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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8320691 No.8320691 [Reply] [Original]

>admits to going to the movie theaters alone in the past
>admits it's weird especially when you see other groups there having fun

>> No.8320897

She never said either of that

>> No.8321045

It's in between the break of her VVITCH and Hereditary watch along

>> No.8321111

>admits to going to the movie theaters alone in the past
Wait, is that supposed to be something out of the ordinary?

>> No.8321205

I've always heard that americans have a stigma for enjoying yourself alone. You're not allowed to go to the theater, restaurant, etc. alone.

>> No.8321323


Anon, I ...

>> No.8321396

It's definitely an American thing. Where I live the cinema isn't some event that only happens with groups of people. Here people just use them to see movies even if it's by themselves. Or at least it used to be that way... 15 years ago before everyone understood how to torrent and stream stuff.

>> No.8321427

I've done it too. Go in the day and it's less weird. I have a lot less problem doing that then eating in a sit down restaurant with a waiter by myself. I can do it in the middle of the day if it's dead but if it's busy you can just feel the hatred of the waiter who knows he's not getting much of a tip from just 1 person, and all the people waiting for the single asshole taking up a table.

>> No.8321479

I mean the fact that going to the cinema is supposed to be a social experience doesn't really make sense. It's dark and you can't banter with your friends during the movie, so what's the point?

>> No.8321502

What kind of restaurant doesn't have tables for all group sizes? 1, 2, 4...?

>> No.8321610

I've never seen a table for one person. They can give you those two person tables but most places only have a few and they have a lot of couples waiting for them. Most people who go by themselves sit at the bar, if eating food at the bar doesn't make you feel like even more of a loser, especially if you don't drink and the bartender hates you for taking up space.

>> No.8321659

I'm European, establishments where you can lunch have tables of 1 because people go there during their lunch break. But I ate dinner alone at a restaurant once and everyone was fucking staring at me. Things like this make it very easy to understand why Incel's snap at one point.

>> No.8322027
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I don't know if it's just burgers who don't see this stuff. But where I am it's not unusual to see people eat at restaurants by themselves. It's usually people who are between work shifts, lone business men having a meal and people who travel between different destinations as part of their job. Maybe not at mega high class restaurants, but certainly at your normal street restaurant or bed & breakfast.

>> No.8322100

Euros tends to be more loners than Americans

>> No.8322165

Its true that they do. Nearly everyone will judge you for doing it, like a high school drama

>> No.8322174


>> No.8322277

Is that why Americans kick out their kin once they turn 18? Doesn't sound very "together" to me. My theory is that Americans care much more about appearances and social stigma compared to the average yuro.

>> No.8322340
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Yeah, we're way cooler than them.

>> No.8322360 [DELETED] 

When is he going to let her use it? Nobody else is going to bother with 3D like this. Just give her the files now so she can get up to some shenanigans!

>> No.8322383

she was referencing the time she said nigga a couple of times on stream

>> No.8322418

We do, heaven forbid if someone notices you not clapping too.

>> No.8322428

People who are by themselves are supposed to stay home or eat in their car, because they're losers and other people don't want to see or be around them. We're trained at a very early age "don't do stuff unless you're with friends".

>> No.8323283

>My theory is that Americans care much more about appearances and social stigma compared to the average yuro.
As an easter euro who has been living in the west for a few years, all societies have their own norms and obsess with superficial shit. It is just different shit on different continents.

>> No.8325047

If you do anything by yourself in America it's seen as a red flag by others, including just eating lunch by yourself. For the most part, you're not supposed be introverted and/or non-social in US culture. If you don't want to constantly be with other people then there's something wrong with you, especially if you don't smile often.

>> No.8325205

nah people eat lunch alone all the time, maybe alone at a fancy restaurant is weird

>> No.8325314

>he hasn’t heard about the no singles policy

>> No.8325668

Maybe 10 years ago. Movie theaters are a slowly dying business that are being kept alive by capeshit. They'll take anybody they can these days.

>> No.8325760

100% accurate. Doing anything alone is seen as being a loser and loner. I remember Shibuya Kaho mentioning going to the movies by herself because she wanted to watch an anime movie and automatically Silvervale was like "Ah, I'm so sorry" because she assumed Kaho didn't want to go alone. We've been programmed to do everything as a couple or group of friends by corporations that want more money.

>> No.8325902

Now she's going to the movie theaters with me. Sorry, losers.

>> No.8325941
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>forced to do things as a group or you're ostracized
No wonder America has so many suicides and people "transitioning".

>> No.8326076

Yuropoors ran this into the fucking ground over the last few years. I still don't get why they think it's weird. I guess in more insular societies, they see group actions as strange no matter what.
We live in a society. You are not your own island.

>> No.8326120

To put it into perspective, I've had to take suicide prevention classes in like every job I've done in the past 5-6 years, most of them government/military related. They really need to start teaching behavioral/personality psychology in lower grades in the states.

>> No.8326381

is it an american thing though? i had similar experiences in germany, everything has to be done with friends and going alone is lame. even had a dude say lifting is lame because you go alone.
maybe just grew up in an unlucky community though.

>> No.8326730

My ex and I had this sushi place we liked that was out in the suburbs. Since we were regulars, the staff knew us well. I obviously had no intention of not going there once we broke up but man, talk about a shift in attitude once I started going alone, the staff couldn’t wait for me to leave.
I guess Corona was the loner’s ace in the hole, huh? Don’t want single people going to movie theaters or restaurants? Well now those don’t exist anymore.

>> No.8326848

>admits to going to the movie theaters alone in the past
I do this too.
>admits it's weird especially when you see other groups there having fun
I don't do this.

>> No.8328698

the no singles policy... ononono...

>> No.8329356

>going to the movie theaters alone
My concept of loneliness is waiting weeks to watch a movie alone in the darkness of my room

>> No.8329467

Except that the US was created based on preserving an individuals liberties and freedoms, you know, the only thing us Euros are actually envious of.

>> No.8329599

Your freedom ends with the healthcare insurance and college bills anon...

>> No.8329687

doing things alone is only weird if you make it weird
dont be a retarded normal and just go

>> No.8329695

From what I can tell, all half decent jobs have health insurance, even dental and college is for idiots.

>> No.8329719

gook here, going out alone is seen as extremely weird in worst korea. Which fucking blows because I fucking love my alone time

>> No.8329791

No one asked but where I'm from only goths make sure to travel in groups.

>> No.8329930

I heard stories about people don't wanting to be rescued by ambulances because bills, jobs there are better paid, but that's because they don't have the same type of taxes, in Europe taxes pays for the healthcare, most of your college education or another type of higher education and stuff

>> No.8329992

Sure but that means healthy people are poorer here.

>> No.8330011

>theater, restaurant, etc.
It’s typical spots for dates and get togethers with family or friends so most people go there to socialize. I don’t think anyone gives a shit if you go to a museum or see a stage play alone but most burgers don’t give a shit about those things anyway

>> No.8333004
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if you lose your job you're royally fucked though, and people out of work need help the most obviously cuz they have no fuckin job. there's also tons of bullshit with american health insurance like the network thing where clinics/hospitals/psychiatrists/you name it won't accept your insurance if it's 'out of network' so your health insurance only applies to pretty specific institutions; like for example your health insurance has a very good chance to not work if you move just one adjacent state over.

jannies ame talked about not having health insurance during a random apex stream so this isn't offtopic, thx

>> No.8333233

Nothing wrong with seeing a movie alone

>> No.8334022

I do not understand why you're supposed to care about others traveling in packs for entertainment. You do you, they do them.

>> No.8335271

Well I just don't like the NHS. I got priority over everyone there last time because I was doing a treatment they were doing research on; everyone else was waiting hours like bums.

I'd rather be responsible for myself and have access to the best possible care if needed, which is what US has.

>> No.8336036

Wokeness is an issue because women gained rights, power and money, turning American culture into an oppressively hyperconformist nightmare by design.

Men are the solitary Spartans who value liberty and some degree of isolation from the unwashed masses. The moment the common man's individual authority over himself was stripped away, that's when everything went wrong in American culture.

Now we have people hating each other and fighting in the streets because hyperfamiliarity breeds hypercontempt. This is your country on extroverts.

>> No.8336648

>maybe just grew up in an unlucky community though.
had the same experience
t. north west germany

>> No.8352321

It's the american boogeyman. Essentially just cope from 3rd worlders who wish their grandparents moved here decades ago.

>> No.8360323

Going to a movie in the middle of the day when no one is in the theater is the best.

>> No.8362496

Unironically this

>> No.8364869

I can promise you that not a single person affluent enough to post on this site (normal German/wealthy Indian, etc...) wants to move to the USA.

>> No.8365925
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>> No.8368750

See what I mean? >>8364869
It's all jealousy of us being the center of the world. Like just move here already you know you want to. There's tons of space between the coasts.

>> No.8387925

I thought she was a Stacy.

>> No.8388926

Thats why you sit at the bar if you're eating alone, mid-day dead time is different but you're kind of a nigger for taking a whole table for yourself during dinner

>> No.8389108

People who want to do social things alone either don't care about being ostracized, or already were anyway.

>> No.8389683

American media has portrayed people watching movies alone in a theater as a loser habit. That is noticeable by others.

>> No.8395084

She would literally be on /r9k/ and /g/ if she wasn't a qt girl
