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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 102 KB, 1024x576, Hololive-Editorial-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8907031 No.8907031 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most embarassing thing that has happened to a vtuber while streaming?

>> No.8907051

Getting fingered on stream

>> No.8907108

imagine asking this. what kind of fucking newfag

>> No.8907188

The Cake Incident.

>> No.8907389

I think Roboco farted on stream one time, but unlike Calli's it was super audible and she acknowledged it.

>> No.8907528

Ollie's shart seemed more embarrassing and made me cringe

>> No.8907570

There's that one website that hosts clips of holos farting.

>> No.8907644
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the hand

>> No.8907659


>> No.8907756

Probably this


>> No.8907769


>> No.8907877


>> No.8907896

Heh, came expecting this

>> No.8907911


>> No.8908059


>> No.8908081
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>The audible brap incident.

>> No.8908130
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It's honestly a miracle that more vtubers don't slip up like this. With how much they talk about their personal lives its amazing that they never slip up while in a sleepy daze or something. Not even on drunk streams.

>> No.8908148

>/vt/ doesn't know the most famous vtuber incident of all time
jesus fucking christ

>> No.8908184

Ollie Fart


Ollie Cum


>> No.8908254


>> No.8908257

as long as he's a fat ugly bastard, it's okay

>> No.8908282

Personally I'd say Mori leaving the audio on before going to the bathroom. I have no doubt she regularly thinks about that and wanted to crawl into a ball and die.

>> No.8908422
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>> No.8908428

Probably because the ones that do are nobodies, not sure if there were any with Nijisanji but for Hololive I'm absolutely sure that 90% of them haven't had boyfriends since they debuted
That makes me wonder though, is it even a yab if they admit this? For Hololive it absolutely is but for other chuubas it's at most an accidental look into their more personal life

>> No.8908481

God, this hurts to watch.

>> No.8908491

ya allah... stone the whore!

>> No.8908498

I imagine it would cut into the gosling super chat revenue, but beyond that it's likely not career ending.

>> No.8908664

Wouldn't saviorfags be incredibly tilted if they found out their poor defenseless princess was getting dick?
Wouldn't they just say "he can take care of her then", or some retarded shit like that?

>> No.8908675

Yikes she couldn't wait a few hours to get off?

>> No.8908750
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>> No.8908837

>"my boyfriend-- oh shit"
>1 minute 15 seconds left of video
I legitimately suck at watching videos that I have a feeling will make me cringe horribly....

>> No.8908942

Haachama not knowing what "passed away" meant


>> No.8909118


>> No.8909120
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Bbb b bBBBdbbb b b BBBBBbBBBBBBB BbBbbdddbbbbBBbBb

>> No.8909158

I can't get past the "oh shit". It's too much second hand embarrassment.

>> No.8909162

Holy fuck, that gets very painful to watch from the 1:00 mark and forward, the "wow so cool" hurts.

>> No.8909284

What's her major malfunction, besides being an asian woman?

>> No.8909312

Same. I just closed it.

>> No.8909316

it's honestly pretty underwhelming. Most of the chat laughs it off and says they won't tell. I was hoping for more backlash honestly. I wonder how much it actually affected her numbers.

>> No.8909320

when cover made chink antis the mods in Cocos channel, unbanned their chink friends and spammed her channel to the point where she started crying on stream like a bitch.

>> No.8909328

Something that's always bothered me is why the fuck would he get banned for that? How is talking about something that happened on stream and doesn't involve doxxshit or anything like that a bannable offense?

>> No.8909392

can someone post this file i need it

>> No.8909446


>> No.8909451

that's not embarrassing, but sad

>> No.8909480

enjoy https://files.catbox.moe/fjxaej.mp3

>> No.8909498

meidos are gay or smt, idk. Weird shit happens on vt all the time, this isn't the weirdest ban I've seen.

The links isn't dead

>> No.8909512

This one is based, why the fuck would you tell this to a chuuba? Jesus Christ.

>> No.8909514

Seeing it live felt different, and the way chat was going at the guys ass was wonderful, this is probably one of the top 5 worst English superchats in hololive history

>> No.8909567

Because the public execution makes it even funnier.

>> No.8909625

>that happened

>> No.8909634

Then that's her fault for appealing to them, either commit to the role and leave the dick or live without those fans, these indies gotta realize they can't have their cake and eat it

>> No.8909651

Wait what the fuck was she doing?

>> No.8909693

This was back on /jp/ you mongoloid

>> No.8909702

>I'm absolutely sure that 90% of them haven't had boyfriends since they debuted

>> No.8909710

shitting and cumming

>> No.8909815

This is what happens when amateurs think they can be a vtuber idol. Professionals mentally delay their speech so they can filter that shit out.

>> No.8909863


>> No.8909900

that's hot

>> No.8909911

>he doesn't know www
Same fucking jannie, kill yourself

>> No.8909946

repulsive meat sack

>> No.8909975

I've always wondered about that especially the big leaguers. I wonder if Holo does tests on girls before hiring them. Nice term by the way

>> No.8909989

I can hear your stomach wobbling from here.

>> No.8910019

stands for Farting & 'Gasming

>> No.8910047

I don't know if this even clocks as embarrassing or yab, Shirara overshares her personal life like fucking crazy. This would be a shitstorm if it happened to a corporate vtuber, not so much an indie that openly talks about their family member getting diagnosed with cancer and has regular menhera breakdowns on twitter.

>> No.8910064

You can say it is cope but the fact that its so rare for a slip up like matsuri to happen on main or roommates with all the hours they stream should make you at least consider it.

>> No.8910114

I don't want to sound like an ass but why some people do this when a loved one passes away? Ah yes let me tell something REALLY personal that just happened to a random streamer with a lot of viewers being there to have fun instead of grieving and just watch the stream.

The guy could've said "I am having a rough time due to recent events but thank you for cheering me up!", at least that leaves it in a more positive tone than telling someone straight up that someone died in their family to gather some sort of attention and change the mood of the stream that quick. I know losing someone is super awful but c'mon, there is right ways to deal with it than throwing money at some random chuuba for sympathy.

>> No.8910172

gura my dog died

>> No.8910187

Looking for attention

>> No.8910203

he was probably a Watamate, they are all like that

>> No.8910207

Chuubas need to take the Aris approach. He'll shit on people sending him this kind of GDQ donation on the spot. Doesn't stop them completely, but at least everybody is laughing instead of bringing the mood down.

>> No.8910227

>I don't want to sound like an ass but why some people do this when a loved one passes away?
Mental retardation and attention seeking

>> No.8910228

Mio spewing chunks ASMR style right into the mic.

>> No.8910318


>> No.8910328

Kuzuha's voice in the bg of Rindou's stream is up there considering Rindou still has antis dislike bombing her anywhere she goes and Kuzuha doesn't do much member exclusive stuff anymore due to getting shit on by his own members

>> No.8910347

good news: considering how relatively young vtubing is, all the most embarrassing incidents lie in the future rather than the past.

>> No.8910428

I'm not sure if I should look forward for them or be scared

>> No.8910447

Physically impossible to watch from cringe

>> No.8910497

I can't wait

>> No.8910549

How many times has that happened now?

>> No.8910557

That's not retarded, that's the very most logical conclusion.

>> No.8910582

That time Artia got shadow banned on Twitch, went into a random Twitch staffers stream and harassed them, and then showed her IP on stream.

>> No.8910583

>getting shit on by his own members
Really? I thought they don't care bc he didn't get dislike bomb like Rindou

>> No.8910586

Haachama did it in a much better style, you got the burps and the pukesneeze, it honestly gave me a very embarassing fetish

>> No.8910588

well those who care probably won't type
i can tell you if my oshi did it I would close the stream right

>> No.8910603

Like the ones so far, sure they'll be turned into entertaining content.

>> No.8910656


Why is she getting pleasured during a stream?

>> No.8910674

Oh shit, I remember that. Goddamn that was funny

>> No.8910718


Holy shit that is hilarious

>> No.8910736

Powered through it, you were right. I was expecting the cringe to come more from her own reaction instead of chat's

>> No.8910738

Towa's meiwaku kakechatta.

>> No.8910768

Yeah, that's what I figured too. I still wish I could have witnessed more fallout from it though.

>> No.8910824

>act sexy on stream
>act cute on stream
>act appealing on stream
>my boyf-... oh shit...

>> No.8910870
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>> No.8910884

That is just hilarious

>> No.8910885

It was great. I wish there was still clips of it somewhere.

>> No.8910913

This, unless they actively look for a boyfriend they don't have the time or opportunity since they only stay home or go to the Hololive office.

>> No.8910978

Kinda wish she still plays off that innocent routine until it blows up in her face

>> No.8910982

So what do you after this? Just pack it up and make a new avatar? Shit man this is probably worse than finding out my chubba is a fat asian dude

>> No.8911000


Absolutely based hachama

>> No.8911101

Nope they talked about it in his Discord people purchased memberships just to flame him in there so he stopped doing much there.

>> No.8911118


Crying when fucked up things happen isn't that embarrassing

>> No.8911124

She's streaming right now lol

>> No.8911130

No serious slipups even though Vtubers have:
Gotten drunk multiple times. Lammy is prime example
Gone through 10+ hour streams without break. ex. Korone, Lulu
Done streaming while sick or sleep deprived
Started streaming the moment they woke up.

How do they do it? How do they talk about their personal lives under such debilitating circumstances without messing up once?
Is it really possible that (at the very least) Hololivers are single? It seems so implausible, yet its still the most logical explanation.

>> No.8911158

b-but muh pure holos don't have boyfriends or any sexual relationships except with ME

>> No.8911202


Lets not forget how Coco annihilated a whole branch because she was being a sjw trying to defend hachamas mistake and redirect the hate towards her...

While just ended up creating the biggest shitstorm in vtubing history

>> No.8911222

Most of /vt/ calls any vtuber who does speak openly about any of this and set appropriate boundaries "whores". They can't win.

>> No.8911227

>So what do you after this?
Keep streaming. She has never hit 3 digit views so it doesn't even matter. She'll retire like the rest.

>> No.8911287

>Coco annihilated a whole branch
Yeah, but it was the Chinese branch so it wasn't embarrassing.

>> No.8911374

Sad answer is they might not have anyone else in their life. They get their fake empathy from a parasocial streamer relationship and just trauma dump in chat/supa because they don't have anywhere else to turn.

Still fucked up, I'm not defending it.

>> No.8911399
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Why do I have a feeling history will repeat itself?

>> No.8911478

anon, i think you are confused, op asks for embarrassing things, not based ones

>> No.8911519

There is a lot of single people out there, including girls. Also hooking up for a night is a valid option for a lot of people who don't want to get invested in a relationship.

>> No.8911592

Nobody else in their life to support them so they turn to streamers. When my close ones passed away I was tempted to do something similar but realized how autistic it would be and stopped. I wish more people could do the same.

>> No.8911645

>How do they talk about their personal lives under such debilitating circumstances without messing up once?
Korone is older so she's not going to do something stupid like passive aggressively vent about coworkers on a roommate's social media account like Festival.

>> No.8911715

i mean it can't get worse, mumei has nudes out there if you want to look for it

>> No.8911722


>> No.8911729

>Your fellow chat members are sub-human.

>> No.8911843

Not like they should care about what a bunch of autists and retards say. Mea talked about her past life and Meiro posts sexual ASMR, the cucks that like her can delude themselves all they want but she has fucked before and probably still fucks

>> No.8911899

Professionalism. They never fully relax because they know they're being constantly monitored by their employer. External pressure.

>> No.8912016

I think being baited into Nick Gurr and Lazy Knee Grow earlier on that self same stream takes the case.

Honestly that whole stream taken together is a hilarious incident.

>> No.8912083

Generally speaking girls can't really deal with being single after a certain age, which is why they try finding alternatives, like farming cats.

Given how most of the hologirls for example, look incredibly attractive (especially for hikis), its practically impossible for them not to have bfs unless they literally never leave the house. Its honestly hard to believe they're single, but its even harder to believe they're all so professional that they can keep their mouths shut even while intoxicated/sleep deprived.

>> No.8912143

Meidos on this board in particular are an absolute reddit-tier joke.

>> No.8912149

They shouldn't, but for whatever reasons including Hololive supremacy and/or backlash from schizos, they do.

I'm fine with all the seiso Hololive-esque stuff but there needs to be more space for more beyond this and outside of strong personalities like Mea who push it deliberately (and vShojo that never subscribed to these "rules") it's a legitimate challenge

>> No.8912195

Coco sarcrified herself for Haachama
Based as fuck

>> No.8912274
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He got warned AND banned for a fart clip and I got a warning for doing something that's in the pinned that you're not allowed to do kek

>> No.8912516

This would be interesting, I'm disappointed that Nijisanji doesn't try to distinguish themselves more like that. I really doubt that Gwelu is the only one with a wife or a girlfriend or whatever else

>> No.8912576

This would make me so mad if I followed her. I don't have that much of a problem with the concept of a vtuber having a boyfriend, but when they start lying, saying shit like "tee hee I'm so lonely and will never have a boyfriend uwu", then it get's really annoying to me.

>> No.8912761

I am 100% sure that there are holos who are single and holos with boyfriends, but aside for Matsuri and early Watame, I wouldn't be able to say for sure for any of them. Yes, that includes your oshi, I don't care who she is. Some seem less likely than others, but hiding a boyfriend is incredibly easy from their position.

>> No.8912796

if the avatar is an oni she is not aloni

>> No.8912906

Did Ollie really masturbate on stream

>> No.8912939

A legion of gachikois is an alternative in itself. It might not satisfy the physical contact needs, but maybe that's why most of them have pets.

>> No.8912972

No. She thought she was being funny and her autistic fans here bought the greentexts.

>> No.8913007

Fucking hilarious, that's twitch right? Those cucks don't even flinch

>> No.8913014

It's not masturbation if somebody else is doing it for you.

>> No.8913038
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I can't believe you actually asked that question.

>> No.8913174

>That time Artia got shadow banned on Twitch, went into a random Twitch staffers stream and harassed them

She was just getting her practice in for harrassing Coco and Haachama later, sasuga biggest traitor

>> No.8913263
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>> No.8913276

>Coco tanked the tiny-dicked wrath of the entire nation of China for Haachama's sake

OP said embarrassing, not based

>> No.8913301

didnt she literally say
>not now
and then moan? Someone else was participating.

>> No.8913377

Having a BF doesn't make you a whore.
>>8910870 + >>8907756 makes you a whore.

Once you insist that you're a single girl who your lonely male audience can fantasize about being with, because you want to exploit them for money and attention, that's when you cross the line.

>> No.8913392

RIP Artia, dead of Wuhan Virus and also being a dirty traitor

>> No.8913491
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>> No.8913526

Oh no no no no

>> No.8913603

her punishment of being retarded enough to spend a years worth of profit just to go back to china is fitting

>> No.8913678

the opposite is actually true. women are much more content to be single than men are, which is why vtubing and gfe is so much popular amongst them. a lot of the hologirls are probably content with being single except the codependent types like matsuri but shes probably too much for most inexperienced hikkis like us

>> No.8913719

Mio said it was staged

>> No.8913782
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>> No.8913793

No, she said "Now's not the time" as she was entering a house in Phasmophobia.

>> No.8913831

Putting in the effort to kayfabe that you're not getting dicked on the regular is the most basic requirement for being a chuuba. What really surprises me is that these kinds of clips don't seem to exist for Holo talent. There are moments like watame switch profile selection, but it's always plausible deniability levels of yab.

>> No.8913871

>Now is not the time
>We we just end the stream please
Along with that tone and moans...wtf Ollie...

>> No.8913953

lmao this shit is hilarious, having a bf as a indie is not even a problem but when you play around it just for the ''I'm single for my fanbase'' it turns into really fuck up way of streaming

>> No.8914274
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>Ollie Cum
This is unironically my fetish. I am so horny right now

>> No.8914345


>> No.8914348

The absolute cope in the chat afterwards is more cringe than the yab itself. Not surprised that Twitch is full of NTRfags

>> No.8914469

what a dumb bitch, this is not how you diffuse a situation lmao

>> No.8914477

Uhh.... Prove it?
Asking for a friend

>> No.8914508

The fact that her little breakdown was shortly after this can't be a coincidence.

>> No.8914523

the enhanced toilet audio one

>> No.8914569

I didn't catch it what happened

>> No.8914571

This is so funny, I only knew about the "my dog died lets goo" meme and part of it being because a guy actually told gura that his dog died.
I wasn't aware of the rest of supas that were sent after but these are hilarious, especially the one talking about the parasocial relationshi. I wonder how the guy reacted to that, hopefully with humor and hopefully learning from it.

>> No.8914582

What am I missing here?

>> No.8914643

Nijisanji Levi's VR malfunctioned (or something like that?) recently and she ended up showing her face and room during the stream, that must have been embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.8914666

Ollie and Gura piss audio where

>> No.8914675


Clip ?

>> No.8914711

What would happen if a Holo said this on stream

>> No.8914737

Pekora accidentally showed her browser's initial screen during a stream and among the suggested links were 5ch's youtube board (where all the holo threads used to be at the time) and Vnuma (aka the central hub for numberfagging at the time).

>> No.8914754

Only cause Watame has a messiah complex

>> No.8914783

The pet rock one gets me every time

>> No.8914847

Mio said it was staged leave her blessed name out of your mongrel mouth from now on

>> No.8914934

Depends on who. For most of them, graduation. For some maybe even a fatal encounter with a desolated gachikoi stalker. (I'm looking at you Rushia)

>> No.8914947

She said "Now's not the time" because someone said "Padoru time" In chat.

>> No.8914949

>I took him for granite
holy shit my sides

>> No.8914951

No clip, I've only seen a screenshot once, it's probably on the archive. But it barely showed her face, more so her room. It's the context that makes me cringe so hard for her.

>> No.8914960

How does kneeling and retiring to become a tiddy stream mean tank china?

>> No.8915108

I've watched her before randomly and I'm positive she had more than 100 viewers quite a few time. Maybe reclined from breaks or something idk.

>> No.8915143
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ESL-chan......your reps......

>> No.8915163

>retiring to become a tiddy stream
go back tourist

>> No.8915173

Staged? I'll let everyone here be the judge.
Headphones on volume up boys...

>> No.8915196

Youtube Twitch or any plateforme, when that happens you bet people it bothers won't type about it, they either mute or close the stream.

>> No.8915303

Holy shit it is so fucking telling. This is the first time I watch the source. How can the zomcucks said that she is not getting plowed during her stream? They must be good in mental gymnastic.

>> No.8915334

I can feel the others and even myself jumping away

>> No.8915343

I dont even mind that she is, but it is shocking the level of denial that they go into.

>> No.8915414

there's so much denial that it makes the rrat stronger

>> No.8915427

Every single doxx for Mumei hinges on it being HER and we still don't even have that confirmed yet. It doesn't matter how much info someone has on her past life if that past life isn't even the same person.

>> No.8915514

I know people love to always insist "they ALL have boyfriends" and stuff, but genuinely I do think a lot (currently) don't.
In 2015, 40% of women between 18 and 39yo were single, then you add the fact streaming takes quit a lot of time outside of the streams themselves, that girls likely to be into vtubing are often more of the shut type, at least not big party goers, and it seems just more convenient to be single overall for the job. Yes, of course some are probably in relationships, but saying all or even most isn't actually very realistic.

>> No.8915538

>this video is private
oh come on what’d i miss

>> No.8915607


>> No.8915639
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true and honest answer
some people still think all vtubers are guys with voice changers because of him

>> No.8915773

the awkward silences from the other two after every moan really sell it

>> No.8915797

>My Family and my boyfriend....oh shit

>> No.8915805


Some indie chuba accidentally said "my boyfriend". I wonder if she's here and did a copyright strike on it, if that's even possible on Streamable.

>> No.8915844

Why would people "suddenly" discover what happened on that stream 4 months later? The timeframe between the stream itself and the rrat means that it is all just speculation and not true at all.

>> No.8915871

bro people were calling it out literally the day the stream happened.

>> No.8915889

I don't know how much this is true but I recall people not giving him as much shit for this and instead supporting him instead.
There's this one loli vtuber that I dont know the name but is very well known that the person is some ojisan with a voice changer but people still love him and love his content, which i find it nice.

>> No.8915950

Any small chat will be like that when something like this happen, most people just will stop chatting, leaving only the few who don't mind

>> No.8915995

> Artia
> Hololive's antis name Whitell live in Artia discord.
> He gathered Artia faggot and organized spam discord for attacking every Hololive members.
> He name himself the great ( Andy) .
> Andy want to kill Artia for theirs nationalist one- China policy girl.
>Andy used Artia as disposeable trash.
> Artia dircord faggot stupid enough to believe Hololive antis.
> They was laughing at Artia discord's behind.

Someone in spam discord really want to save Artia and Coco so he became betrayer to them. He leak everything in their.

> Artia mod knew about antis( Andy)' existance in Artia discord and decided to protect them.
> They do not care about Artia. They only care about make Coco more suffering.

In the end

> Artia was killed by her own peoples

The Judas of Hololive
The shittest fandom of Vtuber

>> No.8916144

Seems it's back up

>> No.8916192

Learn to write properly in English. Please don't embarass us Chinks.

>> No.8916197

what in the god damn

>> No.8916394

Ollie is not my oshi, nor would I care if she actually got fingerblasted, but why would she start moaning loudly while streaming? I get that most people here are virgins so you probably don't know this, but a woman won't automatically start moaning in ecstasy the moment you make contact with her vagina, lol. It makes zero sense that she'd start moaning from sexual pleasure into the microphone while live with her colleagues.

>> No.8916419

Based on the comment right after the streams, no, no one was calling it out. Just the comments 4 months later appeared to be talking about it.

>> No.8916470

not in the moderated comments, anonchama, but here in the place that actually discusses things.

>> No.8916477

I can't tell how many people on this board actually believe the rrat. It's very believable if you're horny and just fantasizing about her, but the instant you think about how a girl actually fucking thinks or how her body works it just falls apart.

>> No.8916485

What kind of brainlet freaks out over a adult having a boyfriend

>> No.8916508
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>> No.8916565
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>> No.8916574



>> No.8916575

Why everyone assumed it was just fingering? Could be the real deal and her boyfriend is really plowing her. Anyway I still think Ollie was acting professionally but her boyfriend is disrespecting her fans and colleagues.

Also I know women who gets wet and moan when I fingered them.

>> No.8916601


>> No.8916618

Yeah guys, girls always start moaning for no fucking reason while playing video games, and say things like "stop it" and "now's not the time" with no context to what she's playing or the other collab members are saying.
Cope harder

>> No.8916671

Proof? I want to see the thread on 24th or 25th of December 2020 not some random shit appeared in April.

>> No.8916678

Generally I'd say you tried your best, but I'm sure you didn't

>> No.8916710

it's social media that has warped peoples minds. This is especially more so for zoomers. I'm sure you've seen pictures of people taking a selfie with a loved one after a horrible accident or on their fucking death bed. Same thing, it's the only thing they know what to do to cope cause they've been brainwashed by social media. Constant need of validation from others

>> No.8916715
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>people actually think Ollie was getting plowed on stream when she lives with her family in a nation that is muslim majority

>> No.8916755

>no clapping
Didn't get plowed.
Maybe he was ear deep in that undead pussy.

>> No.8916796

>Also I know women who gets wet and moan when I fingered them.
Well yeah, because you were fucking alone in a sexual setting? She wouldn't moan if you did it on her while on a bus packed with people for example. People don't lose control over their body, lol. They can choose not to make a sound, just as I can choose to moan when I cum on your mom's tits or I can do it silently.

>> No.8916831

buddy the clip is right there. You can make your own opinion and I wont stop you, but if you want me to dig through threads to make a point to a stranger you're delusional.

>> No.8916838

That's why she's a zombie anon.
She was honor killed.

>> No.8916866

Yeah but in terms of vtuber "mistakes"

What would be considered "embarrassing" to mainstream audience thats probably the biggest one

>> No.8916876

>He doesn't know about chat
>He doesn't know about GFE

>> No.8916922

I am a SEAmonkey and I know how muslims here behave. They 100% won't eat pork, other than that they are just as degenerate as the godless westerners.

>> No.8916939

>lives with her family
>muslim majority

thats even more reason to be getting plowed on stream

>> No.8916960
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>> No.8916987

>He doesn't know about the crusades

>> No.8916996

cope incel

>> No.8917020

How long until a holo girl fucks up like this lol

>> No.8917061

I dunno, maybe to bait gullible morons like you into watching her? On Twitch there's a concept called farming that streamers will do, which is a term that haven't made its way into Youtube streams yet, but basically a streamer will do things to trigger chat to spam a certain emote for example. This is very popular and the ability to do this well is seen as a hallmark of a good streamer. She's basically farming coomer reactions here.

>> No.8917111

Only EN clip ive watched that genuinely made me laugh
>captcha: KYSxg

>> No.8917161

Yeah your churches accept gays, they do not worship Jesus. They worship Satan.

>> No.8917175

Is there any clip of him talking in the bg? I havent heard it but It seems pretty ubiquitous that it was him

>> No.8917336

We get it chinamen you can stop posting now, this board thinks coco is based and you wont change that with your falseflagging

>> No.8917450

That probably make it look like "He knew too much" and it makes it funnier

>> No.8917484

People seem to think that holos like choco/marine are getting older so they are panicking and what not. I think choco and marine at 40 could pull more men than most women could.

>> No.8917568

Thanks Coco, didn't like your content too much, but I'll always be thanksful for getting ride of the rotten HoloCN branch.

>> No.8917618

>women are much more content to be single than men are

>> No.8917633

>tfw I only knew the holoCN girls were fucking around after they disbanded
Thank God I didn't get too deep into it.

>> No.8917686

>They can choose not to make a sound
They absolutely can't if the guy went hard enough.

>> No.8917714

> He told the truth


>> No.8917739

Anyone has that Ollie clip where she goes to the restroom and it can be heard (the charge rifle one)?

>> No.8917747

>In 2015 in Japan, 40.7% of women and 50.8% of men between 18 and 39 were single.
Given how it makes their job easier to be single and how the kind of girl willing to vtube is usually more used to stay indoors, it's really not a stretch to think many stayed single.

>> No.8917750

Makes me like pekora more. Watching pekora like she is a villain makes her more entertaining

>> No.8917792

seconding this

>> No.8917803

please dont tell me brother watson is also a proxy..

>> No.8917834
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Roboco is cute even when farting...

>> No.8917846
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Did you see her mod's reaction to it?

>> No.8917857

If you ask any zombcuck for a better explanation it physically does not exist. The only excuse is she was doing i as a joke, but her co-streamers are clearly not laughing and no one in that chat is either

>> No.8917925

That guy slso isn't following her twitter anymore

>> No.8917957

Chinese judaea

>> No.8918007

I think you can hear how she desperately tries to put her hand on her butt to make it quieter

>> No.8918038

Yeah you actually can feel that the situation was really awkward for Anya and Reine, but there is one zombcuck here will say otherwise.

>> No.8918095

holy shit lmao

Imaging modding for a vtuber thinking it'll get you to be friends with them LMAO

>> No.8918142

Trying to be considerate I will say people grief in different ways. Leaving that aside, maybe they feel an unhealthy connection with the streamer? maybe they are young? maybe they think that you talk about this with your 'friends'?.

>> No.8918158
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>> No.8918172

If he went that hard we'd hear his grunting, the chair squeaking, or sounds of his fucking body ramming into hers, or ANYTHING. You people are retarded, I swear to god. This is like a fetish to you or something, so you desperately want it to be real so you can get off on it, lol.

>> No.8918174

There's a reason they do it for free

>> No.8918237

What else could it he? also hes fingering her not fucking her

>> No.8918269

He's not
Sachi did a stream accidentally showing her and her brother's gmail accs when she clicked on something

>> No.8918299

Not sure who it was, but there was a Japanese Vtuber who claimed to be on a trip overseas, and then you could hear a Japanese truck in the background.

>> No.8918331

Just like with cops in real life, you might get warned or banned entirely depending on the janitors and mods who are around.
Like posting anime on /sp/

>> No.8918333

That was that teacher

>> No.8918337

maybe theyre alone and that is the only person they can tell

>> No.8918339


>> No.8918346

man, that's just sad

>> No.8918366

I know for the fact that my oshi Pekora has no boyfriend so she would never slip up. Korone never slip out because she never talk about her family.

Also most of the hololives (JP) are shut ins anyway. They were all literally femcels on NND making shitty video and livestreams.

>> No.8918387
File: 8 KB, 250x250, Not_Drunk_Enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too sober for this.

>> No.8918391

Correct my jap reps if im wrong, but when listing things japs say “to” inbetween things. Surely that would make it slightly harder to slip the same way that oni bitch did

>> No.8918439

You tried. Also, don't forget she showed her face on her other account and the bugs called her ugly and told her to never show her face again.

>> No.8918445

Gundou? Can you really tell what Country a truck is from from its sound?

>> No.8918477

What does a Japanese truck sound like

>> No.8918524

Do chinks dislike area as well? I though if anyone would like her it would be them

>> No.8918589

They started shitting on her for trying to appease both sides. Then Billi turned. She went full retard and tried to win them back, abandoning Twitch and her English fans.

>> No.8918633

It was most likely an adtruck, the ones that go around with sound blasting about whatever, usually political candidates.

>> No.8918741

What? That's just a filler sound and every single language in the world uses those, including English.

>> No.8918767

vroom vroom

>> No.8918775


>> No.8918788

What they do to remind them that they're "in character" and shouldn't talk about certain things is change their pronouns and refer to themselves in the third person.
However, the more time they spend doing this, the less effective this becomes, since this becomes their most common form of communication, and their main persona.
That's when you get shit like Matsuri, Noel and Kiara referring to themselves with their holo names in unrelated accounts. What was supposed to be a filter becomes a liability.

>> No.8918811


>> No.8918840


>> No.8918872

This is too cringe I can't handle it

>> No.8918923

Faggots who send supers like that need to be shot. Go get a fucking therapist or something

>> No.8918927


>> No.8918929

This was pretty based tho

>> No.8918941



>> No.8918945

I dont mind vtuber numbering as long as it's in private

>> No.8918999


>> No.8919081
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>> No.8919086

Some of you say he's fingering her, others say he's plowing her. Hard to keep up with the moving goal posts. I don't know what else it could be, I'm not a rrat doctor. A pet licking her feet? Does she have any?

>> No.8919103

She said she was in Italy. The ad blared from the truck.

>> No.8919146

Yeah I'm pretty sure she has feet

>> No.8919206

I mean it could have been a Japanese ad in Italy

>> No.8919210

every single chuuba needs to handle their chat the way aris does, would improve this stupid fucking hobby so much

>> No.8919232

Yeah but I think its more common in japn than in english. English its more common to say my brother, father, boyfriend rather than putting an and inbetween each person. In jap I think its much more common to put “to” between each

>> No.8919247

Great. That seems like a more plausible scenario then than her enacting a porn scene live on stream in front of thousands of viewers and several of her colleagues.

>> No.8919289

This really made me mad at the time since she was just having fun and then this asshole has to inject his depressing shit and become the center of attention. She seemed to legitimately feel bad afterward too.

>> No.8919363

Mio said Wasabi was staged
I wish Mio would vomit on me

>> No.8919389

this is the least embarassing vshoujo clip i have seen

>> No.8919517

Mio said this was staged leave her alone

>> No.8919519

Everyone says its fingering, the people who say hes fucking her are zombcuck falseflaggers. I have nothing against ollie, i am just outstanded by the level of cope among her fans every time this is brought up as a rrat

>> No.8919528

Nora Cat was a known babiniku. And I think Noja Loli was one of the Big Four.

>> No.8919531


Why would she made these erotic sounds if it was a pet tho ? It's even worse ...

>> No.8919589

>majority of Mio's barfing has been staged

>> No.8919613

does anyone know what specific stream this was?

>> No.8919701

you think that's embarrassing from vshoujo's "I've tasted cum" Veibae

>> No.8919726

>A pet licking her feet?
What kind of fucking copium is this?

Fingering, cunnilingus, both at the same time, plenty of ways a guy can pleasure a woman sexually. Her random moaning, Anya and Reine's awkwardness at the moaning and remaining silent so even they thought it was fucking weird, "Now's not the time" unpromoted out of nowhere and then suddenly wanting to end the stream after moaning yet again.

All signs points towards her having been pleasured sexually in some way during that stream. How? Who the fuck knows. But those weren't normal moans, and certainly not "a pet licking her feet" kind of moans. Has your feet ever been licked by a pet? Especially randomly? It doesn't invoke the kind of reaction you seem to think.

The amount of cope regarding this incident is just baffling.

>> No.8919736

Bathtub stream.

>> No.8919746

At this point I want ollie to graduate just to see less posts about the fingering rrat.

>> No.8919753

Some girls irl don't even bring up their bfs ever in a work setting. It's not that hard.

>> No.8919776

Anon, she came on stream and specifically said she wasn't being fingered because you fucks wouldn't stop bringing it up. This rrat is dead.

>> No.8919805

Probably someone in En2

>> No.8919813

Funniest thing is that she banned anyone who pointed it out before ragequitting.

>> No.8919832

Oh shit, I forgot everyone tells the truth all the time, thanks anon!

>> No.8919834

like what? it wasn't actually wasabi but shoving a finger down her throat?

>> No.8919888

You think her graduating will make that decrease?

>> No.8919894 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 900x1515, 915CBC8D-33E1-4E02-9CC2-301776FE2782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im assuming she said that in a joking way to be more idol like but the autists on this board are taking it at face value. If you are eating disgusting spicy food, throwing up is a likely outcome, mio is not faking the throwing up noise, if she is, i would like her to do that on my cock

>> No.8919939

i don't have a dog in this fight but can you link?

>> No.8919966

Why would she lie about being overseas? Gundou seems to be whore status so I doubt its boyfriend stuff.

>> No.8919967

Damn I thought you bugmen died from the storm, hope the ocean keeps them coming.

>> No.8920017

You must have some hope in your life at times to continue living

>> No.8920040

This whole thread is a cringefest, goddamn.

>> No.8920043

She is legitimately a compulsive liar. She lies about pointless shit all the time, far beyond the usual kayfabe stuff

>> No.8920048

Okayu's reaction is fucking kino

>> No.8920116

>Why would she lie about being overseas?
She lies all the fucking time.

>> No.8920126

God I remember seeing the farting on here when it first came out god getting chills

>> No.8920219

Thank god these people here don't watch Bea...

>> No.8920271

Shut up Zhang. Do Chinese not understand how embarrassing it is to be sensitive to every little thing?

>> No.8920272

A - everyone recognized Artia was being set up as a scapegoat from the start, the fucking document exposing her was a bilibili 'standard' for fucks sake
B - holy fuck, learn English properly.

>> No.8920303

Any more examples of her lying? Seems weird that she would lie often when most clips I have seen of her she is playing a slut/stacy bitch character like hoshikawa. Lying to seem innocent makes sense to me, the opposite does not

>> No.8920396

Pathological lying is a thing.

>> No.8920480

Who said majority the first one was real but the second one was staged as a call back

>> No.8920512

>Any more examples of her lying?
Her sexcapades.

>> No.8920539

>that one ringfit stream where she invited reddit to masturbate to her
Don't bet on it

>> No.8920560

I wanna see this, lol.

Can you link the stream at least?

>> No.8920578

Don't care but link want to know who broke containment

>> No.8920589

Actually not scapegoat anon....
Artia roomate is support antis indirectly
She is Werewolf Warrior in NGA.

I do not care that document anon but spam discord has so many Artia discord faggots and that mean something.

> Artia discord faggots even spammed Miko and falseflag as 35P for blaming Coco.

They are evil

>> No.8920634

>>8920539 Link?

>> No.8920650

Pretty sure she ment it as a joke

>> No.8920701

Not sure if it was embarassing but that one Niji (I think?) that graduated because they smoked live during a stream as a protest so the management forcibly took the stream down while it was running. Was rather cool in my eyes but still embarassing for others.

>> No.8920727

Which one the new one or the indie

>> No.8920777

Fucking what ?

>> No.8920804

can someone un-ESL this shit

>> No.8920818

Do your archive reps

>> No.8920897

I'm not a brapposter, so no thanks.

>> No.8920916

Sorry , I really am ESL
I leart English by myself

>> No.8920990


>> No.8921096
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 5C6123BF-D395-49AE-BB9A-87ADFEE7A339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbatte esl-chama, i believe in you

>> No.8921109

i dont know if i can proceed with the clip after hearing oh shit... this is too cringe

>> No.8921220

i pushed through and it wasnt that bad. chat doesnt seem bothered by the t bomb

>> No.8921235

Don't worry probably the cringest clip rn

>> No.8921255

>>8920990 That's fucking wild. I never knew there were female VTubers that actually encourage their viewers to jerk off to them

>> No.8921314

I'll tried my best but I'm not sure if I got anything quite right after the Andy character was introduced to the story

> Artia
> A Hololive anti named Whitell was in Artia's discord
> He gathers a bunch of Artia antis and created a server for them so they could organize attacks against Hololive members
> He named himself the great (Andy).
> Andy wants to kill Artia due to her nationalistic one china policy view
> Andy used Artia as disposable trash.
> Faggots at Artia's discord server are stupid enough to believe Andy
> The left Artia's discord and laughed at her (I'm sorry, this one is just incomprehensible for me)

Someone in the anti's discord really wants to save Aria and Coco so he betrays Andy and leaks everything from their group.

> A mod from Artia's server knew about Andy's group's existance and decided to protect them
> They do not care about Artia. They only care about make Coco suffer more.

In the end

> Artia was killed by her own folk

The Judas of Hololive
The shittiest fandom of Vtuber

>> No.8921362

I tried*

Fuck, I'm dumb

>> No.8921533

Its not that cringe after she tries to mask her bf as roommate and just beats herself up over this mistake while the chat pretends to overhear that bit.

>> No.8921545

> Artia and Artia discord built spam discord.
> They spammed everyone in Hololive.
> They called themself Andy
> Andy is army not one person.
> Andy use Artia and HololiveCN cause a drama and blame Coco.
> Andy are flaseflagging.
> Someone in spam discord want to save Artia and Coco by telling Artia discord moderator.
> Artia moderator help antis insteas and erase all of evidences in discord.
> Artia discord faggots really believe that spam Coco until graduation will help Artia.
> Andy just want to use Artia and Artia discord for One-China policy goal. They not care Artia.
> HololiveCN was axe.


>> No.8921837
File: 726 KB, 1000x1080, 1607515699019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio... this has english subs in case you don't know

>> No.8922236

Ok you are a pretty decent translator

>> No.8922352

You're talking abou Tomari Mari I think.

>> No.8922718

>he hasn't heard of vshojo

>> No.8923035


>> No.8924112

because it's funny, probably didn't last long anyways.

>> No.8924507

Fanbase is big enough that honestly nothing would. They'd take a dip in subs but probably survive.

>> No.8924760

Rushia would unironically have to be scared of every goofy looking ojisan out there

>> No.8925093

Because mods are fucking gay as fuck, I got warn because I posted Ame typing "good luck nigg-"

>> No.8926122

This needs to become a pasta, holy kek.

>> No.8928067

A million of "umm yikes you guys are all LITERALLY incels" I bet but they'll be chugging along, cuck redditors have already hitched on this ride and will keep the coal burning.
