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File: 38 KB, 599x342, 8787604613328023835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
88145369 No.88145369 [Reply] [Original]

why is EVERY phase girl trying to be a pickme these days? stop trying to be like Pippa.

>> No.88145434

I could pick you if you want femanon

>> No.88145460

What? jelly is autistic, so her likelihood of actually having a little chudness in her is plausible

>> No.88145465

grifters gotta grift

>> No.88145541

Anon their job is literally getting sent money from lonely incels, it's just part of the deal

>> No.88145618

Because Pickme Connect appeals to chud audience

>> No.88145626

Stop bullying Pippa. It hurts my feelings.

>> No.88145632

I don’t think you know what that word means

>> No.88145645

At least she streams.

>> No.88145644

femanon, you're just washed up and dogshit

>> No.88145736

Hating Concord is like the most normal opinion to have in existence, you might as well call someone a pickme or grifter for making fun of Gollum or the E.T game

>> No.88145747
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>> No.88145762
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, Lol[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftyq7yt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88145833

>grifting chuds for money by appealing to chuds
I don't think you know as much as you think you do

>> No.88145855

You mean based????

>> No.88145885

jelly is a good girl

>> No.88145903

being upset you missed "making fun of it" isn't, that's called mental illness.

>> No.88145915

I pick her

>> No.88145939 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 613x919, 1729777916885539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just part of the grift playbook. She'll tone it down once she gets popular enough, like Pippa

>> No.88145985

What is wrong with this SS again?

>> No.88146140

>grifting any group by appealing to any group
it's called commerce, anon. it's been going on for thousands of years. are you feeling ok?

>> No.88146209

It's called being disingenuous anon, chuds exist to be grifted. Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.88146235

if true, then good.

>> No.88146326

My friend. It's almost November. Why are you looking up tweets from a month ago?

>> No.88146463

I don't know. Ask phasejanny, why he is so triggered by it

>> No.88147459

you sure do write and argue like indotranny. are you sure you're not xim?

>> No.88147520

do you really wanna start a war on two front sister?

>> No.88147591
File: 169 KB, 2048x1058, fuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot of a tweet
>screenshot of a tweet from 25 days ago
there's plenty of things you can criticize Phase for but this is prime catalogue faggotry.

>> No.88147610

He needs that extra steam card! Christmas is around the corner anon!

>> No.88147733

this is nothing like pippa. pippa is the kind of retard who would play these shitty games, largely ignore the game while ranting about random bullshit, then say the game wasn't that bad.

>> No.88147783

>september 30th
really? you had to go dig up a month old tweet?

>> No.88147843

Femcels are jealous of Jelly now? She's moving up in the world!

>> No.88148828

Those games were absolute fucking garbage and making fun of them doesn't make anyone a "pickme", sister. It makes you someone with a working frontal lobe.

>> No.88148871

This level of projection would be comical if it wasn't so sad. The anon was right, you have no idea what grifting means, most likely because you keep falling for it yourself, so you can't recognize it.

>> No.88149026

>shitting on wokeslop is grifting chuds
More like supporting wokeslop is grifting woke faggots. No one actually likes this shit, that's why it doesn't sell.

>> No.88149230

I was banned the first week of oct and forgot, sorry phasecucks

>> No.88149439

I dropped her as soon as I found out that she eats bugs. Disgusting.

>> No.88149616
File: 53 KB, 506x586, 1708280022892106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly thread!
Post your best Jelly content here.

>> No.88149662
File: 570 KB, 1170x1134, 1701102153397111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been going on since the second month after debut.

>> No.88149723

Is your brain just a month slow or something? Also the spike of hate for shit video games reached a peak in recent months. I wouldn't be surprised by everyone's disappointment with the latest Dragon Age game either.

>> No.88150870

No one can out plap plappa

>> No.88151436

What's funny is that they most likely talked about it on their discord.
Just imagining those company vtubers coming up with ideas on how to get bigger numbers and their answer is always being a pickme or being a whore, kek

>> No.88151527

You type like that fag that got butthurt about Esports

>> No.88151774

Jitler passed the Michael Malice test.

>> No.88152265

Nothing wrong with pandering to the fanbase. That's who Pippa brought in and Pippa is her oshi.

>> No.88152332

>Common opinion
>pickme!!why is she a pickme!!!

>> No.88153687

whats with the recent surge of the use of the term "pick me" lately?
did the browns just learn this in school or something?

>> No.88154247

Any girl that streams for a corpo, is getting marching orders from the suits.

>> No.88154394

anyone using pickme as an actually insult is a female

>> No.88154419
File: 341 KB, 680x763, JellyChad[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8oxspk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this soundpost

>> No.88154475

no way, which one of the retards leaked this lmao

>> No.88154581


Appealing to males is fake and cringe. Vtubers should talk about their moronic irl politics and relationships otherwise they are being grifting pickmes. This is why I only watch blown out whores on twitch.

>> No.88154715
File: 235 KB, 613x919, 1729844278623846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone check if this is a real screenshot, it's too funny

>> No.88154801

who is 900?

>> No.88154896

Jelly is a little Chudet

>> No.88154954

My guy, even trannies and homos hate this game. She could be some kind of a LGHDTV activist and still think it's trash. That game is universally hated, not exclusively by some kind of gamer gators.

Concord did receive positive reviews from the games journalists, but nobody played that crap either so it's very clear that only the people who got wined and dined to promote it had anything positive to say.

>> No.88155047

jelly is the most male brained member of phase-connect and might have some form of autism
which is why she's based

>> No.88155080

>you have no idea what grifting means, most likely because you keep falling for it yourself, so you can't recognize it.
Now THIS level of projection IS comical.

>> No.88155122

far left extremists are losing their minds that normal people wont support them any more

>> No.88155150
File: 1.07 MB, 341x230, 1723085684557770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time stamps erased/were never there

>> No.88155260

I don’t get why SEAs are making are making bait threads about secondary Phase girls and spending all day bumping them?
This thread, Remi thread, Clara thread

>> No.88155340

I really admire you guys trying to ditch the SEAcuck image but it's a little too late for it, and trying to project on phase antis won't work

>> No.88155348

SEAs get very mad at phase secondaries because those girls are actually SEA themselves but have pale white skin and want to marry a white man, which makes both male and female browns alike seethe at them

>> No.88155355

Someone screams "wokeslop" and chuds will throw money at them anon, that's your entire market. Like I said, chuds were made to be grifted.

>> No.88155422
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>Inconsistent font rendering

>> No.88155443
File: 766 KB, 1170x1155, continue to notice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88155505

a Chudling if you will
>that last line
fucking love jelly

>> No.88155599

Phasekeks think being posted about on vt will make them be presented as one of the faces of their company
They are the ones making these threads. Then they spend the next 24-48 hours samefag bumping and saying “____ is so based I love her” or “I fucking love ____”

>> No.88155649

Damn, that's actually makes sense

>> No.88155671
File: 152 KB, 303x311, 10 int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88155714

>reads the post above yours
checks out

>> No.88155915

Why can't holofags stop making catalog threads about Phase?

>> No.88155943
File: 330 KB, 518x640, 1728677589552532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating Jelly's ass right after she's finished playing three hours of parkour civilization.

>> No.88156180

>Women can't actually have the same views that men have they must be doing it for male attention!
You people are retarded

>> No.88156303

oh you poor chud...

>> No.88156323
File: 265 KB, 1427x766, PICKCONNEEEEEEEECT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.88156549

Not very based of her to give these shit developers and corpos free publicity by playing their garbage games.

>> No.88156734
File: 135 KB, 903x1024, 1699674592230335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this obsession in trying to make drama over videogames that's unpopular. I heard more about people grifting and acting eccentric while covering this game than why the game is bad.

If you're a v-tuber, play the game if you want; refuse if you don't want play it or just do what your fans are asking. Don't do this drama, console war, meta lecturing shit.

>> No.88156757

anon you're not gonna believe this...

>> No.88157304
File: 51 KB, 389x553, 1714595631357380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't do this drama, console war, meta lecturing shit.
The whole thing lasted for a week and the only people bringing it back are retarded catalogniggers.

Post blue women.

>> No.88157353
File: 91 KB, 577x577, Erina squib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erina is sort of blue?

>> No.88157373

She's not a S O Y B O Y btw.

>> No.88159682

Thread answer right here. She's just a shock value, reactive, fence sitter streamer.
