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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.23 MB, 916x2056, 853CFFB3-EDB0-4009-9F69-58B5499F9FED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8986380 No.8986380 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8986528
File: 491 KB, 512x720, 1630155404176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over...

>> No.8986540

Oh no no no

>> No.8986565

I commend you brave anon. Do not let the purging stop you from voicing it out.

>> No.8986586
File: 122 KB, 490x208, rratbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no owlbros, we got too cocky.

>> No.8986599
File: 11 KB, 248x252, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8986600

>generic anime sideface everyone draws
>dot eyed animals?
THIS is the best you can scrounge up? AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.8986615

Wow, it almost like she copied a real image or something and it's not her stylized art, nah couldn't be...

>> No.8986634

>People still think the girl who has clearly never streamed.in her life was previously a big vtuber
If Mumei is just pretending she has my unending love and respect as a brilliant chuuba

>> No.8986635
File: 12 KB, 514x225, keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keikaku doori

>> No.8986639
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>> No.8986662 [DELETED] 

I like how this chuuba is the opposite of gura in regards to HER

>> No.8986675

>People still think the girl who has clearly never streamed.in her life
Stream scuff means you never streamed in your life huh... clearly you aren't Deadbraps.

>> No.8986699

Who the fuck has this much time in their payhetic life to ahitpost Meimei so much and so often?

>> No.8986723

this is the dumbest cope.

>> No.8986732

Why are takodachis like this?

>> No.8986761

Nobody's buying it so they think if they screech louder people will suddenly care.

>> No.8986781

it's a literal piss furry

>> No.8986798

The OP didn't say a damn word, the only ones screeching are the in-denial Owlcucks kek

>> No.8986826

You know that image that's floating around of that one anon who got so buttmad that Petra wasn't HER?
It's likely them, they've invested too much of their anger into the rrat now to let go.

>> No.8986863

Hope you weirdos do something fun during your vacation

>> No.8986914
File: 22 KB, 640x369, dcea25714662b236aa28130fd645b1de274ff87ce640b6b6a20e523453d0b900_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8986925

Just censor the name next time, we already know it

>> No.8986999

All I see is that one of them is so much better at drawing

>> No.8987148

So this is what mental illness looks like.

I'm starting to think these rratfags won't stop even if the two of them stream at the same time...
>b-but one is pre recorded
I'm dying to see who the next Shachi will be, poor girl's gonna have a rough time.

>> No.8987213
File: 141 KB, 1707x1256, 1630386653565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8987288

Is this really the best doxniggers can come up with? Holy fuck this might be the dumbest rrat the board has ever seen.

>> No.8987295


>> No.8987325

No, you've been whining and getting BTFO all day

>> No.8987335

It is not. Also it doesn't matter either way.

>> No.8987348

Use your eyes and ears. She goes nature watching. She likes worldbuilding games. All of her interests are the same. The only thing naysayers have in return is screaming and crying about "rrats".

>> No.8987355

Every time the rratfags get uppity again just show them this picture >>8987213 and laugh at them.

>> No.8987390

>>b-but one is pre recorded
Remember when these dramanigger retards 100% unironically tried to do this with Haachama and that Aria girl?

>> No.8987399

...and when this image (a copy) is posted, reply with this. The method is the same.

>> No.8987429

My eyes and ears say no, so...

>> No.8987463

Well then you can join them. I just know when the evidence keeps piling up, I'll have a toad a so.

>> No.8987467

Are you for real? lmfao

>> No.8987478

What's wrong? Sad you got the wrong girl again? Don't worry, you'll get her next time. Next time for sure.

>> No.8987510

learn english, subhuman
god knows the japanese you pretend to know is even worse

>> No.8987520

Are (you)?
>She may utilize the exact same drawing method, but she's copying a real-life image so clearly her real art style is realism and not chibi like in her OP
Come on now.

>> No.8987559

Trips confirms it, you are telling the truth

>> No.8987565

Don't get upset. This time you just need to base your counter-argument around the fact that she uses CSP and not Gimp like you claimed.

>> No.8987574

They sound the same to me. Only difference is Mumei extra anxious. We will see. If she starts playing FPS games maybe.


>> No.8987582

I do not see it.

>> No.8987599

>the exact same method
Oh god he's serious, let me laugh even harder.

>> No.8987607

Proof next thread, right?

>> No.8987641

Are you ESL?

>> No.8987644

Sad. I guess only Canucks get that reference. It's a funny show, you should check it out sometimes.

>> No.8987671

I don't care who she is but this post is stupid. Most artists who draw stylized if they're decent can draw realistic. You need to know the rules in order to break them.

>> No.8987687


>> No.8987696

Yeah she sounds exactly the same. Owlcucks are coping.

>> No.8987703

Yes. You don't know how drawing works.

>> No.8987708

I like how the tone of both sides completely shifted. First the HERfags were the smug posters while the NOT HERfags kept piling up tl;drs, and now it's the opposite. I love it.

>> No.8987710

Is this the next chapter in the Lex Luthor arc?

>> No.8987711

you guys are laughing but think of the chances of the ban evading doxxfaggot being in your IP range.

>> No.8987723

>I don't care who she is but
This tactic isn't working...

>> No.8987744

poco probables

>> No.8987761
File: 164 KB, 325x266, 1599563495731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded doxxfaf got tired of getting btfo on /hlgg/ he came back crying on the splits
get fucked nigger

>> No.8987766

Does it matter? They sound the same. The way they talk is identical. Their singing voice is the same as well. Maybe that's why she hasn't scheduled a karaoke yet but she's humming all the time.

>> No.8987773


>> No.8987774

You two retards have been at this all night and all you've managed to do is convince most of the board that it isn't her. I don't really know what she did to you, but it's time to let it go.

>> No.8987789

>2 hours to draw a peafowl

>> No.8987836

What I am to trust, imageboard retards or my own eyes and ears. Tough call. Come on now.

>> No.8987864

>if i keep saying it maybe someone will believe me
Sorry ESLchama, you just don't have a good enough grasp on the English language to notice differences in people's speaking patterns. It's like people who think every black person looks like Barack Obama.

>> No.8987867

"A toad a so" is a reference to Trailer Park Boys anon

>> No.8987896
File: 168 KB, 1762x1632, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be her boyfriend

>> No.8987902

Yeah that's stupid. Jackie Chan on the other hand...

>> No.8987905

Why do you so desperately not want it to be shachi? I thought you were happy when it turned out she wasn't petra.

>> No.8987907

Well considering you're the one dragging the average IQ here down into the double digits, you may want to reconsider.

>> No.8987951

If it's low IQ to be able to see clearly that every single listed interest is the same as Shachi's you can call me Joe Arridy.

>> No.8987959

Go back to your discord faggot. Lick your wounds. Maybe next time you can find a rrat that isn't so fucking retarded and you'll get the ebin meltdown you wanted.

>> No.8987991

Holy shit. Go on anon, mention bokurano again!

>> No.8988008

Because Shachi has a bf and that makes me angry.

>> No.8988028

Yeah I was blown away when I saw Jackie Chan at the Laundromat. Dude seems like he'd have a washing machine in his house.

>> No.8988039

Right after you find me another vtuber with it in her favorites. Too irrelevant otherwise.

>> No.8988088

Oh no owlbros we got too cucky

>> No.8988128

Don't check out Hime Hajime, okay?

>> No.8988148

The funny thing is the fact she even decided to draw a realistic actual bird instead of just drawing Reine herself in of itself lends credence to it being HER, as she'd want to avoid demonstrating her normal anime girl style on stream.

>> No.8988167

Geez, I was up against a Vshojofag all along? That explains a lot. I'll take your advice.

>> No.8988179

I haven't been following her since debut but wasn't this shit set in stone when she deleted those tweets right after debut?, what is it with all this cope and autists trying to debunk them? are you faggots just bored?

>> No.8988203
File: 152 KB, 1000x562, intro-1577203159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that she did nothing that gave credence to it, gave credence to it

>> No.8988232

The tweets were deleted after the retards in this thread replied to them. So no it literally proved nothing. They will cope and seethe in response to this.

>> No.8988235

The only thing that changed from post-debut to now is that more proof has been shown and she has more fans. Nobody liked owl back then so they were okay with her admitting to have a boyfriend. Now's a different story.

>> No.8988240

It was debunked as soon as you realized containment breakers were resposible for it, and then later finding out that she already did that shit before when they stormed her for the petra rrat. Which is why rratfags don't mention it anymore.

>> No.8988262

>more proof
Is 0 really > 0?

>> No.8988307

>and then later finding out that she already did that shit
This is a lie I was waiting to debunk. Shachi did not private her Twitter after people suspected she was Petra. I took many, many screenshots of her Twitter afterwards. Her vtuber Twitter was privated BEFORE Petra's debut, and her main Twitter was only privated after Owl's debut.

>> No.8988364

Lol. They emphasize the same words and they have the same tone and enunciation. They even rage the same way and sing the same way. Not to mention that their key art is the same. You retards also seem to forget that this girl can draw different art styles.


>> No.8988388

holy cope

>> No.8988426

So did we ever find out why exactly these rrats are so obsessed with Shachi?
I mean they were obsessed with Pengu and now they're doing the same with Mumei. They're actually dedicating a lot of time and effort on this shit, what exactly did Shachi do to make these niggers seethe so hard? Surely it can't be the bf thing, there has to be more to it, right?

>> No.8988428

Her response to Reine drawing her as an anime girl with a fitting art style was to repay the favor by drawing a literal bird with a realistic art style. That's a bit strange considering plenty of Holos with poor drawing skills have been perfectly fine with showcasing it anyway.

>> No.8988435

Check the archives for yourself. Neither of her Twitters were privated as a result of people suspecting she was Petra. Her main Twitter was only privated now, after suspicions of her being the Owl.

>> No.8988452

SEAnig, don't forget to talk to someone, okay? Suicide isn't the answer.

>> No.8988485

Why are there so many cope in this?
You guys look really pathetic right now

>> No.8988501

Or maybe stop deluding yourself. It doesn't really matter if the girl has a boyfriend

>> No.8988508

She tricked them that she was going to be in NijiEN2. Their rrats fell off and they got mad because they became the laughingstocks of everyone, just like now.

>> No.8988538

Good job superman, you have it all figured out.

>> No.8988544
File: 489 KB, 1140x931, 1630379260173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't a big middle finger, then I don't know what is.

>> No.8988549

>Well then you can join them. I just know when the evidence keeps piling up, I'll have a toad a so.

>> No.8988552

So you're actually claiming that she stopped streaming/uploading, hasn't re-appeared as a Holo or a Niji, and rather than just tell people they have the wrong person instead decided to delete and then private her account?

>> No.8988563

Well, if its her or not her, you faggots better prove its not her fast, because normalfags already all think its here, theres videos on youtube, info on discord, etc.
So even if its not her, it virtually is, since thats what everyone thinks.
Its a case of schrodinger Shachimu

>> No.8988567

Thank you~ <3

>> No.8988604

All me
