legendary

>> No.9064794


>> No.9064826

I think they're a good tale of wait until somebody debuts to judge. Their videos got shared like mad on Twitter so the hype was real.
The debut had some sketchy stuff like viewbots, self-donations and personality of a cardboard cutout.
Throwing money at a nice model and all the assistance in the world from already established people isn't going to guarantee success. The good design was so wasted.

>> No.9064868

wasted design

>> No.9064904

Is Dakooters really young or something? Their most recent video sounded way more like a guy than anything else they've done.

>> No.9064926

Who says it wasn't a success? Shes still in the top 1% of western indies.

>> No.9064937

Artemis of the Dude

>> No.9064984

>itt: seathing 2 views
Keep it up the tears sustain me

>> No.9065123

>Lesbians are cool
only 2d ones.

>> No.9065278
File: 152 KB, 1200x675, _EoQFR0mVQAEVNcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shartemis is for chumps, watch the better sea themed chuuba instead

>> No.9065393

Artemis has a cute design and I want to see some Artemis feet, however I think their streams are boring.

>> No.9065567

Can I get a link pimp

>> No.9065585

>he isn't informed

>> No.9065820


>> No.9065922

>Rape accuser
>Better than Artemis

>> No.9065950

shut up artemis

>> No.9065980 [DELETED] 

They look like aliens ffs

>> No.9066022 [DELETED] 

This is just the average Amerimutt

>> No.9066065

Voice a stereotypical gay man trying to sound female.

>> No.9066158


>> No.9066174 [DELETED] 

How did this rrat spawn that she's actually a guy?

>> No.9066204

Was popular so holofags felt threatened and created rrats to stop her.

>> No.9066247

its not a rrat

>> No.9066266

Shilling himself nonstop.

>> No.9066309

Oh anon... I wish I was still naive as you

>> No.9066376

She sounds more feminine in recent streams

>> No.9067078

the shark is cute and has a cute voice
however her intended audience is very clearly not /vt/

>> No.9067448

i used to hate artemis until i gave >her a chance

>> No.9067811

She's boring and her voice triggers the absolute fuck out of all the spergs who masturbated to her before she spoke.

>> No.9070213 [DELETED] 

His face is out there bro. Shit was confirmed day 1.

>> No.9071726

Probably just a bad take
Their latest twitter video sounds feminine

>> No.9072545

I knew the guy was a fucking leech but I didn't know how much until I saw it first hand in a I think finana stream. I think she was playing hitman and shartemis showed up and started attention whoring and derailing chat and making puns with their name. Was promptly ignored while the retard in chat were going , "HEY ARTEMIS!"

I'm convinced there's some big indie chuuba discord Illuminati that talks shit behind the scenes and shartemis is on the black list. Just about the only chuuba I've seen actually acknowledge the guy is Char from Tsunderia.

>> No.9073477


>> No.9074047

When jannies first tried to put a stop to the Artemis-hate threads, people just took it as confirming their suspicions.
Thanks jannies!

>> No.9074497 [DELETED] 

Im against censorship, but people have the right to tell them to fuck off and stop being retards
But also, they are gonna do it somewhere, and i doubt they'd like it more on twitter than here desu2H0WK

>> No.9074668

>I'm convinced there's some big indie chuuba discord Illuminati that talks shit behind the scenes and shartemis is on the black list.
You're in it right now.

>> No.9075062 [DELETED] 

Mind giving me sauce anon?

>> No.9075397

>I'm convinced there's some big indie chuuba discord Illuminati that talks shit behind the scenes and shartemis is on the black list. Just about the only chuuba I've seen actually acknowledge the guy is Char from Tsunderia.
I mean obviously people are in discords and talk behind people's back. The internet has become eternal high school thanks to newfags. Nothing but secret clubs built upon secret clubs. If artemis is blacklisted, it's not because of the trans thing, but because of leeching behavior and openly pirating the hololive concert. That's my rrat because loserbait indicated this as much and if there's a vtuber illuminati you just KNOW he's in it.

>> No.9075566 [DELETED] 

To this day I haven't been shown any proof artemis is a guy.

>> No.9075596 [DELETED] 


>> No.9076466 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 1280x1280, 1625886306130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the proof of Artemis being a guy
I haven't seen any and... you know
>believing in shit you see on 4chan

>> No.9076525 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 260x532, 1628669843633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok jannie, try to get a better way to bait anons and ban them

>> No.9076644 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9076736 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman

>> No.9078129

ITT: >Her-temis tries to stay relevant by baiting /pol/ into watching >her streams

>> No.9078864

fartemis went into vtubing for fame, sadly it has no talent

>> No.9079444

....just listen to "her" voice

>> No.9079580

I gave Artemis several chances and only hated >her more afterwards

>> No.9080083
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I hear nothing wrong with that. I know girls who sound like this. Her higher notes aren't falsetto. Care to say more?

>> No.9080332
File: 562 KB, 441x613, 1621059728623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but if know what to look for and how women speak it's clear as day.
Voice training a male voice into a female sounding one has several different parts, including larynx position, pitch/octave, mix and compression, and intonation. One of the biggest obstacles for men doing female voices is the intonation. Male voices are really monotone in the flow of their words, and women are the opposite. This is obvious with Artemis. Then there's compression. You can hear how nasally Artemis's voice is; that's because he's struggling to have his larynx raised enough to have the frequencies in a female range. The strain is breaking through and going up the nasal pipe.
I could go on about why tranny voices sound like they do. It's also why it's hard to find convincing traptubers. Voice acting follows ALL the same conventions, because that's what voice training is.
t. aspiring voice actor

>> No.9080342 [DELETED] 


>> No.9080404
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I don't watch Artemis so someone explain to me. How come when Masaru plays a boy, where everyone knows the roommate is female, no one calls him a girl and everyone calls him a boy?

>> No.9080449

Artemis literally lives rent free in the minds of this board, anon.

>> No.9080511

But did Artemis ever say the roommate is female or something? I don't get why every thread featuring Artemis generates this level of seethe over gender. Over leeching/shilling, from what I read on the thread, sure, but roommate gender, wtf?

>> No.9080563

Because people are pathetic simps and will give women a free pass to do what they want but hold a double standard against men doing the same thing

>> No.9080710
File: 115 KB, 224x282, 1623464087562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. She's actually a girl so they can simp for her
2. She's Japanese so bonus weeb points
Simple as
Westerners can't have nice things

>> No.9080826

I dont think anybody here has issues with that or babiniku anon. So its more about the person or perhaps more accurately about Artemis's cultural background which is political in nature.
Im surprised this thread is still up, no idea why people keep shilling Artemis here with the obvious rejection.

>> No.9080831 [DELETED] 

Hell no

>> No.9080962
File: 154 KB, 561x475, 1623440967454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds more like poor biased pseudosociology rather than phonetics.
I hope you'll get a female role

>> No.9081033

>Artemis's cultural background which is political in nature

>> No.9081093

Then how do I avoid tranny voice and instead get a good traptuber voice? Just autistically grind intonation?

>> No.9081226

Nice try meido.

>> No.9081273 [DELETED] 


>> No.9081596

He's telling them to go back there because that's where they came from, not proclaiming it's a political topic that needs to stay there.

>> No.9082299


She was collabing with Offline TV recently, who are huge normal streamers, so I think she'll probably have a big incline soon.

>> No.9082303


>> No.9083304
File: 279 KB, 600x450, Lex_Luthor_AKA_Mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all part of the plan

>> No.9083460

To be fair, Artemis did a collab or two with Finana before (Prop Hunt), so her visit was probably innocuous at best

>> No.9083736

artemis, more like fartemis
more like shartemis
more like craptemis

the craptuber who couldn't even maintain four digit sustained viewers on her "six month anniversary" stream despite 200k subscribers because as it turns out nobody cares about your lack of talent shark who only has that reach because of connections and a rig. stream after stream she is a disappointment with numbers to match. try again when you got a personality that doesn't revolve around spewing "I'm gay" every five seconds, bitch.

>> No.9083815
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>> No.9084009


>> No.9084175

Finana showed up and donated to Artemis' birthday stream, and they collabed when she was an indie, so I'm fairly sure they're friends

>> No.9084432
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>> No.9084512

Obvious samefag
at least try changing it up, Arty

>> No.9084600
File: 5 KB, 350x120, try harder retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9084615

high test post, art

>> No.9086594

discordfag shills are one entity as far as im concerned

>> No.9086657

Perhaps the most boring vtuber. He makes even Vhoejou look entertaining by comparison.

>> No.9087170 [DELETED] 


>> No.9089015
File: 149 KB, 1280x777, LoveIsLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your oshi supports trans rights!

>> No.9089075

>he keeps replying to himself

>> No.9089279 [DELETED] 


>> No.9089724

Joke? Anon you have ears right?

>> No.9091768 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1614x2158, Frieza_3rd_Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic kills me everytime

>> No.9092178 [DELETED] 


>> No.9094692 [DELETED] 


>> No.9096974

I feel like people would care a little less about Arty being trans if they weren't a boring one joke leech and jannies didn't keep bonking people for saying it.

It just makes it paradoxically taboo which encourages people to cast it up because it becomes provocative when really it shouldn't matter. After all the fun of vtubing is being able to become something that doesn't need to be constrained by the external world

Fuck rart in the mart tho

>> No.9097023

I hate male that use cute girl model cuz Its feel more like trap, so no

>> No.9098484 [DELETED] 


>> No.9099032 [DELETED] 

What do her farts smell like?

>> No.9099058 [DELETED] 


>> No.9099181 [DELETED] 


>> No.9099296 [DELETED] 

How feminine is shartemisses benis?
Donr tell me its an axewound.
