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File: 738 KB, 981x1387, aquora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9019091 No.9019091 [Reply] [Original]

>they will never formally collaborate

>> No.9019106

I want to fuck aqua's non-existent brains out.

>> No.9019137

Before they became Vtubers, when they were on niconico, they made a pact to go to war

>> No.9019166
File: 1.33 MB, 2500x1364, 90697958_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are love rivals because they all love Miko.

>> No.9019189
File: 702 KB, 1915x2709, 1620696748434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this Collab to become a reality.

>> No.9019481

I want to collab with them in the bed

>> No.9019728

Pekora is racist and transphobic so she hates Aqua intrinsically.

>> No.9021461

Probably the same reason Aqua will never do a 1-on-1 collab with Korone, she doesn't like people being bullied by Holos she doesn't know.
Marine, Mio, and Okayu pamper her emotions thus why she only collabs with them nowadays. It sucks since Aqua used to do collabs constantly 1.5-2 years ago.

>> No.9021621

theyve had together with subaru. its a great achievement for aqua.

aqua doesnt even have any one on one collabs in her streams. she can only do with shion,, subaru, marine, and okayu. shes introvert as fuck.

>> No.9021727

They fucking hate each other because women

>> No.9021745

does subaru even count? she's pretty much good friends with every holo except stars

>> No.9021820

Marine and Mio were bantering with her pretty hard during the Akukin streams, Shion also rips on her pretty often and she rolls with it really well. What makes Korone or Pekora different? Is it just that she doesn't know if they're joking or not?

>> No.9021844

She called into Korone's totsumachi before so I think there isn't any bad blood between them, just extreme awkwardness. Korone even said she was thinking about doing a collab with Aqua, though she doubted she could get Aqua to say more than 10 words.

>> No.9022341

>Is it just that she doesn't know if they're joking or not?
Pretty much. If you notice how she slurs her 'Ss' in her stream then that's when you know she's genuinely nervous and tends to freeze how words until someone in the stream makes it less awkward. Marine, Mio, Okayu, and Shion have been streaming with Aqua for years while she never had a stream with Korone and Pekora as far as I remember so the difference is simply she's more comfortable around them and more used to their jokes.
Honestly I don't really see the collab happening anytime soon. Watching Aqua since 2019, I noticed her social anxiety has only gotten significantly worse and 95% of her streams this year have been nothing but solo streams.

>> No.9022573 [DELETED] 

>she never had a stream with Korone
H-haha... yeah...

>> No.9022634

>Watching Aqua since 2019, I noticed her social anxiety has only gotten significantly worse and 95% of her streams this year have been nothing but solo streams.
That's kind of heartbreaking to hear. What happened? Was it the harassment from APEX autists or Kensetsu Wars SEAdogs?

>> No.9022786

subaru and aqua are in the same gen 2 group and have had lots of offline meetups since the early days of hololive. their relationship is different from others. holomems who aqua can meet with irl are only subaru, shion, and okayu.

>> No.9022863

Only Aqua can get the OK from the management for anything (3D at home, etc.)
Pekora once cried during a broadcast because the management cancelled a project she wanted to do.

The fact that these things happened at the same time pointed out the favoritism of the management.
However, this has nothing to do with the problems between the girls themselves, but with the fans destroying each other.

To be honest, they've all known each other since they were in high school, so maybe it's complicated.

>> No.9023066

I could've worded that better since I literally said in my previous post >>9021461
>Aqua will never do a 1-on-1 collab with Korone,
If she does one someday then that'd be great since that'll mean she'll finally try to come out of her shell.
Aqua is infamous for having the most unhealthy fans, since hers are infested with idol otakus. Hololive wasn't really all about gaming until around Gen 3 and ironically Aqua changed that mentally once she started doing gaming streams, yet at the same time it splits her fandom from her APEX fans and her Idol fans.

One of the most infamous examples is when her fans went ballistic after Aqua spent half of a stream playing a pro Smash player. It's partially the reason why she had a meltdown earlier this year because of a combination of her demanding fans and her compulsive personality to keep them happy. Most people who watch Hololive don't pay attention of how much bullshit Aqua had to go through before that event.

>> No.9023121

>Only Aqua can get the OK from the management for anything (3D at home, etc.)
Ogey brro. Can you, like, substantiate your narrative because you're coming off as a real big nousagi right now. Also
>3D at home
If you watched more streamers than Pekora you would know that even in her own gen other Holos have this too, and got it before Aqua did.

>> No.9023219

Intelligent post. Doesn't help that Aqua grew significantly disillusioned about hololive and her fans this year, she has changed after returning from that break
See how her relationship have become more casually fun rather than the past where she was the butt of the joke all the time
Sorry if I speak not correctly , I'm JPnigger

>> No.9023239

>To be honest, they've all known each other since they were in high school, so maybe it's complicated.
Also where on earth did you pull this rrat from? Aqua and Pekora are literally a generation apart age-wise.

>> No.9023337

Redditor newfag gets the rope

>> No.9023443

>To be honest, they've all known each other since they were in high school, so maybe it's complicated.
Pekora is 27 anon

>> No.9023531

I saw a chart a couple of months ago that showed that they had 2 collaborations together

>> No.9023538

You're actually retarded. Pekora was in her 20s when Aqua was in high school. We've literally all seen the streams, you don't have some sort of forbidden knowledge, you're just a retard. Putting aside the rest of your schizo dribble this is such an absurd take I'm surprised I've never heard it before.

>> No.9023580

what did her fans do

>> No.9023693

>To be honest, they've all known each other since they were in high school, so maybe it's complicated.

eop rrat. its even strange that these eops think pekora and aqua should be closer. gen 2 members are close to holo gamers gen 0 and gen 1. this goes for all gen 2 members. like senpai s, smok. miko is also close to gen 0 gen 1 gen 2 and gamers. eops probably dont know much bout gen 0-2 and gamers since those collabs dont have many clips.

>> No.9023810

To be fair, Yagoo originally saw Aqua as his new golden egg. Before the overseas boom happened, Aqua already surpassed Sora and was rapidly on her way into surpassing Fubuki. There's a reason she's chosen for a lot of Holo advertisements last year.

>> No.9023851

>eop rrat
Wait really? From where? Is this actually a thing? I've literally never heard something so stupid from anyone before this anon because Aqua and Pekora's backstory is probably the most well known of any roommate relationships on the whole site. Is this a SEAcord rrat?

>> No.9023990

Are the rrats about Pekora bullying meido-san in their nico days true?
Not that it would surprise me coming from her.

>> No.9024083

sensou dayo

>> No.9024183

it was pekora's way of starting a friendship for some reason. aqua thought it was weird.

>> No.9024346

nobody talks about such a rrat in the jp vtuber scene even on shitty matome sites full of jp rrats. pekora just had one or a few collabs with aqua on nico before they joined hololive. also such a thing isnt even special like pekora had with miko, marine and kanata had even an offline meetup before hololive. most jp members used to be somewhat popular nico streamers so theres nothing strange with their past relationships
