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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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90136582 No.90136582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.90136597
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Hololive sites

Twitch sites

>> No.90136603

do you ever wonder if rushia regrets it?

>> No.90136606


>> No.90136609
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.90136610
File: 2.03 MB, 1611x1110, 1701527497493812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90136613


>> No.90136615


>> No.90136621


>> No.90136630

>Holos with 100k 3D lives
Gen 0:
Miko, Suisei
Gen 1:
Gen 2:
Aqua, Subaru, Shion
All of them
Gen 3:
All of them except Flare
Gen 4:
All of them except Luna
Gen 5:
None of them
All of them

>> No.90136631


>> No.90136635

we don't need to wonder, we fucking know

>> No.90136645

Here is the top 10 for Noel before this stream. Highest 3D life but can't beat her outfit reveal in 2020 which came back to back with Miko's return

>peak :: date :: title :: video_id
>140116 :: 2020-10-21 :: 【新衣装お披露目】ゴスロリが流行ってる中、団長は…???【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: WeG18OZ48Oo
>101868 :: 2021-10-04 :: 【#白銀ノエル新衣装】なんか脇から毛が生えている...?【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: sU035Ii_Scw
>91382 :: 2023-08-08 :: 【#白銀ノエル4周年】ゲストいっぱい!3D LIVE 最高の夏にしようね【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: Q7KmABONtXk
>88526 :: 2022-11-24 :: 【#ノエル生誕はっぴーLIVE】今日は誕生日!!好きなことしてはっぴーになろおおお【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: E1HXg-kjOI8
>75900 :: 2021-06-26 :: 【3D LIVE】100万人記念いっぱい歌って踊って楽しんじゃお【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: JEyWbHwLKJE
>73475 :: 2023-11-24 :: 【#白銀ノエル生誕祭2023】3Dバラエティ!あびゃびゃ!全国おいしい発見!~高級食材で牛丼づくりに挑む~【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: Si2W-gcT1Lw
>70474 :: 2022-08-27 :: 【#白銀ノエル3周年記念】ゲストあり!!最高の夏の思い出LIVE【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: UtSY7tOqr4k
>68506 :: 2022-08-19 :: 【#白銀ノエル新衣装2022】重大告知もあり!!!おや?団長の様子が...ッ!【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: go-H2z9_12Q
>67629 :: 2021-09-26 :: 【#白銀ノエル2周年記念live】3Dライブ!いつもありがとう全力でアイドルしまっする(重大告知あり...?!)【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: xa7J8CE1Zms
>64370 :: 2022-06-25 :: 【#ノエルのリリカルLIVE 】新たな団長を見てッ !【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】 :: 8DQWjvFBma4

>> No.90136648


>> No.90136653


>> No.90136660


>> No.90136668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.90136670
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>> No.90136672
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>> No.90136673

Holy fucking cow tits

>> No.90136676
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She regretted it from the second she got kicked out and still to this day.
Also holy booba

>> No.90136689


>> No.90136690

every second of her remaining life

>> No.90136691

tits waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small

>> No.90136694 [DELETED] 
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>> No.90136697


>> No.90136698
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>> No.90136703 [DELETED] 


HAHAHAHA FULL ON SEETHE. YEAH BABY!! You made my day nijinigger dont worry your dying en branch is already on their way 6 feet under

>> No.90136708

Fully covered nuns are hotter

>> No.90136714


>> No.90136713

>iori moe
who is that again?

>> No.90136742

>>90136689 (me)
That's Iori Moe right?

>> No.90136745

Didn't she literally cosplay Rushia? That girl probably cries every time there's a Sankisei 3D live and during holoFes weekend.

>> No.90136746
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>do you ever wonder if rushia regrets it?

>> No.90136751
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it

>> No.90136752

>Hinano 800k get
>While she was at the bathroom
She got so mad

>> No.90136753
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>> No.90136757

Sure, nijisister
As if Gura's disappearance affects holoEN on anything
As if holoEN doesn't have Biboo or Gigi or anyone who does karaoke
And as if Gura won't technically graduate

>> No.90136762

Anon glasses wont work on how retarded your eyes are

>> No.90136763

no, me

>> No.90136769
File: 760 KB, 3840x2160, cute gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Gura cosplay

This Hamu chick is one of the few that can fit the part, right size for a loli and cute too

>> No.90136768

Lamy? She got TWO 100k

>> No.90136771

The fuck with these Mariana Trench?

>> No.90136787


>> No.90136790

You have big tits anon. But not big enough

>> No.90136793
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Doesn't seem like she has Twitter. She also has 400k on her youtube channel

>> No.90136794

Rushia will rise again

>> No.90136795
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>> No.90136808

Men of culture are all on tits

>> No.90136810

>3d live
gokiniggers can't read

>> No.90136811

someone needs to faceapp yagoo onto mike

>> No.90136815

I can get it bigger, just 1 more gallon of ice cream

>> No.90136819

she's a big fan of noel and cried on stream talking about how noel's streams saved her during her darkest days

>> No.90136826
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Acrylic stands are here, thank god.

>> No.90136828
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>>90136771 (me)
Forgot the pic

>> No.90136833

She's married. Stop

>> No.90136834

nijjer status?

>> No.90136837

which mike?

>> No.90136850

Rushia would kill to get back in. I wouldnt be suprised if she auditioned back for Devis

>> No.90136860


>> No.90136862

I shouldn't lust after married women

>> No.90136865


>> No.90136877

yeah, me.

>> No.90136879

>She's married
and so?

>> No.90136880

breaks? dunno, who even watches niji here

>> No.90136881

Check prev thread for the sweet seething that happen

>> No.90136883
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>> No.90136888

that reminds me that she missed out on the very first holofes + expo

>> No.90136890

proof? afaik she's single

>> No.90136896


>> No.90136900
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A list JP cosplayer, did sankisei with Enakorin back in 2022 for that Young Jump issue

>> No.90136906
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When I think Danchou I think
>Cute >tits >hamster >appetite >rage gamer

>> No.90136917
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The day 1 looks somewhat normal in comparison outside the trenches

>> No.90136919

Shitpost answer: The Portuguese viewers all needed to take their legally required siestas
Real answer: Probably breaks given how long the stream's runtime is

>> No.90136932

>comments are turned off
kek, guess joshukuns and 35P were raging too much

>> No.90136934

Looks normal to me

>> No.90136933
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>> No.90136938

who the fuck is that next to flare? 3rd gen is only 4 members

>> No.90136939

chestnut mouth
chestnut mouth
chestnut mouth
chestnut mouth
chestnut mouth

>> No.90136944

>he doesn't cound the 3D live performances at the start

>> No.90136948


>> No.90136950

Dunno, check what happens in the stream at those points

>> No.90136953


>> No.90136964

All of that and
>soul singer who almost every year mogs Niji events with her SINGING
I still remember her mogging peak Salome on 2022 Niji Melody

>> No.90136965

so should cover accept back terminated members?

>> No.90136969

You forgot
>monkey moves

>> No.90136985

Speaking of rushia Rider seems to think that all unicorns are spawned by rushia

>> No.90136986

She sleeps in that Rushia cosplay every night and only takes it off during streams and irl shit

>> No.90136989

>they cropped out her ass for the card version

>> No.90136996

The Dragon Quest folks sent Koyori a ring

>> No.90136998

only mel

>> No.90136999
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Oshi card

>> No.90137002

Damn that was pure kino race

>> No.90137005

Not watching but in principle it's people tabbing out when they go on breaks.
That they bottom out at exactly same spot, especially after that totally natty looking spike peak, pretty weird though

>> No.90137003

And "Deluxe Noel" too!

>> No.90137010

>kek, guess joshukuns and 35P were raging too much
anon are you a newfag or retarded? some streams have been getting their comments turned off without the streamers noticing for a few months now
happened with the en's as well like with fuwamocos stream

>> No.90137011
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>> No.90137037

And also MUSCLE

>> No.90137043

retard, that's an EN only thing

>> No.90137048

No. As much as I feel it'd be fine to have Mel back as far as how Mel as an individual was, the precedent isn't good for if more severe issues pop up with others in the future.

>> No.90137051


>> No.90137061
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>myung yi
sounds bugish

>> No.90137065
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>> No.90137067

no kanauru shit

>> No.90137069

>it was all a dream
wtf hack ending. I'm unsubbing.

>> No.90137073

only mel

>> No.90137075

She says that, but Mori decked her in arm wrestling

>> No.90137079

Give me a sec anon, there's still some tits up on my TV

>> No.90137085

Kek. it was all a dream

>> No.90137090
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>> No.90137091

Marine closed comments on the koshien draft stream because of nijiniggers shitting it up over pekomiko.

>> No.90137092

>retard, that's an EN only thing
retard thats hitting everyone
it even hit koyoris asakoyo stream a month or so ago

>> No.90137095
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>> No.90137099
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Get rid of him

>> No.90137102

something is wrong with her face

>> No.90137104

hololive invented idol culture lmao

>> No.90137107
File: 661 KB, 720x1280, CzgEXs6hIQd0OY9u (1).mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137117

> head empty
> only shuba

>> No.90137119

Outfits used in this live
>1 million
>Christmas 1
>Christmas 2

>> No.90137120

Mori is an ogre, that's not fair

>> No.90137124
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>Wait so it's not christmas ?
KEK I told you it's not even december COWTITS

>> No.90137127
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>> No.90137160

Please forgib. only shuba on head and tits getting all the blood

>> No.90137164

nijisanji could never

>> No.90137165

So where did 100k people go holokeks? Sleep like an obedient bots?

>> No.90137170


>> No.90137173
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>> No.90137185

Why is this meme still running?

>> No.90137186

Mighty brave of him out of anyone to call people "deadends"

>> No.90137201


>> No.90137202

>My Kansai blood is boiling

>> No.90137205

>1) 86,316: Shellin (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [20]
>2) 55,816: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY1 [29]
>3) 73,842: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY2 [28]
>4) 88,768: Fubuki (Hololive) FBKINGDOM Fest. + 1st Sololive Announcement [32]
>5) 63,844: Kanade (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Noel, Marine, Subaru [22]
>6) 37,482: Sakuna (Indie) Zatsudan [16]
>7) 40,509: Miko (Hololive) The Strongest TOFU [19]
>8) 108,194: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) NijiFes2025 committee [15]
>9) 190,351: Niko (Hololive) Debut stream [36]
>10) 83,892: FlowGlow (Hololive) 1st full gen collab [29]
>11) 41,265: Sakuna (Indie) Utawaku [32]
>12) 82,696: Nene (Hololive) Return Stream [26]
>13) 99,667: Yashiro (Nijisanji) Dokuzu Live 2024 [23]
>14) 69,795: Suisei (Hololive) Live Tour 2024 Freepart [20]
>15) 114,577: Lamy (Hololive) Hololive Fitness Competition #2 [26]
>16) 59,171: Marine (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Lamy, Noel, Korone [28]
>17) 121,875: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 [28]
>18) 86,093: Miko (Hololive) Miko's room ft. Korone [26]
>19) 65,475: Subaru (Hololive) Subaru-Mio-Miko US trip report [28]
>20) 42,246: Miko (Hololive) HoloCure [24]
>21) 48,362: Matsuri (Hololive) Mario Party Jamboree w/Subaru, Pekora, Ayame [21]
>22) 101,172: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together tournament [19]
>23) 60,601: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Splatoon tournament Day 1 [33]

6x: Nijisanji
15x: Hololive
2x: Indie

4x: Nijisanji
3x: Miko
2x: Sakuna, Subaru
1x: Shellin, Fubuki, Kanade, Niko, FlowGlow, Nene, Yashiro, Suisei, Lamy, Marine, Koyori, Matsuri

reposteranon asleep I guess

>> No.90137208

Your bait is like 5 min too early

>> No.90137213

I find it funny that rider just lives 30 mins away from me

>> No.90137217
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understandable, I forgib

>> No.90137222
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This graph is getting real funky

>> No.90137221

What does cold chicken mean?

>> No.90137226

... sovl is still on retard

>> No.90137233

Can't wait for her eventual collab with her if she doesn't pussy out like with fubuoka

>> No.90137238

Because it makes antis seethe

>> No.90137240
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>> No.90137243

It's incredible how bad he is at being anonymous

>> No.90137251
File: 47 KB, 514x254, aieee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 view VOD 10 hours later

>> No.90137253

what's stopping you from beating him up?

>> No.90137258

Anon you're supposed to wait until after Noel's streams ended

>> No.90137270

>1) 48,281: Matsuri (Hololive) 3D Live bday
>2) 41,365: Amayui Moka (VSPO) Debut
>3) 40,261: Miko (Hololive) Buckshot Roulette w/ Fubuki, Mio, Okayu
>4) 70,499: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY3
>5) 46,037: Miko (Hololive) KusoDeka Bayashi
>6) 35,074: Okayu (Hololive) Chat with AI You Laugh You Lose
>7) 34,975: Subaru (Hololive) Holomem class seating chart
>8) 30,444: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #7
>9) 183,452: Chihaya (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 73,581: Miko (Hololive) Maripa w/ Fubuki, Korone, Kanata
>11) 40,003: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #8
>12) 47,271: Lize (Nijisanji) Lize's Radio vs. The Strongest Combo Battle
>13) 35,432: Kanata (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #8
>14) 45,736: Pekora (Hololive) HoloCure
>15) 90,784: Nari Yang (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>16) 42,813: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 preshow
>17) 85,619: Nagao (Nijisanji) Niji Splatoon tournament rules and draft
>18) 78,899: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) SF6
>19) 39,957: Iroha (Hololive) 1m endurance Karaoke
>20) 39,754: Miko (Hololive) Don’t Scream
>21) 48,349: Miko (Hololive) thumbnail making
>22) 44,454: Toya (Nijisanji) NijiSplatoon tournament warmup
>23) 59,519: Ponpoko (Indie) 24 hours stream

15x: Hololive
1x: VSPO
6x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

5x: Miko
2x: AZKi
1x: Matsuri, Amayui Moka, Nijisanji, Okayu, Subaru, Chihaya, Lize, Kanata, Pekora, Nari Yang, Koyori, Nagao, Kuzuha, Iroha, Toya, Ponpoko

>> No.90137273

Oh yeah show the stream then nigger

>> No.90137277
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>> No.90137278

how fucking new are you?!

>> No.90137279

How much of that is botted?

>> No.90137283

you could be doing the funnies shit ever

>> No.90137282

Yeap. She got terminated literally 1 month before the third Fes. I don't know if she would've stayed for long considering everything that came to light after that debacle but at least there's a chance that she would've had a proper send off if she only had shut her retarded mouth for 3 days.

>> No.90137284

This outfit is the best thing to come out of BJ

>> No.90137287

Pekora, 2 years ago during Christmas, did not stream. People were waiting for her to go live with fresh, hot KFC and she didn't. The chicken went cold while they were waiting

>> No.90137298
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uh oh melty

>> No.90137303

Atleast everything above 60k

>> No.90137304

6 to 15? Why were Nijiniggers gloatinglike it was neck and neck last thread?

>> No.90137315

>high-tier manjisanji day
>chart fucked up
>low-tier whos day
>normal chart

>> No.90137316

anon most of the thread came in during advent

>> No.90137322

why beat him up when people can just give him the depressed nousagi treatment and put his name on the governments red list which resulted in dn getting his us visa denied

>> No.90137324

>cold chicken was 2 years ago
I feel old...

>> No.90137338
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>> No.90137349

New Raora handcam stream coming. Building Holomem out of Nanoblocks

>> No.90137350

>1) 45,513: Sakuna (Indie) Liar's Bar
>2) 35,139: Choya Hanabi (VSPO) Debut
>3) 35,383: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #5
>4) 53,951: Moka (VSPO) SF6
>5) 41,522: Moka (VSPO) SF6
>6) 33,993: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>7) 34,871: Mana (Nijisanji) MECHATU-A collab
>8) 29,058: NeruMero (Indie) Genshin
>9) 181,200: Vivi (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 54,102: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Birthday Stream
>11) 28,420: Niko (Hololive) Zatsudan
>12) 38,410: Pekora (Hololive) Don’t Scream
>13) 35,382: Marine (Hololive) DON'T SCREAM Ver1.0
>14) 42,763: Marine (Hololive) HoloCure
>15) 80,898: AZKi (Hololive) 6th Anniversary Live + New 3D outfit
>16) 35,810: Pekora (Hololive) HoloCure
>17) 56,449: Pekora (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Watchalong ft. PekoMari
>18) 42,315: Chloe (Hololive) Marshmallow+announcement w/HoloX
>19) 38,250: Pekora (Hololive) The Game Awards press conference
>20) 38,261: Okayu (Hololive) Mario Party Jamboree w/ Niko, Vivi, Fubuki
>21) 29,989: Moka (VSPO) SF6
>22) 32,240: Suisei (Hololive) model 2.0 debut
>23) 49,259: Miko (Hololive) Soul Calibur VI

2x: Indie
4x: VSPO
14x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

4x: Pekora
3x: Moka
2x: Kuzuha, Marine, AZKi
1x: Sakuna, Choya Hanabi, Mana, NeruMero, Vivi, Niko, Chloe, Okayu, Suisei, Miko

>Alabaster minigame is easier on normal than on free
I thought I got skill-checked with the 30stages. Gonna get those cred and pyro

>> No.90137351

what the hell, did they get rid of apple pay on the holoshop?

>> No.90137354

Oof, he really miscalculated how much of his audience in HOLOSTARS he was able to pull to his PL.

>> No.90137355

>Nijimonkey newfag calling someone a nigger
Kek not only a newfag but also a fucking tourist. Gtfo you fucking nijipest

>> No.90137358

It's strange how Fauna anti threads in the catalog are always full of homo defenders.

>> No.90137377

Pretty sure cold chicken was actually 2021

>> No.90137382

I've been here 2.5 years I just don't know all the memes

>> No.90137387

Proof that it hits non-ENs where? Nigger.

>> No.90137393
File: 1.57 MB, 1255x718, nijiNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we get a repeat of this next month?

>> No.90137399

It would be hilarious if the two fliphomos would get that treatment and get denied fes 6 stuff and 3Ds

>> No.90137412

I don't think rider would go outside enough for that to matter

>> No.90137414

she certainly regrets getting caught

>> No.90137415


>> No.90137441

>check VOD time to see if maybe the stream was 30 minutes or something
>3 hour stream

>> No.90137446

>1) 86,316: Shellin (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>2) 55,816: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY1
>3) 40,261: Miko (Hololive) Buckshot Roulette w/ Fubuki, Mio, Okayu [S]
>4) 88,768: Fubuki (Hololive) FBKINGDOM Fest. + 1st Sololive Announcement
>5) 63,844: Kanade (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Noel, Marine, Subaru
>6) 37,482: Sakuna (Indie) Zatsudan
>7) 34,975: Subaru (Hololive) Holomem class seating chart [S]
>8) 30,444: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #7 [S]
>9) 190,351: Niko (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 83,892: FlowGlow (Hololive) 1st full gen collab
>11) 28,299: Kanade (Hololive) Maripa w/ Noel, Ayame, Lui [4th]
>12) 82,696: Nene (Hololive) Return Stream
>13) 99,667: Yashiro (Nijisanji) Dokuzu Live 2024
>14) 69,795: Suisei (Hololive) Live Tour 2024 Freepart
>15) 114,577: Lamy (Hololive) Hololive Fitness Competition #2
>16) 59,171: Marine (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Lamy, Noel, Korone
>17) 121,875: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024
>18) 78,899: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) SF6 [S]
>19) 39,957: Iroha (Hololive) 1m endurance Karaoke [S]
>20) 38,261: Okayu (Hololive) Mario Party Jamboree w/Niko, Vivi, Fubuki [B]
>21) 48,362: Matsuri (Hololive) Mario Party Jamboree w/Subaru, Pekora, Ayame
>22) 44,454: Toya (Nijisanji) NijiSplatoon tournament warmup [S]
>23) 59,519: Ponpoko (Indie) 24 hours stream [S]

5x: Nijisanji
16x: Hololive
2x: Indie

>> No.90137445

he ain't going anyhwere negro, he's been a NEET for 10 years

>> No.90137447
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, AZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi liked the Noel live!

>> No.90137453

Even if he did go outside, I doubt he can afford flights to anywhere. He's been unemployed for years

>> No.90137471
File: 735 KB, 2176x1974, 2021 tournament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck with these Mariana Trench?
That's the intermission. The weird thing is that HUGE FUCKING SPIKE, what happened? No such thing happened in 2021, the audience returning is usually a little bit over or under the one that left before the intermission

>> No.90137472

It's more like people got tired of his menhera bullshit. Dude is on a constant state of meltdowns.

>> No.90137475

KEK holy shit.
Vshojo's new JP wave aren't even 4 views in their debut honeymoon phase...And we all know it all goes down from here.... are they going to be low 3 views soon?

>> No.90137486

is the flip unemployment compensation that strong or has he just been eating out of trash cans for the past decade?

>> No.90137505
File: 51 KB, 1268x713, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the stream still looks like this, yeah

>> No.90137508
File: 88 KB, 874x155, 1713092499062635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.90137515

>Western corpo debuting in extremely competitive jp market
>on twitch which only has the vcr audience
no shit

>> No.90137517

Are they even on Youtube? If not, they're DOA

>> No.90137520

philipinoes get like, $80 a month if you have a disability

>> No.90137523

Reminds me of the graphs Nippleboy gets when he plays Apex.

>> No.90137522

We like Azki!

>> No.90137526

I'm not the anon but
>Imagine getting an evidence of a stream that accidentally turned off the chat/comment just to believe it really is happening
Retard newfag please. Stop being a mongoloid coz I'm not going to waste my time for some retarded faggot who can't use YouTube very well. If you don't wanna believe then it's up to you to remain an imbecile

>> No.90137528
File: 1.18 MB, 1023x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel's 2024 birthday limited set had an initial stock that of around 2900/100 on holoshop/gj. After six minutes she sold out on holoshop and sold 40 on geekjack and at $83 a set she has currently moved a minimum of $207,000 worth of merch once she sells out on geekjack.

>> No.90137529

lets gooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.90137540

Weird. Didn't get any option for Apple Pay when buying Noel's limited, but it shows up when I try to buy something from Mori's concert merch.

>> No.90137542

man, riona really got screwed over by the government

>> No.90137549
File: 285 KB, 1248x1824, 1709891475740580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137548

Ain't no way this is a real stage wtf

>> No.90137560


>> No.90137566

twitch nips only cares about VCR, fleshie related shit
its hopeless

>> No.90137570

retardation isn't a disability

>> No.90137571

soon, game dev anon will post a screen just like this here.

>> No.90137569

He's leeching off his family

>> No.90137578

NOVEMBER 2024 holoID
>1) 6,481: Kaela (Core Keeper SOLO WORLD)
>2) 9,400: Anya (Buckshot Roulette w/ Raora, Kiara, Reine)
>3) 7,744: Zeta (Super Mario Party Jamboree w/ Holoh3ro)
>4) 4,360: Kaela (Core Keeper w/ GRAONDSTONE)
>5) 4,311: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>6) 5,061: Zeta (Bday countdown & new accessory reveal)
>7) 25,787: Zeta (Zeta 3D bday Jazzeta)
>8) 1,494: Reine (Unsorted Horror)
>9) 3,730: Kaela (Core Keeper)
>11) 4,625: Anya (Iron Lung)
>12) 7,881: Moona (Liar’s Bar)
>13) 2,892: Zeta (OMUSUBI)
>14) 3,387: Kaela (Core Keeper w/ GRAONDSTONE)
>15) 7,310: Ollie (HOLOCURE 0.7)
>16) 5,290: Risu (UNARCHIVED KARAOKE)
>17) 3,974: Kobo (VALORANT)
>18) 1,883: Risu (M.M.M.)
>19) 12,763: Kaela (HoloCure 0.7 UPDATE)
>20) 2,608: Ollie (Delivering Hope)
>21) 3,816: Kaela (Thought Experiment Simulator)
**>22) 10,068: Ollie (HOLOCURE 0.7)
>23) 3,907: Moona (HoloCure)

7x: Kaela
4x: Zeta
3x: Ollie, Moona
2x: Anya, Risu
1x: Reine, Kobo

*[brackets] indicate number of streams over 5k for the day. Omitted brackets means only 1
**numbers taken from vrabi w/ filter off (unless higher elsewhere; on dwarftally)

happened before with Kobo months back. Me forgot to codify it. vrabi recorded higher so that one deviated from the dwarf's. Not that it matters. It's ID numbers

>> No.90137585

>4.3k watching riona

>> No.90137602
File: 120 KB, 1284x727, Miko drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137613

nta but one of the jp homos song got hit with the comments off bug few months ago and the retard still hasnt turned on
also mios membership stream comments got disabled few months ago >>70121602

>> No.90137616

Aint it interesting how Kaela still won ID tally despite not streaming for most of the month?

>> No.90137620
File: 1.81 MB, 2275x1108, bokki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are matome right? Will Nijisanji get a second erection later to pass Noel?

>> No.90137624


>> No.90137636

debuting purely JP talents to Vshoujo is like debuting homos in holo. That's not what the target audience wants and they will flop.

>> No.90137649

>mysterious powers

>> No.90137664
File: 789 KB, 970x546, 1722460407214942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riona really got fucked over by the government

>> No.90137670

rider 炎上!

>> No.90137671

It'll be like when Kuzuha suddenly beat Iroha's 3D live.

>> No.90137673

Yeah, that spike is the most confusing thing. 30k jump in 9 minutes 5 hours into the stream? Sorry Riku, that's too on the nose.

>> No.90137680

JULY 2024 holoID
*>1) 13,799: Iofi (Otsu holoID) [2]
>2) 6,571: Kaela (Minecraft w/ Kanade)
>3) 4,567: Anya (Chained Together w/ Kanade, Haachama)
>4) 3,885: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 3,332: Moona (Chained Together)
>6) 6,602: Anya (Grandblue Fantasy:Relink)
>7) 5,337: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
*>8) 22,392: Kobo (Chained Together) [2]
>9) NONE
>10) 6,930: Kaela (Chained Together TIMESMITH)
>11) 5,961: Kobo (NEW ACCESSORIES)
>12) 9,265: Zeta (Chained Together) [3]
>13) 1,691: Ollie (HONOR OF KINGS)
>14) 3,648: Moona (Super Bunny Man w/ Kaela)
>15) 14,222: Iofi (Birthday 3D LIVE)
>16) NONE
>17) NONE
>18) NONE
>19) NONE
>20) NONE
>22) 3,104: Kaela (FREE TALK)
>23) 2,046: Kaela (Cryptmaster)
>24) 6,350: Moona (MoonUtau unarchive)
>25) NONE
>26) 1,787: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>27) 2,099: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>28) 1,241: Iofi (holoARK)
>29) 3,940: Ollie (I Am Part-time Worker!!)
>30) 2,587: Moona (Minecraft)
>31) 3,650: Kaela (Minecraft)

7x: NONE, Kaela
4x: Kobo, Moona
3x: Iofi, Ollie
2x: Anya
1x: Zeta

She has dominated every month except July (tied with empty days but still on top)

>> No.90137685

>I don't think rider would go outside enough for that to matter
you get cucked with regards to government stuff as well anon since getting on the red list is basically getting on the governments shitlist here

>> No.90137695

Why did the unicorns do this

>> No.90137697
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1731557097303634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137704

They know about a Shaka guest appearance we don't

>> No.90137720

>philipinoes get like, $80 a month if you have a disability
you dont get shit here even with disability since the retard isnt the poorest of the poor or a politicians relative

>> No.90137723


>> No.90137726

>Mogging Salome

>> No.90137733

>openly admitting to botting
please tell me they're joking. are they retarded?

>> No.90137738
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1727544270242279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137759
File: 73 KB, 1153x118, 1727163101207043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the case, Riku needs to pump those bots soon because it's getting late in Japan, and no one will believe 100k tuned in at midnight.

>> No.90137769

The Japanese government's reaction to covid and closing down venues likely put her out of work

>> No.90137774

>Why did the unicorns do this
nah the one that did it is probably someone who wants to build a mall
they do that all the time to save money since
paying one person to burn his house and thereby spread to everyone's houses is a lot cheaper than paying everyone to move away due to squatting laws

>> No.90137782

>chihaya ringfit stream
Holy sex
>Holy sex
Holy sex
>Holy sex
Holy sex

>> No.90137788
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1720884927696511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137794
File: 1.16 MB, 1237x696, 1727332031098095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her rigging is fucked in a very specific way where she looks fine from the side but is absolutely goofy up front.
Normally this would be an easy revision from the rigger, but then the nip government stepped in and now she's stuck with this model for the next two years at least

>> No.90137801

I propose that we also call those strange spikes erections from now on

>> No.90137808


>> No.90137811


>> No.90137815

>calling the niji phenomenon an erection
anon, they're mocking nijisanji's tendency to suddenly pull out a stiff peak out of nowhere...

>> No.90137819
File: 1.11 MB, 1232x696, 1732324009144289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for instance, observe

>> No.90137827

>migo adding sweat bullets in chihaya
Based protagonist

>> No.90137846
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1702528554579443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137850

cover just need to stop being so fucking cheap and PAY for the revision

>> No.90137860

Migo is currently making a thumbnail for it. Prolly tomorrow or the next days.

>> No.90137887
File: 3.41 MB, 2914x1220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90137900
File: 425 KB, 1300x1160, 1709286922262082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holofags never bullied her like NDF did
If you want what they actually think of her these are posts from a few min ago
>retake the model

>> No.90137905

could be worse. she could be both ugly AND have bad rigging

>> No.90137908


>> No.90137917
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1702511622135483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90137929

still don't understand,what government have to do with her rigging?

>> No.90137934

Has anyone noticed Riona's pitched up her voice when she speaks now

>> No.90137939
File: 304 KB, 1379x2046, GdJr3KfbMAAIlDv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora zatsu!

>> No.90137944

>late payments

>> No.90137951
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1703938201202114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90137954
File: 2.90 MB, 2381x4096, 1718762747210808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex incoming

>> No.90137961

I have not noticed any differences in the way she speaks now vs 2 weeks ago

>> No.90137964

Everyone got a day except lofi

>> No.90137966

yeah nips keep saying shes sounds like Anya
she started using this voice in the Aoni stream

>> No.90137982

this will be my first time hearing her
so no

>> No.90137983

I hadn't seen this one yet, thanks anon

>> No.90137985

chat is this real?

>> No.90137990

Government made a law dictating that you have to accept whatever a rigger/artist gives to you as the final product and pay them extra if you want revisions (which will be delivered at their own leisure).

>> No.90137992

2 JP Anya?!

>> No.90137995

Can somebody tell her she sounded sexy before and needs to cut it out

>> No.90138009
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1706141171066531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two more songs in the mengen encore

>> No.90138021

nah im with cover on this one since now you have to pay even if the revision of the rigging is shit and then pay again to have it revised

>> No.90138044

why are canadians like this?

>> No.90138051

fuck you now I need to bleach my eyes

>> No.90138060

>t. cover manager

>> No.90138064
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1706978710132175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138073

>like 4 or 5 marshmallows
Riona is not gonna get through 52 at this pace

>> No.90138083

Reine is more absent by a month
These two compete for the runtiest ID position

>> No.90138084

Oh, thanks I remember now.I blame the homo branch for it

>> No.90138091
File: 1.15 MB, 4080x3072, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better watch out, he's got 60$

>> No.90138094

What's the purpose of uncut dick?

>> No.90138104

He's right riggers should do their job properly.

>> No.90138111

>Fuck Fdund BITCH
what is mean

>> No.90138126

>t. gura/anyas rigger

>> No.90138137

idk, ask a leaf

>> No.90138139

No fucking way, he really has a micro penis?

>> No.90138141
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1707299845752900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misheard her, there were only two songs for the encore

>> No.90138160

fuck you

>> No.90138184

I don't get what is supposed to be so bad about this:

why is it a yab for the nips?

>> No.90138191
File: 271 KB, 400x400, 1706597986252685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90138215

>Sora: I use the exact same schedule book every year. I haven't thrown it away for years, maybe 10 years!
How fucking thick is it

>> No.90138244

Revision is a tricky problem because it often cause arguments and unfairness.Cover had played safe by hiring usual artist and rigger but that will cause stagnant in the market for new/unprofessional rigger. Probably they are also the loudest bunch in this problem

>> No.90138246

I used to have those 10 year schedule books back when i was still working

>> No.90138251


>> No.90138254
File: 271 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it updated

>> No.90138270

the thing is, being a beggar is a very licrative job here. they sometimes even earn more than wage earners the catch is that the criminal syndicate takes all of it in exchange for a free dinner

>> No.90138271

probably dollarbros shitposting

>> No.90138301
File: 75 KB, 727x228, 1732155452502008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey bae ticked again

>> No.90138311

All of devis should become first and second armies official mount.

>> No.90138321

Pekomiko is JP Krofau

>> No.90138322

>back when i was still working
how's life being a neet anon?

>> No.90138352

if i were cover i'd demand every revision for free and the artist can go fuck himself if he doesn't wanna comply. too bad the pesky government sided with them.

>> No.90138368

Another easy 50k for the protagonist. Peko better hope this baseball shit is a hit.

>> No.90138370

Wait so immediately after Miko she got Suichan? Kek
Also comments off are they that mad Peko reset?

>> No.90138374

>the thing is, being a beggar is a very lucrative job here
>unironically falling for the beggar-sect/bajau-street sect meme that was started by flip boomers
flip boomers invented that meme to justify them not giving anything to street beggars anon
the one that is run by syndicates in the streets are the street candy/gum/towel sellers
people get street beggars confused with the sea beggars who are actually being run by muslim syndicates

>> No.90138394

I need a break from this thread. I saw 'oh' and immediately thought 'uh oh'

>> No.90138408

uh oh melty!

>> No.90138410
File: 269 KB, 575x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive is irrelevant and mousey is going to break kai cenat record soon

>> No.90138412

uh oh brain melty

>> No.90138436
File: 15 KB, 589x193, 1715782066192778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90138449
File: 219 KB, 1198x736, 1713471889456421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138451

green ririka...

>> No.90138454

>how's life being a neet anon?
nah im retired since i won $20,000 a month for the next 30 years from a scratch-off right before covid hit

>> No.90138464

Her new cover is pretty good

>> No.90138473

Normal professional artist would sent draft for confirmation and progress every 3 day to clients for update but those cheapskate bootleg "artist" send ai art can call it as final...you want revision then pay up.

>> No.90138503

Do the funny and mail him a unicorn sticker.

>> No.90138509
File: 319 KB, 598x714, 1732433478885614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90138532

Shouldn't be too long to 1M now then

>> No.90138536

still no 50k+ CCV for griftmouse?

>> No.90138562

if she does an endurance she can do it by the end of the month
otherwise definitely before christmas

>> No.90138610

Yeah just depends how much she wants it, but certainly this year

>> No.90138615
File: 202 KB, 1667x1598, 1702460426876003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138620 [DELETED] 

you can keep your negroes, hassan pikers and other shit tard ecelebs faggots

>> No.90138634

>Sora: Many viewers of my channel are single oshi person. Sometimes my single stream is more popular than the collaboration... of course sometimes it's not.

>> No.90138637
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a Matsuri throwback

>> No.90138667

What's wrong with that?

>> No.90138681

not even particularly rare

>> No.90138682

[Sad News] Sora said she loves global more than us

>> No.90138712

Thx jannie, you save my innocence.

>> No.90138713

fake and gay

>> No.90138717

>Sora: I've noticed this recently. I am too slow with my Konsome tweets. And since I quote the announcement right after it, I get a lot of replies to that one.
>Sora: I want more Konsome replies from you guys!
>Sora: I repost the announcement after the Konsome tweet so you guys should see it first. So I sometimes repost the Konsome tweet myself again to make you guys aware...
>Sora: I need more of your Konsome replies to my Konsome tweets! Please, don't hesitate to reply!
How do you call this

>> No.90138747
File: 96 KB, 675x900, 1716819167670431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138748

Okayu be doing too much

>> No.90138751

Miko is trying to turn 35P into Onigiriya with a lewd thumbnail

>> No.90138764

So pekora is gonna leech on nijisanji idea again? Might as well graduate and go to niji

>> No.90138765

that's not a boy?

>> No.90138773
File: 148 KB, 1569x930, ankimo sex pest .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's getting more confident

>> No.90138777

is a goblin

>> No.90138793
File: 1.04 MB, 1919x1080, 1723313398659425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138795
File: 147 KB, 579x1449, IMG_20241112_155829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is actively sabotaging his ex-colleague by making them participate his slop projects hence making Holostars to go either sick leaves or haitus.

>> No.90138803
File: 3.27 MB, 2737x1311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like, not enough

>> No.90138810

I hope everyone in Holostars is doing okay… I am very worried…

>> No.90138816

I heard she likes to draw boobs with a face of a vtuber as a nipple

>> No.90138825

Good. Hope he keeps it up

>> No.90138840
File: 754 KB, 1200x713, IMG_0876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk about you guys, but I’ve been having too much sex lately.

>> No.90138847

Sometimes the best ally you can have is your enemy's stupidity.

>> No.90138874

I don't see anything wrong with it, they should ramp it up more, could be good for their numbers

>> No.90138892

doing it with a flesh light isn't considered sex anon

>> No.90138898

so the en homos not in a good spot right now?

>> No.90138899

>He want to destroy homostars
Based. we have a same goal.

>> No.90138910

Hololive girls would not be able to handle the pressure mousey feels as number one the amount of hate she receives they would brek

>> No.90138941

>Sora: am I rocking? I'm reading your comments... I'm actually rocking with this looking seating chair on my bed!
>Sora: Even with glasses on, I'm looking at the screen while rocking.
>Sora: My vision is 0.3 or something like that. I can only see about half of what the vision test says. Where I can't see, I say on a hunch!
>Sora: I answered the vision test on a hunch and was told that I answered some of the questions correctly and that my vision was rather better!
>Sora: To be honest, I can't see much with my glasses off... I can see like this, but... (gets closer and squints)
>Sora: Contact lenses hurt my eyes for about 10 minutes after putting them on.

>> No.90138942
File: 106 KB, 1227x77, 1708088166205479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90138961

boy what year is it

>> No.90138969

Ironlung would unironically be better off pr wise, if w.e type of faggot you are stop coming here.

>> No.90138970


>> No.90138979

mousey cracked at 1/4 the pressure and hate mori got

>> No.90138991
File: 364 KB, 1448x2048, f09c48529cbc01b923fe59042f0f8521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vivi just turned off superchats for this stream
Is she scared of money?

How much did they make from the monetization streams?

>> No.90139012


>> No.90139016
File: 113 KB, 1181x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sub 5k Maro stream
Why didn't you save Riona?

>> No.90139027

It's good to see hololive still expanding

>> No.90139028

They just fixed Recap if you couldn't see it yesterday

>> No.90139034
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1702876047395636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90139041

super grim

>> No.90139056
File: 81 KB, 640x448, screenshot 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucker trying to bait Mamma

>> No.90139069

Her voice similar with Saori Hayami, should go with Kuudere personality.

>> No.90139077

this nigga fr?

>> No.90139086

yeah I was watching it now kek

>> No.90139087

Not enough to make turning them off already seem like a great idea, but enough that it's not really necessary for her to farm more supers tonight.

>> No.90139088

sure lots of SC baiters from there

>> No.90139098

Riona's recommened Anime are Natsume Yuujinchou and Fairy Tail

>> No.90139100


>> No.90139101

Ask the holobox

>> No.90139103

Report to fucker to cover and get him banned. Done and dusted.

>> No.90139122

no BOIZ no care sorry

>> No.90139139

>Normalfag taste
I only watch real otaku holos.

>> No.90139157

I don't understand. I know a couple of Singaporeans and they're rather nice and kind people, but the vtuber fandom is riddled with the absolute worst of their kind for some reason.

>> No.90139181
File: 59 KB, 611x513, least obvious falseflagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this tranny

>> No.90139188

bootleg bugs

>> No.90139195

>Natsume Yuujinchou
Lots of women really like this anime/manga, do they all wanna fuck the MC or something

>> No.90139204

Probably Niji refugees

>> No.90139212

of course

>> No.90139213

>Natsume Yuujinchou and Fairy Tail
I hate both she can go fuck a tree with that shit taste

>> No.90139232

isnt that the retard that larped with those justice accounts? only reason i remember it is because he deleted his reddit account once he got found out

>> No.90139259
File: 136 KB, 671x1360, sgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90139260

The only FT fans I've ever met in real life are women. I legit don't understand it. Are they also attracted to the boobas?

>> No.90139290

Mousey can't open social media without getting threats and is getting attacked by fleshies. Hololive has not dealt with something as intense as having a major antis aganist you.

>> No.90139294
File: 150 KB, 1127x243, 1708182524372597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humiliation ritual

>> No.90139301

no subtlety at all
does he think this is reddit

>> No.90139316
File: 1.73 MB, 1517x848, 1710987839161803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90139322

>Mousey can't open social media without getting threats and is getting attacked by fleshies
so basically mori the past 3 years but on easy mode? lmao
> Hololive has not dealt with something as intense as having a major antis aganist you.

>> No.90139332

shitniggers are raiding global again

>> No.90139341
File: 141 KB, 1135x246, 1726498102516871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90139342

owarida nijibros..... it's supposed to be our gold today............

>> No.90139343

>they're rather nice and kind people
That's where you're wrong

>> No.90139355

I also like to pretend that zwangs don't exist, unfortunatetly they do.

>> No.90139358

I haven't seen any current Fairy Tail fans, but back in the day, they were mostly people that wanted to like One Piece, but found it too ugly (mostly girls).
They didn't mind the creativity drop between the 2. The design bump and abs fanservice was enough. (OP looks way better now of course)

>> No.90139372
File: 128 KB, 707x1000, 1722506403205743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90139379

its probably because someone named rider in the homo thread which triggered him kek

>> No.90139444

Finally getting a FuwaMocoMiko collab if they are using these thumbnails.

>> No.90139483

Well one piece is just straight up ugly, so they're not wrong. But it's been 10 years since I've engaged with one piece so maybe oda has made the art even uglier in that time

>> No.90139501
File: 149 KB, 1152x239, 1724073288619903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nijiseethe starts now.

>> No.90139508

Where's the second erection at the end?

>> No.90139513

It's basically CBDCT but with only two boys and some internal emotional conflict stuff that really activates the neurons of girls

>> No.90139531

The specific two I'm talking about are, but I guess I've somehow managed to stumble across the only ones that aren't pieces of shit.

>> No.90139532

here >>90137985

>> No.90139537

I hope you are doing your part sending "supporting" messages to the homos rm and telling them that they can be successful without hololive and that "we" the starmins will support your activities outside hololive

>> No.90139601

CC said it was good so i'm thinking about watching it, but it's like 90 episodes

>> No.90139602

that's impotence

>> No.90139606

>Natsume Yuujinchou
I swear this is one of the most boring braindead show ever. I watched it at the peak of my anime carving. I had to give up after 8 episodes.

>> No.90139619

just watch the first season and see if you like it, it's not exactly a hot property so you can get into it in your own time

>> No.90139640

it's basically cardcaptor sakura except it's a hot bishie dude instead of a cute girl

>> No.90139642


>> No.90139649

>Sora: As you guys have probably noticed, I don't use hats very often. That's why I get cold in the winter...my ears hurt!
>Sora: In summer, I wear a parasol, glasses, and a mask in a suspicious style.
>Sora: So in the winter add headphones to it! More suspicious style!
>Sora: Headphones don't hurt my ears. There are warm headphones these days.
>Sora: Do I care about fashion? Of course I do! I am in the business of being seen by you guys! So how could I say that I don't care about fashion?

>> No.90139659
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>> No.90139661 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 336x155, 1710377223654395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are just like flips and indogs but with the power to SC holos with their obnoxious shit or anti shit

>> No.90139666

Nerissa should ask Miko for thumbnails

>> No.90139696

They have "my" support to free themselves from being held back by Cover.

>> No.90139715

The most suspicious idol in the history. amogus

>> No.90139776
File: 716 KB, 1250x703, 1708255388243933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait who the fuck is she drawing?

>> No.90139796


>> No.90139805 [DELETED] 

>rich SEAniggers
That's a scary thought

>> No.90139811


>> No.90139816


>> No.90139820

looks like tower

>> No.90139824

wait that's suisei? what the fuck?

>> No.90139849

all southeast asians are the same regardless what country they're from

>> No.90139850

falseflagging takes effort
let the real fans speak
>I don't watch stars but

>> No.90139857

Yes dubai deserves so much more they shouldn't have to deal with this shitty management and h0lo fanbase they should graduate.

>> No.90139862

You best believe it, you're living in it

>> No.90139889

that's racist

>> No.90139905

Cover is leeching them dry. Black fucking company don't deserve these guys...

>> No.90139939

I think homosister are doing a better job at that than any of us could.

>> No.90139953

Lmao. How new are you?

>> No.90139985

my man! throwing the whole rod into the ocean

>> No.90140012


>> No.90140025

where did gura go?

>> No.90140032

Riona got a Marshmallow asking if she recommended any other writers besides Amy Yamada who she mentioned in her debut. She mentioned she likes Youko Mori, Murakami Haruki, and Murakami Ryu
How ever she says she really is a huge Yamada Amy cultist and has read all of her books.
but she really liked haruki murakami's dance dance dance.

She says she wears la petit gueirlan fragrance too

>> No.90140039

My bed

>> No.90140056

>moona rm doomposting
what happened? qrd?

>> No.90140065

so are all asians to other asians, that's the norm

>> No.90140081

Yes. She was invited to do Sukima Switch's 20th year anniv tribute album

>> No.90140087

Goodbye, anon.

>> No.90140122

>700+ dislike

>> No.90140129
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>> No.90140150
File: 544 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>la petit gueirlan fragrance

>> No.90140153


>> No.90140174

she didn't get picked in the team

>> No.90140193
File: 36 KB, 469x50, specter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas, that's some lineup.

>> No.90140205

Ko'one living her best life.

>> No.90140212

>Subaru: Wakabayashi would have saved that!
morisaki bros........

>> No.90140226

Good fucking riddance. Finally those id leeches will graduate.

>> No.90140237

The worst thing hololive dealt with is one or two stars fan getting mad on twitter.

>> No.90140245

> My ex-husband was not a nice person, just saying - IM
> I was married and I'm divorced. Aha! Surprise! - IM
> I've said I was married on broadcast though, I always make fun of it, I make jokes about it. - IM
> I guess people just don't believe me *laughs* - IM
> Maybe I said too much - IM
> "What does your daughter think of your condition?" - chat
> Oh, oh man. It's been very tough on her. - IM
> She knows everything about it. - IM
> She gets very enthusiastic when she sees me so she kinda forgets about the protocol and stuff like that. - IM
> "I don't like that" - dude
> But she's just a kid though! - IM
> Remember when you were cooking bacon and she was like "oh my god mom, I wanna go and eat some bacon!" - IM
> "Yeah, I'll be talking to ironmouse on facetime or whatever and this kid'll run into the room and see what I've got on camera" - dude
> "And, sometimes she must think I'm a maniac because I'm walking around a room with purple lighting." - dude
> She likes to watch you cook! - IM
> "I don't really know this human that much, but she's around occasionally, she sounds like a great entity." - dude
> "She's raised her well, she's a talented human as well." - dude
> Aww you think so? You think I raised her well? - IM
> "well somebody did" - dude
> "Is she a mini mouse? Is her personality like yours?" - chat
> "I think she's her own person, but she definitely has been influenced by Ironmouse like creativity, appreciation of art etc." - dude
> She dances ballet, she's very talented! - IM
> "Talk about the evening of, and go into g r a p h i c detail." - chat
> "What do you wanna know, standard conception right? The ol' D in V style." - dude
> *laughs* what? - IM; "was it not?" - dude; "D in the V?" - IM; "I assume" - dude
> Yes, D in the V - IM
> Listen okay? I got fucked. But I'm divorced, so there's no fucking going on. - IM
> "Talking about the stuff today, do you think it'll change anything in your broadcast in any way? Do you think you'll talk about this aspect of your life more or talk about it less after today?" - dude
> I probably will never mention any of this stuff again *laughs* - IM
> "Just refer them to this video" - dude
> Yep - IM
> "Check out this video on my youtube if you want to know, asshole!" - dude
> When I was talking about my mom being my caregiver, now that I revealed I have a daughter, my mom not only takes care of me, she takes care of my daughter as well so.. she has a lot on her plate - IM

>> No.90140259
File: 273 KB, 585x673, mousey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our vtubing queen is very humble

>> No.90140280
File: 35 KB, 587x310, 1720382169101768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what the fuck

>> No.90140282

uh oh

>> No.90140288


>> No.90140305

>100$ dollar perfume
>5000 yen shampoo (tsururincho)
all things considered, is this in the lower end for holomem?

>> No.90140306

Ok but how does that benefits the Boiz?

>> No.90140315

So she won
Streamer awards
Content creator of the year
Filian vtuber of the year


>> No.90140322

HOLY SHIT ironkek, explain yourself.

>> No.90140324
File: 10 KB, 1173x71, trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last part
lmao, they're really shameless, aren't they?

>> No.90140327

Aren't those 2 from Lupin the 3rd?

>> No.90140336

>still no 50k+ CCV stream in her entire career
>sucks up to shitbags lilke Hasan for scraps of relevancy

>> No.90140341

>very humble
She's calling sleeping on stream "crazy things," dude

>> No.90140348

wait she mentions she's IM in this
is this even doxx?

>> No.90140358

>90% judges vote

>> No.90140360

high? 5000yen shampoo seems expensive

>> No.90140364

Not exactly poor but yeah nothing crazy.

>> No.90140369

It's not, but you can be banned for posting content from vshojo's "vtuber" channels, like when Matara plastered her real face over her stream or Kuro's facecam streams.

>> No.90140380

They already took the risk and failed.

>> No.90140385
File: 414 KB, 575x1199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the daughter should become a chuba as well and be silverrat

>> No.90140388

i don't understand how retarded take and clearly shitting on Holofans like this got so many likes, i thought they were unity?

>> No.90140391
File: 199 KB, 1080x1073, 1721864216907237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90140398

Still can't believe that 50 Niji lost to Noel 3D Live and her horrible singing.

>> No.90140400

I want to rape this creature.

>> No.90140401

It will never stop being funny to me that these things always skip Hololive. Which is a good thing.

>> No.90140414


>> No.90140417

Connor play the long game

>> No.90140418

Draw what?

>> No.90140422
File: 291 KB, 1168x2048, GdH3-BSagAQJYrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90140424


>> No.90140425

The disadvantage of having fans of a sister product not be interested in you... Insurmountable.

Do people applying to work at Taco Bell ask what Yum Brands can do to overcome the disadvantage of the Pizza Hut fanbase?

>> No.90140437

honestly, it would be a nice new dimension to the RomCom thing that Mousey bases her content on. imagine both of them fighting over Connor and Hasan.

>> No.90140438

>i beg
Yes you do, faggot. That's all you people do. Literally

>> No.90140439

oh it's the homo who's going to graduate soon

>> No.90140485

try a whole country of a billion people + rappers and their fans

>> No.90140489

They get massive investment for their size

>> No.90140490

Wanna marry?

>> No.90140497

holodoxx seething

>> No.90140503

Why does this get deleted anyway? She's still in her Ironmouse persona and all of this is said on stream

>> No.90140513

Futa Towa

>> No.90140519

does it though?

>> No.90140522

why cross is tail
is buttplug?
I not understand

>> No.90140524

Content Ironmouse posted on her vtuber channel using her vtuber identity and referring to herself with that identity in said content is doxx now?

>> No.90140531

did gura leave already?

>> No.90140532

he doesnt need to since mousey jr is in his age preference based on the old black butler fandom stories

>> No.90140548

Who is this

>> No.90140553

Mousey is actually trying to help the industry what has hololive done for the EN vtuber industry nothing they sit on their throne while the scene rots ,Mousey is trying her best to save it and normalize vtubers that why she get awards she puts in hours of effort to make the scene a better place.

>> No.90140556

100$ perfume is normal anon, maybe that 30$ shampoo is 3L

>> No.90140566

Is there other kind Towa?

>> No.90140563


>> No.90140573

>posting on own account as ironmouse is a doxx now
What happen to rm/pl?

>> No.90140577

>homobeggars begging for someone to draw for them
>homos begging Doki to include them on her tourney

>> No.90140581
File: 3.51 MB, 2806x4093, 131c6436f1dc07ce8f20f422174046a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's adding a pussy?

>> No.90140582

>normalize vtubers
>hang out with Hasan
>vshojo is slowly turning into a fleshie group
nah, twitch shit should be off topic here.

>> No.90140590
File: 86 KB, 686x386, 321123213232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey is helping the vtuber industry by having them being active in political stuff since vtubers and their audiences need to talk about politics more and more

>> No.90140596

Yep. The original link to that was DMCA'd by VShojo, the streamable is a mirror. Always backup shit >>90042824, don't let it disappear.

Eh, I don't believe that. Sure, the guy is a regular male leech, but that's a bit too far.

>> No.90140606

>vshojo has jannies
>phase have jannies
>niji had jannies
why holofags are such failures

>> No.90140614
File: 137 KB, 719x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try 0.3L

>> No.90140613


>> No.90140624

You can't groom jr with sr around.

>> No.90140630

It always does

>> No.90140634
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, mousehasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute couple

>> No.90140638
File: 26 KB, 1332x74, tagalog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90140661

The su and niko collab was a lot of fun

>> No.90140670

>hang out with Hasan
That's how you win awards.

>> No.90140677

It's been archived three times in the last four days

>> No.90140687

>Eh, I don't believe that. Sure, the guy is a regular male leech, but that's a bit too far.
one of his closest pals in his black butler days got outed as an actual groomer

>> No.90140697


>> No.90140709

Why vshojo love being pol centric

>> No.90140717

where is gura?

>> No.90140719
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, hasan cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90140733

Huh well alright then

>> No.90140740
File: 83 KB, 1179x337, 1732457599628677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90140744

Again, even if I wanted to believe that, there's no proof of those years, shit's always disavowed hard when it happens and everything gets deleted. And I think that at the time, every other tumblr retard got outed as a sexpest, so it's not indicative.

>> No.90140749

yeah that's a bit much for a 300ml shampoo, who am i to judge her I only buy 1L 10$ H&S

>> No.90140750

Not in hasan dungeon unlike mouse that for sure. Kek

>> No.90140753

Isn't Mysterious Friend X an anime?

>> No.90140764

how's twitch adpocalypse going

>> No.90140771

>euro hours
>thread is shit
like clockwork

>> No.90140783

It's over.

>> No.90140785

Ar Tonelico mention on Sora stream!

>> No.90140795

already going the same way as the youtube adpocalypse one back in 2017 with mainstream media picking up on it

>> No.90140796

>Riona: I am everybody's wife (in actual english)
Would you forgive her anon?

>> No.90140798

Riona declared she's everyone's wife

>> No.90140803
File: 204 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90140813

There's one called Mysterious Girlfriend X where a guy gets addicted to a girls drool and spit

>> No.90140814

don't worry guys he's just fishing and chilling with the clown homo

>> No.90140818

Just post the doxx already. That's what you retarded niggerfaggot always do after your spam.

>> No.90140827

Riona said she's my wife

>> No.90140834

He'll come back with vesper and magni, yay

>> No.90140844

Not happening actually.
They just introduced content levels and didn't explain it properly.
People went down by 70-90% in ad revenue only if they had "political" or political tags on the stream, which many still had after the election.

>> No.90140848

>where a guy gets addicted to a girls drool and spit
He's so lucky.

>> No.90140854

you didn't get burned down with the slum fire? bummer

>> No.90140855

Damn, axel should have taken a mental health break too to join doki and blue homo.

>> No.90140871

Unichads... We won

>> No.90140879

Well he did found fagni a few months ago on a boat, maybe he will found vampfag next.

>> No.90140884

is it getting better or worse

>> No.90140887

I'm fucking invincible

>> No.90140889

When are Tempus contracts up, June?

>> No.90140890

The absolute desperation after being cancelled kek

>> No.90140897

I like the authors manga that came after that though where the boy wanted to fuck his mothers jk form
shame that the time travelling incest ending is in doujin form and not official though

>> No.90140904
File: 295 KB, 2048x1366, GdJ9HHSbUAAMwoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90140906

NTA but not using these tags come at zero risk to the streamer so absolutely nothing happened

>> No.90140912
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90140913

uh oh kekky

>> No.90140921

already better (for streamers)

>> No.90140925


>> No.90140940

Now's your time anons, get her to do ASMR

>> No.90140957

>the time travelling incest ending is in doujin form
Wait, what?

>> No.90140982

The indefinite hiatus tweet for dumb and dumber was July. So probably contract negos are during that time too.

>> No.90140988

in the current short term better for streamers but in the long term they are getting fucked
its basically playing out like 2017 yt adpocalypse where content creators thought they had a win until the big money advertisers started fucking around a month later

>> No.90140987 [DELETED] 
File: 916 KB, 585x988, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive anything for this feel?

>> No.90140999

mr. koro, kakkoii

>> No.90141010
File: 1.60 MB, 850x1529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for us baby

>> No.90141017
File: 357 KB, 1464x2048, 36894356ce5498acc6f7b1a4a3cc6ad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riona unironically doing heavy GFE
I know she's one of the fakest people they've ever hired, but I appreciate the grind (grift).

>> No.90141026

>the time travelling incest ending is in doujin form
l-link plz?

>> No.90141034

Did Gura actually get stealth suspended? She's been gone for so long

>> No.90141037


>> No.90141054

How's that MV doing?...

>> No.90141102

iirc the author wanted the mc to ditch the mom clone classmate and chose mom by time travelling and turning into his dad which was the cause of the memories due to time paradox shenanigans

>> No.90141106

would if he wear wig and do make up and actually wear panties underneath

>> No.90141113 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 1293x701, im.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No comments, just made me laugh

>> No.90141115

hey man she needs to do something when she is so boring

>> No.90141123

Are we talking twins x mom?

>> No.90141127

nta this one I think?

>> No.90141129

what happened with ironrat

>> No.90141134

No, she just doesn’t give a shit.

>> No.90141142

The only non Hololive friend Noel has managed to make during her time as a Holo, for some weird fucking reason

>> No.90141152

so collabs and muh real voice

>> No.90141169

No, she just doesn't want to deal
It's a lot.

>> No.90141191

why are eurotards like this?

>> No.90141201
File: 116 KB, 827x846, 1718266363826589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Aimer and Uru's releases are also on Youtube we could've had a decent numberfagging session

>> No.90141203

what does he mean by 'singing session with her "normal" voice'? a jab?

>> No.90141213

So normal vtuber thing + the illness

>> No.90141214

nah holos can actually rest for a long time anon since they get more than the 2% niji is offering

>> No.90141218

doujin link pls

>> No.90141281
File: 3.86 MB, 3840x2688, Winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does what hololive won't uplifting the vtuber scene to the point pekora of hololive thank her.

>> No.90141284

Unlikely. Apparently she's a great singer

>> No.90141298

Roboco is actually Yagoo.

>> No.90141302

>talk about her condition
Holy fucking grim.

>> No.90141308 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 2178x3079, GdI8FawakAAQJbC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90141317

dont have the link anon since its been years only reason why i remember it was because someone posted it back when panda was down due to the server transfer

>> No.90141320

nta, maybe this one?

>> No.90141332

What makes her more popular than Matsuri who does pretty much all of these things except fucking Connor?

>> No.90141336
File: 2.29 MB, 1728x1056, Getdathairdidgurlll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her giant hair accessory and ponytail brings too much attention to how weirdly narrow her face is. A simple haircut makes her cuter, imo.

>> No.90141340
File: 125 KB, 355x268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about her condition

>> No.90141350

Thank you Conn- I mean Ironmouse

>> No.90141351


>> No.90141356

She's mid. Maybe she was good before her condition fucked her lungs but that's been a minute

>> No.90141368

why not?

>> No.90141393

Let's see, I found this one from long ago.

>> No.90141395


>> No.90141400
File: 40 KB, 1035x113, lol_lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed this and thought it was funny.

>> No.90141416

wait thats supposed to be good? thats mid at best

>> No.90141425

left looks better...?

>> No.90141451

Oh hey I've seen that model around here before in a catbox link talking to a dude

>> No.90141454

titaniumgerbil > nickelrat > ironmouse

>> No.90141465

They listed her singing and her opera singing separately so she could still be good

>> No.90141468
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think side ponytails fucking sucks, here is a design from Selens mama, I think they move the centre of gravity too much

>> No.90141469

nah left still looks better. It just there's something wrong with her rigging.

>> No.90141472

She has always been a charity case, anon. Maybe they meant she was better compared to the average vtuber.

>> No.90141483
File: 2.53 MB, 3072x2160, 1732457427490018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no holo

>> No.90141491

Give her a nose.

>> No.90141494

Better than 95% of holos. Only one on par is IRyS

>> No.90141500

Most people have just see the clip of her singing opera, and because they don't know the difference between good and bad operatic singing they think it must mean she's good.

>> No.90141510

$30k is too little for holos anon

>> No.90141512


>> No.90141517

nah even noel is better than ironlung

>> No.90141519

what's the purpose of cut ween

>> No.90141529

Shirley you're not serious?

>> No.90141532

What about this one?

>> No.90141533

>weirdly narrow her face is
Is her face even narrow, or is it the hair down the sides of it making it look that way to you

>> No.90141534

>big ass scalp area
>big ass forehead
>kinda small face

>> No.90141548

>Better than 95% of holos.
nah her singing is on par with ame based on the example the anon gave
maybe her opera is just shit while her normal songs are good

>> No.90141553

Fine, I'll eat the ban.
Team1 #3 = matsuri
Team 7 #3 = towa
Team 10 #3 = moona

>> No.90141556

Yes, it's pretty good, stop pretending.
Especially compared to vtuber singers at the time, before the influx of cover singers into vtubing.

>> No.90141555

Hilarious shit holokeks think mousey is one the best singers in the en industry.

>> No.90141564

Hololive would never collab with the wider vtubing community you know this

>> No.90141570

PhaseKINGS always win

>> No.90141574
File: 75 KB, 500x1074, 1714769789394803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side ponytail works on this niji whore

>> No.90141579

nah it's mid

>> No.90141581

its so funny that VSPO is participating but not VSPO EN and there is an brave group USA girl participating with her RM

>> No.90141583

keep it that way, why would they join an sexpest event

>> No.90141589
File: 283 KB, 1413x1146, 1719091406978012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90141590

She sucks

>> No.90141594

much better than her shitty opera singing but if thats her best then people must listen to her for the sovl

>> No.90141600

>>90141534 (me)
Sorry meant for >>90141469

>> No.90141605

wait she actually got tsuna and qpi to join lol.

>> No.90141611

>narrow hips and thighs
thanks you ruined her for me

>> No.90141613

VSPO EN tainted their rep by collabing with Elira
>but Neo Porte...

>> No.90141612

>Channel count 1
Streams Charts is a joke

>> No.90141615

Holy shit her voice sucks. All this time people shilling her as a good singer? They can't be fucking serious

>> No.90141617

>compared to vtuber singers at the time
Times change

>> No.90141616

she can't even uplift her own spawn though

>> No.90141627

She didn't get Holos for these while she was in Niji, why would she get Holo perms now?

>> No.90141630

Ghost Pomu?

>> No.90141635

desu no one should care about being hated by nijibabaas

>> No.90141637

Someone post that QPI webm

>> No.90141642

>vshokek beaten by fucking Accelers
roru who the fuck is that even

>> No.90141660

>VSPO is only 3 channels behind holoJP

>> No.90141661

Vampire Pomu is in Melizandes team

>> No.90141674

VSPOEN is getting paid by Elira's clique to ignore Doki

>> No.90141685

She's mid, you're just clouded by her seasonal illness.

>> No.90141687

>Especially compared to vtuber singers at the time
Thing is, most of the vtubers that decided to focus even a little bit in music improved. Ironmouse didn't. And yeah, it's due to her condition, but that means she's reclining, and isn't the big thing everyone says just because she's the designated make-a-wish vtuber.

>> No.90141688

she raided a homo, can drop dead for all I care

>> No.90141698

damn Uto is still alive

>> No.90141699

Hololive fans when a vtuber voice is not generic jpop is bad.. Mousey sang with mint and she was the best one there.

>> No.90141701

>No holo
>Meanwhile Altare on team 1
>Team 8 full Holo with Jurard, Gibby and Ruze

>> No.90141703

don't SEA clean their ears?

>> No.90141704
File: 3.27 MB, 1920x1080, qpiass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90141706

And you wonder why holoen is irrelevant in the west. they don't even participate in these event or have a representative like holojp with botan or towa

>> No.90141710

korean vtuber corpo backed by big kpop corp

>> No.90141726


>> No.90141735

YAWN >>90141589

>> No.90141737

They're excluding some hololive streams again aren't they?

>> No.90141748

nah mousey is just shit/mid at best anon but she does get bonus points for her sickness

>> No.90141750

If doki ever gets as much clout as Hal maybe there'll be a holoEN in there somewhere.

>> No.90141755

>VSPO Channel count: 30
I'm curious which channels they are counting for this, I'm assuming some twitch and youtube channels for members

>> No.90141759

most male answer in the thread

>> No.90141769

You're right eslking, mouse is indeed suck

>> No.90141775

Well, we don't know that, maybe her kiddo lives a very comfortable life. You would hope so with the money her beggathon brings in

>> No.90141778

someone trying the "omg Ironmouse is an amazing singer!!" again? lmao she only gets pity praises because of her "illness"

>> No.90141781

Nigger I watched that Mint stream she was awful. Not even mid. Maybe it was the song or maybe she was ill but Ironmouse sucked ass

>> No.90141784
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>> No.90141786

She's obviously declined, about 30% I would say, but she's still among the top in that gospel-operatic singing style, especially in vtubing, so she'll still stand out.

>> No.90141793

Whered you get this picture of me with my wife?

>> No.90141800

>They're excluding some hololive streams again aren't they?
yeah karaoke and zatsu streams dont count

>> No.90141802


>> No.90141813

stop begging for them to join your sexpest event, homofaggot

>> No.90141829 [DELETED] 

>don't SEA clean

>> No.90141833
File: 2.07 MB, 1246x922, Seenig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA numbers ≠ The west

>> No.90141834


>> No.90141835

Who? She's more likely to get ID

>> No.90141839

Again Rider, holostars are not hololive.

>> No.90141842

that shampoo better makes my hair smells nice for a week for that price

>> No.90141850

>she's still among the top in that gospel-operatic singing style
Jesas, she's truly a charity case if there's still retards peddling this shit. Or is it just VShojo interns?

>> No.90141851
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>> No.90141859
File: 1.92 MB, 1062x1971, c5b060b00aa4415fdcec2ab5c0c0987a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purest sex.
She's had more 3D lives since, no one make more SEX?

>> No.90141860


>> No.90141861


>> No.90141864

Made for public use

>> No.90141871

ERB likes Apex/Valorant

>> No.90141878
File: 308 KB, 575x566, 1662518704826233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA people actually have the cleanest ears because their earwax solidify and removes itself when the person chews. western ears are disgusting because their earwax are always wet.

t. watched both asian and western earwax removal videos

>> No.90141891

Vshojosis, we got mogged by *check lists* accelerBros....

>> No.90141898

So if you really hate iron mouse what's stopping you from uploading her pl webm to YouTube so her fans would know the truth

>> No.90141899
File: 6 KB, 355x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90141902

Go to the comments look for the one with timestamps look for the word "Ironmouse."

>> No.90141914

come on! you SEApe, at least falseflag right

>> No.90141919

I am western and I got solid dry earwax
though I am 100% finnish BERGELEEEEEEE

>> No.90141920

ammo for immerhater.

>> No.90141926


>> No.90141931

>sees something good
>calls it bad
>people point out it's good and still good
>no comment on quality, just deflecting with "you are intern"
You've never been good making a point, yet you still keep posting here.

>> No.90141944
File: 315 KB, 612x447, aw4122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she looking at me like that?

>> No.90141947
File: 65 KB, 695x112, KoyoPeak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>119k peak
Why do these niggers constantly under represent hololive's numbers? No other agency gets hit by this weird bullshit nearly as frequently.

>> No.90141956

>eurotard deflecting again

>> No.90141962

don't apple shit have trackers in them

>> No.90141967

she's not wrong though

>> No.90141970

Why make sex, but forbid porn. Me confused

>> No.90141971

riona talking about her past, corona getting her cooped up, getting into rap and hip hop two years ago, and how she learned about hololive and why she auditioned (she got into female vocal hip hop, found calli and hololive, and liked regloss)

>> No.90141980

>Been on page 10 for about an hour

>> No.90141983

that's about it, she raided the spic homo like 2 days ago

>> No.90141993
File: 141 KB, 1200x800, 23131231212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you would nuke 1/2 of vshojos number especially ironmouse using that logic since theyve been pandering to sea since 2022

>> No.90141992

ERB? That's uh...not very ambitious but maybe doable if she does a Valo one

>> No.90142004

can anyone please start another slum fire

>> No.90142011

Anon, she's mid at best on the opera style, her supposed forte. Her regular singing is better than it, but still not enough to be above the average.

>> No.90142014

Yeah she should be able to find it with the app, but I don't know if you need to set it up manually.

>> No.90142019
File: 1.08 MB, 2308x4096, GMZtTLHbcAAFd0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This artist got taken down on Pixiv.

>> No.90142020

could be better, should do better
don't shampoo every day, get conditioner

>> No.90142031

>YouTube and Twitch numbers directly compared
waste of time

>> No.90142037

>found calli
someone throw out this tourist from our thread

>> No.90142040

Better things to do with my time and an absence of petty maliciousness?

>> No.90142043

Hmmm. A bit of lore-y. Would like to have more info before i accept or dismiss as just a made up story.

>> No.90142049

>see's something mid
>calls it good
>people point it out that its mediocre
>nooo its actually good you are just a hater
her opera style sucks compared to her normal singing

>> No.90142052

How come this is the only relevant webm about her? Sure there's more 3D model webm of her

>> No.90142058

kinda late for the dropping isn't it, not the first time she interacted with homo

>> No.90142060

>Miko addressing FG lack of growth
Why is she posing like management? has she always been like this?

>> No.90142063

>mid mid mid
You make no point, just repeat the same vapid words.

>> No.90142066

>So if you really hate
no one cares retard
if twitchnigs are happy with their slop they can have it

>> No.90142072
File: 809 KB, 618x364, 34808783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick one

>> No.90142079

Nigger I'm watching an IRyS vod on my phone stop being a lazy fuck

>> No.90142088

hlg is thataway

>> No.90142089

what's a conditioner? I'm not a woman

>> No.90142091

You just wrote "mid", you didn't make any point.

>> No.90142097


>> No.90142103

top holo HAS to shill new gens, it's on their contract

>> No.90142106
File: 191 KB, 1016x746, wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only we had the backing of the chaebols

>> No.90142113
File: 62 KB, 945x520, 2332132123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know
why do you think connor and vshojo panders to flips specifically

>> No.90142115

Mediocre is too difficult a word for zoomers, please understand.

>> No.90142123

The fuck does anyone need to address it. They're barely two weeks out. Growth is not something measured in 14 days what the fuck

>> No.90142130

>using regular terms is vapid
Well, can you describe in technical terms why you think Ironmouse is anything other than mid? Or are you just gonna keep crying that retards on the internet don't like you're waifu?

>> No.90142142

Riona talking about liking Luna hime too, really liking the Marine Luna ship (i didn't even know it was a thing.

>> No.90142162

I wouldn't have termed it a ship, but they do a good double act.

>> No.90142171

ok anon, ironmouse opera singing is mediocre at best and thats me giving bonus points since she is sick

>> No.90142174

Miko is the daughter of one of Cover's senior management. She's basically upper management anon

>> No.90142179

if you got featured on the JPT translation meme page, that's when you can only say you've made it!

>> No.90142197

if you hate ironmouse just so say dont hide behind fem-coded posts like ''ew her singing sucks''
most of the HoloEN singers refuse to do karaoke,

>> No.90142204

It's like shampoo but doesn't clean as good

>> No.90142223

Not worth my time, even redditor know it and talk about it less than a month ago. It funny, they even correlate her grifting behaviour(illness) with the amount of money she need to reach for the month.

>> No.90142231

why bother then

>> No.90142232

>Riona is a Luknight
I thought she said she was a deadbeat

>> No.90142236

Is gen 5 the most insular and forgotten gen with holoviewers? New recruits never talk about watching them.

>> No.90142239


>> No.90142243
File: 857 KB, 2252x1642, 1729959057352218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is this chart but 30 days back
any longer is paywalled

>> No.90142256

Pairing not a ship.

>> No.90142265

Ehh, that's a strong word. I'd say pity for her situation, and for doing her best years ago. Thing is, sometimes your best isn't enough.

>> No.90142273

SEA weather and pollution requires to shampoo once a day.

>> No.90142275

>Miko is the daughter of one of Cover's senior management. She's basically upper management anon
kinda funny that people are re-using old niji rrats now

>> No.90142278

Mr. Paradise got a 100k 3d live?

>> No.90142292

good for vshojo for mogging
>*checks note*
fucking acceler lmaooooo

>> No.90142297

You collecting quotes for Connor or something?

>> No.90142315

Speaking of good vtuber singers
people always undersell or at least forget to mention how good Sora is at singing
Noone is as good at high key songs, she's even able to sing vocaloid songs in original key, on top of just being good at singing to begin with

>> No.90142317

>anon praise ironmouse singing as one of the best
>some anons say that her singing is mid
>stop hating on ironmouse her singing is the best reeeee

>> No.90142334
File: 49 KB, 754x568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of internet users are mobile data consumers

>> No.90142342

anyway, where's NijiEN

>> No.90142353

this pic is marine talking about a kumarine short

>> No.90142354

I'm sorry I don't hate your culture war icon, maybe she should try being above average

>> No.90142391

I hate her and hope that she dies soon

>> No.90142410

he's an absolute leech human garbage. It's on brand for him

>> No.90142421


>> No.90142423

Connor would not approve this. Please cease immediatly.

>> No.90142451

because you don't want to clean your hair every single day to the extent that shampoo does it, it's super bad for your Roots, will ruin your ends on top of getting rid of all the natural oil that gives hair integrity, shine and volume
shampooing every other day is fine, just use conditioner and water to clean it on the off days

>> No.90142465

HoloJP - 400h of streams
NijiJP - 2,792h of streams

>> No.90142478

anon the free 4g streaming a day in your globe one app is used for your mobile data which is why its a bonus to the wifi promo since most flip promos do it

>> No.90142481
File: 67 KB, 703x108, MrParadise111k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90142497

there's 180 Nijis and a bunch of them just do 6-7 hour streams of a gacha or fps

>> No.90142503

Did Riona just get asked a difficult question about hiphop?

>> No.90142518

How do you know this?

>> No.90142555

For me, it's Suisei.

>> No.90142556

is gura dead?

>> No.90142592

>How do you know this?
because im a flip which is why the whole vshojo doesnt have a sea/flip audience is funny to me especially when vshojo is the vtuber of choice for politically hip kids in the capital whenever you go to cons

>> No.90142599

is my ass hole as black as creamed coffee?

>> No.90142603

I do wonder how would cover break the news that a member had died?

>> No.90142604

>miko was 'scouted' for the sakura miko project when Cover only has 4-5 employees despite her having zero to no track record and was juggling part time jobs
>her mother watched her videos/stream from the very beginning
>when the project failed, she easily got to join the main branch despite low popularity
>she has enough say in management to nepo hire pekora (a known internet troll) despite being unpopular herself then
>Suisei, who is very ambitious, approaches her and gets close to her knowingly because she has connections with management
>miko never mentions her father despite talking a lot about her family
this rrat unironically makes a lot of sense

>> No.90142622
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, Gc6jmxCaAAM-KIm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riona and Chihaya will have sex

>> No.90142629

Riona says she and Niko and Chihaya are gonna have an offcollab, they're gonna play games and losers will have punishment games (a bat to the ass)
the other two are going to her house

>> No.90142652

he really just said I'm a flip without an ounce of shame

>> No.90142663

anon thats the same rrat as the mito is one of the relatives of the niji founders and that one actually makes more sense since mito was an ex employee of max murai who was one of the founders of anycolor/nijisanji

>> No.90142683
File: 3.60 MB, 3076x10000, 1730002608047324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people dont realize just how many nijis are streaming for hours to nobody

>> No.90142681

How would you rank, in present day, the popularity of Holo EN, Niji EN, Vshojo, and Phase with con crowds? Do men and women separately.

>> No.90142692

>having zero to no track record
Dropped it already on the first line.

>> No.90142694

Chihaya prefers nikotan

>> No.90142699
File: 3.47 MB, 600x338, tights.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90142703

Nah, Riona just wants to fondle her tits
Very relatable

>> No.90142706

ChiyaNiko bros...

>> No.90142722

Wtf these people are still here?

>> No.90142726

>rean below twisty
super grim

>> No.90142740

Shame wont change his fate of being a flip.

>> No.90142757

>SEA doesn't have net neutrality

>> No.90142759

If he's a holo flip that shit on homo and phasefag, i don't see why not.

>> No.90142771

>Selejo are mostly 3-views nowadays

>> No.90142772

Twitter really wanna throw rm shit into my timeline today.

>> No.90142780

the only man that was the accessory to a woman in nijisanji, not surprising he has low views now

>> No.90142787

it's a very old pairing dynamic.

t. day 1 lunaito

>> No.90142791
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1716224978913633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90142794

>to nobody
as an indie, if you have 500+ viewers, you can make it into a living.
So, ~1k should be enough for corpos, not even including merch and sponsors.
(note that this is for NA streamers, where ad revenue is significantly better than for JP)

>> No.90142800

Disappointed when I saw Ririka hand cam and she has Holocaust wrists. Hope Chihaya isn't a stick woman

>> No.90142807

oh you survived the fires from the slums? that's unfortunate

>> No.90142814

last 3 cons i went was basically holoen>holojp>gap>vshojo=phase>nijien>local chuubas>vspo&vspoen>nijijp

>> No.90142821

her rm was literally a 2-view nobody anon. even a-chan was more popular

>> No.90142838

>Disappointed when I saw Ririka hand cam and she has Holocaust wrists.
this is good though

>> No.90142843

he's still a flip

>> No.90142848

>oh you survived the fires from the slums? that's unfortunate
im rich enough not to live in the slums and in the path of typhoons anon and its also 3:58 pm in where im at

>> No.90142858

Damn Niji JP catching strays
