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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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83827121 No.83827121 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous Thread: >>83795407

>> No.83827476

When next stream?

>> No.83827580

Wednesday. It's more Elden Ring.

>> No.83827638
File: 113 KB, 960x747, 1697061978598173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love my platonic asexual wife so much. i can't wait to go to the M&G and recite wedding vows to someone who literally just said she feels uncomfortable with romantic stuff and even more so irl, because i'm a selfish autistic asshole at the end of the day who doesn't give a shit about her or the way she feels. it's all to preserve the idea i have of our relationship in my mind. the headcanon must be protected at literally all cost. i love her so much bros.

>> No.83827825

Being asexual is one thing, but her saying that she doesn't love us romantically isn't something that can be reconciled. She's a fucking liar for only saying it now after all these years.

>> No.83828004

What's the point of this? I keep hearing about the guys she's involved with. I didn't know there could be that much of a demand for a woman who literally looks like a 8-year-old.

>> No.83828091

I'm saying this nisely
Holy newfag

>> No.83828316

> I didn't know there could be that much of a demand for a woman who literally looks like a 8-year-old.
Depending on the survey and how you extrapolate, pedophiles make up somewhere between 1% and 3% of the male population, so is it really that surprising?

>> No.83828397

rat race is ending huh. I'm going to try and snatch her.

>> No.83828508
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I love her.

>> No.83828530

YES! It's usually the people who look 12 whom they're after. As you go into younger and younger looking legal loli the demand has to drop off at some point.

>> No.83828873

It's way higher than that for sure

>> No.83828951
File: 441 KB, 1392x1035, 1718831353842686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anything talked about on the discord recently?
Also, what was it that magneto said?

>> No.83829108

Don't forget to like and subsctibe!!

>> No.83829158

I was already subscribed with notifications, but i got none! Fucked up!

>> No.83829237

I rather not. That voice is fucking hot but it's about time I moved on since I'm not getting what I want out of her.

>> No.83829329

She doesn’t feel the same.

>> No.83830008

youtube is a fucking joke of a website. can't believe there's no competition when not even the site's core functionality works properly. the search function is a good example. just completely broken.

>> No.83830070

Why was she drunk for Chicken Run

>> No.83830096

why not?

>> No.83830123

What you want?

>> No.83830199

IRL stuff.

>> No.83830243

because i dont want a wife who goes 2 da klub

>> No.83830373

my brother you're too demanding, don't tell me you want her to love you in a non platonic way too?

>> No.83830899

She is someone who drinks alone and then cries herself to sleep, not someone who goes to the club.

>> No.83831120

She did not cry herself to sleep after the fun movie night with me, her husband

>> No.83831853

how can you be sure? vibes seemed to me

>> No.83831909

seemed off*

>> No.83832346

getting drunk on a monday night is completely normal. nothing to worry about broskis hehe

>> No.83832423

Monday is like Saturday for her, due to her stream schedule.

>> No.83832576

it's a societal and cultural norm thing, you wouldn't get it

>> No.83832618

For people who know how to cook: Is it OK if I use the 200 grams of sugar water that comes with the tinned cherries instead of the 100 grams of water that shondo recommends for the fruit mix? I don't want to waste the tastiest part of the tin.

>> No.83832818

>touch averse
>doesn't feel romantic love
>doesn't like overt displays of affection
Having her as your pretend internet wife who gives gfe a couple hours a week I can understand, but who looks at this and goes yes, I want to date this irl. Legit question, how do you see the 2 of you sharing any intimacy? I don't mean just sex I mean emotional intimacy too.

>> No.83832862


I guess? If you're using heat, that's going to burn. But if it's just dumping shit in a bowl, then I guess it's fine?

>> No.83833247
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Yeah the cute loli vtuber is definitely an asexual autistic princess who has no interest in romance and is definitely not consciously pandering to an audience who all think they will be the one exception LMAO

>> No.83833412

I put this onahole above her tummy and start pounding

>> No.83833476

the no interest in romance thing isnt a plus, its her becoming colder towards her audience and refusing their affections

>> No.83833629

she has no romantic interest in her audience anymore because all her romantic interest is invested in me and she'd feel guilty betraying our trust

>> No.83833653

Cooking is freestyling, baking isn't

>> No.83833672

we know orange

>> No.83834115

idk, how's orange at elden ring

>> No.83834326

if she wants to be my maid while I fuck other women it could work

>> No.83834447

from the start she never allowed being horny on main she barely tolerated uoh

>> No.83834550

massive delusion general

>> No.83834748

she was never direct about it she was always "haha noooo haha"

>> No.83834859
File: 756 KB, 4096x2564, promising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, tourists cut your losses and don't bother, we've got some of the best fisherman on the site
there's two other bunny gfe chuubas so go ahead and scout them out and see if the competition is lesser over there
why are you posting like me ironically when i agree with you
the kind of men who find their way here are the kind of men who will never realize this and a lot of them actively choose to ignore the idea while actively pursuing it

>> No.83835001

first she was a cat gfetuber, then a dog, now a bunny. She really is a bitch stealing from every vtuber she can

>> No.83835026

grrr I will never forgive her

>> No.83835232
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shondo my beloved

>> No.83835408

what has she done this time?

>> No.83835436


>> No.83835678

Should be ok to do that. Just make sure it's the same consistency.

>> No.83835705

People are mad because she said she doesn't want any displays of affection at the meet and greet

>> No.83836313

Didn't she state over the top or excessive affection? A love you should be fine

>> No.83836491

the idea of 40 year old fat men sperging at an ipad is hilarious

>> No.83836530

What about displays of lust?

>> No.83836713

Make sure to add 'not romantically' after though, she doesn't like that

>> No.83836827

I romantically love her unconditionally
I also familially love her unconditionally

>> No.83837382

> look like an 8-year-old
How new

>> No.83837629

I'm more mad she can't wait for after the watchalong to get drunk. She has no respect for her fans

>> No.83837724

get drunk or cancel

pick one

>> No.83838164

I'm not new!

>> No.83838233

It's just not a good look when people are paying to watch a movie with you to take them for idiots and show up drunk. It's not like we're 5 year olds that can't notice it

>> No.83838401

what's wrong with getting drunk and watching a movie with your platonic bros?

>> No.83838491

Kek and there's the fact that i doubt she gets drunk alone so she either went to da klub or got drunk with her bf

>> No.83838533

ping her and complain about it

>> No.83838619

I just cancelled my subscription and I won't watch her anymore. I don't give a fuck about complaining i'll just take my money back

>> No.83838656

good fuck off

>> No.83838732

Kek anon enjoy your cuck chair

>> No.83838750

not like she cares if you're not a good little paypig

>> No.83838772


your brainworms can't hurt me newfag

>> No.83838925

you're a good loyal paypig anon why would I want to change that?

>> No.83838973

You're fine with being openly disrespected, I'm not. There's no brainworms it's just different preferences. I wouldn't let my date show up drunk to the cinema with me I don't know why I'd let the PNG loli do it too

>> No.83839155

Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with getting drunk to make your paypigs more tolerable

>> No.83839228

dont be mad that she got drunk
figure out why she got drunk and fix it

>> No.83839346

she talked about it before and you decided to show up anyway so it's a you problem

>> No.83839495


Streamers are funnier drunk, though.

>> No.83839508

Because nushondo needs to get drunk to be affectionate without throwing up

>> No.83839581

Even Gura's bringing back the drunk streams

>> No.83839588

I didn't show up i just said I cancelled and fucked off already.

>> No.83839696


Yeah, exactly. Alcohol makes everyone funnier. Unless they physically can't process the liquor, and die of a heart attack on camera. Which is funny for about the first five seconds, until you realize they're not faking it.

>> No.83839703

when did she talk about it

>> No.83839818

We are not paying to watch Chiken run with her on discord lol, it's not a service. We are paying her to support her. She could watch no movie at all if she wanted to.
Deciding that it's watching a movie is an entitlement with expectation of content type and quality is a her problem. If she's feeling tipsy and her reaction is to want to spend time with us that makes me happy. Not that she's drunk, but that she wants to spend time with us.
I hope you feel better soon on your leave regardless of what you do in the future, your anger is a weird one

>> No.83839928

>>83839818 (me)
Deciding that watching a movie is an entitlement with expectation of content type and quality is not a her problem.

>> No.83839982

you pay to be part of the cool pigs club everything else is a treat

>> No.83840045

grrr she drank alcohol! thats..BAD

>> No.83840126

Yeah bro she doesnt owe us anything lol she could get stretched by bbc live on camera and still be owed a payday

>> No.83840180

It's more like she didn't want to spend time with us and got krunk to get thru it

>> No.83840342

she's always wanted you to ignore every other guy she panders to how is getting pounded by BBC any different?

>> No.83840398

It's not, in fact I would like for my wife to be so progressive and sexually liberated

>> No.83840414

As my wife she does in fact owns me to not get stretched by BBC live on camera. But but believe it or not the reason is not because I pay for a sub. Weird placement of cause and effect
I'd see your point if she got drunk to spend time with us. But she did not didn't she. She took a glass during super with the family. It's not a habit of hers

>> No.83840647

That's why it's suspicious. She clearly had a change of heart about this whole parasocial thing. Maybe things got more serious with her boyfriend.

>> No.83840685
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>no problem, babby's first drug. she's not even smoking it so it's not that bad
>lol russians drink that like water, so what?
>erm probably wasn't even that much codeine in it lol. stop antiing
22 cups of coffee + 5 cups of gamer supps when she weighs less than 100 lbs?
>bro it's caffeine lmao
opioids that she admitted to abusing?
>lmao it's not even that bad stop concernfagging

her community's love for her really shines through in everything they say and do. so wholesome <3

>> No.83840697

You're right bro she owes you because you clicked follow
Fucking ridiculous. Take some inventory

>> No.83840797

We hate her

>> No.83840819

she would do all those things in time

>> No.83840853

I dont approve
I hope she starts a healthier lifestyle and stops drinking till lights out

>> No.83840886

I like how she's an alcoholic because of one glass of wine with one dinner

>> No.83840893
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shondo my beloved

>> No.83840936
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>the drinking was to help ease the tension she feels around you
>the affectionate "i love you" was exclusively for me
we are not the same

>> No.83841026

thats what they all claim
>just once
and then they wake up in a strange place

>> No.83841041
File: 127 KB, 640x456, IMG_7082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>まるで天使のように微笑む強めの幻覚internet girl

>> No.83841140

riri wants to be eternally pregnant and go on trips around the world, live on a farm with cute aminals and her husband and be lovey dovey she just antis herself into thinking she can't achieve these things

>> No.83841141

Whats the melty for this time /shon/? Thats like 4 melties in less than 7 days. Doesnit at least make sense today?

>> No.83841198
File: 891 KB, 982x1440, 1722497376699590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you guys actually falling for the "omg she was buzzed!!!" spergout bait?
he's obviously insincere and if he isn't he's so unhinged you shouldn't even bother humoring it

>> No.83841201

that's not the booze that's the rohypnol

>> No.83841264

Anti's are discovering that she is giving herself more deniability to lean into the familiarity theory so they're in overtime working damage control. One of them is likely Orange since his whining was ignored by her.

>> No.83841276

>no marriage vows in person
>passed out drunk in a group discord call watching a movie
>she loves orange
melty thread

>> No.83841308

If there is a situation where you would rather drink alcohol than not drink alcohol, you are an alcoholic.

>> No.83841320

But i thought my wife was pure

>> No.83841396

100% certified pure drugs.

>> No.83841395

get ready for this friday. the quality of this thread will plummet even further

>> No.83841403

She had heroin in her system as a little kid, of course she isn't

>> No.83841414

she's always been blunt that you shouldn't trust her or expect anything but you still need to take the LARP seriously

>> No.83841458

i would drink too if I told the kids I babysit that I'm not really married to them and they started crying and throwing shit on the walls

>> No.83841465

Because her mom took it?

>> No.83841473

When she is conquered by bbc live in person
I can't wait for the unironic bbcposting that will ensue and flood this board

>> No.83841517

No, because her cop stepdad swiped it from the evidence locker and got high with her while shadowmama was in the loony bin

>> No.83841570

Honestly that whole thing sounds like one of her creative writing projects

>> No.83841578

So the whole family is retarded not just her?

>> No.83841591

why do racists always feel the need to point out the skin tone of the people they are cucked by?

>> No.83841633

Yeah it does lmao. How do you even give heroine to a kid without them dying right there

>> No.83841665

Give them just a little. Heroin at the end of the day isn't much different from morphine.

>> No.83841672

Because the penis correlation is of great importance

>> No.83841806

I like to think that without giving themself a reason to be angry and insecure that they feel dead inside

>> No.83841832

because the immigrants are stealing all the british women obviously

>> No.83841929

Cute aggression is real
I want to do unspeakable things to this puppy

>> No.83842044

because i talk shit about shadow am i part of the hacker known as 4chan / anonymous?

>> No.83842100

No she and her dad have very high IQs supposedly

>> No.83842177

Though both their brains are probably fried by drugs by now

>> No.83842189

become ironypilled cancerlord like your oshi samuraishontoes

>> No.83842193

How do they know what IQ they have? Something something if you're dirt poor and addicted to drugs you might not be that smart

>> No.83842256

maybe her dad had a high IQ but she doesn't after all the brain damage and diddling

>> No.83842316

IQ tests presumably
Both have schizo so they probably went through a plethora of cognitive tests. Shadow claims to have

>> No.83842403
File: 195 KB, 128x128, 1723604162690379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing the drunk thing everywhere but it just proves that everyone here needs to take their meds. Its always some schizo delusion /here/.

>> No.83842444

>le schizo
join dicksword

>> No.83842587

I'm pretty sure the drunk talk is just someone trying to distract the thread from the romance talk

>> No.83842606

i had a little alcohol dinky wioth dinner

>> No.83842622

the exception? me

>> No.83842682

Anti post

>> No.83842713

Well she's really good at manipulating the retards in her fanbase so i'm sure she's smart. But usually poor people are known to be some of the most retarded in society so I still have my doubts

>> No.83842747


>> No.83842809

It's just 2-3 retards samefagging with each other. Familiarity theory is dangerous to them because she has no idea who they are. This is the only method to combat it.

>> No.83842837

i don't think any of her paypigs are completely delusional, they're just committed to the LARP

>> No.83842895

You are the third retard pushing your retarded rrat

>> No.83842901

Anon some of the posts on here look like they've been written from a mental institution

>> No.83842928

i just woke up so now there's 5 retards :)

>> No.83842998

they have to be RPing there's no way anyone is pathetic enough to believe her RP 100%

>> No.83843004
File: 79 KB, 734x833, 1716704555495945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange you need to stop behaving like this during Shadow Weekends. You are the only one who would be genuinely this pissed with the amount of time you would have on your hands due to no streams. Accept the fact that she will be affectionate with ABC's and Magnetomaster when they meet her. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.83843040

Hello retard 3

>> No.83843148

>checked his twitter
what did he read 5 hours ago?

>> No.83843426

Anon some of them are truly committed to the """marriage""". Some people even offered to get snipped in her Discord and she had to turn them down because otherwise they would have. Imagine making a life decision based on the word of a schizo woman online.

>> No.83843558

it reads like something someone would say after finding out someone killed themselves

>> No.83843578
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>> No.83843586
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This was 15 hours ago, which means that he had time to sleep after the movie and then catch up to read /here/.
What do you think he meant by " i wonder if there was anything else i could have possibly done. i don't know."? Sorry Orange, but you scorned her by trying to label her as a cheater for wanting to be like Oli and give the same affection that she gives to her Olimpians.

>> No.83843611

yeah that was me
source: i killed myself

>> No.83843654

i'm surprised people even believe she's schizo

>> No.83843659

if only i could have been there for you anon

>> No.83843847

Good morning Shondopolis!

>> No.83844122

id just go up to the booth, do my trick, then leave without a word ^_^

>> No.83844276

my trick will be getting shondo pregnant through astral projection

>> No.83844313

funny because thats literally how Anakin was created lol

>> No.83844324
File: 78 KB, 1080x1254, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is running out. Will you answer the call or continue to live with your mistakes?

>> No.83844351

i dont talk to women

>> No.83844375

hmmm i might sit out those threads reeee

>> No.83844403

All you’ve done since you’ve been here is get banned, complain about her, her content, the mods and the community. yet you sperg out over wanting merch calling her petty and now you want to go to a meet just to troll? Fuck off already

>> No.83844455

Nah her ex did that and she was just standing man lmao

>> No.83844458

I will let her leave a voice mail

>> No.83844500

familiarity theory is just repackaged favorite fact

>> No.83844506

cant tell if youre talking about tuffnarr or gary

>> No.83844513

All he's doing is showing her a neat yo yo trick chill lmao
Or are you afraid he'll seduce her like his bible study girls

>> No.83844589

shondo will become another bible study loli and gary will win

>> No.83844676

But enough about Tuffnar

>> No.83844691

gary has a higher chance of winning than any paypig or husband because he isnt part of the larp now

>> No.83844708

Also bc hes a yung bucc

>> No.83844731

If you think this turbo autist won’t start sperging about something like his nemesis or how S got him banned or any of his usual rants then you’re an idiot

>> No.83844823

uhhhhh at the booth? heck no thatd be a waste of a couple hundred bucks! youre an idiot if you think thats how id spend my time at a m&g.
mic drop yo-yo trick would be way cool and leave an impression

>> No.83844942

>does sick ass yo-yo trick
>mic drop
>crowd goes silent, shondo in awe
>walks away into the sunset
he's actually going to win bros

>> No.83844979

i'm glad shondo isn't my only wife so it doesn't matter

>> No.83844989
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I like oli and she has great music taste but holy shit i cannot watch her streams with all the sound alerts

>> No.83845003

Orange was right and the groomers were wrong. They're running damage control right now because their wedding vow idea got shot down because she is disgusted by them.

>> No.83845093

>spending hundreds of dollars to do a yo-yo trick while everyone cringes in silence
You know what? Go ahead

>> No.83845094
File: 183 KB, 680x680, 1707921961660108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets to con
>finds out he is on a ban list
>gets denied entry
>has an autism melty
>security beats the shit out of him
the more likely scenario.

>> No.83845101
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Only thing Gary should win is a prison sentence

>> No.83845140
File: 174 KB, 387x489, 1717847201002638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you also won't like lucy then, but you might like saru, she turned off all her alerts and tts

>> No.83845209
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cant escape his fate

>> No.83845210

but can I attack her with bits
its funny when they say ow ouch everytime

>> No.83845232

who do you think this attitude serves?
bee nise faggot

>> No.83845381

do you really love your wife if you won't give her all your money while she ignores you and panders to other men?

>> No.83845406

Saru has insane cosplay skills
Shon should cosplay as herself at some point i'd go insane

>> No.83845411

theyre just jealous they cant do yoyo tricks and now she told them not to try emotionally manipulating her in person

>> No.83845426


>> No.83845463

>TIL telling your wife "i love you" is being emotionally manipulative

>> No.83845504
File: 399 KB, 707x623, 1696099619351125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kind of men who find their way here are the kind of men who will never realize this and a lot of them actively choose to ignore the idea while actively pursuing it
oh yeah, i should mention, me personally i'd love being with her irl i just don't have delusions about the reality of it so i can actually say that and mean it

>> No.83845597
File: 223 KB, 794x1348, GJoA4V9WQAAaAym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saru is so hot I miss her pre-vtuber streams

>> No.83845635

id dab as well. ive done that before when showing tricks ^_^

>> No.83845659

stop replying to yourself
also move on

>> No.83845666

This is vt

>> No.83845712

talent freedom, incel.

>> No.83845814

i'm locked in

>> No.83845852

you can actually observe her switch her priorities from fanart to video editing
she's leaving fanartists out to dry for 2 weeks just because she couldn't be assed while commenting and promoting fan clippers recently
she's so fucking thirsty for clout and clipfags. she knows that when she starts giving attention to video editors, husbands would suddenly start changing their interests to become video editors too, just to get a sliver of her attention cast upon them for a brief second
really shows she doesn't actually have interests and only cares about how to earn more viewers, and thus, money

>> No.83845867

however ignoring her request and professing your love and reciting wedding vows just because you want to would also be based

>> No.83845979

she isnt asexual though

>> No.83846023

shondo is a bean pole so she should be a vtuber, beautiful women like saru shouldn't hide behind a png

>> No.83846054

you guys really need to do reps and read streams if you think she isnt romantic

>> No.83846079

reminiscent of bean pole ahead.

>> No.83846212

Shondo shouldn't hide behind her model when her body is incredibly sexy and erotic

>> No.83846249

strippers are fine with being romantic if they get paid

>> No.83846264

He drugged her and molested her retard

>> No.83846304

She keeps ignoring me and I cant take it anymore

>> No.83846308

that was her real dad not her stepdad

>> No.83846314

that was just a schizo delusion

>> No.83846356

Imagine spending hours of your day sketching, doing line art, coloring, shading, and rendering a cute piece of shondo, only for her to leave a like and a 10 word generic response from her without even a retweet
Then turn around to see shondo retweet the shittest low-effort edit of shondo's video cropped into a retarded picture get her like, comment, and retweet
Makes you wonder why you should even try when she doesn't even remember community artists besides a few you can literally count on one hand

>> No.83846398

At least drawing is fun I guess even if I only do it for her

>> No.83846407

why do vtubers keep getting molested as children?
what do they all have in common???

>> No.83846413

your drawing for a retarded reason

>> No.83846433

Makes me jealous

>> No.83846468

And? Why is that a bad thing to do it for her? I said I had fun with it. I will probably keep drawing once I move on from her too

>> No.83846659

I love her

The only thing that bothers me about her is using drugs that aren't medically necessary (eg weed/alcohol) and bring up peoples race/nationality (for no reason) and shitting on them
she is very attractive and normally I wouldn't watch an irl female streamer but I would for her

>> No.83846780

please, the only artist she replies to aren't community artists
even if you're in her timeline, she just scrolls past it, but she will like, retweet and comment on lyrine's posts that aren't even related to her, just cause he's an artist that draws other random girls
not to mention they're literally in each other's dms because she chose him over any of the community artists to draw for her youtube videos

>> No.83846824

why doesnt my wife love me back :(

>> No.83846828

gets the money coming in

>> No.83846909

the mania phase was ending and she got tired of self gaslighting to the same level so her real thoughts slipped out

>> No.83846922

you were never married

>> No.83846974

both her manic and depressive thoughts are her real thoughts.

>> No.83847059

That and she knows people will treat the meet and greets like speed dating so she's trying to shut them down early.

>> No.83847083

No her real dad only physically abused her. Do reps.

>> No.83847201

i will treat it like speed dating regardless of what she says

>> No.83847240

Make sure to tell her your twitch name first

>> No.83847297

would she like it if i just showed her all the shondo porn i have saved on my phone?

>> No.83847329

no one has better ideas than a yo-yo? ngmi

>> No.83847332

id win

>> No.83847380

Exceedingly gay

>> No.83847406

>she's trying to shut them down early
LMAO you wished
she's going to treat it like tinder and judge you solely on your looks, just like how she spent the most time looking at random retards' body parts, hands, and muscles

>> No.83847439

asmr SUCKS

>> No.83847502

you dont understand the power of lolis breathing in to your ears i dont blame you

>> No.83847560

you cant replicate that through the internet

>> No.83847584

at the rate of her whorification, it won't be too long before she starts doing feet asmr regularly, or do countdowns. denpa is going to help her with that

>> No.83847612

this is true. it doesnt beat the real thing

>> No.83847629

I will be jorking off to ger asmr everyday until the day I die

>> No.83847681

Naur, she wouldn't do that to her familial love internet acquaintances.

>> No.83847735
File: 167 KB, 500x641, THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83848051

tfw you're expecting a 134 cm small child with a cute voice and you see a 5'6" broad with an upturned nose, and red dried eyes from all the years of not wearing her glasses, wearing shitty fucking makeup and a push-up bra and reeks of expired perfume

>> No.83848064

denchi... can you build a backdoor into vtube studio...for reasons...

>> No.83848081


>> No.83848085

please stop i can only get so erect

>> No.83848171

taller than me by an inch

>> No.83848181

*mpegs you*

>> No.83848221


>> No.83848267


>> No.83848274

It's over

>> No.83848355

saru's feet turned me into a footfag. she's so good at posing them in appealing ways without making them the focus of the picture. dangerous woman...

>> No.83848389

*mpregs you*

>> No.83848567

I laugh at shondo trying capitalize on footfags and tummyfags in her redebut only to be struck down for being more of a whore than most other vtubers for doing so

>> No.83849335

i too get all my opinions on gaming from twitter

>> No.83849400

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.83849420

she already gave me a cute picture of her little princess feet in her little princess shoes while she wears her nice princess dress so im good

>> No.83849539

who is even going to the m&g? is it possible for it to all be over? i know there are multiple dark horses going there (older guys in the military)

>> No.83850017

Is she even going to Texas for the m&g or she's staying home?

>> No.83850031

I'm going. I don't mind being confrontational and annoying either, so I'll peek at everyone's meetings with her, film them and publish the videos if they do anything embarrassing.

>> No.83850073

thats good.

>> No.83850100

who would ask this kind of question if not a tourist
shit yourself immediately

>> No.83850175

this will be the first and last meet and greet
sorry but the winner will be crowned at this event

>> No.83850389

be nise

>> No.83850441

can't wait for someone to post a pic of a blob talking about how they kept running up to everyone with their phone hovering around the booth until staff kicked them out

>> No.83850454


>> No.83850876

If any of you even try anything with me I will put a knife in your gut. This is your only warning.

>> No.83850950
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>> No.83850985

> older guys in the military
Fucking kek at their asses

>> No.83851165

ah yes, death threats
when i think you guys cant stoop any lower you always prove me wrong

>> No.83851459

I hope her ASMR stream has a good amount of her talking/whispering

>> No.83851628

Fuck you for making join her fucking discord and CTRL+F meet and greet

Also lmao at all the idiots buying a ticket for that shit when she's just going to be in the UK

>> No.83851703
File: 10 KB, 375x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.83851708
File: 573 KB, 2314x4093, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_mirumiruchan__6201f55b7fe04dcc98450be5010e7bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83851715

its a vtuber meet and greet what did you think it was gonna be you retarded tourist nigger

>> No.83851737

It's not like people don't have a reason to go. Pedophila is a thing.

>> No.83851796 [DELETED] 

a league of legends player huh
how are you stuck in bronze after 7 seasons

>> No.83851801

This guy talks like shondo, something about how he pronounce things and his cadence is exactly like her

>> No.83851825

/shon/ is a special breed

>> No.83851851 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 404x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you do to get banned from esea?

>> No.83851906 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 465x192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing some borderlands 2 huh
good game
kinda gay tho

>> No.83851995

i hope it was the other guy who joined and you're just posting shit from a random guy
also weird that you do this for a random shitposter and not for any of the groomers or regular antis

>> No.83852060

It's not me but go on keep doxing some poor asshole's steam account lmao

>> No.83852073

otis is the secret boyfriend

>> No.83852102
File: 7 KB, 271x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other guy seemed nise so i went for jason instead

>> No.83852127

Sometimes i find myself loving otis more than shondo herself

>> No.83852141

i would have gone to the m&g but my passport isnt active. its too bad because this will be the only m&g ever

>> No.83852188

If you guys behave she might make another one who knows

>> No.83852273

It's not cool when you dox people like this, iProe. Kill yourself.

>> No.83852289

Why would she do another when she is going to pick between Hirosajo, ABCs, Dutchboi and Magnetomaster at this one?

>> No.83852347

Because none of those people are more than 5ft7 in height

>> No.83852354

>multiple people in the discord asking what an oshi is
where do these people come from do they literally not even watch a single stream

>> No.83852395

i will make sure she never does another one
wish me luck shiggies

>> No.83852400

>I should eat some penis
for some reason I don't think he knew japanese

>> No.83852543

>watch streams
>becomes anti

>don't watch streams
>becomes retarded white knight

which way shondophrenic?

>> No.83852610

this is the twitch vtuber audience that she wants so bad. the real vtubers are over on youtube

>> No.83852819

I know the m&g is probably going to be a boring nothing burger but can one of you guys promise to sperg out as a treat? Its the only thing that makes me happy anymore

>> No.83852879

the event itself is only a nothingburger if you arent committed to the rat race, however the subsequent discord conversations and stream conversations will unironically be the most brainworm inducing shit ever

>> No.83853144
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i just think its a funny observation that some shoggers who were against husbands getting personal attention from her are going to a con to get the most persona attentionl than most shoggers will ever get with her. not a complaint, just funny.

>> No.83853203

which ones

>> No.83853238
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im gonna be nise and not say names, because im happy for them regardless.

>> No.83853259

Olivia needs to corrupt Shondo more with all of her talk of meeting fans. She has been saying for like a week now that she wants to meet and give all of her Olimpians a hug and brainstorming how to do it.

>> No.83853330

gary once the dust has settled at the convention can you make a youtube tutorial for yo-yo tricks

>> No.83853336


>> No.83853368

Yes… on GMS channel yes ill figure out how to blur my face or something during the trick videos.

>> No.83853407

thank you

>> No.83853517

the yoyos i use are more pricey. so if ya actually want to attempt them, your gonna have to set aside $50-$100 for a good yo-yo.
(you can get away with $35, i just wouldn’t buy any under that)

btw why use a tutorial i make when you have pros all over YouTube and a very very very useful website baka
Nonetheless i will make a yo-yo video

>> No.83853539

you should record a trick tutorial during the m&g while you're talking to shondo. she can describe the steps while you're showing them off. that'd be kino as fuck

>> No.83853572

I've come to realise that I like the idea of her, not the person.

>> No.83853620

I'll keep that in mind, and I want a tutorial cuz I actually really like the stuff you put out. I think you're the most interesting thing to happen to the threads in a long time

>> No.83853670

i mostly like her and im prepared to put the effort in to make things work out and live happily ever after with her

>> No.83853686

so many people are gonna lash out at you for “feeding the fire that is Gary”
sorry bud but yes ill like consider the yoyo video. i like putting my talents to use.

>> No.83853795

idc what the landwhales on here think, all they do is bitch and moan anyways

>> No.83853982
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>> No.83854028

this except backbreaking sex with her while i strangle her

>> No.83854091

cute but where's the rape?

>> No.83854090

I don’t care. This manga is bullshit. She doesn’t love us I’m done with the larp.

>> No.83854134

I hate onion so much how could a woman pretend to be lonely shy uwu girl at the internet while being total stacy offline

>> No.83854145

>not sleeping in the same bed

>> No.83854175

why is it okay to just openly cheat now
shondo you need to go iron fist mode and behead the cheaters

>> No.83854199

>she invites you to the shed
>you die
I knew she was evil

>> No.83854200

because theres no relationship anymore, you literally can't cheat

>> No.83854221

new ?

>> No.83854238

what's the point of being a husband vs a shondophrenic?

>> No.83854292
File: 35 KB, 400x231, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that she does not love (you) in a romantic way and never will.

>> No.83854459

mark my words. ill title it “How to Yo like a husband”
something along those lines

>> No.83854476

she should learn from oli how to correctly string along her audience, it would be great

>> No.83854560

make sure to go "yo, yo, shoggas!" that would be funny and make her laugh

>> No.83854638

Glad he included the cuck hammock

>> No.83854645


>> No.83854702

Shondo and Nina will join Holo in the same gen, she is going hard on merch because she wants the final spurt of money.

>> No.83854761

why do you keep forcing this yoyo meme

>> No.83854810

>I’m done with the larp.
good then leave

>> No.83854874

ask the two other people encouraging it lol. its the most original idea, im cocky enough to claim that but you shoggas need to think of something cooler to show her.
screw you if you promote the Kendama

>> No.83854905

Wow thankyou Shondo for requesting this manga that has no love in it. Bitch.

>> No.83854907

>>83854874 (me)
whoops that reply was meant for >>83854761

>> No.83854915

holy fucking shit, not even the same bed
I hope shondo sees this and feels even the slightest modicum of pity that the person who's supposed to be her "husband" can't even sleep in the same bed as her
who am I kidding, it's all about her, not us

>> No.83854968

>plays elden ring
>complains about getting cucked the whole game
>cucks entire audience
what did she mean by this

>> No.83854985

anti general

anti fandom

>> No.83855016

do you think shondo knows that telling your significant other to go sleep on the couch is literally a punishment and signs of a failing marriage?
and that she's doing what's practically an eternal sleep-on-the-couch punishment to her husbands?

>> No.83855060

fanbase reflects the streamer

>> No.83855079

>no love
I was upset by sleeping apart from each other, but other than that it was pretty lovey dovey.

>> No.83855095

there's a recurring trend that whenever the thread is THIS unhappy shondo has a meltdown soon after

>> No.83855146

she will never acknowledge that it's her fault

>> No.83855152

no I take it back I do love you guys I swear for realsies I made a oopsie haha woman moment please keep donating

>> No.83855181

my cock reflects your ass

>> No.83855187

good. fuck her lying manipulative ass

>> No.83855210

I dont like you.
I like her. there is a difference.

>> No.83855229
File: 52 KB, 666x580, 1703060536499838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is honestly so cute. both the request by shondo and the finished product.

>> No.83855251

with pleasure

>> No.83855276

I am an inch away from having a biblical public meltdown.

>> No.83855294

no you don't

>> No.83855323

I wonder if the first draft had them sleeping together and then she made You sleep on the hammock.

>> No.83855344

Calm the fuck down Orange. You're getting embarrassing.

>> No.83855349

sorry im only gay for sho

>> No.83855363


>> No.83855378

you'll be the only person in this thread to actually say something if you do

>> No.83855385

knowing that shondo specifically looked through this and said "no, he can't sleep in the same bed as me even after we spent an entire day together and he baked an entire cake for me that day, put him in the hammock"
is the fucking nail in the coffin of this marriage

>> No.83855430

you're still baking the homework cake right...?

>> No.83855452

i am an inch away from the shunt

>> No.83855466

its banned on her puter

>> No.83855476

so many weak husbands ITT

>> No.83855490

So cool and stoic

>> No.83855491

Yes I do

>> No.83855497

cucked bros stay winning

>> No.83855515

nah, because the real shoggas left the thread (except for me, and i'm not unhappy atm) and went to /lig/. it became pretty obvious during the hunger games stream. /shon/ is literally only filled with tourists, shitposters and antis now and nothing they say matters. the fact that the thread is antiing pettan of all people says it all, really.

>> No.83855555

I'm going to cum in it and make sure she compliments my cum cake
then I'll feed it to the nearest sphynx in my neighbourhood

>> No.83855563

nobody is antiing pettan you stupid nigger

>> No.83855571

gomenne senpai <3

>> No.83855576

prove it

>> No.83855628

>antiing pettan
point out the post anting him and not the idea that shondo doesn't want to sleep in the same bed as her husband

>> No.83855654

>real shoggas
yeah just like real yuko fans got bullied by antis like you

>> No.83855699

she will sleep in the same bed as me
earlier i was just listening to pink floyd and imagining her sitting next to me with her head on my chest and i put my hand on hers and stroked it with my thumb while we listened to Time and Great Gig in the Sky

>> No.83855717

>/shon/ is literally only filled with tourists, shitposters and antis now
it's always been like this it's just that now is almost the worst it has ever been

>> No.83855719

it feels good to be single shadow I can finally move on

>> No.83855737

no wonder shondo wanted to collab with her and the green bitch doing gfe with a boyfriend
she's scum just like them. throw all your morals out of the fucking window why don't you

>> No.83855783

hehe yeah the thread is full of antis and tourists and shitposters but im not one of them im different

>> No.83855808

yet you're still here, curious.

>> No.83855846

I wonder if shondo did anything to make her general so full with antis, surely she doesn't deserve any of the hate right?

>> No.83855873

you should move to /lig/ like the others you claim had, unless you stroke your dick to white knighting this hard

>> No.83855909

your accuracy sucks shigga

>> No.83855923


>> No.83856000

shoggas i'm dying and only positive energy can save me

>> No.83856007

I appreciate the nice comfy fantasy you had Pettan draw Shondo but I would hasten to add that his other works are canon and I will sexually dominate you as well as be lovey-dovey with you, after I win.

>> No.83856083

>accept them (and pretty much anyone)
>put up with their shit for so long
>make a statement saying she can handle the hate because other vtubers might not be able to (main character syndrome)
also i dont mind t but unbanning anyone is fucking retarded if you're trying to show you're "putting your foot down"

>> No.83856131

She's just tradwifepilled and wants us to sleep in separate beds like in I Love Lucy, right bros?

>> No.83856190

was there ever a reason for unbanning fart and tuff or was it just cuz she felt like it?

>> No.83856209

i dont mind sleeping in a separate futon aslong as we put them next to each other and i wake up with you hugging me, okay shondo? also you have to let me enter the shunny on the porch during the summer

>> No.83856214

She slept in the same bed as oli, the girl she admits she would love if oli wasn't straight

>> No.83856236
File: 276 KB, 489x629, 1718140669421396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't bother reading the past couple of threads... Any highlights? Or otherwise things of interest?

>> No.83856247

They shouldn't have been banned in the first place. She let her groomer mods convince her to do it then realized it was stupid later.

>> No.83856258

she didnt say. just said "be nise" after it was done

>> No.83856276

>The Jorker
Long time supporter, SFW+NSFW art commissioner
>The Schizo Shitposter
Distract from unbanning the Jorker and from recent yabs

>> No.83856290

This doesn’t even look like her

>> No.83856323

No it's all shit. Literal feces. Don't come here if you want actual quality discussion.

>> No.83856328

Orange keeps leaking his brainworms at Shondo and the community and could be the next Fleece at this point.

>> No.83856337

lots of important things

>> No.83856366


>> No.83856387

>constantly compares being banned to prison
>says no ban is permanent
>shoggas are surprised when people serve their sentence despite the ban being "permanent", even though this has happened before

>> No.83856402

and that's different from any other vtuber how?
>he thinks random thots online "love" him
first day in a parasocial relationship?

>> No.83856416
File: 3.14 MB, 5000x6000, pact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck should i be perma banned for what i did? i was dying for almost 2 months straight over that shit.
you could maybe argue for a longer ban on FR but he's been around for 3 years and he's probably not gonna get let off nearly as easy if he fucks up again any time soon
if she wants to rule with an iron fist she needs to start handing out more smaller bans, not crucify 2 shoggas and let the rest run wild until they're 200 feet over the line
this will be the last pleasantry you get, because you seemed sincere

>> No.83856420

The left wrist being half exposed is passable, but that neck is clearly exposed. Not shondo.

>> No.83856489

Shiggas don't watch streams. It's much more fun to shitpost here instead.

>> No.83856503

Angle of the head is blocking the neck ribbon from showing

>> No.83856529

you heard it here boys starting DM'ing her patreon and business email with descriptions of your jorking sessions

>> No.83856532

Watch streams

>> No.83856568

Like what?

>> No.83856574

Because the point of a punishment is that you've shown remorse, improvement and the willingness to reform your behavior. You haven't shown any of that. In fact, you are proving yourself to be worse shown just how unhinged you are.

>> No.83856592

It would show under the left side of her chin if the artist cared about keeping her requirements.

>> No.83856632

>even though this has happened before
not comparable at all to jorking peanuts in dms for a month straight

>> No.83856641
File: 726 KB, 960x1234, 1713710200933243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo agrees with me and disagrees with you, cope, reconcile, or stay mad, its up to you

>> No.83856650

>You haven't shown any of that
Nta, he has
>In fact, you are proving yourself to be worse shown just how unhinged you are
I agree with this though

>> No.83856685

I have and it's obvious that she only likes us as fans with disposable income. Any concept of geniune love repulses her. That's not marriage, that's someone barely hanging by a thread to a LARP she now deeply regrets. Don't be suprised if you're just "chat" by 2025.

>> No.83856696

How ironic when fleece hasn't been unbanned, racist pill guy hasn't been unbanned, the "creepy guys" from her previous fanbase hasn't been unbanned, and many more
Trying to put logic to her actions is your first mistake, not watching streams is your second mistake

>> No.83856709

kill yourself

>> No.83856751

Show me where T shows remorse?
Stop trying to project your useless ideals upon her when you don't even know who she is

>> No.83856771

i never said you SHOULD be perma banned just that no one should be unbanned from a perma
crucifixions work btw you just have to leave the corpses there as a reminder

>> No.83856773

>why haven't the people with no reason/will to come back been unbanned

>> No.83856824

>Show me where T shows remorse?
I've said he hasn't. And he's only shown that he is unhinged.

>> No.83856836

you shouldnt be perma banned for posting whatever you did in the discord you should be perma banned because you're an annoying schizo faggot who doesn't learn and because you vomit endless insane rambling on twitter and in this thread
you're essentially just gary if he hadn't posted stuff to the art tag and got the notice of resident minimods

>> No.83856874

You would know right? Random retard who wasn't there?
You just exposed yourself as a tourist just trying to white knight the next cute girl in your list, fuck off unless you know who you're trying to defend

>> No.83856884

>these genuine pieces of shit that had no remorse for what they did are not unbanned, so why did the guy who literally issued an apology because he was so guilt stricken of what he did and the guy whose only problem was taking ryonaposting too far unbanned? it's not fair! where's the justice?

>> No.83856890

hey gary is cool leave him alone

>> No.83856902

What does miru have against the color purple
Her hair isnt poopie brown
Also its probably hidden from angle but neck cover? At least make it a little more apparent that its there

>> No.83856929

Honestly I just love the 'Shondo agrees with me' posts (not just from one shogger) because it is always just some post-hoc rationalization or delusion born out of coincidence.
You never spoke with her and she never told you she agreed with you. There was no conversation. Take your meds.

>> No.83856933


>> No.83856961

Move on Fleece. Jesus this is just sad at this point.

>> No.83856968

shondo agrees with me that we're not married anymore

>> No.83856981

kill yourself

>> No.83856982

Good post

>> No.83856998

I love her and she loves me (non-romantically)

>> No.83856999

why would fleece be unbanned when he freely divorced her and left? he literally won

>> No.83857012

I'm not the one banned, Fleece ;)

>> No.83857048

shondo just told me that t should kill himself

>> No.83857049

This coming from the manchild who threw a tantrum because she didn't want to interact with your retarded interaction bait and merch backseating? You're actually pathetic.

>> No.83857052

i'm not humoring you, you'll be replying to other people from now on
it was never supposed to be a perma ban though, it was just indefinite, your problem is with the mod team or shondo not making that clearer, not the actual ban or unban itself
>crucifixtions work
yeah and her community still remained to be edgy so clearly it wasn't relevant and they're not a good tool when it comes to this relationship but i won't argue about stupid shit right now
you're clueless and wrong but i was perma banned before any of that happened but i won't argue with you since you're convinced already
ok i'll humor this cause it's new
>You never spoke with her and she never told you she agreed with you. There was no conversation. Take your meds.
yeah i haven't but judging by her actions, she said herself she oversees all the bans on stream, so clearly she doesn't think i should have been perma'd

>> No.83857072
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When it cools down and she does another 3D strim and gets super lovey dovey with us again all will be forgiven.

>> No.83857089
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>> No.83857107

I feel like this thread is somehow getting worse

>> No.83857143

thanks for the contribution heres your (you)

>> No.83857151

how am i wrong? you literally vomit schizo rambling onto twitter and post in the thread with your bullshit all the time like you are doing at this very second
if you dont see the parallels between you are gary you're just deluded

>> No.83857152

kill yourself

>> No.83857154

>born out of coincidence
i should go and buy a lottery ticket then with how consistent these coincidences happen

>> No.83857193

the thread has always been aggressive and brainwormy, but the people saying these things changed from regular watchers to tourists falseflagging for drama etc. do you not understand the difference? most of the "antis" these days literally make no sense and might as well be bots

>> No.83857205

The resident schizos are flaring up.

>> No.83857211
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Anything in the discord?
What'd magneto say also?

>> No.83857243
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Dumbass shiggas have no idea how manic depression works. When she returned she was in full manic mode acting all lovey dovey. It's late August now, the high is gone. It'll come back once she re-enters her manic mode and she'll act all lovey dovey again. Can't handle the menhera? then divorce and pick another chuuba a little more mentally stable.

>> No.83857246
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This is what you wanted back in your community, Shondo?

>> No.83857277

It's like saying that Donald Trump or Bill Clinton agrees with you because you share similar views. They don't know you exist and have no idea what your opinions are or anything about you. They didn't agree with you at all.

>> No.83857280

Dumbass also gave her purple eyes

>> No.83857310

you're being reductionist is the problem, you can make parallels but it doesn't mean anything in a vacuum like you're implying
but we're just gonna have to agree to disagree
kek, you're one of my favorites ritualposters

>> No.83857320

>then divorce and pick another chuuba a little more mentally stable
gura doesnt stream

>> No.83857329

wait he actually had a melty over that?
what a fucking loser lmao

>> No.83857358

>I ruin the vibe BUT IT IS YOUR FAULT
must be tuff

>> No.83857360

>They don't know you exist and have no idea what your opinions are or anything about you.
that's just false though

>> No.83857394

what an actual nigger holy shit

>> No.83857427

I'm starting to think that Shondo is keeping t as a pet retard and also to punish us.

>> No.83857482
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fallen shadow (shondo)

>> No.83857502

if she wants me to leave she can keep him

>> No.83857512

kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.83857539

once the stripper gets more money she'll be more willing to pretend to love you, it's not complicated

>> No.83857617
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chat, you guys doing okay? how you hanging in there this shadoweekend? good news is she'll be back soon!!

>> No.83857664

blow it out your ass

>> No.83857672

I was going to catch up on vods and do work, but I ended up spending it playing one game

>> No.83857678

this is kind of sad, she cuts off all methods of communication so you have to publicly beg for crumbs of attention

>> No.83857680

I dunno, she's drowning in merch money and is literally kicking us out of the bed.

>> No.83857734

Cease breathing you disgusting manchild.

>> No.83857763

good luck putting up with this all night tuffy

>> No.83857786

the stripper is in the richest guy's bed

>> No.83857797
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I'm surviving. Knowing that tomorrow i'll be back watching her playing ER with all her cute little verbal tics brings me comfort.

>> No.83857848
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>> No.83857880

I need to catch up on er vods before I watch live again, will show up for zatsus though

>> No.83857900

i'm just about to leave town for a day so i couldn't fight it if i wanted to unless i wanna try to write walls on my phone lel, and i''ve just been ignoring them again so it's not my problem anymore mostly there's not much to say at this point, they'll stop once i quit replying besides the ocassional bait here and there

>> No.83858000

none of this matters, she'll pretend not to see it, people will leave, and she'll get a new crop of paypigs

>> No.83858109

very cute, i love her

>> No.83858240
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Dude literally has no balls. He's not competition.

>> No.83858250

So cute, i love my wife

>> No.83858283

guys you should be happy for her! she's a big successful vtuber now! so what if she's a completely different person now and disowned all of her husbands, she has clip watchers and fillian friends. She doesn't need husbands anymore

>> No.83858284

nobody cares kill yourself

>> No.83858489

why does she get bitchy when you question the husband RP? she should drop it

>> No.83858588

shondo agrees with me thats why she unbanned the people i keep attacking

>> No.83858636
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shondo don't bother with them darling

>> No.83858680

if you asked her if she was in a relationship she would say she's single right
