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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8657018 No.8657018 [Reply] [Original]

Is it unethical for a vtuber to do GFE while having a boyfriend?

>> No.8657071

nope. it's men's own fault for being such gullible idiots

>> No.8657076

whats gfe

>> No.8657139

No, but it makes her a cheating whore

>> No.8657144

give free eggs

>> No.8657154

have u looked at twich

>> No.8657159

doing so will not end well, but there's nothing to stop them so long as they make sure it never gets out. the way they approach streaming is usually a dead giveaway anyway

>> No.8657166

I would go even further to say it's downright evil

>> No.8657185


>> No.8657211


>> No.8657226

I feel worse for the guy on the other end of this than the people she's GFE'ing.

>> No.8657284

can I have some?

>> No.8657294

>Vtuber has boyferiend
>But its actually the actress behind the vtuber and you ruined the experience for yourself by prying into her personal life
Also isn't even a proven fact and all you'll ever say is 'the info is out there" like a coward too afraid to eat a 3-day vacation to prove yourself right, fucking autist, lol

>> No.8657303

It's unethical for a vtuber to have a boyfriend at all.

>> No.8657326


>> No.8657385

No, but it's retarded for a company to hire a girl that has a boyfriend to be a glorified idol

>> No.8657420

Yes, but anyone who buys into it is a fool. Or a kek.

>> No.8657449

>But its actually the actress behind the vtuber
What a cope

>> No.8657459

Even if they declare openly they have a partner and set no expectation of selling any sort of parasocial fantasy?

>> No.8657564

Isn't the whole point of idols/vtubers to be a parasocial fantasy?

>> No.8657583

the whole watching a vtuber thing is made for gullible idiots

Again it plays into human nature, specially males nature

>> No.8657603

No because they’re faking loving their ugly sweaty fans either way, neither is more or less disingenuous.

>> No.8657611

Why do you think she's doing GFE? Where did you get that impression?

>> No.8657617

I don't think you understand the appeal of vtubers, or fiction in general. Did you know all of the voice actresses for anime have had sex too? All the women in movies you watch too. Nearly every woman in existence over the age of 15 has had sex already, and you can't cope

>> No.8657681

yeah she is essentially being unfaithful to her boyfriend by romantically servicing other men.
although it isn't unethical if the boyfriend knows about it and accepts it, that just makes him a cuck.

>> No.8657689

Streaming is parasocial in nature and specially for girl streamers, you can do that but you better actually be a talented person if you don't want to live on gachi bucks, I've only seen norio get away with that and only because she's actually talented

>> No.8657703

I don't care about her having a bf and it doesn't anger me, I just am not interested in watching her as a result. Why does this position upset people?

>> No.8657721

unless you want something like this to happen...

>> No.8657764

depends whether you're a gosling or a unicorn
it's not that much of a big deal if you don't "support" her (through SC and membershup) but sticking to voice packs instead

>> No.8657806

It's unethical to be a VTuber in general.

>> No.8657817

Would you want your girlfriend to spends several hours every day getting thousands of other men off online?

>> No.8657826

No it’s to have fun watching a funny anime streamer you fucking loser

>> No.8657827

Wtf bro don't copypaste my post from /r9k/ without permission

>> No.8657942

Is jumping in front of a train the best way to suicide now that exit bags are compromised?

>> No.8657995



>> No.8658044

Why watch a streamer when you could just be reading manga or watching anime if the point is that they're 2D?

>> No.8658084


>> No.8658101

Why are people always blaming the whores and NEVER the simps that support and give them life in the first place? They need to be accountable and get the rope first.

>> No.8658127

Compared to paying for lip service from a girl that doesn't give a fuck about me or know I even exist? Yeah. It's obvious as fuck the viewers are far worse off in that situation.

>> No.8658161

There are definitely some in Hololive who could get away with it if not for company policy, not to mention those in Hololive who don't necessarily need the money.

>> No.8658213

GFE is by definition a form of prostitution
Letting someone degrade themselves to the point of dating a prostitute is unethical

>> No.8658217

Because you're accountable for your own actions. Not anyone else.

>> No.8658264

I don't even think OP is a faggot, I think everyone else including me takes that title for continuing to take this stupid fucking bait.

Seriously stop fucking replying to these god damn threads there's LITERALLY NO POINT.

Nobody actually fucking cares if they have a BF, it's like 99% trolling for replies/(You)s. Go post sex in Kronii thread or concern in owl thread just fucking stop feeding these threads you god damn morons.

>> No.8658270

But it sounds bad for both regardless, only good for the girl

>> No.8658349

Vtuber or not, no girl should ever have a boyfriend who isn't me

>> No.8658351
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What's unethical is for her to be wearing that overcoat.

>> No.8658368

>having a loving GF

>> No.8658388

What are you on, tourists have been shitting on the "simps" and whiteknights those girls every hour of the last few days

>> No.8658410 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8658470

>Nobody actually fucking cares if they have a BF, it's like 99% trolling
You can't be fucking that delusional, or did you literally discover vtubers this year?

>> No.8658500

I think the funniest part is, she didn't even try to hide it. She is going straight for the GFE despite her online trail as long as the fucking continent.

>> No.8658520

Having a shit personality and no respect for lonely males is not unethical per se. What are you even trying to accomplish with this thread, anon?

>> No.8658562

She's not a loving GF if she's spending hours of her day servicing other men. I can provide for both of us if finding an actual job is an issue.

>> No.8658573

>or did you literally discover vtubers this year?
Anon, I think you need to look at the chart of activity from /vt/ in the last week...

>> No.8658625

its basically open relationship but only bf dicked her while you pay the pill because condom is gay

>> No.8658667

Yeah she is. She doesn't care about those men nor is she doing anything explicitly sexual. It's no worse than being a bartender.

>> No.8658730

I wouldn't be happy about my gf being a bartender either. I live 50 years in the past and wish I would be in control of both of our lives.

>> No.8658760

You can't compare VA's who read scripted lines to VTubers who interact with their chat.

>> No.8658886


>> No.8658926

That's on you mate. I think most people would rather have a bartender gf than some girl online who doesn't give a fuck about them

>> No.8658958

Only ever saw owlfags getting riled up if someone ever mentions the idea of Mumei having a boyfriend

>> No.8659015

Seethe, she is sweet and has a nice voice

>> No.8659051

>going to go gfe despite already having eddy
>dumped a schizo girl after she stopped being useful to her
>might go yuribait with the owl
I bet not even Rushia is this much of a bitch

>> No.8659125

I'm dead serious, vast majority don't care. Anyone who does is trolling. The only ones who do are the ACTUAL schizos who break the law to stalk their oshi. I'd be surprised if more than one or two people in this entire board are actually on the level of mentally ill to actually think this warrants real world action. You're lying to yourself if you post on here talking about how much you care about PURE GFE when in reality the only fucking thing you DO is just post here.

Either go break an actual fucking law to show how mentally retarded you truly are or quit pretending to do anything other than shitpost.

>> No.8659180

What is it with /vt/ and hating green vtubers? First Finana, now Fauna...

>> No.8659211

I've rarely seen such a level of delusion
Most people here do care, it's always been like this
You seem to be completely new to the idea of idols and vtubers who are heavily inspired from it

>> No.8659227

No because it's GFE not GF

>> No.8659296
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>> No.8659311

You must be new to streaming then because this shits been around for a long time. Vtubers are literally just streamers and let's players.

>> No.8659367

I may need to rephrase what I wanted to express.
If you have zero respect for your audience, then that doesn't make you unethical, just an asshole I want nothing to do with.
It would be unethical to psychologically manipulate them in order to maximize your monetary gainz if you're in a position to do so.
To burrow from the postmodern left, it's Prejudice+Intent+Power.

>> No.8659386
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>giving a fuck about spooks

>> No.8659403

Maybe its time for you to find out

>> No.8659425

Vtubers are a very specific branch of streamers where people indeed do care about that
And no, I literally created my account 6 years ago on justinTV before it even became twitch

>> No.8659504

That's retarded, take your meds

>> No.8659522

Whoop-dee-fucking-doo, no one cares how old you are anon

>> No.8659586

Streaming has a fuckton of people treating it as a friend/girl "friend" simulator, you're not actually helping your case with that.

>> No.8659594

It's one think to have no empathy and just laugh at people being exploited, sure whatever, but actually celebrating and praising the crook? What's the point, he's the one getting the money, not you

>> No.8659672

Yeah, many streams do hide their relationships, not as much as vtubers but it's definitely a thing

>> No.8659821

At least wait for friday stream for this post. Just imagine what will happen during and after her asmr stream.

>> No.8659993

Wow it's almost like they all have fucking other men in common.

>> No.8660063

If it's not about having a fake friend then that just makes live streamers really shitty reality TV. You might not be as sad as people who watch streamers for a fake girlfriend but it does make you a retard who enjoys television too stupid for the lowest common denominator instead.

>> No.8660137

If the girlfriend is a GFE chuuba is it the boyfriend getting cucked by chat or chat getting cucked by the boyfriend? The answer is who gets to fuck her in real life.

But the best way to go as always is for these girls to pretend they're single and chaste to maintain the illusion. If they can't handle something that simple, they shouldn't complain if gachikoi leave for someone else.

>> No.8660260


>> No.8660374

If it had been Hanaflo, this would be a different timeline...

>> No.8660397
File: 40 KB, 1157x193, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have seen it coming

>> No.8660444

Fauna just annoys me. She reminds me of 3dpd more than anyone else.

>> No.8660557

It's bad for everyone, just worse for some
In order from worse to less worse :
- paypigs regulars getting exploited
- regular loners investing their time into the scam
- the boyfriend putting up with the humiliation of his GF spending hours flirting with randos
- Viewers in relationship (with a non-vtuber GF) who for some reason are watching this

>> No.8660652

Her tastes are entry level in general too, she's just the typical normalfag exploiting a trend.

>> No.8660782
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>isn't even proven fact

>> No.8660819

gay fellatio experience

>> No.8660879

Take your fucking pills

>> No.8660910

I didn't prey into their personal life, it's just bound to happen in this kind of hobby, and because it will naturally spread I will get to know about it no matter if I want or not. That's why, either just don't have one (it's not hard) or be very good at hiding it and do the basic minimum of protecting previous life accounts

>> No.8660964

it is unethical to post shitty threads that go against this board's rules, you fucking newshitter
