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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 321 KB, 598x472, pomulettermedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8706855 No.8706855 [Reply] [Original]

Is your oshi a RedLetterMedia fan?

>> No.8706891
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>> No.8706928

When will Pomu actually be a guest on BOTW?

>> No.8707045


>> No.8707079
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Can you imagine how fucking hard RLM would be cringing if they knew about this

>> No.8707107
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>another pomu thread

>> No.8707410
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When I saw that banner I immediately thought of pic related

>> No.8707450

Never watched them, not really sure who they are or what they do
But it looks like some boomer trash, understandable since Pomu is like 30

>> No.8707523


>> No.8707544
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"Liver" is a really stupid way of describing yourself

>> No.8707545

Hard but they'd be good sports about it. They're dicks, not evil.

>> No.8707561


>> No.8707599

my oshi is a avgn fan

>> No.8707609

Unfathomably based
Are they also Pomu though

>> No.8707657

They'd probably give her a quick shout-out in a Best of the Worst episode, to be honest.

>> No.8707661

A shame celebrity superstar Rich Evans would never have time for a smalltime internet personality like Pomu.

>> No.8707694

It would be borderline experimental.

>> No.8707699

I wish superstar Rich Evans would pin me down with his big, powerful hands and whisper Star Trek trivia into my ears~

>> No.8707739

How the fuck did RLM not get excommunicated for shitting all over covid regulations for the last year?

>> No.8707788

>How the fuck did RLM not get excommunicated for shitting all over covid regulations for the last year?

Because they still complied with them while shitting on them

Also I can't believe Pomu would even dare show her face next to the radiant beauty of America's Sweetheart Rich Evans

>> No.8707826

Don’t even watch Pomu but she’s pretty based.

>> No.8707860

I wouldn't even call them dicks, they're just grumpy, but whenever they're with people outside of their circle they seem very polite and they make an effort to avoid awkwardness.
However, this might be too much even for them, can you imagine having to explain what "vtubers" are to a very confused and slightly drunk Mike?

>> No.8707933

I would fucking love to watch it.

>> No.8707972
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>tags: Gangbang, Fat_ugly_bastard, alcohol_abuse, winsconsin_accents

>> No.8707974

You're watching Columbo too, right?

>> No.8707984

Sure, but retards will screech about it anyways saying 'YOU'RE SETTING A BAD EXAMPLE WITH YOUR CHANNEL STOPPPP'. It just kinda blows me away that they got away with ripping on how stupid it was non-stop. I guess it helps that they're kind of separated from the 'regular' crowd of reviewers. Milwaukee love.

>> No.8708127

I just want Pomu to add onto the Rich bullying.
>Oh no...
>It's Rich Evans

>> No.8708235

We're gonna need Tim for the vtuber episode for sure

>> No.8708285
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holy based, might have to start watching her

>> No.8708319

To be fair, them making fun of the "Wearing a mask is obligatory, but only when and where the authorities feel like enforcing" thing is reasonable.

>> No.8708449

I think once an individual or a group has proven they're immune to social media squawking the usual Twitter suspects just kind of leave them alone. Notice how SJW game media never fucks with Yoko Taro despite the sexy armor and attractive women he puts into his games? It's because when they tried to shame him for it he just went 'I like women so what' and then didn't respond to them after that. Now he's out here signing women's thighs at video game conferences and there's nary a peep from anyone about it.

Mike doesn't even have a Twitter

>> No.8708709

What's hilarious to me is that Mike does have a twitter, but he hasn't tweeted in ages and only tweeted boomer shit, like complaining about the Packers. That just seems like a very Mike thing.

>> No.8708729

He does, he just hasn't used it in a decade https://twitter.com/MikeStoklasa

>> No.8708827

mike runs the main rlm twitter fwiw, but yeah even jay only tweets like once a month

>> No.8708862

A shame AIDSMoby is such a cuck though.

>> No.8708865

I legitimately don't even know what generation RLM is. Are they Gen X? Millenials? Unironic tail-end boomers? They're simultaneously old and young and I can't figure it out. I refuse to look up their actual ages because I enjoy the magic of wondering.

>> No.8708890

The funny thing is that some youtuber actually went on a campaign to get Yoko Taro cancelled for that, trying to argue he should not do that to underage/young girls.
That cosplayer is thirty. Nothing happened, everyone laughed.

>> No.8708961

definitely gen x

>> No.8708965

>can you imagine having to explain what "vtubers" are to [...] Mike
Mike, you remember the episode of TNG with the Binars where they tricked Riker by getting him to fall in love with his ideal woman on the holodeck? Well we'd say that Minuet was Riker's oshi.

>> No.8708972

Yes actually.

>> No.8708981

I'll fill you in.

They're all late Gen X, in their early-mid forties.

>> No.8709050

They're very late Millennials. Gen X doesn't start until 1979/1980 and goes back from there..

>> No.8709136

You did your math wrong, anon. Mike is 43. Rich is older than him. Jay is the youngest and he's 41.

>> No.8709152
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>> No.8709382

Jay is fucking 41??? That's even more shocking than finding out that Colin from Canada is almost 50!

>> No.8709427
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>> No.8709552

There's a Star Trek episode for everything!

>> No.8709652

Jay somehow looked like he was going through his awkward 20s in his 30s and like he's going through his hot early 30s in his late 30s/40s.

>> No.8709700

I have never seen a non-celebrity white person age as gracefully as Jay. What the fuck dark ritual did he perform where Mike and Rich got fat and old and he only got sexier over time?

>> No.8709702

That doesn't even look like a real vtuber, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Who's that?

>> No.8709765


>> No.8709930

yes, it would be hilarious

>> No.8710171

DYRBI? You're doing that thing again where you assume that because you enjoy someone's content and the things that they enjoy clearly they would also enjoy all the same things you enjoy if they only knew about them. If there's not a name for this phenomenon already then there should be.

>> No.8710224

I kinda want Pomu to get a shoutout on RLM, either way, based.

>> No.8710366

mike and rich gave their youth to make jay sexy...

>> No.8710538

>not Trash Taste
cringe, your oshi is shit

>> No.8710588

Is Kronii a vinesauce fan?

>> No.8710831

Aidsmoby and Rich already are streamers. What's one step further?

>> No.8710878

There is, it's called having a lack of Theory of Mind. Common among toddlers, narcissists, and sociopaths alike.

>> No.8710993

I haven’t watched a lot of Pomu, does she talk about RLM on stream a lot..?

>> No.8711069
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Actually, out of curiosity, I'd like to survey the posters here.


>> No.8711100

The RLM guys are movie nerds. They seem like great guys, but not exactly the coolest people in the world. Why would they cringe about anime streamers? The guy on the left probably watches them.

>> No.8711113

Every once in a while.

>> No.8711178

>jay is 41
what the fuck? Is he drinking embalming fluid? The doesn't look a day past 30

>> No.8711183

She does act like a female version of vinny.

>> No.8711227

I've learned enough of Star Trek IN RLM to understand this, holy shit

>> No.8711363

Not a lot because that would be weird but she's mentioned them a couple of times and said Rich is her Oshi

>> No.8711782
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>20 votes for the box
Jesus Christ.

>> No.8711848


>> No.8712106

He used to look 15 till he was 30 and got rid of the acne. It's probably genes.

>> No.8712440
File: 518 KB, 2700x1700, 1629255084249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theory of Mind is a bit of a catchall I think. It describes what I'm talking about generally, but I'm thinking specifically about the phenomenon of "I like x, I like z. Therefor x and z must also like each other". My working name for this is False Transitive Disorder wherein the subject falsely asserts the existence of a relationship between x and z simply because the sufferer y has a parasocial relationship with both.

>> No.8712833

Jay would think it's sweet. Mike and Rich would just stare in disbelief.

>> No.8713012

uncle jergle vtuber when???

>> No.8713272

We lack critical information. How de we know Anne isn't a jew and Sally is aware of this?
I'd Immediately check the box if this were the case.

>> No.8713420

What you would do and what Sally would do are two completely separate things. How do we know Sally isn't a jew-lover and would never consider her jude friend Anne would backstab her and misplace her marble? We don't.

>> No.8713878
File: 72 KB, 355x500, mr-plinkett}-232870-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for Mr. Plinkett vtuber. Do it Mike.

>> No.8713893

What? I'm just having a bit of wishful thinking, anon, relax. I know this shit ain't happening.

>> No.8714193
File: 455 KB, 569x509, 1626136145873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's not relaxed?

>> No.8715312

quick rundown on whatever the fuck this is?

>> No.8715504

No one genuinely likes that shit.

>> No.8717028

meme channel

>> No.8717355

you would need the canadians. Jim constantly tweets about anime stuff.

>> No.8718494

were more likely to get rich plinkett then mike plinkett stream, rich already streams so him doing a one off vtuber stream is more likely then mike doing so.

>> No.8718583

I live in the same city as Jay and I've seen him a few times in real life.
Last month I saw him at the grocery store. He's pretty short irl but also dresses the same way he dresses in videos

>> No.8721398

>The guy on the left probably watches them.
Excuse me, but he has a name, and it's Dick the Birthday Boy.

>> No.8721477

I hate these fucking hack frauds.

>> No.8721629

The fucking sex pests that they are.

>> No.8721776

It's unlikely but it's not impossible. Remember when they endorsed Vinesauce? Granted they weren't as popular then.

>> No.8721816
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They did try having a short animated series with Mr. Plinkett and Plinkett from Half in the Bag. It was terrible, they canned it and I imagine trying to bring it up in front of them will lead to them blocking you from sending in VHS

>> No.8721860

Did you tell him how cool it was to meet him in person, but didn’t want to be a douche and bother him?

>> No.8722116
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>> No.8722291

>Trash taste on pirating other people's work
>Trash taste when people pirate their work

They're a bunch of hypocrites trying to be your parasocial friend until it gets in the way of their money.

>> No.8722479

I don't watch trash taste and I'm not watching those whole videos, but piracy and bootlegs are completely different situations.

>> No.8722655

In the first video they mock voice actors who demand people watch official anime platforms despite those platforms not being available in the viewer's country.
In the second video Joey chews out a fan who bought bootleg merch because there isn't any official merch for him to buy. It's the exact same situation.

>> No.8722917

Getting something for free is different than letting someone else profit off of bootlegging someone else's stuff. Also telling the person you got bootleg merch of that you did it is retarded. If you just like the design or whatever then just get it and have it, don't tell them.

>> No.8723012

I'll admit I just clicked on this thread because the idea of OP was funny but when I went to check her twitter I saw she's streaming DOOM II and even put her avatar over doomguy's face
Can't say I've ever really watched niji or holo I'm an indiefag but I already like her

>> No.8723789

No, honestly he doesn't strike me as a particularly friendly person the three times I've seen him, so I haven't talked to him.
This isn't bullshit btw, I have actually seen him multiple times. He's got kind of a 'don't talk to me' look in public.

>> No.8723991

I mean Pomu feels like she hasn't really abandoned her indie ways, a good thing for sure

>> No.8728301

>RLM: funny people
>Trash Taste: unfunny anitubers ripping off fucking Demolition_D who are also huge hypocrites
What a joke, let me guess Deadbeat? I guess you would enjoy Trash Taste considering they all got a taste of Mori

>> No.8729324
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There still hasn't been anyone to top him, and he seems too beaten down to continue. He truly is /ourguy/.

>> No.8729823

What should I watch from RLM? I've only seen the Twin Peaks and Eraserhead videos

>> No.8730453
File: 544 KB, 1198x659, 1585878924451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the OG Plinkett reviews of the Prequel trilogy. Then watch the Half in the Bag episode of your choice of dumpster fire movies (DC, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, etc.)
Then if you want to watch them do a round table discussion of terrible movies, go through the Best of the Worst playlist. This was my intro to them and a good episode with a guest:

>> No.8732857


>> No.8733646

The Freddy Got Fingered re:view popped in my recommended feed and that's how I first saw them, it still stands out to me and seems like a good intro. These days I don't watch them as much, they're a bit too petty and cynical at times and I don't care about Half in the Bags in general especially if it's some new superhero film or whatever, but I still enjoy re:views and some of the Best of the Worst shows, usually the ones not about random tapes.

>> No.8734272


>> No.8734413

>Always nice to meet a fan, even if it is some weird extra from Peter Pan.

>> No.8734986

The best part of the Best of the Worst episode where Max Landis guest starred was the fan-edit that completely removes him from it.

>> No.8735045

I hate that I heard that in Mike's voice immaculately, fuck off from my head

>> No.8735218

>they're a bit too petty and cynical at times
This desu. Their new vids are just them saying they hate thing but also they like lots of things about it.

>> No.8735835

Shouldn't one of us tell her that those guys are those literally Hitlers twitter is always telling me about, Resetera friends? I heard they pledged allegiance to the confederacy in their Captain Marvel video (Although I wouldn't know since I never watched it)

You guys are faggots for thinking this makes her based.

>> No.8736152

I just think it's funny to imagine a fairy watching a bunch of middle aged guys in wisconsin shit on movies

>> No.8736265

I thought Mike hated TNG, him and Rish shit on the movies often enough.

>> No.8736618

Mike and Rich had videos listing their top 10 episodes, they shit on the movies because they are different levels of bad.

>> No.8736681

The TNG-era movies are barely representative of TNG as a whole (usually people feel First Contact is a slight improvement), something I'm pretty sure Mike-as-Plinkett covers in his reviews of them.

>> No.8736745

Shitting on the TNG movies does not equate to hating the main series. Every person I know who takes Star Trek seriously mercilessly shits on the movies, but will discuss even their hated episodes of the TV with neutrality. It seems to be due to the movies completely breaking off from the tone of the series, sort of like a proto-Abrams deal

>> No.8736794

Because believe it or not the belief that all the regulations were a retarded clown show is a commonly held opinion

>> No.8736804

unfunny i get but i will never understand how apparently every anime youtuber who makes a joke is somehow trying to copy demolition d

>> No.8738362
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>> No.8738411


>> No.8741088

demo will debut as a yuri vtuber, he told me on facebook. no screenshots

>> No.8743329

Anon, deadbeats on this website don't like TT fags either also i could swear i have seen some of the members in RLM's comment section.

>> No.8743726

I've seen posts about this exact same test for autism numerous times today on /vt/.
If you're the same anon, don't you think your obsession with talking about the same autism test on a taiwanese ventriloquism forum unprompted is maybe, I dunno, extremely autistic in and of itself?

>> No.8745318

If you want something (relatively) short and sweet, I really recommend this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVzc20Bm8Xo
It's a parody of both clickbait list videos and ridiculous Star Wars Expanded Universe lore, if you have any interest in that.

>> No.8745342

What the fuck, I didn't know this about Pony. I gotta watch her more
