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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 103 KB, 1765x223, Sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8745415 No.8745415 [Reply] [Original]

Uh, didn't she have like 170k a few days ago? WTF happened?

>> No.8745449

Do your archive reps motherfucker. They all lost a bunch of subs because YT kept slashing them. It looks like whatever fucky algo bullshit has stopped eating their subs though since there haven't been any noticable drops on any of them for the past day or two.

>> No.8745467

How new?

>> No.8745488

She got cancelled for blackface.

>> No.8745489

Did it think they used bots or something because of the rapid increase? Youtube is so broken..

>> No.8745503

>nepotism hire
they deserve 0 subs.

>> No.8745515

Youtube cannot comprehend someone growing without relying on their broken algorithm.

>> No.8745533

Susan is purging all vtubers channel. It's time for these companies to band together and create their own streaming website and keep that 30% to themselves.

>> No.8745534

If you tried networking for once in your life maybe you wouldn't be forced to live in your parents basement.

>> No.8745550

actually I went to a good school with hard work, not cause I sucked the dean off.

>> No.8745555

Someone in numbers pointed out that YT rolled out a change in August 10th, and its resulted in some fucky bullshit. So yes.

>> No.8745630

>it's not corruption because i call it "lobbying"
>i didn't steal it, i just borrow it with extra time
>i never lie, i just turn the facts around a little bit
your kind of manipulators deserve to be thrown at the worst place in hell.

>> No.8745633

If people care theyll resub. The Cuck Trinity (Kronii, Mumei and Ceres) still showing big numbers

>> No.8745649

thousands of applications went into the trash for someone's friend. and it turns out she is shit too. artist? all sameface, there is no real "talent".

because "oh I know an EN1 member. get me in, bro."

>> No.8745659

Oh wow, a degree? Is it making you money or is it sitting and collecting dust?

>> No.8745660
File: 160 KB, 492x428, 1623061986187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf rrat failed so they're doubling down on muh nepotism

>> No.8745663
File: 32 KB, 465x523, 1586382223382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube throttles accounts that gain subs too fast
>Tsukumo Sana keeps getting throttled
>Sana is actually the MOST SUBBED vtuber of EN Gen 2

>> No.8745677

it is, the point remains that you don't ignore the best applicants because of nepotism. it's bad practice. that may be how many people do business but it's still shit.

>> No.8745707

It's how people do business beacuse it' easy and effective if someone actually can vouch that the person who gets hired isn't a shithead.

>> No.8745712

Susan hates brown chuubas. Cancel her.

>> No.8745737

nepotism is how you get shitty, unqualified people. like Sana, who is not entertaining, and not a great artist.

>> No.8745738

Didn't work for Calli's friend. The model is a real harsh debuff. Sana as an entertainer shows a lot of promise. As is she's good, but once she gets confident with it she'll be out of control. Here's hoping she gets a new outfit sooner rather than later. I think a good outfit could boost her appeal tremendously like it did for Nene.

>> No.8745754

>not a great artist
I see, this discussion was futile from the start.

>> No.8745760

it contradicts with what's happening here though. also on most cases. anyway, if you're really confident of the fact that you aren't a "shithead", you wouldn't even try the dirty path in the first place. the practice itself exist for an obvious reason afterall.

>> No.8745785

How do you feel about your new boss doing his research on you, for example calling your old boss?

>> No.8745802

Just youtube cleaning up the subs cover bought to make it look like people still watch their shitty "talents".

>> No.8745822

he's probably asking for some testimony? since i do all my work pretty neat and fair, i see no problem with it. anyway, how is it suppose to relate to my statement before? moving the goalpost because you can't deny the fact?

>> No.8745842

The entire point of being on YouTube is that a stupid amount of people use it. If you jump off to another site then that'll stiffle growth because you don't have the reach you once had since now you're more segregated from the general public.

>> No.8745846

unironically kill yourself

>> No.8745853

Nepotismtards are the biggest fucking idiots in this fandom, you dumb fucks have no idea how Hololive and Nijisanji got started

>> No.8745947

cry harder

>> No.8745970

I mostly wanted your opinion, and gauge how retarded you are. You don't really need to be a genius to understand what i implied in the last statement.

>> No.8746094

fortunately lurkers with more than two brain cells are able to notice the obvious logical fallacy in this reply chain. shame to say that your pathetic shilling attempt has failed. congrats for turning down public's perception on sana even further.

>> No.8746121


Susan Wojak kneecapped that abo bimboher like she fucking deserved.

>> No.8746185


Good. She will be easier to groom like that.

>> No.8746235

how do you feel about hololive gamers

>> No.8746317

Kek, you are somehow turning more pathethic and seething by the reply, do you happen to be a streamer on the side by chance?

>> No.8746629

I swear to god people here are either underaged, or never held a job in their entire lives.

>new boss doing his research on you, for example calling your old boss

References are a thing in pretty much every job application. For a lot of positions, people won't even consider you if they can't ring up your old workplace.

>> No.8747381

>nepotism hire

Anyone care to elaborate?

>> No.8747404

At least the nepotism story has some truth to it.

>> No.8747414
File: 196 KB, 1464x789, Rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8747476



>> No.8747507

Which applicants that were more talented got reject for Sana?

Can you give names?

>> No.8747536

i bet no matter what people say, you still going to make this thread again tomorrow

>> No.8747645

she doesn't have the WhITe PrIvILeGE

>> No.8749290

Having good connections to people in the industry should be as important as being qualified and hard working. Anyone claiming otherwise is a sweatlord who got btfo because they only care about doing work and not socializing with their co-workers.

>> No.8749501

careful not to od on all that copium

>> No.8750350
File: 749 KB, 1200x1200, E7dEPTDVUAA8ekA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a great artist.
8/8 gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8750569

They just suck

>> No.8750630

Youtube is racist.

>> No.8750714

pls andastan this is how Susan gets off

>> No.8750778

>nigger debuff
>redneck british debuff (aussie)
>boyfriend debuff
>Susan debuff
It was over for her from the beginning

>> No.8750815

Retarded newfag or baiter banking on newfags not knowing that the near entirety of Hololive members knew each other before joining.

>> No.8751450

But holos grow because of the yt algorithm.

>> No.8751545

Ina used her lovecraftian influence on Cover to get her friend hired.

To be honest, if any bias existed it wouldn't be nepotism it would be from Cover's history with working with gacha artists considering how many of them were designers for EN2. Ina also seems like the member of EN1 that gives Cover the least headaches so, regardless of knowing Ina, hiring someone of similar skill and temperment is a logical step.
