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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8814217 No.8814217 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't give a shit about idol culture, I just want to watch my oshi play games
>Fuck idolniggers btw, they're cancer
Why do people with this mentality watch Hololive? Why don't they watch Nijisanji or other vtubers that aren't idols?

>> No.8814326

because some of their best talents like mori and ayame aren't idols

>> No.8814562

>plays games

>> No.8814590

Don't post my daughters cleavage.

>> No.8814616

But they also sing and dance...

>> No.8814655

it's your ten bait thread today SEAnig

>> No.8814686

Whatever happens to this chick?

>> No.8814689

The idol part of hololive is only like 5% of their total activities. Half of them dont really even do idol activites

>> No.8814701

the one that’s best at singing is okayu but she is (hololive gamers)...

>> No.8814711

Cause they don't understand what idol culture means, and that they basically already ingest 90% of it anyway.

>> No.8814738

>Best at singing

>> No.8814747

ido culture is creepy and toxic af

>> No.8814761

See? Proof.

>> No.8814775

yoh probably think mori’s rap is good if you don’t like okayu’s singing

>> No.8814782

Got into some drama with a newcomer that dragged her name through the mud. People know she's innocent now (yes she is before anybody makes any quips, do your reps) because of how insane the person she got into drama with is but she's been taking an extended break. She's still listed as an active member who is mentioned regularly by other Nijis.

>> No.8814815

A cunt at Niji stole her unique accent and claimed its related to her home region or something but people found her roommate and surprise she had no accent. That cunt graduated and Yuzuki is on an indefinite hiatus.

>> No.8814860

I always bet on the winner.

>> No.8814867

Vtubers have certain archetypes. The thing you get away with are dependant on that archetype.
Roa was a cute daughter experience type deal, a major factor in that is the lack of wisdom and being innocent. The Meiro incident no matter you opinion on that gave a far different light upon the streamer, the exact one to make her daughter experience unachievable.

>> No.8814884

I like the stock.

>> No.8814902

>Meiro incident

>> No.8814938

It's really a pity that every Roa thread gets derailed with this, but here.
>Roa is a rare Niji who's faithful to her RP, one she crafted with a friend who's now graduated
>One part of the RP is ending her sentences with "-deyo," which she calls "魔界訛り/devilworld dialect"
>Meiro joins
>Some point after joining, Meiro starts using "-deyo" in her streams despite not doing it in her debut or past life
>Fans notice and start getting on both Meiro's and Roa's cases about it
>This catches Ichikara's attention, and they, knowing that Meiro never used it in her audition, debut, or past life, request that she stop
>Meiro claims that it's just how she talks and requests that they release a statement saying that it's natural
>Ichikara refuses to do it because again, they know that she never used it before and that she's most likely lying, meaning that the statement would be a lie
>Meiro still refuses to stop using it and instead chooses to graduate, sending out the graduation form
>Some senpai Nijis get her to reconsider, and she asks to stop the graduation process
>Ichikara agrees
>Upon coming back, Meiro leaks confidential information related to this ordeal, which is a breach of contract
>Ichikara notices and tells her to take a small break and think about what she has done
>Instead of taking a break, she applies for graduation AGAIN
>And a short while later, she tries to cancel it AGAIN
>However, by this point, Ichikara has had enough of her shit and were reluctant to accept it
>Suddenly, someone clearly on Meiro's side leaks some stuff to Narukami(vkeemstar)
>Meiro is painted as a victim, while Roa is painted as a power-harrassing menhera and Ichikara as a black company
>Roa is cancelled
>Ichikara terminates Meiro immediately, since in their eyes, only she could've leaked it, which is a SERIOUS breach of contract
>Ichikara then puts out a detailed account of the situation from their perspective
>Roa puts out the discord logs that show that, back in summer, she reached out to Meiro to try and have a conversation about it, only to get a single wall of text in response, followed by weeks of ghosting
>With all the information put together, the general opinion starts shifting towards Roa being innocent
>Months later, Meiro('s other identity) releases an ADULT voice drama starring a somewhat familiar-looking agent No. 2535(obvious reference to 2434 — ni ji san ji) of a secret organization called NOA's Ark
>Meiro is now seen as menhera filth and Roa is completely exonerated
>Vkeemstar is being trashed for being a retard who believed a menhera's narrative and did serious damage to innocent Roa's career and didn't even apologize for it
>also this is not the first time she did this shit. She once did the exact same modus operandi against Canan. Stealing Canan ASMR style and pretending to be victim.

>> No.8814939

She was a little cunt to a newcomer, one of Nijisanji's rising stars at the time, because of an accent, as if she owned that shit.

>> No.8814952

go back

>> No.8814999

They aren't as good as Hololive. I'd rather watch idols that are entertaining rather than some boring ass non-idol vtubers.

>> No.8815001

t. Meiro
If somebody joined Hololive claiming -peko was a part of their natural dialect they'd be seen as just as much as a retard as her, and rightfully so.

>> No.8815055
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they are newfags who hate idol culture and everything japanese, that's it

>> No.8815082

Sunk cost fallacy and refusal to believe there's something good outside of their bubble. Most people into the hobby will sooner or later branch out, drones will stay unhappy following medicore chubas even if they are slowly realizing they have nothing interesting to offer. Just look at the owl threads for confirmation of that.
t. dropped holos like 4-5 months ago and haven't felt bored of watching streams ever since

>> No.8815170

what an insane bitch this meiro. i'm guessing she still has some followers, but burning bridges like that eventually makes you unable to get a job at all.

>> No.8815192

Nah. This would be like taking the staff taking the retards who say clock girl is the new Mori seriously and ask her to start speaking in a lighter voice to not step on her toes.
Meiro was rising quickly as a newcomer in Nijisanji and that put her in collision course with the cliques. She is supposedly a lying menhera but she also got suspended because she leaked actual info. Curious no?

>> No.8815229

>Calls people drones
>Would immediately drop his favourite if she joined cover
Why are anti hololive people like this? True enlightenment is watching whoever you want no matter where they are.

>> No.8815273

I doubt Meiro would want another job since she got the worst case scenario which is gaining a lot of momentum then getting fucked over.

>> No.8815281

She leaked shit to Narukami how is she not retarded

>> No.8815298

They get emotionally involved with the chuubas and their gut tells them they don't want to get cucked, while their programming tells them what they feel is bad "incel" behavior. To cope with this cognitive dissonance, they virtue signal here constantly, reply to bad bait, and seethe 24/7 about the "idolfag" boogeyman. It's a pathetic existence really. The solution is to not get emotionally attached to what is the equivalent of an animated dancing monkey on your screen but that's harder said than done for a lot of these people.

>> No.8815301

She's both a lying menhera and a leaker of actual information. We have proof of both. She did not use -deyo in her past life. This is a fact. It is not a trait of her natural accent. It is a fictional trait, and it is a sentence ender, EXACTLY like peko, so comparing it to peko is perfectly adept.
It is undeniable that she later made an adult drama CD of her underaged former co-worker because she was mad at her. There is proof of this. This is why she gets called a menhera. She is a nasty, spiteful person. Roa was affected negatively by her shtick being aped by a newcomer, and that shtick was one she built together with a graduated friend of hers - you can understand why it's important to her.
>Le evil Nijisanji clique boogeyman
Fuck off.

>> No.8815349

It is possible to lie sometimes and tell the truth other times. Also didnt address the accent.

>> No.8815417

Because early 2019 hololive were fun

>> No.8815432

Contrarianism is a thing, anon.

>> No.8815619

I don't get how they think cliques exist when there's regular mingling all the time like Ibrahim's soccer game

>> No.8816144

where did I say I'd drop anyone if they joined cover? I'm legit confused how can you reach like that when nothing in my message says about refusing to watch holo, just about people not moving on if they find the content shit and just sticking around because "muh Holo".But hey if you need me to spell both points separately, here you go: people sticking around Holos and refusing to branch out despite being bored are drones. If any of my oshis reincarnates as a holo i'll be back, otherwise I'm sticking to other agencies and indies.

>> No.8816203

Idol is about behaviour, not branding. If Nyanners got into Hololive would you consider her an idol?

>> No.8816896

Roa tried to fuck with her kouhai, the fastest growing liver in Niji, but it turned out Meiro was a menhera willing to burn everything down. Long story short Roa, Meiro, and Ichikara, are dragged through the mud, Meiro is fired and Roa suspends her activity indefinitely because she was getting so much hate from nijifans. Nijifans say she's been declared "innocent" but its been 6 months since then and she's still not back, in a little less than 2 months Roa will have been in hiding for a whole year.

>> No.8817076

It's mostly normalfags, especially zoomers, who have been constantly swarming this board, parlly thanks to retarded accounts like /vt/takes and so on. They literraly can't stand that different values and points of view exist in other places, and HAVE to force their normalfag logic on everyone and everything.

>> No.8817091

Because vtubers are not exchangeable. If I want to watch Marine I want to watch Marine. A Nijisanji liver can't replace her, they can only provide a different (and maybe just as good, but still not equivalent) experience.

>> No.8817783

Weird how you posted a girl who was buried by idolniggers. Normal, mentally sound people don't have time to be anti

>> No.8818574

Based. Fuck this purity bullshit.

>> No.8818650
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even people who watch dream cant stop themselves wanting to fuck the streamers even though they are male children....
and when its cute sexy anime girls playing minecraft, we magically suppose to not??

>> No.8818672

Well yeah, watching idols do variety bullshit is like 60% of irl idolfaggotry.

>> No.8818680

Isn't Roa actually 15 years old though?

>> No.8818800

I like Idol music and have even gone to a few JP idol concerts. I just don't like human garbage who think they can harass them for being human beings and having lives outside of their entertainer personas. You stupid faggots are no better than the american paparazzi who are willing to dumpster dive in the trash to "expose" people. Do humanity a favor and actually end your own lives.

>> No.8818813

-deyo is just -dayo mispronounced/pronounced with an accent. It isn't anywhere near the same as the entirely fictionally created -peko that sounds nothing like anything else.

>> No.8818847

That's still not too old.

>> No.8818917
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>> No.8820238

They are idols.

>> No.8820250

Muh patented accent

>> No.8820382

fuck off nigger, normalfags run vtubing now

>> No.8820434
File: 235 KB, 400x400, yuzukiRoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting Yuzuki Roa until we can get this 13-year old demon back on streaming from her personal hiatus.

>> No.8820646

I find that weird as well. Why watch the company who can't play anything solely for the gameplay?
The idol stuff is the peak of their content, it's what they keep working on behind the scenes, taking lessons and recording for. Come december, they won't be charging 100 bucks so you can watch them play games on SPWN, they'll charge 100 bucks for a concert. More if you're also a homo fan. Maybe more even for holos, since last year didn't have 5th gen.
You're missing out on a lot if you hate idol culture. You should either open yourself to it a bit or seek entertainment outside of the idol company.
And no, you don't need to be a unicorn to be an idolfag. Just like you don't need to be *insert whatever is the current hottopic in gaming* to like videogames.
