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89248508 No.89248508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the actual FUCK did Cover hire a nijisister?

>> No.89248705

surely it will work this time

>> No.89248728

Ok I’ve been seeing GG threads all over the catalogue, what did I miss? QRD anyone?

>> No.89248779

Being in Hololive purifies a lot of sins.

>> No.89248855
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>Why the actual FUCK did Cover hire a nijisister?

>> No.89248913
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>> No.89248965

Uki (the literal Niji homo) jumped into GG chat and she proceeded to completely ignored him.
Apparently some anons (sisters?) were unhappy with that and dug through her rm to find out that her rm followed Nij, tweeted at them (Uki included) until sometimes last year and worked for Claude. Now they are calling her a suster for what her rm did in the past

>> No.89248970
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>> No.89249006
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her pre v4mirai PL had some twitter interactions with Uki (the purple gay anti-white niji). Dunno if it was something more to it than that

>> No.89249028
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>> No.89249063
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>> No.89249088
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>> No.89249098

Also a big fan of Elira, even appeared on one of her streams.

>> No.89249142
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>> No.89249179
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>> No.89249182

In her PL, Uki followed her, and introduced her to Elira (her oshi at the time), and now after his election meltdown, he wants what he thinks is recompense for her success (or just wants to start shit), so he went into her stream, and typed
>I'm watching
in the chat.

>> No.89249215
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>> No.89249230
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>> No.89249276

Did something happen with her recently or is it one guy posting about her being nijisanji?

>> No.89249294
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>> No.89249296

Uki's cumsocket is cute

>> No.89249299

Was it the sisters mad that their resident faggot was in a holo chat OR was it unicorns upset their "gf" had interacted with a man before?

>> No.89249303

They want her so bad

>> No.89249326


>> No.89249354

gg why?

>> No.89249360
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>Dunno if it was something more to it than that
That's about it for Uki as far as I can tell. The real apple of her eye was Elira.

>> No.89249372

>did something happen or is a schizo trying to push a narrative so hard that he makes new threads nonstop
>asking this on /vt/

>> No.89249374
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>> No.89249386
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>> No.89249392

They're obsessed with her

>> No.89249399

>election meltdown
Didn't he just post pro-tranny resources on xitter or some shit?

>> No.89249436
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>> No.89249441
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Not the first time

>> No.89249445


>> No.89249495
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>> No.89249498

GG was a sister so fucking what? this niji vs holo rivalry is stupid anyway

>> No.89249520

always knew she was the only good one

>> No.89249542


>> No.89249571
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>> No.89249573
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>> No.89249603
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>> No.89249645

Wasn't there a rrat that mentioned something about doing free art for the clique?

>> No.89249647

Why did it have to be someone so unlikable, out of all the guys... only vox would be equally as bad

>> No.89249711
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nice try tazumi

>> No.89249717

Actual unicorns don’t seem to have any particular issue with her as long as she keeps those interactions in RM, otherwise half of Holo would’ve been out. /#/fags had a mini celebration when she ignored the guy (she replied to Nerissa and ERB right before that). Even more so when her rm seemed to stop last year as well

>> No.89249736
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>> No.89249740

Wasn't there something about her dating/defending a legit pedo?

>> No.89249750
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>> No.89249799

Your favorite vtuber girl probably has a niji JP (or rarely EN) male oshi. Good girls just know how to hide it better.

>> No.89249829

>Seemed to stop last year
She was in Elira's birthday and probably got signed early this year

>> No.89249854
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>Why the actual FUCK did Cover hire a nijisister?

>> No.89249896
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>> No.89249918
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>> No.89249941 [DELETED] 
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>> No.89249945

>Actual unicorns don’t seem to have any particular issue
nice try grem, she is marked forever

>> No.89249971
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>> No.89249995

She's been on my shit list after all her fujo bait and mpreg shit

>> No.89250016

I am just going to schizo post real quick. I am already getting tired of how much yuri baiting that has been going on since Justice came in, and now this feels like a ticking time bomb before I have to start hearing about white men being the problem from even holos. Why can't I have anything fun any more?

>> No.89250024
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>> No.89250053
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>> No.89250059
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>> No.89250076

Nerissa only liked the girls. It’s nowhere near as bad as Gigi

>> No.89250080
File: 42 KB, 620x374, faunover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the actual FUCK did Cover hire a nijisister?

>> No.89250083

Funny seeing the 2view that used to worship Uki grown by multiple fold bigger than him

>> No.89250093

Wait, that's it? Guess I should be surprised since this board overreacts to just about everything

>> No.89250142
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>> No.89250143

>I am already getting tired of how much yuri baiting
I keep hearing the shit since council debut.

>> No.89250150

wtf based

>> No.89250161 [DELETED] 

>what her RM had done.
she is her RM.

>> No.89250180
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Tell me about it...

>> No.89250214
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>> No.89250254
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>> No.89250255

Why the actual FUCK did Cover hire nijisisters?

>> No.89250263

Best collab in years. If not for the scuff; 11/10

>> No.89250265

>Nerissa only liked the girls

>> No.89250327

RM != Holo

>> No.89250331
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>> No.89250348
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>> No.89250347

>Corpo console war thread
>Look at each talent from each corpo
>they're all following each other and they stream together
Aren't they supposed to fucking hate each other?

>> No.89250354

she ignored Uki in her chat recently, that's what started this

>> No.89250391
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>> No.89250402


>> No.89250407

Maybe it comes in waves but ever clip channel that I have the unfortunate pleasure of being force recommended to me has been non stop Nerissa, ERB, Gigi, and Cici talking about how gay they are and Kiara jumping in with them.

>> No.89250415

That's what this board wants you to believe, at least. Nevermind that Kiara has lunch with Enna and Millie or ERB watching Fulgur

>> No.89250510

Corpo consolewars are purely an invention of the fanbases.
Particularly, the brown third world parts of the fanbases that use console wars as a replacement for the lack of joy in their lives.

>> No.89250522
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>> No.89250526
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>> No.89250565

>on her way to Uki's house

>> No.89250573

At which point do these count as spam? Nobody gives a shit

>> No.89250579

That's what I'm not getting. Everyone /here/ is mad at Gigi's indie PL interacting with Uki (who seems to have reached out to her first), meanwhile Bae, Calli, and Ollie follow that pos post-holo.

>> No.89250628

Maybe stop seething about who people are friends with? Just a suggestion
