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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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86999232 No.86999232 [Reply] [Original]

See you my guy Edition.

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>86977119

>> No.86999372

s-she said maybe next year

>> No.86999393
File: 1.31 MB, 3964x4482, Production kawaii - Week 41 - October 07 - October 13, 2024-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii schedule
added kaya

>> No.86999423
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Don't panic
Everything will be ok

>> No.86999440

so what about meimi?

>> No.86999461


>> No.86999466

i was about to make fun of charzu for saying game recognizes game but she immediately shit on herself
my guy, how am i supposed to make jokes if you say it first

>> No.86999475
File: 516 KB, 720x495, lakawaii[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo8sp30.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith is belief in kawaii
and the Generations
The talents and the managers,
and the holy Idol Project
And to believe in skeb funds
That concerts and 3D Models both come from kawaii
And outfit debuts
there is no Production but kawaii.

kawaii is the small corpo
of unicorns and of gachikoi
Nothing may compare with kawaii,
kawaii is the seiso corpo
Our oshi's are best in VTubing
Sent to all nations and all tribes
To spread the message of kawaii
and cuteness to the worlds.

>> No.86999498

>evening tomos get to hear Nene talk to them 0 times

>> No.86999512

post charzucat

>> No.86999526

thinking about Nene and Nami eating a bunch of egg salad and then sitting on Charlotte Taylor Suzu's face, releasing their farts for her to inhale.

>> No.86999590

kill yourself arbiter

>> No.86999700

evening tomos get an announcement and two asmrs

>> No.86999773

charzu's spitting

>> No.86999804

they're open again

>> No.86999853

Quick mass maro charzu on producing her own daki.

>> No.86999914

they keep fucking teasing tomorrow's announcement man
>it will be alright though

>> No.86999928


>> No.86999957

bet you'd want to know heh

>> No.86999960

They are keeping the IP. That's the good news.

>> No.86999964

if i post this in charzu's chat do you think she'll know how to open it?

>> No.87000042

if they go indie I will support them.
If this is a mass organized graduation bait, that would be the lowest of the low and I would be forced to admit Mozu did nothing wrong and was right about the DNA of this company being rotten.

>> No.87000048

Charzu is a filthy DM leaker. What the hell.

>> No.87000212

wtf charzu you can't talk about that on stream

>> No.87000255

any stream?

>> No.87000256

what if they go indie and join vdere?

>> No.87000315

Nigga, I don’t know what to tell you, but you convinced yourself that it will be a graduation announcement. That’s a you problem.

>> No.87000337

Fuck. Am I going to keep paying a corpo cut tax until the end of the year?

>> No.87000345

>next SONA is on november
they live as a group for one more month lol

>> No.87000434
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>> No.87000439
File: 1.69 MB, 1480x986, PBUN[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fa9m5ri.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a test for the faithful to see who has the strength of spirit and the unwavering courage to join their oshi in holy war against anti's, threadshitters, normalfags and traitor-gen supporters.
This is the pathway carved out for us who follow the sacred path of Esoteric-kawaiism which was first handed to us by the prophet of kawaii and the appointed Caliph of all VTubers Charlotte bint Suzu (pbuh).

There is Production but kawaii and Nene is my Oshi.

>> No.87000465

yeah i will feel manipulated if it is anything but some people leaving tomorrow

>> No.87000503

punch yourself for being so retarded

>> No.87000528

Shee members and she's spilling ALL the beans

>> No.87000535
File: 131 KB, 1284x294, 1728275886598685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon this is a him problem.
would not be at all manipulative and predatory

>> No.87000563

Ben dipped, sad!
I kinda liked the guy, he wasn't really an sperg, or at least he did not show it publically that much

>> No.87000589

sooo... ehmmm...hmmmm... are we schizo and the announcements are actually not that bad o what?

>> No.87000724

it is entirely possible this is a big brain plan to try and grab a viewership buff. Yes, I think they are that desperate and things are not going well at all.

>> No.87000741

Thats the vibe im getting and if it isnt something bad then the way they are doing this is retarded as fuck.

>> No.87000742

we just don't know

>> No.87000825

Yeah, it is not. If you think it’s graduation, then that’s on you. Not all black and white text means graduation/termination.

>> No.87000832

We are schizo's of a higher cause. Unveil your eyes brother and see what has been shown from ancient times.


>> No.87000850

if no announcement is made by the company twitter prior to streams tomorrow, then I don't think it is disbandment.
although, this is the same management that saw it fit for talents to hold court about Oceane and then again when the Gen3 mutiny happened.

>> No.87000857
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same vibe as the people who thought this meant nothing

>> No.87000926


>> No.87000963

Are…are you fucking kidding me? I don’t know if you’re the threadshitter, but man…

>> No.87000973

fryla is dead and kawaii killed her

>> No.87000980

Prediction time
Only Nene is leaving
Everyone else will do a mini talent show as a goodbye to Nene

>> No.87001010

it is arbiter
he is a massive retard copetomo

>> No.87001019

Yes management in this company are a bunch of retards who sucks ass at doing basic pr.

>> No.87001035

stop leaking shee members

>> No.87001038

that is a black company tactic and I would rather them go out with some dignity.
kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene if a drama tuber picks up on a mass organize graduation bait publicity stunt

>> No.87001121

>black company tactic
Dude the management isnt that competent to pull that kind of shit off.

>> No.87001162

would be the most masturbatory and self serving thing since Phase's Tenma pressured people to skinwalk as her to sooth her ego (and then she got butthurt at her genmates who didn't participate)

>> No.87001232

>he cares about the opinions of drama trannies and antis
i feel sorry for you

>> No.87001262

kawaii is the longest running small corpo. they are above doing such low rent tactics.

>> No.87001374

thought the tenma thing was her taking the piss off her model getting leaked
and no, ran had everyone else throw her a karaoke party

>> No.87001402

>kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene
whos gonna tell this poor pure hearted anon

>> No.87001431

Yuno did it for Ran

>> No.87001437
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>> No.87001596

>taking the piss
>took shots at pippa and lia for not participating in her ego trip
pick one

>> No.87001604

Do you regret a thing? Are there still songs left to sing?

>> No.87001700

At this point if its all some weird bait tactic for attention ill drop Nene and kawaii completely

>> No.87001803

See you on Wednesday

>> No.87001867

Nothing indicates she was in a relationship or in a bad circle my guy.
Pillows mom oughted her pretty hard though, keep coping

>> No.87001880

everyone still wanted to make it a warm send off
you think I watch phase?

>> No.87002020

If it is the company closing, then they 100% need to make a press release before then. Would be very very off to have a random talent announce the death of you company on stream.

>> No.87002176

the fact that public perception is already set that kawaii is finished is not great. so even if it is a smokescreen, a certain amount of damage and stench of death has been attached to the company brand after all of this.
we become vreverie.

>> No.87002197

It's afternoon time for them now. They should do it by the end of the business day if they have sense.

>> No.87002320

Hmm, does Isla knows how to animate like that?

>> No.87002384

it's AI

>> No.87002414

it would just further cement that Kawaii is destined to be nothing more than they are and Forever Bloom was the peak.

>> No.87002442

Public perception? It’s either overreacting “fans” who already thought it’s the end, threadshitter scaring you, and drama trannies forcing their narratives, and anti’s in 4chan.

>> No.87002446

Nenes mom wont even talk to her because of the stuff nene did.... Think that speaks for itself, I cant imagine what her mom would say about her. If you think nene stayed single and didnt get dicked down all those years living in Japan you are delusional. Additionally the male Japanese voice yab of hers pretty much confirms she indeed lived with a guy

>> No.87002520

They will always find any reason to make fun of you.

>> No.87002610

Overreacting fans you say, does the 7 graduation bait thumbnail announcement stream waiting rooms not seem pretty ominous to you?, i think the reaction of the talents and now the fans is quite justified. You can feel the difference in the atmosphere of recent streams

>> No.87002653

kawaii friend miu is live btw
take a load off anon

>> No.87002740

I thought heavenrend's rurumi was graduation baiting when she said big announcement stream and even opened the stream with a special sad funeral intro. she had just gotten a new model 2 months before.
she graduated and the company folded. it has been 3 months.

>> No.87003087

Surely you have proof it wasn't actually her brother when living with her grandma, I like how you add a little bit everytime to make it more outlandish
>her mom won't talk to her
>"Japanese" male voice yab
Clearly you can't even threadread the right way tourist-kun

>> No.87003213

can't be friends with a dead corpo

>> No.87003231

>the group is dissolving
>this is a publicity stunt to try and save a struggling group
i don't know what I should be hoping for.
the fact that either of these scenarios are possible shows how dire things are. it is both believable the company is closing, but also believable they would try to do something so dumb as bait mass grads.

>> No.87003395

A bait and switch for a positive announcement or banal shilling on this scale would simply be insulting for the audience. I would hope that the girls have the decency to tell off any retarded corpo drone forcing them to go through with that. Otherwise, kawaii gets the free publicity, but good luck actually profiting from that and getting longtime viewers.

>> No.87003409 [DELETED] 

Her brother doesn't speak Japanese and didn't live in japan with her... Spoilers nene isn't Japanese. Nene's mom pretty much disowned her because of her "life choices" its been talked about many times on stream by nene herself

>> No.87003573

Nene said several times it's something serious, she didn't say the word bad at any point, only serious

>> No.87003613

i think the fact that 3D concert 1 was held at a venue with real promotion, and 3D concert 2 was free in no venue and management thought so little of it that they expected 500 viewers... that told me everything I needed to know about that the company is not healthy and was headed for down sizing at the very least.

>> No.87003647

The free concerts were promotion anon

>> No.87003721

as he writes on the eve of the imminent closing of the company

>> No.87003749

You have got to be shitting me

>> No.87003788

>management thought so little of it that they expected 500 viewers
this is the key part. that is how little hope they have in the endeavor.

>> No.87003952

i think the free concerts were a thank you to the talents who have been around since the beginning

>> No.87003972

I always wondered how the forever bloom concert did money wise but seeing how the didn't even think about doing another one is probably a big enough sign. Didnt seem like the free concerts did much for viewership either which is unfortunate, seems we were doomed to fail and just had to wait out the clock

>> No.87004098

Nene's solo concert also charged admission and was almost certainly underwater as I recall. But, as Charzu reminded us, Kaya and Hiyo are signed onto a paid concert at this very moment. We didn't organize that one though, it's a SEA thing with vshojo and mint.

>> No.87004192

Fair take. Every impression was that they enjoyed it and were proud of getting to do that. I pray Isla gets a better venue than El Rey, the internet, and Hyper Japan some sunny day.

>> No.87004209

Less than 100 people attended in person. The venue seats about 900.

>> No.87004419

Concerts are for the girls and for the experience. Those who got to do Forever Bloom ended up eternal victors because, for a lot of vtubers, getting to do a venue 3D concert is the pinnacle. Likely made it all worth it

>> No.87004435

Yeah i was there in person it wasn't empty but it sure wasn't full, to be fair it seemed a pretty good turnout considering only a handful of fans per talent would probably be willing to make the expensive trip. Hell it cost me over 2000 just for the plane tickets and hotel for a few days, that's alot to ask of small corpo fans

>> No.87004605

Companies take stock of these events, I'm not asking from the girls perspective, I'm asking from a company perspective did it make any money or offer better exposer and therefore be worth the cost. Things like this lead us to where we are now

>> No.87004721


>> No.87004725

Guess ill be waking up to a company announcement tomorrow by the looks of it, it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.87004792

Once again, I'm seeing "predatory" being used completely out of context. This years buzzwords are apparently "predatory" and "dystopian" from my personal experience. People just learn a new word and want to use it everywhere no matter if it makes sense.

>> No.87004847

I’d say it was at about a 100. Capacity is 750 not 900. It was ambitious and they wouldnt trade it for anything.

Concerts at a venue don’t make money unless you are HoloLive. They are a serious investment. Now, there is a difference between losing a little money and completely losing your ass. I think most companies that have some extra money are fine losing some if it means they can have a 3D concert at a venue. Just depends on if a CEO is a pure bean counter or if they have idol ambition like the talents.

>> No.87004897

Most of our viewers are from THOSE parts of the world. Please understand.

>> No.87004928

Cheers brother

>> No.87005181

Good evening /pkg/ I just want to let you know that a couple days ago I became a fan of this company. I came across nene birth ad in this board and thanks to that ad I went and check out some of her streams and since then I’ve been hooked up to the kawaii girls. I want to give my most sincere gratitude to the anon that paid for the ad and made me a kawaii fan.

God bless these cgdct girls. I love them and from now on I will oshi them.

>> No.87005243

You are welcome anon. Making me smile over here. Nene loves you very much, remember it always.

>> No.87005402

Charzu accept my marriage proposal!

>> No.87005726

You are welcome anon. And remember, whatever happens tomorrow, you are nene’s angel.

>> No.87005837

Gooning to Kaya's thighs

>> No.87005857

From a company perspective, since a large amount of funding came from the Kickstarter, then yes Forever Bloom 3D live event made money.

>> No.87006334

>Her brother doesn't speak Japanese
Source my ass

>> No.87006379
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tiktok /pkg/

>> No.87006387
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It's me. I'm the ass.

>> No.87006509

>kawaii would become the laughingstock of the scene

>> No.87006597

You got wedding money my guy?

>> No.87006625

CE sold us to Brave

>> No.87006865

>He doesn't even know the timeline of events and is confused
At least you gave us a good laugh tourist.

>> No.87006946

why do you people love ntr so much

>> No.87007039

I like seeing the girl get their pride crushed and become mind broken because they cant resist cock. There's no other genre that does it as well as NTR so I have to put up with the cuck boyfriend part.

>> No.87007058

Tourists hate GFE and CGDCT, half of them are 2view whores that are envious and the other half are low T "men" that hate all women because they were rejected once in middle school since they are fat fucking creeps

>> No.87007155
File: 142 KB, 582x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look Ma, we made it into the drama cycle

>> No.87007437

but this general is all about being the cucked boyfriend.

>> No.87007517

Nano loves NTR and cucking (You)

>> No.87007627 [DELETED] 

Lumi got Blacked (again)

>> No.87007697

I don't want to lose Isla-sama

>> No.87007863

Barely. Shondo banned again with Twitch banning all lewd loli and Pippa's Joker 2 takes overshadowed any publicity Kawaii would have gotten if they announced this at a better time. A few months ago droves of tourist would have checked out their indie accounts and they would have retained 10%. Now it will be much less because of the bad timing

>> No.87007975

You really want drama tourists to start following our girls? We already have hate watchers, homobeggars and niji expats that is everything currently wrong with the fan side of things. If the current box gave like 10 bucks each a month to their oshi they wouldn't need donothons and live better than pretty much anyone outside of hololive and the 1% earners in the indie sphere

>> No.87008533

If they are keeping the IP and channels and being cut free of the corpo cut that's a 50% pay raise at least. Trying to think positively.

>> No.87008812

That's a 100% pay raise retard

>> No.87008892

You do have to take into account what they lose in free budget.

>> No.87009108

300 per month was the base for their flex budget

>> No.87009840

>official Twitter still trucking along like normal
I know you can automate it bit it still feels like a joke. Couple more hours in the Nipponese work day left for them to drop the bomb.

>> No.87009995

the real question is why is yuno going first

>> No.87010030


>> No.87010047

maybe they're waiting for Shee to stop streaming to drop the bomb

>> No.87010147

if shee is streaming why is there no liveposting

>> No.87010216

Because it's a members stream you dingus

>> No.87010623

>dramtroons still here waiting for any crumb they can get
2 more weeks faggots

>> No.87011259

Is shee saying anything worthwhile or is she just holding out for tomorrow

>> No.87012435
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>> No.87013322
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>> No.87013324


>> No.87013391
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let's meet in our dreams

>> No.87014469

Lethe stream in 16 minutes

>> No.87014882


>> No.87015510
File: 108 KB, 480x360, 42c8bd2db59ac95477fbd776d2ffe59a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check twitter

>> No.87015722

kawaii going out with a whimper...

>> No.87016565

Is Lua the first announcement?

>> No.87016709

Yuno is first, as it should be since she is the pride and soul of kawaii

>> No.87016910

real fan and real post

>> No.87016930

They are really going to push our buttons until the end huh
Is kaolin safe or was she sold to pay off debts?

>> No.87017248

Post it here since I don't follow hmz

>> No.87017257

>1 hour of zatsu before the announcement

>> No.87017327
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>> No.87017341

Kaolin is safe with me.

>> No.87017452

i’m not giving her a view, make sure to post it here

>> No.87017722


>> No.87018154

time to join hands with one another

>> No.87018266

Was this the beginning of the end?

>> No.87018316

>they follow vtuber drama/meme pages on twitter
Tell me you are SEA without telling me you are SEA.
Grim fanbase. If there's one positive side of kawaii dying it will be that all these animals will finally fuck off back to niji en or wherever the fuck they came from.

>> No.87018742

really what can be the announcement that is serious not bait but also not graduations because they talk as if everything will be as it is now

>> No.87018969

Nene not only bought out her IP, she bought out kawaii itself. She's changing its name to NeneCorp and 50% of all donos to the other girls will go towards boosting the number on her asmr thumbnails

>> No.87019031

imagine the announcement is a kickstarter to buy the company at a discounted rate

>> No.87019054

Either Ran is coming back
I'd guess one of the girls has been diagnosed with something and it's advancing to a critical state.

>> No.87019082

Maybe kawaii was bought by someone else?

>> No.87019266

They need six announcement streams to tell us that?

>> No.87019298

maybe kawaii is letting them choose if they want to stay with the company or go indie and getting to keep the ip

>> No.87019580

Reina has been eerily quiet

>> No.87019623

she probably can't stop crying

>> No.87019685

I just want them to be happy and stream for us

>> No.87019752

She members posted yesterday. Let her be.

>> No.87019771

found out about /vt/ because I laughed my ass of at vt_takes

>> No.87019902

Stress seems to be the theme lately

>> No.87020027

You really shouldn't be so proud of being that much of a newfag

>> No.87020055

go to sleep /jp/ uncle

>> No.87020206

>Yuno stream 5pm
>1 hour talking before the announcement
>10am JST
I guess they are going in with no lube just a bit of spit

>> No.87020381

You must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.87020445

>I laughed my ass of at vt_takes
Being this obsessed with it is beyond cringe. Grown ass men btw. Pathetic.

>> No.87020521

That is so weird.

>> No.87020526

KEKED by dramaGODS

>> No.87020570

i hate dead hours

>> No.87020608

I get the feeling that Namiji might get terminated. Why I said it, well she's not having an announcement stream like the others and she is happy about her activities. Think about it, remember what happened to Oceane before she got terminated, she was happy celebrating her 50k and her purchased of her new keyboard, and hours later, an announcement of her termination came and G3 and Reina talked about it. Ring any bells? Yeah they may be some nice chat like Namiji and Shee talking amongst themselves about Silent Hill on X like hours ago but Im suspecting things going on behind the scenes

>> No.87020648

my guess is that the entire group is going the Ameway and all will remain affiliates to kawaii IE will have freedom on their own but no longer have company financial support. kawaii remains as a parent "group" in title only and the girls can come and go as they please.

>> No.87020650

Shee silent hill 2 kino today

>> No.87020655


>> No.87020751

the closer we get to a stream announcement, the less likely it is the company is disbanding.

>> No.87020812

you could have simply said you’re retarded to get your point across.

>> No.87020818

only retards think kawaii is going away. roach of the vtuber world btw.

>> No.87020846

Getting the same feeling, but whatever it is affects 3 gens.

>> No.87020853

>Grown ass men btw. Pathetic.
said the guy whose hobby is threadwatching

>> No.87020909

I can see it. She probably volunteered to handle gen 1/2 - management talks and then lied to both sides.

>> No.87020942
File: 375 KB, 3840x2160, 1717850464066358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:



>> No.87020973
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>> No.87021020

hour many hours until the first announcement?

>> No.87021065

11 hours because Yuno is having a zatsu before the announcement

>> No.87021101

>Just depends on if a CEO is a pure bean counter or if they have idol ambition like the talents.
We went from one boob and asmr lover's passion project to a line on a spreadsheet, like faxes in the rain.

>> No.87021169

>I cant wait for the announcement I need to be deeply engaged in pointless theorycrafting
Kill yourself
Nice try but I'm not the thread shitter. Being a fan of someone is fine. Acting like your fucking life depends on whether they will stay in kawaii or go indie is really really cringe. Being that emotionally invested is something that teenage girls do when they obsess over some of those Kpop bands or some of those manchildren redditors screeching about star wars.

>> No.87021178

I'll say it: they are all marrying me

>> No.87021289

Nene shouldnt have broken up with Koshita. It all went downhill from there. That male voice in Japan on her stream? Koshiter.
No wonder he was so comfortable with pushing her to coombait like crazy. He never pushed Lua or any of the other girls like that.

>> No.87021430

she worked in his dads company that is how they met in the first place. he didnt just randomly recruit people.

>> No.87021457

KekJay... you're too old and crippled

>> No.87021631
File: 63 KB, 1160x339, 1714013447819987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull the fucking trigger already. Tell me if I get to keep my grown women who larp as cute little anime girls.

>> No.87021754

if this gets deleted it's true.

>> No.87021771

genuinely, just post about raping charzu. the pit in my stomach went away in minutes and it hasn't come back. it's a bit unconventional but it works

>> No.87021859

now that is a rrat, and not the thread shitters "hue hue le boyfriend hue hue >he doesnt know"

btw can any kawaii girl play this? lethe loves these games. it has stinky pajeets in it too


>> No.87021990

there will be no kawaii girls after this week

>> No.87021998

>kawaii girls playing fomo
Wrong company for that bud.

>> No.87022106

You can if you join them in the mass suicide (unless you're the guy designated to respond to mails for decades to explain why it happened)

>> No.87022320

the only Truth in this thread

>> No.87022453

no delete = fake

>> No.87022708

If kawaii really is dissolving, why would I donate anything? So they get to skim 50%?

>> No.87023245

ben you are broke

>> No.87023281

you do know Charzu loves production kawaii as if it were her own corpo right? you are hurting charzu too.

>> No.87023408

Hey guys just dropping by and thanks yall for entertaining for the past few years of kawaii stuff. I was banished by the gang but coming back and found out the end of the kawaii is just sad, maybe more like disappointing after all of these. From Koshita to the CCC, Kawaii seems never have a luck to get bigger and bigger.

>> No.87023452

kawaii isnt going anywhere.

>> No.87023517

I'm doubting that anon. Do they actually make profit? CCC might just close this apartment.

>> No.87023527
File: 340 KB, 480x480, charzuHeadpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little sister is too cute

>> No.87023554

Look at her making her oniichan proud.

>> No.87023566


>> No.87023573

>kawaii isnt going anywhere.
that is a part of the problem, isn't it tho?
they aren't going up.
they aren't really going down.
they have just been running in a circle for almost 4 years.

>> No.87023685

Turns out Koshita is the only winner of Kawaii maybe

>> No.87023725

Given where the money is going, the ultimate winner is Noel (or Canan?).

>> No.87023749

Inept management who are still figuring things out really doesn't help.

>> No.87023792

if they lose gen1 and gen2 they might as well rebrand

>> No.87023819

i would say the girls that got to do forever bloom won the most. that is a lifetime memory.
how many non holo en vtubers can say they have done a full 3d concert at a venue? it might be less than 30?

>> No.87023890

dramakeks waiting for any post to larp as real fans and doompost kek

>> No.87023892

Hey that could be whats happening, moving gen 1,2,4 to a new separate branch.

>> No.87023893

lifetime memory of what the actual fuck was I doing

>> No.87023950


>> No.87024023

no, that is actual a tangible thing they got to expiernce.
"what the fuck was i doing?" are vtubers who have wasted their prime years just streaming vidya and not doing anything else with their time being an anime girl. not doing 3d concerts or being guests at cons etc. no matter their size from 1view to 4view, those people will look back when the ride is over and say "what the fuck was I doing?" and the answer will always be "i got groomed for money and i have no stories to really be proud of"

>> No.87024082
File: 774 KB, 828x1280, SheeSmooches.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through the trees
I wIll find you;
I wIll heal the ruins left inside you
Cuz I'm stIll here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathIng now...

>> No.87024093

Kiri... Neme won...

>> No.87024106
File: 414 KB, 1450x1261, EPM Schedule .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87024160

They really should've just released an official statement already instead of have their talents put up a bunch of vague waiting rooms days ahead so fans can spend days suspecting the worst. Seems like questionable PR.
When I first saw it from one of the girls I sub I assumed it was just a clickbait thumbnail until I realized multiple are doing it.

>> No.87024207
File: 236 KB, 1445x886, Eonia schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87024214

It will be memorable, we won't see a graduation relay ever again.

>> No.87024232

You guys are all right. Don't come to the thread tomorrow.

>> No.87024233

Don't you remember the day when gen3 boomed? the statement you want from them will just make things worse.

>> No.87024249

>graduation relay
It's actually drama relay, still memorable and never before seen in vtubing

>> No.87024277

gen 1 2 and 4 minus nami idolesque branch gen 5 and nami niji sis troon branch?

>> No.87024292

This company is ran by retards, this is the first time I have seen a corpo do something like this, not even on the JP side is there anything like this. One thing about kawaii is that they like to be first to do stuff.

>> No.87024333

who is the first to go through with the announcement?

>> No.87024352

Yuno the pride and soul of flayGOD and male collabs

>> No.87024378

You should go check out the things they did before lmao anon you have missed a lot of dramas

>> No.87024409
File: 320 KB, 1420x569, HMZ Schedule .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87024459

>can only fit one word in the half box
>picks "chatting" instead of "announcement"

>> No.87024467

>6pm local time
god, what a fcuking tease

>> No.87024473

I doubt the new ones contracts are still not expired so no retirement "yet".

>> No.87024476

Someone should make an intro video like the Pixel duck made for her Mario kart tourney and Karaoke relay

>> No.87024482
File: 237 KB, 1450x735, Novamore Schedule .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87024484

yuno is not first. she and nene will be announcing whatever it is at the same time. there's a pinned message in yuno's waiting room saying the first hour will just be chatting.

>> No.87024493
File: 472 KB, 576x777, 1721249486808172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87024551
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, (14) IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! ENDURANCE + ANNOUNCEMENT! 😳😳😳 - YouTube - 0-16-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying the first hour will just be chatting.
>Edging people for a fucking hour first
What the fuck, are they trying to make the fanbase go legit schizo?

>> No.87024562

Shee can do well ass an indie, i don't see the issue

>> No.87024593

New meta where you make your more flighty viewers vomit from stress

>> No.87024599

god I hope she keeps her 3D model, Shee 3D is so kino, I love the white fox too but she's not in 3d

>> No.87024601

That's my war queen.

>> No.87024673

the company is not closing.
corpo twitter account would not be putting out schedules acting like things are fine they have no reason to.

i think it will be something like this >>87020648
kawaii will cease as a traditional corpo and be more of a group like aetheria was. so the name etc still lives and the girls can all remain with the group as long as they want or go indie

>> No.87024790

production kawaii will conclude vtuber agency activities? sure sounds like a closing to me

>> No.87024797

Things must be pretty grim if Aetheria 2.0 is considered good news.

>> No.87024805


>> No.87024897

>company is going out of business
>company is restructuring and the girls can opt to go indie
>company stays open and this was all a desperate publicity stunt for a struggling agency

there is no winning move here.

>> No.87024938

Kawaii won't cease their company, only if CCC decides to shut it down. Or they decided to quit their financial and all the supports, all back to origin state of the kawaii, which financial problem will be an issue once again for them.

>> No.87024945

Im just more upset at how this is being presented to us because even the girls must know this is a bad idea.

>> No.87024981

4th option kawaii bought themselves out, this means we are going to be even more broke so no more concerts.

>> No.87025008
File: 642 KB, 689x689, Heliocentrism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87025017

Are you sure? Tell me why they keep it tho?

>> No.87025072

that's not the parent company's name, tourist-chama

>> No.87025086

5th option kaolin passed away and they are holding the funeral avant-garde style one at a time

>> No.87025115

It's good news for people who care about vtubers and not the corpo, I can understand being a corpo bootlicker for Holo because of their brand power and massive investment but kawaii is a glorified indie group already with how little boost they get from being corpo. Add to that the fact that they lack a corpo identity, HMZ and EPM shat on the no males policy, and everyone pretty much does their own thing.

>> No.87025134

I'm blaming Hide for that. MY KAOLIN

>> No.87025146

8 more hours to go till shitters and dramatrannies have a massive melty.

>> No.87025173

the massive melty has been going on for over a year now

>> No.87025241

I can only see them being forced to do something like this.

>> No.87025261

shut the fuck up kekjay

>> No.87025298
File: 133 KB, 1290x305, Lord Freesia has spoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87025340

nami basically confirmed they are forced to do this

>> No.87025362


>> No.87025364

You niggas ever wonder why Charzu and Isla have a different thumbnail than the others?

>> No.87025380

yeah, with me.

>> No.87025399

they are quitting vtubing, the others are going indie or staying in kawaii

>> No.87025402

Too fat to fit out the door lol

>> No.87025407

Worst timeline

>> No.87025412

so her and Nene confirmed they're not graduating, anyone else?

>> No.87025422

They are eloping

>> No.87025427

because it looks like they're saying good bye. i.e. graduating.

>> No.87025433

they are free

>> No.87025445

Keep coping

>> No.87025494

no waiting room from ms asuka probably because she will do a non threatening thumbnail once the cat is out of the bag

>> No.87025501

Nami becoming the daisenpai of kawaii wasn't on my bingo card.

>> No.87025528

They confirmed they are not leaving vtubing, I would be surprised if Nene doesn't quit kawaii after all the hints she has given.
I can see Nami staying in kawaii just because she is too anxious and lazy to start again as indie, she probably doesn't have enough money to buy her IP.

>> No.87025532
File: 84 KB, 670x722, 324453456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not have enough alcohol in my house for today

>> No.87025544

ok but do Nami's farts smell like egg salad or deviled eggs?

>> No.87025547

Majokko Meimi’s Meimanko

>> No.87025568

You know doesn't this pretty much confirm people are leaving then?

>> No.87025587
File: 42 KB, 200x200, 1725142587023971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask aster to walk in on you with premium soju

>> No.87025603

>not usual we
>no announcement
its so over

>> No.87025612

True, Isla is finally free to become my wife before her last eggs dry up

>> No.87025615

century eggs

>> No.87025622

keep coping

>> No.87025623

no, it just confirms she's not disappearing since people are worried about that.

>> No.87025648

its fucking over (tourist pretending to be kawaii fan)

>> No.87025703

it just confirm she's not quitting vtubing, she will continue either in kawaii or as indie we will see

>> No.87025735

Pero pero pero Meimi's meimanko

>> No.87025738

the announcement is that they're bringing back gen3

>> No.87025753

shut the fuck up peen

>> No.87025764

>nami is the only non-ephemira that doesnt have an announcement
>says this
oh yeah it's fucking over
we're merging with niji

>> No.87025772

pretty much nothing changed when PRISM closed. the talents stayed together mostly and just kept what they were doing

>> No.87025802

that's how most corpo dissolutions go. only people who are really affected are the talents and the tribeniggers.

>> No.87025805

they got to keep their models
we dont know if that's going to happen for our girls

>> No.87025824

did you not notice most of them dropping off the face of the earth?

>> No.87025848

>Nami and the nijisister gen are the new kawaii
the most grim timeline, expect homo gen soon

>> No.87025866

Nene was dropping hints for herself already.
I've said it before, but the news has to be bad or controversial at this point otherwise this whole thing would be in bad taste.

>> No.87025891
File: 567 KB, 2161x4096, 1721413870802800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least nano streams today that'll cheer me up

>> No.87025896

Alcohol is for subhumans

>> No.87025905

>his oshi dropped off the face of the earth because as indie
choose a better oshi

>> No.87025973

it is either the company is closing or it is a desperate publicity stunt which will damage the company + talent's who participated reputation beyond repair

>> No.87025982

# here i kinda like the ninja girl and watched her bunny garden streams but my condolences to you guys but hopefully they will get their models when going indie and non of them will quit over it

>> No.87025983

actually some PRISM talents started streaming more as indie, not like they were massively active or popular as corpo anyway

>> No.87025985

she wasn't my oshi, but i miss the red loli

>> No.87025991
File: 557 KB, 1450x1261, 235234824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87026004

>face of the earth
cosmia is still around and very active
requiem booked a fucking show
sara is active
rita just had her birthday
Naki is mostly around
Mako is on twitch, nana is around
Jun is still slaying
>face of the earth

>> No.87026011

sara had a massive glowup out of nowhere

>> No.87026021

Finally, HMZ is getting their 3D's and the announcement is a 3D concert in November 2025 with everyone from the first 3 generations minus Ephemira. This explains why Yuno is going first.

>> No.87026024
File: 1.80 MB, 908x1201, 1724852963450123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timezones bitch

>> No.87026043

There's less than 10 hours until the announcement and people are still doomposting. Drama trannies with their brains fried and addicted to drama just cant help themselves. Modern men are fucking pathetic.

>> No.87026059


>> No.87026063

Look at this in incognito window, why is she like this

>> No.87026066

Luto pretty much stopped streaming as PRISM but came back as indie, I don't know if she is still streaming right now but I remember her coming back for some time after the PRISM dissolution

>> No.87026090

she may be fat but she is right.

>> No.87026116

Luto did a fart asmr stream which is what I am hoping Namiji will do. T

>> No.87026127

>a man unironically using the term glowup
are all kawaii fans backdoor mechanics or what?
do you have a little sugar in your tank son? huh? little...light in the loafers maybe? you like to play in the dirt?

>> No.87026201

>male drama
>niji collabs
>gen 1 2 angry but not stop streaming
*sigh* schizos were right again

>> No.87026206

sara definitely didn't like some of the girls she was in the company, she's doing much better as indie without company mandated friends

>> No.87026248

Why type all this when you could just shit
>nigga you gay
into the comment window? Are you projecting? You seem awfully concerned, dare I say, obsessed, with the sexuality of your fellow anons. To continue this line of questioning, post cock with timestamp.

>> No.87026297
File: 214 KB, 480x480, 1727291270444498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87026301

Its a family guy joke, you SEA animal

>> No.87026336

sara intentionally sabotaged and killed the company when she made a powerpoint presentation to the management about how parasocial fucks are evil and pandering to them should be banned and the management listened to her

>> No.87026354

what the fuck is going on?
>Ohanaki, how are you? By the way big news stick around

>> No.87026375


>> No.87026387
File: 1.53 MB, 320x180, a8rzTmMX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87026434

nah the company was killed by shitki and ritard shilling for male vtubers

>> No.87026438

there was a lot of jealousy because of the time Sara streamed to 45,000 viewers.

>> No.87026441

man this situation is getting more and more retarded every hour
they have to be actually retarded to do this unless it's a fakeout to farm engagement

>> No.87026479

.....which were botted by a guy liveposting about it in noombers, no one was jealous about that

>> No.87026482

but doing this to farm engagement would still be retarded.

>> No.87026483

>not yura
come on now

>> No.87026497


>> No.87026508

if it is a fakeout, that would be beyond rotten and I don't know if I will continue to support the 3 I member to. I am willing to support them as indies, but if this is a publicity stunt then fuck that

>> No.87026525

This is why the entire situation is actually pissing me off.

>> No.87026541
File: 251 KB, 795x677, 1723498889061057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR is creativity

>> No.87026590

still hot, still will fuck. won't dono though.

>> No.87026600

how does she still have viewers

>> No.87026614

she just fucked kekson e-boys, shiki and rita wanted a mixed gen and shilled jun and the other fuckup

>> No.87026626
File: 879 KB, 1236x1658, 1639702231048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87026627

>which were botted by a guy liveposting about it in noombers
that was millie which is why it was the cheap low ones, noombers cant afford the expensive bots

>> No.87026635

People love retard woman

>> No.87026649

so true Kawaii fan

>> No.87026663

production kawaii?

>> No.87026665

Why do you keep posting this shoop?

>> No.87026667


>> No.87026678


>> No.87026686

ive got my popcorn ready

>> No.87026696

reiny did far worse than simping for vox, she's a disgusting whore (real)(cheating)

>> No.87026702

Project Kakoi

>> No.87026714


>> No.87026715

Reminder that Lia unironically tweeted that Luca PAGneshiro's voicepacks made her cry in a corner and she still has close to 1k ccv when she streams.
Some people are just fucking beyond cucks.

>> No.87026732

>I hope that you can listen to my words until the end.
>I hope that you can listen to my words until the end.
>I hope that you can listen to my words until the end.

>> No.87026739

her fans are extreme gachis too
phasefags are weird

>> No.87026760

lia got groomed live by a VA sexpest, phasecucks like that content

>> No.87026787

eh, according to pcg the lia fans are toxic and gay, that's why they were banished to a containment general

>> No.87026791

the rest will go indie
isla and charzu will graduate

>> No.87026804

>according to /pcg/

>> No.87026807

she is not a gfe tuber.
people watch lia almost exclusively to listen to her talk about yaoi, tumblr, boy love and cannibalism.

>> No.87026829

what's wrong with being a cult?

>> No.87026832

I mean, ERB streams to 5x that ccv and she is the most vocal homoshill in HoloEN

it's just brand power

>> No.87026843

Listening to girls talk about BL is GFE in 48 of 50 states.

>> No.87026884

every vtuber is gfe

>> No.87026904

Nami is NOT gfe

>> No.87026914

i am gfe

>> No.87026920

Sad cope, but speaking of phase Clara has cute hands

>> No.87026925

only for big brown baseball players

>> No.87026945
File: 17 KB, 176x286, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're one step closer to Halloween everyday. Are we ready for spooky kawaii?

> Soon, Hiyori and Kaya will be standing on the stage at Southeast Asia's first VTuber musical event, V-MUSE 2024. Have you bought your tickets yet?
> Congratulations, Damadachis! You won your ticket to the World of Yandere Yuno. Are you all quivering in your boots? You better be by this Saturday.
> President Charzu has a new Wacom, and she'll be drawing new stickers with it this week!

>Thank you for also celebrating Hiyori's 10k subscribers' milestone with her and for coming to see Nene's 3D birthday solo live!

>Have a kawaiilicious week!

>> No.87026956

fuck off nami

>> No.87026962

only for big white baseball players

>> No.87026988

What does Neena think of all this?

>> No.87027006

it isn't a cope at all.
anybody watching her for gfe or being parasocial for her is a retard. she is for entertainment purposes only.
it would be like going into a chick fil et and getting angry because they don't sell cheeseburgers

>> No.87027020

as a sometime watcher of lia, she is fun to watch and her streams can be unique, i think that's the draw for a lot of her viewers. but if you gachikoi, you are retarded and completely helpless. some people are just meant to be cucks.

>> No.87027052

>watching lia
parasocial fucks and cucks in denial lmao

>> No.87027074

despite everything I don't think she outright hates kawaii, I remember she got really angry when someone compared her to Oceane on twitter, saying Neena would never doxx her friends like that

>> No.87027087

I hope your whole family suffers a fate worst than death

>> No.87027093
File: 804 KB, 1128x1017, 1727478207084158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 hours until Isla announcement
so we'll get a confirmation that they're leaving with the first announcement and they'll say that some of them will quit completely, because what's the point of separate announcements otherwise, then I'll have to wait for another 24 hours to know if Isla will continue as indie or not
why are they doing it like this, I already have severe anxiety problems even without shit like this, I can't take it

>> No.87027169

they all have to make announcements so they can talk to their fans and reassure them things will continue on as usual. the only difference is they will no longer have [kawaii] in their name

>> No.87027172

KEKEDknight lmao

>> No.87027227

probably because each girl has her own opinion on the matter

>> No.87027247

the proper way of doing that is making the announcement first, then having streams about that
I mean it's not like this is going to be their last streams, they have other streams schedules after the announcements

>> No.87027299

not even Cyberlive would have been black enough to mass graduation bait in order to try and get publicity

>> No.87027313

it's not bait, it's something actually serious

>> No.87027339

Why do they even have other streams after?
>yeah, our corpo died.
>anyways, here's genshin

>> No.87027340

True, listen to >>87027313 and I hope that you can listen to her words until the end.

>> No.87027362

I read that in Lethe voice and kek'd

>> No.87027373

chuubas usually keep streaming for another month after their graduation announcement, it's not that weird

>> No.87027411

Because it's not corpo dissolution, it's just a bunch of graduations and not everyone who has a announcement will go. They get 1 or 2 months notice like Ran, it's not effective immediately.

>> No.87027424

because life goes on so long as they get to keep their IP and assets.
there is a timeline all that changes here is they just dont have "kawaii" in their name anymore + no more concerts unless they can make them happen on their own

>> No.87027434
File: 329 KB, 1600x900, GT6H5eba0AEI2R1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're announcing the second Leg of the Eggy Party x Kawaii collaboration!

>> No.87027444

i hope everyone loses their IP besides Nene. would be hilarious.

>> No.87027467

Because she shares the same illustrator as Kiryu Coco and hangs out with Kson

>> No.87027479

it might happen if they have to buy their IPs

>> No.87027496

ok but why does every talent need to do a stream and give their commentary on others graduations?
no other company does that. matter of fact in graduation announcements that usually ask for chatters not to ask other talents unless they bring it up because life goes on

>> No.87027525

nene clearly got to keep hers, for the others it depends if they have to buy it (and have the money for it), or it was just given to them as a parting gift for their years of service

>> No.87027552

Thats rich coming from a shithreader like you

>> No.87027569

Nami confirmed she's not going anywhere

>> No.87027579

my baby boy chinchin belongs ONLY to ms. asuka

>> No.87027630

you guys are forgetting about all the guilt the girls are gonna be dealing with for years.

>> No.87027655

Nami and Nene keep their models because they have the cutest toots

>> No.87027665

what guilt

>> No.87027733

Nami isn't even leaving dude
which makes me think what the fuck is going on, I genuinely can't think of any scenario where everyone but Nami would leave

>> No.87027756

>announcement stream is them explaining the situation from their point of view and letting the fans know if they stay or leave, and plans for the future
Seems pretty reasonable, they don't have to talk about others decisions.
The only problem is not releasing an official statement before the stream because people are kept on edge for nothing... but management has always been retarded.

>> No.87027778

>I could've...
>If I were more successful...
>If I were more popular...
>It was everyone's dreams and we couldn't...
>I know it wasn't my fault but...
>I respect everyone else too much to blame anyone but myself...
etc, etc. pretty standard stuff, even when it isn't at all justified.

>> No.87027802

Nami said she is staying Nami.
She could be Nami the indie for all we know.

>> No.87027821
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1702418794535745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah i see it

>> No.87027844

management went full killing game and they had to vote for who would die

>> No.87027877

she doesn't even have an announcement, she's not going anywhere
and everyone voted for charzu....

>> No.87027885

what regret would they have?
they achieved the dream of an in person 3d concert. some of them have playbuttons or will inevitably get them.
those who did both won big time.

>> No.87027930

Dumb but I thought about it possibly being Ran's graduation tripping some clause of the buyout that they had to demonstrate stability and they failed.

>> No.87027932

then there is hanamizuki

>> No.87027934

they didn't have sex with miryu before she left

>> No.87027938

so what, you think the corp's shutting down because their mission's accomplished and there's no purpose to it anymore

>> No.87028004

>She could be Nami the indie for all we know.
Only thing we can be sure is that she wont be Nami the thin LOL

>> No.87028010

if the corpo is shutting down, it is ok because nothing lasts forever.
do you really think they are going to be doing this same thing in 10-years time? really?

some of them made the most of their time in kawaii. others wasted their time playing gacha.

>> No.87028022

If they leave they did their part, stayed for 3 years at worst when most vtubers die after 1 year, and got an idol show in LA. Sure they will be sad for a while but it was a good run, unironically, it can end now. Only the HMZ fucks might be sad for not achieving much but who cares, they weren't never supposed to be in this company.

>> No.87028054

and, again, is your idea that they're just shutting down because they've fulfilled all their ambitions and there's nothing left to do?

>> No.87028065
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>> No.87028074

it's over

>> No.87028099

what the shitposting is going on in here how are we at 430

>> No.87028112

I am not convinced they are shutting down

>> No.87028118

i just wanna say it's really cute how you guys never let HMZ replace gen3 in your hearts

>> No.87028131

kawaii is not shutting down, Ephemira would have announcements too if that was the case

>> No.87028196

if gen1 leaves, the company is on an inevitable deathclock.

as it is when them here, people are still convinced the company is closing so it is not like things are healthy right now. it is as dire as it has ever been,

>> No.87028216

it started to accelerate like 2 hours ago and it's just a bunch of speculation and prism/phase talk

>> No.87028232

rationality and emotional processing are two separate processes, anon. even if they can rationally conclude that they shouldn't feel guilty, they will still most likely feel guilty. only those with very high levels of emotional resiliency will be able to accept that a lot of their work the past few years has turned out for naught.

>> No.87028258

Euros got off work.

>> No.87028307

the company's been on a deathclock since gen3 left let's be real

>> No.87028309

Unless the company is closing, it makes no sense that they'd (as the hints seem to point to) let Nene fuck off with her IP and channel (probably the most valuable thing Kawaii owns), but if the company is closing it makes no sense that a whole Gen doesnt seem to have any announcements scheduled. This is strange

>> No.87028355

having another mass graduation would be devastating for the image of the company.
as it is, if this is a bait and switch the image of the company will be lower than dirt. this is a lose lose game right now.

>> No.87028376

could be some weird hybrid shutdown where the older gens are being let loose/graduating while the newest gen is being sold off somewhere. although that'd still obligate one of them doing an announcement imo so idk

>> No.87028453

this is not the newest gen's cross to carry.
if this is that serious, the girls who have only been here for 6 months are the last people who need to be heard from

>> No.87028528
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imagine the timeline where one of the girls decided to have a random conversation with one of the gen3 and they bonded over that so gen3 didnt leave
or the timeline where they weren't so hostile so gen3 left on good terms and kawaii didnt get isolated

>> No.87028562

I think the leading speculation is that most of the early gens are leaving while Ephemira is forced to stay due to contract fuckery. Seems pointless, but the whole thing with Ephemira is just strange in general.
I would hope Culture isn't too retarded and believe that Ephemira could successfully carry kawaii if it's a mass exodus. Or that kawaii would even recover in the first place. Gen 3 leaving practically neutered kawaii, and gen 1 and 2 leaving would of course be even worse.

>> No.87028570

>Nene will be off-topic

>> No.87028617

If Kawaii themselves haven't issued a statement, the most likely reason is because management does not agree with what the talents are doing and were hit with this unexpectedly...like last time.

>> No.87028628

>the girls who have only been here for 6 months are the last people who need to be heard from
Let the OG girls go first, sure. but if they're all getting fired or going indie too its nonsensical that they'd just spend the rest of the week playing Bean game or whatever

>> No.87028634

The way gen 3 left isn't something they can reconcile over. Reina had tried to convince them to stay and they lied to her about it, and this tidbit causes vderefags to seethe at Reina to this day.

>> No.87028664

if you have gen1's who have spent 4 years of their life to this group wanting to leave and go indie, then something is very very rotten.

>> No.87028711

i feel like even that would warrant an announcement from at least SOMEONE in ephemira

>> No.87028713

Graduations take one or two months to happen, Ran graduation notice was in july and she left in september or something like that. Only terminations are effective immediately.

>> No.87028751

>something is very rotten
they are not the original kawaii anymore. they got bought out and the new owners are either shutting them down or going in a completely different direction (male collabs, male gens, collabs with flesh streamers, etc.)

>> No.87028762

>Graduations take one or two months to happen
I know, but there's no week for nobody in a whole gen to make a proper stream about it for over a week.

>> No.87028809

>male collabs, male gens, collabs with flesh streamers, etc
you say this as if anybody would quit over any of these things

>> No.87028810

maybe the announcements are for their graduations and they'll hold a graduation relay in a couple weeks

>> No.87028812

>male collabs
OG Kawaii management already let Reina do her group collab with m*les, all Yuno did was get them to relax the rule about gender ratio. I dont know why they act like she was the one who opened the floodgates

>> No.87028832

>All of the girls want to have a heartfelt talk with their fans about their personal decisions and not put out a robotic corpo all in one statement
You people are worse than the sisters. Seriously vtuber fans could be one of the most pathetic people on the planet

>> No.87028890
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>> No.87028898

it's kinda bait because we don't know what the fuck the announcement is about, they should've at least given a neutral corpo statement with some indications before the announcement relay

>> No.87028912

>insert isla180.mp3

>> No.87028924

>and not put out a robotic corpo all in one statement
I guarantee they'll still do that

>> No.87028937


>> No.87028940
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>> No.87028998

Its important so you have to announce it so people can know and come to watch the stream.
The reason why it wasnt said right off the bat is probably due to JP bureaucracy autism. If Nene says "I CANT talk about it" that tells you enough. But no, retarded drama trannies addicted to drama with their brains fried on /vt/ want to bitch for 2 days straight.

>> No.87029001

yuno is the first announcement, right?

>> No.87029003
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>> No.87029075
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>> No.87029116

refer to >>87024484
