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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8601869 No.8601869 [Reply] [Original]

Cyberlive Thread
Kaneko Lumi is live soon on Twitch with a guerilla Dark Souls 3 stream.
Also, they've opened auditions for gen 2.

>> No.8601959

What are your hopes for Gen 2? Are there any improvements they could make?

>> No.8602157

is it just me or is lumi's stream not loading

>> No.8602223

Also here's link for anyone not in it yet

>> No.8602354

I know that this thread is really only for lumi, but if youre going to make a general for a company then next time add in shit like channel links for everyone, maybe their twitters, shit like that

>> No.8602416

I grew impatient for someone else to make it.
It can be arranged for the next ones.

>> No.8603203

This is the run bros!

>> No.8603294

i know literally nothing about dark souls...

>> No.8603328


>> No.8603722

There's a Lumi thread running, actually
As I promised in >>8553272 I'll make a new thread every single time the old one will get archived.
This is only the beginning, true shilling is yet to come.

>> No.8603844
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Just jump on the bandwagon, will you?

>> No.8603847

Ah I see you made it a bit later than mine, I suppose I could've waited a bit longer for you.

>> No.8603899

I can help with the shilling by making clips in Spanish, but they're as bad as SEAniggers.

>> No.8603921

I mean it's okay, we can have both Cyberlive General and a Lumi thread.

>> No.8603949

holy shit so many boards

>> No.8604260

Why does Lumi change between accents randomly? I heard the cute bit about the translator, but whats up with it really

>> No.8604391

Just flexing her voice maybe, seems like she practiced imitating several accents

>> No.8605339

I'm already getting filtered. Shit never works as it should for me.

>> No.8605396

Luckily she streams more on yt

>> No.8605750

Luckily she's more of a Youtube Streamer.
And even if she does sometimes stream on Twitch - trust me, anonchama, it's worth it. Also her audience is nothing like typical twitch chat.
I think we should support that thread >>8603844
mentioned, it's prone falling behind larger threads.

>> No.8607612

Do it, numbers are numbers and numbers make her happy. Mods will take care of shitters

>> No.8608023

I'm a spic, but I don't interact with my kind that much. What I've read from them terrifies me though, so I'd really advice against it.

>> No.8608154

Clippers are a must, a necessary evil, a deal with the devil. But they have to be in english.

>> No.8608562

oshi https://youtu.be/o8UJwNbn0Uw

>> No.8609968

bros if someone gets a gif of Lumi's Cantina dance i... PLEASE BROS.

>> No.8616170
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Closest stream from now seems to be Pandora's collab.

>> No.8616452

Also just noticed she has Townscaper lined up for tomorrow. Pretty fucking based choice, I remember the /v/ threads back in the early days.

>> No.8616576

>collab with Shizukou

>> No.8617398
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yuri streaming red dead 2 today

>> No.8617569


>> No.8617631

Do it, we can replace them later.

>> No.8618189

Hylo finally came back

>> No.8618870

>I was there
listening to studio Ghibli music was great.

>> No.8620434

I fucking love pandora. She is wife material. Voice, based personality, and best of all, she’s British.

>> No.8620625

I wonder if Pandora has any colourblind fans and whether they know she has heterochromia.

>> No.8620702

ask her

>> No.8622807

I'll be around for the Gartic Phone and Just Chatting

>> No.8624630

She does have one of the better PCs, so that should be fun

>> No.8626388

Pandora collab

>> No.8626875

Pandora at 2k now also, nice

>> No.8631774
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Just noticed that this Shizukou the panda is collabing with is a pretty big chuuba.

>> No.8634479

I tried watching Lumi's Humankind stream yesterday and I really enjoyed it despite not liking the accent change at first.
But then chat started spamming Twitch audio and asking her about Holo EN 2 and that made me stop watching it altogether.
Fuck Twitch and fuck chat.

>> No.8634575

Any other Lumi antis here?

>> No.8634616

She forgot to turn off the twitch audio

>> No.8634698

Her twitch chat gets annoying, her YouTube is surprisingly well behaved

>> No.8634847

I was watching the VOD on youtube so I have no idea if she multistreams but I was lead to believe it was an youtube stream because she was surprised people were going on twitch to queue up the audio clips.
So I guess the "what do you think of holo" shit was from the youtube side of things

>> No.8634909

I agree about the Twitch alerts, honestly.

>> No.8634976

Could you maybe put their links in before you start a thread?

>> No.8635002

If you read the thread I'll consider it.

>> No.8635073

She did tell them to stop it after that, so she was aware of it becoming a problem.

>> No.8635575

>>8602416 (me)
>>8635002 (me)

Here I'll go ahead and share the format I'll use for the next one.

/clg/ - Cyberlive General (subject field)
Cyberlive - ____ edition

Kaneko Lumi

Utano Pandora

Amaris Yuri

Ayane Hylo

Momozora Seina

CyberLive (auditions open!)
Full schedule:

If someone beats me to making the next thread then use this or use an improved version of it if you think you can do a better layout. Too much text and no one will read the OP however, it's a balancing act from my experience.

>> No.8635700

Who has streams today?

>> No.8635765

Seina+Pan in 6 hours.
Yuri in 8 hours.
Lumi in 10 hours.

>> No.8635781

looks fine, but can also link CyberLive itself and each girl's individual schedule.

>> No.8635819

Oh thanks

>> No.8635890

I'm watching the humankind vod. I honestly can't say I'm gonna care about her genmates or anyone else who joins, but yeah I like Lumi. Cyberlive got a good one.

>> No.8637022

>Cyberlive - ____ edition
Editions are kind of gay tbdesu.

>> No.8637092

also hylo today on twitch

>> No.8637180

I'm not a fan of them either, I included it for good measure. I come from a board and a time where simple was best.

>> No.8637294


>> No.8637873

Oh, had no idea is she even worth watching?

>> No.8637939

most comparable chuuba is probably iron mouse so if that is what you like then she is worth trying out

>> No.8637997

she's /here/ as well and loves playing FPS games but has a shitty PC but apparently she's upgrading that soon.

>> No.8638041
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Not a fan of zatsus unless I really like the chuuba, but if that's your cup of tea then no need to hesitate.
Apex and League are kind of repelling, ngl.

>> No.8638120

pudgy cat sure is looking slim there

>> No.8638440

At least the apex and league are on twitch to not ruin my youtube experience

>> No.8638866

Her 'there is no game' stream was hilarious. Even if her game choice isn't the best she's extremely funny, but has a problem with losing steam halfway through. She's admitted to being ADHD which explains a bit

>> No.8638945

Damn, ADHD sucks I hope she doesn't let it effect her to much

>> No.8639696

They work alright on slow threads when you gotta look up the archives from memory. Utterly useless on this board, so yeah.

>> No.8640373
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Should we let the thread sink and make a more proper one when the Gartic stream is about to start?

>> No.8640466

I honestly don't know. If you know that you can do it better then it's up to you. I'd stay with it until it sinks naturally, because, at this point, why let it die?

>> No.8640506

>If you know that you can do it
Nah, it's sleepy time for me.

>> No.8646738

how often do they collab with each other?

>> No.8647094

Seems to be fairly regularly, but not that often that it would obstruct the solo streams.

>> No.8647503

pandora's main thing seems to be collabs, she does them the most

the rest have at least done a collab every other week or so

>> No.8651240 [DELETED] 
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hylo close to 2k, seina approaching 3k, yuri is going to hit 4k any moment now, pandora just hit 2k.
is there a good reason why yuri is the biggest on all their platforms so far? i only watch lumi so far.

>> No.8651374 [DELETED] 

well that's a third

>> No.8651684
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Apex and numerous collabs, I guess
She's also a loli catgirl, which is mainstream
Yuri's streaming Red Dead Redemption 2 in 3 hours btw

I haven't watched her yet, but that RDR stream seems tasty
I'll have to pick between this and Tsukumo Sana, though

>> No.8652146

In a way, it fits you. I laughed a bit, I admit.

>> No.8652199

just roll with it bro just roll with it

>> No.8657120


Panchan and Seina.

>> No.8657710

the Dragon is back

>> No.8660870

>Hylo's singing
>Hylo's bobbing
this is fucking cute

>> No.8662442

I missed Hylo so much bros

>> No.8662633

she has been gone for too long

>> No.8663870

yuri playing red dead redemption

>> No.8664440
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>> No.8664987

You guys should form a team for /vt/ divegrass league

>> No.8665063

It was mentioned elsewhere too, it could be a fun idea if someone has ideas for a roster.

>> No.8665738

this thread and Lumi thread have considered that, we need a roster tho

>> No.8667694

How is she so good??? Why doesn't she sing more

>> No.8668676

>it takes us a long time to do big collabs bceause we have to find games we all enjoy and coordinate timezones
Why can't big agencies be like this?

>> No.8672339

not sure what you mean exactly

>> No.8675999

so fucking cute

>> No.8676533

That's a tall task to ask of a thread that until yesterday couldn't stay up for any significant amount of time and is more a satellite thread to one of its talents. Would be nice if it could happen but I don't have high expectations.

>> No.8679079

because apperently she forgot she did choir for a decade

>> No.8681667

I don't really believe she did, but if she says so.

>> No.8681782

What kind of laptop has these kinds of specs!?

>> No.8681931

Is cyberlive as a company good? Like, managers and staff and such
I'll be checking the girls out either way but I wanted to know

>> No.8682050

My laptop is i7-10870H/16GB/RTX 3060, those specs aren't scary. Also laptop GPUs aren't as powerful as their desktop counterparts (obviously).

>> No.8682489

The girls praise them a lot and according to what we know about the contract they are at least offering something better than most. The auditions that just opened up say they get to keep their model if they leave at no cost, which I don’t think any company does that I am aware of.

>> No.8682546

There was some drama that caused a minishitstorm on 4chan early on which is how I found out about them not gonna lie but other than that they've stayed yab free. Also they seem to only take 15% of the cut and the girls can keep their models if they decide to leave.

>> No.8682680


>> No.8683002

I see, thank you!

>> No.8684547

Why don't you believe?

>> No.8686968

I dont know if this is out of my ass but I believe that Cyberlive bought itself in from a startup that wanted to get out of the vtuber business that hasnt debut yet and they were reportedly very scammy but already had assets made for some members. I think this is why Pandora has gotten a whole new costume just a month after her release since her original design is from the old company.

>> No.8687043

nice, spreading misinformation. Pandora is the only one from the company that joined as an indie and kept her design. Take a look at her twitter and how long she has been Pandora for.

>> No.8687325

Pandora was an indie and not part of the old company. She was the only one who joined as is. I dunno why she got a new outfit so early but she said that in her streams that it had been planned for a while. Girl even said her and her mom designed herself.

So yeah it is out of your ass.

>> No.8687378

Lumi thread got archived, it should become more lively in here.

>> No.8687870

They probably bought her a new outfit to be fair, since all the other girls got new thousand dollar models

>> No.8688454

sleepy voice stream incoming

>> No.8695121

Saging to say that if no one else replies to the thread, a new one can be made with the links and such.
If you are too new to know what a sage is then ignore me and don't reply to the thread.
