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8792022 No.8792022 [Reply] [Original]

Baelz reclining hard.

>> No.8792067

at least sub, nigger

>> No.8792122

what went wrong?

>> No.8792154

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.8792174

gura is streaming at the same time, it's a chat stream, and she's streaming earlier than her other recent streams.

>> No.8792232

It's a talk stream while Gura is on. Why do you fags have to be so weirdly deceitful/autistic all the time?

>> No.8792258

numberfags grasping hard

>> No.8792326

As I said in the other thread that the faggot janitor must have accidentally deleted, I clicked on it and was immediately greeted to 2 minutes of Gook speak. I don't think it's too much to ask for EN to be in English.

>> No.8792582

>She's still speaking nip
What's the point of being EN?

>> No.8792703

Honestly what's the fucking point, I'll only allow this shit from pikamee

>> No.8792874

Why is Gura trying to murder the new gen?

>> No.8792907

Maybe she'll have a meltdown like Ollie if we complain enough.


>> No.8793011

its her normal streaming time, Baelz is impeding on her if anything

>> No.8793049

>having a youtube account

>> No.8793101

based Ollie, Indopoors can't afford to donate

>> No.8793115

She has the habit of explaining things in Japanese and English, what's honestly wrong with that? Stop nitpicking on bullshit.

>> No.8793124

Get outta here with that, Ollie was completely in the right.

>> No.8793189

the japanese don't like it because it reminds them of kiara

>> No.8793195

I hope so, that was hot.

>> No.8793370
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>What's wrong with that
hearing an echo constantly gets annoying.
Its the same reason I stopped watching pikamee too. Maybe for EOPs/JOPs its bearable, but as a superior life form which has mastered not only the English language, the hardest of the spoken languages with the most complex grammar of all living languages, but who has also mastered not only N1 level Japanese vocabulary but also N1 level Japanese Kanji in order to understand vtuber humor at the native level, I find it redundant to hear every sentence repeated twice for literally everything she has to say.

>> No.8793497

>i'm going to obsess over stuff i don't like because my life is that empty and unfulfilling.

>> No.8793532

ngl Ollie is incredibly based for this. Fuck anyone demanding any vtuber stick to one language that they are "supposed to speak". Learn a new language and stop being EOP

>> No.8793568

First time watching her, she seems cool.

>> No.8793634

>not supporting your oshi with membership
You disgust me.

>> No.8793635

EN 2 is like a fart in the wind. What a shame.

>> No.8793717

Most vtubers outside the big corps would fucking kill for these numbers

>> No.8793800

Any time a vtuber yells at the chat it makes my day, viewers can be so entitled. You're a guest in the stream, behave yourself.

>> No.8793844


>> No.8793945

This is the first week in months that Gura has streamed consistently though. Interesting coincidence

>> No.8794022

2 year max till holo en gets less viewers then vshojo, even if vshojo stop growing judging by how bad they are reclining lmao
also why does this rat speak jp every time i tune in, i think she's not that bad but i'm giving up since i don't speak anime

>> No.8794041

Agreed. Fuck viewers, they are worthless and provide no inherent value. It's always funny seeing the entitled viewers throw a fit when a streamers tells them to fuck off

>> No.8794057

Gura is literally overlapping with Bae's stream right now and stealing her viewers. What the fuck is Gura's problem? Serious question.

>> No.8794067

Holy shit Ollie is hot for that

>> No.8794108

>having a computer

>> No.8794123

>tries to prop up VShojo
>immediately outs himself as an EOP in the next line
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.8794179

Many such cases!

>> No.8794192

Fuck this stinky rodent. Ballsackos is about as fun as calling Amazon customer Support.

>> No.8794206

They were IOP dumbass.

>> No.8794224

Incredibly based +1 ollie respec point.

>> No.8794225

gura was around 15k she wasn't doing a fucking 90k viewers karaoke or anything lmao

>> No.8794373

Not surprising, the rat has no edge.

>> No.8794396

I subbed to Ollie after seeing this, but then had to unsub immediately when she started sucking CumDawg69420’s ass on Twitter again.

>> No.8794412

Call me a zoomer but zatsudan is boring.

>> No.8794587

Nitpicking? I'm sitting half the stream waiting for the streamer to say something I can understand. Is that nitpicking to you?

>> No.8794801

retards have still not learned anything from the babylonian tale. when you speak two languages on stream, you're making the stream shitty for two audiences instead of making it good for at least one.

>> No.8795010

>Why doesn't Baelz speak more English?! This is Hololive EN!!
>Fuck those indog fans complaining that Ollie doesn't speak enough Indonesian

>> No.8795139

I'll take a wild guess and suggest it's not said by the same person

>> No.8795249


>> No.8795267

dude that shit sounded like the best rap I've ever heard

>> No.8795353

I knew she was DOA when she began self-dubbing.

>> No.8795504

They could simply talk in one language for a stream and have it in the title
[EN] stream or [JP] stream etc.
is it really that hard? with the amount of money they make they could hire a profesional translator so people can understand their VODs

>> No.8795774

These KFPs sure are assmad Hakos is going to get a Pekora collab before their schizo bird.

>> No.8796197

Wait Kiara hasn't even collabed with Pekora yet? I could have sworn I've seen them together on a stream.

>> No.8796352

>not being a psychic gray-skinned central-asian gigachad who communicates purely by thought transformed into words

>> No.8796385

She has, he's talking bullshit.

>> No.8796398

why should I subscribe to someone I don't find interesting?

>> No.8796440

Pikamee does this because she's bilingual.

>> No.8796627

I was waiting to see how he would answer that, doesn't take a person 10 seconds to look it up on Youtube.

>> No.8796646

Based. EN girls would never be this gutsy

>> No.8796789 [DELETED] 

Shes literally speaking like 60% japanese......

>> No.8796817

why are those newfag bitches stream over gura? its like they WANT to be hated and lose viewers

>> No.8796855

does she even have a lot of nip fans?

>> No.8796934

>Ironmouse wants to fuck welshie
>ollie wants to fuck welshie

Wtf bros he looks so generic/10, like that wiry guy who played dr. who but 20 years younger. Why do all the girls want to fuck him?

Ollie is based, Indonesian sounds like angry Mexican or doesn't really have a 'sound'.

>> No.8796987

It's because she's bitten off more than she can chew and it wouldn't surprise me if she is the one who said it was harder than she thought it'd be to the manager. I thought it was Mumei, yet the owl actually seems pretty consistent, but Baelz strikes me as aimless in all of her streams. She's got spunk to spare and is obviously a good person, but every time I watch her I can't help but shake the "she's floundering" feeling

>> No.8796998

Holy shit this is hilarious

>> No.8797063

Japanese people have a strange obsession with non-natives speaking their language because they think they're so unique and special. A phrase you'll see often in chat is 「日本語上手」or 「上手い日本語」 which basically means "you're good at japanese" but in reality they'll say that to any EOP who manages a "Watoshee wah baka gaijin deh-sue" so it actually means "wow you tried!". So you can see how someone who is fluent or fluent-ish would make them lose their minds.

>> No.8797077 [DELETED] 


>> No.8797281

She could totally mog Mori if she tried

>> No.8797325
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Accurate screenshot since he has the same build.

>> No.8797413

You realize there’s more than one person here, right?

Gotta be like 4 in total but still more than 1.

>> No.8797573

Yes, and?

>> No.8797810

Or they are genuinely impressed because they’re JOP themselves who cannot even fathom the possibility of knowing a different language other than their mother tongue like the rest of EOP who need a company to set up branches dedicated to them because they’re so retarded to learn another language to enjoy a hobbie.

>> No.8797934

Uh huh

>> No.8798575

Nips take 12 years of compulsory english classes and have an entire industry dedicated to learning english for adults. The government literally flies in teachers from the anglosphere to teach english. Still, most of the japanese population is not even conversationally fluent in english. They just don't care.

>> No.8798659 [DELETED] 

it's a zatsudan.

Oh, Marine gets 30k for those without EOPs. No faggots, EOPs don't understand what she is saying.

>> No.8798823

She only spoke extended Jap when she was explaining about nihongo jouzu. She doesn't speak that much of it in general. Stop exaggerating.

>> No.8798955

Baelz is suppose to be THE GURA KILLER, stealing her viewers.
Rat is a fucking disappointment.

>> No.8799009

Clock already took the title for Gura killer

>> No.8799014

ahh, it's a schizo thread.

>> No.8799037

Nothing will kill gura.

>> No.8799172

Or maybe she'll cry about it like the Chinese penguin does.

>> No.8799217

idk how old is she, but her voice sounds like an old woman trying to sound crazy, cute and young to the point that i just cant watch it and she was my favorite before debut.

>> No.8799391

Won't learn conversational english when all you do is study english to pass exams.

>> No.8799428

Pretty much, Ollie gains respect points for that rant, having math streams and her awesome gamelan based bgm. But all of that is not enough to dig her from the minus infinity points she gets from being an apex addled zoomer that worships Condor and Giggity.

>> No.8799555

she's a child

>> No.8799636

I will not take slander on this adorable rrat. She is a treasure.

>> No.8799723

She has a “crazy” grandma laugh that makes my skin crawl. She sounds like the fortune teller from a shitty circus.

>> No.8799806

I really don't like repetition it makes the stream not get to the point faster, but meh I didn't buy the rat coin

>> No.8800024

rrat sucks unfortunately, she's definitely not a bad girl but her streaming habits filter me, maybe she'll change with time

>> No.8800584

I speak three languages and I know many people who also speak either two or three. Not a single one of those learned it from attending compulsory classes from some wack school program. They all did it because they studied it hard by themselves.

If you care, you’ll learn. If you don’t, you stay a peasant forever who cannot grow out from his own limitations. It’s that simple.

>> No.8800816

Every fucking holo seems to have someone that thinks this of their voice. Get your fucking hearing checked my man.

>> No.8800877

What was the hardest part of incorporating a new language into your brain? Knowing what things are and actually applying them in a conversation is such a fuck-up for me

>> No.8801448
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Okay, so how do we deal with this bill guy?

>> No.8801525

You need to learn some basic vocabulary and grammar first. You will not get anywhere without that. After that, honestly, it’s more about resilience than about brainpower. You need to start doing stuff in the language you want to learn (for example, if you want to learn Japanese, try reading some manga or playing a game in Japanese). You need to get used to the language. The most important thing is to incorporate the language to you daily life.

By doing that, little by little, both your vocabulary and your understanding on grammar will rise up. But you have to be persistent. It’s not studying twice a week one hour total; it’s studying it every single day and many hours because now this is a part of your life.

If you reach that mindset, in one year time you’ll see results. In two years you will feel pretty confortable.

>> No.8806786

>Learn a new language and stop being EOP
but her point is to not learn a new language

>> No.8806910

I'll sub when she drops the shit voice

>> No.8806918

this makes pp the bigger pp

>> No.8807106

Tons of EOP watch the jp girls no problem, the issue is rat has an annoying chuck e cheese voice

>> No.8807168

>what's so wrong with a girl behaving just like Kiara, the least liked hololive English girl

>> No.8807240

Only a Loli can beat another Loli

>> No.8807440

Gura will kill Gura she'll OD soon

>> No.8808343

For somebody that is the embodiment of chaos Rat is actually... way too seiso.

Also her slogan is time to party which screams collab queen but on the first week she didn't make a single duo collab and apparently next doesn't have one either.

Her loading screen is retro but she doesn't seems to be interested on retro games. A trendy and modern dressed girl playing retro games could be a perk since it creates a gap moe. See also Korone but even more extreme since EN doesn't have anything like it.

>> No.8808903

>Hakosimps turned their own thread into a piss thread

>> No.8809062

her voice is fine, it's just her timeslot

>> No.8809082

Did you watch the council stream? Rat was horrible in it, I don't think she works well in collabs

>> No.8809099

>For somebody that is the embodiment of chaos Rat is actually... way too seiso.
That's what makes her good. You don't want another Ollie who wants to subvert and undermine the idolculture she built her success off. Rat seems to have more respect for what Hololive actually is and is trying to fit in which means she won't go off the rails and become a walking yab machine like zoombie did

>> No.8809174

I like rat but I don't watch any "+chill" streams as a rule.

>> No.8809190

Her voice is not fine, it is one of the worst hololive, losing only to Kiara

Her real voice is great and it's an embarrassment that we only get to hear it during karaoke, 90% of the stream being debuff kayfabe voice turns everyone off

>> No.8809211

Imagine needing EN translators in a HoloEN stream.

>> No.8809240

okay there pardner

>> No.8809338

She translates everything, just like Kiara.

>> No.8809492 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8809493

Get fucked, filtered and go back to watching your clips. Rat is based for doing what she wants to do: get better at conversational JP.

>> No.8811298

how are people into this hobby, a variant on watching anime, and can't handle someone speaking japanese?

>> No.8811684

Stop acting like KFP for a second and rationalize this for a second.
This is a thread for talking about why the gen leader and council president of Holo council is currently fighting for 3rd/4th place.

Anons expressed their thoughts.

Telling them they got "filtered" after going into a thread where you were obviously going to get triggered in just reflects poorly on your ability to compartmentalize your favouritism and objectivity.
By all means, if you want to just be a mindless gachikoi, do so, but don't go wandering into threads where you are just going to be butthurt internet defense force

>> No.8812001

They're not even a week in yet. You're not going to be able to come to any conclusions about how they're doing until they've had a month to settle in. Meaning the current discussion is pointless. Why is Rat not at the top? Because of a variety of short term factors that will have zero influence on her long term popularity.

>> No.8812241

When I watch pekora i don't expect her to speak english.
when she does its a nice wink to the english audience, but I wouldn't want her to make it a streaming priority to speak in her non native tongue just to appease potential fans

Kiara used to spend almost 1/3rd of her stream speaking Japanese, and it hurt her greatly, as the Japanese audience only was between 4-8% of her total audience, which meant she was over indulging a very small minority of her audience for very little return, which also helped cause much of the EN fanbase to pass over her
Ollie also speaks great Japanese but her Japanese audience is incredibly miniscule, among one of the least in hololive.

Rat following the two of them by dedicating so much of her time to speaking to an audience that doesn't exist in the numbers it would warrant means her viewership will plummet, because she is EN, her job is to solely market herself to the english fanbase first and foremost, without doing something that would counter that initiative.

>> No.8812302

Rat isn't going to cater to normalfag dubwatchers. This makes her based. Deal with it.

>> No.8812438

Besides from Ina and Kiara switching places, En gen 1 rankings has stayed exactly the same as the first week of debut
It'd be smart to hold ones breath on criticizing one week in, but there is prior evidence that time changes nothing

>> No.8812547

Then she is going to be one of the lowest ranked in the gen?
Telling me to deal with it is pointless, rat is the one who will have to deal with the ever decreasing stream viewers.
Every single stream has gotten smaller, while Kronii, Mumei and Fauna have had more success

>> No.8812661

>great Japanese
And you're exaggerating how much Japanese rat speaks or how much it affects her commentary/pacing. It doesn't really. Weebs who watch this shit have no problem listening to Jap, and many enjoy the NIHONGO JOUZU just as much as JOPs. It helps that rat's voice is WAY more pleasant than Ollie or Kiara.
You and >>8812438 make the same mistake of exaggerating the negative impact of their Japanese, as opposed to their grating personalities and voices.

>> No.8812664

Flare is doing just fine. Your concern trolling over "Oh no, the numbers what if her numbers are low" is retarded. Rat will find her own niche and be successful within it. What if her subs are low? All the better because subcount is just a metric for how appealing your oshi is to casual normalfags who will shit up the chat and try to get them to collab with Holostars. Ollie and Gura are by far the most cancerous vtubers in their respective gens and also the most popular, this is not something that you should find desirable.

>> No.8812755

What are you babbling about nigger, Kronii has had less viewers with every stream.

>> No.8813776

I hate you idol niggers so much. Not saying Ollies shit is any good but fuck you idol niggers too. Don't drag Rrat into your bullshit.

>> No.8813866

Rat loves idol culture and aspires to be an idol. If you hate idolshit then abandon ship now.

>> No.8814012

Baelz really needs to play something interesting that will showcase her strength.

>> No.8814122

"Gura Killer" is really cursed huh

>> No.8814126

KyO would have killed Gura...

>> No.8814181

Yeah. Desert Bus.

>> No.8814237

>it's a chat stream
Hilarious that EN retards see chat streams as a bad thing

>> No.8814346

>You don't want another Ollie who wants to subvert and undermine the idolculture she built her success off
She already did by promoting the homos though.

>> No.8814406

Stop shizoposting and start to actually watch a stream of hers. She almost only makes very basic japanese comments that everyone can grasp if you just pay attention to context. She's the closest the west will get to a Pekora experience and the kids will come and watch her once the YT algorythm catched that.

>> No.8814519

If Kiara's Japanese is 7/10, Baelz's is about 4/10.
She has as many misunderstandings of Japanese as rob on twitch.

Honestly, it's better to just talk in English all the time.

>> No.8814603
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>how old is she
This is her age today

>> No.8815337

Kiara tried to pad her numbers by having both JP and an EN audience but both decided to ignore her. When will the rat learn?

>> No.8815416

Kiaras issues have nothing to do with the fact she spoke Japanese during streams and everything to do with her personality. The fact globalfags seethe about it is actually evidence that the Rat is doing something right

>> No.8815645

Here's the difference.

Kiara tries to be cool. The Rat IS cool.

>> No.8815707

the biggest reason EN2 is failing is because they stream in the middle of the fucking night for yurofags. they've left out a huge chunk of viewers.

>> No.8815742

>streaming in the middle of the nights
Gets 8k+ anyways

>Streams at perfect timeslots for the west
>Below 1.5k
NijiEN is the one reclining. EN 2 is already giving a handicap.

>> No.8815796

Please eat poison.

>> No.8815867

Most globalfags are cucks (Kronii, Ceres or Mumei).

>> No.8815898

She's honestly the only one they give a shit about. Pekora's also hyped her up to her viewers. She just ain't for us I guess.

>> No.8815934
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>2 Aussies
>1 west coast wageslave
>Ceres and Mumei have the closest to EU friendly by hitting the late evening slot
I would be amazed if Kronii wasn't having to double wageslaving because why else would you willingly stream at 9pm, but she's still getting stellar views, even during Hollow Knight while overlapping with multiple EN streams.

>> No.8815938

Actually, most golbalfags are Sanalites.

>> No.8816324

She is gonna be the petra gurin of holo en for sure

>> No.8816392

Aussies could just stream in their evenings. Sana's 3AM streams are unwatchable live, unless you realy hate sleep and have nothing to do on the next day.

>> No.8816919

Its literally hololive ENGLISH dumbfuck

>> No.8817081
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Save NijiEN first

>> No.8817119

Get filtered faggot, should've done your reps.

>> No.8817205

No I'm a paying customer

>> No.8817362

Imagine of Gura did a stream where every single time she had a thought or spoke a sentence, she would pause whatever conversation or train of thought she was following to repeat the exact same sentence a second time before continuing. It would be infuriating, and make for an incredibly dull viewing/listening experience because it makes everything take fucking forever and kills viewer engagement. It has nothing to do with whatever language she's speaking, but it's such a fucking chore to listen to.

>> No.8817438
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NijiEN's numbers are quite stable, they have 800-2.5k viewers depending on who and what has been streaming since their debut. And comparing HoloEN and NijiEN just makes no sense, the difference in audience is so great that they have no chance of any competition.

>> No.8817451

Self-translating tends to slow down the pace of a stream considerably, it's only really feasible if you're a complete motormouth like Ollie who can say a sentence in three languages in the time it would take most people to say it in one

>> No.8817598

She get a new chair or something?

>> No.8817631

>end up being unity but not like Ollie
people wanted Chaos to be like Ollie but she's just an asian sounding aussie that's actually cute, I don't mind it but honestly Ollie beats her at her own persona

>> No.8817690

It's a bad thing if you want to be entertained rather than pretend you have an imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.8817731

Yeah clearly English speaking EU has a bigger audience than North America. Idiot.

>> No.8817797

I don't know if you posted this intending for it to be a negative but Ollie telling poor and uneducated SEAdogs to fuck off was incredibly fucking based

>> No.8817987

EU has bigger population than US plus Canda

>> No.8817992

>First game is rat simulator
>Only thing i could think of is how suspiciously similar this is to that other stream, not even a "well of course it's the same game" but i could swear she was redoing it from start to finish.
>Bad game not even by meme bad game standards
>Game already played by Ame
>2 zatsudans on her first week (3 if you count the collab)
She's literally sabotaging herself, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.8818076

Not if you are only counting the English speakers.

>> No.8818172

So you're saying EOPs don't watch JP holos then, or... ? God, you're so fucking retarded.

>> No.8818440
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Honestly id say this is a significant factor as to why Kronii and Mumei are racing past the others. They went right into playing a game that would showcase their skill, taste and character as opposed to just explaining to their audience. I believe Mumei might have been a bit closer to Kronii if she didn't wait for 2 days for her next stream.

Not saying zatsudans are a bad thing, heck they could become your main strength like for Marine, but if you want to grab a big audience you should go for something with big reach and a game will do that to you. Plus for me, having your first stream as a zatsudan kind of projects an image that the chuuba already believes they are a bigshot and that people are already clamoring to find out more details about them, so they make a video talking about themselves... even though the debut stream should have already given people an idea. It's like that saying for shows/movies: show don't tell, they should get right into playing a game or something more entertaining rather than having to tell people why they should be interested in them.

>> No.8818729

The only significant amount of viewers she's stealing are desperate Deadbraps.

>> No.8818967

recline on my duck fags

>> No.8818990

Just here to say rrat is by far my favorite out of EN2
I'll be the last rratfag if it comes down to it

>> No.8819742

Construction Simulator embodies Mumei's skill, taste and character? Yikes, Cover scouters ...

>> No.8819913

Actually Mumei's first stream was Journey, which while she sucked at it, really highlighted her as the dumb shy girl for viewers to protect. Also you forgot the Fauna collab. Anyways point is that she and Kronii presented their character's appeal right away on their first stream after debut compared to the others that just focused on talking about themselves as a first stream.

>> No.8820277
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3/4th place for subs? Who the fuck cares about sub count when almost half the company's talents are at 1m+ subs.

Yeah, those zoomer anons should get filtered and fuck off if they can't listen to 2mins of JP when she's talking to her JOP viewers in a FUCKING ZATSUDAN STREAM. The Coffee n Chill stream is a zatsudan where the main focus is to talk to the viewers. Guess what, there's JOPs in chat too you fuckwit. Maybe if you fucking retards spend more time watching her game streams then you'll notice it's more like 80-90% English and 10% random JP phrases.

If you didn't know, time zones is a fucking thing. Oh jeez, maybe realize that time zones affect your live viewership traffic. Here's a picture of what time zone buffs and debuffs do to your stream viewerships. Mori get sub buffs due to her music content but her stream views eat shit.

>> No.8822557

She's a middle aged Australian woman larping as a zoomer. Not surprised.
