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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 608 KB, 2048x2048, Mori.Calliope.full.3070887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
891197 No.891197 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they choosing Mori for shit like this? She doesn't even sound good. She isn't good at fucking singing.

>> No.891226

she wrote it, rrat

>> No.891247

like the other guy said, like 99% of them don't write their own material. when you can do that, you get more offers to do stuff like this.

>> No.891248

Are u upset

>> No.891304

You applied to HoloEN 2 and got rejected didn't you?

>> No.891378

>why is Kobe Bryant ranked better than Vince Carter, as a player Vince can dunk better and has higher ups.
Same reasoning applies, work ethic.

Despite being in hololive for roughly 6 months, Mori has produced more original songs than any holo in their whole career

>> No.891442

Hard work is part of it. But also you have people who seriously think talent is just handed to anyone and they could write a bunch of good songs like Mori does if they felt like it, but of course they never do it. Turns out, this shit isn't as easy as she makes it look.

>> No.891571

Which is why I used the Kobe example. He wasn't really as physically gifted as those in his position, but due to his insane work ethic and dedication to his craft, which is why he lasted that long.

>> No.892434

Because she is the Sora of holoEN.
Cover wants to use her so badly they even started shoehorning her into other holos songs, like Watame's.

>> No.892840
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It's all part of Sora's grand plan

>> No.892901

to be fair she is also the most liked hololive EN in JP both by jp fans and jp talents, she has a unique image, can deliver on her hype and has that proper JP work ethics of working yourself to death

>> No.892903

She's the second best singer in EN. Ina and Amelia can't sing to save their lives, and Kiara's voice is grating and has a strong accent

>> No.893672

Why EN though? It is a fucking japanese song? Sora? Azki? Suisei? They all can sing it better than Mori.

>> No.893827

Its her bazongas. She gets work because if her bazongas.

>> No.893861

Cover didn’t want to play favourites with the JPs, so they got someone else to do it. I don’t think her voice is bad. In her recent members stream, Mori said she was as surprised as anyone and that she would have liked to hear Suisei do it

>> No.893877

Ina is not great, but don't put her with Amelia

>> No.893936

Again it circles back to the Kobe Bryant vs Vince Carter argument.

Suisei and Azki can sing it better, but can they produce it better? Can they write English lyrics for it? Can they prepare for it while doing multiple streams, while recording what? 5 songs?

>> No.893964

Could you stop with the /sp/ bullshit, no one cares about your jumping retards with a ball. Get the fuck out of here you stupid jock, go bully people somewhere else.

>> No.893968

The song is in japanese and Mori only provides the lyrics and vocal. She didn't produce it.

>> No.894100

seething manlet

>> No.894195

Still, the accolades and work ethic goes well into Japanese corporate structure. Them seeing a gaijin internalize that philosophy would be why the JPs appreciate her

>> No.894219

>Jumping retard
The guy is the one exception, anon.

>> No.894493

JPbros, how heavy is her accent?
It sounds pretty convincing to my uneducated pleb ears.

>> No.894642

are people seriously comparing Karen with Kobe? Kobe was actually good at basket ball, Karen isn't really good at making music. Hard work doesn't always lead to outstanding results.

>> No.894988

You just outed yourself, Chilean. You're that guy who always replies to her tweets saying Who cares like an idiot.

>> No.895020

Her accent is really heavy when talking in Japanese, it's relatively light when singing but still noticeable.

>> No.895102

who uses jock as an insult lmao

>> No.895150

I mean she's got some nice bazongas so it's her merit.

>> No.895204

Honestly Anon how exactly are you judging she is good or not at music/singing? because i always see in this board in particular the idea of "Mori can't sing/rap" but then i see profesional rappers reacting to her music and explaining on a technical level as to why they are good, and i am not saying i don't believe you but i am more incline to trust people with credentials than anons

>> No.895238

You do realise you’re one of those jealous haters out there that Calli doesn’t give a shit about?
Stop tweeting start creating doesn’t just apply to actually tweeting, it also applies to posting on 4chan

>> No.895255

Anon she does sound good. Stop being retarded just because you hate Mori.

>> No.895274
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>no one cares about your jumping retards with a ball.
>go bully people somewhere else.

>> No.895298

She sounds awesome.

>> No.895367

>she is also the most liked hololive EN in JP both by jp fans and jp talents
Where do you people get your info from? Are there polls about this stuff or are you just making it up and sell your own intuition as fact?

>> No.895431

At a minimum, isn't she the only HololiveEN oshi of a HololiveJP?

>> No.895466

Watame requested her for the song.

>> No.898731


>> No.899082

Who did you think wrote it

>> No.899171

The JPs love her >>861257

>> No.899533

I like it desu. Good for her

>> No.899593

>professional rappers

>> No.899600

lol Suisei fucking loves her and many regard her as cool like Marine stream showed. But there were signs of this way back when En-Jp had their set of among us collabs

>> No.899603

oh look, the /pol/tard is here.

>> No.899671

Whether you agree or not with it being a thing is very different from it not being a thing Anon

>> No.899686

/pol/? Lol. Never said there was no professional rappers but I doubt the people that heard Mori's rap are professional. Stop outing yourself mutt.

>> No.899738

>Has several record labels listed
>Has released discs
>Has made official music videos for his songs

I Think he objectively applies as a professional anon

>> No.899780

don't worry anon, the jocks and chads can't hurt you here

>> No.899805

With those kind of videos he is reacting to, I kind of doubt it. Also, you think anyone that has released discs and MV are professionals?

>> No.899845
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Objectively speaking? yes

>> No.899849

Yes, they are. So long as they do it for a living and is associated full-time to the record label.

>> No.899854

It's part of a sponsorship with EN specifically retard

>> No.899897

go back

>> No.899923

Oh so objectively, someone who is a weeb and bad at rapping can also become a professional if he does it for a living?

>> No.899924

who cares whether or not she's "technically good" it just doesn't sound good and that's what matters

>> No.899987

Yes that's what professional means dumbass

>> No.900035
File: 49 KB, 720x410, IMG_20210216_191341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy is the most talented Holo. How can literally anyone even compete?

>> No.900072

>My opinion is objective
>technical analysis is subjective.

>> No.900088

Anyone who puts Microsoft Office on their resume needs to absolutely die.

>> No.900097

Then just have the shark sing it, no? Unless Calli wrote the song, you'd think it'd make the most sense to have the relative best singer of the group do it.

>> No.900122

....anonchama, Mori also wrote the song. Full lyrics even.

>> No.900139

This rap is objectively good. Lots of professional rappers like it and the technical analysis on this is phenomenal. Anyone that hates this are fags.

>> No.900144

So, do you know how to set up a Sharepoint Server using MS Office?

>> No.900161

Yes. Mori wrote it and can let Gura sing it.

>> No.900168

>uses meme channel as example
So you've outed yourself as a retard.

>> No.900171

Not sure about the rest of the Holos but she's definitely the most talented En.

>> No.900186

I can google it like a normal human being. Also, not a lot of people use MS Office like that. Don't fool yourself.

>> No.900190

It's okay to be retarded

>> No.900193

keep crying. Mori now lives Rent-free in your head.

>> No.900223

>I can google it.
So you do not have the right to say that you know MS Office.

>> No.900232

I didn't use Mori's channel anon. I use one of the most popular rapping channel on youtube. People on the channel did hours of research for historical figures to rap against each other. Many professional rappers like it.

>> No.900254

ITT: Mori anti now LARPing as a /mu/sicanon.

>> No.900255

I can bet even Mori don't know how to do that. She's literally lying to people for putting that there.

>> No.900288

I didn't say my opinion was objective I said I don't care about "objectice" analysis because either way it just sounds bad (to me)

>> No.900310

Lmoa get locker'd nerd.

>> No.900336

You're not Cover, Suisei, and all the JP holos.So fuck off.

>> No.900376

You were given the definition are you illiterate anonchama?

>> No.900405

T. Never worked with officlets
I hate teaching people how cut and paste works.

>> No.900429
File: 14 KB, 556x269, 1613994321928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.900444

Sorry anon but I work for a tech company.

>> No.900476

So, you, The IT guy. thinks that everyone knows how to differentiate Sleep and Hibernate?

>> No.900523

Not that much difference nowadays especially with laptops.

>> No.900528

Can she wrestle in illegal backyard tournaments?

>> No.900546

Kiara can. For money of course.

>> No.900959

mad lol

>> No.901026

retard-kun, maybe you should go back to middle school if you're getting this filtered by a basic concept

>> No.901081

>Yes, because you got proven that you have no control over Cover Corp's own PV, I would be seething.
really good logic, anon.

>> No.901187

This is always the funniest shit
t. /mu/tant

>> No.901485

Well that’s actually not so scary. I can add these to my cv in a couple years

>> No.901914

Mori probably have as much music production experience and industry connection as Cover itself. She have all the chances of owning part of the company by the end of the year if she have at least an ounce of business sense.

>> No.901956


>> No.902011
File: 367 KB, 871x803, 1611552618627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are you frustrated op?
rent free.

>> No.902040

This is probably the same Takoshart who tried to claim Ina isn't a professional artist

>> No.902122


>> No.902164

Ina is a pro artist. She worked with a gacha company officially.

>> No.902263

Okay maybe ease off the koolaid there buddy

>> No.902672

She can do everything what Gura and Ina can, plus a bunch of other stuff. Only downside is she's a little autistic.

>> No.902871

For holos it's an upside. Aqua got to million on pure autism.

>> No.903595

Shitposting aside, I would like to have this.

>> No.903794

>Hmm, i need something that rhymes with "cute and funny".
What could it be?

>> No.905006

oh if i had a dollar for every time someone calls me because they can't enter their password despite i've already told them several times how it works

>> No.905514

Saying this as someone who works in music production, Calli obviously has skill when it comes to various components of production both audio and visual and as a lyric writer and vocalist is pretty decent.

Being a good vocalist is overrated anyway, it helps but it's still just an "instrument", esp with regards to rapping, flow and meter and cadence are more important.

I'm not super big into the whole J-rap thing, partly because it's a little poppy but also because sometimes some of the instrumentals can sound a little mawk-worthy, Please RIP for example, isn't particularly abrasive and is contemporary of soundcloud/lo-fi rap, so its clean production and conventional instrumentation sound a little aloof of the current rap scene.

So it undercuts the whole "anime reaper who's gangster" kinda vibe it's going for. Also Calliope says the fuck word a lot but it mostly feels like it's thrown in her songs to give them a bit of bite rather than because it's a necessary addition, which also makes her lyricism and character feel a little clownish at times.

Despite that, I still think she's pretty talented but I think there's a reason most of the enthusiasm is contained mostly to people who would consider themselves anime fans first and music consumers second.

Fwiw, I thought the most interesting track was Reaper, Rapper, the one where iirc, the music and mixing is also done by her.

>> No.905643

Yeah, majorly agree. Thanks for putting this into words, quality critique.

>> No.905709

You might want to check her pre-hololive stuff if you want to listen to her without the anime girl aesthetic

>> No.905714

That's probably only like, 20% of the reason.

>> No.906053

nah, Calli always had the anime girl aesthetic because at the end of the day she's still an otaku millenial
it was just a more cartoony and edgier one, but considering she grew up in times when one of the bigger anime runs was PSG, that doesn't even come as much of a surprise

I always say people undersell Reaper ka Rapper a good bit, but it really displays her ability to weave a fairly interesting flow to a simple backing track and adding improv-like bits to enhance the humor of the lyrics themselves
ends kinda flat though, even if it was the point of the joke

>> No.906169

>Also Calliope says the fuck word a lot but it mostly feels like it's thrown in her songs to give them a bit of bite rather than because it's a necessary addition, which also makes her lyricism and character feel a little clownish at times.
"I need two syllables / fuck it I'll say 'fuckin' again"

>> No.907018

Anon this is /vt/ , it's not necessary to put this amount of effort for a LARP.

>> No.907811

waiting for Noel to surpass the rest of JP

>> No.907930

Calli since joining Hololive is already one of the most prolific members making original songs. She's a hard worker.

>> No.908848

lol cry more

>> No.910103

Mori, can you stop making threads to criticize yourself? You have one up already.

>> No.910194
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>She doesn't even sound good.

>> No.911282

Using that logic noel would literally get to do everything.

>> No.911352

Watame literally asked her you lying piece of shit.

>> No.911770

LeBron's the GOAT


>> No.914726


>> No.915211

Is Mori the most talented ENtuber?

>> No.916175

Get out West Taiwan

>> No.916280

>Cover wants to use her so badly they even started shoehorning her into other holos songs, like Watame's.

that's because her songs are easily the most listened to of hololive (everyone) across platforms. and when I say "easily" i mean like she had 3 of the top 10 most listened to HoloLive original songs last year including the no.1 spot with R.I.P, which is still easily the most listened to hololive original (in fact it's more listened to then the covers as well, though maybe all the covers of king added together might overtake it).

success and popularity == demand. she's highly popular, and highly successful. I mean a freaking vtuber took the no.1 spot on the fucking itunes store for a few days. I don't care how much the deadbeats simp for her, that's literally nuts.

>> No.916355

>does it for a living

i think this is the part that's not registering in your head. I can release an albumn or write and self publish a book right now, this moment.

That does not mean anyone will listen to it. While technically I've done the things that make you an author or singer, my inability to feed, house and cloth myself with my writing or singing prevents me from being a professional.

If you support your lifestyle and can work full time as a rapper, then you're a pro. no other way to look at it.

>> No.917972

I never had a Jock call me a nigger tranny on the internet, only nerds have.

>> No.917993

Does American English accents sound good in Japanese or just silly.

>> No.918055


>> No.919302

Can you do a better job anon?

>> No.919531

Priconne EN is going hard for EOP cash since it's Crunchyroll's game division

>> No.920740

So it’s really skill+marketing

>> No.920800

A lot of her current things are mentioned in her previous work. Quotes are all lyrics form her roommates songs.

"back in ze day" which she says all the time.

"Imagine that I climb that mountain and the summit is empty" Shows how far she has grown with the lyrics in her new song beckoning others to meet her at the mountaintop.

"Idol rapper is such an oxymoron" Kek, though she has talked about milky queen changing her outlook on this.

There are probably more I haven't caught yet too.

>> No.920828

"Why you gotta curse in every verse that you rap in? Excessive use of `motherfucker` just to fill all the gaps in"

>> No.920885

im only upset because they put autotune in it. calli has a good voice and that ruins it

>> No.920898

its an act. someone living in japan for years wouldn't have that

>> No.921084
File: 273 KB, 1690x2000, 1589484750576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori does hard work, but i think she deserves the credit shes done anyways. its easy to shit on her because she mainly likes rap, but you can tell that she cares about her stuff. it isnt saying the other members dont, but mori is a producer also, and that accelerates the process. if you know how to produce beats and music, then youre set. thats what mori has right now

>> No.921213

Autotune is standard for 90% of pop songs now. It's just the way the industry is
