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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8913931 No.8913931 [Reply] [Original]

What's the craziest thing YOU have personally done for a vtuber?

>> No.8914233

created a nas to store all her streams

>> No.8914340

i made a couple of raps for mori and gura, which is something i have never done before, so it was cool to get out of my comfort zone

>> No.8914376

I sent Selen $5 before I knew she was a landwhale and I regret it every day. It was the first sc I’ve sent too

>> No.8914385

I went on a 2 week alcoholic binge when my oshi graduated.

>> No.8914516

Uh, watched part of a vod?

>> No.8914558

I bought membership.

>> No.8914578
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Nothing really. I just make webms and sometimes member irregularly to random people to catch up on old mengen karaoke. Sometimes I participate in those things where fans draw a small picture or message for someone's birthday or anniversary. I'm not creative enough for much.

>> No.8914579

Got stuck in a schizo haze where I thought my performance at an online game was directly related to her well being and that if I didn't win a free for all match something bad would happen to her.

>> No.8914581

Your money has transformed into food, which in turn has been transformed into fat, that now resides in her belly, to never be burned until she dies a few decades from now.

>> No.8914721

I subbed even though I have no intention of watching her streams.

>> No.8914994

Gave money to a degenerate, menhera, vtuber. I knew this chick wasn't wired right but I stuck around anyway because shit was kind of entertaining. But the huge fucking whiplash from the shit she would say (probably without thinking) after doing some shit for her bday made me regret giving the bitch $$. I never looked back after that. Wish I had my money back even though I make enough as is. Now I'm even more careful than ever( I was already stingy before this) with who I toss money at.

>> No.8915149

masturbated to Kronii's frostpunk stream by imagining her as a soviet commissar disciplining me in the gulag

>> No.8915261

What happened?

>> No.8915461

bought the same fabric softener, shampoo, room spray, etc. he uses because i want to know what he scents he likes. downloaded various apps or games he talks about liking even if he didn't necessarily recommend them, just showed/mentioned them on stream/twitter. take all of his media recs to the point where my friends hope he'll rec the shit they like because i'm more likely to take his recs than theirs.

sorry to out-schizo you all.

>> No.8915537

i do the media thing and have bought shampoo once

>> No.8915727


>> No.8915750

Oh, nevermind. I just remembered that I'm on my 5th nacho fries box for Gura.

>> No.8915790

I masturbated to the thought of Kronii building the house of pleasure in frostpunk and making children work there

>> No.8915975

Also curious.

>> No.8916077

don't know if you're accusing me of being too much like Akina, or of this being about Akina, but either way yes.

>> No.8916222

I notice his fans are passionate, few but passionate, on this board whenever I pop into the Nijimale thread. Stay based, schizo.

>> No.8916316

Gifted 1000 subs.
Can definitely afford it, but it's not a wise investment.

>> No.8916369

I'm sure lots of Kanae fans do the same since he's mentioned the beauty products he uses lol.

>> No.8916421

I made a tribute post, posted it online and was messaged by the vtuber to take it down.

>> No.8916536

Did you jack off on to a picture?

>> No.8916538

Please tell down post :(

>> No.8916584

menhera boy attracts menhera fans kek but thank you

funny enough, i've looked up some of the products kanae uses as well but he usually uses such high-end shit ($100~$300 range) that my poor ass can't afford it.

genzuki at least usually recommends drugstore makeup and skincare, thankfully.

>> No.8916697

I bought those car stickers of my oshi and skateboard with Marine on it at a Con.

TSA gave me shit over the marine skateboard. My shitty 2015 Corolla S is full of Hololive stickers now.

>> No.8916899

which vtuber was it?

>> No.8917123

Spent like, 2 dollars? I guess?
I'm a spic and a poorfag so I can't really afford to be too schizo and I prefer being just a number since I'm not really that committed to my oshi

>> No.8917247

Nothing, just bought goods that wont arrive until the end of this year at earliest.

>> No.8917671

Sana or Kronii?

>> No.8917819

what kind of post was it anon? What did you do?

>> No.8918012

I caused her to quit, a few months ago

>> No.8918033
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I bought about $50 worth of voice packs and I plan on buying them all. I've been tracking what times which packs will go back into rotation so I can get them most efficiently. I've also been membered for five months now, and I regret not doing it sooner. I also have been using them as a profile picture/banner consistently on all platforms, not to mention desktop, tablet, and phone wallpapers. I also dedicate my time to following every R18 artist/writer I can find, regardless of quality. I don't care as long as they're drawing my oshi. At this point, I am a master of poipiku/privatter passwords. Chinese fanfics are common and I can't read that shit, so I use DeepL. I would buy more physical merch and superchats, (well, streamlabs is always most preferable) but I am broke because I am a jobless college student. I have perfected the art of digging too deep into past lives, and have found things many have not bothered digging deep enough to find. I've also been doing more art reps to improve my fanart. My heart just about stopped the first time they noticed me in chat. I am your average schizo.

>> No.8918148

Bought a 30 dollar cameo for my oshi's birthday

>> No.8918155

imagine contributing to such a degree to your oshi's death

makes me hard just to think about it

>> No.8918272

i love chicken too

>> No.8918354

I started investing because my oshi

>> No.8918554

Just say it's a male...

>> No.8918566
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I think he meant a cumtribute video anon

>> No.8918619
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>> No.8918641

I befriended a small indie vtuber to the point where she modded me and we would text and voicechat offline. I would send her money and she was really sweet. She eventually sent me a photo of herself, but she wasn't that attractive and I ghosted her. I feel extremely bad about it, especially for betraying her trust, but I don't know how I would even go about apologizing to her.

>> No.8918665

I tried to deny this but knowing where I am you're probably right anon...

>> No.8918686

I made her overlay, taught her how to have more than 10 fps when streaming games, found her a very good deal with an artist for a new model, created fake drama and acted as fake anti to get her some minimal traction on twitter and here
Of course I'm still not fucking her, but at least I know that if she ever get any success it'll be tainted by my hands

>> No.8918694

Send them a video of you killing yourself you heartless faggot. Unironically. At best, never fucking contact them again. Don't open old wounds to make yourself feel better. That's only self-serving.

>> No.8918763

You can call me a schizo but I really want that kind of relationship with an indie. How do you people even manage to achieve that stuff. It's not the first time I see a post about an anon befriending an indie.

>> No.8918834

Is she really? I missed the initial threads so I don't know who her roommate is

>> No.8918931

You can tell by the voice alone.

>> No.8919003


>> No.8919065

>but she wasn't that attractive and I ghosted her
You've made yourself a very weak enemy today.

>> No.8919120

I'm shit at understanding voices, I thought Okayu was just a deep voiced almost 20 chuuba

>> No.8919138

I've never hated someone more than you before, Anon. I don't believe for a second you actually feel bad. Shit doesn't have the capacity for feelings or basic thought. Sincerely, fuck you.

>> No.8919399

You can't tell if a woman is fat by her voice dude

>> No.8919451

That's evil man, fuck you

>> No.8919480

this anon gets it

>> No.8919546

Don't listen to the redditfags, there was no other right move.

>> No.8919717

Just say you're not attracted to her anymore. How hard is this? You made no wrong moves. It's like blowing your load, you're clear minded now. There's nothing else to feed your ego and keep you going, so you might as well leave her and not cause her anymore damage by being a slave.

>> No.8919752

>It's not the first time I see a post about an anon befriending an indie.
It really isn't that hard, a lot of those minuscule indies you see occasionally are just normal people like me and you

>> No.8919812

Is twitch or youtube better to find those indies?

>> No.8919842


1 million% better on Twitch

>> No.8919887

Do you actually get invested in vtubers based on perceived attractiveness of the person behind the avatar? Why not just watch 3D streams?

>> No.8919902

Thanks for the input anon

>> No.8919908

Twitch and it's not even close

>> No.8919910

Not me, but I remember seeing one anon formulating and recreating Suisei's pee using his own. That shit is the most craziest thing I have ever seen someone do

>> No.8920169

You've never groomed before, apparently.

>> No.8920217


>> No.8920239
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give her the traditional japanese PUMPPU ANDO DUMPPU

>> No.8920319

Y'know I don't think I'm a total retard but I'm surprised how often I've been too naive for this board. I guess that's what I get for coming to this hobby from the anime autist side

>> No.8920471

The "craziest" thing I've done would be that I tried to remix her OP song so she would play it instead but I gave up halfway through because I lost interest in her. But honestly,the craziest thing I WILL do is yet about to come...I think.
I can feel it,at least.

>> No.8920571

Sent her a superchat thanking her for being the reason I passed my board exams

>> No.8920800

What will it be??

>> No.8920952

I wondered what happened to you Matsurisu... I remember you.

>> No.8920980

I wish all of the bad things to happen to you and only you, faggotchama

>> No.8921037

I ruined my sleep scheduled and went to work with four hours of sleep regularly so I could catch every stream of hers, never missing any, for months and after she made a few comments I strongly disagreed with I became a full on anti within the course of a week.

>> No.8921145

I think many people here can relate to the first half

>> No.8921247

Made art for my oshi and she actually used them on streams!

>> No.8921338

Jerked off on a Chima pic and sent her a video of me doing it
Also, I raped Hayama Marin

>> No.8921429

you just simpe for a big uggo

>> No.8921514
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>donate to selen to make her die faster
Was this her plan all along?

>> No.8921685

found her model in pixiv dumpster and animated

>> No.8921706

I started drawing porn solely because my oshi wanted more of herself.

>> No.8921761

Not much, but made a game about her. Not sharing not to doxx myself, but nothing crazy

>> No.8921831

You're scum, simple as that

>> No.8921884

this thread made me feel a lot better about myself
we should do this more often

>> No.8922257

Most anons would kill to have a bit what you have and you threw it all away

>> No.8922536

reality isn't that nice anon, if you think she also looked like an anime girl irl you're retarded

>> No.8922728

I hope you die

>> No.8923112

I woke up at 5 AM to watch the rat, it was a fun stream.

>> No.8923130

Bothered to turn on the stream and give that weeb trash a (You)

>> No.8929255

They're all weird and mentally ill of course they're all fat.

>> No.8929291

I gave her an akasupa.

>> No.8929471

watched a video

>> No.8929559

Superchatted $5 to Kiara

>> No.8929661
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>> No.8929801 [DELETED] 

Why do the fat, ugly tubers get all the money (selen, pekora, etc) while the actual hot stacy vtubers like mel aren't so popular

>> No.8929859 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is grooming

>> No.8929911

have you not been on the internet once in the past decade or something

>> No.8929914
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>> No.8933887
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Fucking based, patrol those ethots.

>> No.8933984

I was groomed as a teen by a fat bald man pretending to be a fat lesbian... Good times.

>> No.8934040

spent multiple hours of my life clipping them only for them to hate me

>> No.8934068

I thought old videos and streams of pekora were found and shes small

>> No.8934116

Just torrent them.

>> No.8934212

>but she wasn't that attractive and i ghosted her
I can smell your room full of piss and cum from this post. You deserve to die alone and surrounded by your filth.

>> No.8934272

Kek I came in here to post that the only schizo thing I've done is buy the same eyeliner Genzuki reccomended

>> No.8934306

They lost their only privilege when becoming a chuuba, should have become a thot instead

>> No.8934666

soulmate anon, may we continue taking nijimales' superior makeup recommendations forever lol

>> No.8934823

Masturbating only to her for half a year now, even though she has less than 100 R18 arts.

>> No.8935042

Masturbating to any single entity for half a year is very impressive no matter the circumstances. Respect for your love anon.

>> No.8935185

I kind of wish he'd talk about it more lately but he's going through his 'I'm not into womens things' phases again...

>> No.8935262

cum tribute

>> No.8935305
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>> No.8935331

groomerchad, you will eventually find more attractive indie to groom don't worry

>> No.8936919

i don't know if you caught it but he talked about cosmetics quite a bit in his interview with tamaki a couple weeks ago, which was really fun.

>> No.8937485
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your reps anon, do em

>> No.8939478

Glad you're doing better now tho.

>> No.8939608

Not sure how I feel about this.
You got into a position some would kill for and threw it all away. But I'm sure she wasn't your oshi anyway and just a sideproject. No strings attached.

>> No.8944458
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That's funny because I remember talking to a small time v-tuber about a potential relationship and she told me one of her main concerns was me seeing her face after she becomes obsessed with me that I wouldn't be attracted to her and lose interest and leave her heartbroken

>> No.8944606

Got banned from a music database website after an argument with some mods because they kept deleting hololive singles. I was quite drunk, yet I regret nothing.

>> No.8944767

> I don't know how I would even go about apologizing to her.
Don't bother, she despises you at this point. Just learn from your mistake and don't ever do it again.

>> No.8944835


>> No.8945173

I mean the only alternative to ghosting would've been to say "Sorry but I'm not attracted to you and lost interest in you as a result" which is arguably just as bad.

>> No.8946325 [SPOILER] 
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Participated in /vt/ sings judgement
Akasupa my indie oshi when she graduated

>> No.8949834

Switched shifts at work so I could catch a stream live. I know that’s nothing but I hope to keep it that way.

>> No.8952208

That's what I want to do too. Any tips?

>> No.8952255

Changed shifts permanently so I could watch their streams live.

>> No.8952387

Bought some pricy merch.

>> No.8952421

Yes. If I'm going to simp for a girl she better not be spending my $ to feed her B&R 2500 calorie oreo shake addiction

>> No.8952427
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Stayed up past my bedtime to check our her stream.

>> No.8952469

I sleep in 2 4ish hour shifts because my oshi won't make a schedule and I need to wake up early enough to lift weights & catch her streams.

>> No.8952675

Made a metal remix for cali's contest. Didn't even get acknowledged.

>> No.8952733

I joined Ame's membership. That's about it.

>> No.8954577

Almost started a war with Nenechi's Husbands.


>> No.8955490

>I have perfected the art of digging too deep into past lives, and have found things many have not bothered digging deep enough to find.
Same here and sometimes I can't help feeling guilty about it. Hell, I've made sure to check any Japanese past life websites I could find and didn't see any of the pictures nor accounts I came across during my searches.

>> No.8955565

I ERP'd with Kani Kanizawa

>> No.8955845

proud of you anon, not wise but it was definitely nice of you to have done so anyway

>> No.8956124

i mean you can but it requires reference to when she wasnt fat if she ever was.

>> No.8956229

i feel this anon, my oshi is also inconsistent on streaming but at least she'll stream around the same time most of the time so i just have to get up around 9 am everyday to check if shes going to stream

>> No.8956287

simultaneous ejaculation with other viewers after saving cum for 2 weeks at request of chuuba

>> No.8956424
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I place Gura stickers around inside and outside my barracks building, and when one gets taken down I just place another one back on. Sometimes around military training areas, I haven't been found out yet. Also during the red Gura stream I opened my window and screamed "Gura you are based as fuck" when she sang that Christian sabaton song.

>> No.8956440
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Was the vtuber in question Towa?
Pic related.

>> No.8956929

i ruined her career, and she's a big name too
admittedly i started to feel bad about it but what's done is done

>> No.8956960
File: 153 KB, 246x347, EarGasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a mashup of two ASMR streams with heartbeat ASMR, one of my oshi and one of a close friend of hers. Took me over half a day to get it right and do all the equalization to simulate what it would sound like to be sandwiched between their chests.

>> No.8957374

brb, gonna groom Bea and marry her!

>> No.8957448

Right now I'm considering bailing on drinking with friends I haven't seen in 2 years because my oshi will go live.

>> No.8957462


>> No.8957605

In case you're serious: don't. fucking. do it. Passing up the opportunity to reconnect with IRL friends so you can watch some random woman online who you'll never meet and whose streams you can always watch later anyways is one of the dumbest things you can do.

>> No.8957830

Is this shit real?

>> No.8957970

I'm honestly not sure. I can remember that some anons brought up good arguments as to why they thought the anon who posted that shit originally was bullshitting, but I can't remember what they were.

>> No.8958010


>> No.8958025

Don't listen to this faggot, and do what you wish the most. If you want to be with your oishi so be it and be a man and stop second guessing yourself I'm pretty sure your oishi wouldn't like that beta behavior of yours

>> No.8958180

jumped off a three storey building

>> No.8958197

I didn't. It's an older image I reposted, it's probably over a year old by now.

>> No.8958271
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All of you are faggots. At least commit and do something fun if you're gonna go crazy.

This is the worst thing I've probably done:

>> No.8958455

I just hate being atound drunk people, my friends can't keep their alcohol and start getting either sappy or angry. It feels like babysitting.

>> No.8959945

had a dream about my oshi, wrote the whole dream down in detail. Locked the note to open it about 1 year.

>> No.8960150


No shit dude why in the fuck would actual hot chicks do vtube

>> No.8960327

>he hasn't seen the doxx photos
>he doesn't even know about Kson

>> No.8963888

A lot of them are former booby streamers anon, especially your pure jp waifus

>> No.8965472

I sent her a fanfic I wrote about her that she then read live on stream. For context, she was taking submissions for cursed copypastas/stories that she could read in an ASMR stream, so naturally I took the opportunity to write up a short, cringy fanfic involving her and her slime companion (that also happens to be her mod). I have to say, listening to her uncomfortably read it out while all of chat collectively died from cringe was one of the most satisfying things I've ever experienced. I seriously almost passed out I was laughing so hard.

>> No.8965565

I set aside an entire Sunday to watch en2 debuts and sat through all of them. I could only tolerate 3 of them, and only really liked 2. Never again.

>> No.8965709

Donated 30 bucks to Nyanners.
I should donate more.

>> No.8966789

that pic is me in highschool lmao

>> No.8966895

I'm boring, the most I've ever done is buy merch
Haven't even done SCs
Bought Calli's music, still have it come through on my work playlist

>> No.8967842

You'd be pretty surprised...

>> No.8967878

Killed america

>> No.8968120

I gave Miko 10 Great British pounds.

>> No.8968930

I membered Ina

I thought I would never give money to some gamer grill camgirl making stupid uwu noises as "content" for thirsty lonely men on the internet.

But she actually liked games, was great at drawing, had a great personality and discouraged donations and shit since she was just doing it for fun. I ended up watching her more and more and now I'm membered.

>> No.8969086

I recorded myself petting my dog with my foot for Haachama

>> No.8969136

Waking up early and slowly fixing up my sleep schedule just so I can catch her streams even though I don't know japanese. Plus membering her and grinding my art skills in hopes of someday doing something so good she might retweet it.
I'm not really a schizo so I'm very tame.

>> No.8969157

this is terrifying

>> No.8974343


>> No.8974713

Bought dark chocolate hummus after she talked about it. Haven't had the courage to try it though.
Other than that just akasupaing my new oshi every week.

>> No.8979279

I almost did this for an indie's debut. Glad I didn't.

>> No.8980153


In fairness while Ina is pandering to "cute" I wouldn't say she is particularly egregious in trying to monetize male thirst. Loneliness yes, but that's every streamer regardless of gender/preference

>> No.8981053
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I spent 9 months building up a believable fake twitter account of a Japanese JK to try and get her roommate to approve my friend request on twitter, and then taught myself Javascript and Python, among other shit like RSS feeds, in order both make the tampermonkey scripts and be approved for and create the Twitter bots required to make sure I would recieve archived versions of all of her tweets the moment she sent them and blare alarms when she starts her guerrilla twitcasts, among other stuff like setting up a place I can use as an address in Japan to make sure I can buy her limited merch the second it comes out without the latency that comes from using the usual EOP retailers(and thus missing the merch to scalpers)
I also spent something like $4000 on her when I add up all the merch, voice packs, and SC
I also have a notepad doc with pre-written
responses to as many potential kinds of tweets as possible, made to respond to as many different contexts as I can reasonably conceive of and script in advance to make sure I have well-written tweet to post to respond the second she tweets so hopefully she can see it first and respond to me. Little success but I am trying atm to develop a neural network to process her tweeting habits and try and deduce the timing and context-dependent content that most often attracts her attention.
I also have separate accounts I use to stalk her large donors(Rinsha, Hic, etc....) and make sure they aren't getting uppity, both on Twitter and other social media I find them on. The ones with poor opsec leave traces of real life info I can use to approximate their net work, try to find their relationship status, career, age, appearance, etc, so as to better become aware of my competition
This doesn't touch upon how deep I've dug into her real life and how I've tried to research records from public and private institutions that correlate with her real life name and general location to try and narrow down her family home/current home

I have more but hypothetically let's say admitting any further might get me in trouble with the law and I need a clean record for international flight and employment

>> No.8981206

learned how to edit so i could make ina clips how i lik'em

>> No.8981304
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Cut off my dick and mailed it to her. I don't think it made it through customs though. Fuck.

>> No.8986902

TrueNAS server with ZFS.

You can archive a YouTube stream using yt-dlp

The benefit is that it will download YouTube live chat and make it a subtitle, while youtube-dl doesn't have that feature.

>> No.8989149


>> No.8989415
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I appreciate you and your work, anon. you keep this board alive

>> No.8989469
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Go on a self-improvement stint that didn't really go anywhere

>> No.8989609

Post it

>> No.8989759

w-who's your oshi, anon?

>> No.8990128

I've seen that anon around before, he's a fandead
Par for the course with lucia

>> No.8990317

Ended up giving up smoking and drinking simply because all my disposable income went to superchats

>> No.8990374

That last part is pretty ominous

>> No.8990683

Pay attention to how she pronounces b and g sounds. those 2 are ways to figure out if someone is fat due to the vibrato of the voice. It's how people figured out pikamee was a fat as well

>> No.8990698

Disliked her video.

>> No.8990808

Translated her to her audience and vice-versa for whole streams. Nothing crazy, I wouldn’t even make sure to always be around.

>> No.8991071
File: 1.12 MB, 1107x1389, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_shuuzo3__c473c06f6b0ee884e2f4b75592ae988b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PP tenshi shirt. Priciest piece of cloth I have in my home.

>> No.8996181

You probably could have handled it more gently, but everyone whining is just a little bitch.

>> No.8996305

Serialkiller-chama pls spare my oshi

>> No.8997315

I spent $800 to upgrade my PC to better handle watching multiple streams and having multiple threads open at the same time. Planning on buying more HDDs to archive more stuff. I spent $500 on a 5 year long vanity licence plate of my favorite Hololive pairing.

>> No.8997706

Become a productive member of society.
Still bogles my mind.

>> No.8997726

Woke up at 4am to watch debuts.

>> No.8998115


>> No.8998172

>ignoring friends' media suggestions in favor of oshi's
Fuck, relatable.

>> No.8998300

My fucking sides

>> No.8998393

Based as fuck, I know it ain't easy

>> No.8998406

I got one too anon

>> No.8998508

Same. twice

>> No.8998538

Fag, although kinda based

>> No.8998615

I kneel.
