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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, EiYc5j7VoAA2eRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8447699 No.8447699 [Reply] [Original]

So for EN2, we get (I'm presuming) 2 Aussie's, and 3 North American's. Europoors still only have Kiara in a stream friendly time zone, where are my Bri'ish VTubers at?

>> No.8447802
File: 82 KB, 1024x404, no8gca1bd7351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In seriousness, that probably means no britbong passed the audition which speaks to the quality of UK vtubers.

>> No.8447846
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>> No.8448518

europeans are poorer, less educated, and generally more annoying.

they're also more racist, funnily enough.
so, on the english world stage, they're inferior to most anglo colonies and the like.

>> No.8448549

Ignoring yuros is pretty based.

>> No.8448561

In all fairness most people from the UK have pretty silly accents

>> No.8448574

This is entirely true but dammit, I want my authentic French maid vtuber.

>> No.8448620
File: 251 KB, 400x400, Selen_bustup_x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Selen has morning NA streams (usually Apex), that means evening streams for Europoors. Purple dragon lady's got your back.

>> No.8448667

Purple lady that is a clone

>> No.8448675

go to quebec. canadians are just upgraded frenchmen imo. still, i won't deny the authentic french accent can be pretty horny.

>> No.8448690

Heavily outdated, no single american of the current generation can dream about buying a house unless they're of the top 1%

>> No.8448823

are you retarded?

>> No.8448899

>california and libster cities = America
Mortgages. Look them up. Plenty of affordable housing in America, even in the midst of this bubble.

>> No.8448903

Yagoo literally choosing to not earn easy money with the cringy england accent gimmick.

>> No.8448953

>sisters look like each other?
Yeah, they do, anon... They do...

>> No.8449004

Just watch Reiny, Shizukou and Utano Pandora.
They're british vtubers.

>> No.8449105
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie accent is better.
what they need next is a nigga. japs and en speakers like blacks like they like going to ethnic restaurants, a nice little niche they'd never want to be in 24/7 but are happy to consume enthusiastically every now and then.

>> No.8449412

Shame, Yaxie and Eira are pretty good for indies. Can't comment on the shrimp, though.

>> No.8449470

russian vtuber in gen3

>> No.8449479

Mumei hasn't forgotten

>> No.8449862

>Plenty of affordable housing in America
90% of houses in the current year have been bought by Blackrock and entities alike, only 10% is actual people buying lmao ameripoor

>> No.8453358

Let's be real, Froot and Vei are the biggest UK vtubers and they don't even capitalise on their accents. They do the cliché British sounding American accent that people here do. I'm British and I wanted to apply but >trans.

>> No.8453642

FBBP, how bad do you have to be to get mogged by a strayan

>> No.8454187

That we do. I'm actually glad Cover didn't take anyone from here. About the only accent I can stand is RP, and that was only taught in private schools 20 years ago when I was a kid.

>> No.8454273

Yes, the entertainment industry as a whole doesn't like Europe. To many different languages

Aw fkr V-tubing the timezone makes it hard to collab unless it's other Europeans

>> No.8454423

you will never be a woman

>> No.8454678

I know, but at least I can pretend to be one behind an anime girl avatar

>> No.8454774

>having the audacity to even think about applying for a female position
>implying you wouldn't be frothing at the mouth at abusing such a platform to push globohomo talking points
>thinking a Japanese company would even give you the time of day
>implying you could even handle the position mentally on top of your normal anxieties
>thinking any of the other vtubers would respect you or want to collab with you after a single interaction
Shut the fuck up you faggot piece of shit. Go hang out in your tranny discards and shit up your own spaces. God I fucking hate you wanna be female freaks. You will never be a woman. EVER

>> No.8454857

Idk who made this meme personally but it was clearly a dumb fat American to be honest because 90% of the things he wrote is dumb or just straight up lies lol

>> No.8454934

Sometimes it takes a boy to make a best girl you know?
Tren would cook for you, love you, don't bother you with regular fem bullshit. It would be perfect, Anon.

>> No.8455006

that's our stereotype for americans, you dumb burger

>> No.8455027

>>implying you wouldn't be frothing at the mouth at abusing such a platform to push globohomo talking points
I'd just play games anon lmao

>> No.8455085

No one cares about yuropoors and britbongs kek

>> No.8455140

Apply to VShojo then. I'm pretty sure they don't mind trannies. You'll even have a friend there.

>> No.8455188

The quality of the auditions here in bongland must be really shit. I don't even see us getting one in a hypothetical HoloEU or HoloEN3

>> No.8455195

EU have the JP Primetime slot so it is what it is. Probably not a huge interest in competing with that slot.

>> No.8455224

I am honestly more shocked that Canada and Australia seem to be the majority over America.

>> No.8455245

Plenty of housing in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Basically only relevant if you are retiring because the employment options fucking suck.

>> No.8455255

Why do people ignore Kim Reiko? She's an amazing British vtuber.

>> No.8455288

her voice is horrendous for me, watched once and dropped

>> No.8455316

Not a vtuber.

>> No.8455359

So are Vei and Froot. What's your point?

>> No.8455441

The curious thing about the both Baelz and Sana is that their accent only breaks out when they pronounce certain words. Otherwise, they sound like americans.

>> No.8455775

I read something similar in a past thread. But here in the UK Vtubing isn't really 'a thing'. And sure you can say it's a niche hobby everywhere, but that's not the point. Anime related things are left in the dark here, this country is just too full of normies for anything like it to properly thrive. Most girls here aren't interested in that sort of thing, and obviously those who are just go the usual e-thot route on Twitch and it will continue to be that. We clearly have no talent leftover who is good enough for something like Hololive. And even when we DO have bongs who give Vtubing a try, they are so afraid of their accent and background that they hide their voice and pretend to be some kind of quasi-american. They all do it, it's really weird.

Europe has a much greater chance at getting another Hololive place. >We had our chance with EN2 and that's probably it for us now.

>> No.8456055

>only UK is Europe

>> No.8456100

You will never pass, either the auditions or as a female.

>> No.8456244

I love that my existence makes you very mad

>> No.8456253

rent free

>> No.8456278

Why pander to a continent where only the UK and Ireland have English as a major language?

>> No.8456345
File: 45 KB, 640x595, 1628107485540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with them on this one, fuck Europe, you guys deserve this

>> No.8456400
File: 1.26 MB, 767x767, Screenshot_960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the indie pill or whatever and watch EU or local vtubers. It worked for me.

>> No.8456538

I'm Dutch and there are people here that can speak in flawless english accents. It's more like pandering to the lingua franca of the internet, instead of all the other dead european languages, excluding probably Spanish. In western europe everyone is basically in the same timezone and imagine you ask them to agree on one language that they will all understand to watch a stream in - They will pick English obviously.
All that aside Holo Council just proves that even when you have those who speak English natively, with the UK and Ireland, Europe isn't strong enough talent wise for these sort of gigs.

>> No.8456635

Don't take cover hires as a proof of talent wise, it's confirmes that at least one or 2 of them were hired by nepotism

>> No.8456712

Because you project onto us

>> No.8456841

Who's the other one?

>> No.8456905

I think he means Sana and Rat. The cringe reaper is fond of chaos.

>> No.8456920

I'm pretty sure the rat was chosen by Mori

>> No.8456992

I just wanted a German girl who DIDN'T try her hardest to sound retarded.

>> No.8457017

How many german vtubers did you watch already?

>> No.8457025

>says a dustbowl gubmint cornsyrup farmer

>> No.8457046

>it's confirmes that at least one or 2 of them were hired by nepotism
Australia has lots of Japanese expats, so you can expect more of them to have Jap heritage who speak some moon, compared to Europe. You also have a one or two who got in off the good word of Ina and were already in the Cover's good books through being commissioned by them in the past. If you speak Japanese, have an asian background, have friends who are already in the company or have worked with them for projects in the past, you're much more likely to be picked over some random Yuro girl regardless of if they're talented and speak perfect English. Similar things have happened on the JP side.

>> No.8457061

None, the thread image just compelled me bro.

>> No.8457082


>> No.8457098

Are you okay with twitch vtubers? I can pass you some recommendations

>> No.8457106

This. Playing MMOs on EU servers gets you surprisingly few English people but a ton of people who speak it perfectly.

>> No.8457150

Well we don't know how much their opinions influenced the choice. Recommendations are a slippery slope, no mater how little the girls helped each other during auditions there will always be someone salty rrating

>> No.8457261

>>implying you wouldn't be frothing at the mouth at abusing such a platform to push globohomo talking points
i dont care
go touch some grass

>> No.8457320

So what's the point of the auditions if all these girls are selected based off nepotism or whether or not they live in Japan/speak japanese? It seems like a futile process unless you tick one of those boxes. Are there any unknowns who got in by the interview process alone, besides maybe Ame?

>> No.8457364

Europe hasn't been relevant in almost a century. Forgetting it isn't a problem.

>> No.8457374

I don't speak ching chong chang so I don't really give a shit. I'd like an EN vtuber whose times actually match up with my own. We didn't need more fucking mutts.

>> No.8457388

I didn't realize this was going to be a stealth /wvt/ post... sure, I just want a deep accent to listen to and feel talked to.... I love german accents so much bros...

>> No.8457532

Shizu and Pandora are collabing this week.

>> No.8457763
File: 1021 KB, 814x569, Screenshot_963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you already got that name >>8457082
As far as English Speaking German vtubers go, I only follow a few besides that other one
She has a very nice and calm voice.
Feels a bit like a hololite vtuber. Speaks more German, but translates it mostly. Is quite young and cute, suffers a bit from GER anime Dub voice if you care about that, tries her best regardless.
Then there is a bear vtuber, a bit more noticeable accent

>> No.8457815

>I'd like an EN vtuber whose times actually match up with my own
Yeah it's mainly a timezone thing. From what I've gathered, yuros want ENs they can watch without having to stay up past midnight to tune into. There's still an entire primetime slot untouched by Hololive for an english speaking audience. Kiara sometimes streams in it and Ina just barely. HoloCouncil is just more Americans and then 2 aussies who will stream during the usual asian timezone, while and pandering to burger timezones for the rest.

>> No.8457835

Main reasons are language and numbers.
There's simply not enough people to make it a market worth focusing on for a business like vtubing which is absurdly niche.
And again languages. Which language do you stream in? It'd be a nightmare.

>> No.8457881

based and dinopilled

>> No.8457883 [DELETED] 

Anon, you fucked up...

>> No.8457951

I did?

>> No.8457982

Taya is a good girl.

>> No.8458015

No, I'm retarded and posted in the wrong thread

>> No.8458035
File: 950 KB, 238x380, Ame the rratmaker[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2xwc5q.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.8458157
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although I watch the vampire more

>> No.8458163

It's not languages though is it? They will obviously be looking for english speakers when it's an audition for HoloEN. They will clearly be speaking English if they are hired for HoloEN. The talent will have no issue speaking it. Also this is 2021, most europeans that use the internet can understand English these days. It's not a numbers thing, it's a talent issue. Europe don't have people with the proper skillset.

>> No.8458167

Any Balkan vtubers?

>> No.8458277

You also have to remember that Kiara was originally in Japan, she only ended up back in EU because her Visa ran out and due to Covid she couldn't find a second job to justify extending it.

>> No.8458359

lmfao at how weak a rrat this is, so weak you don't even have an exact number when talking about something being "confirmed"

>> No.8458390
File: 85 KB, 1120x836, E8lHdEKXEAYOYjR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karen is cool too, but I also grew fond of the train conductor. I hope PitaPat does well in the future. A good german vtuber "agency" is a welcome sight for my evenings.

>> No.8458472

My only guess is that cover doesnt have a HQ or studio in europe but only the US and Australia
You have to consider that they are playing the long term game here and they expect them to show up for either 3D or for songs, they are not going to go hunting for studios they can sing in all over europe

>> No.8458509

Do they finally have an American HQ?

>> No.8458569

Considering the overinflated number of nasally uwu forced cute mutts I presume so or that they are going to

>> No.8458583

what you mean is europe doesn't have people with the background they're looking for. the idea that europe doesn't have people who could cut it in hololive when its a continent of nearly a billion people is hilarious

fact of the matter is cover has no interest or need for Nurturing talent and can happily take surefire established picks because they're by far the biggest name in town and there's no actual payoff to bringing in fresh faces over people they know can do it

>> No.8458604

As evidenced by Kiara Americans aren't a fan of ESL mannerisms and the UK (but really just England) is as close as you're going to get to the authentic European English experience without weird accents.

>> No.8458722

Realistically theres a lot of high grade talent in Europe but it has little interest in something like vtubing. At least far as singers go.
Even online only releases are considered undesirable. Main reason being that there is a massive live music scene throughout Europe. Concerts, music festivals, basically every dingy club has live acts on a regular basis.

In other fields the preference is to stream for an audience that speaks your language.

>> No.8458773

Oh please they don't even have an English website. There is no fucking way they will rent out some office space or let alone build up a 3D studios for the burger girls or now the Australians to do shit in. EN can move their sweet ass to Tokyo if they want to do 3D and stuff. I think it is kinda retarded, but HoloEN/ID is just a side project anyway.

>> No.8458945
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But Americans are ESLs
I mean surely they must be. Their command of the language is so pathetic it must be their second language.

>> No.8459006

>the idea that europe doesn't have people who could cut it in hololive when its a continent of nearly a billion people is hilarious
That's the truth, Anon. Look at HoloID. Indonesia alone has a population higher than the entirety of Western Europe. Yet they select people like Anya who only got hired because she speaks flawless Japanese. Europe has plenty of bodies for numbers and literally millions who can speak and understand English flawlessly. They don't have the talent or enough people that speak Japanese like Kiara.

>> No.8459129

I think Euros are just not that interested in becoming a Holo. I would imagine most prefer to go indie instead or build up experience first.

>> No.8459193

People need to account for timezones.
Its easier to build a large audience for streaming when you live in a timezone with a large population that speaks your language.
Since it is ultimately easier to work your schedule around when they're likely to be watching. Like me? I wanna watch a Gura stream? It starts at 1am for me.

>> No.8459247

I like you anon and the other anons who hate you are mad that they cannot have sex with you

>> No.8459251

oh yeah I fucking LOVE watching vtubers at 3PM while I'm at work.
I can absolutely do that because it wouldn't get in the way of my job.
I'm on my way to my lunch break right now you stupid fuck and it's primetime in JP. I still got another 5 hours before I hit traffic.
by the time I get home it will be 1am in JP.
no, EU does not have JP primetime you retard.

>> No.8459363
File: 287 KB, 1749x794, prime EU time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad
I'll enjoy the new EU prime time vtuber from holoEN

>> No.8459435

It will be short lived. All of HoloCouncil will soon shift to NA favoured timeslots.

>> No.8459499
File: 81 KB, 780x309, others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont doubt about others but rrat is a honorary EU

>> No.8459512

>yagoo see ina's success
>add 2 more korean member

At this rate HoloEN is partially korean branch, hahahah enjoy your gook

>> No.8459517

>They don't have the talent
Implying Holomembers are like superstars or something, definitely there is talent here, maybe the problem is they need to bump their vtuber market more

>> No.8459611

that's not primetime you idiot, that's work hours.
get a job you fucking leech.

>> No.8459719

Europe is only developing when it comes to vTubers and Kiara pretty much conquered it on her own.
She is one of the biggest European vTubers, the biggest German-speaking vTuber, the main attraction at DoKomi.
And all of this while avoiding most coomer bait and playing almost nothing but debuff games.
Because of how rough her beginnings were and how insane her grind is she is also very respected in the European vTuber scene. There might be some who don't like her but even those have to concede that she worked hard to be where she is.

Meanwhile time slots around JST and the American time slots are highly contested. Cover probably put more funds towards battles that are still going on instead of putting them towards a fight they have pretty much won without even trying.

>> No.8459946

I won't have sex with you either

>> No.8461741

>Europe isn't strong enough talent wise
Neither is EN2.

>> No.8462488

They also have Ina filling the rest for Europe. Her usual streaming times are in the evening here.

>> No.8462744

not that anon, but its depends on the European country, and the subject. As a general rule though the further you go north in Europe the better the education gets. I'd say the Irish and Nordics actually have better education than America.

>> No.8462825

In case a fucking lightning in a bottle like gura shows up again.

>> No.8462824

>Americans are the only ones who watch Hololive

>> No.8463112

Gura is all subs and not much else. For 3.25 Million subs she gets pitiful vod views.

>> No.8463122

Most of Europe has better education than the USA.
You gotta go to the depths of eastern europe to find someone on par with an American.

>> No.8463167

Do you have a single statistic to back that claim up?

>> No.8463272

Are you too autistic to check her channel?

>> No.8463356 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 200x200, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe him? It's all in the numbers.

>> No.8463559
File: 1000 KB, 1026x789, Screenshot_1309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go champ. She can't even get over a millions unless it is something super special, but to be fair EN as whole reclined A LOT.

>> No.8463606

>not watching at work thus making it a primetime
Anon, it's like you're not even trying...

>> No.8463781

An English rose would be glorious, but the only ones likely to audition for such a role would be right proper slags.

>> No.8463896

It’s a comical point of view considering the cuck culture revolution lead is held by Americans, followed by the rest of the english speaking countries. Europe has problems but at least it’s not as systematically cucked as the US.

>> No.8464127

I was always told Americans dont have education and are basically starving on The streets because of no gibs and free education/healthcare

>> No.8464304

Americans actually think that being a larger market for vtubers is a win?

>> No.8464348

Euros dont superchat… you get what you deserve.

>> No.8464357


Hi, redditors.

>> No.8464419

That's awful for 3.2m subs, jesus.

>> No.8464451

Euros don't SC for shit, its your own fault.

>> No.8464458
File: 419 KB, 2048x1706, Empiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constant doomposting about Kiara being overshadowed by competition with her kouhai's
>She ends up being the only one completely uncontested
Oh, I am laffin.

>> No.8464497
File: 879 KB, 910x871, Screenshot_1308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is just meh all around. Vtubers aren't really that much of deal in the west. A bit of shame that they sit on all these deadsubs now.

>> No.8464508

This has been proven wrong time and time again. And that's not even including random euro currencies such as GBP or Swiss Francs. But congrats I guess, you got your (You)

>> No.8464575

That's a probable reason. Though with how Hololive has always been unfriendly for our timezone, it's possible for the reason to be that any talented people haven't had exposure to the industry.

>> No.8464863

Ina streams on euro prime time with one of the highest live attendence and Kiara is one of the most superchatted members. Yet, Burgerlanders will tell you it has nothing to do with Europe. EN2 debuts starting on Euro primetime and dropping numbers exactly when more euros are going to bed? Mere coincidence I am sure.

>> No.8464944

If your market was worth anything vtubers would cater to it. Kiara gets most of her SC in dollars or Asian currencies and Ina gets BETTER numbers the later she streams, streaming in EU time is actually a slight debuff for her.

>> No.8465002

I would say girls like Korone, Flare and Watame are better examples than fucking Ina.

>> No.8465113

That's just an exotic time slot phenomenon you will also see when Gura, Ame or any streamer decide to stream in an unusual timeslot because it's something special for people who can't watch them usually. Just like your misconception of the european market, you rush to wrong conclusions here.

>> No.8465686

Korone just streams for all timezones in one go.

>> No.8465869

Sadly that is Kronii's only super EU friendly stream this week.

>> No.8465997

The dog rarely does that anymore. She doesn't stream as much as people think.

>> No.8466327

Let's be honest here, judging by the quality of Gen 2 it's not a loss. Be glad that you don't have to waste your time watching a shitty streamer.

>> No.8466627

>3.2m subs
>0.5m per stream on average
That's 15.63% of her sub count, which is literally not even 1 out of 6 (1/6 = 16.67%). She may have the highest sub count, but her actual watcher numbers don't follow at all.
You're right. Relatively speaking, content reaching only 1/6 of your audience, maybe 1/5 if you're lucky, is terrible.

>> No.8466731

you can as long as you dont live in a shithole city where demand is high obv

>> No.8467103

The Netherlands is the exception. Ever tried finding people that can speak english in france or germany? Even the teenagers and young-adults can't speak it.

>> No.8467161

I don't care about EU chuubas, gimme cute Asian hikis.

>> No.8467238

Ina streams into mid-evening NA hours quite frequently. Streaming at like, midnight, would be a novelty for her. She did that the other day with that Nier gacha (vs Mori's BBQ stream of all things).

>> No.8467328
File: 19 KB, 153x396, 1624678182467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anybody expects a Frenchman to be good at English. They all use that "we can speak it, we just don't want to" cope, but they're actually just dogshit at it. I always got the impression younger generation Germans were decent, admittedly I've never been but it can't be that bad surely?

>> No.8467516

Holy shit, retard alert
Look up some actual numbers and stop looking at houses in the heart of cities and you'll realize that it's actually very possible to do.
I make a measly $17 an hour and was able to buy a house within the past year, one day you'll grow up and leave daddy's basement

>> No.8467648

It is, I once was lost on public transit in germany while visiting a boardgame convention. I decided to ask the young looking people in English to no success. They basically started panicking once I started speaking english.

>> No.8467765

Are you retarded? Building a house is an option.
Especially when it's not in a shithole city.

>> No.8467887

It's very hit or miss in Germany I'd say. Either you meet someone who stopped consuming media in German and spends a lot of time on the internet, then their English proficiency is generally pretty good. Otherwise it's atrocious. Most people I spend time with are the former and have no problem switching back and forth, but obviously there are also parts and groups with no English skills whatsoever.

>> No.8467902

timemama is euro

>> No.8468092

>another Korean gook
>had ONE okayish EU stream
Nah she is isn't

>> No.8468245

Vei > holo so don't care

>> No.8468290


>> No.8468297

Since when is nepotism a big deal? Sora was a nepotism hire from A-chan, Hololive is founded on nepotism. Plus, the entire Gamers branch are Fubuki nepotism hires, and that's just some of the ones that they were public about, we have no idea who was dragging friends in behind the scenes.

>> No.8468824

Except for her one outlier stream today all of her streams are at 6AM for most of Europe, people can stop saying she is EU or streams at EU hours.

>> No.8468992

I want a Joual Vtuber pls ty.

>> No.8469227

MilkyQueen used to be like that, but even she's gone all yank now.

>> No.8469311

>Europoors still only have Kiara in a stream friendly time zone
And they deserve nothing better.

>> No.8469343

>Since when is nepotism a big deal?
Since these drama addicted retards heard someone say it was a big deal and then began parroting it, after the dumb fucks googled what it means obviously.

>> No.8469372

Fencing off euro primetime is Cover's gift to Kiara. Remember how Kiara was initially opposed to the idea of EN2 existing, but at some point she did a complete 180 on that position? Wonder why.

>> No.8469503

then why has europe failed to match american innovation for the last century? ever since ww2 america has surpassed europe as home for the intellectual. silicon valley is in america for a reason.

>> No.8469583

Europeans are the definition of resting on your laurels. The claims of America degenerating and stagnating are really better put to Europe, since we are far from the European golden age.

>> No.8469727

Yeah the absolute fucking state of Bri ish chuubas when the penal colony sends 2 reps and you get jack shit.

>> No.8469762

>ever since ww2
It's easier to become world leaders when your continent isn't a bankrupt, war ravaged, shithole. Also many of those innovations you speak of were made possible by European immigrants leaving said bankrupt, war ravaged, shithole for a better life.

>> No.8470030

america was meeting and arguably surpassing before that, the difference just became too immense to argue after ww2.
beyond that you're basically saying europe had a brain drain and america is home to some of the smartest people in the world. i don't understand why you think that's a defense of modern europe who lost those valuable intellectuals and intelligent people.

>> No.8470077

>ever since ww2 america has surpassed europe as home for the intellectual.
Only in the grease addled minds of burgers.
Europe top 100 universities: 34 (mostly British)
US top 100 universities: 26
Europe Nobel Laureates: 470
US Nobel Laureates: 388
I generally don't mind americans online, but there really isn't another group as ignorant of foreign countries, history and politics as they are.

>> No.8470222

subjective rankings of college and a european commission is hardly a good defense when objective measures like inventions such as plastic or the nuclear bomb exist.
apple, microsoft, tesla, space x, nasa -- they're all located in america and run by americans at the top. you can't find anyone smarter than an american in silicone valley.

>> No.8470283

Are you joking?

>> No.8470459

dont worry anon, you can still be cute chuuba with good fanbase - just look at artemis

>> No.8470464

>Statistics are subjective, 2 random inventions, one of which was started by the British before the US took it over (nuclear bomb) are objective.
Here's another for you:
Rank on 2020 global innovation index created by a US university (Cornell)
Europe: 1
North America: 2

>> No.8470482

The lack of free shit makes Americans grind way harder to succeed.

>> No.8470517

are you trolling?

>> No.8470547

Do your reps and you'll have the entire JP branch to watch during the day.

>> No.8470573

Do you enjoy that, being angry and seething over America's dominance all the time?

>> No.8470645

America is alrady staring at China ass

>> No.8470688

>Do you enjoy that
See you unable to mount a defence is quite enjoyable, yes.

>> No.8470905

There's nothing to argue. 19th century, sure, but you have to be an idiot to argue anything after ww2.

>> No.8471083

Based on what? Americans may believe that that US is supreme in all things at all times, but it's just a fantasy.
Here's another:
Blooomberg 2020 Innovation index (r&d spending, manufacturing capability, concentration of high-tech public companies.)
The US came 9th behind a number of European countries.

>> No.8471135

Based on what you're using to type right now. There's nothing to argue about here.

>> No.8471145

Why the fuck this thread became /pol/?

>> No.8471352

>nuclear bomb exist.
Was a multi national endeavour that burgers seem to forget.

Much of the theory work had already been started by British and Canadian scientists under the "Tube Alloys" project. All that data was then subsumed into the Manhatten project under the "Quebec Agreement" where they agreed to share data and research and use Americas vast resources to build the first atomic weapons. British involvement in the Manhatten Project was important and as such British authorization was required to use the two bombs on Japan.

Of course once the war was over the Americans shafted the Brits by essentially kicking them out of the project and refusing to share anymore data. This meant that the Brits had to practically start from scratch when building their own nuclear weapons. Something they did with a fraction of the resources the US had and in half the time.

>> No.8471478

It is inevitable. A shame I wish we could have just talked about EU chubbas instead.

>> No.8477935

This isn't /pol/ retard, /pol/ only talks about niggers.
This is more like /int/.

>> No.8478686

It's not just Vtubers barely anyone streams 5pm-10pm gmt which should be peak hours for eurobros

>> No.8479743


>> No.8482241
File: 243 KB, 1448x2048, 1629241786658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is extremely Euro-friendly. In satisfied

>> No.8482782

Have you ever compared subs and views for... any channel? Outside of the people who actively exploit youtube algorithms to maximise their views 10-20% is pretty much the norm.

>> No.8487318

Theres two main reasons that silicon valley exists.
One is the huge level of state support they enjoy. The US government is balls deep in these companies because their dominance of their industry is vital to US global interests.
Companies like Google, facebook, twitter, etc are great for propaganda and memory holing information.
Second is that silicon valley is an unusual investment environment where investors just keep throwing their money back into tech companies with a shotgun approach. Most fail but the successes are enough to make a profit.

>> No.8491791

>no single american of the current generation can dream about buying a house unless they're of the top 1%
Cope europoor. Americans are still buying. In fact theyre paying cash and having bidding wars over houses. Thats how much money we have. Our stock market wont stop, and neither will our wealth.

>> No.8492709

Imagine living in a country without any history

>> No.8502190


I genuinely wonder why the only things our women are into are TikkerTokker, Instagram, garbage music, dogs, skincare and makeup (+nails and eyebrows and all that bollocks), visiting places abroad solely to use as a canvas for selfies, and Love Island. How did this happen?

>> No.8502328

Chav eugenics.

>> No.8502563

But something must have served as catalyst. Media? Spice Girls? Katie Price?

>> No.8503251

Well history are written by victors

>> No.8503645

>nuclear bomb
>Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist, led the team of scientists who created the first self- sustaining nuclear chain reaction.

>> No.8504312

Kronii is from europe since she said good night in her stream earlier today

>> No.8504938

if it means anything anon, I'm British and genuinely enjoy vtubing and will try my hardest to raise myself up to the caliber of people who are accepted into big corps to give you guys a British corp chubba

>> No.8505480

Basically social pressure to conform is extreme here in the UK, at least for women.
Its high for males but theres a much larger leeway in terms of eccentricities. For females less so and you're expected to be into a lot of right garbage.

>> No.8505769

burgers can speak english just fine
But I'll never understand how they're getting so confused over stuff like your/you're

>> No.8505916

but the JP primetime is during their night/our evening bro

>> No.8507069

>Suck germany dry during and after ww2
you invented peanut butter on your own and that's about it
>>8469583 is correct though, but same is true for america since at least the 90s

>> No.8507789

Whatever newscaster told you this was lying to you

>> No.8509136

suck and fucked germany dry, even
