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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 44 KB, 487x508, takodrowsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8901436 No.8901436 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on takodachis and ina fans in general?

>> No.8901465

Ina is okay but takodachis are bitches

>> No.8901473

who cares

>> No.8901482

Takos are huge fucking CUNTS

>> No.8901549

Ina is good. Takos are bad.

>> No.8901554

Takodachi are the scummiest niggers here for playing both sides of the falseflagging

>> No.8901743

HATE ina

>> No.8901805

A nepotist and her army of faggots

>> No.8901839

It's the only way to achive true unity.

>> No.8901894

Takos are chill but they need to actively participate more. Outside of Ina's streams they just play gartic phone all day

>> No.8901936

Most respectable fanbase.

Ina is a boring nepotist, but I respect the hustle.

>> No.8902157
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Are you sure about that?

>> No.8902174

Theyre based

>> No.8902248
File: 103 KB, 850x1602, 36648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Ina
Hate other vtubers
Do my reps daily
Don't engage in drama
Simple as

>> No.8902298

wasnt it confirmed that there was one salty autist behind all those posts falseflagging as either takos, deathbeats or kfp's?

>> No.8902325


This is why Ina has the most respectable fanbase

>> No.8902408

No. There was no mass deletion of posts that would confirm it was the work of one single samefag, plus all of those posts were from individual IPs at the start of a thread.

>> No.8902431

All the shitposting on this board is done by 3 guys in shitcord.

>> No.8902502

One rabbi will tell you yes, one rabbi will tell you no

>> No.8902512

Takodachi are insufferable. But then again so is every other fanbase. So ill stay out of their threads as long as they stay out of mine.

>> No.8902579

>so is every other fanbase.
Wrong. Just because the fanbase you are part of is shit doesn't mean every other fanbase is shit.

>> No.8902777
File: 370 KB, 2048x1812, 1627888145950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because other fanbases are trash that doesn't mean we are like them. We are the most peaceful and unity fanbase

>> No.8902837

Used to be the most insufferable fanbase but now that kronies exist takos get 2nd place

>> No.8902841

I like Ina and takodachi art is cute.

>> No.8902842

Multiple times actually. Even before /vt/ there's been one autist trying to make takos out to be these evil masterminds but always got ignored and mass deleted.
The last two weeks was full of mass deletions showing the ones perpetuating shit are also doing it for a bunch of other fanbases too, most recently with Kroneys.

>> No.8902885

Really like Ina but Takodachi at least the ones on discord can be asses and yt stream ones are cult like but that's to be expected

>> No.8902937

It does, actually.

>> No.8902969

I honestly agreed

I almost never see takodachis acting deranged like the other ENfanbases

>meme lord zoomers
>midwits autists and boomers
>mentally retarded narcissistic cult
>meme lord doomers
>the most respectable fanbase

>> No.8903059
File: 555 KB, 1275x1407, 1627878277504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you agreed

>> No.8903145

Yes please, talk about how after Ina won the MK tourney takos basically shat on all the other EN girls, especially Ame for the entire day.

>> No.8903191


>> No.8903218

Kroniies just stay in their thread cooming all day. IDK what could you possibly say about them.

>> No.8903297

They're slimy, both literally and figuratively

>> No.8903296

I see *cums on you* shitpost in every single thread, you're gonna start seeing erp in a bunch of threads in a couple of weeks and I assure it will be all kronies

>> No.8903331

Dunno what you saw but all that happened was people numberfagging Ina's viewcount and calling her a tryhard for not being shite at the game.

>> No.8903352

no, you're the most tribalistic and disgusting faggots, I don't even lurk in /wah/ cause there's constant bickering between drawfags and idiots who act like ina's wannabe psychologists/managers. the cherry on top was some schizo throwing tanturm because one dude mentioned he prefers ina's voice/mic setup from earlier days. best thing takeks can do is fucking off to their discord.

>> No.8903357
File: 270 KB, 1015x508, 1603192860106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takos are cute, Ina's fans don't deserve such an adorable representation.

>> No.8903387
File: 9 KB, 629x81, twat mod 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her fan discord is by far the worst one from EN, the mods are so full of themselves it's honestly hilarious.

>> No.8903397

all those are wrong
here's the real list
>retarded mentally ill schizo faggots
>retarded mentally ill schizo faggots
>retarded mentally ill schizo faggots
>retarded mentally ill schizo faggots
>retarded mentally ill schizo faggots
Basically everyone on this site needs to die

>> No.8903398

ina good
most takos not from here are insufferable
t. tako

>> No.8903472

I don't know if you meant for it to sound like this but your examples of why takos are bad just make them sound like harmless autistic retards, which is hilarious and true.

>> No.8903533

Are you saying im not a cute small chill-attitude purple cephalopod-like looking creature?

>> No.8903547
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, E7-mh6BVIAEC72y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with yourself

>> No.8903562

deep down they just want to be nestled in Ina's warm squishy womb

>> No.8903629


By that definition people outside of here would be "normal"?

Have you seen how it is out there besides small interactions?

Everyone is legitimately mentally retarded, people below 130IQ are not humans

Here on /vt/ and outside

>> No.8903696
File: 248 KB, 1662x1575, 1621186380952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takos are cute. They've contributed the most OC around and I wish it was easier to collect it all.
I also wish they were more active and talked about Ina since I like hearing them gush about their Oshi too.

>> No.8903850

I would not trust any fans who post outside of their dedicated threads to be actually a fan.
Also its iffy even with in their own threads.

>> No.8903892

might be funny if it happens once of twice but if you see it every time you enter thread then it's rubs you the wrong way. In the end, they might be harmless but still retarded.

>> No.8903952

Takos have the highest average income and all the hate toward them is the cope of jealous poorfags.

>> No.8903977

Harmless my ass you faggots chimp out and seethe just as much as any other fanbase when it comes to delicate subjects like >>8902157

>> No.8904070

Most hypocritical bunch of fags in all of vtuber fandom.

>> No.8904094
File: 606 KB, 1920x1280, -WAH- MEETUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at them

>> No.8904109

The first reply in the screenshot summed it up.
Cocofags shitted up /wah/ for a solid month so it's no surprise when the Takos of them finally told them to fuck off.

>> No.8904162

>Cocofags shitted up /wah/ for a solid month
they kind of deserved it

>> No.8904218

I fucking hate Takos. They seem to be more obsessed with themselves and their mascot which they post everywhere. They are the most likely the fanbase to falseflag most here. Never meet a cool Tako. Ina is alright, there's a hint of aggression in her voice which makes me hard.

>> No.8904255

Yes harmless. Screenshots of a thread attacking Ina for a nothingburger doesn't really change anything. Even moreso when there isn't anything even attributing them to being takos in the first place.
Also, real Tatsunoko don't mind that Ina couldn't draw Coco and there's a legitimate reason Ina even specified as to why she couldn't. It makes sifting out the shitposters even easier when they try to falsify this weird rivalry between them.

>> No.8904291

Shutup seanijifag, don't frog

>> No.8904305

They were unnecessarily hostile and could have just chosen to ignore the thread entirely, but instead they decided to chimp out.
>and there's a legitimate reason Ina even specified as to why she couldn't
What's that?

>> No.8904408

>They were unnecessarily hostile
The fact that you think it's takos in the first place makes it difficult to take you serious in the first place
>What's that?
It's even funnier that you don't know considering it was a huge thing with Ina. It goes to show you either bought easily-dismissed lies or your rrat-peddling needs work.

>> No.8904468

t. pink shirt guy in >>8904094

>> No.8904485

You still haven't said what the reason is.

>> No.8904494

except /wah/was dead when the thread was up because all you faggots were arguing there

>> No.8904516

Yeah I'm sure it was just the work of one single samefag, because of course takodachis are perfect because you say so.
>It's even funnier that you don't know considering it was a huge thing with Ina.
Even funnier that the people defending Ina in that thread didn't bring it up once. Almost like you're full of shit and coping really hard right now.

>> No.8904565


>> No.8904630
File: 2 KB, 179x113, retardpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try retard, answer the questions instead of deflecting shit

>> No.8904657

Takos have their fair share of issue but blatantly lying about them will just be called out for how retarded it is.
Getting all passive aggressive and claiming that people are saying they're perfect just because they didn't buy your rrat is also kinda pathetic too

>> No.8904727
File: 57 KB, 496x516, 1612682156514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takos are cool cats. I've seen their works in the draw thread, /hlgg/, /yah/, /wah/, and /wvt/. They have a disproportionally large amount of artfags, both experts who've been doing art for years, or those who picked up the pen due to Ina. They're also a bit weird, since every time I drop by /wah/ to see what they're doing they're talking about their god-awful fetishes. Both /wvt/ and /yah/ also a high ratio of schizos vs a number of posters. Then again, artfags are a little weird, that's nothing unusual. What I do have a problem though is many antis latch on to Ina and use her as a shield because she's so inoffensive compared to other girls in HoloMyth. But I file that on Asian fetishism and SEAnigs than to the takodachis themselves, so those people don't definitely represent takos as a whole.

>> No.8904792

What rrat? You're just making shit up and deflecting, embarrassing.

>> No.8904797
File: 20 KB, 118x365, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timestamps say otherwise.
Also you still haven't told us her reason.

>> No.8904807

Are you retarded? I'm not even one of those anons but I can tell they are different people because those three posts were written in one minute.

>> No.8904841
File: 48 KB, 135x254, 1607764711695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you keep repeating it people will believe you.

>> No.8904863

Kek are you both in a discord together? That's cute.

>> No.8904948

I hope you are a someone falseflagging as a tako because you are pretty stupid.

>> No.8905088
File: 116 KB, 829x778, 1625611317041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first.

>> No.8905422

I've certainly seen a lot of people saying things similar to "Ina is good but the rest of EN are whores." It's difficult to tell how much of that is falseflagging or not, but I think they're probably least "pro-unity" EN fanbase.

>> No.8905570

Not really. Takos have pretty high overlap with everybody.

>> No.8905649

Ina's cute. Takobros ain't bad.

>> No.8905657

The takos are shit but Ina is easily one of the best artists in every branch and at least decently entertaining

>> No.8905919

weebos from jp are attracted to Ina because she is the most confirming to inoffensive seiso girl stereotype, you can call them fake tako or whatever, but there are genuinely people here for whom Ina is the only watchable EN

>> No.8906276

Ina kinda has been flanderized to unofficial JP by /jp/ to the point where there are some schizos who want her to just transfer to Gen 5 or Gen 6 (if it happens) just so they can say she isn't apart of EN
