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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 54 KB, 616x562, disappointed, sad, angry, frustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
89801580 No.89801580 [Reply] [Original]

So, contrary to what people initially thought, it wasn't about Quinn but instead about Sayu joining the chinese company? Later followed by her huge meltdown? I don't remember anyone giving her shit about it in public though... Is she just doomlurking /here/?

>> No.89801822

Believe Someone* I think she is referring to NOA Talent. I don't know man as you can see all the redflags that even her recruiter felt bad and quit NOA Talent.

>> No.89802160

you'll slip up one day, sky, and then you'll get banned.
>Verification not required.

>> No.89802498

Holy schizo.

>> No.89802558

How can an almost 40 year old woman type shit like this and not feel pathetic?

>> No.89802624


>> No.89802634
File: 119 KB, 615x1095, Sayu being Sayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP screenshot is nothing. Take a look at this.

>> No.89802777

lmao that skytard tries to pass his ai slop as real art. pathetic.

>> No.89802787


>> No.89802816

I don't think she's okay.

>> No.89802850

so glad vshojo rejected her we really dont need another nazuna

>> No.89802938

he also clipped Sayu's on stream crying, and went to harass BriAtCookieBox about NOA when Sayu explicitly asked everyone to not bother anyone when she first announced she's joining "a" corpo. I fucking hate that clipnigger with a burning passion.

>> No.89803029

yeah and he raided the holoapp with gore and doxx. real tard. i share your hate.

>> No.89803136

why am I not surprised

>> No.89803217

Friendly reminder for Sincroknights to STOP BITING BAIT

>> No.89803380
File: 162 KB, 898x509, 1721665035467457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sincroknights intentionally make these threads to give her free advertising. Just ignore her and let her fade into obscurity.

>> No.89803384

Oh, there's no need to bite bait, Sayu provides enough real lolcow content on her own.

>> No.89803437

I will once the traitor has been dealt with.

>> No.89803483

Jesus Christ, she types like an emo Sasuke parody

>> No.89803534

I thought she was supposed to be firmly in 4view territory and growing, now that she's healing and her mental health has improved? That's what her fans told me.

>> No.89803658

she had like 3 streams last month.

>> No.89803756

Isn't return/rarity buff a thing? Holos always get a big bump to viewership on their first stream after a week or longer break.

>> No.89804013

holos have their bots, sayu can't afford that

>> No.89804073

not for Sayu. her strength has always been consistent endurance streaming (8h+ almost every day), but between her mental issues and a SHIT TON of behind the scenes work (what her PRC and JP trips have mostly been about) she fell behind on streaming. as far as I can tell it doesn't hurt her bottom line (oilers+sponsorships), but
>muh noombers
fuck with her brainworms, too.

>> No.89804801

Yeah I think so too. Fucking hate this twitter vagueposting. Using "someone" when referring to a company, no wonder people were thinking Kyo or someone else is at fault.

>> No.89805141

shes literally en mikeneko holy shit

>> No.89805364

What did I miss? I have no clue what is going on here.

>> No.89805941

except she was accepted into niji and mike wasn't xD
yes, she tried... and that's why she's in wactor now.

>> No.89806047

jesus christ, can you elaborate on that?

>> No.89806157

she alternates between this, mike and nazuna

>> No.89806207

Ah, sorry, I meant the attempting to join niji part. I can easily see it but I wonder if she spoke about it in more detail.

>> No.89806780
File: 98 KB, 704x619, NOA termination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, it's a long story.
Few months ago she alluded to joining a company, people were guessing Phase etc. but she was saying no, they're too broke for her. Vshojo, no, they'd veto her because someone (Matara) dislikes her. Both parties were getting flack from Sayufags for those "slights", be the judge whether it was justified or not, I'm not commenting. Then it was found out (or potentially, intentionally leaked by an insider, likely the one mentioned in just a bit) that Sayu was listed on NOA Talent YouTube channel page. Whole thing was shady since the start, a bunch of accounts of completely different sizes there - Sayu with her 100k, some with 10k, one dude with 400k, a whole bunch of shitters below 1k.
The manager and person who scouted Sayu (hilariously, she's named Quinn, which obviously makes threads confusing considering Sayu's past beef with ex-niji male Quinn) was actually /here/, showed up in multiple threads and even proved it was her with a timestamp. She shared some info about NOA Talent, about her previous company, Metishon... Quite a bit of drama.
I think it started in this thread, there were several more:
Commotion died down, no further updates for a while, until one of NOA's talents got Zaion'd (pic related, oh the irony that it happened in a company Sayu was joining) and Sayu had a small meltdown and started implying on stream that she backed out of the deal with NOA (as we now know, she was lying, she already signed the contract earlier).

>> No.89806820
File: 53 KB, 588x740, Nolie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from the terminated talent.

>> No.89806897
File: 43 KB, 773x574, Quinn leaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the funniest thing is, same Quinn who scouted out Sayu (and many others) to join NOA Talent, left the company before Sayu even debuted.

>> No.89806952

/news/ anons did their due diligence and deemed her an unreliable source. that doesn't make Metishon innocent by default, but you have to take her words with a grain of salt, too.

>> No.89806963

Weirdly she is still part of NOA as a talent, she still lists it on her chuuba twitter account and retweeted the debuts.

>> No.89807057
File: 130 KB, 1262x541, QuinnEOis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're confused about ALVR, it's her previous black company, pic rel. Oh and last sentence refers to this anon >>89802624 who wanted to grant her citizenship through sexual intercourse and marriage.

Yeah, that's fair. A lot of menheras in the air flying all over the place.

>> No.89807168
File: 230 KB, 952x1153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't get it, so confusing. There's a lot of other shitters there but only has streamed so far.

>> No.89807189


On top of this the owner or CEO of NOA talent is the guy who leaked that Hololive would return to China.
According to Chinese anons here he doesn't have a great reputation in general, because he's more of a bumbling idiot who talks out of his ass and makes a bunch of empty promises.

>> No.89807284
File: 157 KB, 774x924, 1718128270063081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how it looked five months ago btw.
Notice how Azeru's huge main channel was linked there back then but now there's only some shitty extra channel of his.

>> No.89807354
File: 346 KB, 1403x1149, 1718138145150811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89807391

their twitch team is even more of a mess.
>eoisvt used to be on the team until a few days ago
>no Sayu or Ria
Rita is YT only

>> No.89807487
File: 36 KB, 1109x310, Bri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She either backed out of the deal or they were lying about her being a part of the project. I think both options are equally believable. Screenshot says "today" but I saved it on June 11th for context. Apparently the censored name is Sky Rainpuff, Sayu's main clipper, who was directly contacting Bri about more info.

>> No.89807530

Who the FUCK joins that company after them actually doxxing their own talent, getting called out for it, and then DOUBLING DOWN on doxxing them?

>> No.89807541
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1200, twitch NOA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I didn't know that. Had no idea twitch has pages like this.

>> No.89807626

>who leaked that Hololive would return to China
Well his company, Metishon, is actually the one working with Hololive (and Mythic) to "help" with their Bilibili accounts. In fact that's how it was originally discovered that Sayu had joined NOA - some anons were looking into the company after Kobo started on Bilibili and came across NOA's YT page.

>> No.89807637
File: 497 KB, 3840x2593, noatalent-7ded9b4f94324a2da6257ff1a37713b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extracted the full background image

>> No.89807675

holy niji lookalikes....

>> No.89807975
File: 481 KB, 1412x933, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is stickybomb? Oh...
>Stickybomb is an all-in-one entertainment tool that helps streamers monetize their content, while making streams more interactive and fun.


>> No.89808051

you're talking about quinn bennet right

>> No.89808520 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, GPA1GZXbQAEbUmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he means Quinn (EOIS) >89806897, the former NOA talent manager who posted /here/ before >89806780

>> No.89808889

How long until she gets fired and blames everything on backstabbers again?

>> No.89809659

why is she like this?

>> No.89809860

sky is a faggot of a whole another caliber

>> No.89810212

>trusts and believes in nijisanji management and fellow members
>gets fucked over
>trusts and believes in chinese company that everyone else can see is sketchy AF from miles away
>gets fucked over
The need for womanwrangling is real. (not all women)

HONEY.... you have a pretty bad record on judging people's intentions so far...


>> No.89810330

Well, the chinese corpo at least is trying to secure a 'face' for their vtubers, and looks like they want Sayu to be that, so she SHOULD be fine. It's the rest of the girls I'd worry about.

>> No.89810512

>The need for womanwrangling is real.
shut the fuck up phasecuck. your shitty corpo demands 50% of everything earned AND ownership of the IP. the NOA deal is like Mythic, Sayu won't incur any financial losses and her IP is safe with her.

>> No.89811322

Thanks, anon.

>> No.89811400

>shut the fuck up phasecuck. your shitty corpo demands 50%
and niji demands 98%, your point?

>> No.89811402

Oh look, fat whore cant get traction without Niji drama anymore so she creates more drama that her discord drones can spam for engagement.

>> No.89811448

>fat whore
but enough about you, finana :)

>> No.89811585

and NOA demands 0%
your move, phasecuck.

>> No.89811687

Countdown to NOA chinese scam agency implosion begins now.

>> No.89812024
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Sayu doodle dance GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concession accepted.

>> No.89812124

>shitty corpo
>only one still chugging along despite countless people praying for it's downfall
>invaders can choose to either keep or sell their IP
no one wanted an ugly bitch who faceposts on her vtuber account in phase anyways lmao

>> No.89812239
File: 40 KB, 387x403, 1718744746136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invaders can choose to either keep or sell their IP
Yuri's example proves otherwise, and that's why only literal who's consider invading. you lost both Lisa and Shondo to that scum move, and "legalized" theft is still theft.

>> No.89812343 [DELETED] 

>yuri's example proves otherwise
She sold her IP.
Shondo is a schizo and despises every corpo, and is also too big to consider joining one anyways.
Lisa thought she was just going to be offered a spot, and cried on stream when she wasn't given one without asking.
Cope and seethe about your ugly chinese faceposter who WILL inevitably fuck herself over again.

>> No.89812996

first time her new eye isn't blinding me

>> No.89813299

this is a fanart

>> No.89813541

So, watchable Sayu is but a fantasy?

>> No.89813694
File: 837 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20241119_070230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being weak.

>> No.89814058

Most of the blame is with a certain schizo jeet, but the real problem with Sincroknights is that they're full of insecure chinks who somehow view supporting Sayu as a proxy for duh ccp. Don't think whether or not she's a 3 or 4view affects whether China makes it out of the middle-income trap.

>> No.89814318

So how fucked is Sayu?
Figuratively from this situation and Literally in general

>> No.89814337
File: 1.21 MB, 1276x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89814579
File: 595 KB, 590x900, GQzxJ0gagAAPPtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and Literally in general
well, by me.
Verification not required.

>> No.89814776

proof? he's adjacent to some fandoms I'm in, and while he's been a bit annoying, I never would have figured him as the type of person to do hate raids

>> No.89814834
File: 272 KB, 400x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89815016

No no english long

>> No.89815464

you act like her shitter IP is actually WORTH something, kek

>> No.89815552

why are her tits lopsided

>> No.89815611

when is this Asian whore gonna finally do porn?

>> No.89815632

Same reason they are miscolored in summer outfit. She's a stupid women who doesn't understand that nobody gives a shit about her quirky idea, people want the model to be pleasantly looking.

>> No.89815715

Aw sweet, another schizo thread

>> No.89815775

thread reflects the streamer

>> No.89815920

Lisa wasn't even approached, and Shondo is a notorious anti-corpo propagator.

>> No.89816115

Can you provide one (1) example of a current phase invader who kept her IP

>> No.89816265

>>89816115 (me)
*That won't be forced to lose her IP on her way out

>> No.89816313

it's the angle, anon.
there isn't any

>> No.89816623

what quirky idea(s)?

>> No.89816721

>makes terrible decision
>everyone warns her
>she doubles down and insists we just won't let her be happy
>terrible decision turns out to be terrible
>turns herself into the victim yet again to beg her simps for validation
this girl's shtick is so tired, and really explains why her marriage fell apart

>> No.89816761

who are these people?

>> No.89816896

>i'm an android and one tit has artificial skin so it isn't getting tanned, same for random parts of the body so my tanned skin has blotches of white and brown, i'm so smart for coming up with this!

>> No.89816912

>I actually subbed to this chick for 7 months in 2023 because I was being a saviorfag
I still cringe to this day.

>> No.89816961

You did good anon. Both by supporting her back then and by stopping to do so later.

>> No.89817147

>skin has blotches of white and brown
Isn't that already some kind of skin condition/disease?

>> No.89817251

That's what everyone would love to tell her but she lashes out at people who don't praise her so they gaslight themselves into liking it and tell her she looks great to avoid making her angry.

>> No.89817294

Lumi owns her and the rest have separate IPs from their original. In fact, Yuri is the only one who sold her IP.

>> No.89818410

Is there a toggle to turn off the shining eye? I personally think it makes the design too busy.
Scratch that, the whole outfit is extremely busy. I get it's supposed to be a fusion of all of her previous models with a twist but it's taking too many elements from all of them.

>> No.89818734

Hwo the fuck am i, or any random faggot on 4chan, supposed to know the inner workings of Phase? How the fuck is anyone supposed to know which Invaders sold their IP and which kept it?

>> No.89819022

fuck, so matara not liking sayu is true after all

>> No.89819836

How are people still seething about this woman? It's been over a year now.

>> No.89820516

she keeps giving us new material

>> No.89820779

They did meet up at OffKai and had a good time eating lunch together but it's also true that after Offkai Sayu reached out to Matara on twitter like 10 times and only got a reply once.

>> No.89820798

what bait retard
this is all sayu

>> No.89820808

Is this material? It just seems like regular venting on a privated account. Is she suing someone like Mike or something?

>> No.89820860

That's what happens when she starts insulting everyone who had some good will for her. See >>89802634 which was just few days ago.

>> No.89820979

She's blaming for her anger and sadness, and then shitting on everyone who dared to show concern about a shady chinese company which had multiple yabs before a single stream happened.

>> No.89821271

this shit is such a downgrade

>> No.89821279

>Yuri's example proves otherwise
It's only if they sell their IP to Phase they actually lose it, Moon Jelly is still active.

>> No.89821281

>I'm sad because people are whining about my company choice
>I made a decision after doing research for a long time
>people yell at me that I'm wrong despite not having info or being too detached from the situation as observers
>people telling me it's for my own good when they don't even know nor care about what I want for my career
>I've covered my ass in case things go sideways, so it's worth the risk for my goals since no other company can offer what they can.
This seems reasonable to me. What's the problem? Her wording?

>> No.89821455

>sayucuck defense force coming to fight for their menhera

>> No.89821461

>and Sayu had a small meltdown and started implying on stream that she backed out of the deal with NOA (as we now know, she was lying, she already signed the contract earlier).
This is what really gets me. Back then, I noticed that Sayu was trying not to talk too much about the topic, which was weird because she usually has no filter and says whatever’s on her mind. Then Quinn quit and called NOA a black company, and Sayu still didn’t say anything about it. And suddenly, she started teasing her debut. Like, what the fuck? There’s no way she changed her mind in just a couple of weeks, she must’ve signed the contract around the time she went to China to get everything ready for the debuts. And yet she kept quiet and pretended she was still on the fence because she knew how it would look. Nah, fuck that.

>> No.89821541

what the fuck is that design

>> No.89822097

>What's the problem?
Dramafags want to concernfag and schizos want to schizo

>> No.89822285

>Sayu does anything
>It's because she is jealous of other vtubers
>She was actually the evil one
>She's this and that

>> No.89822328

Actual awful model.

>> No.89822667

>This seems reasonable to me. What's the problem? Her wording?
The problem is that she signed the contract a long time ago but kept pretending she hadn’t because she didn’t want to get roped into NOA’s drama of the week. Then, when people realized she was actually debuting with them and started worrying she might have been tricked, she got frustrated, thinking they were calling her dumb for not noticing the colossal red flags

>she was obviously talking about the shitposters

No, she did the exact same thing when she tried to promote that weird dating app a friend told her about. It was so strange that some fans thought she might have been hacked, and she ended up having a meltdown because she felt they were patronizing her

>> No.89822700

People don't like it when their rrats are disproven or when someone does something they don't like

>> No.89822753

>People don't like it when their rrats are disproven
What rrats?

>> No.89822779

>The problem is that she signed the contract a long time ago

>> No.89823062

>And yet she kept quiet and pretended she was still on the fence because she knew how it would look.
This is the real kicker imo. She was fully aware what would be people's reaction. Because it's anatural reaction to news of someone yo ucare about signing up with a fishy chinese company. And yet she now behaves as if anyone who had that perfectly predictable, completely normal in those circumstances, reaction, was her enemy all along. Holy shit.

>> No.89823217

The timing. Just like this anon said >>89821461 , the timing of her debut only makes sense if she had already signed by the time she went to China to meet with them, unless you think they managed to create the designs and L2Ds for the entire generation in just a couple of weeks. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had already joined when the original leak happened, because NOA had already added her to their channel, she was on their Discord server, and Quinn had the keychain that Sayu only gives to very special people.

>> No.89823251

>Sayu does shitty thing
>she's actually the victim uwu

>> No.89823271

Yeah if you remove 80% of what she said, it's possible to spin it as only mildly offensive instead of incredibly offensive.

>> No.89823345

Since everyone here are such experts on shady Chinese corpos, can someone explain why Rita also signed up for it? If it was such a sketchy thing why do we have a group of 3?

>> No.89823423

>If it was such a sketchy thing why do we have a group of 3?
You know that Wactor keeps debuting new gens, right?

>> No.89823472

Snowflakes don't like getting (rightfully) shit on for concernfagging

>> No.89823513
File: 747 KB, 1023x806, 1702610452718688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it was such a sketchy thing why do we have a group of 3?
Yeah, that's right, I guess that also means that NijiEN is a good company

>> No.89823522

It still blows my fucking mind that Sayu apparently made Kyo/Quinn apologize TO HER for her letting the rumors about him continue for a year and leaving her shitty fandom to run wild with it. Like, what even the fuck?

>> No.89823581

Wactor can only recruit nobodies so that still doesn't explain why Rita agrees to this

>> No.89823686

Wactor managed to recruit Mike.

>> No.89823687

How so? The person who recruited Sayu called NOA a black agency and regretted getting anyone involved with it. That’s a very good reason to have concerns and to question Sayu’s decision, at the very least

>> No.89823725

Are you seriously trying to imply that she isn't a nobody?

>> No.89823861

Rita and and Ria were hired to tardwrangle Sayu and got paid out to participate in this, wake up people. Rita is a veteran at working for black companies, why is it surprising shes working for this one?

>> No.89823950

Sayu's wings fuck so hard.

>> No.89823986

First, Rita is a nobody. Second, Miguel joined Wactor. There will always be someone willing to take a job, no matter how sketchy it looks. Sayu joining NOA doesn’t mean it’s a good company, just that they offered enough perks for her to overlook the red flags. That’s just how these things go.

>> No.89824227

I'm willing to believe this theory.

>> No.89824433

>"how dare Sayu join this agency that I'm 150% sure is a black company despite her having much more information than I have!", the thread

>> No.89824566

Sayu, will you have another meltdown on twitter tomorrow?

>> No.89824613

I mean, I’m sure Sayu has covered her ass to avoid getting too screwed if things go south. But she still willingly joined a black company, and that makes her a hell of a hypocrite.

>> No.89824757

That doesn't make sense, though. Sayu first teased things back in June by saying she finally confirmed a corpo.
Then several months later she went to China, that termination thing happened, and she came back upset and basically saying that she was disappointed in how they're handling the western market and how they can't do that kind of shit if they want her on, effectively saying that the door wasn't closed, but that they'd need to seriously restructure and reconsider shit if they wanted her on because she couldn't go through another Nijisanji.

Either way, that's impossible to happen as they have no creative control over her projects or IP like Niji would have, considering she's described it as just an agency like Mythic, but with extra support for things like music.
I think you're confusing things. Do you have any source for this?

>> No.89824802

I'd rape her.

>> No.89824846

Shh you're making too much sense, we can't do that here

>> No.89825649

Listen to yourself.
>teased in June
>several months later disappointed
How much time does it leave till now? Enough to design, create and rig Live 2D models + record a song for whole gen? No, no way in hell is it enough. Are you aware we're in November and June was only 5 months ago?
By the way you are fucking retarded. Her trip to China was in July, not "several months after June".

He's not making any sense. Are both of you psychoknights from her discord, intentionally lying in her defense?

>> No.89825681

>effectively saying that the door wasn't closed, but that they'd need to seriously restructure and reconsider shit if they wanted her on because she couldn't go through another Nijisanji.
I’m aware of what she said because I was one of the ones who, back then, pointed out that she was being very careful with her wording. Despite being so angry and disappointed with them, she kept saying how smart and professional they were, which struck me as weird as fuck, and it looked like a sign that she had already made up her mind about joining (if she hadn’t signed the contract already) and was just trying to bullshit her way through until they could clean up their act. I remember it well because there were a couple of sayufags who kept saying that she had cut ties with NOA and wasn't going to join the company.

And, again, you can’t debut an entire generation of vtubers in just a couple of weeks or months, especially not when they can’t use generic designs or hire random people. The timing only makes sense if she joined when she went to China. And that was probably the real reason for the trip, by the way.

>> No.89825912

>And that was probably the real reason for the trip, by the way.
Yup. She was already set to join back in June (that's why she started teasing it) and went to China to seal the deal and finish formalities. It's the only option which makes sense.

>> No.89826012

Sayu said that the models in general were a rush job and that half of the features aren't even done yet, and likely won't be available until March. She constantly thanked the artists and rigger for their speed. For example, Sayu's design includes a sword as a major part of the model, and she flat out doesn't have it, nor can she remove the eye glow thing.
What makes the most sense is that they actually restructured over the course of several months, and things were only finalized recently so they could rush it out for whatever chinese business quarter they were aiming for or something.

>> No.89826410

>What makes the most sense is that they actually restructured over the course of several months, and things were only finalized recently so they could rush it out for whatever chinese business quarter they were aiming for or something.
Oh, so you mean she decided to join during her subathon? Or maybe after Quinn quit? Damn, I wonder how they managed to get the debut song ready in time. Yeah, that makes total sense, I'm sure she just went to China on a whim and tried out NOA's mocap suit when they weren't looking. Or maybe, just maybe, she had already joined by the time she started teasing the news and everything got leaked.

As for the model being a rush job, just look at it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sayu kept pestering the designer and rigger until the very last moment to change everything she wanted.

>> No.89826558

>he thinks this is a Sayu anti thread
>it's actually a Sky anti thread

>> No.89826594

The model looks perfectly fine from technical standpoint. The only issues it has are Sayu's ideas - overcrowded design, lack of coherence. These things won't change, if anything she'll make it worse with her additional requests.

>> No.89826599

>What makes the most sense is that they actually restructured over the course of several months
You do realize that it's November now, and she only started teasing this shit back in June, right? This 'restructure' lines up perfectly with Sayu joining in July at the latest, when she went to China

>> No.89826714

Got to say, it’s fucking hilarious how the sayufags are completely ignoring Quinn quitting the agency and calling it a black company. I guess Sayu knows more about the company than the person who recruited her in the first place, and who was originally so determined to protect NOA that even came /here/ to defend them

>> No.89826825

You're making a ton of assumptions and then getting angry over them. I'm just going to wait and see how things turn out. If she smells trouble, she's made it clear she can pull out smoothly. Sayu's not exactly a large creator by /vt/ standards, but she's big enough that I could see them bending over backwards to include her, considering her size compared to the rest of the company's chuubas.

>> No.89826990
File: 828 KB, 1400x5552, never learn mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory picrel

>> No.89827111

They even changed this part huh.

>> No.89827239

This >>89807487 is supposed to be harassment?

>> No.89827443

In minds of schizos, yes. They incessantly seethe at any person with more than 100 followers for the crime of interacting with vtubers and they will make up entire essays of their supposed nefarious actions that have zero basis in reality. While completely ignoring the fact the dude is the only person in the world willing to clip Sayu and contributing a lot to people finding out about her.

>> No.89827465

>claim: invaders can choose to either keep or sell their IP
>Yuri sold her IP at the start
>this somehow disproves the claim

>> No.89827521



>> No.89827844
File: 670 KB, 909x1031, doki psychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does any of it sound even a little bit offensive?

>> No.89827968

Holy retard. All of it is. She keeps insulting and undermining people's feelings and knowledge just because they dared to express a thought that wasn't completely agreeing with her.

>> No.89828061

>insulting and undermining people's feelings and knowledge
By... saying that they don't have the inside information that she does and that she feels condescended to?

>> No.89828238

And Americans and the rest of western world decided to put almost all their manufacturing capability in that country? Tf

>> No.89828240

It's clear you're arguing in bad faith. You don't deserve being responded to seriously.
>What the fuck do you know?
>No one asked you specifically and I hope no one even will.
>worthless creatures

>> No.89828297

Bruh, take your amogus fetish somewhere else.

>> No.89828536

Vast majority of people don't have the foresight to imagine the consequences. Even if they do, they don't care about distant future as long as they can earn quick buck short term. Even if they do care about future, they think they are smarter than everyone and will outsmart the Chinese. Even if they don't think that, they think they will get lucky. Only extremely small minority would have avoided cooperating with Chinese back then - and many of them suffered for it because their competitors were able to secure clear advantage with the help of chinese cheap labor. The fact those Chinese cooperators collapsed 5 or 10 years later? Doesn't matter, their competition already died.

>> No.89828844

>You're making a ton of assumptions
Anon, the only assumption I'm making is the one that makes the most sense in all this: Sayu had already joined by the time the channels got leaked >>89807284, and then she just went to China to seal the deal. If not, then please, I ask you again: when did she decide to join? Was it during her subathon, or when Quinn quit? When did they prepare and record the debut song? And even if the models were a rush job, when did they start working on them? Because I can assure you, based on my own experience, that they needed at least a month to make them, and then you have to factor in the time needed for the designs

Nope, the only thing that makes sense is that she already joined months ago, so the timing aligns perfectly with her original teasing back in June .Also, Sayu was the one who kept mentioning around June that it was her own lawyer who wrote part of the contract, so by then the negotiation had to be pretty much finished. And that's what makes it so weird how she shut the fuck up about all the signs of NOA being a black company, despite having declared so many times throughout the year how much she fought Nijisanji and how she wouldn't abandon anyone if they were in her situation. But I guess your community is fine with it because she got her own ass covered?

Also, whether or not Sayu can pull out smoothly literally doesn't matter and isn't the topic of this discussion. The topic is Sayu having a twitter meltdown because she couldn't believe her community was worried about her after she joined NOA despite all the red flags. And, again, she only got this angry because she felt like people were patronizing her, because she is perfectly aware of how bad it looks.

>and then getting angry over them
Angry? If anything, I'm enjoying how much you guys keep trying to warp reality to protect Sayu from herself

>> No.89829149

It's amazing how you fags keep pretending that Quinn didn’t call NOA a black company >>89806897 The fans have more than enough good reasons to be worried about Sayu

>> No.89829960

Sayu explicitly said she researched the company for a year with numerous advice from friends and acquaintances just to shit on people worrying for her

>> No.89830524
File: 44 KB, 158x160, 1473659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89830708

>Sayu explicitly said she researched the company for a year with numerous advice from friends and acquaintances just to shit on people worrying for her
And I call bullshit, because she spent a good amount of the first half of the year crying about how no company wanted her, and even considered quitting a couple of times. Then suddenly, it turns out she had been negotiating with NOA for over half a year already? Spare me this bullshit. I even remember the time back in May or April when she had a random meltdown during a stream about how she was nobody and no one wanted anything to do with her, and how her manager said in the chat they wouldn't give up until they found a home for her.

If anything, I can believe that what she really tried to say was that she had been looking for a company that met her demands for more than a year already, not specifically NOA. And holy fuck, if she's now trying to pretend she’s been negotiating with NOA for a fucking year and you guys actually believe it, that’s fucking hilarious.

> with numerous advice from friends and acquaintances
Yeah, I guess her friends and acquaintances know more about NOA than the person who actually recruited Sayu. My fucking sides, holy shit

>> No.89830787

>just to shit on people worrying for her
Sayu sounds like an awful person

>> No.89830852

Sayu had sex with an indian (depressed nousagi), worse than blacked
who cares what she thinks

>> No.89831339

> met her demands for more than a year already
This a given especially when phase is enough as an agency.
Also this >>89802634, we can't always be choosers my ass. She really speaks like a virtue signaller

>> No.89831454

She believed him when he said she's in good hands with NOA

>> No.89831473

Incredible how you can be wrong about two things in such a short reply. Doxxsagi is a flip - quite famously so (which makes me wonder why you're trying to claim he's Indian - don't like the fact your fellow countryman is a pariah?) Second - she played some multiplayer game with him, so unless it's possible to fuck someone thousands of miles away she didn't. The fact she associated with him at all is damning enough in terms of what it says about her, I don't know why retards need to keep making shit up.

>> No.89831612

It's because they don't know shit about her irl. Who the fuck are they to speak for her well being when they aren't even close to her.

>> No.89831746

This is a really bizarre argument because if you're a vtuber (or any kind of content creator really) you want to foster a community that cares about you - Sayu certainly does. You can't just flip a switch to turn off that care (or concern in this case).

>> No.89831905

>faggot trying to win updoots completely misses the mark
Twitter posting should be bannable

>> No.89831933

>It's because they don't know shit about her irl. Who the fuck are they to speak for her well being when they aren't even close to her.
The same people who have been supporting her for well over a year, listening to her sorrows and trying to make her feel better whenever she had a breakdown? Sayu still sounds like an awful person

>> No.89832940

According to Sayu's words from 4 days ago, she has been researching NOA Talent since October 2023 or earlier. Their YT channel account was created in February 2024.
Accept it already, she's lying all the time about this whole thing.

>> No.89833293

>According to Sayu's words from 4 days ago, she has been researching NOA Talent since October 2023 or earlier.
I honestly feel like a fucking idiot for having supported her for so long.

>> No.89833985

Yeah. First crack was when she supported her schizo fanboy but that rant from 4 days ago is where my sympathy started disappearing for real. Jesus man, I spent so much time and energy promoting her, defending her, watching her streams over past two years, only to get shat on like that.

>> No.89834150

>According to Sayu's words from 4 days ago, she has been researching NOA Talent since October 2023 or earlier. Their YT channel account was created in February 2024.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Sayu is lying, but the alternatives aren't any better either:

>She has been in talks with NOA since before they formed the agency, which would mean she's been drama baiting and manipulating her community until her gig was ready

>NOA approached her during her lowest point because they saw her as an easy target, but back then she thought the whole thing looked sketchy and turned them down. Now she realizes she literally has no other options because no one else is interested in her, so she is willingly joining a black company

Whatever the case, she's trying fucking hard to save face

>> No.89834208

Itt retards don't know the difference between caring and concernfagging lmao

>> No.89834388

YT account creation date literally means nothing lol

>> No.89834532

It means quite a lot actually when the implication is that she started researching the company 4+ months before it appeared on the internet.

>> No.89834564

>She really speaks like a virtue signaller
>Openly supports wokefagtubers
You don't say

>> No.89834630

>I supported her for so long, how dare she do something that I don't want her to do!
I'd call Sayufags pathetic but in this case it's not Sayufags being pathetic, you two are just stupid for having expectations of being able to control your oshi's (or now former I guess) actions, jesus

>> No.89834675
File: 80 KB, 1220x821, SayuDip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu low tide
>Sayu drama dump
I'm amazed people still get surprised by the literal prostitutes antics
ebb and flow, wax and wane, sunrise and sunset

>> No.89834858

Holy bad faith argument. Kill yourself retard.
>how dare she do something that I don't want her to do!
Nobody had issue with that you lying faggot. It's Sayu who has issue with people who dare to not clap to her every decision.
The issue we have is that she's shitting on all her fans who dared to not be enthusiastic about a chinese comapany.

>expectations of being able to control your oshi's (or now former I guess) actions
You're such a stupid schizo.

>> No.89834905

What I'm getting from Sayu threads is that both Sayufags and her schizos seriously need to touch grass, you guys are so retarded it's hilarious

>> No.89834922

>I supported her for so long, how dare she do something that I don't want her to do!
Do you know how to read? It's not about joining NOA, it's about Sayu constantly lying about everything and then lashing out when people get worried for her for reasonable reasons

>> No.89834983

>people get worried
fun fact, she is not in fact a anime girl - but a full grown (divorcee) woman, who can use her own critical thinking skills

>> No.89835142

Nta but I'll repeat what I said here >>89831746

>> No.89835293

Yeah, a woman whodropped her job at googleto start vtubing and then dropped her vtubing career to join niji EN and then kept battling management in her first weeks.

>> No.89835342

a retard is a retard, you concernfagging over a literal dipshit will just cause you undue stress while she does 0 deviation from her self destructive, short sighted ploys

>> No.89835371

The point is, concern is warranted.

>> No.89835398

Nice, then she could use her own critical thinking skills and act like a full grown (divorcee) woman for once to stop doing retarded shit like this >>89802634

Oh, no, I'm sorry if I showed the slightest bit of concern, because literally every piece of news we've had about NOA has been drama, including Sayu's own fucking recruiter quitting, claiming the agency is black as fuck, and regretting getting anyone involved with it. I guess I'm just a concernfag, so the next time Sayu comes on crying about how lonely she feels and how unfair the world is with her, I'll just stop watching the stream, because she's a full grown (divorcee) woman and we can't show any signs of concern

>> No.89835423

Anon you can "care" as much as you want but when the person who has previous experience in a black company tries to reassure you that she'll be ok no matter what happens but you don't listen to her, that's not caring that's concernfagging

>> No.89835518

>"just trust me bro, literally ignore everything else"
Anon, you are a retard.

>> No.89835571

Will Sayu ever be able to get over her crippling social media addiction?

>> No.89835624

>so the next time Sayu comes on crying about how lonely she feels and how unfair the world is with her, I'll just stop watching the stream, because she's a full grown (divorcee) woman and we can't show any signs of concern
Don't be like that, she still needs your money

>> No.89835642

>"I had full control over the contract and made sure I can bail unscathed"
>"Sure, I'm gonna ignore that tho"
Who's the retard here?

>> No.89835687

she only really has 3 modes:
>Seething about the other former nijis thriving
>Drama posting
>Begging for/ encouraging attention at any cost
All require SocMed, so no

>> No.89835724

No anon, that's literally what caring means. Protecting the person you value from self-harm is caring.

>> No.89835788

>"just trust me bro and keep ignoring everything else lol"
Clearly you

>> No.89836030

>"I don't trust my oshi"
You lost

>> No.89836155

Would you trust her if she told you to drink bleach because she thinks it would be good for you? You can trust Sayu and still be concerned about her choices and question them, and that's totally fine. If not, then it's just a cult.

>> No.89836257

This is like the fourth bump limit sayu thread in like a day. Did something happen at Nijisanji again? Why're the sisters defaulting to ol' faithful?
Did the nijifes get cancelled or something

>> No.89836272

Yeah she fooled me too, I fell like a fucking idiot for trusting her for so long.

>> No.89836358

Not really, sayufags love eating bait and try to defend her in the most ridiculous and amusing ways, so it's pretty fun talking with them

>> No.89836368

Anon, it's time to drop the boogeyman. Nijisisters have all left for kpop / died out already.
It's Sayu's organic efforts at shitting in her own bed. Just look at the crap she types.

>> No.89836369

Rent free

>> No.89836442

The threads are a mix of dramafags (who are usually the ones posting them), ex-sincroknights and general anons confused and frustrated by what she's doing, and current sincroknights who are defending her. I don't think the sisters really leave their generals much anymore.

>> No.89836466

You can be concerned and see how it pans out, or assume that she is incapable of learning from her past experiences, assume the worst case scenario will happen, and stir up drama by constantly creating or engaging in bait threads. Sounds like you're choosing the second option which I'm sure really helps your oshi lol

>> No.89836604

I'm choosing to question her actions because it's fucking wild that she reacted the way she did when people had plenty of reasonable reasons to be worried about her. If you can't even see that, well, I wish you luck with your cult

>> No.89836783

I'm not even a Sayufag although I do get informed on what she does since I'm on this board too much, I just see how you folks are overreacting to her tweets, but maybe she's better off without people like you. I feel bad for whoever you oshi next desu

>> No.89836914

>I'm not even a Sayufag
Cool, then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and clearly aren't aware of the kind of shit she pulls constantly. So, kindly fuck off and keep your retarded opinion to yourself, because no one cares

>> No.89836916

>and stir up drama by constantly creating or engaging in bait threads
Anon, the threads were made as a REACTION to her meltdowns on twitter, AFTER them.

>> No.89836950

This is such bullshit, you could make this argument for a good amount of vtubers but not Sayu, her and her fans are intensely parasocial with each other.

>> No.89837041

If she had as many fans as these "ex-fans" on the board, you'd think they'd have been able to keep a general up.
Have they ever reached bump limit without being raided or baited?

>> No.89837060

>OP's tweet is clearly about something that's not NOA since she already said she could leave with no consequences
>Dramafags and Sincroknights make it about NOA

>> No.89837143

>critical thinking skills
So joining another black company after the first she joined almost ruined her entire life?

>> No.89837455

Retard. It's clearly about NOA.

>> No.89837604

>I've just been treated like trash (by NOA)
>I'm gonna join them anyways even though my contract gives me a perfect escape route
You must be a gigaretard then

>> No.89837656

I guess I'll share what tipped me off about Sayu and made me start noticing the cracks that eventually led me to stop watching her. It was during the RE5 charity stream, and the chat was making some huge donations, likely because there were rewards tied to merch or something like that, I don't really remember. When the stream ended, Sayu revealed that she had made a donation too, but it was barely $50. I know it sounds like something completely retarded to take issue with, but she had hyped up the stream so much, said she cared about the cause, and with the community's donations being so big, I couldn't help but think about how she spends more on gacha each month than what she donated to the very charity she organized. I tried to not think too much about it at the time, but it made me start paying more attention to her personality, and I began noticing more frequently how often she gave shitty answers to the chat, or how she framed her tweets and community posts to highlight how everyone hated her. Eventually, I just got tired of it and quit cold turkey.

>> No.89838112

You're an ultraretard.
It's not (by NOA). NOA is the "believe in someone".

>> No.89838130

Any interesting info about Sayu's genmates? Only watched the chimera debut, she seemed ok.

>> No.89838292

NOA is not a person. Would you use the phrase "believing in someone" to say you believe in Hololive or (lol) Nijisanji?

>> No.89838407

Rita's got some creative streams in her history and some great singing skills, too. Not sure so much on Ria, though.

>> No.89838520

That's the whole reason why people didn't understand her initially and only realized she was talking about NOA there after her meltdown few days ago >>89802634
But yes, it absolutely can be used the way she did. She believes in someone - in people working at NOA.

>> No.89838593

Anon, that was only 50 dollars for the death counter.
She put in over 1k for the charity itself.

>> No.89838886

NTA but it's people like you who try so hard to grasp at straws that while I'm sure you used to support her, you sure seem like you are trying to make her more disliked here than Niji
I obviously can't tell you what it's about but I will tell you now that OP's pic is 100% not about NOA
Yes I'm literally telling you to "trust me bro", so whether you want to do so or continue to sperg out is up to you

>> No.89838983

I only run her streams in the backgrounds but what rubs me the wrong way sometimes is the way she interrupts the stream flow to attack the chatters who said something retarded. 'okay, you're stupid, banned, goodbye' woule've been enough but she quite often gives them a minute+ long patronizing lecture on why they're stupid. From the top of my head:
- some of her big paypigs discuss in her chat how they want to support her and Rennie. Tells them off and goes on a rant about how this makes her feel less appreciated as a streamer when other streamers, even her friends, are discussed in her chat
- some cooked chatter (probably spoiled by niji and holo reactions to people's birthdays) says it's his birthday. Sayu goes on a rant how a stream isn't about him and how streamers don't appreciate that kind of stuff etc etc

>> No.89839075

>grasp at straws
It's just a natural conclusion. The only one which makes sense.
Pray tell me what else she meant if you disagree.

>I obviously can't tell you what it's about but I will tell you now that OP's pic is 100% not about NOA
Fucking retard.
You're the one sperging out by calling everyone a dramafag because you're too stupid to understand the situation and refuse to admit your own cognitive ability is the lacking. No, it must be literally everyone else who's overreacting, it can't be that you're a dumbass, right?

>> No.89839177

is lacking*
failed to properly delete "the issue" while editing

>> No.89839511

Ok asshole
I popped into this thread like 10 minutes ago, literally told you I'm NTA and I know exactly what her tweet was about, and I'm telling you I can't say it right now since it's obviously not public information, so I guess you just have to keep schizoposting over whatever you're imagining to be the truth

>> No.89839532

The no talking about other streamers rule is usually rule 1 for every streamer on the platform.
>- some cooked chatter (probably spoiled by niji and holo reactions to people's birthdays) says it's his birthday. Sayu goes on a rant how a stream isn't about him and how streamers don't appreciate that kind of stuff etc etc
This one doesn't sound right. Sayu's fine saying happy birthday and a little off topic. I can't see her doing that unless the guy was spamming chat about his birthday and claiming she couldn't read it. Do you remember which stream this happened in?

>> No.89839988

>>89839511 (me)
This is the only thing I'll post as proof that I actually know what's going on

>> No.89840055
File: 50 KB, 525x424, Screenshot_20241119-184920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89840674

>This one doesn't sound right. Sayu's fine saying happy birthday and a little off topic. I can't see her doing that unless the guy was spamming chat about his birthday and claiming she couldn't read it. Do you remember which stream this happened in?
Unfortunately no but that was before summer I think? Maybe something changed since then or the chatter said it's his birthday in some specially idiotic way? Can't tell since the stream was running in the background.

>> No.89840916

Interesting. Thanks for delivering at least this. I'm willing to believe you.

>> No.89840998

Hi Rae, nta but I sincerely hope Sayu isn't going to get fucked by NOA. If she is I hope you'll remember that the anons you've been shitting on have been pointing out for months that it's a bad idea.

>> No.89841005

I don't know, then. Must've been a particularly bad night. I remember her melting down a lot back in spring until she started taking those long breaks, so I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to be particularly annoying and she blew up back then.

Man, she's really come so far though.

>> No.89841886

still no actual proof on this btw

>> No.89842080

anon she fucking ran Mike's end of stream screen by accident

>> No.89843040

only one tweet mentioned it

>> No.89843264

On a side note, please do Sayu and Rae a favor and stop getting baited. And also spread the word to other Sincroknights, if they even exist on this board

>> No.89844670

Post tits.

>> No.89844771

Muh name Jamal! Muh name Usted!

>> No.89844905

Does she think she's an alpha? little cuck's a giga omega at best

>> No.89844973

If Sayu doesn't want people to misunderstand, she should stop vagueposting. Dumb bitch.

>> No.89845453

Ffs why do you care? Do you know what actually happens behind the scenes? No, Sayu does not you

>> No.89847176

that pic doesnt have all toggles on even.
she also posesses multicolored glowing fairy wings with this model that constantly flicker

>> No.89847847

fat and sayu in the same sentence ... have you actually seen what sayu looks like half of the shit posters wish they was that thine

>> No.89848258
File: 93 KB, 468x511, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Rae. Supporter of her since day one here, who got disappointed with her antics over time. Hope she made the right decision.

>> No.89848434

I need parrot qrd

>> No.89851621

what a shitshow

>> No.89851680

Holy fuck Sakana dodged a MASSIVE bullet not taking her

>> No.89852038

>Is there a toggle to turn off the shining eye?
not yet, but there will be. expect a cool black hole effect instead, she has no left eye anymore.

>> No.89852210

we'll see how true that is once she gets fired.

>> No.89852431

>if Sayu kept pestering the designer and rigger
Oykeli has been working with her for years, and she rigged both this model and the broken android model in record speed, back to back. as far as I know the only Sayu model she didn't rig is the pixel model.

>> No.89852516

"can choose"
roru. rumao even.

>> No.89854569

Don’t even want to discuss Sayu anymore. Menhera + corpo management is just another episode waiting to happen.

I guess this board only know NOA’s owner as ‘the guy that leaked holo return to bilibili’. Hooxi is the most controversial individual in Chinese vtuber community. He is rich af and is objectively a horrible person who has close ties to Bilibili and jp corpo scene. His main tactic is literal hate marketing, not the kind Filipino dino guy pretends to be doing. He leaks NDA and vtuber doxx stuff on daily basis (I wish I’m exaggerating), buys bots, teaches talents to say controversial stuff to get clipped and farms engagements, leaks holo and niji jp recruitments info. His favorite segment on stream is to teach audience how to farm money from male weebs because ‘they are virgin and pathetic’. If a vtuber leaves his company or gets fired, he would share all the tea including personal information on stream to ridicule the person. He streams a lot too so just search his name on Bilibili. If EN community thinks Riku is somehow a ‘villain CEO’, I don’t even know how to describe this guy.

>> No.89855677

your source? that one r*ddit post without any credibility or the video that is conveniently offline and no one has bothered to mirror and transcribe?

>> No.89856730

Aren't menhera girls supposed to be his speciality?

>> No.89857094


>> No.89857212

Sayu doesn't have to "pester" Oykeli at all, they're on the same wavelength when it comes to her rigs.

>> No.89857313

Then I hope she switches to a different rigger for the next model, preferably someone who isn’t on her 'same wavelength', because the current one did an awful job

>> No.89857463
File: 314 KB, 321x498, 1709921638998084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu doesn't have to "pester" Oykeli at al
she can't even turn the fucking eye off, there's literally no reason for that to be the default mode of the model unless Sayu specifically requested it

>> No.89857602

I can't stop noticing the lopsided boobs

>> No.89857721

you're just used to stiff corpo slop, therefore your "opinion" doesn't matter.
>there's literally no reason for that to be the default mode of the model
it's literally part of her new lore, retard. she only has the blue eye left, the other eye socket is empty. Since there was a time crunch they left it without a toggle, but her refsheet has long bangs wholly covering it. she's pondering turning the empty socket into a black hole, but that won't happen until next march.

>> No.89857769

>still no proof of WACTOR doxxing their own talent

>> No.89857919
File: 151 KB, 1200x716, 1729995985555592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's literally part of her new lore
And it's ugly, distracting, and makes the design even more cluttered. The effect is literally just a static PNG. It's clearly a half-finished job, and there's no reason something this ugly and obviously incomplete shouldn’t be a toggle, especially when the ref sheet used the long bangs as the main face design, unless Sayu specifically pushed the rigger for it. Considering your spoiler and that abysmal 'black hole' idea, it's obvious this was Sayu's doing, as usual

>> No.89857967

>you're just used to stiff corpo slop, therefore your "opinion" doesn't matter.
I'm not talking about the movement, I'm talking about how the rigger translated the design into the model

>> No.89858193

you're entitled to your wrong opinion
how? I can tune it out just fine, even when her boobs aren't visible.
>muh cluttered design
go back to your nijislop
>static png
you're blind. parts of it are moving and rotating.
>abysmal black hole idea
you're really not versed in sci-fi, are you? small black holes are a neat idea for a power source due to Hawking radiation, and the amount of said radiation is inversely proportional to the black hole's mass.
the only somewhat understandable complaint about the rigging would be the booba physics and it was p*prup who whined about it the most, funnily enough, otherwise it moves the same as every other Sincro model.
>how the rigger translated the design into the model
that's the artist's job, retard.

>> No.89858343

Fuck, you're that one sincroknight who literally doesn't know how to have a proper discussion and can only deflect because you're mentally 10 years old. Carry on, and don't forget to keep reminding everyone that Sayu's design is this ugly because of 'lore reasons', and that's totally fine, even if no one else likes it

>> No.89858476

>that's the artist's job, retard.
You’re confusing preparing the assets with assembling everything to finalize the model, requesting adjustments to make it work, and then implementing the toggles and the movement. Things like the awful looking eye and the lopsided boobs are the rigger’s responsibility, but it ultimately comes down to Sayu, as there’s no reason for the rigger to deviate so much from the original design unless she requested it

>> No.89858847

concession accepted.
>lopsided boobs
it's not lopsided, she's turned to the side. how do you think I know that you only watch corpo slop with stiff rigging where even their heads can barely turn and their body can't?

>> No.89858956

>it's literally part of her new lore, retard
That's irrelevant, retard. Sayu is an idiot who doesn't understand what's a good idea or not. Her ideas are trash and her model looks awful because of it. That's a simple fact. Having a 'lore reason' doesn't change that. The point of vtuber models is to look good and improve the stream. Her model makes the stream worse because of the fucking searchlight flashing directly into viewers' face, weird movement and uncanny position of boobs.
The black hole part doesn't sound much better either, it will once again take away too much attention from rest of the screen focusing it all in a single spot.

>> No.89859098

what looks good and what's a good idea are subjective things, you retarded anti. we, the fans, are happy with both, what shitters like (you) say don't matter.
>inb4 muh noooombers
she's earning enough money to go on vacation, CCV doesn't mean shit.

>> No.89859109

>it's not lopsided, she's turned to the side. how do you think I know that you only watch corpo slop with stiff rigging where even their heads can barely turn and their body can't?
>They’re not lopsided, they only look lopsided because she’s constantly turned to the side, and the rigger did a terrible job setting up the boobs!
It's also funny how you're conveniently ignoring the fact that the long bangs were the main design of the face and that the eye was just a somewhat hidden detail. Anon, please just shut up and let someone else try defending Sayu, because you're absolutely terrible at it.

>> No.89859137

You're such a dumb cultist. Yesmen like you are the reason why she'll never grow.

>> No.89859173

>moves the goalpost again
>p-pwease s-shut u-up
concession accepted.
>muh cult
and what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.89859210

Call you out for what you are - a worthless shitposter.

>> No.89859264

cry about it

>> No.89859303

You're the one crying about antis.

>> No.89859433

exposing concern trolls like (you) isn't crying, but
>n-no u are c-crying

>> No.89859436
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>she's earning enough money to go on vacation, CCV doesn't mean shit.
Do you realize how much you sound like a sister right now?

Anon, what goalposts? Stop deflecting and actually explain yourself for once. We're trying to explain why the design doesn't work, but instead of responding, you're just using excuses like 'it's lore' or 'we, the fans, are happy with it.' It's funny because you've already said the design isn't finished, so you know something's off with it, but you just can't acknowledge it because you have to keep licking Sayu's asshole, even when she isn't asking you to

>> No.89859456

NTA but not everyone needs endless growth.
As long as she's able to fund her projects and keep her fans and herself happy, she's fine. If she wants to grow, she'll grow naturally as she heals mentally, because she's naturally funny and does work hard for her community.

>> No.89859563

>As long as she's able to fund her projects and keep her fans and herself happy, she's fine.
Yeah, I'm sure that's why she decided to join a black chinese company, because she was totally fine with only making enough money to pay the rent.

>> No.89859637

>only making enough money to pay the rent.
except she's moving to a more expensive place with friends, and she'll have a separate streaming room and bedroom this time.

>> No.89859700
File: 12 KB, 364x273, I_Borg_Star_Trek_TNG_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu was assimilated

>> No.89859742

So she wasn't making enough money as it was and wanted to step up, no matter the cost. Damn, maybe "going on vacations" wasn't enough for her and she does actually care for her numbers.

>> No.89859793

>literally part of her new lore
Suspension of disbelief is long gone. >>89802634

>> No.89859878

>So she wasn't making enough money as it was
where did you pull this from? NOA isn't about money, it's about other opportunities, like the gen's first MV or access to good 3D tech from Metishon... the corpo that's also tightly knit with MiHoYo.

>> No.89859960

It's not about the money in this case, but the opportunities. She really wants to be able to put out better merch for us and work closer with the chinese games she likes, potentially working with other gacha creators and maybe even getting a cameo one day.

>> No.89860026

>saying this about a LEAKED private venting session
kill yourself.

>> No.89860266


Because I've watched her long enough to catch her complaining multiple times about money, how her CCV dropped during the summer, and how she couldn't find a company that didn’t take a cut from her donations

>NOA isn't about money, it's about other opportunities
>It's not about the money in this case, but the opportunities

Oh, right, my bad. I guess the 'MVs', the '3D tech', and the 'better merch' have nothing to do with making more money or helping her grow her audience and reach more people.

I genuinely don’t get why you're pretending that Sayu doesn't care about the money she makes or how many people watch her, it's totally natural for her to care about that. It's literally her job.

>> No.89860333

>Because I've watched her long enough
I'll call BS on that.

>> No.89860390
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>> No.89860672
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>>89860390 (me)
Or, I don't know, maybe you'd prefer if I posted some of the exclusive content from her website? How about the community posts? I won't do it because that's a shitty thing to do and I have nothing against her, but it's fucking insane to think that any former fan of Sayu who criticizes her must be a falseflagger. Seriously, you are part of a cult.

>> No.89860726

>I genuinely don’t get why you're pretending that Sayu doesn't care about the money she makes or how many people watch her, it's totally natural for her to care about that. It's literally her job.
I'm not saying she doesn't. I'm saying you're putting too much value on it when right now she's just focusing on doing what she can instead of going all in on numbermonkeyism.
She had all the ccv in the world earlier this year, but with her mental state and relationships the way it was, there was no real way for her to capitalize on it. Thankfully, with the extended breaks she took, she was able to ground herself again and even start to network a little, but her numbers are effectively starting over since twitch is all about momentum. The NOA thing seems to be a great way for her to focus on what she actually wanted out of her job, and we're all here for it.
If it falls through, it falls through. Whatever. Wouldn't be the first time we had to start over, but I'd like to believe she's learned quite a lot through the nonsense she had to deal with over the past few years.

>> No.89860732

thanks for providing more info about yourself, you'll be dealt with soon.

>> No.89860837

>If it falls through, it falls through. Whatever. Wouldn't be the first time we had to start over, but I'd like to believe she's learned quite a lot through the nonsense she had to deal with over the past few years.
And that's why she joined a shady chinese company and got mad when people expressed concern about it. Because she learned "quite a lot".

Don't you guys have a stream to pretend to watch instead of wasting your time here, endlessly spouting the same bullshit?

>> No.89860855

Yes, every community that encourages witch hunts to remove any and all reasonable criticism ends up as a nice happy family. You should go to /shon/ and ask them how that works out.

>> No.89860896

leaking private and sensitive stuff isn't "reasonable criticism"

>> No.89860924

>Don't you guys have a stream to pretend to watch instead of wasting your time here, endlessly spouting the same bullshit?
Sorry, anon. I know it's incomprehensible for a SEA phoneposter, but personal computers have something called
"windows." You can have multiple open at a time to perform several tasks simultaneously.

>> No.89860946

It was really that simple

>> No.89860962

Stupid woman does stupid thing forgoes any self reflection and heeds no warning signs. She then blames everyone but herself for how it was a shitty stupid decision. God i hate woman like this

>> No.89860975

Seething and screeching at someone for their existence, rather than giving any alternatives isn't criticism. It's just whining for whining's sake.

>> No.89860993

Menhera here I come!

>> No.89861036

>You can have multiple open at a time to perform several tasks simultaneously.
>Admitting that you're not paying attention to the stream because you have more fun posting /here/
I swear, you guys are one of the worst communities on this board. You can't even pretend to care about your oshi's content.

>> No.89861101

Anon, what the fuck are you talking about? Stop using strawmen and show me all this 'seething and screeching at someone for their existence' that you're claiming is happening

>> No.89861269

Anon that's the entire thread.
Either way, I don't care anymore. Have fun screaming into the void. See you next bait thread

>> No.89861516

>Anon that's the entire thread.
Don't run away now, I've read the entire thread and it's full of reasonable complaints and criticisms about Sayu.

Also, you’re specifically responding to a chain of replies where a former fan had to fucking prove they actually supported Sayu for a year because the first reaction from your community to any criticism is 'you must be a falseflagger'. And it wasn’t even real criticism, it was just pointing out how bullshit the claim was that Sayu doesn’t care about her CCV and that things are just fine for her because she can take 'vacations'

Seriously, get a fucking grip.

>> No.89861884

>itt we learn once again that schizoknights are part of a cult
good thread, I guess

>> No.89861924

>and it's full of reasonable complaints and criticisms about Sayu.
no, faggot, it's full of you leaking private stuff and a couple bored shitposters with too much time on their hand.
>inb4 nta
your reddit spacing betrays you, and before you're trying to get smart with (you)s and cooldowns, it's the easiest thing to circumvent.

>> No.89862192

>it's full of you leaking private stuff
What the fuck are you talking about? Is this about the blurry thumbnail art for her membership that I posted before and that literally no one cares about? And if that's the case...
>your reddit spacing betrays you, and before you're trying to get smart with (you)s and cooldowns, it's the easiest thing to circumvent.
I'm clearly talking in the third person because you're lumping all the critics into the same group. Holy fucking shit, you are actually retarded

The only thing you guys do is play the victim, deflect everything, point to strawmen, and keep repeating the mantra of 'Sayu has gotten so much mentally better, she's so strong now, she knows what she's doing'. It's so sad and pathetic that it's become hilarious.

>> No.89862495
File: 510 KB, 240x240, chibinuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that literally no one cares about?
it's behind a paywall, retard. no matter how much you blur it, you're still leaking paid content.
>twitter screenshots
are the same, it's a protected account, therefore you're leaking that, too. I already made them aware of *a* leaker being present, but this thread will be useful in identifying you, and then you're getting nuked, faggot.
>It's so sad and pathetic that it's become hilarious.
not as sad and pathetic as you are. spending money to anti somebody? why don't you just find a chuuba you actually like and support them instead? or, just leave vtubing behind for good. you won't be missed.

>> No.89862789
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>it's behind a paywall, retard. no matter how much you blur it, you're still leaking paid content.
Are you genuinely related? pic related is what you see when you visit her website without a membership. You don't need to pay anything to see the fucking blurred thumbnail.

>twitter screenshots
Not me, but even if I was...

> I already made them aware of *a* leaker being present, but this thread will be useful in identifying you, and then you're getting nuked, faggot.
...Who the fuck cares? And it says a lot about your cult that your first reaction is "I'm telling on you, and they'll find you!" Seriously, how old are you?

>not as sad and pathetic as you are. spending money to anti somebody?
Do you know what "former fan" means?

Anon, look, let's just stop, because you're giving me secondhand embarrassment. Please, go back to pretending you were actually watching Sayu's stream or whatever the hell you were doing

>> No.89862918

>pic related is what you see when you visit her website without a membership. You don't need to pay anything to see the fucking blurred thumbnail.
LMAO MY FUCKING SIDES schizoknights please stop being this retarded holy shit KEK

>> No.89863079

>pic related is what you see when you visit her website without a membership. You don't need to pay anything to see the fucking blurred thumbnail.
you just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did in fact blur the image yourself the first time around, therefore it IS a leak.
>but even if I was
I'm only gathering the evidence, I won't be your executioner.
>Who the fuck cares?
Sayu and the team do. We fans also do.
>Seriously, how old are you?
you won't doxx me this easily.
>Do you know what "former fan" means?
Yes. It means that you cease financial support and move on, not dig your heels in to leak as much as possible and screech at every opportunity.
>let's just stop
Concession accepted. It'd be better for you if you left on your own volition, but I know you won't, and you'll get nuked instead.

>> No.89863213


Calm down Pip, she ain't gonna fuck you.

>> No.89863299

Wrong again.

>> No.89863445

Wow, so she IS fucking you? Damn...didn't think she'd sink so low as to fuck her fans.

>> No.89863471

You guys really do act like mikefaggots used to

>> No.89863521

Nah man, she's really gone

>> No.89863638

I'm not him lmao

>> No.89863653

Sayu continues to get robbed.
It's not fair.

>> No.89863668

>I'm only gathering the evidence, I won't be your executioner.
I assumed this was just a random shitposter but this reads exactly like some of Piprup's tweets do. Hey faggot, stop harassing innocent people like Matara and Froot on twitter - grow the fuck up.

>> No.89863724

see >>89863638
You'll never find out who I am.
