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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8587079 No.8587079 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, what the fuck was Cover thinking?

>> No.8587254
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, NV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRB, on my way to steal your oshi

>> No.8587393

>"People love Vshojo, we should hire a cucking whore of our own!"

>> No.8587404

Hello /vt/ am her boyfriend.

>> No.8587556

They thought "that's a great fucking idea"

And damn, they were fucking right

>> No.8587613

Literally just veibae.
She'll start talking about dicks and cum soon.

>> No.8587614 [DELETED] 

It was honestly a genius design since horns are utilized as symbolism for getting cucked, so if anything Cover nailed the design matching it with the streamers personality.

>> No.8587628

I'm thinking they were based.

>> No.8587638

I think they don't give a shit about 10 or less schizos that let their new talents live rent free in their heads.

>> No.8587648

I dont get the hate. You want a GFE, and now you have a vtuber with actual GF experience.

>> No.8587721

Based cover making schizos seethe

>> No.8587732

I want to have unemotional sex with Ceres.

>> No.8587742

shes the best one so far

>> No.8587866

Not a biggest achievement

>> No.8587885

>there are anons here who have unironically given money to a girl with a boyfriend pretending to be innocent on the internet

>> No.8587973

I don't get it. What's the problem?

>> No.8588042

What do you mean by this did anything happen on stream?

>> No.8588128

At least they know what they're getting into unlike Matsuri fans

>> No.8588165

This only proves westoid holobronies are cucks. If someone found out that GFE or idolfag appealing JP chuuba has a bf, not only would her videos get mass disliked, but she would also be forced to retire by the corp.

>> No.8588222

I used to watch her as an indie. She's not very lewd. I probably won't watch her now though, because the model is a downgrade.

>> No.8588240

She was having lots of sex and birthing children live on stream.

>> No.8588302

was the previous model brown?

also if she gets a casual outfit like an amazon thing that would work

>> No.8588315

What are people even mad about?

>> No.8588418

In her past life she claimed to have a boyfriend many years ago and there are 5 schizos here on /vt/ losing their minds about it.

>> No.8588491

green lamy is cute

>> No.8588500 [DELETED] 

Those 5 schizos? All me.

>> No.8588526

>Literally only "talent" is ASMR GFE, no good drawing, bad singing, not particulary funny, not good at good, no interesting life anecdots or knowledge
>Yet, still breaks the one rule of GFE
How did this happen. Compares this to Lamy, similar audience target, but day and night in quality.

>> No.8588549

But I am the boyfriend, I think I have the freedom to give her as much money as I want.

>> No.8588553


>> No.8588565

If you were delusional enough to roleplay in your pea brain that she was your GF you're delusional enough to pretend she doesn't have a boyfriend.

>> No.8588575

this last stream was great

>> No.8588659

oh lmao i thought you were talking about sana. You're crazy this one looks amazing

>> No.8588720

>many years ago
is this what holocucks tell themselves?
she literally had it on her stream description, and kept it until before debuting lmao

>> No.8588724

>many years
I’m not one of these guys but Anon… that was months ago She didn’t hide it. The person you’re thinking of is Mumei.

>> No.8588729

Nah, the new model is better.

>> No.8588755

To avoid over-saturation, Cover is targeting specific niches not overlapping with other vtubers from their agency.
Here they clearly went for the cuckold GFE audience as main focus. It's pretty smart.

>> No.8588772


>> No.8588809

She can draw decently. All the art on LemonleafASMR is hers.

>> No.8588811

Why does it matter if she had a boyfriend or even if she still has one?

>> No.8588827
File: 154 KB, 754x1200, EydFz2zUUAIrHNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, really?

>> No.8588846

Only in the west however, JP don't let that slide

>> No.8588852

It's literally impossible for anyone to make the first two stages of this game boring

>> No.8588893

go back to your echo chamber faggot. She is obviously going GFE ASMR whore route like she previously did as her old persona, I have nothing against that, but you have to realise if you go that route you absolutely MUST avoid even something resembling a real bf/gf as that will hurt your growth and it becomes impossible to sell yourself as proper GFE.

>> No.8588928


>> No.8588952


>> No.8589008
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>> No.8589026

She sounds like neutered Nyanners.

>> No.8589117

You're the one in the echo chamber you absolute neet

>> No.8589155

5ch mostly doesnt like the EN branch afaik. Im sure they have a couple of dedicated Takeshi's reading this board since i've seen them post shit from here before, they probably know by now.

>> No.8589217

EN2 is fucking brilliant m8, aussie rat that's actually an idol, aussie BROWN GIANTESS THAT WANTS TO SIT ON GURA and is super wholesome, an insufferable narcissitic fate character with puns and paizuri window, mama nature, and a literal bird-brain we all want to protect.
Cover has done it again

>> No.8589253
File: 139 KB, 504x350, 1628282595519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET on 4chan? Impossible

>> No.8589312

this has to be a bait

>> No.8589313

Do lemons really have teeth?

>> No.8589332

Yes anon, doing proper ASMR requires talent too and cannot be done by just anyone.

>> No.8589424

>many years

>> No.8589463

Explain proper ASMR and why the average joe wouldn't be able to do it

>> No.8589499

Maybe the fact she was already very successful talent and they couldn't miss with her.
>Starts streaming in the middle of a Gen 1 collab
>20k viewers, more viewers than the collab
>collab includes 5 people with more than 1 millions subs each
>Sana starts streaming
>maintains 16k to Sana's 6k

She's good

>> No.8589500

This thread is bait, that anon is actually a fan, I salute him

>> No.8589527
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Imagine how cringy her ASMR will sound when she says shit like "you belong to me" , "you are my only one" etc

>> No.8589595

listen to fallenshadow's asmr. it's low quality garbage. it's clear she has no talent in ASMR. It's very easy to tell garbage quality asmr from the good quality ones, even if they have the most advanced mic set up.

>> No.8589631

Have you insane folks decided which girl are you going to incessantly torment around this place already?

>> No.8589654

Because anons like >>8588720 >>8587079
>>8588893 are fucking idiots who have convinced themselves that if you support someone who has so much as touched the hand of another guy it means you're a cuck despite the term applying only to people who are married which I can assure you none of these incels are.

>> No.8589781

No but seriously do lemons actually have teeth at some point in their growth cycle?

>> No.8589796

How long are we going to have to deal with her salty seniors who are upset that Cover picked the new girl for EN2 over them?

>> No.8589834

you can't compare some indie with someone experienced. give fallenshadow good equipment and more experience and she will sound great.

>> No.8589868

Anon please, this is just too much cope, it's better if you just don't respond at all instead

>> No.8589940

She's fantastic, I rate her #2 just under Kronii

>> No.8590053
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>> No.8590070

>you absolute neet
>using this unironically as an insult here
The tourist amount is off the charts since a few days

>> No.8590074
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x886, 1628477258132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she pulled this shit in her debut and it was so fucking awful that i had to close her stream early. i can handle asmr as weird as it is, but fucking creepy asmr larping shit like that is just too much.

>> No.8590103

Unironically - best hire they made and she gets the added benefit of avoiding the worst of the schizos

>> No.8590170

Literally completely missing the point made, it was never about past experience

>> No.8590171

why did you lie about her roommate had a boyfriend >many years ago? she still has a boyfriend rumao

>> No.8590206

>this dumbass never watched her streams on Twitch
Everybody laugh at him.

>> No.8590227

massive cope on your part. I recommend for you to understand that this isn't even purityfaging bit just stating that if you want to sell yourself a certain way (in this case emotional attachment experience) you have to think about small or big things like that. It is nothing about being an "incel" or whatever r*dditors like to throw as NPC defence response.

>> No.8590259

>more experience
she's been doing it for 5 fucking years, it just so happens that some are thrash at it

>> No.8590406

>I'm not a purityfag, but....

Just own it, you niggers. At least that wouldn't be pathetic.

>> No.8590560

Well shit when will this settle down? I think we'll have to wait until the schizos calm down before we have a proper thread about her.

>> No.8590617

LemonLeaf why did you ghost yoor friend? You know she is easily depressed right?

>> No.8590628

just see how many e-thots jumped on the ASMR train only to find out they can't do shit

>> No.8590695

she topped taking her meds, shit got scary yo

>> No.8590709

After kronii. But yes.

>> No.8590772

Why do you faggots all sound the same. Unironically this unironically that.

>> No.8590792

Heck even something as "simple" as ear licking is awful if its not done right.

>> No.8590809

>Just accept the cuckholdry

>> No.8590834

purityfaging would mean being against her in general ever being in relationship (being impure), while now biggest gripe is that she (allegedly) currently has a boyfriend. There is a difference

>> No.8590869

>it means you're a cuck despite the term applying only to people who are married
Did your gf cheat on you and is this how you're coping you cuck?

>> No.8590959


>> No.8590995 [DELETED] 

Have they been doxxed yet?

>> No.8591004

>calling someone a tourist like it fucking matters what you think
Maybe neet was the wrong insult, and i'll concede that insults really don't do or mean shit here. You're still gonna die kissless, and this faggotry where you can't stop looking for roommate shit on vtubers certainly won't turn your life around. You can't just suspend your disbelief and so you put your nose where it shouldn't be, thus consistently ruining the experience for yourself when you inevitably find that vtuber girls are in fact people and thus get fucked.

>> No.8591063

this but unironically

>> No.8591076

Except those E-Thot and VSluts get millions of views off it even ones who only have 10K subs.

>> No.8591090

Towa baby

>> No.8591126

Probably never. You haven't even reached the phase where they start writing schizo fanfiction

>> No.8591175

Anon, fallenshadow has been an asmrtist for a very very long time. Experience should be something she is not lacking of. Good equipment isn't really needed to be a good asmrtist. I've even heard many asmr listenersan say that an upgrade is hardly noticeable, or some even say that the upgrade was a downgrade to their experience.

The highest quality mic will not fix if you blow on your mic too hard or make terrible slurping sounds for ear licking.

>> No.8591179

See you're right, but nobody here is going to listen to you. They are under the impression that the character is not separate from the person behind the model. Most people here are autistic and lonely, and they probably live on welfare. Cut them some slack.

>> No.8591205

ok tourist

>> No.8591207 [DELETED] 

kronii sounds like she's in her 30's

>> No.8591271

It's great isn't it

>> No.8591311

aaaand you proved I hit a nerve.

>> No.8591409

>you will never be raped by a grumpy mid 30s OL taking out her frustrations on you
why live

>> No.8591414

Dicks and cum are a perfectly normal part of nature.

>> No.8591459

Never said that, you're just projecting. I said just be the purityfag you are without lame "I'm not x" bullshit. That's to me is what actually is pathetic, not being a purityfag in itself.

>> No.8591471

Kronii is a guy.

>> No.8591510

>The absolute state of /vt/
Never change anons I love you all

>> No.8591561 [DELETED] 

not really
sound like a typical North American Karen, and I hate Karens and North America

>> No.8591562

Good work.

>> No.8591599

She's better than you think.
I thought she's going to be the worst of her generation, but she's a solid 3 or 4.
My judgement looks like that:
Sana = Kronii > Baelz >>>>>> Ceres > Mumei (hopium)
At first I thought she's going to be terrible. Like she's going to be that typical western white NA girl whose only assets are ASMR and terrible roleplay. But then I watched that Spore stream and I have to tell you - she has much more to offer. More than Mumei what saddens me deeply.

>> No.8591635 [DELETED] 

sex is weird in general

>> No.8591748

Her QnA was really smooth. She was able to talk with chat just fine and was the most put together. Her spore stream was hilarious. She's doing great so far in my book. I'm not looking for gfe so i won't be watching her asmrs but I will watch everything else.

>> No.8591827

Bro the paragraph you bothered to type shows you're the one seething

>> No.8591859

Oh boy another unicorn seethe thread. How original.

>> No.8591880

I'm just glad you schizos will crawl back into your holes in a month or 2. All of this already happened before with EN1, we all know how this ends.

>> No.8591943

>I hate Karens

>> No.8592052

Hey. Mumei did fine. She's pretty much how Korone is but take out the violence part. She's like a puppy. 25k people were just constantly fawning over her. Her voice is really really good. Her reactions sounds really endearing. Kronii and Mumei's playthroughs are 180 flips where you see how an jaded sarcastic troll play a game which is hilarious mind you and how a puppy plays a game which is refreshing. You don't really need constant commentary for that.

>> No.8592063

you will always be a cuck. just like teacucks are.

>> No.8592116

Lemon teeth will haunt my dreams. T_T

>> No.8592183

I like ASMR, so I'm eager to see what she's capable of, as long as it's not that cringy GFE stuff only.

>> No.8592187

>She's pretty much how Korone is
Are you high?

>> No.8592450

"We want an ASMRtist."

>> No.8592481

>did fine
Wait I thought Hololive was at the point where they should be better?

>> No.8592627

Aren't you at the point where you should know better than to be a retard?

>> No.8592639

Do retards seriously care that she may or may not have a boyfriend? Please grow up and realize that you never had a chance to begin with.

>> No.8592676

You're going to have to find a bigger yab if you want attention for more than a month. These threads just aren't sustainable after a while.

>> No.8592727


>> No.8592821

At least she's not Towa.

>> No.8592827

Nope. Korone approaches stuff with pretty much the same enthusiasm and naivete that Mumei displayed. You actually just have to add all of her props and the constant laughter from the things that she thinks is funny.
You are just projecting at this point. They are fine. They haven't even finished a week.

>> No.8592978

I’m just saying I get told all the time that Hololive is the best of the best so what went wrong?

>> No.8593006

Don't tell me that, I still hope that she gets interested in me when I send her an Aka supa telling her how much I love her.

>> No.8593057

Doesn't that just indicate how bad the competition is?

>> No.8593085 [DELETED] 

lol, you people really donate to vtubers?

>> No.8593092

Genuine question for people here: how do you not get utterly exhaused being perpetually upset over things and burn out? I can't imagine being able to keep up such unpleasant emotions for so long without just slipping into apathy.

>> No.8593144

It's a hard truth to hear, but you need to hear it. This isn't healthy anon.

>> No.8593187

Everyone knew she was a former JAV actress from the start and lewd asmr is a massively different thing than gfe. She also doesn't bill herself as an idol.

>> No.8593209

The EN competition? Sure. These girls wouldn't even be a plimp if they had to compete with jp companies though

>> No.8593254

>She also doesn't bill herself as an idol.
Neither does HoloEN

>> No.8593290

Whats her jav name????

>> No.8593377

nvm i found her

>> No.8593490

I mean, I don't shitfling, but I find that it is terribly easy to forget that any other ones exist while I'm absorbed in a stream. For example, while watching Gura I literally forgot that Sana even existed until she just brought her up even though I literally had her running in another tab muted. I wouldn't be surprised if such people are like that, they're blissfully contented until they have nothing else to distract their minds.

>> No.8593670

Still an idol company. Also festival hasn't retired either.

>> No.8593672

Anti-Hololive threads are still hololive threads

>> No.8593681 [DELETED] 

>>She also doesn't bill herself as an idol.
Their talents do. Maybe Kiara, but I don't watch her

>> No.8593761

They are right but the character is not separate from the person behind the model.

>> No.8593789

>Neither does HoloEN
Their talents do. Maybe Kiara, but I don't watch her

>> No.8593867

This is a board for emotionally impaired people.

>> No.8593893

Care to share with me anon?

>> No.8594094

How else could I make her notice me, anon?

>> No.8594344

Lulu noticed her stalker and is with him forever now. You can always learn from that.

>> No.8594655 [DELETED] 

oooofff, my dudes

>> No.8594903

Do you not support people at all simply because they make you happy and you feel they deserve to be supported for that? I don't mean paypig level shit, I mean a sub and maybe a 5 buck SC. Honestly I don't see it as any different from supporting open source or your parents when they get old. Technically none of these things give you sufficient utility for money.

>> No.8595034 [DELETED] 

No, because giving 5 bucks to strangers on the Internet feels like encouraging beggars to me

>> No.8595283

>I don't mean paypig level shit
>I mean a sub and maybe a 5 buck SC
The difference between giving them nothing and 5 dollars is bigger than the difference between giving them 5 and 500 dollars.
>supporting open source
It's open source.
>or your parents when they get old
>Technically none of these things give you sufficient utility for money.
Your parents actually raised you which cost them a lot of money, time, nerves, etc.

>> No.8595341


>> No.8595626

>Your parents actually raised you which cost them a lot of money, time, nerves, etc.

Yeah but that's just sentiment speaking because that support is in the past. How much they invested in you is functionally irrelevant to you. You don't gain anything except maybe not feeling guilty for not supporting them.

I mean, you see what I'm getting at here. Money is worth different things to different people. Once you acknowledge that one's personal emotional satisfaction, and nothing else, is worth some amount of monetary loss, all that's left is haggling.

>> No.8595629

>This is a website* for emotionally impaired people.

>> No.8595786

the actual truth and I’m not even joking or being ironic is that they want the cuck audience. Americans being cucks is the biggest stereotype going in Japan right now (because it’s true).

>> No.8596241

this has never happened before retard
yes Ame had a boyfriend years ago
so did Ina, whatever
this is her CURRENTLY having a boyfriend while playing the GFE
this will never be forgotten, cuck

>> No.8596288

Gura with Jay are you retarded??

>> No.8596392
File: 511 KB, 739x655, E2BB7984-5754-439B-92A7-57FC83CF9250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans can separate reality from fiction
>this makes them cucks

>> No.8596484

they are not together now either numbnuts, not spoonfeeding you though
the same cope as someone dating a girl with an onlyfans

>> No.8596500

Either way it's stupid as fuck.

>> No.8596534

>but she would also be forced to retire by the corp
if that were the case then 90% of the holoJP whores would be gone by now you braindead weeaboo

>> No.8596575

Holy fuck you're retarded gura added him on her hololive nintendo account like what 4 months ago? stfu you stupid fuck

>> No.8596583

You're not dating anyone, she's a 2D anime girl.

>> No.8596646

ah yes, headcanon #33
tell me how is that comparable to someone explicity stating they are in a relationship

>> No.8596759

just because gura hides it doesn't mean she isn't in a relationship you stupid fuck

>> No.8596765

He's already given you an inch for no reason but there was no reason to assume they were in a relationship in the first place.

>> No.8596773

If you watch a woman on a TV or monitor you are a cuck

>> No.8596874

now i know you''re retarded do you your reps

>> No.8596895

Based schizo poster

>> No.8596979

It's just Nyanners without cat ears. New model is better.

>> No.8597077

>gura is in a relationship! i don't have proof but you have to believe me!

even if that were true, hiding it is what you're supposed to do dumbfuck.

>> No.8597099

Fallen you have to stop this.

>> No.8597197

This thread seem to have a lot of shadows

>> No.8597200

Hololive Nintendo account? Actual schizo
they aren’t given official accounts, it’s just that not one of them is dumb enough to use their actual account. So they all have a separate steam account, but shit like pan or Nintendo it depends on the streamer.
you think she has animal crossing on her “hololive account” despite not having permissions to play it?
as someone who has dated real people (unlike you cuck), I had the same thing happen to me when I was comfy playing video games and saw my fat ex who I forgot to delete.

>> No.8597217

> She also doesn't bill herself as an idol.
LOL, I replied to a comment saying "gfe OR idol". She is a GFE streamer with streams about you cheating on your girl for her, her tweeting about waking up and saying ganbare for your work. These are GFE things.

> Everyone knew she was a former JAV actress from the start
Nope. That is an open secret. She has not said she's a JAV actress. Nowhere in her YouTube and Twitter has said she is a JAV actress. Even her colleague had to make an excuse such as "on a break for dance lessons" when she took a break to film her JAV.

> and lewd asmr is a massively different thing than gfe.
Her YouTube ASMRs are GFE. Her lewd ASMRs are in DLsite.

>> No.8597278

Take your meds

>> No.8597359


Also, fapping to porn where a dude is doing the plowing? Super cuck.

>> No.8597418

>yet another idiot who has been classically conditioned by this site to think 'do your reps' is actually an effective comeback to everything

Alright, I'll bite. The entire context of this shit is that knowing a vtuber has a boyfriend adversely affects a boyfriend. I tell you I don't have any reasonable grounds to remote believe said vtuber has a boyfriend. Your response is to imply that this information is difficult to find and inaccessible to the common viewer? Do you not realize what you are doing here? Or are you overwhelmed with the smugness of 'muh secret knowledge'?

>> No.8597470

Now they are, and only because youtube axed all her eroaudio that she had on it. She also does twitcast streams that are like her old ones before youtube cracked down on her. She had a fuck ton of lewd shit on youtube before including shit where she played games with vibes on.

>> No.8597496

>She's pretty much how Korone
not really, but okay, let's assume that
>but take out the violence part
That's literally the point. That violence part is what made Korone interesting and entertaining. an older woman exploring her childhood games and then jumping into fast-paced testosterone-infused shooters acting like the perfect silent psychopath legitimately enjoying violence. Also kusoges, at least back when she was allowed to play them.
Mumei won't have that. Mumei has nothing to offer. She chose the most boring games possible and there's a high possibility that she'll forget hehe about her announced Anno/Civ/RCT and history streams.
Yes, it was just two streams, but Mumei is the only one who hasn't shown anything more, unlike the rest.
She WILL be your generic western female streamer with the only difference being 2D.
Now get the copium.

>> No.8597503

If you were born from a woman you are a cuck fuck you

>> No.8597538

listen pal jay was debunked hard into the ground many times, there is actually in all honestly I will concede this point. A more likely rrat about gura. But I won’t say. I’m just telling you this dispute we are having about jay? I’m the winner of it

>> No.8597662

it's like radio, you have the voice or you don't. that's what talent is, something you're born with

>> No.8597699

This thread is just doxxbait. Mods, just delete it already.

>> No.8597779

if you have a oshi stop giving her money and use it towards therapy

>> No.8597826

not until that anon tells me her JAV name

>> No.8597860

It's not hard to find. Go look for it yourself.

>> No.8597897

>It's just Nyanners without cat ears
Unfortunately, she sounds like her too.

>> No.8597950

cuckold cope

>> No.8597959

Im retarded anon help me

>> No.8598039

the archives are slow tonight but i'm trying

>> No.8598090

If she's never had a boyfriend, how could she provide BFE?

>> No.8598107

Just google it in japanese. It's not hard. I'm not going to spoon feed you.

>> No.8598234

I think i found it but thanks for humoring me anon

>> No.8598376

I actually always wonder with these sorts of posts. Do you actually like vtubers at all? If everyone spontaneously stopped subbing and giving SCs to vtubers, what is your proposed alternative payment model - less exploitative than a voluntary one - for them to exist? If you do like vtubers and want them to exist, shouldn't you be happy that other people are funding your entertainment?
Or do these posts arise out of some deep insecurity that you feel guilty over not giving money to vtubers but can't justify it? An inner conflict in values? Because that's the only reason I can think of for actively sabotaging your own entertainment.

>> No.8598454

I won't supa but I like physical merch.

>> No.8598499

You can just understand her language unlike Lamy, Rushia and Noel.

>> No.8598580 [DELETED] 

>If everyone spontaneously stopped subbing and giving SCs to vtubers, what is your proposed alternative payment model
You see, I don't throw money at my TV and people inside it survive somehow on their own

>> No.8599094
File: 181 KB, 512x496, 1607254349428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that good feeling you get when you go to the hairdresser and they wash your hair for you? Or when someone gives you a massage or grabs your hand to teach you how to do something?
ASMR is that feeling but triggered by sound or gestures. ASMR artists that are bad at it are like that barber that pull your hair a bit too rough or that person that can't give a massage.
It does require some practice and idea of what you are doing. Besides, everyone has their own triggers so there's a plethora of artists with their own niches out there, making it appealing for any e-thot to try and jump in.
And of course there's the people that think ASMR is like going to the barber to get a handjob. And of course, there are e-thots ready to fulfill that fantasy but those aren't ASMR, just audio porn.

>> No.8599147

Not my fault that you're not willing to learn japanese
I understand JPs and to me they're all comparable
And although Ceres is better than Noel she's noewhere near Lamy or Rushia

>> No.8599172

is this satire

>> No.8599235
File: 141 KB, 413x443, 1614068085427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know that good feeling you get when you go to the hairdresser and they wash your hair for you? Or when someone gives you a massage or grabs your hand to teach you how to do something?

>> No.8599287 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 962x539, 1540462393406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know that good feeling you get when you go to the hairdresser and they wash your hair for you?
that feels vulnerable and gay
>or grabs your hand to teach you how to do something?

>> No.8599390
File: 1.56 MB, 3500x3150, 1629858674903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover needed to fill the ASMRtist role, they got that
She is a competent game streamer, able to hold conversations for long durations, good zatsudans
From what I've seen so far its a good package deal
ASMR streamers are top earners so I can see why they picked her up.

>> No.8599400

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.8599438

Okay, just in case this isn't a joke...
If you're in a country where you have to pay for a TV license, you're already basically paying for a sub except a majority of that probably goes to people you don't care for. Besides that, television networks pay for programmes, because they use them to sell ad slots and actively sustain the agendas of their owners and sponsors, political or otherwise. After all the sperging over the taco bell stream, you're telling me you would be okay with Cover turning off superchats and subs if Gura switched to streaming ads every 20 minutes?

>> No.8599461

I dunno, I just don't see the big deal about vtubers having lives outside of vtubing and such? Shit, Juniper is fucking married if I recall, her fans don't give a shit.

>> No.8599504 [DELETED] 

>you're in a country where you have to pay for a TV loicense
lol, imagine being a bong

>> No.8599570 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1545603957896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't like when strangers try to touch me

>> No.8599600

you know you don't learn that shit overnight, right?

>> No.8599624

>two-thirds of the countries in Europe and half of the countries in Asia and Africa use television licences to fund public television

Countries without TV licenses are in the minority, not the other way around.

>> No.8599673 [DELETED] 

I understand Rushia, but what'so good about Lamy?

>> No.8599692

Of course I do, it took me 4 years to get on a level allowing me to actually chat with japanese people.
The thing is - language is not an argument.

>> No.8599705

So? It's still not an imposible task, stop acting like everyone is the same as you and watches shit they can't understand like a retard.

>> No.8599707 [DELETED] 

Forced to retire? Some of the other girls are known to have boyfriends. No ones forced to retire, they aren't actual idols, they're LARPING as ones.

>> No.8599772

Read the dictionary on the word cuck and then get to back to me children.

>> No.8599824


>> No.8599856

How are you still this retarded to think it's about whether her viewers have a chance with her or not? No one believes they're going to meet her you absolute buffoon.

lol, go back.

>> No.8599986

it's an impossible task to do it overnight, hence why watching someone I can actually understand is preferable for the time being

it is when you would like to understand the streamer without subtitles

>> No.8600075

Not that dingus that put Noel anywhere but the top but for me Lamy has a consistent rhythm and technique to put me in that trance like state and when she switches it up or throws a curve ball it fucks me up. She also tends to find the right frequencies often to get my brain to zap my spine. With Noel she has power and experience and when she can brute force a reaction it's quick and hard. Nothing beats Noel at zero distance and I say that as a Lamyfag.

>> No.8600145
File: 952 KB, 640x1049, 1629186209390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good voice
>good zatsudans
>actually giving a fuck about her lore with these story videos
>GREAT collab energy, especially with Botan
>generally liked by other holomems
>not a menhera, at least not from what I've seen (I skip games I don't like and don't vod zatsus)
>turned meme alcoholism into pure money and released her own sake
If there is a female equivalent of chads in Hololive she's one of them.

>> No.8600287 [DELETED] 

interesting, especially the sake bit

>> No.8600308

Did you forget about the za hando? They won't do shit corpo wise

>> No.8600644

Why do think she's taking a break? She couldn't before due to the Apex tournament.

>> No.8602781

Just to add to this, if you get it when it comes to ASMR and have an idea of what you want give this succubus a listen. She's all of the qualities I listed there in one and a silver bullet if you have insomnia. If you're in the zone you're in for a wild ride.
Be honest, how many of you thought you were getting Choco?

>> No.8605567

she's so fucking cute. How do her genmates even compete?

>> No.8605716

I Really like her and Patra, they're up there in top ASMRtist

>> No.8608933

yeah, me.

>> No.8612703

Just checked out her roomate and her ASMR sucks. Is that really what they got her for? Come on now

>> No.8612938 [DELETED] 

Fauna in her past life has been 100% proven to have made fun of and shat on his fans constantly, she has been accused of backstabbing people to get a hololive role, she constantly bragged about her bf and the fact they're having sex
And people STILL think she's the Rushia or Lamy of EN2?????

I don't understand.
Please explain, /vt/

>> No.8613277


>> No.8613425

I thought Nyanners sounded fake, until now. Now I know it’s actually a type of fake.

>> No.8613619 [DELETED] 

As I've stated already a million times, she knew what she was signing up for. She knew who she was pandering to. So if these people get mad she isn't what she purports to be, then they have a right to get mad. Period.

That is why if there are people getting mad at her, she deserves it. She does ASMR and does shit to pander to roneryfags and when roneryfags get mad at her being a bitch and actually socially adjusted and satisfied herself, she cries foul? Come on now.
This shit is indefensible.
Anyways, I'm getting sick talking about this. If you enjoy her, fine, but don't that stop me from thinking you have an incel mentality.

>> No.8613907

What happened, exactly?

>> No.8613992

Why do normies get so mad when you don't feel like watching gfe from a creator who has a bf? Like I'm not angry at her I just don't have any interest in watching her.

>> No.8614295

Because they insist on tainting everything
Any hobbies they arent the in-group for, they'll join and destroy
/tg/ franchises have had this same issue for decades
The normies come en masse, the game companies cater to the new money, the old guard leaves to found new shit and the cycle repeats
What you're seeing now is exactly that

>> No.8614466

Are you retarded? No one outside of 4chan cares that she has a bf. She is not going to receive any backlash.

>> No.8614823

>spend hours rrat posting about Council
>then jerk off to NTR doujins
Why am I like this

>> No.8614865 [DELETED] 

That's just naive thinking. Of course there will be backlash, there always is. You think everybody is as autistic in rooting out information and rumors like /vt/ is? It'll take time.
/vt/, like many part of 4chan, has weaponized autism. Other places do not.
It's just how she handles it that'll matter.

>> No.8615023

Why are there so many schizo antis in this board? Y'all faggots are unbearable to read.

>> No.8615034

I was looking forward to a HoloEN like that honestly.
Imagine the scenarios of she whispering sweet words to me while getting groped and sloppy kissed by her BF when she mutes the mic is hot as fuck.
I unironically got turn off Gura and Ame when their yabs turnt into nothingburger

>> No.8615257

Maybe reddit is more your speed

>> No.8615968

Wrong site, buddy

>> No.8616030

It was honestly a genius design since horns are utilized as symbolism for getting cucked, so if anything Cover nailed the design matching it with the streamers personality.

>> No.8616031

Think about this way, anons, she's cucking *her* boyfriend with us. It's great.

>> No.8616072

holy cope

>> No.8616131

She'll make a great heel on this board

>> No.8616184

>Do you huys know Dunkey? He has a wife but he cheats on her
>Kind of like how Fauna has a boyfriend and cucks all her viewers

>> No.8616271

tell me anon i wanna nut

>> No.8616350

Imagine if the people in this thread put as much work into socializing as they do cyber stalking adult women's hymens.

>> No.8616398

I need to know too

>> No.8616539

Fauna boyfriend here, thank you for supporting my girl. Please enjoy the journey while i enjoy the ride. Yes, we do sleep together after milking your wallet. Since you love it, I will sit next to her during superchat reading session, she may be holding my eggplant while thanking you for your red chats. I will try my best not to laugh at them. To make things better, she has decided that I should take half of her super chat revenue.
We have prepared special content for you. Stay tuned.

>> No.8616632

>all these replies to a bait thread

>> No.8616689

>>not a menhera

>> No.8616866

> posts on 4chan because they hate the majority of the community who live on the official Reddit, twitter tags etc
> Is surprised when nobody listens to them

>> No.8616965

>tfw from Texas and have said y'all my entire life
>tfw Twitter co-opted y'all and now epic 4channers laugh at me when i say it
Fuck all y'all and suck my southern cock

>> No.8616977

Is Lamy really? I haven't seen a single post calling her menhera

>> No.8616997

>Imagine if the people in this thread put as much work into socializing as they do cyber stalking adult women's hymens.
I would probably get banned from university if I did that

>> No.8619978

This is true

>> No.8620163

Shadow, meds. Now

>> No.8620773

What makes you think someone is upset. After 8 hours of work shitposting about some vtuber can be very relaxing
