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83667087 No.83667087 [Reply] [Original]

Sana leaving the group behind and then blasting off into the sky still makes me weep like a little child. As well as the mascots comforting the Sanallite breaddog (which is overly sappy)
Wednesday is gonna be rough, is it?

>> No.83667125

She was a bad hire who never wanted to be an idol or even a streamer. Get over it.

>> No.83667156

How do sanalites cope with her just genuinely not liking being a holo and telling them to fuck off on her pl

>> No.83667213

Back hort :(

>> No.83667283

That was funny

>> No.83667285

I want to say there's no sanalites left after she outright abandoned them, but if you consider there's still fandeads (un)alive, there's still gotta be some around, think I saw some on yesterday's concert as well

>> No.83667300

oh please.
even if she was somehow convinced to take idolshit and streaming seriously, she'd 10000% be the ollie of EN, the male supporter ambassador. she would tell her unicorns to fuck off and everyone in the board will hate her.

>> No.83667401

I'm not particularly attached to Council, but I guess I'm an emotional sucker for sappy goodbyes and all that junk. Likewise I never cared much for Aqua but I know her final bit with her genmates will absolutely destroy me for sure. That's why I'm preparing for impact.

>> No.83667480

Anon it was only sappy at the time because no one knew how Sana actually felt about her job. As soon as she made her feelings known on her PL any emotional attachment to the event should have faded.

>> No.83667527

>a woman quitting her job is like so sad

>> No.83667594

Eh, I'm of the muh immersion kayfabe type, so I don't care about the person behind the avatar. All I see is a group of friends having to wave goodbye to one of their own.

>> No.83667643

It was all an act lmao, they all knew Sana didn't like the job. She wasn't being sent off because she couldn't work or was moving away, she was just quiting.

>> No.83667769

Sana was the commander shepard of holoen a moment of silence please

>> No.83667943

Yeah fagni said that he talked to her before debuting, she definitely would have been a homo sympathizer

>> No.83668294

>>Talking about a woman's career
>>Th-the homos!
Get help... If you can't stop talking about something you have a problem.

>> No.83668324

Rushia didn't leave us because she wanted to, why would we abandon her?

>> No.83668427

Probably because she’s menhera prime, if I had to venture a guess.

>> No.83668519

I didn't give a shit about her having left before I read this. Fuck man, why did you have to point out the massive potential for basedness we lost?

>> No.83668674

Even if only for a day, this board would have been the best representation of itself if that happened, brown.

>> No.83668706

Anyone would start to lose it after years of constant harassment.

>> No.83669117

Harassment from...?

>> No.83669200

The kitten her and mafu had

>> No.83669333

More or less the entire internet, for the crime of (gasp) being a normal human with a relationship.

>> No.83669344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.83669353

Didn’t she melt down on her own?

>> No.83669418

Didn't know cheating on your husband is (gasp) is a normal human behaviour in a relationship. Poor mafu, he even became friends with the guy he got cucked with because she cheated on them both.

>> No.83669425


>> No.83669451

>All I see is a group of friends
I don't think HoloEN even understood the idea of coworkers being friends up until Advent became a thing.

>> No.83669469

>Forgets how she tried to sue delutaya (gasp a former holo) for defamation against her.

>> No.83669476

Oh? So, she didn’t run to korekore on her own?

>> No.83669482

>Didn't know cheating on your husband is (gasp) is a normal human behaviour in a relationship.

>A survey conducted in Japan in 2020 revealed that more men than women have cheated on their partners in the past. While almost 28 percent of male respondents confessed to infidelity, the same was true for under 22 percent of surveyed women.

>> No.83669521

Why would she be doing damage control if there wasn't damage to be controlled?

>> No.83669528

I'm surprised there's still fancucks after what she pulled in the niconicodouga oldfags Rust server. She was begging for attention and I do mean literally outright begging for attention and got told to fuck off. Even had to drag one of her friends down with her.

>> No.83669573

I knew mafumafu was cheating behind Rushia. She was right all along to make him ping her constantly about what he is doing to make sure he wasn't cheating. Anon almost fooled me there into thinking rushia was the one that did the cheating(phew)

>> No.83669608

Well, she clearly thought there was, but why would that be the case? She could’ve just ignored it.

>> No.83669667

My point is that, while I don't approve of cheating, a quarter of all Japanese admit to doing it (real number is probably higher. So yes, it is normal human behavior.
You try ignoring tens of thousands of people spamming you with hate and get back to me

>> No.83669777

>a quarter of all Japanese
You're telling me that survey interviewed over 100 million people?
What the fuck do they teach you in malaysia?

>> No.83669784

Since it's normal now in today's world, is it okay to follow the trend and do infidelity?

>> No.83669805

>it’s normal
Why lie to their spouses, then?
>>You try ignoring tens of thousands of people spamming you with hate and get back to me
I like how the fans are the issue and not the grifting.

>> No.83669814

>Number of respondents
>922 respondents
>online survey
this your poll of the entirety of japan?

>> No.83669837

>Wednesday is gonna be rough, is it?
to be honest, no. aqua is the kind of talent that you can only enjoy it you're charmed with her cuteness, otherwise she comes off as an entitled child who used her "crippling introversion" (if it's actually real) as an excuse to be lazy.

she's not funny, her dancing and singing is so-so, she rarely games even though it's her strong point, and she's already semi-retired for more than half of her hololive career. so no, I won't miss her.

But if she did redebut in vspo and spam apex more often, I will give her a chance.

>> No.83669867

She has alot of issues with other jp content creators too btw. Her sue for defamation spam didn't go unnoticed specially in social media. There's a reason she's like a lolcow there.

>> No.83669872

I'm not from there but I would assume that they teach that surveys are conducted to sample a representative population.

>> No.83669877

>reddit spacing
Jesus christ I can't tell if you're dumber than the retard who thinks surveys reflect a population of millions or not.

>> No.83669916

>when you have to normalize infidelity to defend Michael Cat’s actions
Also, isn’t this a thread about Sana?

>> No.83669921

>how do statistics work hurrr durr

>> No.83670002

>Why lie to their spouses, then?
do I really need to explain that normal != good?
>I like how the fans are the issue
"the fans" weren't and aren't the ones harassing her

>> No.83670062
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And as a highschool dropout member of one of the dumbest motherfucking countries on the planet and God's favorite country, United States of Murrica, I can tell you with complete and utter certainty even my retarded ass can tell you that the phrase
>the entirety of [population]
is not one that can be used in reference to any survey ever. Especially since it's an online survey, the kind where people feel no pressure at all to not lie and statistics can be skewed immensely to the already existing demographic of whatever service was hosting it. What next, you're going to tell me people in a red light district are representative of Japan's views on sex?
Also why the fuck are you defending your dumb self-harming 'tard of an oshi in a Sana thread to begin with?

>> No.83670088

>You try ignoring tens of thousands of people spamming you with hate and get back to me
You try not cheating on your significant other. Better yet don't normalize infidelity treating it like a trend.

>> No.83670113

She could BARELY talk like a normal human being. Glad she is gone.

>> No.83670131

Aside from mafu’s insane cult, who else harassed her? This was prior to her poking the bear with regards to major chuuba antis, mind you.

>> No.83670171

That was not known until literally years later, and was not a factor in the original harassment.
why would people lie that they are cheaters instead of the reverse?

>> No.83670197

Mike is anything but a normal human

>> No.83670245

>and statistics can be skewed immensely to the already existing demographic of whatever service was hosting it.
Is the key phrase here fancuck. Hence the immediate followup sentence
>What next, you're going to tell me people in a red light district are representative of Japan's views on sex?
Did your eyes glaze over at the word wrap?

>> No.83670339

Retard she was leaking other company's private information with korekore. Some of which involves other talents hence the cold treatment most of them gave to her upon termination.

>> No.83670375

*Meant cover
Hasn't this been talked about already

>> No.83670395

I'm gonna go ahead and trust a professional statistics organization and the entire field of social science over the analysis from a high school drop out, thanks

>> No.83670431

I feel like you're also forgetting how majority of fandeads stuck around for her.

>> No.83670442

She was panicking because she was being flooded with hate and her career was falling apart. I'm not saying she made the right decisions but they are understandable and not harassment-worthy

>> No.83670444

I thought she told the “le forbidden knowledge” faggots to fuck off, she doesn’t really care nowadays, you’re not gonna get blocked for having a sanalite pfp and talking to her.

>> No.83670453

Literal who?

>> No.83670459

And which professional statistics organization is that that you trust oh so dearly? Can you link their survey? I'll give you a hint: it's not the one linked in this thread already.

>> No.83670479


>> No.83670489
File: 326 KB, 2048x1479, We going through a wormhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a choco thread, get your rancid green whore out of here

>> No.83670498

Are you arguing that selling an engagement ring to some psychopaths was not her fault or something?

>> No.83670571

She's not the only Holo to have ring merch

>> No.83670597

Holo probably shouldn’t be selling that kind of merch anyway

>> No.83670643

I knew this would be your response, as if anyone else’s merch comes with the suggestion of engagement or, you know, the entire portrayal of a yandere who’s saying you’re marrying her by buying said ring.

>> No.83670649

>normal human in a relationship
You call what she had a normal relationship? You call her a normal person? You're sniffing paint, dude.

>> No.83670691

>Abandons Hololive the moment her contract was up
Why would you even want to remain a fan of her? She clearly didn't give a fuck, nor did she appreciate her fans at all and got out as quickly as possible. Any talent that would peace out that fast had no right being there in the first place. Move on to someone who actually still works for the company and genuinely fucking cares.

>> No.83670705

Not that anon but I asked you a question, don't run from me faggot.
Give me the name of that statistics organization you trust and a direct link to their survey.

>> No.83670725

Basing research on a sample of a thousand people can be flawed if the sample isn't representative of the broader population in terms of demographics, geography, or diversity especially if it means to represent an entire country. Sampling bias, non-response bias, and limitations in sample size can also lead to inaccurate results that don't fully capture the complexities of a country. Additionally, the margin of error and potential overgeneralization can make the findings less reliable when applied to the entire population. It would be like doing an obscure survey on twitter and claiming the results represents the entire western society.

>> No.83670730
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Giant chocolate space titties

>> No.83670733
File: 176 KB, 1170x585, 119059741_1963588043778009_5831594388692206671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about one that comes with a marriage registration?

>> No.83670745

Drop the URL now or shut the fuck up, fancuck.

>> No.83670775

>Holo probably shouldn’t be selling that kind of merch anyway
Fuck that, most people are sane enough to enjoy that kind of merch sensibly; and the insane people are going to be insane regardless

>> No.83670778

Now show me Choco’s menhera fans

>> No.83670806

Meant for >>83670395

>> No.83670824

Be careful not to strain your back while moving those goalposts

>> No.83670826

I don't even think people could show you Choco's fans to begin with...

>> No.83670855

>m-muh reddit spacing
Phoneposter here (I'm not sorry), that spacing is great for readability

>> No.83670863

Let’s accept your sole example as fact and move towards a reason why Michael Cat acted like a retard versus Choco not needing to.

>> No.83670879
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>sana thread
>fancuck comes in screaming his cuckold fantasies are what all of japan believes in for some reason

>> No.83670906

>vtuber fans

>> No.83670913

It’s truly baffling.

>> No.83670939

Because she got very unlucky and had her relationship status leak.

>> No.83670978

You sure it's a fancuck? It's just a typical holoanti aiming to paint hololive fanbase as the bad guy. >>83656172

>> No.83671004

Combining all known facts here, why might she panic about that? My personal belief is she knew the jig was up, especially given that rrats already existed beforehand about mafu and her.

>> No.83671015

I literally already said that it wasn't her fans attacking her.

>> No.83671025

>It's just a typical holoanti aiming to paint hololive fanbase as the bad guy
That’s basically what fancucks are in current year

>> No.83671032

You mean a fancuck?

>> No.83671044

>holobabies ever moving on

>> No.83671065

Because any one with an ounce of forethought could predict the reaction of antis and dramamongers as soon as there was blood in the water.

>> No.83671068

>It's just a typical holoanti aiming to paint hololive fanbase as the bad guy.
That's what I said, a fancuck.
Fucking annoying that I can't even do my monthly sadpost about sana and get into a gay ass argument with anon about it like it always devolves into

>> No.83671198

Still waiting for that trusted survey URL. I hope he didn't abandon the thread.

>> No.83671265

Actually, its kind of crazy just how close Advent is compared to every other gen. They're genuinely friends with each other AND they make friends so easily that even some non-Advent members seem closer to them than their own genmates. Just look at Mori, Kiara, and Bae. Hell, nearly all of Advent showed up to Mori's hotel room stream and she seemed so happy when they came too. Meanwhile, the only person to show up from Myth was Kiara. It's a bit sad, but Myth seems the most distant from each other

>> No.83671350

Bae and Mumei are closer to each other than anyone in Advent

>> No.83671387
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Ok but that's kinda cheating, the two are basically married

>> No.83671541

>monthly sadpost about sana
Not the anon you've been replying to, but god that's pathetic. Get an oshi who actually exists and gives a fuck to begin with. You're just wallowing in sadness like a loser simp over a girl who abandoned you the moment she could. Move on little bitch. Get an oshi that's actually worthy of "monthly sad posts :(((" when they graduate, not some irrelevant bitch that didn't appreciate the job in the first place

>> No.83671648

I meant to say "seem closer to them than SOME of their own genmates" because yes, im
aware that we still have relationships like Bae/Mumei and Mori/Kiara

>> No.83671650


>> No.83671658

Holy shit you have autism, I'm not crying over her literally every month I've gotten over it like a year ago, just like to get together every now and then and be retarded about her

>> No.83671978

God forbid someone wants their thread to be on topic

>> No.83672046

Sana korean gachawhore

>> No.83672199

>come to a thread about sana
also funny you bring up irrelevant bitches because that's all miguel is now lol

>> No.83672473

Stop samefagging

>> No.83674768
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>> No.83675268

You are watching Choco right now, aren't you?

>> No.83677295

Let it go already. Even she doesn't want to be remembered anymore.

>> No.83679074

She never added anything.

>> No.83681900


>> No.83685166


>> No.83685269

Sanaposters are hololive antis and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.83688725

I unironically miss the way that Sana would pretend to be dumb to gaslight other holos. Something hot about her manipulating other holos into saying something dumb or lewd while playing innocent.

>> No.83690560

So how does she feel that there are still threads about her when there's been more days post-graduation than pre-graduation?

>> No.83691492

She IS the damage to be controlled, and we all saw what happened when she slipped her leash.

>> No.83692240

you know even the other bitches who met her in person and worked with her looked like they were genuinely struggling to give a damn back when it happened

acting like you still care 2 years after the fact as a random fan is just ridiculous
