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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 444 KB, 2000x2400, GcNDLC4WsAACvbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
89411349 No.89411349 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1856472816914444582

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think!

Previous thread: >>89373295

>> No.89411424

I’m a loli

>> No.89411454

That's nice

>> No.89411466

im gonna fuckdo that duckdo

>> No.89411489

I rape lolis

>> No.89411487

That isn't nice

>> No.89411581

hi Gary

>> No.89411626

LMAOOO gary got his account suspended

>> No.89411634

asmr isnt crap, but shondo asmr is kinda dumb
i like asmr when its only in Japanese and sounds like little girls licking/breathing into your ears.
binaural asmr is supposed to be soothing and stimulating.

>> No.89411782

frick.. as of like 10 mins ago. i wonder why.

>> No.89411811

man even Elon hates him

fricked up

>> No.89412008

i love shondos asmr, especially her voice and whispers

>> No.89412039

her voice doesnt sound naturally childlike sadly…

>> No.89412048

gary antis are shondo antis

>> No.89412065

this account isnt muted by Shondo, whats the one thing i wanted her to know?

>> No.89412173

i don't even anti him that's other shoggas i mostly ignore him i've posted about him probably less than 10 times in total, including this one

also stop associating me with him i'm built differently

>> No.89412284

Don't tell me we're defending Gary SyadouWoozy

>> No.89412312

youre worse than him

>> No.89412346

what do you expect from groomerantis? i've been trying to tell you my shogga...
but completely different

>> No.89412414

shut up frickin groomeranti

>> No.89412489

tuffnar probably reported gary to try and prevent the release of GMS4

>> No.89412541

wasn't tuff lol
it was me

>> No.89412563

Don’t you have him blocked S?

>> No.89412597

hi bapy

>> No.89412629


>> No.89412669

baby has him blocked, why would they go out of their way to report

>> No.89412680

Why would he block Gary? Fighting on the internet with random people for no reason is his favorite pasttime.

>> No.89412766

Gary has him blocked actually

>> No.89412800
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nah, and besides, i'm an artist, i appreciate the fan art
but i do wish he wouldn't advertise it in the more normie part of the community
>he doesn't know about the shondo supersoldier, the white death, the ice cold cold killer
how new?

>> No.89412894

wait… it says permanently in read only mode? how long is a suspension?

>> No.89413382

it should be over in about 3 months on average

>> No.89413586

I couldn't enjoy asmr if I wanted to, and I tried for her, trust me. It just gives me the kind of skin crawling feeling as hearing chewing, dripping, ticking. Idk how real misophonia is but I probably have it.

>> No.89413649

i dont like chewing dripping and crinkling either. but if its lolis breathing in ears then count me in

>> No.89413678

okay thanks, good to know. frick.

>> No.89413785

i think sevens is going to win

>> No.89413811

the closest I got to enjoying it was soft whispers and fabric noises like one of her gf rp asmrs
but mouth sounds can really set me off either way

>> No.89413848

good thing theres a backup!

>> No.89413869

there is no winning, and the least of all to win will be any shondophrenic

>> No.89413911

you are incorrect

>> No.89413924

you are clueless because i will win

>> No.89413996

i'll make sure to report your account again :)

>> No.89414006

>have access to ceos, professionals of all kind, internet celebrities
>I'm gonna marry one of the pathetic manchildren who have no autonomy and whimper at me if I don't stroke their ego constantly

>> No.89414039

stop talking about yourself you autistic broke fuck. she wants a man who has their shit figured out with a job that makes big bucks. not a basedboy who cries all the time and makes below 6 figures.
she just replies to your art out of pity

>> No.89414062


>> No.89414135
File: 2.03 MB, 5000x4000, 1728802234796131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it you're going to make the fake husbands leave

>> No.89414154
File: 3 KB, 44x44, 1263310664970014802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

med this

>> No.89414208

take your cuck fantasies somewhere else

>> No.89414219

sevens antis are shondo antis

>> No.89414238

>>I'm gonna marry one
she's already married to me :D

>> No.89414276

Out of those three categories the only one she has actual access to is internet celebrities and we all know how she feels about male vtubers.

>> No.89414298

the most likely thing is she dies alone but don't think you over any of those will convince her otherwise

>> No.89414323
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.89414324
File: 610 KB, 504x638, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great! when are you leaving?

>> No.89414377

weird response lmao

>> No.89414489

She won't get getting married to any of you incel losers.

>> No.89414616

>she just replies to your art out of pity
post your art, groomerchama

>> No.89414637
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she won't die alone, at the least she'll have some family
never, projectionchama, but me personally i can't wait until you do, i know you've already scouted out your side hoes
i can tell you're already toeing the line ;)
weird response but correct, and she doesn't deserve less desu
that's where i "come" in if you know what i mean
she's already married to me, but true, femcelchama you've got the right idea

>> No.89414732

What’d he do this time?

>> No.89414744

divorcee melty
mad she skips your art every time?

>> No.89414906

not if her meds stop working and she ends up a crackhead under a bridge somewhere in her final moments

>> No.89414964
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i won't let that happen u dummy :P

>> No.89414972

>me talking about myself
>others talking about themselves

>> No.89414993

he'll never admit to being mad about it
but thats what his 20+ tweet melty was secretly about :D

>> No.89415040

I hope you are working on a neurology degree and researching new treatments for schizoaffective then

>> No.89415077

that's not me, retards, that's a different shogga i'm somewhat agreeing with
trust me it won't be a problem

>> No.89415125

she wont die alone she will die surrounded by her many children that she had with me after i got married to her in real life

>> No.89415161
File: 281 KB, 1686x1137, 1712072221901270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you're projecting lil d, still seething she called you out for tracing rtx?
she has me muted i know she's not even going to see it when i post that
stop larping as me it's weird!

>> No.89415254

she doesn’t have Gary muted

>> No.89415485

no? lmao
i was never seething about it you clown.
the fact that i did such a good job on it was half the reason she had to ignore it anyways.
but ignore the fact she's directly encouraged me to keep making art, even after that.
nice try, tho :]

>> No.89415542

why’d he get banned?

>> No.89415642

buddy, what other reason could it have been? Smh

>> No.89415700
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yeah, u mad
anyway shondo hasn't replied to my art in months and this happened like 8 times, so no, i have no expectation of getting a reply and it's not a problem if i don't because i know you'd probably send her an anon schizo email or have a melty about it /here/ if she did
or if not you one of your friends

>> No.89415869

he blocked me after i got him perma'd by oli. wasn't only me but yeah i was reporting that nonce for a while, then the change to blocks let me see all that shit the other night so i reported that too. cure yourself of being a pedo gary and rope :)

>> No.89415987

Why can’t I read about Shondo when I come here? There’s literally no reason to be here it’s just a fucking tuffnar and Gary thread. I hate those losers.

>> No.89415988

>you'd probably send her an anon schizo email or have a melty about it /here/ if she did
I'd just dm her t bhdesu

>> No.89415996
File: 478 KB, 800x639, 1719304784481691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me mad all you want, but i know my art is still tucked away in her fanart folder safe and sound. :]
>i know you'd
no you don't :D
because you can't comprehend the idea of reforming behavior.
it's honestly the only reason you are bothering with this smear campaign.

>> No.89416066
File: 3 KB, 292x173, IMG_4845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nise

>> No.89416139

Some of you don't deserve nise.

>> No.89416193

shondo doesnt deserve nise after she banned me to appease the groomer antis

>> No.89416227

shondo doesn't like me but that's okay

>> No.89416234

That mask comes off more and more, Divorcednarr

>> No.89416239


>> No.89416262

you're the one who started with the smear campaign this time
deny and gaslight though
>no you don't :D
well you're proving me right /here/ with this melty and the previous ones
>because you can't comprehend the idea of reforming behavior.
also changing to sending her emails from an anonymous email isn't reforming
everyone deserves nise that's why i will forgive a certain few fake husbands should they reform their bad behavior and why i have been a lot more hinged than i want to be when it comes to them
>shondo doesnt deserve nise after she banned me to appease the groomer antis
i never said that
what's up with this smear campaign?
do you think that's why she banned me? lol, main character syndrome + narcissist + pathological liar + gay
stop replying to yourself with a pass or your friend

>> No.89416263

stop replying to yourself

>> No.89416289

take your meds

>> No.89416301

shondo doesn't care about me but at least I'm not tuffy

>> No.89416364

She still liked my replies even after the ban ^_^ dont matter anymore but you can still wear it as a badge of honor if you want mister minimod!

>> No.89416375

you don't have to forgive anyone because you're banned and divorced hope this helps

>> No.89416415

i didn't have to forgive anyone before that either, i choose to, and you don't care if i'm banned or not anyway when it comes to forgiveness

>> No.89416439

it will release this or next week ^_^

>> No.89416501
File: 441 KB, 1392x1035, 1718831353842686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, nobody dies truly alone, why? Because God is with us always, the bible teaches
From dust you were made and to dust you shall return, but the Lord doesn't rejoice in those that perish, for He's a god of life and goodness, and He loves us in such a manner that He gave His only begotten Son to come in the flesh and go through the rightful punishment of sin in our stead(death), so we may not perish, but inherit eternal life, for if we simply put our trust in Him and believe His actions were true and hate our sin so much that we repent of it and vow to never sin again(impossible) then eternal life and fellowship with Jesus are now ours to claim
The Bible teaches also that to be saved you must be born again in the spirit, when you truly repent your old self gets killed on the cross along with Jesus, but it doesn't come back
Now, anything new in the discord?

>> No.89416522


>> No.89416544

i feel embarrassed to say this but this is my first time realizing that qwerty was the christchad all along.

>> No.89416564
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>you're the one who started
all i've ever done was criticize your behavior and even cited it with source and examples.
you don't even have proof behind your desperate conviction to make someone look worse than you make yourself look.

but it's cute you had to dredge up a months old thing like the RTX legs art lmao
do you just love being shit on, divorcee?

>> No.89416569

Didn't know you were the Christianposter, qwerty.

>> No.89416606 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 560x235, lolirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somnium your dog needs neutering

>> No.89416609

what’d TD vague post about in offline?

>> No.89416641

Also that the self righteous person will never repent, you need to trust God's judgment over your own, for He has the whole entire picture, to the greatest extent
T is self righteous from what I've observed
>inb4 you don't have the whole picture
The Bible teaches that the fruits of a wicked person are evident, a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit, always
So if a tree looks good, but the fruit is bad, then the tree is actually bad
And being self righteous is a trait of the wicked

>> No.89416670

groomer anti

>> No.89416695

i was giving the context for why you blocked me you rat, i couldn't give a fuck if you got likes from her cause she probably mindlessly went through her replies and didn't give you a second thought. anyway, i ain't shitting this up any further anyway, i want to laugh at the argument happening. next time i hear about you it needs to be that you got arrested or offed yourself
i'm not responsible for what he says or does. hope that helps :)

>> No.89416726

idk what hes on about. maybe hes the one that reported me
self righteousness is cringe and we need to be have more meekness and Christlike ya.

>> No.89416752
File: 379 KB, 2047x1824, GYmalPVWgAA-paK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your all antis and groomers

>> No.89416798

omg Otis hiiiii >.<

>> No.89416809

You're a religious hypocrite gary, thinking what you do is okay is putting yourself above God

>> No.89416811

dang. your replies are kinda sad. all your posts are tryhard
i fricking cant stand tryhards especially when its out to a useless task like mini modding. stop interacting with me like you said you would mister minimod

>> No.89416869

>>89416811 (me)
please for the love of goodness dont reply it shoots darts into my soul every time i fricking see a reply confirmed from S ugh.

>> No.89416879

It really is impressive that the T&G arc has gone on this long.

>> No.89416937
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Otis!

>> No.89416950
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anyways, goodnight shiggies.
remember to not be nise to tourists, banned antis and divorcees

>> No.89416960

It really is impressive thats been said has prevented T&G from getting their shumos…

>> No.89417014

you screwed up you’re grammar but I got the message.

>> No.89417073
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>he'll never admit to being mad about it
>but thats what his 20+ tweet melty was secretly about :D
i thought i told you to stop replying with your pass or your groomeranti clique
yes i anti groomers
except me i'm like the only good one
also you're*
>T is self righteous from what I've observed
yes but also of the self righteous people i lean more towards Christ's morals than most
i know that doesn't change the fact that i'm wicked and twisted but still
groomerantis have been antiing shondo /here/ for at least 2 years, it's not surprising at all once you realize the extent to their insanity
they are unironic sociopaths or somethjing of that nature, and i'm not exaggerating, most people don't realize how sick people can be, and they thrive in these internet environments especially anonymously
your """wife""" (you're a fake husband) agrees with me, be nise
also i love that you start namefagging only when you get called out so you can save face

>> No.89417165

you dont know exactly what im doing, its between me and God mister

>> No.89417259
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>> No.89417294

You could at least be consistent and attack him for his behavior.

>> No.89417363
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>> No.89417382
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alright alright, you got me here, divorce-chan.
feel free to post the tweets/melty i supposedly had. only fair since i cite you, right?
i'll stay up longer and let you post it :]
(and no, the posts explaining the layer process doesn't count as a "melty")

>also i love that you start namefagging only when you get called out so you can save face
to save face? my guy, if i wanted to save face i wouldn't post /here/ at all lmao
>your """wife""" (you're a fake husband)
well that's just not nise.
who are you to say who is "fake" or not? you aren't even part of the community anymore.
your ex-wife wouldn't approve of you spending your prison sentence by shit flinging :c

>> No.89417431

>they are unironic sociopaths or somethjing of that nature, and i'm not exaggerating, most people don't realize how sick people can be
stop describing yourself

>> No.89417500

i dunno how many times i need to explain to you i've said everything to him in dms already before you get it through your skull

>> No.89417552

Not in public so it didn't happen. You won't publicly admonish your minion.

>> No.89417615


>> No.89417637

i don't particularly care what you think counts or not. you can only speak up behind a veil of anonymity

>> No.89417711


Biboo fucking MOGGED SHITndo's Dead Space walkthrough. Really shows the sheer difference in talent to keep the audience engaged, because Biboo ain't a thin skinned menhera whore who bans for no reason LOL. This unfun bitch ain't even finishing Dead Space KEK.

>> No.89417759

you're talking about thin skinned and yet you're still coming here 4 months later homolander. move on. i own you

>> No.89417787

What I say is true regardless of if it is said here or elsewhere.

>> No.89417852

i was entertained by deaded spaced :D you should try and get antis like t to help you out with your trolling :D

>> No.89417867

Goodnight Shondopolis! Have sweet dreams about shondo unbanning you.

>> No.89417930

Gary was unironically banned for no reason. He would have been banned later but his initial ban was groundless.

>> No.89417954

that's because shondo is a genuine entertainer, she doesn't overreact in such a cringy manner, except when making fun of overreacting.

>> No.89417986

lewding real children is immediate grounds for a ban.

>> No.89418058

that's nice anon
you do realise he was doing all this schizo shit in dms before he started posting here hence the ban? i already explained how he came to me randomly with all of his dumb as fuck theories in dms on an alt
he doesn't care, he goes out of his way to anti her every other week for months because he's salty that he fucked around and found out. then when confronted with how much of a bitch he is publicly outside of here he insists he doesn't go out of his way to look for shondo related stuff and yet here he is going out of his way to come /here/

>> No.89418071

No, children are meant for lewding, cope more

>> No.89418084
File: 1.18 MB, 750x1200, homelander-vs-sportacus-the-boys-vs-lazy-town-the-towns-v0-wbbz92vzcbxd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sportacus won

>> No.89418109

figured as much. i'll read whatever effortpost you scrounge up later, divorcee-chan.

>> No.89418492

There aren't even clips due to how dull that shit was. She has garbage taste.

Biboo had plenty of genuine reactions through the whole stream and was top notch background noise as I played other games. I guess I could use SHITndo's stream if I want a remedy for insomnia.

>> No.89418601

notice how he avoided the posts calling him out for what he is? don't entertain this clown :)

>> No.89418830

>the schizo gold mine is suspended

>> No.89418884

tuff isnt suspended

>> No.89418886 [DELETED] 

It is hilarious too how this whore thinks she's high IQ but gets lost in a game that LITERALLY points you in the direction you have to go KEK. As dumb as fucking Denpafish, dumber even because at least Denpa know she's as dumb as a nigger.

>> No.89418900

I don’t care about tuff’s coal mine.

>> No.89418966

“Tuff’s Coal Mine” sounds like a video game Shondo would ironically (unironically) enjoy.

>> No.89419129

He did

>> No.89419159

her stupidity is endearing

>> No.89419199

the funny part is he only knows who orange is because he was mentioned here

>> No.89419268

Her pathologies are healing
Her family is getting healthier and more connected
The future is bright

>> No.89419273

Dude knew fuck all about anything he was talking about, he just still seethes about his ban after all this time. Nigger was only there for a week and handles a ban worse than fucking fleece.

>> No.89419277
File: 2.77 MB, 1344x1728, shondorique[audio=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzqzbpk.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we please take our time to appreciate how cute and adorable shondo is?

>> No.89419285

>the anti gets all the information he lies about second hand from here
imagine my shock

>> No.89419295
File: 166 KB, 451x542, shonbee [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5yllq2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89419321

Good riddance. Sorry observers.

>> No.89419340
File: 480 KB, 1695x892, 1729657788804811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shondo!
I love this bee!

>> No.89419352

her pathologies are getting worse
her family are getting sicker and more far apart
the future is dark

>> No.89419376

Things will change once big critter debuts.

>> No.89419393

I thought your tweets were funny, Gary. Hope your next alt doesn't get banned quickly.

>> No.89419438

you anti shondo because you hate her
I anti shondo as a proxy to anti shadowmama because she got a boyfriend when she should have been with me instead
we are not the same

>> No.89419517
File: 146 KB, 751x1200, GaV5ZHsXQAAnx5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself, i plan on finding out how tight she is firsthand :)

>> No.89420704
File: 350 KB, 1477x1025, 1725995744979659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89420716

she's so cute, I'm deeply in love with her

>> No.89420751
File: 631 KB, 960x960, 684_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89420803

can't believe S is a pedophobe who reported gary, I'm makes very disappointed to see so many bigots in shondo's community

>> No.89420827

>it makes me very disappointed*

>> No.89422009 [DELETED] 

Matthew 18:3
>"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
The heaven is filled with all the lolis you could ever ask for. You don't need to actually be one, just become LIKE one.
Loli chuubas take notes. Lolis will dominate. God wills it! Trust in Jesus.

>> No.89422116

sadly, raping a loli doesn't turn you into one

it would be fair, and very reasonable if that were the case

>> No.89422284 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1726906633309822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fool and satan is the god you worship without even being fully aware of it, may the Good Lord shine His light upon you, so that your eyes may be opened to the truth, and may the Holy Spirit humble you so that you don't fight the truth through your own twisted rationality, but instead accept it with humility
The context was that children came to pray on and to Jesus, but His apostles tried to rebuke them and to tell them off, at which point Jesus said that line
Now, you need to understand the significance of His words. The reason for why He said that is because the children are born faultless, for they do not know of good and evil, yet adults do and sin runs rampant in them
In the same manner that only the children of the Hebrews were able to re-enter the promised land after those 40 years of wondering, so too will children enter the kingdom of God, for they are not yet of fault
So what Jesus is saying is to become childlike in your ways, that is, pure
NOT childish
Hope this helps, you bible pervert

>> No.89422429

The notion that children are born faultless? Utter blasphemy.

They carry the weight of Original Sin, cursed from the start by Adam and Eve’s fall. By default, every child is bound for hell—only by consciously joining the Church as adults can they hope to achieve salvation.

>> No.89422603

Wrong, throughout scripture children are called pure and blameless and that the fault of the son will not fall on the parent, not that the fault of the parent shall befall on the son
It's true that you are born with an inclination towards sin because of the first humans, but that's different from original guilt
The notion that original guilt is true, that is, that the guilt of Adam and Eve's sin being put onto their children is unbiblical and a false teaching
Hope this helps

>> No.89422625
File: 196 KB, 712x477, 1731093010952961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I love her so much.

>> No.89422645

>>89422603 (me)
>parent, not that the fault of the parent shall befall on the son

>> No.89422661 [DELETED] 

You need to marry the loli chuuba first before you can have sex with her. Rape her all you like but only after marriage, she is yours and you are hers. The only thing God doesn't want is for you to commit adultery or cheat on your wife and a bunch of other common sense. That's all that matters to enter heaven.

>>You're a fool and satan is the god you worship
Matthew 7:1-2
>“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

also read verse 3-6 of that.

Mark 10:15 and Luke 18:17
>"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it"

Proverbs 30:6
>"Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar."

Prove it wrong, or God will prove you a liar. Do not add as to what is not said in the bible.

Luke 18:19
>“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."
That means even children are not exempt.

>> No.89423093

Bro, we’re still living out the curse of Original Sin right here on Earth. Childbirth’s agony, women bound to men, the endless fight to grow or gather our food, plants that poison and choke out our crops, bodies that rot back into dust; even having to prove ourselves to God to earn a way back into heaven.

Every bit of this struggle? Straight-up consequences of that first sin.

>> No.89423188

>>89423093 (me)
Sorry, I meant to respond to your post.

>> No.89423243
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im not s

>> No.89423257

your attitude makes me sad

>> No.89423977 [DELETED] 
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In what way am I judging hypocritically? You judging that I have a log in my eye while you a speck is judging wrongly
May the Holy Spirit correct my ways and errors, if there are any
Jesus said that to high priests who were telling people how to enter the kingdom of God, while having gotten to their positions through wicked means
Hence the log and the speck
Mark and Luke reinforce my point
Secondly, I am not adding to the bible, adding would be saying something is in scripture while it's not, which is not what I'm doing
>>“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."
>That means even children are not exempt
The context is that someone addressed Jesus as good teacher, Jesus rebuked him saying that there is none that is good but God, despite not refuting being called good
This is to be taken as Christ affirming His status of God the Son
To prevent you from speaking folly again, i will present you with the following:
Romans 4:15
>[...] where there is no law, there is also no trespass
Romans 5:12-13
>Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.
Hope this helps with your questions

>> No.89424047

I had to rewrite this since I accidentally refreshed the page, so some stuff might not be that high of quality, since I had to go off of memory
Might have left a little something out, nothing major though

>> No.89424242 [DELETED] 

>earn a way back into heaven.
Let me share you guys a lesson I learnt barely one else possibly knows.

People don't even understand what a heaven is here apart from paganistic beliefs of literal chariots, trumpets, cupids and clouds. It is not something that is given to you nor in outer space nor a different dimension, it is something that like a seed, even weeds can infest the kingdom of heaven, and that is where the angels will pluck them out and burn them.
Read the Parable of the Weeds and the Parable of the Sower. The "pearly gates" bullshit is really irritating, that is not in the bible.

Matthew 13:41
>"The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil."
Note: "HIS kingdom".

Matthew 13:37-40
>He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
>"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age."

Matthew 13:30
>"Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn."

^ this is why the "weeds" aka. evil is allowed in this world, and God will TURN this world into heaven after the age of harvest for who knows how long it will take . Note it is not in the bible saying that the 2012 apocalypse event will happen all at once, there is no such thing as "judgement DAY", that's what Satan wants to manifest to destroy the world and turn it into hell. Each event could span thousands of years for all we know (except very specific ones in Revelations like "42 months"). Even the prophecies beginning from Moses about Jesus took Millenias or at least a REALLY long time to fulfil.

The age of harvest is from Revelations 14:14-20. It is not a judgement day.

It's not easy to enter the kingdom of heaven, during or before the age of harvest we will need to PREPARE IT. Read Matthew 22:1-14 and Matthew 25:1-13
When it mentions "fine linen" there, go read Revelations 19:7-9 to find out what it is. Then after that it will loop you back to Luke 18:20, all of them are common sense.

More people should learn the secrets (truths) of the Bible. Hell? Heaven? That's just a metaphor, like the mustard seed. Not pearly gates, not judgement day, not any other catastrophe Satan wants to manifest.

>> No.89424311

>Hell? Heaven? That's just a metaphor
Ignore this poster, they're sent of Satan
But pray for him, if he is being simply deceived

>> No.89424507 [DELETED] 

>despite not refuting being called good
So that does not take away from the fact that children are not God and God alone is what is good. ALONE.
Find me verses that refute the statement instead of using Satan's words as your own.

Then prove God's words wrong? Pearly gates and judgement day is not in the bible, but the parable of the mustard seed referring to HIS kingdom is in fact in the bible. Go read the parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast. Go read the verses and understand their meaning instead of twisting God's words like many false disciples do and their paganistic beliefs.

>> No.89424699 [DELETED] 

>Go read the verses
The verses in my post*
They all link together and I bet you guys didn't even know this. All the metaphors and parables are explained in the bible. If it's not in the bible and borne out of your own opinion, it is deception from Satan or the spirit of the devil. You are being led to temptations by using your own opinions instead of referring as to what exists in the bible. Please, it's not that difficult.
Meaning of Fine linen? It is in the bible. The definition of the Yeast from the parable? It is also in the bible. The definition of Seed? It is also in the bible. Weeds? It is also in the bible. Kingdom of Heaven? Same thing. They are all described in the bible you people refuse to read.

>> No.89425563

there's bugs in my walls and in my bed but they don't actually exist, they're only in my head but sometimes I can't tell if they're real or not. also what is happening in this thread? can jesus christ help me get rid of the bugs?

>> No.89425644 [DELETED] 

To this day though I'm still trying to rack my brains on what the Bible meant by "age", especially "age of harvest". It's very hard to pin it down, but I will have discussions with plenty of other missionaries in the near future for advanced studies. Other denominations like from Hinduism refers to Ages as the Yuga Cycle, whereas the world experiences different world ages or so called "Yugas", where it's a Karmic cycle. The New Age Astrologists refers to ages as the end of the time period of a star sign i.e. it's common chatter amongst them that we will enter the Age of Aquarius where certain energies will flourish. SomeTheosophists refers to Ages as a cycle where the Solar System enters a light band to be bombarded with Neutrino particles (or God particles) to raise the frequency of the different densities of the human consciousness. Now the Bible is written in very metaphorical language that will require a bit of time to decipher, I don't want to be seen as a paganist literalist, so I will sit down and perhaps spend months on one topic.

If I'm gonna decipher something from the bible, I will use every possible ounce of hints to get to it. And no it will not cause me to sin as states in Mark 7:15
>"Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”
Being able to discern truths from falsehood is good in God's eyes. And remember:
1 John 4:5-6
>"They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood."
John 1:1
>"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
God is the word, and if you always look at your own viewpoints and words not from the Bible, you're speaking the language of falsehood by the spirit of falsehood. Only take other people's opinions as hints to find the words of God. Do not put them to heart. Because:
Isaiah 34:16
>Look in the scroll of the Lord and read:
None of these will be missing,
not one will lack her mate.
For it is his mouth that has given the order,
and his Spirit will gather them together.

Everything is in the bible and none is missing. If there is a word, there is a mate that will define what that means.

>> No.89426115

how does shondo coom

>> No.89426209 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry if I cause a bit of confusion with this, I will post the full definition of heaven. I forgot you guys are like infants as written in Hebrews 5:12
>In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
Matthew 13:24-26
>Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared."
The kingdom of heaven is not free from "weeds" until the time is right i.e time of harvest.
verse 29-30
>“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

>> No.89427964 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I cry to myself thinking of the innocent people being decieved out of something so obvious if they just read instead of listening to "credible" liars at the pulpit. Even majority of priests and pastors don't know what the kingdom of heaven is, it's right infront of them. The entire definition of it especially. This world is ran by false prophets and deception, the blind leading the blind, I'm even persecuted for telling the truth just because I'm not priests like they are. But it's okay to cry, once you guys connect the truth, you will also see what it's like to be persecuted by every religious establishment.
Matthew 5:4 and 5:10
>Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
>Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Take it to heart what these God's words have come to say to you guys, it's not a coincidence you're learning them
Matthew 7:14-15
>But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
> “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
Priests and pastors are sometimes so arrogant they can't see God's words despite it coming out of their mouths. I know sometimes I'm like this too.

Matthew 7:22-23
> Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Just because a priest or a pastor can drive out demons or heal others, does not mean they are not evil or aren't borne out of Satan's deception. People who spread falsehood and think they're in good company will be thrown out of God's kingdom:
Matthew 22:12-13 (parable)
>He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.
>"Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Be properly equipped with the actual truth you guys, so you won't end up like that guy.

>> No.89429243
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Reminder to no read posts from the "Gospel Schizo", he's a heretic and will lead you astray from the truth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
He alone is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him

>> No.89429302

>can jesus christ help me get rid of the bugs?
Yes He can, there is nothing that He can't do, miracles are worked through faith

>> No.89429405

She doesn't, hope this helps

>> No.89429505
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>> No.89429536 [DELETED] 

by not providing any verses, arent u being the one whos heretic tho? you are satan!

>> No.89429654 [DELETED] 

Inshallah God will deliver me loli wives into heaven. Amen.

>> No.89429886 [DELETED] 

Aren't both of you wrong? Youve ever thought of what if the religions are all tampered to begin with? They're all just aliens messing with you to trap you into their AI reincarnation program and using your energy as loosh to manifest creation. All this adultery bible gender shit won't matter if people are cyborgs in the future.

>> No.89429897

lusting over minors

>> No.89429899


>> No.89430268

Because unlike other religions, the things the bible talks about are all things you can find genuine evidence of in the real world and it's all easily traceable so that there's no missing link
Anyone who treats hell or heaven as anything but real places is to be considered a heretic or someone misguided
Islam is the religion of an illiterate arab pervert and there's too much evidence against it
Hope this helps

>> No.89430486 [DELETED] 

But he didn't mention it's not a real place no? The term "Heaven on Earth" is an actual literal term. I mean you've yet to disprove the claims of what people percieve heaven to be as like pearly gates or some shit.
You can also find genuine evidence of Nostradamus or what other new age hippie peeps have been claiming. That doesn't really mean much of anything.
Also how do we know you're not the one trying to fool people on purpose?

>> No.89430607 [DELETED] 

>Islam is the religion of an illiterate arab pervert
nigga so is being a christcuck
have you seen those toplevel christicuck niggas on the news being outed for human trafficking

>> No.89430840 [DELETED] 

Religion doesn't have UFOs in them meanwhile UFOs are real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auITEKd4sjA
Checkmate atheists

>> No.89431097
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>well that's just not nise.
you're the one who started with the divorcee shit, you can't cry bully and pearl clutch and virtue signal about this
>who are you to say who is "fake" or not?
no one, which is why i only call people who make it clear they're a fake husband fake
>you aren't even part of the community anymore.
that doesn't seem to stop you from dragging shit into it
>your ex-wife
who are you to say this?
>wouldn't approve of you spending your prison sentence by shit flinging :c
if she cared about that you'd be banned 10x over, you're worse than me, i'm not the only one you've done this with
you can crybully all you want but you're much more guilty of this than me, you can't harrass someone for months and then turn around and cry when you get called out
lol irl
it's a really clever way to spin the narrative though
>if i wanted to save face i wouldn't post /here/ at all
that's why you're admitting in the same post that by posting /here/ you're saving face and defending yourself

>> No.89431508
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Heaven is a place where God is and it's where the angels reside
Now, God and the angels are not physical beings, they're spiritual beings, they have no flesh, but they can manifest themselves as such
Thus, when it talks about demons in the abyss, that is a physical hell
When it talks about hades that's a physical hell
As such, when it talks about Enoch having walked with God and being taken by Him, it is talking about a physical place also, namely, where God is, which is heaven
When in the book of revelation martyrs ask how much longer until those that shed their blood get judged it is also talking about people who died asking God something, hence being in the same place as God(heaven) as a physical place
Hope this helps, glory to the Holy Spirit, that has reminded me of these events, so that I may tell them to you, as to prove you wrong
No one is telling you to follow Christians, follow Jesus
In Ezekiel 18, for example, God talks about the son not being condemned for the sins of the father, but we're also taught to follow all authority that's over us, but to simply not follow in their ways, if they are evil
As such, follow the leaders, for all authority is of God's, but don't fall into their sin as well, be it present, and pray for them
Just because it doesn't talk about it it doesn't mean they don't exist, for the bible is in regards to humanity, why would it talk about aliens?

>> No.89431666
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>you're the one who started with the divorcee shit
not true, i only joined in because evidently, she divorced you and i think that is a standard that should be held to community shitters she personally removes
>no one, which is why i only call people who make it clear they're a fake husband fake
and you make it clear you're divorced.
>that doesn't seem to stop you from dragging shit into it
says the schizo that wont fuck off? lol
>who are you to say this?
shondo did, evidently.
>you can't harrass someone for months
now that's cute, because you've been a blight on the community as aswell as against other shoggers.
you don't get to crybully either, retard. i don't think you get how this works.
>that's why you're admitting in the same post that by posting /here/ you're saving face and defending yourself
i'm allowed to defend myself as an active member of the community and your warped perception of me won't change anything.
>you're worse than me
yet i'm not banned or divorced, crazy how that works, huh?
keep trying, low T
attacking me won't bring back your god damn credibility.

>> No.89431774 [DELETED] 

Could you substatiate your claims with bible verses? We were talking about pearly gates and judgement day not being in the bible.
Sure both of you think it's a physical place, but I would also like to see both of you substantiate the claim that all of those are physical places?
Just because their description is a metaphor also does not mean they aren't physical no? meaning you had no beef with him but decided to start one

>> No.89431820

bible doesn’t talk about aliens cus they aren’t real

>> No.89431824 [DELETED] 

damn why did mods delete this? i was just reading about it too

>> No.89431936
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>keep trying
>attacking me won't bring back your god damn credibility
you're the on who started attacking me
lol irl you're one to talk
>shondo did, evidently
ask a mod
>now that's cute, because you've been a blight on the community as aswell as against other shoggers.
other shoggers being you and your groomer friends
>blight on the community
doubtful when a lot of the community culture comes from me and most of the complaining is from you and your buddies who started harassing me first, and you continue to do so even stalking my twitter and dragging it /here/
>you don't get to crybully either, retard. i don't think you get how this works.
i'm not the bully here
>i'm allowed to defend myself
i didn't say you weren't, snakechama, you just said you weren't trying to defend yourself, now you move the goalpost and say you are
>yet i'm not banned or divorced, crazy how that works, huh?
you effectively are, groomerantichama
count your days ;)
i'd focus on your side hoe more if i were you
also checked, Christ is king, you lost

>> No.89431964

Bible study lolis

>> No.89431998

>Christ is king
Yeah, He's not your king though, you're a child of satan and you're doing his will

>> No.89431999 [DELETED] 

Because it went too close to the truth and deceivers are very afraid. It's one of the most important descriptors as well depicting the Kingdom of Heaven and a good metaphor for it too.

>how do we know you're not the one trying to fool people on purpose?
If he doesn't back up his claims with the words of God, then we know he is deceiving people (1 John 4:5-6)
On top of that he also judges others (Matthew 7:1) and slander + false testimony (Matthew 15:19)
As I did not even say that Heaven is not a physical place.

Matthew 18:15-16
>“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’
I already pointed out their sins. We can only pray that they repent to God, and acknowledges their own actions. I only came here to say a few words from God. They have the free will whether or not to read the obvious. These are not my words, these are all from the Bible.
Matthew 6:14
>For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

>> No.89432169

Goodmorning Shondopolis!

>> No.89432312
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>you're the on who started attacking me
untrue, you don't get to rewrite history
and no, asking you fairly politely to stop antagonizing me wasn't "attacking" you.
>lol irl you're one to talk
yes actually. because i've improved my behavior and you haven't, evidently.
>ask a mod
>other shoggers being you and your groomer friends
well, meet poison
>doubtful when a lot of the community culture comes from me
now that's rich lmao
you're so full of yourself thinking you weren't some blacked sheep trying to get away with whatever he could.
unless you mean by being a clown, then you're right. in fact, you're the ring leader of the clown fiesta.
>i'm not the bully here
yet you've been insulting me, attacking me and trying to smear my image
you actually don't get how this works, huh?
>move the
it's called nuance, retard.
>you effectively are
delusional. you actually can't stand your reality to a point that you're projecting it onto others. sad! meds!
>i'd focus on your side hoe more
i don't have one anymore, derek reps doko?

>> No.89432507
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>untrue, you don't get to rewrite history
neither do you, you're a massive niggerword and continue to be one
>improved behavior
lol irl the only thing you improved on was not namefagging in her dms, bringing that up like it means anything to what's being talked about is disingenous, sasuga snakechammer
>>ask a mod
that's what i thought
>yet you've been insulting me, attacking me and trying to smear my image
yes, by calling you out for doing the same and even worse to me and others
>i don't have one anymore, derek reps doko?
>implying you don't know how to hide it
damn i must actually be on to something kek

>> No.89432800

>deleted these but not the other schizo posts
My guy being persecuted even on 4chan for telling the truth
I dont believe in these stuff but the fact that these specifically were deleted is very sus
Reminds me when people posted about vax deaths and only those were deleted and not the other far more off topic schizoing

>> No.89432851

sorry, you cant talk about Christ, you can only talk about Tuffnar

>> No.89432891
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>you're a massive niggerword
and? better than banned and divorced? :^]
>lol irl the only thing you improved on was not namefagging in her dms
cool claim, care to show proof with the class? or did you forgor meds today?
>bringing that up like it means anything to what's being talked about is disingenous, sasuga snakechammer
no actually, i think it does mean something when i took criticisms /here/ seriously, schizo or not, and tried to behave
you don't get to pretend like that isn't the case just because you're pissy i'm a meanie to you and only you
why is it just so hard to behave? lol
>yes, by calling you out for doing the same
you are a tourist, you are banned and you are divorced. why i should treat you as anything but an outsider is laughable
but keep begging, low T
>and even worse to me and others
again, just talking our your ass.
>damn i must actually be on to something kek
no? i'm loyal to shondo to a fault.
but feel free to back up your claims
like, at all, divorcee-chan.

>> No.89432922

I dunno who that is I only care about cunny

>> No.89432984

im on my phone rn, can someone post these again?

>> No.89433004

check warosu

>> No.89433048
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>no actually, i think it does mean something when i took criticisms /here/ seriously, schizo or not, and tried to behave
you mean like how you continue to be smug about being openly racist and prejudice in her community while virtue signaling about how i'm le real problem?

anyway, unlike you, i don't think shondo is as stupid as you do so you can lie through your teeth all you want, knowers know ;)

>> No.89433138

Nice flirting faggots, wanna get a room so you can fuck each other already?

>> No.89433189 [DELETED] 
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Gotchu senpai

>earn a way back into heaven.
Let me share you guys a lesson I learnt barely one else possibly knows.

People don't even understand what a heaven is here apart from paganistic beliefs of literal chariots, trumpets, cupids and clouds. It is not something that is given to you nor in outer space nor a different dimension, it is something that like a seed, even weeds can infest the kingdom of heaven, and that is where the angels will pluck them out and burn them.
Read the Parable of the Weeds and the Parable of the Sower. The "pearly gates" bullshit is really irritating, that is not in the bible.

Matthew 13:41
>"The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil."
Note: "HIS kingdom".

Matthew 13:37-40
>He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
>"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age."

Matthew 13:30
>"Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn."

^ this is why the "weeds" aka. evil is allowed in this world, and God will TURN this world into heaven after the age of harvest for who knows how long it will take . Note it is not in the bible saying that the 2012 apocalypse event will happen all at once, there is no such thing as "judgement DAY", that's what Satan wants to manifest to destroy the world and turn it into hell. Each event could span thousands of years for all we know (except very specific ones in Revelations like "42 months"). Even the prophecies beginning from Moses about Jesus took Millenias or at least a REALLY long time to fulfil.

The age of harvest is from Revelations 14:14-20. It is not a judgement day.

It's not easy to enter the kingdom of heaven, during or before the age of harvest we will need to PREPARE IT. Read Matthew 22:1-14 and Matthew 25:1-13
When it mentions "fine linen" there, go read Revelations 19:7-9 to find out what it is. Then after that it will loop you back to Luke 18:20, all of them are common sense.

More people should learn the secrets (truths) of the Bible. Hell? Heaven? That's just a metaphor, like the mustard seed. Not pearly gates, not judgement day, not any other catastrophe Satan wants to manifest.

I'm sorry if I cause a bit of confusion with this, I will post the full definition of heaven. I forgot you guys are like infants as written in Hebrews 5:12
>In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
Matthew 13:24-26
>Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared."
The kingdom of heaven is not free from "weeds" until the time is right i.e time of harvest.
verse 29-30
>“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

I'm sorry if I cause a bit of confusion with this, I will post the full definition of heaven. I forgot you guys are like infants as written in Hebrews 5:12
>In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
Matthew 13:24-26
>Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared."
The kingdom of heaven is not free from "weeds" until the time is right i.e time of harvest.
verse 29-30
>“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

>> No.89433216

where are the jannies when you need them. get rid of this religious faggot spamming the thread

>> No.89433284

this is the shondo thread and Christchad is apart of the community i think it's fair to discuss me personally

>> No.89433319

groomeranti and divorcee coded post

>> No.89433321
File: 105 KB, 828x925, 1730461121787042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean like how you continue to be smug about being openly racist and prejudice in her community while virtue signaling about how i'm le real problem?
do you... not understand the grand canyon of difference between making edgy jokes and being unironically racist?
if you applied that standard to shondo, why aren't you condemning her?
it's almost like... you want to just attack other shoggers!
wait, we knew that, divorcee-chan :D

>anyway, unlike you, i don't think shondo is as stupid as you do so you can lie through your teeth all you want, knowers know ;)

>anyway, i'm tired of being asked to back up my claims and i only have so much shit to fling. time to go gaslight on twitter
concession accepted :]
keep coming back for my dick, low T
maybe beg /here/ for more dirt again since you're shitless :D

>> No.89433391

If the groomer bullies are amongst us then just name them with receipts on the community tag and we can clear everything up.

>> No.89433470

amongus syadouSus

>> No.89433487

im noticing patterns
also you and your friends deserve to be banned more than tuff

>> No.89433496


>> No.89433541


>> No.89433602
File: 310 KB, 591x730, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devil detected

I will repost his bible posts to make u squirm in pain

>> No.89433611
File: 13 KB, 847x695, 1702036328608863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making edgy jokes and being unironically racist
yeah i understand, and you're unironically racist, and being edgy isn't an excuse in a community that's supposed to be inclusive?
my ryonaposts were just edgy jokes too then?
>if you applied that standard to shondo, why aren't you condemning her?
because she doesn't do it as much as you do and in the same way, and also it's her community, but you know that already
>it's almost like... you want to just attack other shoggers!
yes the other shoggers being a couple like you who are a blight on the community who attack other more innocent shoggas

i don't need to beg for dirt, shondo isn't as stupid as you think she is and i have plenty of it ;)
also you don't wanna talk dick size, lil d, you don't win that one
also faggot coded
he knows that he's just trying to gaslight and weave his narrative, because it does work on people who don't pay attention

>> No.89433618

those posts are more interesting than schizo anti vs groomer anti posting

>> No.89433661

I am unironically racist.

>> No.89433698

then go somewhere else that isn't the thread about Shondo

>> No.89433699

that's fine.
we've likely been over this so i wont bother arguing
but i care about the right to reflect and reform and i'll do so whether or not it changes anyone's mind
you're allowed to hate and i don't hold it against you.

>> No.89433726

no were gonna save shondos immortal soul

>> No.89433885

I want to punch fallen shadow really hard in the nose

>> No.89433954
File: 265 KB, 496x432, 1718018065161803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah i understand, and you're unironically racist
wow so many claims today!
is this the part where you finally back a claim up? or did you find another turd in your ass to throw at me?
>my ryonaposts were just edgy jokes too then?
they weren't. :]
>because she doesn't do it as much as you do and in the same way
she has told us many times on stream that her household and herself included are edgy. also they are british
like what the fuck are you talking about lmao
bad memory again? convenient!
>it's her community
true! that's why she tends to laugh and acknowledge any shogger when they make a racist joke that isn't bonkable
>i don't need to beg for dirt,
but keep reaching into your ass for more turds, i'm sure you'll find one :'D
>i have plenty of it
and it really is crazy how when i ask you to back up any claim, you can't
you are such a faggot it's actually embarrassing. but we know that already :D

>> No.89434034

>Gareth Pebble
lol irl

>> No.89434080

isnt today the anniversary of fe dying? be nise

>> No.89434140

by FE he means Forest Elder (Fallen Elder cuz he’s dead) :)

>> No.89434207

not nise

>> No.89434223

Erm :boom:

>> No.89434430

some you shiggers is mad weird fr

>> No.89434448

so first confirmed shadowmama and not big critter?

>> No.89434468


>> No.89434682

It was never going to be big critter, shondo said she'll only allow her on stream once she's 18

>> No.89434684

But he said UFO? Doesn't have to necessarily mean aliens.
Doesn't the vatican approve of aliens as well? If science had found a way to increase our telomeres indefinitely or create machines for consciousness transfers would that violate what the religions say or would they call it eternal life prophecy?

>> No.89435082

im Christian but im starting to think aliens might exist. maybe not in the way we think. i just dont think aliens are a part of God’s plan for us here on earth.
Ezekiel’s vision of the wheels (i think depending on your version of the Bible) or Colossians 1:16 might entertain the fact that beings not of earth exist.

>> No.89435133

maybe im listening to my parents podcasts too much and too much late night radio on the way home from work lol

>> No.89435524

NTA but it's entirely possible for them to have their own Adam and Eve and not be tainted by original sin. Maybe they never fell. Biological beings with intellect and will unburdened by sin.

>> No.89435690


>> No.89435963
File: 7 KB, 575x493, 80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bee nise for nise bee

>> No.89436775
File: 88 KB, 673x718, 1731236896030934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chibishon, my beloved

>> No.89437061
File: 1.52 MB, 600x506, 1721339837552130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89437504

i hate her today and she hates me today

>> No.89437525

she loves and cares about you, nade nade

>> No.89437557

i love her today and she loves me today

>> No.89438009

yeah dont kill yourself men, you can give me money instead

>> No.89438082


>> No.89438329

>she is describing Tuffnar

>> No.89438354
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, scared.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell? don't arg

>> No.89438422

stop posting about yourself

>> No.89438463 [DELETED] 

Idk I don't think hell is real since Ecclesiastes 9 says that there is nothing in the realm of the dead. Even revelations separates hades from death in revelation 6, and john 5:28 says that people are in their graves also mass-rising from the dead, that sounds like reincarnation to be desu not heaven or hell. That said apparently in luke 12 god can throw you in there though, if u dont reincarnate, but there's only one mention that its tormenting someone, for the most part both your soul and body is destroyed in hell like in mathew 10:28
Meaning none of it is actually real it's just another way of saying destruction, heaven is prolly another way of saying utopia as well

2/10 bait, made me do research

>> No.89438606

Good evening i am fallenshadow

>> No.89438721

i love fallen shadow

>> No.89438734
File: 38 KB, 96x96, barbielove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89438829
File: 769 KB, 1296x1152, barbie love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89438831

>numbers somewhat comfy an hour in
>Bloons comfy stream
we're so back gamers

>> No.89438857

Good afternoon Shondopolis!

>> No.89438883

>somewhat comfy

>> No.89438958
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1730155312404455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89438977

just goon to shondo rtx

>> No.89438980
File: 3.89 MB, 403x403, cutewife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89439028


>> No.89439256

divorcees, abandoners and traitors arent included in her thanks

>> No.89439280
File: 1.60 MB, 1340x752, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89439303
File: 77 KB, 428x482, 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89439345


>> No.89439395

>show ya feet

>> No.89439553

the accents are cute

>> No.89439793
File: 1.36 MB, 1340x651, cute2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuter version

>> No.89439803

she is hot and bothered because she knows she is on stream in front of me

>> No.89439852

how many monies did shadowmama get?

>> No.89439929

tree fiddy

>> No.89440146

lotta fiddies innit

>> No.89440695

real voice leaking out

>> No.89441007

>reading LTD chats even with her mom
i am still noticing

>> No.89441068

cry more about it nigger

>> No.89441102
File: 106 KB, 762x602, 1710114012615987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed you're a faggot groomer anti
well said

>> No.89441104
File: 388 KB, 2400x2100, 170881343784396[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn2t33u.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89441171

>ltd gets dereked
>multiple people instantly launch a defense of him
i am noticing things!!!!!!! im a noticer!! narratives are being spun!!

>> No.89441254

a witch hag turned shondo into a money (both in body and mind), would you still love her?

>> No.89441289

>shondo into a money
her dream come true

>> No.89441313

sorry, I don't have the chosen people's blood in me

>> No.89441356

Can we all atleast agree that she is faking a voice both on stream and on Discord?

>> No.89441454

Stop replying to yourself with your 4chan pass.

>> No.89441557

stop faking your writing style and antiposting because you're upset ltd got attention and got called out dewd

>> No.89441583

shadowmama is gone, time to put the accent in the box and return to our regularly scheduled kayfabe voic.

>> No.89441622

kill yourself

>> No.89441642

You can't cover up your anti posting like that, lil bro.

>> No.89441698

take your fucking meds schizo groomer

>> No.89441715

why would i kill myself over shondo having a kayfabe voice for stream? like yeah its far inferior to her normal voice but thats no reason to end my own life ^_^

>> No.89441747

yes her old videos and the fact oli knew shondo was recording herself when they were together irl shows this

>> No.89441820

c'mon tuff attack the newfags they are the antis you are looking for :>

>> No.89441883

why would he attack his reincarnations

>> No.89441895

i only attack people who deserve it
and by attack i mean point out harmful behavior they're not remorseful for

>> No.89441947
File: 6 KB, 96x96, weirdcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people keep talking about me..

>> No.89441953

thank you! it's pretty cute!

>> No.89442000

stop talking about yourself

>> No.89442051

Shondo would never use this pic again. Remember she likes alive guys and not dead guys. I think the same goes for artists.

>> No.89442066

You're clueless.

>> No.89442134

thats exactly what someone who talks about themselves would say

>> No.89442168

Think she'd be OK with someone refunding the merch at this point? I kind of just want to fuck off. Been keeping myself in a prison of my own making for far too long

>> No.89442254

ask her and see, you're fucking off either way

>> No.89442338

Because LTD is an unironic attentionwhore and will ask retarded bait all the time even if he has context.
Worst part about it? He's not even a funny shogger. He's just learned that bait works and gets away with it under the guise of acting "new".

>> No.89442380

See ya grackle

>> No.89442385


>> No.89442701
File: 927 KB, 3000x3500, 1713904717017253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brags about how responsible she is with money
>Orders drinks from Starbucks every day

>> No.89442739

you don't donate anyway groomerantichama

>> No.89442740

glad you saw the light at last tuffy

>> No.89442788

having takeout 10 times a week is a financially sound investment decision

>> No.89442925
File: 199 KB, 546x597, shumo121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for her has only increased since I ordered the merch.

>> No.89443022

shadowmama leave john guy i can take care of you

>> No.89443065

computer generate 11000 images of shondo+shadowmama bloons monkey form oyakodon

>> No.89443290

giraffe chan onegai...

>> No.89443294

shadowmama titjob through her sweater's boob window...

>> No.89443374

while shondo is rubbing her cunny on your face

>> No.89443517

>shondo is rubbing her cunny on your face
this is something i think about a lot. shondo just aggressively grinding her pussy against my face. starts with her panties on, but eventually gets really into it and lets me slide them off, revealing her glistening cunny

>> No.89443564

disco elysium bros we lost

>> No.89443603

why? what the fuckl happened?

>> No.89443735

too much reading uuuuu

>> No.89443744

she hates us

>> No.89443768

somnium has white knighted her and agreed with everything she has ever done (including abusing opiates to sleep and her weed habits etc), and now when she's talking about this he goes "yeah it has been obvious that things have been getting to you" LMAO. what a fucking disgusting rat this faggot is

>> No.89443864

she is proving me right

>> No.89443919

i never agreed with her taking opiates you lying fuck kill yourself

>> No.89443923

>Every time I have to deal with you disgusting ince- I mean my wonderful husbands, my mental meter depletes to 0 and I need to take time away from all of you to be able to cope with it
Thanks Shondo!

>> No.89443958

>no energy
less starbucks drinks more eating aaaaaaaa

>> No.89444031

not him but this is absolutely not true

>> No.89444062

Me when I make things up

>> No.89444122

Actually he disagrees with her and then she does what he didn't want her to do and it turns out to be fine or enjoyable for her.

>> No.89444280

Do you not remember the time leading up to the drunk stream? I’ve never seen someone Derek so poorly

>> No.89444332

that's disappointing :( i want her to meet harry...

>> No.89444357
File: 1.07 MB, 832x906, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a year and a half for me to be wrong one time btw and was a perfectly valid thing to be concerned about before the drinking stream but okay anon

>> No.89444363

i remember how good mortar monkey was in btd5 with the mortar emplacement building

>> No.89444388
File: 15 KB, 240x240, 518836DA-F76C-478E-B35B-4978D3D81A43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this cunt

>> No.89444395

>took a year and a half for me to be wrong one time btw
Self delusion.

>> No.89444426

you weren't even wrong, it was a completely valid concern

>> No.89444427

bro please don't start arguing with retards again

>> No.89444460

stop replying to yourself

>> No.89444486

don't plan to, but their stupidity never ceases to amaze me

>> No.89444502

>>89444460 (me)
sorry nevermind im autistic and gay

>> No.89444515

take your meds nigger

>> No.89444554

hi somnium and ff

>> No.89444605
File: 23 KB, 395x174, 1729177227564506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you defending it then?

>> No.89444692

genuine question: are you retarded?

>> No.89444731

>Wrong about The Jorker
>Wrong about drinking
>Wrong about gummies
>Wrong about multiple community members
>Wrong whenever he yells at a new person in the Discord

>> No.89444744

I'm sure she appreciates you outing yourself on an anonymous board like a retarded lolcow.

>> No.89444797


>> No.89444894

How tf was he wrong aboIt the jorker

>> No.89444906

did tuffy stop posting about himself and start posting about somnium now

>> No.89444922
File: 50 KB, 320x276, LaughingOutLoudIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now show the part where that reply was because shadowmama gave her a sheet of antipsychotics because they both have the same prescription but shondo ran out of hers. that can't be used to make me look bad though can it antichama? :)
as much as i'd love to entertain your retardation i'll just simply choose not to. i'm going work anyway so anyone who replies from now is a larper. have fun obsessing over me faggots :)

>> No.89445016

bro everything is archived, not sure why you're pretending to be an ideal husband when you're known for being a previously banned vibebreaking infighter lel. go encourage her to self-harm some more groomer anti

>> No.89445044

He said that he would be banned forever and if he got unbanned he would call Shondo out for doing it.
(Speculatively: Also wrong about the content of the DM itself)
>Shown to be wrong
>"Heh, tough luck pal, I'm just gonna leave."
Lol irl.

>> No.89445123

shondo is finally going to upload content to her onlyfans!!?

Captcha: W8GR8

>> No.89445178

so both resident thread schizos teamed up to hunt their boogiemen? :^)

>> No.89445241

tuffnar please just rope yourself literally everyone hates you

>> No.89445267

i don't

>> No.89445409

she does weed?

>> No.89445485

she consumes edibles to relax before streaming. before that she used to abuse codeine for the same.

>> No.89445501


>> No.89445507

stop spreading lies

>> No.89445526

S knows i'm not going to anti him /here/ you can stop larping dewd

>> No.89445568

please point out what is the lie

>> No.89445627

no need to antichama

>> No.89445683

that's exactly what someone who was going to anti him /here/ would say

>> No.89445728

of course you're friends with the actual groomer lmaoooooooo

>> No.89445894

there ought to be a dedicated vtuber board exclusively for those with an IQ of 130 or higher. honestly, i'm tired of dealing with the inane chatter of lesser minds.

>> No.89446020

how would shondo read it then

>> No.89446031

the last time we talked was a month ago to argue
we're on good terms but we're not exactly friends
he'll just actually talk to me like a grown man unlike you manchildren

>> No.89446098

everyone can read, but only a few can post. just replace the captcha with an IQ test question.

>> No.89446185

these posts are talking

>> No.89446287

talking like a woman or a manchild

>> No.89446365

i still want to host our own board and ban all the schizo... one day

>> No.89446398

a grown man doesn't tweet 24/7 for months on end because his anime wife banned him on twitch. hope this helps

>> No.89446431

you're a womanchild

>> No.89446439

why aren't headpats enabled for this stream, either?

pls i need to headpat chibishon

>> No.89446453

i dont talk like you so no

>> No.89446496

the highlight redeem needs to be higher to deter this retard from spamming it

>> No.89446518
File: 57 KB, 929x195, 1704229067959473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very manly tweet

>> No.89446520


>> No.89446756

>she tapped the glass
no... she broke the promise...

>> No.89446789

the light subconscious racism is one of the things I love about her

>> No.89446820

everyone does unless they are far left retards like him

>> No.89446833

>he got an 'i love you'
it is over.

>> No.89446861

you are a cuck, accept it

>> No.89447703

anything to arg about today

>> No.89447778
File: 2.01 MB, 1510x950, shondananmen square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89447832

other than her fake voice no, good stream

>> No.89447883

what fake voice

>> No.89448163

he's talking about the fact her british accent is more pronounced when she talks to Shadowmama (which isn't even a new thing btw, go back and watch the subathon. Same thing happens when she talks to Shadowmama there as well)

>> No.89448197

so nothing, we know she alters her accent for the camera

>> No.89448206

it was way way less pronounce this time around

>> No.89448232

^_^ just tell her your Gary and youll get an immediate refund. like actually

>> No.89448261

i'm sure she does a bit. but i'm also sure this is mostly her accent because tons of people have said they like when she speaks with a British accent

>> No.89448346

every streamer neuters their accent no matter if some people tell them they like it and I don't think in a year her "natural" accent became americanized like that

>> No.89448442

Stfu shondo u know nothing about lynch flims actual retard
