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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 163 KB, 1125x662, F83EDC71-0067-4883-B900-095F8F05B014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
860564 No.860564 [Reply] [Original]

is there a more money hungry vtuber than that loli succubus whore kyuotto ? "I dont like lettuce but ill eat it if you donate 10K! :-( please dont make me :-( Xdddd". from being a notorious art thief to designing merch before debuting so asking for 10k donations isn't too far fetched I guess.
tfw most ENVtubers are money hungry whores that hopped on a trend

>> No.860609

If the simps are willing to be milked, let them be milked. Just don't fall for it yourself.

>> No.860623

>most ENVtubers
No it's the same in JP as well. They are just better at hiding it.

>> No.860650

They're only better at hiding it if you don't speak Japanese.

>> No.860761

Dont worry anon the fad will end soon enough. The strongest ones will last post fad stage.

>> No.860881

>ENVtubers are money hungry
No shit, sherlock. People like money.

>> No.861021

Don't blame her, blame the manchildren that will actually give her money.

>> No.861418

All this hype and shitty "partial model revealing" from that shitty little drama over her loli model just to get generic voice vtuber streaming genshin.

>> No.862154

Who would legitimately would fall for this? It’s lettuce... Haachama ate crocodile and chocolate for free just a week ago.

>> No.862470

name one vtuber other than kizuna who isn't a money hungry whore that hopped on a trend
protip: you literally can't

>> No.862502

I don't get it? Male streamers do this all the time where they won't play/do any weebshit unless some sub/donation threshold is met but when a girl does it, it's bad?

>> No.863449

God I wish I could get paid 10k to eat lettuce I hate my job

>> No.863613


>> No.863699

At least it's not fucking eating lettuce

>> No.863711

Any one of hudreds of indies with 3 digit number of subscribers who do streaming as a hobby after work to play Apex or amongus with friends like them, ones who don't even have a link for donationalerts or streamlabs and all items in their Amazon wishlist are cheaper than 300 yen.

>> No.863796
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Kyuotto is a whore.

>> No.864026

that isn't a name

>> No.864058

"I really don't like cucumbers pls don't make me eat them :-("
why are inafags such hippocrates

>> No.864093


>> No.864235

I came looking for this post fellow home friend. thank you.

>> No.864467

Cute kyu-chan facts:
>She's ok!
>She's a xanax-addled energylet!
>She made a substantial investment!
>She can afford it because it's a side gig!
>Please don't give her $10,000!

>> No.865938
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>If you weren't the first one then you are a whore

>> No.866128

Are you that autistic or did not figured it out yet? She yapped the 10k$ number because she's aware that no one will do it. That's the joke you mentally underdeveloped excuse of human being.
Why it need to be explained? When you say "i will eat my pants faster than X", do you actually eat your fucking underwear when x happens?

>> No.866154

Singing types, all video game tubers are whores since women hate playing games, they would only do it for money.

>> No.866157

The line drawn? What's that in this context.

>> No.866172
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We all know who actually had the longest debut

>> No.866180

why so angry? we are all civilized adults here

>> No.866184

This is usually correct. If something succeeds the first time people replicate it.

>> No.866211

>she's aware that no one will do it
Watch somebody do it

>> No.866221

>retards will never pay you 10k to eat the lettuce

>> No.866278

Not angry, just honest.
One really need to be an idiot to not understand the point here. She's aware that no one will pay this much.

Well in this case it will be one awkward 10k donation and stream were she will be complaining about eating lettuce. She will survive and be richer, more power to her.

>> No.866391
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And she didn't need to beg to get $10k

>> No.866440

They're waltzing into the EN scene to do it now. See the one girl who is permanently streaming until she graduates

>> No.866639


>> No.866650

rose is that popular?

>> No.867420
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Not super popular, 5K subs and 60-80 live viewers on average, but she has some loyal and generous simps

>> No.868258

Time for the autist deer who wants to be blacked to join in!!!

>> No.868268

"$100 and I'll play X Game" x "I'll eat lettuce if you give me 10k xD "
Vagina logic...

>> No.868356

Just checked her out and her voice does not fit her avatar at all.

>> No.868369

Do you call it "vagina logic" because, like vagina, you wouldn't get it?

>> No.868399


>> No.868548
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based and peppelonipilled

>> No.869273

Doesn't putting such a high goal means that she doesn't want it to happen? There's 0 chance of her achieving the goal in a few weeks

>> No.870597

The people complaining probably aren't the people who watch male streamers.

>> No.870662

>me and lettuce don't have a good relationship
what the fuck could that possibly mean

>> No.870751

She doesn't like lettuce. It's not really that confusing.

>> No.870763


>> No.870798

>western woman won't eat vegetables

>> No.871020

Blame both

>> No.871049

Croc is fucking good. Legit tastes like chicken with a fish like texture.

>> No.871057


>> No.871083

Im glad other people like that word as much as me. Same thing with Away!

>> No.872013 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and die.

>> No.873078

Hi leddit

>> No.875312

>Croc is fucking good.
>Legit tastes like chicken
just eat chicken

>> No.875438

Is it me or now a broader roster of vtubers are getting more akasupas than before?
I swear before that it was just Holos and Nijis but now indie Vtubers are receiving big akasupas.

>> No.875581

But you don’t have the street cred of eating an ancient predator

>> No.875604

I remember seeing one say gimme 1k and I'll do X as a joke but he refunded and scolded the donator who was actually stupid enough to do it. Honestly I can't even blame these whores though, a fool and his money are easily parted, if they didn't give it to streamers they'd just go waste it on something else because they're retards

>> No.875629

Meant to reply to >>862502

>> No.875680

I dont think she is cashing in on anything cuz she knows she doesnt have enough people to get 10k.

>> No.875767

More like they watch male streamers but still have misogynistic views on women.
Vtubers are not their exception, they expect to simp over a dream waifu not over a female.

>> No.875806

I eat heads of lettuce whole all the time, and the fastest I've ever eaten one is thirteen minutes. I've got a bit of a reputation in my high school, college and family for it, but I don't see how it's weird. Is it really that deserving of a 10k donation? Could I possibly make money from it?

>> No.875832

post a webm doing it and I'll paypal you $150

>> No.876844

The joke is that she absolutely despises lettuce (for good reason, shit is trash), so say if you drop a obscene amount of money, such as the exact amount of money where banks have to start filing reports, you can force her to do it.

>> No.878930

They seem interesting. Link me, I'll give them a chance.

>> No.878968

Both are bad.

>> No.879066

I will not be able to get close to that time since I don't eat it as regularly as I used to[Used to be friends with a guy who had a lot of reptiles, would let me take whole heads of lettuce in exchange for taking care of them], but I will go buy one tomorrow and post myself eating it if the thread is still up.

>> No.879266

are you kyuotto's sole tier 3 sub?

>> No.879472

How does this thing even have subs?

>> No.879532

Moon Man.

>> No.879536

I knew she was not worth it since I heard her roastie voice

>> No.879956
File: 865 KB, 1269x657, 1613348570378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kyuotto: 12 hours debut stream
>Rose: 10 hours debut stream
Keep seething schizo.

>> No.880099
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Only a severely autistic individual could not see this as an obvious joke.

>> No.880500

Cope harder

>> No.881773
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Where on the graph do you think we are?

>> No.881885
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>> No.884936

I think more and more persons who are easily affected by parasocial aspect are realizing that indies give a more personal experience than big corporate vtubers.

>> No.885364

>other than Kizuna
>forgetting that Kizuna debuted and said out the gate that she wanted to sell out

>> No.889487

Well that one is more of an attention whore than a money whore

>> No.889669
File: 118 KB, 391x184, 1604444542165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic kyuotto only had a six hour debut since she had to upload it in two six hour parts.

>> No.889769

Those are streams, not uploads.

>> No.889812

oh no he's retarded
or worse, pretending to be

>> No.889868

>"""permanently""" streaming until she graduates
Not to mention that girl's 10 hour playback was just her sleeping

>> No.889900

Anon, one doesn't post his indie on /vt/

>> No.889937

>tfw planning to debut after capitulation

>> No.889955
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>> No.890342

Two streams are not one stream

>> No.890357

A fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.890392
File: 161 KB, 319x279, 1585089403258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kyuottokeks completely btfo by a fucking pumpkin

>> No.890470

It is with marathon streams because youtube won't save over 12h streams so they are always done in several parts

>> No.890510

God I fucking hate trannies so much
99% of them are all just attention whores that need to be shot

>> No.890536

The 1% of them that aren't are pretty based desu. It makes me wonder if many trannies these days aren't actually transgender but just men who think women live life on easy mode
t. /b/tard

>> No.890615

I think genuinely trans people should try to get help and try everything to accept they body they were born with, but if that doesn’t work and they’re informed of all of the side effects, then feel free to transition, and don’t be an ass about it and actually put an effort into looking like the other gender, and I will happily use your proper pronouns
But if you’re the 99% of them, you just want to be special/“marginalized”, treat it as a fetish, or get away with being a peeping tom/rapist/coercing a lesbian into being with you
All those people need to die
Also all the pharmaniggers pushing this for a windfall need to be tortured to death

>> No.890657

you're okay anon

>> No.891403

Her tech failed during part one, which is why she had to restart the stream, she didn't end it.

>> No.891429

To be fair, Rose is babbies first indie for many Holofans, she certainly was for me

>> No.891465

Hey, I try to be accommodating of people with genuine issues, as I’ve got my own, but once you start abusing the privileges of those issues and demanding them as rights, I’m gonna come up and chin check your ass
And I just hate pharmaniggers as anyone who isn’t one of them should, most corrupt bastards on the planet

>> No.895221
File: 62 KB, 208x246, 1602540685138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna joined the vtuber world because she is lonely as fuck and even tho it literally harms her health, streams not to feel lonely.

>> No.895341

what the fuck is this.
first indie for holos? there's shigure, tamaki, pochi and many others first

>> No.895376

*western indie

>> No.900387

I'm very hongry.
Give me the pepper.

>> No.901604

Rose would never say this

>> No.901662

>exposed panties
No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.901698

Let me tell you about the holo house for broken girls. Also a few indies from Japan that I follow that are shut ins and wanted to interact with people.

>> No.901729

She was mine, but that really doesn't mean much considering it was her and then Koopa, Neko, and Nina within days of each other.

I goosed hard for Koopa but I'm more of an Africat lover now. I'd be hard pressed to pick any specific /vt/-related chuuba though

>> No.901858

These girls should just be more honest and just do what Kagura Mea does.

>> No.903799
File: 158 KB, 1199x899, 20210131_164255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is MY loli vtuber

>> No.909383

What does /vt/ think about pre-debut or debut TBA ENVtubers?

>> No.909477

If they have a debut date, they're fine in my eyes as long as they're not terminally retarded. No date, no support.

>> No.909928

All indies awful, trying to find the 0.1% that are watchable is not worth it unless you literally don't value your time even a little bit.
The best thing about companies like Hololive is how good they are at filtering out the trash.

>> No.909985

Lettuce eating video currently converting to webm bump.

>> No.911499

>not finding an obscure vtuber with under 100 viewers and developing a real, not parasocial, relationship with them.
>becoming close friends and meeting up IRL
>they're a _boy and now you've got a cool pal to hang out with that also streams!
>Having fun, sharing hobbies, and hanging out with a mildly famous person that's also a good friend!
The dream.
