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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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883873 No.883873 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there official English translations added to each Hololive video? Non-Japanese superchat revenue is probably catching up to Japanese superchats. We should demand official English subtitles for all Hololive videos.

>> No.884197

>Paying for live translators or vod subbers
I raugh

>> No.884367

This. Be happy that cover basically invented a cottage industry where even (You) can profit off your week 7 Rosetta stone course for free views.

>> No.884415

Because people are doing it for free and translation is expensive.

>> No.884444

That would be expensive as fuck, even if you hired fans of Hololive who would be willing to work for less. I don't know what they pay the girls, but that sort of thing would have to cost just as much as making at least three whole new generations of Vtubers.

>> No.884800

>translation work every day

I'd hate to be the sucker doing that job. Now quit being lazy and work on your own Japanese.

>> No.884806

Wouldn't it allow them to monetize the same content twice though? Just hire some of the retards that do it for crunchyroll that work for peanutes and make sure the dude in charge knows not to let sjw shit leak in, it's not like the subs have to be good.

>> No.884920

>catching up
Go back to twitter you ignorant western leech
How about instead of begging for more like a communist pig you do your reps and TL a video or two yourself, contribute for once in your useless degenerate life

>> No.884968

How much do you think it costs to make each girl? Crunchyroll pays their subbers next to nothing

>> No.885168

Because it would mean paying a lot of translators and is more easy let the clippers do it for free, or do you think the long Korone streams are gonna be easily translated an fast enough with only one guy?
Now do the math with the amount of daily streams, not profitable for only some more views.

>> No.885279

I wouldn't demand it but for videos under 5 minutes it be nice. Some videos posted on individual channels have english in the captions. Like some of Kanata's recent "meme" vids.

>> No.885281

I'm pretty sure the majority of their revenue is form superchats and not ads though

>> No.885334

It's expensive, unfeasible, and unreasonable to have all their livestream VODs have subtitles. People hardly watch full VODs as is. You're better off requesting some kind of clips channel, but the fan community already does that for free.

>> No.885341
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They actually subtitle everything on the main channel. Subtitling every stream VOD would be impossible, maybe they should start releasing more highlight clips on their official channel or something. Most people don't even know these exist though.

>> No.885361

They'd get nothing from it but pennies from the 3 people that use youtube without adblockers, would probably take a year's worth of views to cover a single paycheck for a professional translator

>> No.885382

What do you mean, you want subtitles on the stream VODs? That would be an insane amount of work, they have dozens of talents streaming for hours every day.
They already put subtitles on the animation shorts in the main Hololive channel, which is a much more reasonable thing to do.

>> No.885415

How much do you think each girl streams? The average roboco stream is a bit over two hours, so even at crunchyroll rates that'd be $400 bucks, and she's lucky to even make that much per stream before youtube even takes their cut.

It'd literally only make sense for a couple of the absolute top holos, and that's only if the could get a small army of translators willing to work for crunchy roll rates with tight timeframes.

>> No.885913

Just watch your EN shit, EOP.

>> No.886328
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Triangle streams are live translated by 2 different people, and they do it for free. Cover has no excuse

>> No.886967


>> No.887611
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Live translation except by machines is impossible especially for say Pekora who talks so fast even her own mother has trouble understanding her at times.
Translating finished streams is possible but likely not cost effective given that even a short stream is at least an hour and usually more like 2-4+ hours so you're looking at 10-20+ hours PER WEEK, PER STREAMER.
By comparison the "cheap crunchyroll translators" are working with 22 min episodes so even an entire 20 episode season is barely more than 7 hours of material to work through.

What maybe could be done is have a team of editors that create official highlight reels which can then be translated.

>> No.888215

Deranged savior fags and people that want to monopolize her attention watch delta. If she ever gets mainstream success all these fucking schizo simps will disappear overnight and move on to the next indie whose attention they can monopolize.

>> No.888417

>We should demand
I'm going to stop you right there, you kikeniggerfaggot.

>> No.888465

IDK about that. They'd have even more clout for being a mainstream translator like Lyger for example

>> No.888532
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>to each Hololive video
It's be easier to hire someone to translate weekly/monthly clip compilations edited by someone else. Sandy Cover doesn't do the later either.
There was a time when they published a few compilations of Miko's moments, but then stopped after that.

>> No.888555

Yeah. This is how it should be. Highlights with Translations. They do this before in the Official Holo Channel but they do not anymore given that clippers do this already in Spanish, Russian, Jap and English.

I still wished they continued with the official highlights but to emphasize things that clippers don't highlight.

As far as I can see, they already have editor/s and translator/s but adding another one would be nice just to focus on at least a weekly highlight.

>> No.888561

Hilarious, we already have volunteers that post the occasional EN and RU translations in real time.

>> No.888676

>Non-Japanese superchat revenue is probably catching up to Japanese superchats

>> No.888763

Are there hard numbers? I want to believe EN outperforms, but I mean, it's just my hotblooded blood pumping blood...

>> No.888994

And kill the army of clippers? That's like destroying your aftermarket sales. They watch your streams for clippable moments and provide backlinks to improve your algorithms

>> No.889399

You're saying that EN superchats suddenly earned three years worth of 40+ holos in less than half a year.
Just look at the top 5 superchats WORLDWIDE. All holo girls.

>> No.889453

Well, I was asking if JP sooperchatto more than EN super chatted, not which girls received the most.

>> No.890127

They did on bilibili before hololive cn got disbanded

>> No.890178

Mori's the only girl who can compete with the HoloJPs, and she's still way behind the queens like Coco and Rushia.

>> No.890204

That's a sweet cherry on top. lmao

>> No.890314


Mori at #24 is above Subaru, Haato, and a ton of other popular holo girls that have been around for years. Is that not outperforming? Kiara and Gura are just under Suisei. How long has she been in Hololive again?

>> No.890358

This, HOWEVER, HOWFUCKINGEVER, the EN political climate (yes, I'm fucking going there) is going to seriously hinder them. Sadly.

>> No.890611

You can guess from there. Most of HoloJP audience, are obviously, from Japan. That would mean most SCs are from Japan as well.
Same goes for EN and ID(i'm not sure on ID, I think they have SCs blocked there?)

>> No.890816

Not disagreeing but just wanted to point out that Haato is known to not have much superchats due to younger viewers.

>> No.891016

I couldn't even begin to imagine how fucking gross the translation would be. Ebic western memes a plenty, comments would be dominated by garbage tier en comments.

>> No.895560

>That would be expensive as fuck
How would this be expensive? Just outsource the translation work to a 3rd world country and hire 1 person per 3 girls. The girls only put out like 3 to 4 videos a week on average. This will dramatically increase the audience and subscription count for the JP hololive girls. We're talking more superchat revenue from Canada, USA, and Europe. It would pay for itself in like 3 months.

>> No.895640

Or an even better idea. Allow open source crowd translations. Let the Hololive community submit translations to a website and allow the community to review/edit said translation. There's dedicated fans who would do it for free.

>> No.895642

Random 3rd worlders fluent in both Japanese and English and willing to work for cheap. I don't see any issues here, sounds like you've found the solution.

>> No.895708

A reddit mod of theirs mentioned that they accept translations of vods from third parties to add to videos via CC, I don't think they'll just let the public review it for them

>> No.895737

Wait, did they actually pay the translators? I thought they were volunteers.

>> No.895792

>Calli has more superchat revenue than Gura
WTF that can't be right. Gura has twice as much subscribers (2.3 million to 1.1 million) and it seems like Gura gets three times as much live views.

>> No.895844

>Well, I was asking if JP sooperchatto more than EN super chatted, not which girls received the most.
Westerners superchat more. Some of the Hololive girls have only been around for a year now and they already have $500k in revenue. The JP girls have been around for 3 years and only have $600k. There's no comparison, westerners are outspending them at a dramatic rate.

>> No.895883

India would be very cheap and they have more English speakers than the USA. We just need indians who speak Japanese. They would be dirt cheap to hire but their translations would be pure dog shit. I don't see any way around this. But fans would rather have something rather than nothing.

>> No.895926

>the EN political climate
Elaborate for the uninitiated.

>> No.895933

Views don’t translate to consistent paypigs. Mori attracts a demographic that happens to have a lot of disposable income that they’re willing to throw out while Gura doesn’t there’s also the rrat that a sizable amount of her viewers are underage, but that hasn’t been substantiated yet

>> No.896031

Even if they lost money providing acceptable official subs, the increase in subscription count would eventually pay for their sub investment. As more westerners become fans of the JP girls they will start trying to send superchats to the JP girls. Subs would pay for themselves. The most important thing about a high subscription count isn't ad revenue, it's the increase in money you can charge sponsors and partners.

>> No.896192

Or they could spend nothing, let the fans do the lifting, and keep making money anyway. Learn nip. For fucks sake half the jpn girls are trying to learn some english. But I guess you lazy fucks are above that.

>> No.896246
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>Live translation of Korone endurance stream

>> No.896370

I'm in my mid 30s so I lack the cognitive ability to learn a new language. The top Holo JP girls have been around for years so their channel growth has reached a plateau. Their only chance of expanding their channels is westerners. Those fan translations only focus on the highlights, so westerners miss out on most of the content.

>> No.896682

You're in mid 30s no wonder your brain already going stupid. Do you think there are people who will watch subtitled 3 hours long vod?

>> No.896812

You'll eventually be this age too you insolent brat. Enjoy your decline in performance in competitive online games and your general decline in physical health. Father time comes for everyone.

>> No.896845

What are you talking about stupid? Japanese are still the biggest money maker for hololive. The EN only making so much because there are only 5 of them to watch. Even then only Mori is making big superchats. Now compare Mori superchat earning to Coco, Rushia, Marin

>> No.897012

>Now compare Mori superchat earning to Coco, Rushia, Marin
They've been around for a lot longer and already had a 3 year established audience. Yet despite this, Gura has the most subs out of any Hololive girl. And Calli who has only been on the scene for 1 year is already half of Coco who has been at it for years. Hololive JP has longevity so obviously they have more revenue at the moment. The point is that the EN crowd is catching up and surpassing them. At their current pace Calli will overtake Coco in 1 to 2 years. And Coco has reached a plateau.

>> No.897027

Might as well find someone in Indonesia, cost of hiring someone there is still cheaper than say, America, and I think it's easier to find someone that can translate English and Japanese in Indonesia.

>> No.897075

Look at their weekly earnings

>> No.897086

Should I bother seriously responding to this post?

>> No.897122

Subs don't mean shit. I can make countless Google account and sub to her without ever watching. Her viewers already dropping lower than 20k despite being at 2M

>> No.897128

>The average roboco stream is a bit over two hours, so even at crunchyroll rates that'd be $400 bucks
$400 seems way too much. They could outsource that to Indonesia/India for 1/4th that price. They honestly could get it for free. There's millions of fans around the world who are willing to do stuff for free. The anime sub community for instance.

>> No.897168

Nah, if he can't even look up stats properly or do basic math like fractions it's not worth it.

>> No.897210

If they ever got into sponsorships then subs would be extremely important for revenue. A guy like Linus Tech Tips makes $30k per video for just mentioning certain products. The ad partners are willing to pay more based on how many subs you have.

>> No.897259

Yeah this guy doesn't know shit about Hololive other than the EN and he wants a subtitled vod. FUck off learn japanese and if you can't, just stick to the EN dumbfuck

>> No.897341

a numberfag but can't fact check

>> No.897430
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>Japanese are still the biggest money maker for hololive.
What point of Hololive JP has been active for 3 years do you not understand. Gura debuted 5 months ago and already has more subs than Korone and Pekora combined who are the 1st and 2nd most subbed JP girls. Hololive EN revenue if controlled for time is dramatically higher than any of the JP girls. Project 5 months of revenue to 3 years.

Japan is a tiny Island of 150 million. Hololive EN expands the market to USA, Europe, Canada, South America and India which has the largest english speaking population. Americans have more money to Japanese fans and therefore have money to burn. USA GDP of California alone is several magnitudes larger than Japan.

>> No.897621

Fucking check their weekly earnings and compare them with EN. You fucking retarded saying Cali is going to overtake Coco. Why the fuck are you bringing the whole nation GDP? Not like all Japanese and American watch hololive

>> No.897710

Ignore him, he can't even get basic facts right

>> No.897762

They have an established community for years. The EN community has only been forming in half of a year. Calli already has half of Pekora's superchat revenue. Calli will surpass her soon.

>> No.897804

You realize that anyone can check holostats and see that EN growth has more or less stabilized to about the same as the HoloJPs right?

>> No.897938

>The EN community has only been forming in half of a year
This nigga real? The EN fanbase is result of JP branch. EN literally got 500k subs for free in first month not to mention mention that EN completely killed gokisei honeymoon period.

>> No.899122

Mori just baits SCs way harder. At least when I still watched her, she interrupted the stream to thank Red SCs and says she like "I'll do my best to make it up to you guys, please take care of yourself before me, etc." Gura only recently started thanking SCs at the end of streams. She used to lump them into marshmallow streams but barely got through any.

>> No.899365

I'm really shocked to hear she is the top SC dog on the block. She always made me cringe.

>> No.899424

Mori doesn't need to bait they throw money at her for nothing. Just one look at her super chats during her p3 begging stream would confirm that.

>> No.899560

The only one who actually puts in effort to learn English is sora, the rest just say they will.

>> No.899610

Translators hired on contract in the US are terrible SJWs that ruin most works they touch from games (Look at priconne or pso2) to anime

>> No.900278

>contract in the US
USA translators would be way too expensive.

>> No.900949
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Yeah if anything they'd hire SEA translators like Bandai did for the last few SRW games. Just don't let the guy who did Moon Dwellers on board

>> No.901002

If youtube didn't fucking take away community subs, then we probably would be getting at least some subs from dedicated autists to their oshis

>> No.903238

Simps will give them money anyway so why bother?

>> No.903268

I would say this was one of the worst changes they've ever made to the site, but they keep making so many of them every year it's hard to keep track.

>> No.903664

People suggesting "oh just get some random 3rd JP speaker to do it for cheap" are just showing off little they understand work

Ever try to transcribe a recording? Even if you don't just google it. First couple of results say anywhere from 2-4 hours for a single hour of audio for a professional.
That's just copying the text down. Now you have to translate on top of that.
The reason people at Crunchyroll can do it somewhat fast is because they have scripts.
This is part of the reason full translations over an hour are phenomenally rare.
Plus we all know once people get paid for shit quality goes down. Even the most die-hard Korone fan is going to burn out translating a 20 hour endurance stream under strict timeline and expectations and being managed by a company.
Money isn't an easy answer.

Of course you don't need to have top tier translations but if you want Cover to do it they have an already crumbling reputation to uphold so they're going to at least try to do it semi-decently.

I think Hololive should have it as an option for talent to request on special occasions or streams of particular importance. Some easy examples would be Pekora's 1m coming out stream to her mom or her first official collab with Moona.

>> No.903791

Why would they bother translating all JP content into English? They already launched the EN branch to specifically make English content, and there are already a few JP chuubas who are decent at English and/or have dedicated fan translators. There's no way it would be worth the effort/money for them to officially translate ALL content from other JP chuubas who just make JP-focused content. If you want to watch JP-only chuubas making content for a JP audience just do your fucking reps.

>> No.904026

I think the perfect balance would be subbed highlight compilations similar the official Vinesauce clip channels. Have a JP native or bilingual pick out say 30 minutes tops of highlights from a stream and only sub those.
Would at least help dealing with those ungodly long streams no one would want to sub fully

>> No.904090

Because why mess with a good thing? The current system of amateur translators has skyrocketed them into first place in the vtuber business. So why fix what ain't broke?

>> No.904111

They do translate some content. Holografi for example

>> No.904369

I'm 30 and you don't just go retarded as you get older unless you work a job that requires you to not use your brain at all and then come home and watch honey booboo until you fall asleep.

>> No.905260

Google is annoying as fuck. I would rather any other company aquire a site I like instead of Google. With Google you're going to get their shitty forced login shit that tracks you between multiple websites such as gmail, google, gmaps, and youtube to name a few. Their own attempt at a video website went down in failure so they bought out the competition. Their failed attempt at a social network g+ was a complete shitshow. I'm pretty sure if they didn't buy android and tried to make their own it would have failed too. Stick to search engines and email, probably the only things they do correctly.

>> No.905305

It's not as hard as you think. Nothing that is hard to do gets done for free. The fansub community has translated hundreds of shows for free. The english Hololive community is large enough that you would get hundreds of SIMPs who would do it for free. Some SIMPs would even pay Holo just to hold the title of official translator for their favorite waifu. I think you underestimate the power of SIMPs.

>> No.905349

If you became an official translator for a hololive girl there would probably be perks that come with the job like being granted access to their private discord server and being able to talk with other translators on said discord. Show me one SIMP who wouldn't do it for free just to get insider access like that and bragging rights.

>> No.905367

At 30 its almost impossible to learn a new language. Good luck with that.

>> No.905722

Philippines might be a better option if you need someone who knows both Japanese and English.

>> No.906946

this guy gets it
the whole reason I'm learning this moonchicken scratch is because of a TINY, flickering hope that my oshi MIGHT one day notice me
that and holy fuck I hate my hopeless wageslave life and I WANT OUT

>> No.906982

Hololive will die

>> No.907168

>Now compare Mori superchat earning to vtubers who appeal to unicorns.

>> No.907475

>that and holy fuck I hate my hopeless wageslave life and I WANT OUT
What does learning moon language have to do with you being a wage slave. It's not like it's going to help you. Do you mean you wish to be a gold digger and live off your waifu?

>> No.907613

no, that's just another motivation, making a professional career out of it would be nice though
don't really desire to be a leech, that'd be the worst

>> No.907929

A lot of streamers and even yt gamers already do 10-20min vid highlights of their play throughs. Translations can be done for those. I doubt cover will fund this. The Hologirl might need to fund this themselves like their MVs. Only thing I see being as a problem is the time it takes for them to be released... Because you have to have an editor choose and make the vid and then have a translator work on it after and then lastly you need Cover to approve those videos. Lots of expenses.

>> No.908107

Get on the covid bucks if your nation supports it. In the USA some people are getting paid $700 per week for the next couple of months due to covid unemployment insurance.

>> No.908253

don't really like the idea of lowering myself to the level of a fucking GYPSY to be honest anon
I just hope it works out because it's covidworld now and having a job that you can do on your computer at almost any time sounds like the perfect job for this world

>> No.908401

The homos are getting official clippers and presumably translators. Wonder why the girls aren’t.

>> No.908668


>> No.908942


They’re hiring clippers.

>> No.909011

They paid with "it's your honour to be able to work for your oshi"

>> No.909124

holy fuck
obviously they're testing the waters with the homos because they don't want to shit up the girls' side in any case goes wrong but it's only a matter of time

>> No.909428

Based as fuck i hope the Stars get some great clippers

>> No.910028

>don't really like the idea of lowering myself to the level of a fucking GYPSY to be honest anon
I have no shame or regrets for making $850 every week for the last year or so while sitting on my ass doing nothing. In the USA they forced movie theaters to be closed and I was making $80k salary for a company that did websites for movie theaters. I got laid off due to said theaters being closed. So I went on unemployment. Biden is about to extend the unemployment for another 6 months or something absurd like that so I'm gonna keep this shit going. The government didn't have to force companies to shutdown like that so fuck them.

>having a job that you can do on your computer at almost any time sounds like the perfect job for this world
Working from home at your computer isn't as fun as it seems. I personally find it to be torture since you have so much distractions. I always end up procrastinating and being forced to work at night to catch up on the work I missed.

>> No.910133

just learn japanese

>> No.910212

well, they have people who do all that for free

>> No.910512

>Working from home at your computer isn't as fun as it seems
I absolutely get that, I'm a terrible procrastinator too. My angle was more on the point of having a job that doesn't physically require you to be in a specific location.

>> No.912862

go back

>> No.918383

Because between like ~50 streamers doing from two to way too much hours per week of content there's way too much work to make it worth.

>> No.920192

because then english fans can't type "where are the subtitles" in chat and a major piece of hololive culture would be lost forever....
